










Three more Palestinians, including child, injured in Israeli air strikes

Palestinian workman severely wounded by settlers in Ashdod

Israeli forces fire live ammunition at Hebron rally

Arab League to hold emergency meeting on Gaza

Anti-Israel sentiment mounts in post-Mubarak Egypt

Egypt to recall it's ambassador to Israel

Hamas welcomes withdrawal of Egypt's envoy to Israel

Ongoing escalation against Gaza, 7 killed, dozens injured

Drone attack kills 3 in Gaza City

Palestinian killed in Israeli airstrike

Gaza's PRC militants deny involvement in Eilat attacks

PNA urges for international intervention to stop Israel's escalation in Gaza

Thousands attend funeral for PRC members, child

Egyptians want Israeli envoy expelled

Two civilians injured as troops attack West Bank anti-wall protests

Al-Qassam: Israel crimes cannot be ignored

6 killed in Israeli airstrike

Another Israeli airstrike kills child, injures six

Israel strike kills 2 Egyptian policemen

Several killed in attack on Israeli buses

Hamas rejects Israel's accusations

Report says that Palestinian prisoners endure very harsh conditions in Israeli prisons

Israel faces fresh Arab pressure at United Nations atom meet

Erdogan: We won’t back down on demand for Israeli apology

Lebanon upgrades Palestinian delegation to embassy

Abbas: Nine Security Council members support Palestine’s United Nations bid

Israeli occupation fire at Palestinian farmers in Hebron

Israeli occupation launches arrest sweep, burns down farmland in Jenin vicinity

Growing Palestinian displacement in West Bank Area C

Israel trying to recruit 70 countries to vote against recognizing Palestine

Israel insists on expanding settlements instead of expanding efforts for peace

Gaza teenager shot dead by Israeli forces

Israeli police deliberately runs over, kills Palestinian in Jerusalem

Settlers torch dozens of dunams near Homesh former settlement in Nablus

United States senator wants to stop aid to elite Israeli military units

Mansour: Palestinian state a priority for Lebanon at United Nations

Egypt supports recognition of independent Palestinian state

Airstrike on Gaza kills one, injures two

Israeli army arrests 3 Palestinian children in Silwan

Israel approves 277 new homes in Ariel settlement

New Israeli settlement plan violates international law

Palestinian fisherman wounded in Israeli navy gunfire

Top Israeli officials dispatched to plead world to derail Palestinian statehood bid

Anti-Israel sentiments on rise in Europe

Israeli forces abduct three children in East Jerusalem

Iran ready to give crushing response to Israel's aggression

Jordan MPs want Israeli envoy expelled

Scores of activists call for boycott of Israeli products in Ramallah

Organization for Islamic Cooperation condemns Israeli decision to build thousands of settlements in Jerusalem

Ashrawi: United Nations bid prevents Israel from eliminating peace, Palestinian rights

Israel re-mining border areas close to Syria

Continued ethnic cleansing in Palestine

Popular struggle continues in first week of Ramadan

Erekat: World should respond to settlements by supporting state

Palestinian Americans plan rally next September in support of United Nations bid

Foreign Minister says United Nations has moral responsibility to recognize Palestine

Abbas: United Nations vote on Palestinian nation boosts two-state solution

Boycott rally held in Jenin

Largest ever Gaza convoy next December

Hezbollah official: Israel only enemy of Islamic resistance

Does your congressperson represent you, or Israel

Palestinian wounded in Israeli landmine explosion

Erekat calls for accountability as European Union, France condemn settlement build

Russia condemns Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories

Egypt's FM: Israel's settlement activities reflect no desire for settlement

United Nations criticizes Israel's plan for new housing in east Jerusalem

United Nations report criticizes Israeli policies which displace Palestinians in the occupied West Bank

World must act against colonization campaign

Hundreds of international activists at Nablus peace rally

Israel to build 1600 units for settlers in east Jerusalem

Ashrawi: Israel’s de facto policy destroys the peace process

Abbas tells United States lawmakers he wants state empty of settlements

Fatah says it will fight Israeli settlement plans

Jewish settlers seize Palestinian homes by force

MP Masri holds Israel responsible for consequences of its Judaization plans

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Lebanon set to establish diplomatic ties with Palestine

India to vote in United Nations for Palestinian state in September

Arabs to urge yes vote on Palestinian United Nations bid

Israeli troops attack anti-wall protest

Palestine’s United Nations observer calls to stop destruction of historical cemetery in Jerusalem

Congressman: United States ready to veto recognition bid

Fatah: Palestinian United Nations bid protects peace from Israeli policy to destroy it

Turkey condemns Israeli settlement expansion

Israel perpetrates more violations instead of pushing peace process forward

Palestinian official slams United States stance on Jewish settlement

Palestinian Return Centre launches global campaign in support of Palestinian refugees

Campaign for United Nations bid launched in Ramallah

Massacre in Norway: Mossad strikes again under lone gunman cover

Elderly woman injured by Israeli fire in Gaza

Extremist Jews invade Al-Aqsa Mosque for the second day

A fifth of all congressmen taking paid-for holidays to Israel this summer

Palestinian delegation in Washington stresses need of Americans’ support for Palestinian United Nations bid

Abbas: Palestinian Authority looks forward to Jordan's support to bid for United Nations recognition in September

Israeli army invades Nabi Saleh firing live ammunition and gas bombs

Jewish settlers storm the Aqsa Mosque

Israeli bulldozers raze 190 Dunums near Hebron

Arab League secretary general condemns Israeli decision to expand settlements in Jerusalem

Japan condemns Israeli settlement plans

South African students endorse nationwide Israel boycott

Medicine crisis mounts in the Gaza Strip

Call from Gaza: Open Rafah crossing permanently

Ni’lin continues with strong will despite Israeli raids

Sri Lanka supports Palestinian plan to seek United Nations recognition

Hamas calls for urgently stopping growing Judaization activities in Palestine

Israeli occupation cuts off water to Jenin neighborhoods

Jordan king Abdullah II says Israeli settlements undermine peace

Cuba supports Palestinian right to statehood

Organization for Islamic Cooperation calls on United Nations to stop Israeli settlement activities

Fayyad urges international community to end occupation

War on error: How Israel has almost bankrupted America

Israeli forces open fire on southern Gaza Strip

United Nations Ban Ki-moon slams Israeli settlements

Moscow concerned over Israel’s plans to build more houses on Palestinian lands

United States organizations urge Obama not to veto Palestine’s United Nations bid

Republic of South Sudan will recognize Palestine as an independent state

Lebanon to recognize Palestinian state

UNRWA announces building plans in the Gaza Strip

Many treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation as troops attack West Bank protests

Media coalition says NATO, Israel may have breached Geneva Convention

Israeli police restrict access to Jerusalem for Ramadan

European Union profoundly disappointed by new Israeli settlement plan

France slams Israel's settlement expansion plan

Israel deliberately deprives Gaza

Israel's empty promise won't stop Palestinians

Trade Union Congress backs Palestinian statehood bid

The debate on United States debt ceiling limit and United States subsidies to Israeli colonies

Fresh Israeli strike on Gaza injures 1

Israeli strikes target Gaza, injure 3

Israeli air raids injure two children in Gaza

Clashes in Bourin after settlers set fire to its land

Israel OKs new settler units in al-Quds

Israeli MK’s petition Netanyahu to immediately increase illegal settlement of West Bank

Boycott Divestment Sanctions organization writes Total Produce to not buy Agrexco

Palestine cause Muslims' great battle

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Zimbabwe supports Palestinian state

Honduras announces support for Palestinian statehood

Statehood: Palestinians must show they mean business

Palestinians moving ahead with United Nations bid

Israeli minister urges attack on Gaza

Six Palestinians wounded in Israeli incursion

Over 500,000 settlers in West Bank in 2010

Palestinian envoy urges United States not to veto United Nations bid

Fatah calls for united action in support of September plan

European Union urges inquiry into killings in West Bank refugee camp

Israel launches airstrike on south Gaza

UNRWA: Clear link between settlements and demolitions

Right-wing settlers barred from West Bank for terrorist activities

Lebanese PM urges United Nations to end Israeli violations

Miles of Smiles to send 3 more aid convoys to Gaza

Hamas rebuilds ruined Gaza structures

Millions of Palestinians to march on September 20th

Israeli troops kill 2 Palestinians in West Bank

Spiegel: Israel behind Iran academic hit

Israel unveils secret missile

Israel’s restrictive zoning rules force Palestinians out of West Bank area

Miles of Smiles 4 enters Gaza Strip

Lower the debt  End United States military aid to Israel: 10 things you can do

United States: Forget compromise

Israel continues to plough through Salfit farmlands

Settlers set fire to 150 dunums of Palestinian land in Nablus

No negotiation on Israeli occupation

India: Israel must stop building settlements

Occupation industry

Israeli forces shoot at Palestinian farmer

Israel plans to build separation wall in Golan

Jewish settlers desecrate graveyard

International campaign calls for end to world silence over Israeli detention of MPs

Settlers attack international with an iron bar

Israeli soldiers attack West Bank anti-wall protesters, four injured, four arrested

Settlers set fire to olive groves in Nablus

Israeli occupation intensify presence in and around Jerusalem on the eve of Ramadan

Israel sees diluted apology to Turkey on ship raid

Ban Ki-moon calls for more Israeli steps to lift blockade of Gaza

Palestine meets the conditions for full membership at the United Nations

Rights group outlines torture in Israeli detention

Five arrested, child and foreigner assaulted in West Bank attacks

Jewish settlers confiscate hundreds of dunums in Sa'ir area

Hundreds of Jewish settlers storm Nabi Yusuf tomb

Gaza hospitals declare fuel crisis

Palestinian Central Council declares full support to going to United Nations

Ahmadinejad: Plotters aim to save Israel

Israel crimes perpetuate Middle East insecurity

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Israeli army attacks Freedom Theater in Jenin, kidnapping two

Army gas canisters cause fire in Palestinian village

Israeli moves to legalize Judaization of Silwan district

World parliamentarians say appalled at Israel's detention of PLC members

China: Israeli settlements obstruct talks

Iran vows full support for Palestine

Palestinian children endure systematic abuse from Israel's military courts

Tens injured in Settlers’ attack on village

Israeli forces open fire on southern Gaza

New tunnel from Silwan to Aqsa Mosque unveiled

Iran says Israel behind assassinating Iranian scientist

Hezbollah chief accuses Israel against exploiting Lebanon's offshore resources

Likud MK calls for more settlements in the West Bank, Jerusalem, the Negev

Israeli bulldozers uproot olive trees in Al-walaja near Bethlehem

Masri slams weak international moves against Israel's detention of Palestinian MPs

Turkey mulls hardened stance on Israel

Egypt allows 30 tons of medical aid into Gaza

Palestine, Palestinians and our way forward

Israeli occupation to raze mosque in Bruqin town

Scottish aid convoy denied Gaza entry

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood denounces Israeli piracy and calls for full opening of Rafah border

Qabbani calls for unity to liberate Palestine

Erekat: Palestinian cause experiencing international support and momentum

China reiterates recognition of Palestinian state

European MP's show solidarity with Gaza

Oslo bombing another false-flag attack

UFree: Israel and its supporters are the real source of terrorism

Israel to construct more units in two settlements in east Jerusalem

Israeli occupation armored vehicles roll into central Gaza

Barak: Israel to stop Palestinian United Nations bid

Peru, Ecuador to vote for Palestinian membership in United Nations

Independents call for urgent implementation of unity deal

New Viva Palestina international aid convoy announced

International Solidarity Movement activists challenge Israeli navy to abet Gaza fishermen

European parliamentarians to visit Gaza Strip

Extremist settlers attack Qasra village

Israeli soldiers uproot 100 olive trees in Jerusalem area village

Sabri: Bitter situation in Jerusalem needs urgent action by Arabs, Muslims

Abbas says United Nations resolution 181 gave Palestinians right to a state

Abbas urges foreign ambassadors to mobilize for United Nations bid

Turkish PM reiterates support for Palestinian United Nations bid

Settlers start fires across the West Bank

Settlers attack shepherd near Nablus

Israel to seize more Palestinian land

Israeli troops attacked weekly non-violent protests, three injured, seven arrested

