










Role-Playing Game Worlds

     Whether you are looking for an escape from a humdrum life, which you shouldn't have if you are involved with us, or looking for something fun to do with a group of friends, then maybe role-playing is for you. You can be a stout cleric, a swashbuckling pirate, a resourceful spy, a brave cowboy or a daring rogue in a future that is either bleak or grand, and that's just some of the settings you can be part of. You can have it from two players to a decent size party of adventurers. As a player it is your imagination that furthers the story, it is you that dictates your actions, where you go and what you do, then it goes to the gm, game master, to determine if your efforts are successful and what happens because of what you do. All you need to rpg is the relevant book, some dice, a pencil and a character sheet, the rest is all whatever you envision
     Having not been part of an rpg group for many years, i did enjoy it very much when i was, now i mostly just like reading the books and sometimes making characters, i would love to play again but it would have to depend on having the right gm. Owning a good amount of rpg books i decided it would be nice to write about, it may encourage you to check out the pastime or give you more of an idea about it. As always do what you need to first, this is only for after your contributions. With that in mind i will start writing about the books i have and the ones i find, hope you consider looking into rpg-ing as well

Pathfinder v1.5
Company: Paizo
-This rulebook is a playtest version that was published as an experimental bridge between first edition and second, which is why i put v1.5. To let you know Dungeons and Dragons is still the better rpg option. As for playtest, this is not playing nor is this a test, this is a dire situation and is for real all the time. Lives and the fate of much of the world is at stake here, no time for play or testing. What is your path to find in life? What is your destiny? You aren't realizing it right now, each of us has our life to live and should make the best of it, do so by forging your own path, one where it is you doing the accomplishments. What i want is to see you kicking Zionist ass, every time all the time. Thanks for the accolades but what i mentioned is what i want of you. i try and push you to that with every ounce of my body but you keep reverting, don't do that, take me for granted, live your destiny to the best of your ability, that is what you should be doing. This is about being a pathfinder, whether that be abolishing the federal reserve (may i suggest that), or curing cancer, or serving the best damn smoked meat sandwich your customer could eat, you have routes to take, choose wisely at every opportunity. No more acclaim, i am just doing my part which is what you need to do as well, and if we all are on task then we will be doing so much better, support all of us, with motivation and aid of whatever you can provide, but recognize that this is a group effort not one sole individual's project, share the love. i know that this was designed to happen this way but we are past that part and have made it to the next phase, hopefully where everyone gets involved, i will continue with what i am doing but you all do your contribution as well. What has been being done is the easy way, it got us this far, but now is where it gets difficult, now is where it's every man and woman at full steam ahead, working together with others cooperatively and in tandem. This, this is what i want, i both appreciate and am in awe of your support but we can't continue to advance without a major change in the status quo. Instead of praise for the author go with the content of what is put forward, go with what is being said not who said it. i'm not trying to be ungrateful, this is for the betterment of us all and is something that needs to happen for us to get anything done, more so. There are many deserving of praise, show them some love or at least love for those fighting for us as a whole. Thank you, for every mention, it is what we needed, but now we are into the next stage of action, and that is what should be hurrahed, action. Again, this won't change what i do, this will just hopefully change what you do. A long time ago i said just do your own thing, your own destiny fulfillment, and after just give me a thumbs up, and i reiterate that motion. Do not take the easy route, take the harder path, that means you standing up yourself, well, not by yourself, everyone will be doing their part also if everything goes right. You keep busy, and on topic, rinse and repeat, day after day. There is so much to do, even so much to say, you will have your time cut out for you doing both of those. Perhaps you will do so well that you will get praise yourself, or at least you will know the difference you've made in people's lives, they do say virtue is it's own reward. Find your path and follow it, you will have an epic in it's own way story to tell people, and to quote The Tragically Hip once more no one's interested in something you didn't do. i'll be here, doing what i can, and you be there, doing what you can

