










Video Game Side Notes

     Adventures in buying music was a lot of fun however i sold/donated most of the albums i had only keeping my very very favourite ones and have stopped buying any more so am not able to write that music blog anymore for the most part. i was hesitant to start this particular page because i don't want to endorse playing video games when there is so much for us to do, so always do your part to help before you settle into one. As long as you are doing some good each day feel fine about having some fun gaming in your spare time afterwards
     Most of the games i have are digital not physical, a mix of both but more the former. So i have a few systems as my main belongings and like having them, have always been into gaming since Atari and Commodore 64, nowadays i don't game for extended periods of time per day but always enjoy when i do. This page will be just whatever i pick up and/or are currently getting into or trying as opposed to writing all at once about every game i have. Wasn't sure what to call this section so went with Video Game Side Notes to get the intention mentioned right away, please do what you can to help however you feel fit and then do some gaming for fun afterwards

Dirt 2
System: PSP
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Sumo Digital/Codemasters
-As you may know i am a fan of off-road racing games, other racing games can be very fun as well but for me off-road is where it's at. Everybody has their likes, and while i may not share someone else's particular enjoyment i do appreciate the topic, for example while looking through t-shirts at the thrifts i sometimes see one of let's say Pokemon, and although am not a fan i do think to myself that that would be pretty nice for someone who is. The aforementioned word is appreciation. There are so many different pastimes and fandoms with all sorts of people for each, so have fun and enjoy. There's a new tv show titled Mark Mckinney Needs A Hobby, where he goes around and speaks with different enthusiasts to see if their passion is something he also would like, i would be surprised if there are people without already having specialized interests but if you happen to be one definitely just take whatever you do in your spare time and expand your sphere of knowledge about that to find a related activity involving that, or be like Mark Mckinney and try out all sorts of whatever looks to be just plain fun. If you work all day and just have time to eat and sleep at least you probably have the weekend to let loose and play. For me i have a few hobbies, card games, video games, i'd like to get into board games, there is seeming to be a pattern there but that's okay those are all enjoyable and in different ways. You know what, i think thrifting is also a hobby, i love doing it and it takes up time in my life, maybe that's my main thing, and it leads to all sorts of other hobbies and continuation of existing hobbies from that. It is social as i have friends i shop with and the nice staff that works at those places i feel friends with as well. When younger my family, mother, father, me, always went to garage sales and such so it has been ingrained on me for a long time now. It's not as easy to bargain at thrift stores but i try sometimes. Having a hobby gives you something to look forward to doing, i don't know if i'd consider this website as a hobby of mine, would probably not give it that title but i do enjoy it as well. Whatever you do in your spare time i hope you more than consider spending some of that on our topic, as it affects everyone gravely

Europa Universalis IV: Starter Edition
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Paradox Interactive
-From the earliest beginning of mankind the world has been advanced by starters, everything including medical, technological, even revolutions have been realized through people with ideas. Small aspirations to large we have been constantly innovating and improving, generally making others' situations better at least that is the best motivation. You may already be or can be a starter in any field you wish. What are your interests and what might you be inspired to build, in any manner of the word. A social group? A 3d printer schematic? Media? The list is as long as there are people and then some, you can imagine anything and either join with others or be solo in constructing what you dream. Some people's life's work is on a project of some form, that is their contribution, maybe they create multiple, you can be eternal with your addition to the world no matter the size of your impact. There is the old adage for chaos theory, where a butterfly flapping it's wings in one area causes the formation of a tornado in another, and the point is true, what you do can make a huge difference, you just need to start what you want to make and give it your best attention. Maybe you are part of a community that has a shared vision, how can you make that group better and further your goals? That is just as noble and the help you give and receive makes the result easier to achieve. You create constantly just on different scales, sometimes you may not even notice, but what you do affects the people around you, might as well understand that and make the best out of everything you do for others' benefit

Jupiter Hell
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: ChaosForge/Hyperstrange
-Jupiter ascending? Jupiter descending. This game is sort of tactical, it is turn based just not in the way am familiar with. Being set on the moons of Jupiter, you are against hordes of evil monstrosities, and the game does look to be on our side. Hopefully by the time we colonize a moon of Jupiter we will have this current problem resolved. Speaking of which just a day or two ago there was a rocket launched with the goal of finding out more about the relevant moon Europa, that apparently is covered in a layer of ice with water underneath, maybe screw Earth's moon and Mars and go for Europa. To start with anyhow. i wonder what life is under that ice and in said water. As alluded to Jupiter is a Jewish reference, hence the opening statement about a movie of theirs. To those who know, we are living in a Jewish created hell, to those that don't know they sense there is something wrong with the system they just don't know the specifics. This imposed hell can be nullified for maybe us but more importantly future generations. It won't be easy, getting out of hell, but that is what we have to expect. Those that don't know right now will be enlightened hopefully by you, and you can explain why they are miserable, which has many aspects to the reasons. Get rid of Jupiter hell and go towards galactic bliss

Sudden Strike Gold
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Fireglow/Strategy First
-Having SS2 & SS3 figured i might as well pick up the first one being only two fifty or so and the series looks fun for sure. Ed Sheeran sang about love in slow motion but let's pick up the pace a bit here. This has been a long time coming and we have to get ourselves organized and operational asap, the longer we wait the worse it gets and the more entrenched they become. Yes we are making headway but we need to nip everything new in the bud right away and as it happens, all the while deconstructing what they have amassed so far before now, i'd say continue deconstructing but we have been lax in our efforts and have to actually start taking action through legal and political means, to actualize our desires not just wish them to happen because it won't get done otherwise. So much to do, and so many of us to do it, if you can't help directly you could help swell our ranks, being the light for eyes that don't notice as of yet, that is just as admirable. We need to be in a constant state of sudden, have a sense of urgency because it is. Fake news story? Sudden. False flag attack? Sudden. Life of ours lost to them? Sudden. Keep on top of things and press the issues at every available instance, we have to stay focused and determined if we want results. Actions are needed on our side if we want any hope of counteracting what they are doing on theirs

Worms: Armageddon
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Team17/Microprose
-The fourth Worms game i buy, this is the main one for me. At full price i would be pickier with my game purchases but when on sale for eighty percent off or more i feel i can splurge a bit. That means i cannot buy full price recently released games but it's not that long before those do get discounted as well. It really is great saving money, makes your dollar stretch more in difficult times, but don't be mistaken, these difficult times are not random, they are, in America, because of the federal reserve which depreciates the dollar's worth. Other nations are doing better, let's get America fixed though, if they want to help themselves also. What has become of the United States is a warning to other countries, if there is to be a one world bank, that is what is plotted but we cannot allow that to happen. No more fractional reserve banking, instead money must be backed by precious metals, gold, silver, to have worth instead of debt notes of unbacked pieces of paper. Again, remember, inflation is not things getting more expensive, it is the dollar being worth less. And if America isn't careful it's dollar will be worthless. i am poor, but make up for it by going to thrift stores and being thrifty. And am happy. But imagine how happy and prosperous you would be with a stable financial system, strive towards that those who can affect change in any way. Once the U.S. National debt reaches the point where the interest owed is more than the annual gdp that means people will be working towards paying taxes forever on an unpayable debt, slavery. And you see how inflation is increasing, it will not sway towards our favor unless swayed by us

Worms: United
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Team17/Ocean
-The reviews for this are stellar and it does look really fun, a classic worms game which from what slight amount have played before was very enjoyable. It was between this and Worms 2 and chose this one, the compatibility is better and gameplay is somewhat more standard for the series. i already spoke about two other Worms games so here will mention about United, which we need to be. Being united with our allies is a given, and Israel is not our ally as they work tirelessly against us, the thought of them being on our side is absurd and even detrimental to purport that since it hinders the kin of ours who believe so. When a media is praised by a Zionist source it is always negative for us, alternately when a media is scorned by a Zionist source it is most always something good for us, i relate this to countries, when Iran for instance is demonized by Zion it is most always in our best interests to consider their actual position in our battle against Israel. Iran also wants to stymie their advance not only in the Middle-East but against the world. Iran is not against America other than the fact that America is helping Israel, Iran's sole goal is against Israel no one else in the world, making Iran our ally and deserved of our help. We all need to be allied against Israel and then the international Jews, as it is they who declared war on us Gentiles, coining us that which means non-Jews, the world has been divided as such by them, so Gentiles be united, worldwide, as we are all victims and plotted to be victims. Nations aiding Israel need to stop, not only stopping to send foreign and military aid but in their tone and verbal alliance, Israel are not only the wrong-doers in the Middle-East but have no benefit to others around the globe either, quite the opposite. We can unite and oppose what they are doing, you see their actions now we need to stop them from doing so, together. The rest of the world are not against each other, we are only being pitted against one another for loan profits, without that as a reason we can join to help other nations, even ones hostile to one another currently. The differences we have are marginal and can be overcome, agreed upon in deliberations when needed, we share more than we don't so let's work out the minuscule points and join together against the one thing and the one group that harms us all, the protocols and everything else it entails, and those who practition it

Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark
System: XBone
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: 6 Eyes Studio/1C Entertainment
-Being a fan of these tactics style games this i've been looking at and finally decided to pick it up. This is the first game by this developer and i look forward to more and hopefully a sequel to Fell Seal. The arbiters are a group tasked by the immortals to keep rule in the land, so they scour to oust “bandits, unruly monsters, and crooked officials” which is what we all should be doing. Every one of us has more power than we think, it's just to make use of it. Consider yourself an arbiter, of global situations, then step in and help to the best of your ability. What's even better is joining with others who also are arbiters, by name or deed, and together doing double, triple, more the good. It's not me selecting you, it's those you can potentially help selecting you, may i humbly suggest you help against Zion until that is resolved. Of course there are other issues to help with, many in fact, so you choose where you can best apply yourself to, Zion is just my and many others' focus, join against that if you'd like, you are needed

Aeterna Noctis
System: XBone
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Aeternum Game Studios
-This looks really good albeit really difficult, don't let difficult situations stop you from trying though. Here the Creator is the almighty Chaos who made the universe and the world of Aeterna, in which after peoples' war resulted in their ranks there was appointed Queen of Light and King of Darkness to battle eternal, i think we have both and the opposition neither, they do not deserve either. As for chaos, chaos is free will, we change the outcomes of situations with whatever we do, so we better always make the best decisions, even then others' actions affect yours and so forth. So we do what we can and hope it goes well, it's not guaranteed but we try. There's the thought, i have a fifty percent chance to win the lottery, either i win or i lose, fifty/fifty, however other factors adjust that ratio, if i were to buy more than one ticket with another number on it i have a better chance, and so forth. In this we all affect an outcome, and if many people do the same thing it alters what happens. We can use this to our advantage, with a major shift in activity the probability of an occurrence magnifies, so if we all work together the shared desired outcome is more likely to take effect. What am saying is the more factors at play the more likely something is going to happen or not, so me alone cannot make our dreams come true, but with you and you and you involved we have a better ability for it to happen. One person voting for Kamala Harris isn't going to do much, but millions upon millions does, if that's something you want to help with more power to you. Zionism being defeated? Either it will or it won't, but what you do affects that outcome

Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War
System: PS3
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Omega Force/Koei
-Alright! A game by Koei, one of my fave companies. This is about leaders and mercenaries in 14th century France, you of course play a leader. As for more recently The Tragically Hip sang how the opposition is Ahead by a Century, this war has really been going on for a much longer time but they were talking about the protocols specifically. The protocols are a culmination of their learning's against us and how to ruin our world for their sole benefit. Other than that we are now the ones ahead by a century, when dealing with actual advancements not global reversion. For us to continue advancing we need to stifle what is being done by them, because everything they currently hold affects what we do in a negative manner. In 1394, King Charles VI of France expelled the Jews who were not to resettle there til the 1700's, this has been the case with everywhere they have inhabited, not because of their religion but because of their actions. In fact this has never been about their religion but their harm to those cohabiting near them. Was the Hundred Years' War because of the Jews? If history teaches anything then most likely they were involved in one way or another as that is the standard of what has transpired. America was even warned about the admission of Jews to the new country, and look what happened there. If we are to start a movement maybe that would be a place to begin, outsourcing our problems not to inflict on another nation what is happening to us but to another nation to deal with. We have many decisions to make with multiple resolutions possible with each, but they all share the same end result, it's how to get there in the best possible way