Iran supports Lebanon against Israel

British charity sends Gaza aid via Egypt

Israeli gunboats fire at Gaza fishermen

Israeli occupation soldiers detain 16 Palestinians including Hamas leader, children

Troops uproot olive orchards near Jerusalem

Israeli restrictions ensure slow pace of Gaza reconstruction

Flotilla: Israel won’t apologize

The Turkish ship Mavi Marmara will continue to challenge Gaza blockade

Netanyahu: United States, Israel one and the same

Arab League readies to take Palestinian recognition to United Nations

Pro-Palestinian groups rally for wave of protests in the United States in September

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Palestinian man assaulted, others arrested during attacks in the West Bank

Israeli occupation soldiers arrest 3 Egyptian children

Israel demolishes farm structure in the Jordan Valley

Israeli authorities demolish Palestinian home, threaten to raze another

Human rights workers continues to face Israeli aggression in Gazan waters

Organization of Islamic Cooperation condemns new Israeli settlement plan, Dignite attack

Hezbollah praises second Gaza flotilla activists

Shaath: No retreat on Palestinians going to the United Nations

Bad news for Murdoch can only be good news for Palestinians

Israeli navy takes over Gaza-bound ship

Government in Gaza calls Israel's interception of Dignity an act of piracy

Arab League chief condemns Israeli action against Gaza-bound ship

European Union chides Israel over new West Bank settlements

Three settlers attack internationals in Meshakha Valley

Israel confiscates irrigation networks in Hebron

Israeli occupation troops bulldoze fertile Palestinian land

Spain tells Abbas it backs efforts for Palestinian state

Germany to provide Israel with a sixth submarine

Rehman Malik: Israeli weapons used in Karachi unrest

Police: Settlers stab Palestinian farmers

Israeli soldiers attack funeral, injure three Palestinians

Israel to build 336 illegal homes

Palestinians denounce settlement expansion bids, call for peaceful resistance

Jewish settlers bulldoze Palestinian land

European Union concerned at stalemate in peace process

Calls for urgent international intervention as Israel renews escalation on Gaza

Haneyya urges Erdogan to help in Gaza reconstruction

Organizers: French boat to reach Gaza on Tuesday

Palestinians must pursue a moral victory in the United Nations

Minister: Palestinian state is Jordan's top priority

Norway backs Palestinian path to United Nations vote

Syria recognizes Palestinian state

Jewish settlers resume expanding settlements in Jordan Valley

James Wall: Congress blesses Israel’s matrix of control

Haneyya calls on Egypt PM to ease border restrictions

Greek coastguard: French Gaza boat sails to Egypt

Raad: Cabinet is standing up to Israeli aggression

Gazan found dead after Israeli strike

Israeli tank fire injures seven Gazans

Hamas holds Israel fully responsible for consequences of targeting civilians

Dozens of Palestinians injured in West Bank night raids

Fatah calls to ban violent settlers from entering Europe

Abbas begins European tour to garner support for United Nations bid

Editorial: Quest for statehood

Gordon Duff: A Murdoch note

Settlers torch olive orchards near Nablus

Israeli army attack nonviolent protests

Israeli airstrike injures Palestinian

Israel hires thousands of Romanian and Bulgarian workers in return for state pledges to oppose the recognition of a Palestinian state

ECCP endorses the call for an international military embargo of Israel

United Nations: Jerusalem part of occupied Palestinian territories

Former German ambassadors urge Merkel to support United Nations bid

Hundreds attend funeral in West Bank

Navy attacks “Olivia” boat in Palestinian waters in Gaza

Israeli warplanes attack Gaza

Administrative detention extended against two Palestinian prisoners on Thursday

UNRWA facing shortages due to Israel blockade

Fatah: Israel extorts European countries for United Nations bid

Conference stresses Palestinian refugees' right of return

Bahrain reiterates its permanent support to all the rights of the Palestinian people

Belgian senate calls for recognition of Palestinian state

Arab League to submit United Nations Palestinian statehood bid

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Hezbollah calls on United Nations to help protect maritime borders

Palestinian shot dead in Israeli attack

International protection needed following murder of Palestinian man

Eleven Palestinian youths detained in Silwan

Israel approves building museum on site of Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem

Israeli escalation expected to shake Jerusalem in coming months

Organization of Islamic Cooperation warns of complete collapse of Gaza health sector

Palestinians call on United States to support United Nations bid

Qassem: Israel wants to deprive Lebanon from waters, gas and oil

Israeli occupation troops bulldoze lands in Gaza, detain citizens in a campaign on Jenin

Jordan Valley villages have wells destroyed

Quartet make no progress on talks, Palestinians on course to go ahead with United Nations bid

Kazakhstan will support a Palestinian state

China supports Palestinian membership of United Nations

Israeli bulldozers demolish Palestinian houses, economic facilities in Jerusalem

Israeli forces invade Wadi Qana

Israeli authorities uproot, confiscate 450 olive trees in Salfit

Lebanon warns Israel against exploiting offshore gas reserves

2,500 United States Jews aim to fill gaps in northern occupied territories

United Nations report: The impact of the barrier in the Jerusalem area

Jordan condemns Israeli practices in Jerusalem

Palestinians urge Quartet to compel Israel to peace requirements

European lawmakers support United Nations recognition of Palestinian state

Palestinian woman wounded after army fired at homes in northern Gaza

Israeli settler runs over Palestinian child in Bethlehem

Israeli occupation continues to crack down on West Bank protests

Gaza fishermen challenge navel siege

Calls for resuming talks not binding if not based on two-state solution

Israel attacks pro-Palestine protesters

Soldiers kidnap six Palestinians, including daughter of legislator

Israel arrests Gaza man crossing borders for treatment

Despite Israeli arrests, threats and scare tactics, Welcome to Palestine tour begins

Activists break through Israeli separation barrier near Kalandiya

Palestinians, activists launch anti-wall campaign

91% of Egyptians oppose Israel ties

Palestinian man succumbs to injuries he sustained during Israeli war on Gaza

Israel confiscates Palestinian land for Hayovel settlement outpost

International Court of Justices ruling on illegal wall: seven years on

United States collusion in the Gaza blockade is an affront to human rights

Haneyya calls for opening Rafah crossing point being the symbol of crises

Welcome to Palestine participants start to arrive, Israel arrests 200 of them

Welcome to Palestine campaign responds to Israel’s denial of entrance to international visitors who support human rights

Villages march in solidarity with Freedom Flotilla and Welcome to Palestine

United Nations bid to bypass Security Council as United States veto likely

Palestinian civil society calls for comprehensive military embargo on Israel

Israeli tanks open fire on southern Gaza Strip

Israeli army destroys 9 water tanks in Palestinian village

More than a half million settlers in West Bank, East Jerusalem

Mansour: International community must stop Israel’s breach of international law

President Abbas: We will go to the United Nations if negotiations fail

South African advertising and media watchdog rules that Israel can be called an apartheid state

Greece halts Gaza-bound French boat

Second flotilla ship sets sail to Gaza

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

On flotillas and the law

We will return to Gaza until Palestine is free

Three injured as army bombards Gaza

Troops kidnap six Palestinians in the West Bank

United Nations slams Israel over Nakba violence

Turkey insists on apology, compensation from Israel

Israel FM says no apology to Turkey over flotilla deaths

Egypt approves entry of medical supplies to Gaza

Iceland backs recognition of Palestinian state

Airstrike kills 2 in central Gaza

Army kidnaps Hamas leader, two residents, near Jenin

Israel to build 900 units in Gilo settlement

Palestinian Authority adviser: Gilo expansion shatters peace

Israel bulldozes Palestinian house near Bethlehem

Activists enter Israeli buffer zone north of Gaza

French ship bound for Gaza as first of flotilla

Jewish settlers set on fire hundreds of Palestinian olive trees

Hundreds of settlers attack citizens’ homes in Nablus village

Israel demolishes Palestinian properties in Negev

Ashrawi: Going to United Nations is a Palestinian right

General Islamic Conference of Jerusalem: No peace without return of Jerusalem

Judeh: Jordan will continue supporting establishment of Palestinian state

French ship defies prohibition, readying to sail

Gaza aid flotilla to sail today at noon

United States needs a declaration of independence, from Israel

Jewish settler runs down Palestinian woman in Nablus

Vigil held against United States anti Gaza-aid bid

Flotilla stays resolved despite setback

200 additional activists may join Freedom Flotilla

Freedom Flotilla II to try and sail to Gaza on Monday

Hundreds of internationals and hundreds of Palestinians gear-up for July 8-16 activities

Urgent call to the people of Greece and the world: Freedom Flotilla must sail to Gaza

Palestinian succumbs to injuries months after shooting

Beit Ommar Popular Committee member brutally beaten after detention at demonstration

Israeli occupation arrests farmers, workers, serves demolition notices

Abbas: Quartet should adopt clear terms for reference for negotiations

Hamas raps Greece for barring Gaza aid

Feeding the brave flotilla to Israel’s slavering attack-dogs

Palestinian non-governmental organizations call on Greece to lift ban on Gaza aid flotilla

Israel plans to double settlement area in Jordan Valley

Occupation to demolish Mohammed Al-Fateh Mosque

Israeli settlers and soldiers attack farmers reclaiming land near Hebron

Soldiers fire at Qalqiliya protesters, injuring 4

United States senate acts like a staff member of the Israeli government

Flotilla en route to Gaza despite threats

Greece seizes Gaza-bound United States boat

Freedom Flotilla activists: Gaza blockade has been extended to Greece

Settler arson attack in the village of Burin

Flotilla activists say Irish boat sabotaged in same way Norwegian boat was damaged

Israel simulates attack on Freedom Flotilla

Palestinians defy United States warning to drop statehood bid

Palestinians slam United States resolution threatening aid suspension

Organization of Islamic Cooperation calls for recognition of Palestinians

Jordan committed to Arab consensus in support of Palestinian United Nations bid

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

United States to veto Palestinian statehood

United States senate votes to veto Palestinian United Nations bid

Abbas insists to apply to United Nations in September despite difficult position

Israeli occupation troops fire at citizens homes south of Gaza

Occupation troops storm homes of liberated prisoners, round up child among others

Israel must stop imprisoning Palestinians without a reason

Israel to seize 189 dunums of Palestinian land in Nablus

Obama should support the Audacity of Hope, condemn Israeli naval blockade

United States congressmen call on state secretary to ensure Gaza flotilla safety

First ships of Freedom Flotilla 2 set sail

Army kidnaps several Palestinians including legislator, journalist, human rights activist

Israeli occupation soldiers quell peaceful march, detain 10 participants

300 trees uprooted in Salfit village by Israeli occupation

Ban Ki-moon commends readiness of Palestinian Authority institutions, supports two-state solution

During meeting with German representatives, Erekat urges Europe to recognize Palestinian state

Azerbaijan vows further support to Palestinians at international organizations

Hamas says Gaza ready to receive flotilla

British MPs show support for Gaza flotilla

Addameer calls for end to impunity for torture of Palestinians

Israeli occupation soldiers detain 8 Palestinians including children

Israel threatens invasion of Southern Lebanon

United States tells Palestinian president their intention to use veto against United Nations state bid

Cyprus offers to rally European support for Palestinian state

All eyes on United Nations

Israel PM orders navy to stop aid flotilla

Journalists criticize Israel’s threats against media covering Gaza flotilla

Israel pulls out all the stops to prevent Freedom Flotilla from sailing

Nobel peace laureate calls for safe passage for Freedom Flotilla II

Israel uses over 100 methods to torture Palestinian prisoners

Jewish settlers attack Palestinian shepherds in Hebron

To construct “Museum of Tolerance”, Israel bulldozes Muslim historic cemetery in Jerusalem

Hamas calls for urgent moves to save Mamanullah cemetery

MP Abu Halabiya calls for Arab stance after Ma’manullah excavations

We will not be uprooted: Tree planting in Fasayel

Peaceful protesters of Bil'in say struggle is far from over

Palestinians going ahead with statehood bid

US government threatens to arrest United States flotilla participants

Anxious activists prepare for Gaza flotilla launch

First ship of Gaza aid flotilla sets sail

Activists determined to break Gaza siege

Israeli occupation closes Nablus village, rounds up six Palestinians

Suspected Israeli agents try to sabotage Freedom Flotilla II ship’s engine

Russia affirms support of Palestinian reconciliation

Ukraine asserts recognition of Palestinian state

What's really going on at the Israeli Institute for Biological Research

Protesters dismantle section of wall in Bil'in village, 7 injured by Israeli troops