Other Dust
Company: Sine Nomine Publishing
-Bought this because of the apocalyptic setting and it turns out it is much more in depth than just that, there are many otherworldly aspects to this as well, something i wish wasn't the case but the game looks very solid nonetheless and stands on it's own merits. Unfortunately an asteroid doomsday scenario is not fiction, it happened to the dinosaurs but at least look how long they survived until then, if we last even a bit longer we will be able to circumvent our own demise with human innovation. And that is also something we need to be working on, in the open not put aside because of the uncomfortable nature of the subject, they realize that the end of the world is bad for business. This needs to be a priority, but we can do it. Bomb, laser, or otherwise shifting the trajectory will accomplish what we need. What if we can't make it in time? Then we go underground, we won't all be able to but enough of us will that we can save humanity. We are even almost at the point where we can start civilization anew on a different planet. That's the thing, we need to prepare, whether by redirecting an asteroid, getting ready for eventual impact, or leaving a doomed planet for another one if that's required. Right now no one talks about this issue, that needs to change, maybe then we will get some people the funding they need to study, develop and instate mechanisms. Do they already know of an incoming impact? Maybe, if so we'd better get on the solutions even quicker. If it were revealed that in 150 years from now there would be this event it would drastically alter people's habits and behaviour, probably for the worse, so any information needs to be revealed alongside the plans of action about what we are doing in response. However, while they do know every planet and asteroid's course in our galaxy for years to come someone would have said something about this, so hopefully we have a good while to work on a fix to the inevitable problem. Maybe there will be a way to stay on the top of the Earth, in pods, because we can't fit everyone underground. The way i understand the event would take place is that when an asteroid hits it creates a huge global dust cloud blocking out the Sun, which causes all the plant life to die, which then causes all the animals that eat plants to die, and then all the carnivores go as well. So it's not that the asteroid hits and kills us outright but over time. If you are looking for a good read i might suggest Cormac McCarthy's The Road, also made into a movie, that is the most realistic depiction of the topic. My main desire here is that we need to have mass knowledge about this not for it to be shunned away, then we can all work feverishly to avoid the destined outcome

Ninjas & Superspies
Company: Palladium Books
-As said i would pick up Palladium Games books if for the right price, and i traded for this one so is acceptable with me. i have fond memories of this book and will be nice to revisit the setting. Combining both ninjas and the espionage genre is pretty sweet, i will try and disregard the Zionist undertones inevitably included in this book, shuriken's as star's of David? i see you. While i don't encounter ninjas i do encounter spies, Mossad covert operatives, because of what i do, you aspire to be doing good enough that you warrant having spies detailed to you. Just be aware that you very well may have that happen depending what you are doing for our cause. While i do have this book i will probably go with Spycraft when able, still, am happy regardless to have this. If you like spy movies, imagine yourself in one, being a star protagonist, because you really can be. Become involved in this sweeping plot of world domination, and trying to stop the villains from achieving such. The stakes are high, and the rewards more so, for you and the fate of global well being. i warn you there are risks involved, but you can be smart about what you do, it is worth sacrificing yourself for our goals to be reached but hopefully you can avoid that happening, be able to help either way regardless. We need your bravery, diligence and expertise, be ready to provide all three. Just as you stand up for others have it so others can stand up for you, be visible and be known, you've got to make sure you're connected as the Stereo MC's proclaimed. So are you up for it? People are waiting on you, what can you provide? Whatever it is be outspoken in words and purposeful in deeds and stick with it

d20 Modern
Company: Wizards of the Coast
-Treated myself to this as it is one of the main games i've been looking to get and couldn't be happier with it. i am also very happy that it is a lot about the gaming implications, was kind of disappointed with some Gurps sourcebooks for being more just about setting and such than actual usage and implementation, which i will not disparage the great Gurps system because of. In this you can be any sort of character of any given profession which many of the more fun for gaming ones are detailed. You can make a character like yourself or make one however you would like to be. Being set in the present you are familiar with the surroundings and customs, only this time you can let your imagination take you on fantastic adventures in this modern time. What is modern? In human terms i'd say a decade or two, the present is the current, but the modern encompasses a long string of moments, days and onward back for a decent amount of our existence. The past is woven from what we do at the moment, and what we do in the moment shapes how the future unfolds, all the past is is the history of what we have done, and as we choose our actions we create a history that leads our present into what we desire for our upcoming lives. What we aim to create is a safe, prosperous and enjoyable future for ourselves and others, and to do so we make choices that lead in that direction, sometimes we are blocked by those that wish the road only for themselves, not allowing us to travel the same route of bounty, we must make it through that to continue on our journey along that path. You have an invisible character sheet that is logging your progress, feats and accumulations, you can kind of tabulate your own, and if you need to make some beneficial adjustments to better the characteristics feel free. In role-playing you can be who you want, in life you sometimes have barriers to your dream job, partner, home... here you can live out your fantasies, your imagination is the original virtual reality and here you are not limited by the constraints of a program. You can live your life as you would were you to always make the right decisions like virtually, only with real-life rewards from your goodness not just points let's say. If you were to write down your day to day life as if writing your character sheet how would it look? Do you want to improve on it? Because you can, these are pencil/paper rpgs not pen/paper, increase your knowledge? Add. Gain in strength? Add. Pick up a cool item? Add. Others may have your sheet as a resume of life, visible to them as well, better make it good. Modern is current and back about a decade for us, but remember that previous decades shaped where we are now, and what we do now although instantly becoming the past shapes how our future will be, personally, as a society, and in how we affect our surroundings and planet. While we should live in the present, making the best choices we can, we need to learn from what has transpired not only in our own past but in the times before us. Then the past and the present will combine to dictate the future, for us and everything we affected in one way or another