Paper Sorcerer
System: Computer
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Ultra Runaway Games
-This game unfortunately looks to be by the opposition, i just like the premise of hand drawn paper aesthetic rpg's and this was only a dollar fifty so figured to give it a try, depending what you find out about a videogame this may not be the best choice, to try a game regardless, especially for more than a dollar fifty. The foremost indications are triangles and star's of David and such, v's... and of course the plot of the game, think about what side that is on. i spend sparsely on videogames so is not often a major loss, but i really feel for those who drop quite a bit for one that turns out no good. You've really got to do your homework. If you find a game or company is Zionist, and there are many, then let others know, especially if you are a reviewer, no matter which find some way to get the message across. While most radio stations are Zionist with few exceptions i am all for “guerrilla radio” (Rage Against the Machine) for our effort, theirs may intermittently feign goodness so you have to look at the track record and decide on the whole of their being, watch out for forced songs and songs of ours out of context, you should be able to know which is which. i just bring this up as a form of protest, to speak about not only videogames in this brash manner but all the topics we have to deal with relating to the opposition. Take control of both our media and theirs to the best of your ability, broadcast loudly. When you encounter Zionist media think about how nice it will be when it is just our media, and work towards achieving that. Zionists are few in number but amplified by their companies, as such we need strict media regulation as compared to how it is now, there is a lot you can do on this topic this and more so, and any help you can give to those currently unaware would be great. Getting resolutions passed in congress would also be a main goal we just need to get there

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
System: Computer
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Streum On Studio
-Without putting too much pressure on this game's developer's intentions it is looking to be a game of ours, and a good one at that. The graphics are nice, the story interesting and the added implementations fun. The suffix mancy usually denotes a study or practition of a given topic, gaining expertise and putting it to use. There are many smart learning tools for our youth nowadays, stem (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) toys and kits are a wonderful start, and will be instrumental skills now and onward. Teaching not only computer proficiency but the inner workings of the way everything doing it runs and how to make their own programs, games, websites and more should be taught as playtime, enjoyable, and knowledgeable being something to strive for. There are different types of intelligence which we all possess in different degrees, smart which is the speed we think at, imaginative which is our creative side, and as mentioned knowledgeable which is the information we have stored on different topics. Physically and in conjunction with the brain is motor skills and muscle memory, useful especially in sports, do not discount this it is a great proficiency to hone and the results are impressive. All of these and more can be exercised and improved with practice and use. As for cybermancy while some of us are not as proficient as would like it's not too late to learn, this is the time to do so considering the world will be all about computers and technology, even more so. And if you are fortunate enough to get to raise someone start them with the tools they will eventually and even immediately need to thrive in our digital landscape. We as a people have surpassed what the opposition has thought we could do, we are now the ones above them in many ways, have outgrown our simple docile ways and even in spite of the fluoride added to our water we have proven ourselves to be incredibly brilliant. When you take in all we have done and are doing it is awe inspiring, it inspires awe, deservedly so. Sure, a lot of people don't know they are being scammed by the opposition, it's just not something on their radar, once they know they will know, and it's up to us to inform them. The expression is that it's like riding a bike, and that goes for everything, after you have gained the knowledge and information about something it is ingrained in you. We are advancing so fast, and with so many people all working on the issues we face we can solve any problem that comes our way

Wipeout Pulse
System: PSP
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Studio Liverpool/Sony
-”The future is fast approaching” says the box of this fantastic game that am happy to have found. Hoping the future will be happy as well, i know it's better to have your pulse going than the alternative as a wise woman says in situations related. There is not only so many fun and great things to do now but just imagine the fun to be had coming up. Times may seem hard once in a while, but you can change your predicament for the better, leading to all sorts of wonderful experiences. Heck, even watching tv (the right channels/programs) can be worth it as many others around the globe do not have that privilege, and even they stick with their lives as well, it is a precious gift that you only get one of. There is of course medical intervention for severe cases but if you have the capacity to live do not give it up. Even just being able to think is a miracle of nature and evolution, cherish it. If you are distraught try and do fun things, there's no lack of that. Maybe just watch what you consume media wise as Zionist crap can make you unhappy, that's even one of it's intended purposes. Learning, laughing, interacting always picks you up, try and have those often. Remember the good times when you are not feeling your best, and think of your good times in the future that you will have. i know what we're going through will take it's toll on your mental health but it is for the benefit of everyone, keep that in mind, the light at the end of the tunnel. Do not feel lesser than, you are not, it is all relative and different for each, sometimes it's even better to not have what you think you might want, and you can be happy with your lot in life. You may have what someone else deeply desires for themselves, and they may have what you would like, but overall we each have a set amount of points to distribute and have to divvy them up, some given at birth others through living, you can also gain points, enjoy doing that as it is rewarding. You will also enjoy all the wonders we have ahead of us, really miraculous inventions and innovations, ones that truly alter our existence, drastically and for the better. For me, i know people who take vacations, go to conventions, theatres, restaurants... and i am very happy for them and their enjoyment, personally i other than thrifting like to stay home and go on the computer, watch tv, maybe play a video game or watch a movie sometimes, that's what i like, not very exciting i know but is what i enjoy, and i'm all in for it. You can make your life how you want it, if something is lacking then add, and if something is in excess then lessen or stop, sometimes that is hard as well but you can do it with determination. All in all if you are a good person or at least try to be then you want to keep yourself alive to experience life for the joy of living, there is nothing after you go so stick with it and make the best of your time here, along the way also make time of yours to help our kin, in doing so you will embellish yours and be making a positive difference for those who may not be doing so well. You can volunteer, you can have a job in supporting others, or you can just be generally helpful to people you come in contact with, whatever you do will enrich everyone involved. All in all you are wanted here, surround yourself with good people and enjoy your friends and co-worker's company, it's not always exhilarating or even pleasant but as said it is better than the alternative, fine-tune yourself and adjust what might need adjusting, then over time you will find your situation getting better and better

Unity of Command
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: 2x2 Games
-This game looks extraordinarily fun, based on the Russian/Nazi battle of Stalingrad, well the first part of this trilogy bundle is, you can play as either side, a selling point for me. Now, while i am not an expert on Bolshevism or Marxism, not to any degree, what i understand is that Russia was, is, run by Jews, there is a lot about that in the “1001 Quotes By and About Jews” document that i have referenced before, again it is very much worth reading. But yes Jews have been in control of Russia. i root for Ukraine in the current war, they are the victims of territorial conquest waged by Russian aggression, not the same but similar in motives to the Israeli war on Gaza since it's formation in 1948. The mentioned political ideologies are something we should all be more aware of, myself included, so let's try and get to that, as i will also. In Unity of Command you are in charge of soldiers, in the current world you are as well, of all sorts. This is a cumulative effort by all of us in every position. We also need the unity of every Gentile, who must realize that the world has been divided in two peoples by those who originated the concept and worked along those lines. Every nation needs to join with the others to stop the one faction that has us all as their victims, to say we will not allow that anymore and take all and every measure necessary to do so

Curse of the Dead Gods
System: XBone
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: Passtech Games/Focus Home Interactive
-i would risk the former to achieve the latter, not like they are actually gods at all, Injustice: Gods Among Us anyone? Other than that am hoping this game is okay, it was on sale for about six dollars so figured to give it a try. If anyone is Godlike it is us, look at what we have accomplished, feats unimaginable, more than any human could have ever hoped, and we have a lot more ahead. It's fine to be impressed with what we've done, it's understandable, but let's not get too self congratulatory, what we do needs to be for the benefit of mankind, that is what we should be admiring of ourselves the most. The advancements we will have success with will be astounding, Godlike, and yes we should celebrate, just stay grounded, as an observer or a participant, or a bit of both. We can have curses like the atomic bomb, or we can have miracles like eternal life, which is on the way with medical advancement, but let's try and work on the miracles foremost. What makes “the Gods among us” so Godlike? You got me. Their skill with financing? Or is it how they think they have control over all of us? We have come a long long way in these past 150 years or so, and are no longer simple country folk, no offence to country folk who have also come a long way. Soon we will all be aware, all, of the scams being levied upon us, and there will be hell to pay for these “Gods”. If you want to live close to Godliness adopt Godlike traits, there are many, you will never be one but you can be the human version of as close as you can get. We are the ones that make miracles, and are up against the ones who try and curse us, who have been at that for a long time

UFO: Aftermath
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Altar Interactive/Cenega Publishing
-Minus 16 million. Aftermath has a connotation of after an unpleasant event, and while this definitely is and will be unpleasant the other meaning of the word is “new grass growing after mowing or harvest”, so both can have their unfolding in that order. When you look around and see what is being done by them wouldn't it be nice to not have them not doing that anymore? Of course, and that is why we dream the dream and put so much effort into realizing it. We can have a beautiful existence, what we've been hoping and praying for millennia about, this exact chance we now have. The premise of this particular game is “An alien invasion has begun, and you--with your skills in global strategy and squad tactical combat--are the only one who can save the world”, sounds like you and we are in need! The opposition, those that oppose us, have taken over everything they can, and used each against us, those pillars of power must be toppled then restored to us. The three main taken institutions are money, media, and politics, and as such need to take priority in what to wrest first. Those three alone taken back and given to us would provide unparalleled prosperity, societal benefit, and legal structures that favour the public. The aftermath of our restructuring will be fruitful, however we have to get there first and the Zionist entity has a vested interest in not allowing us to achieve those goals, so we must be insistent with our actions. Our new world will not be a new world order, instead we will have long awaited and desired peace, without the money-lenders involvement in instigating wars for their profit. We will have a free media not one that feeds us propaganda and brainwashes our children. Everything our opposition touches becomes corrupt and for them, we will have the exact opposite. Our aftermath will bring our wildest desires to reality, we just have to get through some troubling times to get there. Once everything they have, are doing, and have planned comes to light there will be very few sympathizers if any, then after we can start beginning our civilization anew, building one for our own happiness instead of how it is now for their sole benefit at our expense

Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters
System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Complex Games Inc./Frontier Foundry
-This purchase was a total treat for me, have been waiting for this to go on sale and at 50% off i decided to buy it. Love the genre and heard this is comparable to X-Com which am a fan of. i already have Mechanicus but this looks improved a bit on that. A daemon is a half-god half-human, and while the Jews like to think of themselves as such they are not, and only simply human, if they want to think that way then daemonhunters it is. Now, the 40,000 part of the title is not lost on me, currently there have been just over the 40,000 mark of Palestinians murdered by Israeli forces, because of an event, Oct 7th 2023, which was known about beforehand and allowed to happen to facilitate the onslaught on Gaza to level it, murder the inhabitants and take over the land. Netanyahu is saying that he wants to defeat Hamas and bring back the hostages, Hamas only exists because of Israeli offensiveness' and are a retaliatory group not one that instigates. As for the hostages, i find it dubious about Israeli claims, first about the one hostage found at a time when Netanyahu needs to gain support from the citizens and what better way than to say the plan is working. Secondly is the recent six hostages who's killing is being blamed on Hamas, who has categorically denied doing such and say that those six were killed by Israeli air-strikes, when Hamas is responsible for various operations they claim such, while Israel, imagine if word got out that six more hostages were killed by their own hand... so they claim they were shot. Israel and their Mossad operate through deception, Hamas does not, and i would tend to believe the latter more than the former. The “war” on Hamas is a front, what they really want is the land, that is why they are not stopping, this is what they think is their opportunity to get that and if they fail then their chance might never happen again, something we must make never happen. They have a history of sacrificing themselves for political benefit, this situation has happened no differently. If it wasn't for the hostages there would be no Israeli protests to save the Palestinians, but whatever stops the massacre so be it. i find writing it out, forty thousand killed, is more substantive than the number, that sure is a lot of people, of all sorts, two thirds being women and children, the other third men who have nothing to do with Hamas. No wonder Hamas may be cheered on by the victims though, they are retaliating against the ones who are murdering their loved ones. Since the world is not doing anything forceful, only words which Israel is not heeding, they will not stop, this is their one chance and they know it, not to encourage them but to encourage us to not allow them to succeed. A permanent cease-fire is the only way in this situation, never allow only a pause, as they will then just restart the offensive until every Palestinian is dead or displaced out of Gaza and the land theirs. Be wary about what is proclaimed by Israel about the hostages, the one “rescued” and the six “killed”, as they are a major factor in this one sided war that is only producing Palestinian bodies