Palestinian envoy to the United Nations says peace talks would not stop state bid in September

Turkey to launch international mobilization for Palestinian state’s recognition

European Campaign: Israeli excuses for besieging Gaza null and void

Hamas calls for international protection to Gaza-bound aid flotilla

Ireland to Israel: don't attack Gaza aid flotilla

Israeli Jerusalem municipality continues Judaizing of city

Al Bustan residents to fight demolition order for their homes

Israeli soldiers shoot, severely beat Palestinian

Israeli troops arrest eight in the West Bank, navy attack fishermen off Gaza’s shores

Palestinian leadership refuse to give up refugee right for state recognition

More countries to recognize Palestinian state next month

United Nations expert calls for immediate lifting of Israeli blockade of Gaza

Hamas: Israel will not end siege, flotilla should sail

Israel’s contempt for law of the seas

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

United States debt equals national GDP by 2021

Settlers attack Palestinian family in Jerusalem

Palestinian boy assaulted by Israeli army in Hebron

Israeli forces bulldoze business near Jenin

Ghoul receives French delegation working to prosecute Israeli war criminals

Soldiers attack non-violent protest near Ramallah

Sabri: Not one stone found relating to Jerusalem’s alleged Jewish history

The battle lines are drawn

Fatah: Netanyahu must prepare Israelis to withdraw from 1967 areas

Sha'ath: Armenia supports Palestinian state

Two fishing boats shot off Gaza coast

Israeli army destroys houses in West Bank

Jewish group instigate to demolish mosque in Jerusalem

Sheikh Sabri denounces calls for demolishing mosque in occupied Jerusalem

Israeli occupation troops arrest five citizens in Majdal Shams

Ministry asks United Nations to see release of Gazans held under ‘unlawful combatant law'

France deeply concerned by Israel settlement expansion

Despite Israeli pressure, Apple approves “Third Intifada” app

36 Americans to join June Gaza flotilla

Right of return borne in Palestinian refugees minds, hearts

Palestinians mark World Refugee Day

Troops demolish homes, tents, near Hebron

14 year old Palestinian boy detained by Israeli military in Husan

Israel moves Muslim skeletons making way for hotel in Jaffa

Tadhamon condemns Israel’s continued violations on Muslim holy sites

Palestinians deserve Obama’s support in September

Dominican Republic backs Palestine to create sovereign nation

Ashrawi in Europe: Support Palestine’s United Nations membership

Salhi calls for public, democratic collations to help state recognition

Gaza and American ‘Security’

Call on Ireland to seek safe passage for Gaza flotilla

European aid convoy enters Gaza

Malaysian, French ships join Freedom Flotilla to Gaza

Israel approves expansion of 2,000 settler homes

Israeli occupation serves demolition notifications to citizens in Jordan Valley

Palestinian determination

Fatah officials visit Armenia in United Nations bid for statehood

25 detainees facing death due to the lack of medical attention

Settlers assault Palestinian in central Hebron

Barak: Israel cannot stop settlement, United States will veto statehood resolution

Mousa Abu Marzook: Israel, United States can’t stop vote for Palestinian statehood

Israel's refusal to pay tax revenue dues to PNA violates law

International campaign demands firm measures to halt Israeli abduction of MPs

Haniyeh: Unity govt must protect resistance

Palestinian Authority sends 20 trucks of medicine to Gaza

Miles of Smiles docks in El-Arish

Top United States peace activist to take part in June Gaza flotilla

Freedom Flotilla 2 is to set sail for Gaza within days

Troops attack West Bank anti-wall protests, ten injured

Occupation bulldozers demolish Palestinian homes in Negev

European Union expresses concern over persecution of West Bank protest organizer, Bassem Tamimi

Israeli troops cross into Lebanon

European Union, Israel spar over peace prospects

British MPs call FM to back Palestine's United Nations bid

Palestinians urge Egypt to ease restrictions at Rafah

Laureates to Ban Ki-moon: Safe passage for Gaza Flotilla

Jewish settlers burn olive trees west of Ramallah

Israel detains Palestinian legislator in Hebron

2010 bonanza for Israel's arms sales

Freedom Flotilla 2 to sail irrespective of IHH participation

Palestinians seek United Nations seat even if talks start

Egyptian foreign minister supports recognition of Palestinian state

Spain, European Union urged to recognize Palestinian state

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

AIPAC pushes hard for war with Iran

Israel plans to construct 8,000 settlement units in occupied Jerusalem

Israel to demolish Palestinian mosque in Bethlehem

8 Palestinians abducted by Israeli troops near Nablus

7 hurt at protest against land confiscation near Ramallah

Violations by Israel in the occupied West Bank have escalated

Israel readies to attack Freedom Flotilla 2

Editorial: Brutal blockade

UAE addresses Human Rights Council on situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories

Turkey to back Palestinian bid for United Nations recognition

Village homes demolished in Jordan Valley

Wells demolished in Hebron

Israel aims to force Palestinians out

Israeli occupation soldiers torch hundreds of Palestinian dunums

Army attacks political prisoners in Qidar prison, four injured

17 year olds abducted by military

Iran: Israel must be forced to join NPT

Israel's government authorizes mining of natural gas off Gaza shore

Israel deliberately depriving Gaza

Buzek: Gaza siege must end

Palestinian dies of wounds suffered during the Israeli assault on Gaza

A Palestinian state and the prospects for September

Israel PM in Rome to stop Palestine state

Israel bribes United Nations to reject Palestine

UNICEF monitors escalation in Israeli attacks on Palestinian children

Mosque, school handed demolition orders

Israeli occupation soldiers round up 8 citizens in Bethlehem, Golan

French judge dismisses journalist's complaint against Israeli military

Iran MP slams IAEA silence on Israel

Guinea-Bissau supports Palestinian state

Medicine delivered to Gaza amid hospital crisis

Will the Gaza flotilla be safe from Israel’s murderous threats

A call from Gaza in support of the Freedom Flotilla II

Israel kills Palestinian at Golan border

Israel threatens neighbors with nukes

Iran says Israel should join NPT, accept IAEA's watch

Troops kidnap three international activists near Hebron

British delegation to assess West Bank barrier, settlement construction

Arabs should defeat Israeli plans

Palestinian worker killed in a Gaza smuggling tunnel

Israeli occupation soldiers wound 12 Palestinians, round up Jerusalemites

Army invades Bilin village

Israeli army seals off Nablus area village

Haniyya: No negotiations with the enemy, no concessions on national rights

Socialist International's Middle East Committee calls for recognition of Palestine if peace efforts fail

Abbas reiterates position to seek United Nations recognition if negotiations fail

Human Rights Watch slams Israel for Naksa Day deaths

Subaih calls for swift international intervention to curb Israeli violations

Israel plans international response to obstruct Palestinian statehood

Israeli police attack al-Aqsa mosque

Palestinian fishermen off the coast of Raf fired on by Israeli occupation navy boats

Israeli army kidnaps former detainees minister

Dozens wounded in Bil'ins weekly nonviolent protest

Stop Greenwashing Apartheid makes a breakthrough

Activists from across Europe gather to build the campaign against Agrexco

Irish Anti-War Movement to protest Israeli siege on Gaza

West must support Palestinian unity

Philip Giraldi spills beans on Israeli espionage in America

Israel raids West Bank towns overnight

Record number of children displaced by West Bank demolitions

Medics: Gaza hospitals at crisis point

Iran, Indonesia MPs plan Gaza convoy

Palestinian leadership undivided over drive to get United Nations recognition

Decoded: Netanyahu's doctrine of "defensible" borders

President Obama, the audacity to recognize a Palestinian state is now

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

United States after Mideast war to salvage Israel

Jewish settlers storm Aqsa plaza

Israeli soldiers storm villages, round up citizens including teen

Settlers burn Palestinian crops near Hebron

Iran conference to discuss Israel nukes

Iran ready to send relief aid to Gaza

Rafah crossing reopened after 4 days of Hamas-Egypt rift

The Golan Heights, Zionism and Resistance

Settlers torch a mosque near Ramallah

Jewish settlers burn Palestinian farmland

Israel fires at Gaza protesters, injures 1

Soldiers kidnap Hamas legislator in Nablus

Jewish extremists storm into Al Aqsa mosque compound

Condemning killing of Golan Heights protesters, United Nations rights chief calls for inquiries

Thousands of Palestinians participate in funeral processions in Syria

World’s silence on Israeli atrocities

44 years after Israeli assault on USS Liberty ... killers still not called to account

Gaza calls on Egypt to restore transit agreement

Rafah crossing to re-open Wednesday

14 Palestinians killed in Syria camp

Israel prepares to approve 4,100 new units for Israeli settlers in East Jerusalem

"World lacks will to stop Israel"

Settlers attack Palestinians in Southern West Bank

Palestinian girl arrested by Israeli prison guards

120 Palestinians injured by Israeli troops in occupied Jerusalem

Jewish settlers burn 250 Palestinian trees in Nablus village

Palestinians in Lebanon strike over Golan killings

Factions: Golan massacre war crime

Syria condemns Isreali aggression on unarmed Syrian and Palestinian civilians

International and Arab concern over Israeli massacre against Syrian and Palestinian civilians

Israel to build museum at historic Muslim cemetery

Israel responds to flotilla pressure by allowing more crumbs into Gaza

Lesotho recognizes Palestinian state within 1967 borders

Israel kills 11 as Syrians march on Golan

Gazan dies of wounds sustained in 2006

Israeli force kidnaps three Palestinian children in Silwan

French activist summoned to court over Israel boycott video

Israeli forces fire tear-gas at Nablus tree planters

The 1967-war won’t be the end of history

Hamas: Support of protests the way to liberation, return

Abbas agrees to peace talks based on 1967 borders

Bulgaria confirms its support for Palestinian statehood

Palestine needs Arab pivotal support

Israeli occupation declares Nablus village closed military zone

Jewish settlers destroy vineyard in Beit Ummar

Washington trying to block sail of freedom flotilla

Palestinians to stage sit-ins

Erekat calls on world to recognize Palestinian state

Settlers attack Palestinian villagers in Nablus and Ramallah districts

Israeli army locks down Jerusalem ahead of Naksa commemoration

The war on Silwan’s children

Rajoub: There are at least 14 dying captives at Ramlah prison

Non-Aligned Movement ministers express concerns about 6,000 Palestinians in Israeli prisons

Ni'lin marks anniversary of protester's death

Israeli soldiers attack West Bank anti-wall protests, injuring six civilians

Murra: There are American and European attempts to revoke right of return

Calls in West Bank for broad participation in marking the Naksa

Palestinians delay march after Lebanese army bans border protest

Israel threatens repression of Naksa Day protests

UNRWA: Refugees cannot be ignored

Jordanians call for scrapping peace treaty with Israel

Lebanese speaker lauds Iran's support for Palestinian causes

Ban Ki-moon backs Palestinian state

Study: Does Israel control the media in the UK

Before and after September: the struggle for Palestinian rights must intensify

Israel to evict 30,000 Palestinians

Settlers torch crops in Nablus villages

Israeli troops detain West Bankers including Hamas lawmaker

Not at Israel's beck and call

Youths to protest Ki-moon flotilla statement in Ramallah

Palestinian refugees in Syria determined to return home

Solution should be imposed on Israel

Palestine vies for representation at the United Nations

How about an Arab lobby

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

OneWorld - Freedom For Palestine

Soldiers invade Hebron, nearby areas, kidnap three children

Jewish extremists attack boy and teacher in Jerusalem

Army invades a village near Tulkarem

Israel arrests Hamas official Hussein Abu Kweik

Army displaces Palestinian village in the Jordan Valley

Israeli gunboat fires on fishermen in Gazan waters

Extremist Jews storm Al-Aqsa compound

30,000 religious Zionists expected to march through east Jerusalem

Thousands of Zionists march in Jerusalem

Netanyahu vows to keep building and to never share Jerusalem

Fayad responds to Netanyahu: Jerusalem will be our eternal capital

Fatah calls on Europe to turn resentment of Netanyahu's proposal into action

Haneyya calls on Ban Ki-Moon not to ignore occupation massacres

Gaza hospitals face health crisis

Israel arrests 12 Islamic Jihad members in Jenin

Israel arrests Palestinian parliament speaker

Mayor: Settlement activity in Jerusalem will continue

Israeli occupation tears down 13 structures in Jordan Valley

Israeli national parks policy used to dispossess Palestinians

Olive trees destroyed outside Bethlehem

Hamas: Refugees reject all but return to their homes in Palestine

Hamas unveils monument to Turkish activists killed in Israeli naval raid

Fatah: Palestinians to march on Israel borders Sunday

Fayyad: State will be on 1967 borders

Clashes erupt after settlers re-visit Joseph's Tomb

Palestinian youth injured, eight arrested in morning invasions

Palestinian Authority urges Non-Aligned states to support United Nations action

Israeli bulldozers destroy farmer’s land in Al Ma’sara

Israeli forces demolish Qalqiliya shop

Settlers torch farmland south of Nablus

Israel spending more than a billion dollars a year to Judaize holy city

Gazans mark one year for Israeli attack on Gaza-bound aid flotilla

30,000 Turks protest against Israel on Gaza flotilla raid anniversary

Israel’s deepening isolation

Hamas official urges Egypt to let Malaysian aid into Gaza

European Union official hails Palestinian National Authority's progress in state building