Top Secret
Company: TSR
-Now this is my style, an espionage game by d&d makers tsr, have never tried it but would love to. Zion thrives in secrecy, so we must expose all we can, the money, the media ownership, the music forcing, and everything else we can talk about as there is a lot to. The opposition cannot operate in the visible light, so when you have the opportunity bring them to such. There is no good in what they do, it all has negative consequences for us, which is why they try and keep it hidden. If everyone knew it would be tar and feathers all around, let's advance that future state of awareness. You have limited time each day, you sleep, you eat, you work doing whatever, may i suggest that in your time where you can make a difference that you stay on topic, not the easy way, the brave way, always

Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition > Lankhmar City of Adventure
Company: TSR
-When searching Lankhmar it brings up Fritz Leiber, who was a Jewish fantasy writer, i will refrain from disparaging tsr for such as for now. Instead i will just let you know that a search for Lankhmar name for instance, will almost always bring back whether the name is of Jewish origin. Similarly a search of Fritz Lieber Jewish will always bring a result of that particular person's heritage or involvements. This is an invaluable tool in our determinations, and much of the time whether to give credence to a certain project of any sort. For example, before buying a movie i check the writer and director for their ethnicity, with no other purpose than looking for Jewish names attached, other races get a pass. There may be the odd alright one by someone of theirs but that is not often. And that is the point, not often is it untrue, Jews stick together and have shared desires, resulting in communal behaviour from the same corrupt viewpoint. While my list of Jewish names is by no means complete it is a start in your right direction, and i encourage you to check those involved in whatever media you are thinking about consuming, to avoid letting those with bad intentions into your thought process

Gurps 3rd edition + Characters, Operation Endgame, Martial Arts, Ultratech, Blood Types, Magic
Company: SJG
-So you remember what i was saying about you being able to be anyone you want in whatever setting in rpg games right? Well with Gurps you can do just that all in one system, any time, any place. There is the main book which covers the basics and then there are many sourcebooks which detail particular subjects. Because of this Gurps is one of the best rpg's to play, even allowing for multiple settings in one campaign with the same characters. With Gurps you can just jump in to any character and situation, whereas with life it much of the time requires great effort to become someone with the training and credentials to assume a certain role. So if you want to be any sort of person with any sort of profession you can dive into this rpg to indulge in just that. This system really is one of the best, so very recommended, there is enough content to satisfy even the most hardened of rpg enthusiasts as well as also being a great starting place for beginners. So get your pencil and character sheet ready because this game, and similar, may just be something you enjoy greatly

In Nomine
Company: SJG
-About angels and demons this game follows the Christian mythos, and looks very interesting indeed. Personally i would rather play an angel than a demon but you can choose either, or neither, and just be someone in that world. This isn't constrained to this rpg, you can make positive, or negative, choices in real life also, sometimes the issue is murky, but as long as you are helping us, as with against the Zionist demons, you may be angelic, especially to those you save from them. Now, while Zion is a league of demons not all that share the bloodline are, they sure don't speak up about the harm their kin are doing to us though, but sure there are some good ones, they are the ones being used as human shields, they bet you won't go through with the process because of such, however the whole group either aids, abets, or is involved with what is being done. Being an angel isn't always easy, you will have to make difficult decisions, at least one in this instance, i made mine a long time ago, and so have many others who want to help you with yours. The demons laugh and cackle at your suffering, as they also do with the music they force. Show them you are strong and resilient, capable of taking them on, because you are or can become. Everything is about this, because everything has always been affected, now it is all encompassing, don't let everyone ever involved down. It may be hard to get through, but not going through it would be worse and the worst for the future of all mankind