The Knight Witch
System: PS4
Type: Shooter/Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Super Mega Team/Team17
-Termed a “bullet-hell” (like America and their gun laws are), this game looks very fun, nice graphics, interesting concept, i am not very good at shooters like this but worth a try because of the Metroidvania aspect. This game is about moral choices, and you have to gain trust to level up, like mentioned in the above game Hamas claims responsibility, while Israel diverts it. Along those lines in this game you have to avert the War Golem invasion, something we have to do as well. As for moral choices always try and make the good ones. Israel tries to prevent you from making sound judgments and acting upon those, through lies, threats and misinformation, stick to your knightly duties though and follow through regardless. Sometimes the moral choices are ambiguous, in that case i suggest going with the greater good, where unfortunate situations can lead to a better living condition for the many, such as we are facing right now, where we have to go through something terrible to come out at the other end better off by far. By this i mean the cull, the purge, whatever the name the ridding of the forces we currently are having to deal with, you see them, we must stop what they are doing by all means necessary or forever be under their heel. As for everyday incidents try and always take the moral route, it can be ingrained, you will find good does come back to you for doing so. Similarly if you do negative actions that also comes back to you, that's how it goes. What we are placed in now is a do or die situation, where everything depends on us making a moral decision that is the toughest we have ever encountered, thankfully it is a one of, the exception to prove the rule, once we make it through this we can get back to utter-goodness by all of us and stiff reprimands for those who do not follow. Karma must be divvied out to those who break our peace, you see what they do, hold them responsible, once and for all. There are easy moral choices, then the more difficult, and those ones require much self deliberation, then as a people we can agree collectively, and together finally go forward with the answer to our problem

Arietta of Spirits
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Third Spirit/Red Art Games
-Okay, this game could go either way, but i have a good feeling about it, so will go with that. You play as Arietta and you are visiting your late Grandmother's cabin with your family when you find a friend that helps you see spirits of the island you are on, sounds decent. Apparently the story is “emotion-filled” which may be a negative indicator as them tugging on heartstrings for the opposition that deserves no sympathy, but again it might be alright still, at five dollars on sale i will give it a try. Now getting back to figuring this hopefully is a good one, the friend you find lets you see what i guess others cannot, which is like what we have now where people are beginning to see the demons we face, not all are as we know, but there definitely are enough to require our action. We also see those we have lost, our victims whose lives were taken by said opposition. An arietta is a short arie, which is the vocal solo of let's say an opera or the like, and we are going to need all the vocalization we can get, no time for solo's, everyone at full effort. i mean what i say when requesting that each person do their own part, everything you can, “encourage those who haven't joined us yet, and cheer on those that have“, follow through, constantly, every time you have a chance when you are not doing your own helping at the moment. See the demons and see our fallen, let the visions of both guide the actions you take

MLB 10: The Show
System: PSP
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Sony
-Welcome to the show indeed. Am happy to have received this from a friend who got it free from a store's promotion, i was going to buy the first MLB for psp at a thrift store but decided against it only to get this one which has a much better rating soon after, appreciated of him. Now hear me out fully, this fellow has a nice, smokin' hot woman partner, not sure if girlfriend or wife but think girlfriend, don't feel left out many women are very very attractive, i know many who i would love, and she in return has a super great partner in him, they make an extraordinary couple together and she should be more than pleased having him as he is fun, kind and smart. i hope they stay a couple and enjoy all their time with each other, they have similar interests so can have lots of fun when able. i am out of the picture, so no worries about me taking someone's girl, it would be too dangerous for me and someone else to get together, which is unfortunate as i have been so lonely lately, it's been about twenty years since me having been in a relationship, and it's starting to get to me. Instead of a girlfriend i have girl friends, not as wonderful but as close as i'll get, so no picking of any of the smokin' hot girls i know. There are people for everyone, there are, and so many good ones to choose from if you haven't found one already. Lots to be happy with and about. If you are also lonely we can be lonely together, but am sure you will find someone to call your own eventually. As for the original couple i was mentioning they can enjoy each other's company and loving for all the time they are an item, for the rest of their lives? Who knows, that may very well be, no pressure. If you are happy in a relationship then stick with it, if you are happy, and i believe most people in that situation are. Some people are even happy being single, more power to you, enjoy yourself in the meantime. Even if you have someone in your life don't let that stop you from taking action where needed, as other both singles and couples need your help themselves, be a brave partner and do what you can to make lives better for others

System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Roman Glebenkov
-Having been free with Gog this is a nice pickup, looks like a fun stealth type game. With an overhead point of view this seems kind of like the first Metal Gear games but better. i get three types of needles, two in the vein and one in the hip. One is my blood donation, which i would recommend to you to do also, might as well right? You are needed and that's one extra way you can help out. That is every two months. For my second vein needle i have bloodwork done, the type of medication am on requires me to have that to make sure my white blood cells are doing okay, so far no problems. That is once per month. Then every two weeks i get a medication called Consta injected in my hip, that is a mood stabilizer, similar to my oral medication named Clozapine, however i think the opposition is recently screwing with it before delivery, keeping the drowsy effect but removing the beneficial calming properties as am not feeling the less manic part. As said this pill medication makes me drowsy, so sometimes i have days that are not as productive as others, you'll have to accept that, when able i do what i can but once in a while i cannot. As for in general i am glad to have my meds, when correct they do what they should, stabilize my mood, and i believe Consta is named so after the word constant, as is constantly in effect, which is beneficial for me. When i used to be off my meds i was kind of a mess, now i can handle things better even if my pills are being diluted, but before... again, a mess. On this subject let me take time to apologize to anyone i have upset or harmed in any way before my much needed medication, mix not having that with sometimes alcohol and you have a bad situation. As for now i am completely happy with how my meds help me, again when intact. Instead of ups and downs am steady, calm, cool, and collected. Another medication i take is Paxil, an anti-depressant and more, all together they have turned my life around in an immeasurable way, if you are having any issues with your thoughts and behaviour maybe think about these or other medications for you. If you're not having problems then great, but if so look into it. Do not let mental differences stop you from helping as you need to, maybe racing thoughts and manicness can even be beneficial, mine were just too intense so had to reduce their effect and am much better now

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr
System: PS4
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: Maximum Games/Bigben Interactive
-”Complete hundreds of hours of missions in a persistent open world”, while fun in a video game much more fulfilling in life, and we have lots to do. You might think 'what can i do?', that's just it, think what you can do. There are many ways to contribute, choose what you would be best suited for and follow through, sometimes in one grand act or constantly over time. You can be a martyr, but try and have it so you can stick around and help even more. Something a martyr might do is expose forced Zionist scripting in music, and i pray for that day, as am sure do many musicians. Imagine everyone getting involved, we would be unstoppable, but first we have to grow our ranks, increasing as we progress. There are historical happenings widely known, by most everyone, and we shall have it known the various conspirations against us, so that we are not able to be fooled or taken advantage of by them anymore. Some know now but are not fighting as hard as they can at the moment, let's change that to if you know then act, even to let others know which is actually a great help. As for martyrs they will be the ones potentially risking their own well being to do just that, letting others know in a large scale manner, something major and unignorable. If you are going to be a martyr try and set it up where you keep yourself connected and have it so you can't be taken down easily. Also if you are going to be a martyr have it so everyone knows you are one for the cause you are championing, and maybe just maybe you will be able to continue your plight beyond the initial selfless act and keep serving for your entire life, in fact let's aim for that. First things first though, your step into the world community, local, national, global, or continuance there

Socom: Tactical Strike
System: PSP
Type: Tactical
Developer/Publisher: Slant Six/Sony
-This game is about the U.S. Navy Seals and looks like another good one in the acclaimed series. i've been trying to find physical psp games to compliment my digital ones for this system and this will do nicely. The IDF is nothing like these brave soldiers, instead they are killing, raping, torturing and using hostages as human shields, so much for them being the “most moral soldiers in the world”. The ICC at least is administering war crimes charges against them and their authorities, a welcome step that also needs implementation into actuality. Different laws for different peoples, but there are some things we can agree on, hence war crimes against Israeli settlers, Israeli soldiers, and the directing administrator war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu. We have norms to follow, and Israeli interests are going against them in heinous manner for personal gain. Thus the global powers must utilize their position and forcefully stop Israel from continuing this unjust, no it's not for unseating Hamas, war that has killed forty times more than the Israeli's lost in the retaliation. This war is about territory, and the land Israel want for itself, and they will not stop unless stopped by us. They used the minuscule attack on their assets, read allowed it to happen having been forewarned, to put into action their long sought after goal of annexing the entire West Bank for a “greater Israel” which isn't great for the created refugees having to flee their homeland to make way for a fraudulent state that was introduced through deceit originally by Lord Balfour in 1917 then actualized in 1948 with a massacre of the same ancestral Palestinian peoples. So we need a global governance to oversee infractions of worldly consensuses like these, and hold to account those responsible for such actions. First with war crimes trials and persecutions but then if ignored through more forceful means. If the let's say United States and their partners can go into Iraq or Afghanistan then they should also be able to go into Israel just the same, for their crimes against humanity. After being okayed by the worlds councils and public sentiments of course, all of which are turning our way

MotoGP 08
System: PS2
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Milestone S.r.l/Capcom
-Motorcycle racing at it's finest as brought to you by Milestone and Capcom whom i adore both. Although i also have MotoGP 18 for Ps4 it's nice to have this for Ps2 as well, and Capcom being attached is bonus. GameFaqs ratings have this as great, tough, and lengthy, should be very enjoyable for sure. While i wouldn't ride a motorcycle in actuality the videogames are fun, not much for driving real cars either to add, but enough people do. The back of the case says “can you handle it?”, and can you? i hope so. We need you on board here, it's not easy but is so worth it as everything depends on you helping. You've seen movies where the fate of the world is at stake, and that's what we have right now. Can you handle it?, you're going to have to try, difficult as it may be trudge through. Have you started yet? If you have then keep going, if you haven't then be brave and do so. You look around and see others doing their part, join them, if you yourself for whatever reason cannot participate then help those that are to the best of your ability. What we are doing is also great, tough, and lengthy, of great importance, tougher than anything else we've encountered, and we are only partially through the ordeal so far. When asked if you can handle it, say yes and proceed in your actions, as the opposition won't be stopping on their own volition

Ninja Gaiden 3
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Team Ninja/Tecmo Koei Games
-Being from one of my favourite developers this was very nice to pick up, i have it for wii-u but would rather have it for ps3 as this one is. We are team Gentile, since we are being worked against as a group, so we'd better act together as one also which is what it will take to overcome this shared challenge. We can treat each other as friends with the same goals, and maybe after this the feeling of comradery will stay. The opposition works as one, so we need to do the same to counteract what they are doing in a organized fashion. They don't want us to organize, they want us divided, and weaker for it, so we must join and collaborate with each other around the world which is something we are able to do and need to. Our team is, and will be more so, a formidable grouping of those against the ones who actively plot our downfall, we just need to get everyone aligned globally. We want world peace but are being placed in a situation where we must stand up to those denying us that for their personal gain. We can have it though, it is possible, it will just take some, make that lots, of effort. Our endeavour will be a long one with so much to do, however there are also so many of us, with everyone on task we can do this easier than with just a few. Speak with your teammates, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, so join with those who you may not normally cooperate with as you have similar desired outcomes in regards to defeating Zionism, and we all share that desire, the ones who know and the ones who don't know just yet which am hoping you enlighten soon

Neon Abyss
System: PS4
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Veewo Games
-Have been wanting this for a while and finally bought it, on sale of course. It is an intense platforming shooter with roguelike elements, looks pretty difficult but willing to give it a try. There's a genre named bullet-hell where you are constantly dodging barrages of projectiles which am not great at but this seems not completely like that. There seems to be a ton of different weapons in this game which is very cool, along with many other features that lengthen replayability. The theme is a fun one, as opposed to taking itself so seriously, which am sure with the light mood increases enjoyment. i also try and have a light mood, you wouldn't figure with all the heavy topics to have to deal with, but do have a sense of humour and find that helps with your mindstate. A sense of humour is important and i do like laughing, although don't like insult humour which dominates television sitcoms and unfortunately has seeped through such into our society. Insults are not funny as they make a person feel bad, please avoid that type of behaviour for the sake of the subject of the “joke”, as you don't like being made fun of either. i say make fun but it's not fun it's upsetting. Don't let this stop you from breaching topics that matter though, they may be hard to tackle without feeling somewhat rude but are needed to be talked about, you can use your discretion as to what is what. As for comedy it is a gift, and i love funniness, just try and have it be insult-free