Spain affirms intentions to recognize the Palestinian state before September

Israeli forces shoot man near Gaza City

Israeli army raids and terrorizes Bilin

Soldiers detain Palestinians, abduct international peace activist near Hebron

Gaza journalism forum slams Israeli police for attacking journalists in Jerusalem

Settlers drown Palestinians' land with wastewater in Bethlehem

Israeli soldiers demolish water wells, arrest Palestinians in Jenin

Israeli cabinet allocates $135m to judaize Jerusalem

Lawrence Davidson: Donor money and congressional circuses

Resheq: The opening of Rafah crossing an achievement of the Egyptian revolution

Gaza asks Egypt to open adjacent commercial crossing for import

The 15th May youth in Jordan call for marching to Israeli embassy in Amman

Obama, Netanyahu and the Congress: A Boycott-Divestment-Sanction campaign directed towards the U.S.A.

Egypt opens Gaza border permanently

Settlers torch Palestinian olive grove

Israeli troops seal off West Bank village

Every President and Congress are complicit in Israel’s war crimes

Protests in Jordan demand closure of Israeli embassy

India pledges support for Palestine

Abbas asks Arab nations for support to seek United Nations recognition

United Arab Emirates: Time for a Palestine state with 1967 borders

Arab League chief backs United Nations path for Palestinians

Settlers claim that new settlement projects will cover all areas of Jerusalem

Senior PLO representative says ending the occupation is the only guarantee of Israeli security

66 year old shepherd from the village of Madama attacked by settlers

Naval attack on Gaza fishermen leave three injured, troops arrest three civilians from the West Bank

Two injured, six arrested as Israeli troops attack West Bank anti-wall protests

Israel to be sued over Nakba Day protest killings

Franklin Lamb: Is the Arab Spring spreading to United States congressional staffs

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions explained – Did you know

Palestinian's national unity government to be formed in ten days

Medvedev: Russia absolutely backs United States on Israeli border policy

Israel seeks to invade West Bank

Israeli military carries out abductions in Hebron, Ramallah

Haneyya: We are committed to freeing all captives

Palestinian Journalist’s Syndicate calls for releasing journalist al-Nuwati

Palestinians protest political-motivated arrests by local authorities

Israeli navy fires at Palestinian fishing boats in Gaza

Gaza fishermen protest over daily harassment by Israeli navy

Specialists: 95% of Gaza water is not drinkable

Israeli soldiers demolish 3 water wells in Hebron

Palestinians launch $1 billion fund to invest in Gaza Strip

Erekat says new Jerusalem settlement destroys two-state solution

Palestinians to appeal to United Nations for recognition despite United States opposition

Hamas hails courageous move to open Rafah border

PCHR welcomes the Egyptian authorities’ decision to open all land and air passages for Palestinians to and from the Gaza Strip

Africa first aid convoy to head for Gaza

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Amnesty International demands end to destruction of "unrecognized" villages in Israel

Israeli authorities to inaugurate new settlements in Jerusalem

Palestinians slam Netanyahu claims

Hamas denounces Netanyahu speech to United States congress

Hamas calls for immediate release of Sheikh Natshe

Non-Aligned Movement denounces imprisonment of Palestinians

Hezbollah terms negotiations with Israel as crazy and futile

A call to march towards Jerusalem on the first Friday and Sunday of June

12 European countries to send aid to Gaza within Freedom Flotilla 2

Egypt To permanently open Rafah border crossing into Gaza

Abbas: Israel is forcing Palestinian Authority to take United Nations option

Abbas says no change of plan regards September

Russia ready to recognize Palestine

Palestinians: Israel no partner for peace

Israeli forces open fire on eastern Gaza Strip

Israeli soldiers hand demolition orders to Palestinians in Hebron

Israeli authorities plan to seize 2000 dunums of Salfit land

Aqsa foundation: New nearby settlement poses serious threat to Aqsa Mosque

Palestinians furious at Israeli construction plans in Jerusalem's Old City

Izbat al-Tabib village resists land confiscation, demolition orders

Gaza government exerting major efforts to improve Rafah border situation

Clinton: United States reaffirms stance on Palestine borders

America’s coming Nakba

Second Freedom Flotilla will include 600 activists from 40 countries

Israeli occupation seal-off sheikh Jarrah suburb as settlers attack Palestinian children

Palestinian minor sentenced to six months in prison

Israel detains mother of senior Hamas official

Israel extends solitary confinement of captive Hamid for six more months

Israeli forces install fence around Qalqiliya village

United States puts Israel before its own people

Activists challenge annual meeting of Zionist lobbying group in Washington DC

Palestinian community protests in Germany to condemn Israeli crimes

Russia prepares for talks with Fatah, Hamas

Israel under criticism from British leaders and politicians

'Spirit of Rachel Corrie' bound for Gaza

European Union to support Obama's call for 1967 borders

Eight Palestinians, including four children, wounded in Hebron

Israel approves nearly 300 settlements

Extremist settlers inaugurate 50 settlement units in Jerusalem

Obama warns Israel patience is running out over progress on peace

Peace process is dead say Palestinians

Jewish Settlers break into mosque in Hebron

Israeli settlers dump sewage in Palestinian town

Israeli border police closes entrance of neighborhood in Jerusalem

More protests at Israel's borders planned

Abbas hails Obama's step in right direction

Bakhit, Abbas highlight Palestinians’ right of return

Arab League calls on international community to support Palestinians’ inalienable rights

West Bank contractors to help Gaza reconstruction

Sha'ath: We will stick to United Nations statehood plan

Israel kills Palestinian in Gaza

Abu Zuhri: Netanyahu’s statement proves failure of settlement option

Israeli rebuke of Obama exposes divide on Mideast

UK Foreign Office Minister: Settlement activity should stop

Israel plans to seize 140,000 dunums of Dead Sea land

Turkey warns Israel over new Gaza flotilla

Palestinians set on United Nations statehood bid in September

Israeli PM rejects 1967 borders pullout

Gaza: no end in sight to hardship and despair

Israeli troops attack West Bank anti wall protests, three civilians injured, seven arrested

Palestinians and Arabs no longer accept partial solutions

Palestinian leadership supports Obama's efforts for peace

Arab League calls for action on Palestinian statehood

Jordan welcomes Obama's remarks on two-state solution

Mideast Quartet supports Obama's view on Israeli-Palestinian peace deal

Kremlin confirms support of creation of Palestinian state within 1967 borders

European FM support Obama's call for Palestinian state

Let actions speak...

Egypt provides supplies to retreated Gaza-bound aid ship

Turkey plans second Gaza-bound flotilla despite Israeli warning

Israel pushing Obama into war with Iran

Plans announced for 1,500 new settlement units in Jerusalem

Obama backs Palestine state with 1967 borders

Israel defies United States demands to stop settlement construction

Israel 'unworried' about Netanyahu's pledge to dismantle Jordan Valley settlements

Settlers plans for new settlements shows that Israel does not care about international law

Even allies say Netanyahu must put 1967 borders on negotiating table

Palestinians condemn Israeli raid on mosque

Friends of humanity urges Egypt to open Rafah crossing, release detainees

Activists plan mass march in Palestine

Abbas says United Nations support essential for statehood

University of London Union signs onto BDS

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Israel refuses to free a Palestinian mother despite court order

Jerusalemites foil Jewish settlers' attempt to capture Palestinian land

Jewish terrorists nabbed in Jaffa mosque bombing plot

Israeli forces break into mosque in Jerusalem, arrest two youths

Israeli occupation arrests 12 West Bankers at dawn Wednesday

Free Bassem and Naji Tamimi

Organization of the Islamic Conference: Nakba day deaths a reminder of Palestine situation

Israeli minister calls for annexation of West Bank if Palestinians declare a state

Palestinians seek state recognition, with or without United States

Iran depicts bright future for Palestine

Israeli occupation soldiers fire at Palestinian farmers

Jewish settlers storm Palestinian school in Occupied Jerusalem, attack homes in Al-Khalil

Photographer deliberately shot by Israeli soldier during Nakba Day clashes

Amnesty: Israel's killing of Nakba protesters must be investigated

Davutoglu: We will continue efforts to incriminate Israel over flotilla attack

MP Attoun says the Zionist onslaught on Jerusalem constitutes a new nakba

300 truckloads of goods enter Gaza as siege continues

Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva calls for the immediate, sustained and unconditional opening of Gaza Strip crossings

Mahmoud Abbas: The long overdue Palestinian state

United States not keen to veto Palestinian state

Shaath: Slovenia to recognize Palestine before September

Abbas urges United Nations to recognize Palestine as independent state

United Nations urges action on Palestinian plight

Lebanon's Palestinians bury victims of Israeli cross-border shooting

Jewish settlers throw firebombs into Palestinian home

Rampaging Israeli settlers attack Palestinian village of Tuba

Israeli occupation troops attack civilians in Arub refugee camp

Army fired tear gas into elementary school

Resheq demands international condemnation of Israel's crimes against peaceful marches

UNRWA condemn Israel attacks on Nakba protests

Nasrallah praises Palestinian courage

Israel fires warning shots at aid ship

Israel succumbs to pressure and releases tax money to Palestinian Authority

Ellen Cantarow: Vittorio Arrigoni's Gaza: Stay Human

Abbas: Steadfastness to triumph over tyranny

Regions leaders react to al Nakba killings

Israel kills protesters on catastrophe day

Ramallah medics put injured count at 150 during Nakba Day protests

16 Palestinians injured in Israeli air raids on Gaza

Thousands of Palestinians rally to receive dead in Damascus

Abbas: Arab blood wasn't shed in vain

Israeli military kidnap peace activists in Walaja

Army places West Bank under siege

Defying Israeli restrictions, thousands mark the Nakba Day in Jaffa

Syria condemns Israeli actions against Palestinians

Dr. Erakat: The Nakba is the defining event in our history and collective struggle

Palestinian refugees in Gaza never give up right of return

Abu Zuhri: Nakba events turning point

Iranian President calls Israel main terrorist hub in world

Iran's top military official welcomes Palestinian unity deal

European Union slams east Jerusalem demolitions

Palestinians vow to continue resistance

Egyptians rally at Rafah for Palestinian rights

Palestinian teen dies of wounds sustained by live Israeli fire during Nakba commemoration

Israeli troops attack funeral of boy killed by them

Boy injured after bomb left by the Israeli army exploded near him

Israeli army burns Jordan Valley grazing fields

Israel extends administrative detention term of Hamas leader

Israeli intelligence says it will not release prisoner Suleiman

Palestinian leadership accuses Israel of failing United States peace envoy's mission

Top United Nations humanitarian official hits out at forced displacement of Palestinians

Egyptians united against Israel

Abbas promises not to give up refugee's right of return

More than 7,000 Palestinians killed by Israeli fire in 10 years

Israeli troops attack West Bank anti wall protests commemorating Nakba, 29 civilians injured