Talisman Adventures
Company: Pegasus Spiele
-Based on the amazing board game that i really like, especially 2nd edition by Games Workshop, this game is a new type of venture for the series. Talismans are supposed to provide good fortune, but you are in charge of your own returns, you reap what you sow is the phrase. So keep behaving positively and you will receive the same back, sometimes a unaccounted for factor presents itself in a terrible way to your niceness, cancer, a mugger, Zion... and then you have to deal with that, this is something we all have to face, in addition to helping others who are in the same situation. A talisman is fine to clutch, it puts out positive vibes, but you follow that lead and do the same with effort, or effortlessly if so blessed. Have a talisman in your mind, guiding you, helping you day to day in every interaction it is needed. Everyone will need a happy place, for one we have the music from before it started getting forced, and don't count on most radio stations to provide that, as good ones are far and few between so you'd most likely be letting the enemy in your ear. Look to the future and how well we will be without what is being done now, and do not falter. If nothing is done what they are doing will continue, and we can't live with that. Look around, take a mental snapshot of our current state, let that stay with you through hard times, let that be motivation to stop them forever, as what they have been doing has been going on for a long, long, time with no abeyance, other than for the nations that exiled them, they got a brief repose, but here we are yet again, enough. Let your virtual talisman affect your conscience in a positive way. i know for one my conscience is just fine with what we have to do, and hope you feel the same with yours

Call of Cthulhu
Company: Chaosium Inc.
-Based on the H.P. Lovecraft short story written in 1926 and published in 1928 this work is now public domain, the author even encouraged others to take up the mythos with their own interpretations. i am going in this direction because i received a copyright notice, two in fact today, for the ps2 games Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, which is similar in theme to the mentioned book i suppose. Now, i believe i already have these physically for ps2, so am allowed a backup copy, the reason for downloading was to try the games on a ps2 emulator on computer, in addition to having the actual ps2 games i have the series of Resident Evil games multiple times digitally and physically for different systems. i diligently search for games for instance physically or digitally on sale and have no qualms about buying content, as you can see from my music, movie and game sections of my website. i am an active consumer and purchase the vast majority of media i have. It's unfortunate that the copyright notifications are for Capcom games as they are my favourite developers, of which i own most all of their games already. You see how i am with media, i like owning such, and try to stay on the good side of copyrights as much as possible or on a case by case basis depending. So, i will try and give the piracy a bit of a reprieve and restore my adherence to doing things the legit way again, which i still do anyhow, buying all my content other than the occasional leeway i give myself. So apologies to my beloved Capcom, whom i buy much of their games in multiple formats and platforms, i will try and stay true as possible to respecting copyrights for companies i admire from now on. What would i suggest to you? Do what you feel is alright, content creators work hard at making products, art, and spend sometimes years making something, i believe they are deserving of the money asked. Is piracy stealing? At the very least it is a loophole to paying, and the creator gets nothing from you yet you get to consume their great efforts. i have put a lot into my site, and just so you know you can utilize anything i've done on such as freely as you want, as long as you give me the proper credit as author. Some who make content don't mind you sharing, others do, try to keep that in mind and respect their wishes. i also am poor yet find a way to buy thrifted or on sale, and if i can somewhat afford it then you can also. It's kind of fun being legit and seeing how well you can do. To each their own and their varying degrees find your happy medium or even happy abstention from piracy

Dungeons & Dragons > Arabian Adventures, Oriental Adventures
Company: TSR/Wizard's of the Coast
-These are two of my fave settings, i put them together because they share the suffix and idea of adventures. The reason they are from two companies is that WotC bought TSR in 1997, a great purchase and making it still run by a fantastic entity of ours. Wizards of the Coast as you may know is the maker of Magic the Gathering, a card game close to my heart, and although i haven't played much MtG recently as have been more into Lorcana i still love the game and look forward to playing it whenever possible. As for adventuring, add a bit of spice to yours, get involved and do what you can to help, you can do so for any place in the world, well except Israel, the rest of us can all join together to tackle issues like that. While i have no plans to travel it sure would be nice to visit these locations, each being quite different than the other but equally steeped in history. Travelling would be nice but i will leave that to you if you want, becoming enriched in foreign customs and scenery, i guess it's just not in the cards so to speak for me. However you can study and admire other nationalities from the comfort of your own home, that may be preferable to many, in other countries there is also the language barrier but there is technology to help with that. My adventures are at the thrift stores and at home on my computer, perhaps not as exciting as travelling abroad or nearby but fun nonetheless. In fact it may be more productive than otherwise, but it's different and not really comparable. Are your adventures in travel, local or stationary, because life itself is an adventure, filled with heroes, villains and challenges, what will your story be?