Mercenaries Rebirth: Call of the Wild Lynx
System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: RideonJapan/Circle Entertainment
-Did as much homework as i could about this game, which is the sixth in the series, one i wasn't even aware existed, and it seems to check out as okay, seems, and i hope it is, if so i will enjoy it very much. What can go wrong? For starters the story, that is the main area of worry, but everything else can be problematic as well, it's all the choices the developers make and what their intentions are while making the game. Wild links, indeed, what is your calling? How do you want to help? You are needed so don't let our fellow people down. Heed the call and do what you can, actions of all types are appreciated by the recipients

Dead Rising 3
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom Vancouver/Microsoft Game Studios
-Sweet, this is a Microsoft exclusive originally for XBone and then ported to Windows, i have the rest of the franchise and now this one to complete it. Fighting the undead is not only for with Windows, you can also do such with MacOS or Linux, your choice. If you are using Google's Chrome i suggest you migrate away from the opposition's operating system, just a suggestion. Remember that anything by them is 100% Zionist, the thought process behind every feature, aesthetically and functionally, is with that in mind upon implementation, which can also be said about Google's Android phone platform. i know Android phones are a lot cheaper but you can pick up an old iPhone for the same or less either way, i have a 6s worth about $40 and it does everything i or you would pretty much need it for, although you yourself can get slightly newer one inexpensively also. Samsung is a fine company, it's just Google, the developers of Android, that is the problem. Unfortunately Google is one of the biggest business behemoths in the world, and yes you will have to take them on as well, hope you do well doing so in some ingenious manner. One way to take them on is just through exposure, letting people know that Google does not have their best interests in mind, in fact it is the opposite. One easy way to start your migration is by switching from Google as your default search engine to Microsoft's Bing, a small step but one you'll be happy with. Of course you'll have to use Google platforms once in a while, i still check YouTube often, but cut usage of their products down to just what is necessary

Runestone Keeper
System: Computer
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Blackfire Games
-Nice! This looks really fun, from what have seen it seems like the previously bundled with Windows game Minesweeper but in a role-playing type way. The reviews are not perfect but for three dollars on Gog i'm up to give it a try. One of Princess Diana's projects was an attempt to clear all actual landmines, an ambitious and noble task, they are a banned weapon of war and for good reason, kind of like white phosphorus on civilian targets for example which Israel ignores. Certain armaments have been declared unfit for use because of their wide ranging indiscriminate effects, and with Israel's use of such they are committing war crimes by doing so, which is punishable by the International Criminal Court, who i hope carry out their duties by holding Israel accountable for each and every violation

System: Computer
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: Deck 13/Rombax Games
-Up against a villain who tricked death you play a heroine out to defeat the greatest threat to the world of the living. Cool, it does seem good. Upon purchasing this i had about five dollars to spend, the initial plan being just to buy Runestone Keeper and a coffee, however when taking a look at the Gog sales ordered by lowest price first i found this and bought it also, skipping that coffee, was a nice find for sure. i am quite cheap, or maybe just try and spend my money the best ways possible, for instance i never buy fast food, tasty as it is it is also very expensive, for the price of a burger combo i can get two or three media's, such as video or game thrifting, and find that much better spending. i do miss out on some great experiences such as theatre, travel and nice restaurants, but that's the choice. You have fun for me (when not on task), i'll be doing this

Tropico 3
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Haemimont Games/Kalypso
-”On an island in the sun, we'll be playing and having fun, and it makes me feel so fine i can't control my brain” (Weezer). Am a fan of this series and the iteration here looks like a good one. It would be nice to be worry-free, without the ones who plot against us, let's get there. We keep getting better and better so much so that we need to catch up to where we're at technologically and medically, having our attitudes be against war and instead collaboration between nations, we have a roadblock though, one entity that is screwing everything up for their own benefit at the cost of our well-being, instigating said wars for loan profit and political sway. We can have a paradise here on Earth, everything is just new right now, once we are familiar with ourselves and everyone is on the same playing field it will be better socially. It's just everyone-for-themselves right now, that will pass, for the ones without crippling addictions. i don't know if i will see our new world, or if you will either for that matter, but we will reach that goal, slowly but steadily. Best you can do right now is live in your own bubble of similar minded people that have your morals and share your values. Over time we will evolve during our lives as well as over future generations, eventually getting to a spot where we are more emotionally evolved to go with the rest of our advancements. There are good people now, let's add to them. We were speaking about Zionist programming directed at youth, that is a major factor in why everyone raised on that is messed up to some degree, it will take much effort to reverse their backwards indoctrination. We can achieve having a lovely place to live, but it doesn't just happen, we need diligence and perseverance through hard times, however after the rain is the rainbow, so let's look forward to that

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Awesome, i was wanting this one to complete all the RE games am looking to have digitally for ps4, so now i do. This game was originally for Sega Dreamcast but when ported to other systems it was given the X moniker to indicate improved graphics and nine minutes of extra cutscenes. Set between the second and third games in the series this title would definitely be a good candidate for a remake. Sega was and is a Zionist entity, and speaking of evil Sonic the hedgehog is a 1984 torture reference (from the George Orwell book of that name). i had a Sega Genesis back in the day, and did play the Sonic games, and the reference was meant for the parents to see not necessarily for the kids playing them. Sega stopped making consoles as they kept getting outdone by other companies, and now develops games for other systems, but their agenda remains the same. Before knowing i also used to like the Phantasy Star series, second, third, fourth, but looking back... However other companies, good ones, also made games for their hardware and those were fine. Nintendo is a similar entity, their games are Zionist but have games by good companies on their systems as well. The opposite can be said also, Sony and Microsoft being great companies but have opposing games on their consoles, so it all comes down to the developer. Beware of those on the Zionist side of the videogame list page

Fury Unleashed
System: Computer/PS4
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Awesome Games Studio
-Bought this originally on sale for computer from Gog for about two fifty but then saw it on ps4 for about the same price so bought it for that as well, looks like a fun one so probably worth it. Israel has no right being angry about Palestinians fighting back against their oppression, finally after years and years of atrocities towards the Palestinian people they fought back, and Israel is using that as an excuse to try and wipe them from their own land that Israel wants for themselves. The oppressor has no right being upset when those subjugated retaliate. Nor can they be upset when we, their victims, take matters into our own hands about what is being done to us, and take action to stop them. It is indeed fury from our side when we each find out what is going on by theirs. That rightful feeling must be transferred into deeds undertaken by us to make things better for our people than what we are currently going through because of them

Pursuit Force
System: Psp
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Bigbig Studios/Sony
-This looks really fun, reminiscent of Chase H.Q. (a favourite of mine) from the arcades but with you actually jumping from your squad car to apprehend the criminals. i would rather play as the authorities than the crooks as you do in some games. This can be transferred to real life, be on the side of the righteous as opposed to the underhanded. Such as is with the case of the despicables who force our musicians into all sorts of demeaning situations, they need to be pursued relentlessly. It feels better to help than to hinder, and you should know that we have many that need your help. If you are not in a position to deal with a problem yourself aid those who can. What we need is a full-on offensive against the offensive, to put all our effort together towards the definitive end of the forces who are working to our enslavement. Us becoming doers and helpers all around, emphasis on the doers

Fantasia: Music Evolved
System: Xbone
Type: Music Rhythm
Developer/Publisher: Harmonix Music Systems/Disney Interactive Studios
-i believe this division of Disney, the videogame development branch, is on the up and up, not run by Bob Iger, that would be nice anyhow. There's a friend i have who really likes these type of games, especially by Harmonix, and this was new to him, he will probably enjoy it very much as this game requires Kinect, the motion sensing device by Microsoft, so is a whole other way to play these. This game is also two-player so he and his wife who also likes Disney can play this together. While there are some songs i am not fond of in this game that's okay, hopefully there is a way to skip by them. There are quite a few good ones also so that leads me to think that this is not made with Zionist intentions. Music was evolving and doing very well along the way, until the opposition got a hold of it, now it's just a medium of propaganda delivery. Few real albums/songs are getting through and those putting forward the “music” are the ones the most victims, we just have to listen to it they have to make it and sing it. Even if we don't intentionally listen to said songs we still hear them in stores or other places where it's broadcast. There even appears to be one on this game, “Lady Gaga” Applause, she was one of the first artists to be taken, after her amazing album The Fame, she was forced into the album The Fame Monster, i always wonder what a real second album of hers would have been like, i bet it would have been great

Original War
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Altar Interactive/Virgin Interactive
-Seems very interesting, a mix of rts and rpg apparently. Russia sits on a mineral named Siberite, a catalyst for cold fusion, and America goes back in time to move the material into American territory or make sure the Russians do not control it, all the while Arab mercenaries want to see it destroyed. The reviews for this game are terrific, it sure is a unique concept. Russia is not fighting for something so valuable in real life, and am sure they want out of this war they started just for the reason that they thought the world was not going to pay attention. Israel thought they could get away with their war on Gaza as well, something they've been wanting to do for a long time, to take the land, thankfully people are noticing and working against them and their plot. It's said that anti-Semitism is the oldest form of prejudice, and for good reason, it is because it is the oldest form of supremacist beliefs, they the 'magnificent' Jews and us the 'lowly' Gentiles for their usage, leading to their attitude and actions against us for millennia. That is the actual original war, and it is still in effect

Majesty Gold HD
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Cyberlore Studios/MicroProse
-Another rts with an interesting concept, you do not control your heroes, they have free will just as you do. You are able to make your own decisions, i just give you information to go on and you choose what to do with it. i, and we, just pray you agree with the mass consensus and help us along with our tasks. There are reasons we are doing what we are, very important ones, and you are required to be a hero and save the peasants and equally the royals. There definitely is much to agree on, having your own take on a situation is fine, a lot of people will even share that opinion, thus leading to comradery and a joined itinerary of actions to undertake together. It is as a group that we have power, sure one person, in multiples, can do a lot, and they/you are needed in that sense also, but combining your abilities jointly can do wonders also. Everyone working together with our shared goals in mind is what we want, and with that we will be at our best. Every single person has free will, but what are we going to do with a lot of lone wolves, we wouldn't get much comparatively accomplished, if that's how you do want to help i am still going to wholeheartedly cheer you on, just know that some situations require group effort. There are 8.1 billion people on Earth, each individual, however we share a lot as well, putting us into statistics of communities of different types, shared traits, genealogies, and interests. With these shared interests for example we can join together those inclined to stop foreign aid to Israel, end the federal reserve, or regulate the media just to name a few required actions. These types of outcomes cannot be reached by one person, so many are needed. You are not alone, we are not alone, there are more people of our mind than on the surface, it is a matter of connecting everyone and having each do their part whether something individual or as a group, and you have your part as well

Front Mission 4
System: PS2
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Square-Enix
-Might be “triangle-strategy” but picked it up anyway for a good price. This is a mech-based tactics game, which i love, and while i don't mind SquareSoft, Square-Enix is on my Zionist list, since am a fan of their earlier works i always have a spot for their newer projects, most likely at my detriment unfortunately. As for mechs they aren't far away, we already have drones and other human piloted robots, now we can make a mech for use either by person or manned by a.i.. Just like drones a.i. mechs would reduce the amount of human casualties. What was once science-fiction becomes science-fact, and we will see wonderful, and scary, things in our lifetimes as technology advances at unbelievable speed. Another Mech game, if interested, is the MechWarrior series which i have played before and really liked, that is more of a sim game but very cool. Who knows, maybe if you are in or join the army you will actually be piloting one of these, remotely or inside of one