34 Palestinians abducted, teen shot in East Jerusalem protests

AIPAC 101, What every American should know

Challenging AIPAC’s abuse of taxpayers money

Australians slam arms deal with Israel

Close the door on Israel's land grab

PLO official: Right of return will not be compromised

Internationals to raise key humanitarian issues in the West Bank and Gaza

Hamas protestors in the West Bank call for release of political prisoners

Abbas urges Palestinian contractors to reconstruct Gaza

Palestinians plan march to southern border

Jordan rallies in support of Palestine

Turkey supports Palestinian bid for United Nations membership

Egyptians urge rulers to step up Palestinian support

Egyptian embassy to reopen in Gaza soon

Nakba Day commemorations begin

Army fires rounds of live ammunition at homes in the Gaza Strip

Israeli troops kidnap Hamas official Abu Tabana

Israeli army invades Al Walaja, orders demolition of seven homes

Israel trying to push Palestinians out of Jordan Valley

Israel to curb Al-Aqsa entry as Palestinians mark Nakba

Fayyad: We will not surrender to Israeli purser

Palestinians demonstrate for refugees' right to return

Egyptians to join Gazans on Nakba Day

Egypt supports Palestinian bid to get United Nations recognition

Palestine to merge with GCC when liberated

Stay Human convoy enters Gaza

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Israel has little to celebrate this week

Bethlehem marks al-Nakba

3rd Intifada, Israel's fade-out

Israel's Zionist offensive to derail Palestinian statehood

Israel revokes 140,000 Palestinian ID cards

Dr. Erakat deems Israeli’s canceling residency of Palestinians as war crime

Israeli forces, tanks cross into Gaza

Palestinians to ask United Nations to stop Israeli tax freeze

Israel not to stop settlement work

Protest in Jerusalem against home demolitions

Gaza residents join in call to speed unity

Army invades a village near Jericho

Israeli forces open fire at international activists in Gaza

Palestinian hospitalized in Al-Khalil after Israeli occupation assault

United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture to give expert opinion on the arrest of minors in Israeli military court

Army starts wall construction around Palestinian town North of Jerusalem

Palestinian writer detained without charge by Israeli authorities

Israeli minister calls for boosted settlement activity in Al-Khalil

United Nations voices concern on Israel settlements

Israel has seized 35% of occupied East Jerusalem since 1967

Sheikh Sabri warns of Likud MP’s storming of the Aqsa

European Union undermines Israeli government efforts to drain Palestinian finances

France extends further aid as Palestinian government wages remain unpaid

Gaza private sector asks European Union to demand opening of crossings

Abbas says Palestinians determined to get United Nations recognition

Scottish First Minister supports sanctions against Israel

Next Gaza aid flotilla to set sail in July

United States economy under cartels' control

Settlers attack Wadi Al Hilwa, demand Bedouin residents to leave

Settlers attempt to seize farmlands near Nablus

Settlers storm school, post racist slogans

Israeli occupation troops detain minor, a man and his wife

Israel plans more settlement construction in occupied East Jerusalem

Israel wants to obstruct Iran-Egypt ties

Israeli violations escalating against Palestinian journalists

Egyptians to mark Nakba with a march to Palestine

Palestinian official says Israeli PM shuns peace process

Erekat: Recognition of Palestinian state is not unilateral step

Mashal: Recognizing Israel cannot be done before the Palestinians establish their state

Settlers attempt to abduct 2 Palestinian children in Hebron

24 year old man from Iraq Burin shot by teargas canister at close range

Israel arrests Palestinians in Hebron

Israeli occupation extends administrative detention of MP Ramahi

Yafit settlement expends its farm land on Palestinian land

Israel seals West Bank for national holiday

Anti-Israel protest held prior to United Nations conference in Istanbul

New Egypt boosts Palestinian hope

Haniyya: Gaza reconstruction to start under Qatari and Egyptian support

Bin Laden dead long before United States raid

Israeli forces storm villages in West Bank

Once again, Israel threatens to raze wells, structures in Ramadin village

Gaza ministry calls for release of West Bank political prisoners

Sit-in outside Palestinian Authority jail to demand release of political detainees

Al-Amal: Egyptians want to end ties with Israel

Palestinian leadership welcomes United Nation chief's call to release tax revenues

Erekat calls on Netanyahu to recognize Palestinian state

Egypt hopes world recognizes Palestine

Conferees in Gaza urge Arabs to save occupied Jerusalem

Army demolishes ten homes near Hebron

Israel tightens hold on West Bank by tourism

Israeli occupation steps up measures in the West Bank in response to reconciliation

Local leader, Mahmoud Zwahre, arrested at weekly protest against the wall at Al Masara

Egyptians hold massive anti-Israeli rally

Hamas implies acceptance of Israel on 1967 borders

United Nations' Ban Ki-Moon calls on Israel to take decisive moves towards two-state solution

Netanyahu fails in bid to lobby allies into rejecting unity deal

India welcomes Fatah-Hamas reconciliation

Russia welcomes Palestinian unity deal

Rafah man dies of wounds from April airstrike

Israeli soldiers attack Nabi Saleh procession celebrating unity

Israel deprives isolated prisoner of drinking water for two days

Israeli occupation soldiers launch arrest campaign in Jenin including Jihad leader

Bedouin hamlet destroyed for 3rd time

The purposive destruction of natural Palestine

Deutsche Bahn withdraws from railway project crossing Palestinian lands

War crimes charges scare Netanyahu aide off London trip

Both France and England may recognize Palestinian state

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

AIPAC, a not-so-benign night flower

Top United States government insider: Bin Laden died in 2001, 9/11 a false flag

The agendas behind the Bin Laden news event

Settlers attack Palestinian shepherd in Nablus

Army kidnaps four Palestinians, including a former minister, in Hebron

Rights groups petition Israeli high court against Nakba law

Palestinian reconciliation ceremony today in Cairo

Carter urges support for Palestinian unity deal

Celebrations in Gaza and the West Bank marking national unity

Hebron settlers attack construction workers

Settler tries to stab Palestinian

Settlers set fire to Huwwara prayer hall

Israeli ordnance injures 3 Gaza children

Israeli occupation kidnap MP Romanin from his home

Netanyahu intent on obstructing establishment of Palestinian state

Fayyad tells Europeans Israel should release withheld Palestinian Authority money

Quartet representative intervening to release Israeli-withheld Palestinian Authority funds

Palestinians sign unity agreement

Suspicions will inevitably grow about the extermination of Osama bin Laden

Dead man rising

Israeli jets prepare in Iraq to strike Iran

60-year old United States peace activist hospitalized after Israeli attack on non-violent Mayday action

Army seals Nabi Saleh village

Israel bulldozes agricultural lands in Qalqilya

Beit Ummar: Israel to demolish shops

Agriculture ministry calls for protecting farmers, fishermen from Israel

South Africa supports Palestinian unity efforts

Independent figures depart for Egypt ahead of unity deal signing

Guardian: Dead Bin Laden image is fake

Bin Laden was killed years ago

Osama bin Laden’s second death

Anthony Lawson: The accusation of anti-Semitism has long passed it's sell-by date

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga: CIA, Mossad behind 9-11 terror attacks

Israeli forces injure two Palestinians near Jerusalem

Israeli ministers and lawmakers call for annexing West Bank

Israel blocks Palestinians cash over deal

Fayyad condemns Israeli decision to freeze Palestinian assets

Dismiss Israeli threats

Egypt warns Israel against meddling

Khater calls for comprehensive national plan for Jerusalem after reconciliation

Russia gives support to agreement between Fatah and Hamas

Egypt calls on United States to recognize Palestinian state

A minor, two others arrested amid West Bank raids

Israel’s high court of justice dismisses petition filed on behalf of more than 1,000 victims of operation cast lead

Bahar condemns Israeli threats to unity deal

The March 15 Coalition praises Abbas for not giving in to threats

Turkey asks United States to support Palestinian unity

Americans for Peace Now urges Obama to support Palestinian reconciliation

Khudari urges international community to support reconciliation

Israel rejects Gaza war compensation

Aqsa foundation accused Israeli occupation of facilitating settlers' desecration of Aqsa Mosque

Four detainees injured as army breaks into Eshil prison

Three injured, three arrested as troops attack West Bank anti-wall protests

Israel Shamir: Excerpts, Hang ‘em high

Is Israel's rightwing in Eric Cantor's district

Philip Giraldi: What’s in it for us, Mr. Obama

Abbas: Fatah-Hamas government won't negotiate with Israel

European Union urged to support Palestinian reconciliation deal

Palestinian Rights Committee chair urges Quartet to help sun set on occupation, finalize permanent status parameters

Anan: Israel has no right to interfere in decision to open the Rafah crossing

Arabi pledges to lift Gaza siege in ten days, Rizka welcomes the news

Israeli troops invade Bil’in and injures two children

Israeli tank fire injures Palestinians

New Israeli plan to build 386 settlement units in Sheikh Jarrah revealed

Extremist settlers storm Joseph’s tomb

In light of Palestinian unity deal, United States threatens to cut aid to Palestinian Authority

Ashrawi urges international support for unity

Egypt sending team to help realise Palestinian deal

United Nations Mideast peace envoy strongly supports unity deal

"United States needs Israel now more than ever"

Qaradawi calls on Arab revolutionaries to act in support of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa

Rally: Stand against Australian arms trade with Israel

Egypt to open Rafah crossing

Egyptian youth call for million-man marches to support Palestinians

Mayor of Paris calls on France to recognize Palestinian state

A great day for Palestine

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Savage Jewish settlers burn commercial stores in Al-Khalil old city

Israeli troops attack West Bank communities and arrest six men

Army carries out a limited invasion into Khan Younis

Israel to build new settlement outpost in occupied Jerusalem

Cairo holds massive anti-Israel rally

Fatah, Hamas in unity government understanding

Palestinian factions welcome Fatah-Hamas draft unity deal

Foreign Minister calls on European Union to recognize Palestinian state

New aid flotilla to set sail for Gaza

Turkey warns Israel against attacking upcoming solidarity flotilla

How many weapons to Israel

United States needs it's own ‘Arab Spring’ to counter power of pro-Israel lobby

Jewish settlers spray Palestinian citizen with poisonous gas

PNA probes reports on Palestinians held in Guantanamo

Israeli forces prevent Palestinians from entering their land, seize bulldozer in Hebron

Housing ministry: Reconstruction of razed homes ongoing despite siege

Abbas says Obama failed to pressure Israelis on settlement issue

Satisfying the Zionists: Obama's first priority

No other option

Let the United Nations act on Palestine

Jordan sends new aid convoy to Gaza

Israeli army kidnap Palestinian children

Unprovoked settler attack and military house invasion in Shuhada Street, Hebron

Israel continues imposing arbitrary measures on Palestinian prisoners

Prisoner society appeals for saving lives of patients in Israeli jails

United Nations coordinator calls for protection of rights of Palestinians detained by Israel

More than 50 per cent of Egyptians favour annulling peace treaty with Israel

UNICEF: Israeli occupation affecting more than 1.9 million Palestinian children

One Israeli killed, two injured in West Bank

Jewish settler opens fire in East Jerusalem neighborhood

13-year old boy among five Palestinians injured by Israeli settlers on Sunday

Jewish settlers attack Palestinian school buses, injure student

Fatah warns against settlers’ escalation in violence against Palestinians

Islamic-Christian commission warns against Judaization activities in Jerusalem

Royal committee denounces Israeli eviction of Arab Jerusalemites

Activists demonstrate and work land, despite Israeli military harassment

Israel and United States want to derail Palestinian unilateral statehood bid

Israeli army shoots Palestinian farmer north Gaza Strip

Israeli occupation troops enter southern Gaza, bulldoze land

Israeli forces arrest Palestinian writer

World parliamentarians condemn Israel in strong IPU resolution

Arab League renews support to Palestinian cause

Hamas disapproves new United States plan about Palestinian state

Gilmore says Israeli blockade of Gaza absolutely unacceptable

Egyptian Foreign Minister urges international meeting on Palestine issue

Egypt: Reaching Palestinian national unity is essential for achieving statehood

Palestinian membership in the United Nations

Take action: House resolution provides Israel impunity for Gaza crimes

Lobbification part II, An analysis by Dr. Lawrence Davidson

Child dies in agony over her imprisoned father

Army bombards Gaza, three injured

Submitting memo to head of Red Cross Mission in Syria on the suffering of Arab detainees in Israeli prisons

Israeli troops attack anti-wall protests in the West Bank and injures 16 civilians