D20 Modern > Future Tech
Company: Wizards of the Coast
-This is a sourcebook for the d20 Modern core rulebook that i do not have but is one i am so looking forward to picking up. As you can imagine it is set in current time, which is a really fun premise to play in. An alternate life where you can be anyone you want, without the constraints of actuality. As for future tech we will see some amazing advancements, ones beyond our imagination and the realization of ones we dream of right now. The tech we have right now is not to be discounted either, we can do some great things unthinkable in even recent years past, advancing at an unbelievable speed and only getting faster. We've got to watch what we do though, like with a.i. but also weapons of war which could doom our planet. What will the future bring technology-wise? We'll have to eagerly wait and see. Personally i would like there to be an instant dna analyzer

Company: Paizo Publishing
-The condition of this book is terrible, missing the side and back of the cover, this is equalled by the condition of the agenda here. There is a Pathfinder video game which features the standard stars of David, this makes me very hesitant about this rpg. If i find Pathfinder or Palladium rpg books, for five dollars that is, i have decided, or at least on a case by case basis, to buy them, at worst i can trade them for other rpg books. There's a Marvel rpg book for sale that am skipping on, but if i see it for again five dollars i may pick it up. Your list of do not buy can be as stringent or as loose as you like, but i would suggest you lean closer to the do not tolerate column in most all instances. i've been holding steady on my rejection of Warner Bros. material, and am happier to be doing so, i also maintain my refusal to buy video games by specific companies, that is intact. So whatever your mental list of Zionist entities to avoid is do your best to stick by it

Outbreak: Undead
Company: Hunters
-Hopefully this is better agenda-wise than Palladium's Dead Reign. i like the setting and theme of this without any political or social commentary either way, just as it is literally. It's an interesting concept the undead, one of my fave movies, The Serpent and the Rainbow deals with the topic in a more realistic manner, and without any aforementioned commentary which plagues movies of the genre especially by the opposition. However one of ours in the video game realm is the Resident Evil franchise, not the movies, not the netflix series, just the video games, which are so good

Company: White Wolf Game Studio
-Chosen by the Gods to smite their enemies the exalted ruled the Earth, and now just like them you have been chosen to rout out the evil-doers. This rpg looks fun and White Wolf is a great publisher, so win-win. We have the exalted here, those of high stature who protect and defend us, support them however you can, and with your help they will be able to continue to do so. Join the exalted, you get there through action, then after a certain amount of contributions you may be among their ranks. It's not about titles though, it is about doing these things for the benefit of others not yourself, it is to help those in bad situations, which many are in currently. If you do help, you will be recognized, whether on a large scale or small you can rest easy knowing that you made someone's life better

Shadowrun 4th Edition + Survival of the Fittest, Magic in the Shadows, Shadowrun Companion, Shadowtech
Company: FASA Corporation
-The term Shadowrun is about miscreants in the future setting running from shadow to shadow utilizing their tech gear in either righteous or untoward manners, i would play the former. We thankfully have computer geniuses on our side here and now, as well as those simply proficient of course. i hope hackers for instance use their skills to help our side, as well as everyone else with a computer should. Technology is advancing so very quickly, i don't doubt that we will actually be living in a world like Shadowrun envisions, it sure will be interesting. Life will kind of be put on pause though, for a while anyhow during the matters we must attend to, so the Shadowrun living will probably be a ways away. Technology is a double edged sword, it can help immensely or be detrimental to society, it would be nice if everyone took up high morals and stopped the scams, i don't foresee that happening or at least not fully but maybe after a while our goodness will overtake them and they too will be benevolent human beings