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Io Interactive/Eidos Interactive
-Could be quite good and the companies behind it do seem alright. This is a gun-centric game and it would be a loss to not talk about the less than a week ago assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. First let me breach the topic of some who say too bad the shooter missed, their sentiment may have been more subdued if that had happened. i don't like Donald Trump either, his lying, his insults, everything really, but i don't want him in particular dead, as tweeted i just want him to lose at the ballot box in his bid to become president again, and i still hope he does lose. i believe he is a much different situation than Zionism's global plot, Trump wants to be a dictator, Jews want to be global slavemasters, Trump does things for himself, Jews do actions against us, the two are not similar. Will Trump turn down the rhetoric now? We will see, he did come face to face with death, if the bullet was two inches to the right we would have a very different situation. Now, how did a marksman get up on that roof with a rifle and even have a chance to shoot at the former president? i saw an interview with an audience member who went to a rally four years ago where he said he noted a very large amount of official snipers positioned on the roofs looking for any potential threats, he then said that at this rally he noticed almost none, something he paid attention to as it was so different from the other rally. That position really should have been noted. Another interviewee stated that they saw the sniper getting prepared and let the policemen know but they didn't seem too phased about it, was this event for those reasons simply allowed to happen? Not necessarily planned by the opposition but planned to not stop it either. i do not know this answer, but i do hope that those in charge of the investigation find out about the circumstances and reveal the facts about what they discover. i doubt this was an unintentional lapse in judgment but instead an occurrence that was hoped for by those responsible, and that would not be by American interests. Donald Trump survived being a dead man, still doesn't mean i have any desire for him to be president again. His next rally will be in a state with open carry gun law, meaning attendees can bring their ar-15s, great, doesn't make much sense does it, the second amendment was in the time of muskets, so bring all the muskets you want, other than that there needs to be regulation. Will his make Donald Trump anti-gun? Hardly, he would lose a lot of his base if he did. Only time will tell about what happens, but i do hope that the truth about this perhaps intentional lapse of security, and any other information, is brought to light

Ski-Doo Snow X Racing
System: PS2
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Coldwood Interactive/Valcon Games
-Snow... X... Racing... The ratings for this are fair but could be decent, does look fun. i really do like this genre of vehicles on snow, dirt, sea as in snow-mobiles, atv's, personal watercrafts. Those are the types of driving i would love to do, yet have never tried any. There's a lot of fun stuff i'd like to try, but that would take me away from my computer, which has precedence, lame or more rewarding? That's just what i like. i do take breaks, to play cards, thrift or console gaming, but computers do so many different tasks, including helping make major global change for the better, that's hard to top even with an atv. Thing is if you are reading this you are most likely on a computer yourself, and that means you can do just as much, make use of it. Computers really are everything as you can do most anything, any interest you have computers can be a source of use for you, multiple. There is much value to outside, so we have our phones which are like mini-computers now, a bit of both together is most beneficial. You can kayak, fly, ride or deep-sea dive, all fun and extremely enjoyable, but i for one don't really have the means to do any of that, so i get my enjoyment in affordable ways with what i have, totally fine with me, and am happy. When my life flashes before my eyes there will be a lot of screens, but that's okay with me, my brain got a good workout at the loss of experiences. Would i recommend it? Depends on your situation, as said i do much political efforts so it kind of goes with the territory, if i was out riding said atv's all day i wouldn't have time for anything else. If you can find a good mix of activities have at it, i'll be here doing this, just try and find some time for you to help

The Simpsons: Road Rage
System: PS2
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Radical Entertainment/Electronic Arts
-Similar to Crazy Taxi but with The Simpsons, very cool. While the aforementioned was developed by Zionist Sega this is published by Zionist EA, but i will give it a try it looks really good, and was developed by Radical Entertainment. Adult geared animated tv shows are a mixed bag, not just between shows but seasons. When they are okay content wise they can be hilarious, but when they are cruel they can be very upsetting. i love The Simpsons, seasons three through nine, they are perfect, as in couldn't have been made better, seasons one and two were practice, and seasons ten to maybe fourteen were okay but not usual calibre. After that is when they really fell off, different writers? i'm hoping so, as i have been doing quite well and not deserving of the malice they are putting forward. There is the animated show Disenchanted, also by Matt Groening, but i have not seen that one, then you have Futurama which i also love and am hoping they have been okay as i don't have Hulu to watch recent episodes and i don't have Disney+ even though i really like the platform. Family Guy was doing great up to when Seth Macfarlane quit writing the show, how is it now? i wouldn't know as i got tired of their jabs. American Dad is pretty great though, saw a nice episode the other day in reruns. i miss King of the Hill, that was a very subtle show and i like that kind of humour as well, in fact these animated shows, when on track, are for different reasons each some of the most laughter inducing programs out there. When not though they can be unwatchable, for whatever reason they are not it is both upsetting. If there are still good people behind these shows please get back to the best of your times, it would be nice to see. If you happen to come across an insulting episode kindly watch something else

Codename: Panzers, Phase One / Phase 2 / Cold War
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Stormregion/cdv Software
-Have been wanting these for a while and found them on sale on Steam as a bundle for very cheap (about six dollars for the three). The ratings are good, the graphics are nice, and it's by a developer named Stormregion, what more could you ask for? For us phase one was the preparation, phase two is the organization, and phase three will be the implication. We can't jump ahead in phases we have to complete each one as we go to progress to the next, and there is still a lot to do in our current one. The first phase took a long time, and the second will also, we made it this far and we will continue along our path until the last of the set is successful. We made it this far and the only way to go is forward, our work and triumphs of the past helping us in our current and ongoing battles. Phases are divided up into events and occurrences, many, both our doing and by chance, but all are part of the larger section. It would be nice if we could skip ahead but it doesn't happen that way, we have to achieve the necessary requirements first, but we are doing well and on our way there. A journey is divided up into steps, and we must keep putting one foot ahead of the other, our actions. We cannot stop and we must not go backwards, everything we have done as a people has brought us here, this is where we have been wanting to be for literal millennia and it is up to us to fulfill our duty to the past, present and future

Balls of Steel
System: Computer
Type: Pinball
Developer/Publisher: Wildfire Studios/Pinball Wizards
-While not a sim pinball game which elicited some complaints about it this classic on Steam is a great title to have for modern computers. Us men need balls of steel and women do also, bravery in the face of adversity. It takes courage to go up against a foe such as the one we have and strive to vanquish for sake of survival. If we don't, if we cower, we will live as slaves for our cowardliness, forever saying yes master to our oppressors as will generations to come who will be born future victims because of our inaction. We have been victims and currently have victims, stand up for their sake if not your own. We need you, people are counting on your help, you see them or know about them and they are suffering. This is the hard route, doing what you can, no distractions no wavering, if you save one person a day you are breaking even, more than that to any degree and you are doing great service. All that's asked is that you do what you can, and to not be swayed by the opposition's threats against you. You, us and we have so much ability, make use of it

The First Templar
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Haemimont/Kalypso
-Free with Gog this looks interesting, and other than Victor Vran (two v's) Haemimont checks out as okay. Secret societies exist, they are groups of people that jointly conspire against others, some more sinister than their counterparts. We can all agree of course that Mossad operates, it is a known agency, and they work under guise and secrecy. The same goes for more hidden entities, ones that plot all sorts of events and occurrences, ones that rule from the shadows without giving them due. These plotters have negative intentions, which is why they try and remain secret, so it is up to us to expose them and shine a light on what they are doing, as their actions always have detrimental effects on our kind, the mainly unbeknownst public. Israel has been under the radar for decades, but now thanks to brave reporters and protesters what they are doing is being broadcast, so they can no longer operate the way they have been doing before, we need to do this with other situations, political Zionism for example which has many facets to expose. We now have the resources to join together and do so, make the most of them, information in formation. Let others know what's going on and don't let the opposition get away with anything. Do not fear being labelled an anti-Semite, that phrase is wearing thin, just put forward the facts as they cannot be argued and you will be fine while doing great service to your community. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is the most nefarious of all plots, and has many more parts to it in addition to what is in that documentation, before counteracting it in totality it must be made known, so let's get about that. Disseminate what's going on in any way you can to the masses who many don't know exactly, most everyone knows something is amiss just not the particulars. We are doing very well and just need to continue, let's speed up a crash course for those who are unaware of the fact that it is the Jews behind most every calamity and pointing directly or through implication to those responsible. As said Israel can't get away with what the are doing in Gaza anymore, let's make it so they cannot continue with their Zionist plot which involves many parts, and make it so what's being done to musicians is unable to keep happening, there's a lot to make known so let's get at it

Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
System: Wii-U
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Junction Point/Disney Interactive Studios
-Even though i have this for ps3 and wii for the cheap price i picked it up for this as well as it would have the only second to ps3 move controls. Also being a Disney fan (real Disney not Bob Iger's Zionist monstrosity by that moniker) i played a bit of this before and really like it. There is a remastered version of the first game in this series being released soon, Epic Mickey Rebrushed, should be even better than the original. As for 2, in the system, it stands not only for to, but to a greater extent more than one, which is important, more than one. And there are more than one of us, that is where we have our power, we represent the world minus 15.7 million Jews, us, the Gentiles, the rest, however their hold on our institutions is disproportionate to the population they have, which is heavily in their favour. We though encompass the whole world otherwise and by far have great advantage over them if we all join together for to start a single purpose. 0.2%, that is the amount of Jews compared to our people, and they with those are the ones ruining the world, we can make very well do without them, in fact we will be happy and prosperous free from their yoke. But yes, more than one, working together we can achieve our goals, this and otherwise, one can do a lot, but more can do wonders. You have your circle of friends, and know that that extends to others you have never even met, we are all on the same side so combine your talents to multiply their effectiveness, leading to successes. Teamwork makes the dream work is said, so go about that and collaborate with others who share the same passion. Together there's nothing we can't take on, asteroids, climate, cancer, and this, as Henry Ford said, the world's foremost problem, thankfully it is a problem we can solve if we all put in great effort

The Technomancer
System: XBone
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Spiders/Focus Home Interactive
-Looks interesting and Maximum Games is also attached to this project who i like so far. A sci-fi rpg is a nice premise if done well, the review score isn't phenomenal but if it has a good heart that should be welcome. We can all be technomancers, utilizing our relatively new advancements for betterment of all sorts. There's no one way to correctly use our new found technologies, you can always innovate and create something unique, you might even say it is required, communication is a major part of this and how you do so is up to you, your part is unique to how you do that. You don't have to make an app or develop a video game, although fine endeavours, it can just be making the most of our resources towards the goals we have. We need a technological army before and during the actual troops, and we have one available, you, what would you like to do to help? Work solo, work in groups, as long as you do

Ryse : Son of Rome
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Crytek/Microsoft Game Studios
-A good friend recommended this to me, he's into gladiators and the time of the Roman Empire, looks like a fun one. “Fight as a soldier, lead as a general, rise as a legend”, there's a lot of different placements for you, wherever you aspire to be you can. The medals we give are badges of honour as opposed to metal ones of times past, both being well earned. Rise don't cower, band together with your fellow men and women to get all we need to do done, we have strength in our numbers they just have the man behind the curtain, media, while they are few they seem larger than they are. What we need to do is organize, through all available means, no doubt this will be difficult tasks but we are up to it if we go about them in the best ways possible. We don't really have an alternative either, it's be brave and take them on or slink away cowardly. Now, cowardly is kind of a derogatory word, so no insult intended, i know people have reasons to worry, but we including you have to act for not only your family and loved ones but others', everyone is affected. Stand up to those who plot your ruin and downfall, Zion cannot succeed with their plans for us current and future, even if you just help a bit that is still helping and makes a difference to a meaningful degree for the recipients. If every one of us made a contribution how great would that be, then imagine two or more actions each for our side, some people sit out, don't do that, and if some people do that means there is more for us to do to make up for the lost effort, challenge accepted. Defeating Zionism is not a spectator sport so be involved in the processes