Non-aligned movement urges Israel to abide by law

Netanyahu must halt settlement if United States wants to renew talks

Hezbollah accuses United Nations chief of standing among ranks of Zionists

Morocco pleads for establishing next September Palestinian state with Al Quds as capital

China expresses deep concern about escalating situation in Gaza

Egyptian government to ease siege on Gaza

Abbas says France backs his reconciliation plan with Hamas

Palestinian youth shot in face with Israeli rubber coated bullet

Israeli occupation bulldozers raze factories east of Gaza

Israel issues demolition orders for Jerusalem school

Strategic plan to link settlement to occupied Jerusalem

Netanyahu's plan circumvents Palestinian national rights

QII warns of unprecedented Judaization steps in occupied Jerusalem

When will the world notice Israel's Palestinian prisoners

Turkey expresses support for Palestine's efforts to move towards statehood

Abbas to European Union: Lead Mideast peace

Hundreds attend 6th Bil'in conference

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Israeli settlers attack Palestinian school children near Hebron

Maqdesi slams Israeli decision to introduce independence paper into schools

Administrative detention: A legal and lethal tool of Israeli repression

Israeli occupation soldiers, settlers storm West Bank cities, villages

Israel gearing to open tunnel network under Aqsa Mosque area

Bil’in village starts its sixth annual conference on Palestinian popular struggle

Palestinians determined to seek independence despite United States objection

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas holds interview with euronews

Al-Araj: Israel deliberately obstructs efforts to rescue peace process

PLO calls on Quartet to stop Israel’s decision to seize 27 houses in Jerusalem

Abbas heads to Paris seeking statehood support

The "Jewish state" and us

Settler shoots Palestinian near Nablus

90% of detained Palestinian minors tortured in Israeli jails

United Nations official calls for protecting Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons

MP Attoun calls for internationalizing issue of Palestinian prisoners

Demolition orders handed to 10 East Jerusalem families

2 dead in clash with murder suspects

Extremist Jews storm Al-Aqsa mosque

France discrimination favors Jews

United States lobbied to block Gaza war report

“Unrecognized” Bedouin stake land claims in Israel

Fatah: Israel works against Palestinian state recognition

Germany backs independent Palestinian state

Dr. Ashrawi: What we need from the Quartet is for it to uphold international law

IHH slams Israel's attempts to bar Freedom Flotilla 2 from heading to Gaza

Egypt allows 5 tons of medical aid into Gaza

Miles for Smiles 3 convoy geared to bring aid to Gaza

Army kidnaps six Palestinians

Forensic reports show white phosphorus use in Gaza attacks

Israel envoy leaves Egypt after protest

Palestinian Authority rejects Israel's troop deployment

Itamar killers found?

Three myths of Israel's insecurity, and why they must be debunked

European Union complicity in the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories

Palestinians mourn slain Italian activist in Gaza

International activists to defy Israeli restrictions on Gaza fishermen

Arabi fully prepared to allow aid into Gaza

Israeli tanks open fire in northern Gaza

Demolition orders handed out in south

Beit Ummar residents say town under siege

Israeli occupation troops violently disperse relatives of Palestinian prisoners

Israeli occupation troops detain 7 in Silwan, a minor in Al-Khalil

Jordanians call for releasing their relatives jailed in Israel

Palestinian Center to Defend Detainees calls for boosted release efforts on Palestinian Prisoner Day

Michael Jansen: Murder of Vittorio Arrigoni

United States threatens Palestinian Authority over statehood bid

Anti-Israel rally in United States to be headed by White House journalist

Launch of international boat to monitor human rights in Palestinian waters

As Israel bombs Gaza, United States rushes millions in military aid

Israeli TV shows Palestinian torture

Man shot with live ammunition during protest for Vittorio

Israeli measures against Palestinian prisoners a violation of rights

Palestinians call for release of prisoners from Israeli jails

Israel thanks United States for taxpayer dollars

Israel asks United Nations to help stop Freedom Flotilla 2

Turkey snubs Israel outcry on flotilla

Palestinian president to visit European countries

Gaza mourns Vittorio Arrigoni

Vik: a friend, a brother, a humanist

Hamas condemns murder of Italian ISM activist

Freedom Flotilla renames voyage 'Stay Human' in honor of slain activist Vittorio Arrigoni

Solidarity statements in honor of Vittorio Arrigoni

Five injured, three arrested as Israeli troops crack down on anti-war protests in West Bank

Israeli forces seize control of territory in Anin near the apartheid wall

United States senate asks United Nations to rescind Gaza war report

Zionists dominate the white house and the capitol hill: An interview with Naseer Aruri

Israeli lobby power, feed an Israeli starve an American

Fighter dies of wounds sustained last week

Israeli settlers wound one Palestinian in West Bank

Palestinians call for release of Italian activist kidnapped in Gaza

Two arrested after body of kidnapped Italian peace activist Vittorio Arrigoni found in Gaza

Israeli occupation opens fire at Gaza border areas

Israel demolishes tin-houses, barns, near Jericho

Israel approves 900 settlement units near Bethlehem

Israel turns Palestinian town into concentration camp

A new campaign to end the brutalization of Awarta

Senior Palestinian official criticizes United States stance on Mideast strife

Change and Reform bloc lashes out at Israeli occupation for detaining of MP Badr

Ziyaad Lunat: Palestinian people are thirsting for justice

United States campus activists facing increased repression

United Nations Gaza report co-authors round on Goldstone

European Union opens up its market to Palestinian goods

Upcoming action: Move over AIPAC

FBI documents reveal rappers Tupac and Easy E were victims of JDL threats and extortion

Settler hits Palestinian child with car in Hebron

Clashes reported in Silwan, several residents wounded, one kidnapped

Army kidnaps 14 Palestinians in the West Bank

Amnesty International: Israeli campaign to avoid accountability for Gaza war crimes must be rejected

Health ministry calls for protecting medical crews

Palestinian Authority prisoners' families call for their release

Abu Rdeineh demands clear American stance on state

PLO leader says UNSC will vote on statehood

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Israeli prosecution to close file of four civilians shot dead during the war on Gaza

Israeli soldiers abducts seven citizens from Hebron

Three residents from Awarta abducted near Ramallah

Israel moves to destroy West Bank town

Israeli occupation holds MP Badr in administrative detention

Israel minister: United States will veto Palestine declaration

United States to give Israel $205 million military fund

MK El-Sana hopes Arab revolutions are prelude to Palestine liberation

Israel keeps Gaza goods crossing shut despite truce

Egypt stops building steel wall along Gaza

Official: Egypt won’t abandon reconciliation file

Freedom Flotilla coalition: We are not afraid of Israel's threats

Abbas calls on Israel to stop settlement activities to resume peace

Tony Blair to endorse Palestinian state in Brussels report

United Nations: Palestinian Authority progress sufficient for functioning government of a state

Weekend strikes targeted water facilities

Israeli military demolishes a water well and a farm in Bethlehem

Director of Jerusalem Media Center detained by Israeli troops

Israel demolishes Negev homes on Monday

Settlers uproot olive trees in Al-Khalil

Bahar demands expediting the no-fly zone decision

Hamas: We won't surrender or violate truce

Gaza: Fuel crisis looms as crossings remain closed

Gaza chamber of commerce appeals to international quartet to have crossings opened

Egypt softens towards Hamas

Organizers: Preparations for new Gaza flotilla on track

Arab schools forced to follow Israeli curriculum

Arabi: Palestinian reconciliation a priority

Any initiative not supporting Palestinian inalienable rights won’t succeed

Tony Blair: Only way to further peace process is establishing Palestinian state

Palestinian Authority: State will be ready by September

Arab League proposes no-fly zone over Gaza

Ceasefire deal reached in Gaza

Israeli occupation starts building new factories on Palestinian land in Salfit

Israeli army closes West Bank village, arrests 23 Palestinians

PPC lawyers document Israel’s violations in Awarta

Israeli gunboats fire at Palestinian fishing boats

Army fires on Iraq Burin during olive tree planting

Sobeih: Israeli aggression on Gaza aims to obstruct reconciliation

Sudan says found proof of Israeli strike

Silwan activist spearheads campaign against Jerusalem Municipality campaign of Judaization

Foreign Ministry lauds Egyptian stance against Israeli aggression

Ihsanoglu calls for protecting the Palestinians, Turkey denounces the aggression

Israeli airstrike kills Palestinian in Gaza

Israeli officials say army to continue Gaza assault

Settlers torch car, assault villagers

Palestinian interior ministry declares state of emergency in Gaza

Israeli embassy in Cairo under siege

Jordan condemns Israeli attacks on Gaza

Government committee documents Israeli war crimes

Hamas seeking ceasefire with Israel through foreign mediators

Palestinians mark 63 years since Deir Yassin massacre

Emir supports free Palestinian state

Gaza Ministry of Health says medicine shortage critical

Gaza convoys to continue by sea, land and air

Two Qassam fighters killed in Israeli occupation airstrike

Israeli airstrike in Gaza kills two Hamas militants

Despite ceasefire declared by Palestinian factions, army bombards more areas in Gaza

Israel use laser accuracy systems to target and kill civilians in Gaza

Israeli occupation used white phosphorus bombs in its latest aggression

Beit Omer: Israeli soldiers stop farmers from reaching their lands

Israeli troops suppress anti-wall protests in the West Bank, two injured, six arrested

Massive anti-Israel rally held in Cairo

Palestinian reconciliation: is there light at the end of the tunnel

Five Palestinians killed, 40 injured by Israeli missiles in Gaza

1 dead as Israel fires on Gaza after projectile strikes bus

Hamas says Gaza ceasefire agreed

150 Palestinian women, kids arrested

Army demolishes two homes in Aqaba Village

Israel wants Zionist-friendly democracy in the Arab world

Samouni family responds to Goldstone backtrack on Israeli war crimes

Coalition of Women for Peace: Open letter to Justice Richard Goldstone

PCHR: Israeli assault on Gaza must be investigated by International Criminal Court

Over 20 ships expected for second Gaza flotilla

World Bank supports Palestinian state

Sudan accuses Israel of fatal air strike on car

Israeli strikes wound 4 Palestinians

Israeli soldiers abducts three residents from Hebron

Bahar asks the Lords to reject law granting immunity to Israeli war criminals

European Union human rights group welcomes Egypt release of Palestinian prisoners

European Union Foreign Policy Chief condemns Gilo expansion

Lieberman heads to Germany in bid to block Gaza flotilla

Egypt Foreign Minister: Gaza a priority in Egypt foreign policy

United Nations must reject Israeli campaign to avoid accountability for Gaza war crimes

Goldstone does not seek nullification of report

Palestinian children demand international protection

Palestinian killed in Gaza buffer zone

Israeli airstrikes wound Palestinians

Settlers sabotage water spring of Palestinian village

Palestinian figures slams European countries for supporting Israel's war crimes

United Nations calls Israel’s new settlement plans illegal

Organisation of Islamic Conference decries East Jerusalem settlement plan

United Nations Council will not retract Goldstone report due to op-ed by chief investigator

Abbas urges Mideast Quartet to make a stand

Austrian Foreign Minister to visit Gaza

Israeli army invades Bil’in

Israel charges kidnapped Palestinian

Israel plans expansion of several West Bank settlements

Palestinian official warns Israel over settlement building

France warns Israel against possible settlement plan

Israel preparing to attack Freedom Flotilla 2

Gaza flotilla asks world protection after Israel threatens to attack

ElBaradei: If Israel attacks Gaza Egypt will counterattack

Islamic Jihad: Israel may use Goldstone's last remarks to wage new war on Gaza

Dr. Ashrawi: We expect Goldstone to show commitment to international law, not bow to Israel

Lieberman hints Goldstone retraction made under Zionist pressure

Hamas: Do not mix up between Goldstone's personal positions and United Nations findings

Jewish fanatics assault Jerusalemite youth

Settlers attack Palestinian man in Nablus

Israeli forces continue to surround Beit Ummar

Goldstone’s forced redaction does not clear Israeli war crimes

Abu Rudeineh: Palestinian Authority will not stop efforts to prosecute Israeli war criminals

Hundreds mourn for 3 Palestinians

Israel plans to seize a million sq meters of Negev land

Jewish settlers damage Palestinian crops

Foreign ministry calls on United Nations to curb Israel's aggression against Gaza