Dead Reign + Civilization Gone, Dark Places, Endless Dead
Company: Palladium Books
-So i bought this from someone and didn't notice until later that this is by Palladium, a Zionist company also known for Rifts, TMNT, Palladium RPG, Ninja's and Superspies and Beyond the Supernatural. Now, i used to play Rifts in high school, at the time it was fine and fun, and maybe you can play a campaign without worry, but when every detail put forward has negative intent that makes it difficult. Add to that it is an rpg about Zombies done by a Zionist source, fun? i wanted to include these books in the write-ups to warn you that in rpg-ing there are also companies to watch out for similar to video games or movies. Although Ninja's and Superspies, which i have read and always wanted to play, looks great on the surface it being by a corrupt company makes it lower on the list of what to try. Instead i will continue looking for Spycraft, showing that for every project by the opposition we have our own alternative, it may not always be as fancy but is available, and if you could try to support our own initiatives by encouraging people to try/migrate to products, platforms and everything else by us not Zion as the intentions of both couldn't be more different

Warhammer Fantasy RolePlay + Warhammer City
Company: Games Workshop/Black Industries
-If you are looking for an alternative to D&D this would be the one for you, it is by Games Workshop which is a fantastic company known also for their in depth war miniatures that you play with on terrain in a tactics, to use a video game term, type of way. The sourcebook i have for this, Warhammer City, should be great, i really like city settings in rpg's, lots going on and such. With the third edition of this product it went much more for accessories, which is fine and still should be fun but as with D&D if you want just paper pencil style go with an earlier version. Games Workshop are also the ones behind the first few iterations of the board game Talisman, which is kind of rpg-ish and one of my favourites, of that there are two computer games, Talisman Digital Edition and Origins. And.. there is an rpg rulebook i picked up of Talisman which i will get to another time. All in all both Games Workshop and Wizard's of the Coast are great game makers, so whichever you choose to go with you won't be disappointed

Mechwarrior 3rd Edition
Company: FASA
-We spoke about Shadowrun's vision of the future, and i think it's safe to say we won't see mechs, not like these ones anyhow, anytime soon. And hey, you never know, maybe just maybe we will have no need for these or any type of armaments anymore, if we can globally come to agreement on the small workable issues we have with each other. Guns kill, so will mechs, instead of constantly building more proficient ways to kill people we should develop ways to get along, it's not a far fetched idea as we don't really have much against each other, it's just that pesky opposition that pits us into wars, without them we have no substantial qualms and can realize world peace. Every war we've had Israel has been involved in one way or another, with their media, their money and their pocketed politicians. War makes them profit, that is the reason we have wars. Israel's United States is under Zionist control, and they get sent after Israel's enemies, more war for Israel's interests, there's a pattern here and it's been going on for centuries

Vampire: The Masquerade
Company: White Wolf Game Studio
-Definitely an interesting very much story driven game, this rpg can incorporate larping, live action role-playing, where you physically act out what your character is doing, much of the time in costume and with props, am sure it's fun, it's not for me but have at it. You're going to need to act out your actions as well, make real your story, for progress and posterity. Role-playing is fun but also play your role, you have so much to do, there's a balance you can have but stick to your priorities first. As for the real life vampire masquerade they do feign goodness once in a while, it doesn't last long though then they are right back at their propaganda, threats and actual crimes. See through the masquerade, know what's being attempted as it's happening, be skeptical and on guard at all times as nothing they put forward is good even when it may seem so. Their intent can be disguised, but it is there for the wise to see, it is up to us to expose and point out these deceptions of all sorts to the uninitiated, so that they learn to see as well

Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 > Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master's Guide
Company: Wizards of the Coast
-Figured to start with the rpg series that originated the entire concept of role-playing, D&D was a game of pencil and paper, but after 3.5 they started to incorporate miniatures, from what i hear from a friend those are optional, but to me the best version is 3.5 where it is nothing but your imagination. In addition to the three core books there are sourcebooks, additional rules, information, item's, spells, locations, themes and settings, for if you want to delve deeper into a certain subject. Then you have something else i really like, modules, ready-made adventures for a gm to run a campaign on, everything needed to have a full fledged story to be part of. Sourcebooks and modules like these are also in other rpg games. As said i have a friend into D&D and she goes every Friday to get together with friends to play such, likes it very much as well. For those who like the idea and setting of this game but not sure about diving into it right away there are some great board games by the company that involve miniatures but are really fun, such as Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, The Legend of Drizzt among others, there are also ones for beginners or casual family play if these too are a bit in depth. D&D is still going strong, maybe more than it ever has been, and good for them and WotC as it is a wonderful game and community to be part of. There are so many books it can be overwhelming but just pick up the ones along the lines of what you are most interested in learning more about and having in your adventures but overall the main three core rulebooks are all you need for untold hours of role-playing fun