Shadows: Awakening
System: Computer
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: Games Farm/Kalypso
-Games Farm looks okay and i like Kalypso a lot so this should be pretty good. Not quite a traditional ARPG from what i read as it apparently has tactical elements which i also like. Being free with Gog is always nice, a fair amount of my digital games were free, whether from Gog, Steam or Epic Games Launcher. When not free i try and only buy when on sale, there are sites to track when they are and sale stats for any platform. The term shadows awakening is reminiscent of music from it's inception till before the takeover by Zion, when music was our main source of resistance. i don't know how budding musicians gained their knowledge of the pressing issues whether from parental raising or music teachers but thankfully they did and kudos to those who shared the information while putting them along their track. Musicians are exceptionally talented and i am always in awe of their outputs which are something i could never even hope to put together, am just not wired that way and am sure most of us would feel the same. Music was breathed new life in our recent times, shadows awakening, and their meanings revealed through our renewed interpretation, many times dark and blunt when known. i will give you one example to put you on your way, Scorpions Wind of Change sounds like a fine rebellion song, and it is, but the wind of change is of vocal uttering, personally after figuring that out it makes the song all the more powerful, and other than love songs many of our favourites have undertones like this. Given this information do not turn to radio to hear songs to dissect, they are aware of this and will lead you astray to put it mildly, the good radio stations are the minority so only if you know for sure of a fine one or just listen to Spotify playlists or similar. Musicians started getting taken in a more rapid manner about 2004 or so and the situation has only worsened since then, drastically, and the somewhat obviousness has decreased since then so you really have to watch out, and you do have to know that once an artist is deemed taken they are not coming back until the problem of the ones forcing them is rectified, so newer material from one of them is just as corrupt as the previous iterations they were made to perform. As for movies and television, the same is sometimes applicable, but to a much lesser degree, music is where we had it, the other two mediums were/are under their control. Books however we also had/have a good standing in, and with most on topic books and publications being digitized am sure the authors would be fine with you downloading and reading their contributions in effort to do what they request and desire of you. Newspapers though are again out of our hands and in theirs for the vast majority, now not a lot of people read printed newspapers but you of course just as much have to avoid their online editions as you would their paper counterparts. Which are which? You can discern the culprits much of the time through their phrasing and such, however they are stealthy in that as well. With shadows cast from the past we are much of the time only seeing them now, or have noticed them recently, and it is sight/sound to behold, the ingenuity, the bravery, the talent, they have been there for us, and now it is them who need our help, please do whatever you can to aid them, rescue them. Use your ingenuity, bravery and talent to do so, there are many fronts we are required on but to me this is right at the top of importance, or at least in a many times tied for circumstance. Please do whatever you can to first bring light to this situation and then make it so it can never happen again, not for me of course but for those affected, and there are many, Zion is taking everyone they can and while they may think of it as a lifeline it is really their imminent downfall, let's hurry that along

Tomb Raider Anniversary / Chronicles / Legend / The Angel of Darkness / The Last Revelation / Underworld
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Crystal Dynamics/Eidos Interactive
-Bought these on sale for about a dollar fifty each on Gog and have been wanting them for a while. While the newer ones are by Zionist Square-Enix these are from Crystal Dynamics which looks to be okay. The title Angel of Darkness for instance doesn't seem at all like something the opposition would put forward. So although i will not be playing the Square-Enix ones at all these look very fun. We all have our tombs, our places of sanctuary, and all have belongings, Zion keeps trying to get mine stolen though. i know stores and people that have been stolen from and although i don't swear a lot my reaction is always how shitty that is of someone to do. People put a lot of time and effort into buying these items and for someone to just come along and take anything is reprehensible. Most of the time what's purchased with the proceeds is hard drugs, which is why we need even stricter laws regarding such, some try and employ harm reduction or in British Columbia they even legalized hard drug use, only to a year later beg to repeal that ruling. Harm reduction for example... until your television gets stolen to pay for a high. Hard drugs of all types need to continue being outlawed, not because of the effect exactly but because of what people do to get it. Marijuana is fine, people don't generally steal for that, the feeling is nice but not nearly as addictive as other drugs, quite different. i in fact recommend marijuana, whether cbd or with thc, and think of it as kind of a wonder-drug, cures what ails you, and again people don't really do anything negative to get it. As for crack it ruins lives, their own and the lives of others affected, whether loved ones or victims, and we need the strictest of punishments for those who deal that drug, if selling crack meant minimum ten years in jail it would decrease by great amount the people who think about doing so. Hard drugs are a scourge to society and need to be handled appropriately, no bleeding hearts, at the very least deal with those at the top and upper part of the hierarchy to stifle supply. No one wants their stuff stolen, it is a despicable thing to do, and that is the fault of the addictiveness in control of the people using those drugs, it is best to stymie people from initially trying that to begin with and if they do then hopefully there will be none available for sale because of our efforts and the increase of jail terms for those distributing

Dark Souls II
System: PS3
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: From Software/Bandai Namco
-Am wary about Bandai Namco but think From Software is alright and if it is then good. i am going to speak about something that may not be received well, the last time i talked about souls was when writing about the Joss Stone album Mind Body & Soul, and a while after that Slick Rick was forced to sing Can’t Dance to a Track That Ain’t Got No Soul. A soul is akin to a spirit or apparition, which don't exist, the closest we get is our essence, the sum of all our parts brain taking the top spot. While this may seem as if it derides our existence it actually makes it more impressive, the wonder of evolution and the miraculous result in us. Sure we can't live on ourselves in any form after death except for our actions living on through others but make the most of while we are here. As for darkness, we have dark thoughts no need for a soul, brought about by what we are encountering against us, and the desire to stop those committing the acts, and the desire for better for us afterwards. If you want to continue using the word soul have at it, maybe in a wink wink nudge nudge fashion, whatever you like, but what we have is what we got, and i think it makes life much more wondrous, intricate, and special. On the back of the Dark Souls II cover is Go Beyond Death, and you still can, whether through technology, medical or electronic, by non memory retaining ways like cloning or having offspring, or by living on through your deeds in life, there are many ways to continue on in one way or another after death. One of the best things you can do is make life better for those who will inherit the Earth from us, to improve every aspect of living so they will have it easier and more enjoyable. Some efforts take generations, but become accomplished eventually. You will live on in the pleasant existence of future beings, even if it has to get dark before the light. The soul is a euphemism for our consciousness, like how we say we love with all our heart, even though the heart cannot feel emotions which are handled by our brain, it just doesn't sound as good, but feel free to say either heart or soul regardless as everyone will know what you mean. Along these lines there is a brilliant Santana ft. Everlast song titled Put Your Lights On where it's said “There's a darkness really deep in my soul, i still got a purpose to serve”, and it fits, no complaints. The magnificence of life and living while euphoric also makes the harm being done to us even more unacceptable, and we must stop what they are doing even though it puts us at risk, to not tolerate what they are doing against not only ourselves but those we hold dear. You don't always have to put others before yourself, but maybe about equal, some good for me some good for you. Realize though that some of these times you will have to prioritize other people's well being where you let's say have to protect them from Zionist harm, and that is a foremost importance. When you feel other of us' discomfort your reaction am sure is and should be to help them, and when you see the instigators discomfort your feelings should be that their tyranny is being redistributed among them. After our suffering comes to a close it is then that we can focus on the good times to have, shelving our currently needed dark thoughts in exchange for hope, optimism and enjoyment, we just have some troublesome times on our immediate path to get through

Battle Chasers: Nightwar
System: Xbone
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Airship Syndicate/THQ nordic
-Upon checking this game, published by good guys THQ and developed by what seem to be upstanding Airship Syndicate, looks to be very very fun. Being attached to the Darksiders series which i enjoy immensely these companies hopefully have another great one to add to their library of titles produced. This game is apparently based on a comic book by Image comics which seems pretty good as well, i am undecided about their allegiance as don't read a lot of those even though they are appreciated but do completely avoid DC and Marvel, DC being stealthier than Marvel but both having complete Zionist agenda. i have friends that like various properties by those two and try not to ruin the movies and such for them although when asked i do say am not much for the pair. It's kind of anti-social not liking Zionist entities such as those as they are so prevalent, but what's the alternative? Putting up with them or worse entertaining their projects? i don't tell people what to watch or don't watch just convey my stance openly and let them decide what they want to do, or not. Comic book culture is a major player in media now, and they are being helmed by DC and Marvel, we speak about youth indoctrination and these are another example, so while you may be able to discern the messages they soak it in. As a parent you can to a certain degree choose or disapprove what your child consumes, and you can be honest with them, let them know that particular media companies are against them and mean harm to their mind, that they are trying to trick them and teach them poorly. As for your friends who like those i just employ saying that the companies have negative intentions, corrupt agenda, that usually conveys what i want to put across. DC Comics is owned by Zionist Warner Bros. and Marvel is owned by Zionist (only under Bob Iger but not still fully) Disney, both comic book publishers were Zionist to begin with before their acquisitions and have just continued. So if you are propositioned with the offer to see a comic book movie by one of those two companies politely decline and hopefully give a somewhat helpful answer as to why, and if you are thinking of watching one alone remember that they don't have your best interests in mind

Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire
System: PS4
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: YummyYummyTummy
-Looks interesting enough and was 90% off. As for sins of an empire that is all that Israel does, there is no goodness done by them, to their neighbours or anyone else. Think about it when is the last time they have done anything positive? And we have to go in and fix all the problems they've caused. There is a music group named “Panic at the Disco”, disco being a time for them when cocaine was “cool” and you will see that reference mentioned by them sometimes, and they have a song “i write sins not tragedies”, well let me say that they are indeed doing both. As for yummy i love food, very much and not just for sustenance, as you may be able to see with the slight belly i'm slowly getting. i don't dine out much but when i do it sure is delicious. The meals where i'm at are prepared and can be tasty as well, do have some favourites, when i made my own before it was a steady diet of hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled cheese, noodles with meat sauce, which all are very yummy. If i had access to a stove i would make Wal-Mart brand Great Value frozen pizza's all the time as they are about four dollars for a large one with lots of toppings, so good. Something i do eat often is chips, multiple flavours but mostly rippled when available, probably not the best for the aforementioned belly though. i am kind of easy to please in regards to food, so when something is spectacular it is extra special for me

Resident Evil VII Biohazard
System: Xbone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Another Capcom game to get a hard copy of even though have digital for ps4, no complaints in fact the opposite, am very happy with this and got it for a good deal. What am not happy about is the netflix Resident Evil series, and also the movie franchise starring Milla Jovovich, even the cg movies are corrupt, at least we have the video games, and they are more than enough. This happens with other intellectual properties as well, mostly only in the direction of something good being turned to not, the rights being bought up and sullied. So even if there is something you like and a new media is releasing it doesn't mean that the new iteration will be just as good or good at all. Enjoy what you can of the hard efforts we have put forward and disregard the Zionist versions of such, if you can get the word out about the status changing for the worse of a great intellectual property of ours then let people know. This goes for every medium, and there are enough reviewers professionally and casually for each that we can make a difference in the adoption or not of any given project and show what side they are aligning themselves with in whatever way you are able. People need to know that in this there are two sides, Zionist and anti-Zionist, that's what it comes down to, there is no middle ground on the issue, it is one or the other, and this is how you determine media, everyone who knows has a side, and you need to warn about the Zionist efforts, the efforts to interfere with your, and everyone else's, mind's well-being. So if you have a platform make the most of it, be ingenious and creative in on topic ways as much as you can be and use your talents to help us, all of us

Dead Rising 4
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom Vancouver/Microsoft Games Studios
-While i have this in special edition digitally for ps4 i couldn't pass up picking this up for cheap, being by my favourite developer and all. This iteration is set during Christmas, a holiday of ours and wonderful time of the year. The tagline here is Let the Slay Ride Begin, and it has. We are well on our way and just need to continue, keeping at it and staying on topic. You can of course play this game in any season, during Christmas time is just bonus, and what better way to spend the occasion than fighting off hordes of the undead. With all the opposition's media portraying (and thinking) of us as zombies it's nice to have the roles reversed once in a while, a bit of just deserts so to say. We don't actually think of them as zombies, it's just a metaphor, something to indulge in for fun, however their opinion of us is close to that. There are all sorts of derogatory comparisons they make about us, but we are human, they believe themselves as better than us but they are still human as well, though they don't want to think or admit that. No matter what they figure in their mindset we are equals, all good at different things. It is their belief that ultimately brings them down, they are not “gods among us” what do they do that warrants that thought? That they are skilled at accounting? A god would behave the opposite of how they do. God Kanye is much preferable