Gaza minister meets with Red Cross director

Netanyahu seeks to stop Gaza flotilla

European campaign slams Israeli efforts to thwart Gaza-bound flotilla

United Nations Chief asks Israel to lift Gaza blockade

Save Gaza calls on United Nations not to help Israel in stopping Freedom Flotilla

Zionist entity is a gang with a state called Israel

Subaih calls for firm international position against Israeli war criminals

Egypt impounds cement bound for Gaza

Global actions mark Palestine's Land Day

Three Quds Brigades resistance fighters killed in Khan Younis

Israeli soldiers abuse Palestinians in West Bank

Jewish settlers attack Palestinian family

Settlers burn storefront in Hebron

Israel to attack next Gaza aid flotilla as siege continues

Three injured as troops attack weekly anti-wall protests in the West Bank

Arab League calls to prosecute Israeli war criminals

Palestinian organizations underline support to Syria, adherence to inalienable rights

Egypt may break Gaza blockade

Greek parties support campaign to boycott settlement products

Volunteer in Gaza with the International Solidarity Movement

Winning entries of first annual Israeli apartheid film contest

Internationals support Palestinians in Jerusalem

Palestinian youth killed in hit and run accident

Settlers injure Ramallah woman

Israeli soldiers kidnap elected legislator in Hebron

Israel approves lawyer visit ban on Palestinian prisoners

Launch of new website as part of Global BDS Day of Action

BDS victory against Ahava in UK

Peres' London visit protested

Mohammad Asalibi, brave man against settlers tells story

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Palestinian resistance fighter assassinated in Rafah

Twana village: Living in settler hell

Israeli occupation troops arrest five Palestinians

Haneyya affirms solidarity with all prisoners

United Nations chief: Occupation, settlements must end

Palestinians to ask United Nations recognition in September

Palestinians commemorate Land Day

Palestinian youth hospitalized after being attacked by soldiers

Israel tortures two Palestinian prisoners during arrest

Israelis demolish village near Hebron to build park

Eviction notices delivered in Jordan Valley

Israel plans 1608 new housing units in occupied Jerusalem

60 detained in Awarta. DNA samples taken

Jewish settlers desecrate Al-Nabi Younis mosque

Minister Abu Assabeh demands Ban Ki-moon to protect Palestinian prisoners

Israeli tanks and bulldozers raid Khan Younis

Popular outcry against British government's decision to change law on universal jurisdiction

European initiative against settlement and wall launched in The Hague

Palestinian Authority ready to relinquish American aid for unity

Moussa: Arab League ready to host Palestinian unity talks

No place for Israeli threats as Palestine seeks United Nations recognition

In Cairo, Hamas calls for open crossings

Murdering babies is "permissible" when they're Palestinian

Jewish settler uses car to hit Palestinian girl, Israeli occupation arrests 14 citizens

Israeli doctors refuse to refer injured Palestinian girl to hospital

Settler vandalism, harassment reported in south

Israeli occupation orders expulsion of three Palestinian families from Jordan Valley

Swiss rights groups to protest Peres visit to the country

Call for action: April 17th Palestinian Prisoners Day

Ahrar: Israeli aggression after UNHRC vote a challenge to the world

Divided Palestine unhelpful to peace

PNA leader Abbas hopes Palestinian state recognized this year

Palestinians mark Day of Land in Spain

Kourosh Ziabari, an interview with Stuart Littlewood

Two fighters assassinated in Gaza, one resident injured

Israel destroys ancient wells near Bethlehem

Jihad holds Israel responsible for consequences of its military escalation

Arab League demands international community interference to deter Israeli violations

European campaign welcomes UNHRC decision to open Gaza crossings

Egypt to grant Palestinians visas to return to Gaza

Tons of cement awaits entry to Gaza

Israeli artillery shell blasts factory in Gaza

Israeli army destroy home in Jordan Valley

Israel gets away with murder

Palestinian center urges Ukraine to pressure for the release of Abu Sisi

The big lie: Israel's concern for "security"

The Nakba law deepens apartheid in Israel

Palestinians look forward to move Goldstone report to Security Council

80 reasons why Gaza has the right to self-defense

Gaza militants offer calm if Israel reciprocates

Gaza: a siege within a siege

Calls to protect upcoming Gaza aid Flotilla as Israel hints to attack

Abbas meets Hamas officials in West Bank on unity

Palestinian Prime Minister meets United States Defense Secretary, demands Palestinian state by September

Continued airstrikes wound three in Gaza City, civilians targeted in Deir Balah and Beit Hanoun

Detention of Gazan engineer extended by Israeli magistrates court

Israel is guilty, bears responsibility for latest violence

Hamas condemns new Israeli racist laws

Weekly non-violent protest marches suppressed in West Bank, three injured

Palestinian official urges world to stop Israel's aggression on Gaza

Israelis hindering efforts to establish Palestinian state

Activists trying to rebuild Gaza Strip

Human Rights Council adopts resolution condemning Israeli systematic violations in Golan

Egyptian Foreign Minister discusses trying Zionist war criminals with the International Criminal Court

Tell me, who is the terrorist

Israel launches further attacks on Gaza

Man treated for wounds from settler beating

71 houses to be demolished in Salfit

Israeli bulldozers destroy Freedom Street in Northern West Bank village

Second al Nabi Saleh resistance coordinator arrested

Syria strongly condemns Israeli aggression on Gaza

United Arab Emirates calls on Human Rights Council to act against Israel on human rights violations

Palestinian government lauds Egypt for its position against Israeli aggression

Rafah opened for Egypt cement import

Swiss President announces plans to break Gaza siege

Johannesburg University joins academic boycott of Israel

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

One Israeli killed, 31 wounded, in Jerusalem blast

Israeli soldiers injure Palestinian in Gaza

New settlement outpost in Jordan Valley, army threatens arrests

6 Palestinians detained by army in West Bank

Knesset passes Nakba and segregation laws

Thousands of Palestinians bury eight Gazans killed in Israeli air raids

Before flying to Moscow, Netanyahu approves further strikes in Gaza

China condemns Israeli settlement activities

Call for situation in Israel and occupied Palestinian territories to be transferred to International Criminal Court

Egyptian Foreign Minister: Ending Gaza siege a priority

5 dead, others injured as Israel shells Gaza

United Nations chief slams Israel's killing of Palestinian children in Gaza

Arab League condemns Israeli attacks on Gaza

Gaza child dies 10 days after attack

Army invades Awarta village

Six Palestinians arrested by Israeli troops during West Bank raids

United Nations peacekeepers confirm Israeli army abducts two Lebanese shepherds

Palestinians demonstrate against Israel's holding of Gaza engineer

Settlers attack Aqraba farmland

Israel to launch a campaign against new flotilla heading to Gaza

United Arab Emirates seeks end to human rights violations in Palestine

Hamas urges global move to halt Israel

Arabs winning their freedom, Americans, rise up for your freedom from Israel

Sanction policies and the Zionist power structure

Israeli airstrikes injure 17 Palestinians

Palestinian stabbed by settler near Hebron

Two injured as settler opens fire at funeral near Hebron

Aqsa Mosque’s servants foil attempt by armed settler to kill worshipers

Israeli tanks invade southern areas of the Gaza Strip

Israeli army restrains Palestinians from entering their lands

United Nations expert highlights worsening human rights situation in East Jerusalem

European Union: Time for refugees to return home

Rights group urges Israel to release Palestinian detained in Ukraine

International conference for Palestinian prisoners

Israeli army kills 2 teenagers in Gaza

Settlers and extremists assault Palestinians

Israel admits to abduction of Gaza engineer

Boycotting Israel with logic

Palestinians continue anti-division rallies in Gaza

Palestinians eye United Nations recognition of state

Settlers attack Palestinian man

Warning against Israeli plan to isolate Jordan Valley region

Palestinians call for UNESCO intervention

Campaign launched to save life of kidney patient in Israeli jail

Gaza: Stop suppressing peaceful protests

The Palestinian leadership must understand that sans national unity, there can be no state

March 15 protests: Palestinian youth mount growing mobilization

Helen Thomas: Israeli lobbies controlling United States

Palestinian hospitalized after settler attack

Settlers attack a cab driver near Salfit

Israel court decides to turn Rahma graveyard into Jewish garden

Israeli occupation storm west of Jenin, threaten to raze Palestinian structures

As Israel celebrate Purim, Palestine placed under siege

Six injured, two arrested as troops attack West Bank anti-wall protests

Youth continue to demand national unity in Bethlehem

Scotland protests in solidarity with Palestinians

Russia welcomes Abbas's decision of talks with Hamas

Fayyad calls on Hamas to accept Abbas' initiative

Buy Gaza movement gains momentum

Abbas: Israel rushes to blame the Palestinians for Itamar killings before truth is even known

Palestinian nearly beaten to death in attack by Israeli settlers

Two Palestinian workers injured by Jewish settlers

Demands for immediate investigation into Israeli assaults on prisoners

Settler vandals continue to do damage

Families demand Abbas to prove his good faith and free their relatives

Israel hands eviction notices to Bedouins in Jerusalem

Nablus: Protests for unity continue

Youths call for mega march towards occupied Jerusalem

Arab League welcomes Palestinian unity moves

Peace now for Palestine

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Two Palestinians killed in Gaza blitz

Fisherman wounded by Israeli navy fire

Three arrested in Hebron, troops cut down olive trees, pile waste near Bethlehem

Palestinian prisoners human rights

Israel to displace 13 Arab families from their homes in 1948 occupied lands

Jordan: Israel cannot have peace and settlements at the same time

Experts prepare to take Jerusalem case to The Hague

Thabit organization criticizes Israel’s media campaign against UNRWA

Rachel Corrie: A worldwide symbol of the Palestinian struggle

To Gaza with love

Palestinian youth rally in NYC in solidarity with March 15 movement

Edinburgh students vote overwhelmingly for boycott of Israeli products

Uruguay recognizes Palestinian state

Settler opens fire at Palestinian vehicle near Hebron

Israeli troops invade Beit Omar, arrest eight

Rachel Corrie's parents sue Israel

Netanyahu plans to build wall along Jordan borders

March 15 protests: Thousands gather in Bethlehem, Ramallah, Hebron, Gaza City

Hamas leader calls on Abbas for talks

William A. Cook: What does it profit a congressman to retain his office but suffer the loss of his soul

Civil society and Palestine: The growing power

Awarta under siege

Two cars torched by settlers near Ramallah

Israeli gunboats target fishing boats in Gaza

Israeli forces detain over 300 in Awarta

Report highlights widespread detention of Palestinian children

Palestinian protest leader freed from Israeli jail

International conference on the rights of Palestinian prisoners

Press report: Itamar suspect not Palestinian

Organization of the Islamic Conference: Gazans living in humanitarian disaster

Settlers establish settlement post under night cover in Jabaa village

United States: Israel settlements in West Bank illegitimate

Moscow concerned over new Israeli construction plans

Shaath praises Britain’s stance concerning settlements

Poll: Majority of Europeans oppose their governments support of Israel

Norwegian movement calls for recognition of Palestinian state

Call to save the history, culture and heritage of Lifta village

United Nations agency launches youth project to help Palestinian refugees in Syria

Youth continue hunger strike in Ramallah`s Al-Manara

More than 1,500 start unity rally day before demonstration

End the division on 15 March: Demonstrate for Palestinian solidarity

Settlers attack Palestinian homes near Nablus. attacks reported in Bethlehem, Hebron and Ramallah

Israeli troops attack Palestinian worshipers at Aqsa Mosque

Haneyya government warns of exploiting Itamar incident to escalate aggression

Gaza government: Settler attackers may not be Palestinian

Israel okays more settlements in West Bank

Palestinian Authority slams Israel's decision on settlement expansion

Jordan bans entry of Israeli settlements’ products

Settlement products seized in Hebron

Settlers raid villages across West Bank

Settlers threaten Palestinian villagers near Ramallah

Palestinians call for third Intifada

Sheikh Salah: The Arab uprisings renewed hope for Palestinian liberation

Palestinians urge reconciliation, unity

Frequently asked questions about Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions

British coalition to join Freedom Flotilla 2 to besieged Gaza

More than 50% of United States senate to attend AIPAC policy conference

Palestinian Authority arrest three Hamas members in Nablus

The Etzion prison administration forces captives out in the cold

Soldiers attack West Bank anti-wall protests, two arrested

Jailed Bil’in protest organizer, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, to be released on Sunday