Masters of Anima
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Passtech Games/Focus Home Interactive
-In this game you as Otto are trying to save your fiancée from the evil Zahr, Autobots and Zion perhaps? There is another Capcom game titled Maximo and the sequel's name is Maximo vs Army of Zin, where Z is only second to V in denoting Zion. You command an army of guardians to aid you in your quest, something you can incorporate into your doings, inspire, motivate, lead. Rescue not only your fiancée if you happen to have one but everyone and their other. You should for sure be up front with those you love about the dangers we face, to warn them, in whatever way you feel appropriate, to save them from the programming they encounter, and i mean programming in the sense of ill-intended indoctrination not only from television. If you have a platform you can save many more than just yours, and you are needed to do so

Nintendo Land
System: Wii-U
Type: Casual
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-Nintendo is a video game company i would like to like, same goes for many movies and movie franchises, i very rarely give any of them my attention just have a spot for Nintendo, but yes they are a Zionist agenda entity. In fact i would reference the R.E.M. song Ignoreland, no matter what medium Zion has overtaken and is being broadcast from, newspapers, tv, magazines, books, the aforementioned movies and video games... You by now should know their intentions, ignore them as they are not for your wellness but the opposite. They plot and scheme against you, that's what they do, why would you want to endure their output when it has that intent, to trick you, to misinform you, to subdue you. Again, i have less animosity towards Nintendo, even though they are no better, so by that you can have one you tolerate for some reason, just don't fill your head with it. There are many of their projects, not as many of ours, so it takes some looking, lots of trial and error, and a strong mind to discount what you see of the opposing material if you briefly encounter such before turning it off or putting it down. If you notice something is Zionist remember that and don't entertain them anymore. There are multiple offerings of ours to take the place of positions held by the opposition, find a few of those and stick with them

Farming Simulator 22
System: Computer
Type: Simulation
Developer/Publisher: Giants Software
-A giveaway with Epic Games Launcher game that looks very in depth and the gameplay here mirrors the intricate work that is really done on farms. You have to respect the hard labour put in by farmers, without them finding food would be more than difficult. There's a song by astounding music group The Tragically Hip which is an ode to farmers, Wheat Kings, and it really is a love ballad to them. It does look to be a career that requires much effort, both physically and mentally. A career which often times is passed down through generations, a noble one at that and the expertise is ingrained over lifetimes. There is a lot of science involved, it is not just gruelling physical work. When i watched the trailer for this it showed many of the tasks to do involved exact measuring and application. Also on the trailer there was shown a manure sensing device, for us let that be our brains, as there is a lot going around. But back to farming, it is immense what they deal with, acres and acres of land to toil on, and with the effects of climate change so prevalent now it is becoming harder to manage a farm in the sense of spoiled or ruined crops. It is largely because of farmers that we don't have to gather food ourselves, a great service indeed, they feed us thanklessly but are so required. Whenever you can help a farmer show your appreciation by doing so, if you are in a position to make a difference in their work, well-being or happiness

Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Bulwark Studios/Kasedo Games
-i have this multiple times, bought for ps4 on sale but free from various services during giveaways on Steam, Epic Games Launcher, and now Gog. This is the Gog release. Warhammer games i don't have but would love to get are Chaosgate Daemonhunters for ps4, then a few years from now when i have a ps5 Rogue Trader and Mechanicus II. These type of battle games are so fun, i bet the tabletop miniatures version of Warhammer is equally enjoyable in a different way. For the video game ones watch out for the self described triangle strategy titles, there are many in the genre. There are actually many different Warhammer style games, action rpg, third and first person action ones... and they are a good company behind them, Games Workshop. See, there is a lot you can play even when sticking just to developers of ours

Conflict: Desert Storm
System: Computer
Type: Third-Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Pivotal Games/Gotham Games
-This war in the Gulf was about Saddam Hussein and his refusal to withdraw from the occupation of Kuwait. The same can be said about Netanyahu's refusal to withdraw troops and settlers from Gaza which is already globally labelled as an occupied area where Israel is not adhering to international laws and leaving, this has similarity to what Saddam Hussein did and we saw the repercussions from that. It was 1948 when the indigenous Palestinians were massacred and forced to flee their land, then officially occupied in 1967. Saddam's occupation of Kuwait lasted seven months, Israel's is still ongoing as of writing. Let's unoccupy Gaza from Israeli grasps, freeing the original inhabitants. It was only Lord Balfour that in 1917 promised Palestine to the Jews in return for getting the USA into the first world war, and that was unscrupulously delivered in said 1948 which is named in Arabic as the Nakba, catastrophe. So now what we have is the Jewish state encroaching even more so on land that was not theirs to have, as it was not Arthur Balfour's land to give. So just like Saddam's occupation of Kuwait, or like Vladimir's occupation of Ukraine, the Israeli occupation of Gaza must be ended by international governments, agencies, and forces if need be as seems to be the status quo. Do not discount the multitudes of citizens worldwide who are standing with Palestinians against Israel, they are brave, resolute, and capable of achieving great successes as has been shown already. As for the rest of the Middle-East the only reason for aggression against America is because of their foreign policy, which is controlled by Israel, so yet again Israel is the culprit here. America can break the Jewish yoke held on them, though with great effort, but that makes the difference of USA being of the people and by the people a reality and worth every drop of sweat. Israel is using Americans as their henchmen, directing and deploying them to do their bidding in said Middle-East, hence their negative feelings towards the country. Arabs don't hate the USA they hate what the USA is doing to them, their loved ones and their territory, if it were up to America themselves there would be no problem, Israel causes problems. Israel tries to correlate them and America together, when actually they are not, instead they are controller and the controlled, we have free will but not free action, as any retaliation against them is met with stiff rebuke. America is made up of many good people, of whom fifty percent are lining up to vote for Trump what's up with that, but good people especially if it weren't for Jewish conditioning through their media, which is not the people's fault. As we speak college students are rallying across the nation, and in other nations, against the Israeli war on Gaza, just to give an example of humanity being alive, well and making differences. Next and in continuance let's end the Israeli occupation, to start with physically in Gaza and then the political, monetary, and media control of the rest of the world. Why should Israel not face the same rebuke as Hussein or Putin when they are doing the same, invading a territory which is not theirs for conquest of land and resources. Thankfully some people are being brave enough to stand up to them, and in so showing that Israel's leaders, settlers and conscripts are not immune to scrutiny and retaliation. i commend those who are taking action as does everyone else paying attention, you are vital in this global revolution and the victims of Zion applaud you as well

LittleBigPlanet Karting
System: PS3
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: United Front Games/Sony
-Nice, i like off-road racing games very much but kart racing ones might be even more my favourite. This has infinite tracks as you can build your own or race user created ones as well. Even is compatible with the ps move racing wheel. While racing tracks are a fun thing to put online don't neglect your responsibilities to help the world out however you deem fit and are best suited to do so, there are a lot of different ways to go about that. As for this little big planet we are on it boggles the mind when thinking about it, not only our planet but our relation to the universe. We are not even a speck of sand in comparison, with the known universe being 28 billion light years across, soak that in, 300,000 km/second, for 28 billion years, staggering. So let's focus on making our corner of this galaxy the best we can for those upon it. Eventually we will be exploring even further into the universe and all the while colonizing nearby, we have some time till achieving goals like that though, as right now we are still in the early stages of discovery. Here we are, we exist because we exist, if we didn't we would know no different, so let's make the most of it while we can, for ourselves and for future generations. The human condition is something shared by us all, and there are grievous actions being taken upon us that exploit our weaknesses, these we cannot stand and must end those perpetrating these atrocities at all costs. These lives of ours are for enjoyment, that of which without encroaching on other people's enjoyment for your own. Our bodies are weak, fragile, even those who exercise are vulnerable, and this is being used against us by nefarious characters, rage should be the response. This human condition also encompasses love of others, happiness in self, and pride of us and our accomplishments among other emotions we feel. Unfortunately this goes the other way as well, sadness, pain and loneliness come to mind, two of which can be remedied, as for pain, those responsible for that inflicted for personal gain (torture) must be held to the most account available as it is the worst thing that can be done to someone. There should be no remorse for those who do such. For us civilized people we should be able to make the most of our lives, without worrying about being scammed or harmed by others, this is why i believe in a police state with lengthy sentences, to weed out those who aim to wrong us and keep them aside from society, at least two or three times as harsh as we have it now. With all these motions in place we will have a by far better existence, by far, it's just up to us to do this and instate all these actions and everything related to such. We are small in comparison to the universe but still important, our feelings should be respected, this and all else matters to us, which makes issues all the more pressing

Top Spin 4
System: PS3
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: 2KCzech/2K
-Happy to find this as have been looking for exactly such, this is a tennis game but thing is this version is ps move compatible, that is the motion controller for ps3 that makes it into a wii type system, very fun especially this sport with it. There are so many sports, all with amazingly talented athletes performing them. i'm not so much adept at physical activities like that, i played some floor hockey a few years ago and was huffing and wheezing within 15 minutes at the most, so i'll stick to my low aerobic pastimes. It does just take practice though, and commend everyone who does so, it is something really cool you can do with your body and i respect those that train and partake. Sports has role-models, people fine-tuning their skills to be as good as their idols, to one day perhaps be on the same stage or level as them, and when they are the best of the best they get much acclaim and monetary recompense. Not everyone makes it to the top but the path and journey along it is an enjoyable and rewarding one, physically and mentally. There are so many activities you can become involved in, and sports is a great choice, most people will not become professionals at it but instead have it as a side interest beside what they do for a living, and more power to them for doing so

Garou: Mark of the Wolves
System: PS4
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK
-This game is one of my favourites from SNK. Now i already have it digitally for ps4 and computer but this is a sealed limited run games version that i picked up and am very happy with having. i don't tend to pick up many items solely for collecting purposes but here and there i do. It's nice to have belongings you like, we all do have and feel that way of course, to treasure what you've acculminated which is always relative. In regards to my music/movies/video games which i write about i sure do like having them, but what takes priority in usefulness is getting to do so. i actually spend a lot of time writing, checking youtube, watching the news, so don't have much opportunity to watch movies or play video games, although enjoy both very much. First things first and that goes to you also, make the most of your time, on topic. Palestinians have lost everything including them and their loved one's lives, we should risk everything we have to help them and every other global victim of Zionism. There are many people in worse situation than we are now, be grateful for what you have but realize it's all just bonus of living. Be thankful, protect what's yours, but still extend your hand to those who need it

NBA 2K Playgrounds 2
System: PS4
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Saber Interactive/2K Games
-This game looks amazingly fun, it is an arcade style basketball game as opposed to a sim type one, kind of cartoony even but that's part of the appeal. This reminds me very much of the game NBA Jam, which was originally in the arcades then on 16 bit consoles and then a ps2 version, it's my first time finding out about this game and am happy to have done so. NBA Jam also made it to ps3 but was by corrupt EA as opposed to Acclaim (2003) and Midway (1993). Finally what looks to be a great unofficial sequel of sorts for a modern console. Basketball is made up of mostly black players, very talented ones, and it's said that a black person can make it big in either sports or entertainment, and there's nothing wrong with that, those are some of the highest paying jobs around. i know i sure couldn't do what they are doing, they train and practice methodically for sports and have great natural ability for entertainment. Now, they are of course represented in every occupation, you name it, and as said representation matters, do i believe in affirmative action? Sort of, i'm not sure how it is at the moment but the black population of America for instance is 15%, so sure an employer may be encouraged in whatever manner to have that percentage of employees accounted for, it creates diversity and opportunity. The problem is that poverty is a cycle, and a hard one to get out of, and what does it hurt to give a reasonable amount of chance to those who could benefit from such, also it has the effect of making some employers diversify their workforce who may not otherwise without pressure. Again and it's very true, i see and hear it all the time, representation is a major boon for those otherwise marginalized, to have role models in places of stature for others to look up to and aspire to be like. There are many powerful for example black people in every facet of life and career, it must have been a bit harder for them to attain that place though, as they are just catching up as have been subjugated for so long, only relatively recently gaining full rights. When you think of us remember that we have been designated as gentile, non-Jew, let's go along with that which they applied to anyone not them, i don't believe any other race has even a word with the same denotation, excluding everyone but them. We are all in the same situation, so let's join together not only in resistance to the Jewish threat posed only by them, but also join together in every other aspect of life, giving a helping hand to people of every background who may need that. We are in a time where equality is being brought to the forefront of application, where it is being instated by both desire for inclusion of the oppressed and the necessity of equality between different factions for fair play. Race, gender, orientation... all need a place at the table, and the pace towards such is quickening, after years of inequality for those mentioned the tide is turning. Let's welcome and usher in the new normal, creating a world, country by country, that is inclusive for all gentiles (again that's how they have divided us) and everyone be happy with their ability of having the same opportunities as everyone else