European parliament to hold hearings on Palestinian child prisoners

Palestinian engineer who disappeared in the Ukraine is at an occupation jail

Israeli aggression increases in occupied Jerusalem

United Nations rights expert condemns sharp increase in Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes

Report: Palestinian kills 5 Israeli's in West Bank settlement

Gulf Cooperation Council calls on Israel to withdraw from all occupied Arab territories to achieve peace

UK groups official announce aid ships to sail to Gaza in May

Israeli occupation troops detain 17 in West Bank

Five Palestinians arrested in Husan by Israeli military

Israel accused of secret service kidnapping

An urgent call to release detainee Ahmad Asfour

Ayalon: “Israel will absolve itself from all peace deal, should Palestinian Authority announce state”

Fayyad to Israeli Prime Minister: Define a Palestinian state

Palestinian presidency urges Quartet to support European statement

Gaza to import building materials

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Man loses vision after tortured in Israel custody

European rights groups to hold Friday Palestinian prisoner of war talks at United Nations in Geneva

Settlers hand threatening letters to diplomats at checkpoint

Army invades several villages near Jenin, kidnaps eight across the West Bank

Israel seizes large areas of land near Jerusalem to complete separation wall

Al-Arakib demolished yet again

1,000 Palestinians take to the streets after Lod home demolition

Jordan bans products made in West Bank settlements

Resistance group says Egypt signals siege will end

Denmark upgrades Palestinian diplomatic status

Foruzandeh reiterates support to Syria's right to restore Golan

MADA launches video honoring Palestinian photographers

Who is running the Western media

Israeli seeks additional $20 billion in United States aid

United States group fights ban on Israel war crime bus ads

Soldiers attack sit-in in southern West Bank

Troops arrest eight civilians and distribute demolition orders to villagers in the West Bank

Ban Ki-moon calls for release of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails

Gaza’s Ministry Of Detainees calls on Egypt to release Palestinians prisoners

Construction rises by 60 percent since United States settlement activity veto

Palestinian Prime Minister: No state without Jordan Valley, East Jerusalem

Amnesty International’s petition urges United Nations to act for international justice for Gaza conflict victims

Freedom Flotilla coalition asks governments to ensure safety of passengers

Palestinian aid convoy to aid displaced in Tunis, Libya

13 injured when Israeli settlers and army attack the village of Qusra

Israeli settlers injure 10 Palestinians

Israeli army arrests 4 Palestinians including 2 children in West Bank

Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi confined in Hebron

MADA appeals to stop the suffering of journalist al-Titi

Khirbet Tana water confiscated by Israeli army

Palestinians protest the closure of Karni crossing

Hamas lauds anti-siege positions of Egypt's new Foreign Minister

UK to upgrade Palestinian diplomatic status

International solidarity team arrives in Gaza

Settlers attack farmers in Iraq Burin, south of Nablus

Israeli army raids Hebron, detains Palestinians

Israel extends detention of 58 Palestinian detainees

Popular committee leader arrested in al Nabi Saleh

Geneva to host soon international conference on rights of Palestinian prisoners

Relatives: Detainees in Egyptian jails on 15th day of hunger strike

Israel hands demolition notices to 15 Palestinians

Egyptians march to Gaza to demand border be opened

Israeli jets attack eastern Gaza Strip

Settlers attack Palestinian villagers

Hamas condemns accelerated Aqsa Mosque conversion drilling

Israeli forces raid Jenin area

Settlers wage war on Palestinians

UK-based solidarity group campaigns against bill exonerating Israeli officials

Israel denies British volunteers entry to West Bank

Rights group calls on United Nations after crippling Gaza crossing closure

Popular Resistance Committee asks new Egyptian government to lift the siege on Gaza

United Nations asked to give full membership to Palestinians

Abbas urges Quartet to end occupation

France to recognize Palestinian state in September

Israel wants to navigate post-Mubarak Egypt according to Zionist compass

Settlers cut down more than 500 olive trees in Nablus

Palestinian civilians suffer Israeli poisonous tear gas

Troops attack anti-wall protests, injuring three

Cancer in Gaza may have been caused by Israelis

Obama tells United States Jews he will support aid to Israel

Netanyahu wants 40% of West Bank under Israeli control

Palestinians at home, abroad protest division, leadership

Norway looks to recognize state of Palestine

Acquitted Palestinian businessman tortured in Palestinian Authority prison

Israeli soldiers kidnap four children in East Jerusalem

Israeli forces arrest residents from Hebron

Jewish settlers desecrate Al-Nabi Younis mosque

Abu Rudeineh: State with provisional borders unacceptable

Gilad Atzmon: Beware, Israeli war criminals are using false identities

Palestinian Center for Human Rights report

Israel illegally interrogates, tortures children

Israel kidnapped 80 children in Jerusalem since the beginning of 2011

Army kidnaps elected legislator

United Nations to act on Palestinian inmates' plight

Israel planning new wars against Syria and Lebanon

Israel provides henchmen for Gaddafi

Israeli navy fires at Palestinian fishing boats

Israeli forces demolish wells near Hebron

Israeli bulldozers demolish Khirbet Tana

Dozens of Palestinians injured in clashes with police in Jaffa

Palestinians: World must act on settler violence

Mike Whitney: America's banks paving the way to another financial meltdown

Another Palestinian child run over in Hebron

Settlers attack homes, property in Hebron

Israeli army captures 5 Palestinians in West Bank

Israel to legalize settlement outposts

Israel allocates $24 million to judaize eastern Jerusalem

Israel leading human rights abusers

Malki: Israel’s actions undermine two-state solution

Fayyad calls international community to fulfill Palestinians’ September goal

Foreign Minister: Israel refuses to cede Golan Heights

Hamas urges Egypt to free detained Palestinians

Palestinian worker shot and killed in northern Gaza

Palestinian militant killed by army shells east of Gaza

Settlers fire-bomb Palestinian home in Nablus

One resident wounded as army bombards Gaza

Israeli policemen detain 9 Palestinian boys including 7-year-old

Rights group working to guarantee every last right of Jerusalem prisoners

Israeli occupation imprisons Hamas MP for six months

Hamas slams shameless Israeli probe

Israel hands Hebronites demolition notices

Abbas: International consensus against settlement building

Jordan Foreign Minister stresses Palestinian statehood non-negotiable right for Palestinians

Jewish settler runs over Palestinian girl in Al-Khalil

Israeli forces seize 11-year-old boy

Deteriorating health conditions of Palestinian prisoners

Israeli bulldozers raze Palestinian home in Negev village

Fatah warns of Israeli plan to expel 600 Jerusalemites

Fatah calls on international organizations to end Israeli violence

Unity tops agenda in West Bank, Gaza

Of Israeli spies in the United States

Snipers kill more protesters in Tripoli

Palestinian student killed by mercenaries in Libya

Libyan protesters at Tripoli's gate

Iran ready to send aid to Libyan people

Settlers attack Palestinian village near Nablus, torch vehicle

Israel launches more raids on southern Gaza, wounds civilians

Rights movement: Israeli soldiers stole organs of Palestinian Christian in 1988

Settlers uproot lands planted with wheat near Ramallah

Jewish settlers organize provocative march in Al-Khalil

Settlers disrupt Beit Ummar rally

Israel threatens force against Fatah leader's guards

Arab upheaval no excuse for Israel to stall peace process

Palestinian rights groups say in letter to Obama: If not now, when

Israeli attacks up after United States veto

Call for an international campaign to stop the Jewish National Fund

Massacre in Libyan capital

Gaddafi vows to open arsenals to arm his supporters

Thousands call for Gaddafi ouster

United States to impose sanctions on Libya

United Arab Emirates, Turkey to send humanitarian aid to Libya

Tear gas fired by Israeli soldiers at protesters kills Palestinian infant

Settlers conduct several attacks in Nablus

Soldiers arrest 11 people as they attack anti-wall protests

United Nations concerned over Israel's new settlement campaign in occupied Syrian Golan

Abbas: Halting settlements basic condition to resume peace talks

Palestinian official calls on European Union to recognize Palestinian state within 1967 borders

United States: AIPAC the real power

Israel investing $1.6 million in "new media warriors"

Thousands of Palestinians protest United States veto

Israel allows return of 300 Palestinians from Libya to West Bank from a total of 70,000

Israeli troops arrest 13 Palestinians during West Bank invasions

Israel destroys agricultural lands near Salfit

Thursday of rage in Negev to protest Israeli demolitions

End of United States-backed dictators near

Breaking the siege of Gaza is high priority for Egypt's young revolutionaries

Global coalition to bring Tahrir for Gaza, demand end to Gaza blockade

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights report

Arab League must back the Libyans

Palestinian prisoners: 12 cases of torture this week

Israeli airstrikes injure 15 Gazans

Israeli fire injures 13 Palestinians

Israeli forces shoot Gaza man in leg

March in Bethlehem denouncing United States veto

Islamic awakening heralds Israel's fall

United States: What forces us to dig deeper grave

Calls made for boycott of Israeli tourism conference

Gaddafi loses swathes of east to insurrection

European Union ready to impose sanctions on Libya

Libyan city dubbed 'Free Benghazi' as anti-Gaddafi troops take control

Ahmadinejad urges regional leaders to hear voices of their nations

Libya: Security Council, United Nations officials urge end to use of force against protesters

Israeli interrogators attempt to rape detained child

Settlers injure 2 Palestinians near Nablus

At least 10 Palestinians detained in Israeli raids

Hamas: Detaining Sheikh Salah won't affect his determination to defend Al-Quds

Israeli army bulldozes over 230 olive trees near Bethlehem

United Nations slams Israel West Bank demolitions

Foreign Minister thanks countries that voted for United Nations resolution

Hamas condemns violence against Libyan protesters

Palestinians in Libya unharmed but ready to come home as Qaddafi looks poised to fall

Massacre unfolding in Libyan capital

Qaradawi calls on Libyan soldiers to reject orders

Protesters respond to Gaddafi’s murderous backlash with remarkable courage

The United States stands alone with Israel in the United Nations Security Council

Palestinian worker wounded in Israeli shooting

Israeli raid on home and office of MP Attoun in occupied Jerusalem

Jerusalem Municipality to further annexation of entire city with green parks initiative

Public rally against Judaizing Jerusalem

Gazans suffer even on Day of Justice

81 non-governmental organizations urge rival factions to reconcile

Fatah’s call for unity meaningless without freeing prisoners

One people against Zionism

Rallies over despicable Obama United Nations veto

Palestinians call for United Nations General Assembly meeting

Israel to construct 3,300 new settlement units in Jerusalem

Israeli police injures 5 Palestinians in brutal attack in Jerusalem

Israel destroys Khirbet Tana for fifth time

Settlers uproot 270 olive trees near Nablus

Helen Thomas shows no regret over anti-Israel comments

Mask of Zion: Part III Egypt

Fury after United States vetoes United Nations settlements resolution

Arab league condemns United States veto

United States veto of Arab-backed United Nations resolution on Israeli settlement condemned

Abbas to Peres: Negotiations resume when settlements stop

Palestine: Work toward two-state solution to continue despite failed draft resolution

Palestine Liberation Organization to make fresh United Nations anti-settlement bid

Russia urges Israel to stop settlement building

Palestinians jailed in Egypt announce hunger strike demanding freedom

Jewish settlers attack Palestinian village

Army detains 12 at Beit Ummar rally

Mask of Zion: Part II Iraq

Al-Qintar: Syria a partner of resistance

Action alert: United States delays visa for Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions leader Barghouti

Request to Egypt to open the Rafah crossing

Demanding justice for Haitham Amer, tortured by Palestinian Authority

United States government uses veto, supports Israeli settlements

AIPAC applauds United States government veto of settlement resolution

Human Rights Watch blasts settlements veto

China opposes Israel's settlements construction in occupied Palestinian territory

Army demolishes a mosque near Tubas

Israeli troops arrest five Palestinians in the West Bank

Israeli occupation injure a number of protesters, one of them seriously

Notices of land confiscation to the west of al-Khalil

Abbas rejects United States bid to halt United Nations settler vote

Millions of Egyptians celebrate victory, emphasize demands

Millions call for civilian rule in Egypt