Age of Empires II Definitive Edition
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Microsoft
-Thank you to the protesters rallying against Israel's war on Gaza, your actions are more helpful than you could imagine. Not only are you greatly helping Palestinians you are putting the focus on Israel in general, now they won't be able to continue their killings without reaction or even sneeze without being noticed. This is the start of the end of the global Jewish empire, and their helm America's citizens are now aware and becoming more aware of their doings every day. Do not be led astray by planted “protesters” who want to make the movement look bad, and watchers to know that there are bad actors trying to get them to do just that. This really is the demise of Israeli impunity, now it is known that there is something wrong with Israel and in turn Jews themselves as people are learning. It is looking like because of you that this “war” of Israel's is doomed to fail, as there is now major scrutiny on what is being done by them. You have turned the tide in this dire situation the people of Gaza are in from utter despair to a hope for sorrow being alleviated. You are brave and cannot be thanked enough. This is an awakening of those who are (were) the sleepy part of America, now being able to see more clearly the issues involved, in the Middle-East and also in their country. You just don't know something until you know it, and now with this it is a taught introduction into what is going on and being done, a given inkling into the larger scope of actualities. This global resistance and opposition to the opposition really is the downfall of said Jewish empire, they lasted a long time but finally the world is paying attention, keep at it and grow in participants in all sorts of different aspects

Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
System: Computer
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-What a lame thing to have to deal with, again, as i wrote a whole blog post about this already. So, there is a movie, a great one, named Dogma, from the humorous mind of Kevin Smith, both a movie and person i like, anyhow there is a scene in the movie where a devious act of father against son is referenced, and this game has the word dogma in it, that's it, that's the correlation between the two, the opposition always tries to relate me to this mention in the movie whenever Dragon's Dogma is a topic, but it holds no basis in reality. However since they keep trying at it let me say this, and i will be reserved as i will try to take the high road on this subject, every time they lie about me in this regard think about the truth of them and what they are actually doing, and they aren't Edward Scissorhands as they tried to beautify the process, it's not just that which is the issue but what else is involved, anyway the whole thing is deplorable and i will leave it at that, unfortunately this restricts me somewhat from playing the game Dragon's Dogma, which is completely amazing and by my favourite developer, i just don't want to hear any more bs about this. However now i will speak about the game itself. It is an rpg like Skyrim, but third person perspective and by a good company. There is a second title in the series now and it is for ps5, which i do not have, but is probably fantastic. If you are looking for a game like this or like the ones similar i would completely recommend the franchise

Barrow Hill: The Dark Path
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Shadow Tor Studios/Iceberg Interactive
-Hope this one is good, it is the second in the series but decided to try this one first. There is an interesting symbol used in the story, it is two triangles that meet at the top, like a star of David but nudged up. Since the game is about the occult this may be a promising sign of an on-topic and for us premise. We must follow the path of light then a brief walk along the dark path in order for us to get back on the path of light and onward. The dark path is necessary, but we can brighten the way along it, and give sight to the end goal as we continue the way

God of War III Remastered
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Santa Monica Studios
-As written i am hesitant about this developer, but would like to like the series so picked this up. i have played a bit of the ps3 version and even the first boss is one of the most spectacular ones have seen. Have also played a decent amount of the ps4 game simply titled God of War, and it is phenomenal as well, again i have hope that this developer is okay. i don't know about a god of war but i know about the devil of war, the Jewish banking system and their infinite war machine that loans money to any side for the purpose of interest gained and also that which furthers their political agendas. They don't even wait for a war to start they create conflict. It would be nice not to have that wouldn't it. We are in the war to end all wars, and this is a cause every nation can agree on

Unity of Command II
System: Computer
Type: Turn-Based Strategy
Developer/Publisher: 2x2 Games
-This game looks great, the graphics, the gameplay, and was 80% off. You don't get to play as the Axis in this one but that's okay. Bought on Steam which is a platform i like, i tend to gravitate towards Gog more however have most of what i would want from there already. Still i would recommend both. Unity to me is standing together, and having each others backs. Being stronger with voices in unison and actions taken similarly. Unity will be needed by us, so prepare to work with your compatriots. When someone sticks their neck out for us be there to help them, they need and will need you do not let them down. Unity consists of shared ideals and the joining of efforts towards a goal as in togetherness in agreed beliefs and the application of methods to achieve similar desired outcomes. That is what we have to do, congregate and communicate with each other so that we have the power of all of us combined, doing such will give our side so much more probability of succeeding. Commanding sounds so overbearing but it is voicing your wants of someone to do something, which is not only perfectly fine but required. We must inform then direct our politicians into action for our causes, we must inform then direct our media, what little we own, into broadcasting what is beneficial to us, we must inform then direct fellow citizens of various job positions into helping us in whatever way they are best able to do so. This is commanding but in a respectable and necessary manner. Our commanding shouldn't involve raised voices but instead heartfelt requests and suggestions of achievable courses of action. When you put the two together, unity of command, you have a lot of people speaking to each other and doing as a team, not only speaking, doing, following through. In order for us to get anything done we have to do both, first and second, then repeated and continued until everything is how we want, which won't happen without our diligence

Turok Evolution
System: PS2
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Acclaim
-Not a fan of the Big-Bang Theory, the tv sitcom not the cosmic event. As for the miracle of the universe's creation it sure is awe inspiring, exploding, then black holes retracting it back to a sphere, then exploding... Will we ever find a way to negate black holes? Even if not we have a long run ahead of us. We have made it so far this time, Dinosaurs were cool and all but we have got it going on, and it only gets better, at least that's the hope. This game has you existing with dinosaurs, and even though i don't like Steven Spielberg either a Jurassic Park situation is possible. We are advancing so fast now, the snowball effect at it's highest rate, and ever increasing because of the global collaboration between us. It's taken a lot of time and hard work to get here, but we are, hopefully we can stymie the effects of human detractors and climate change which both have completely negative impacts on our collective well-being. However you think you've seen the incredible now just wait as the years progress, barring unforeseen instances, or those that can be seen. So we started as one-celled amoeba, then tadpoles, then all sorts of different creatures, personally i think we evolved from frogs before becoming apes and onward, everyone knows the second but before that is murky to most. If you would like a nice animated recreation of the beginning of evolution i would recommend the 1940 Disney movie scene in Fantasia, quite remarkable. After we reached human form we kind of stayed there, just becoming taller, and smarter. In fact i believe that we are ahead of ourselves, lapping our evolutionary status and leaping ahead of our intended placement with everything we have ingeniously achieved and created, the good kind not the detrimental to ourselves variety. i think we will physically be staying close to the way we are now, in general make up anyhow, we have it pretty set as it is. The dinosaurs were amazing and are really interesting for us to study, unfortunately we have to worry about the same demise for us if we don't get on plans to deflect and asteroid headed for Earth before even any black hole scenario. We very much do need to get on that. The wonders of evolution are almost unimaginable, but true, and the process creates better and better beings more suited and adapted to their surroundings and needs, right now we need to become more able to detect ploys against us, not only smarter per se just more skeptical and cautious, to have that ingrained instead of the opposite. Let's advance in manners that are beneficial to each other and not in ways that bring us backwards or in a wrong direction as is being coursed out for us now by nefarious players. When everything gets straitened out we will have a lot of space to grow better

Age of Empires Definitive Edition
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Ensemble Studios/Microsoft Game Studios
-Love this game and got it on sale. Speaking of evolution the ages go along with that as well, showcasing our achievements throughout history, constantly advancing with new innovations. Right now we are in the digital age, what will be next? I believe it will partly be the age of ingenuity, not jut one monumental breakthrough but all sorts. Space, energy, medical... the list is long for areas we can make accomplishments in. The future could go in different ways, either a dystopian existence or a utopian one, both possible unfortunately and fortunately. While with previous ages they were based on one major new invention we have so much going on and so quickly, it really will be an age of many changes. We are almost complete with the digital one, most everything being transcribed into 1s and 0s, books, music, art, the genome, you name it. We still have more to do with this one but achieved a lot of such. Before bronze they didn't anticipate the bronze age, it just happened, the same is true for us, what wondrous innovation will designate a whole era? Maybe it will be an ideal, a movement, a way of life. Whatever is in store for us is our doing, there are factors beyond our control but as much is under our control, we can affect the currently unaffectable. Let's course a future that we want to be in, one that we can happily leave to future generations or to ourselves if we race the clock and find a solution to inevitable death. The age of the fight for a pleasant existence? That would be a welcome one, let's make that part of our new itinerary

X2: The Threat
System: Computer
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Egosoft/Enlight Software
-i really like these space shooters similar to Descent or Forsaken, this one seems more open-space though compared to those. We are living threatened, under control in every aspect and threatened if we do not comply and allow them their grift. This is a constant threat as their grift is constant. When threatened we are allowed to defend ourselves and that is what we must do in this situation. We are the victims of theirs, not the other way around, many of us aren't even aware we are under threat by them, which is something that must be remedied. When everyone is knowing about what is going on it will be common consensus that we must stop what is being done at all costs as it encompasses everything that is part of life. The options are fight or flight, and we will always be running if we don't finally stand up to them, stop, turn around, and face them. Their threats are varied, but all have the same ill-intent, so be brave and do your part, in conjunction to everyone else doing theirs, together we are much stronger and can succeed in stopping what they are doing

Konung: Ties of the Dynasty
System: Computer
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: 1C Entertainment
-A fun looking game that seems good with an interesting setting. A dynasty is a family succession in a field or company, This is a fine thing for the most part, it generates income for the beneficiaries and a lot of the time if a parent for instance is skilled in a certain task or ability then a lot of the time so is the offspring. The genetics you get are varied, make the most of what you can of them

Splatter: Zombiecalypse Now
System: Computer
Type: Twin-Stick Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Untold Tales
-Obviously my favourite Zombie game is Resident Evil, the Capcom video games not the live/animated movies or Netflix series. This has potential though, the reviews aren't stellar but should be alright. We've been being portrayed as zombies by the opposition long before we had Resident Evil for ourselves and our desire to have something with the undead. There's an interesting movie named The Serpent and the Rainbow which is about a drug that makes you seem dead then come back to life afterwards as a basically zombie, a movie i actually like very much. The drug in the movie is sought out by a pharmaceutical company as a potential anaesthesia, something that could occur in actuality

Ground Control 2: Operation Exodus Special Edition
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Massive Entertainment/VU Games
-A good looking rts set in the future, while i am hesitant about the exodus mention i will instead go with it. Operation Exodus, as in a mission to exile. What the Palestinians need is the exodus of the Jews from their ancestral homeland, while the Bible is great and all it shouldn't form foreign policy as the Jews say the God promised them the land. i can say it is my land that doesn't make it so. Israel isn't even their land it was portioned for them by Lord Balfour in 1917 in exchange for the Jews getting the United States involved in World War I. Not only is Israel not theirs they are not even Jews, although i will continue to call them that as opposed to Eastern European Khazar's as they are. If God promised the Jews Israel it was the real Jews not the aforementioned who simply call themselves Jews because they took up Judaism as a religion. What we need is Jewish exile from all nations, they do not want to be a contributing part of the places they are in to begin with and instead work tirelessly against them from the inside. Their exile does not solve the problems they cause but it is an initial option or step. i believe wholeheartedly in following the dream to completion however if that for some godforsaken reason that is unachievable then maybe Australia or such would be interested in a population swap after maybe some construction and hired guards. However that just pushes the problem onto future generations and doesn't solve the issue posed. Instead, full steam ahead as we're on our way to a brighter life with each other, as we are called by them, Gentiles

World In Conflict: Complete Edition
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Massive Entertainment/Sierra Entertainment
-Have been wanting this game for a long time and here it is on sale. Really like this genre and here is one set in modern day which you don't see a lot in rts'. The plot here is that the cold war did not end and you are waging battle in America, Europe and the U.S.S.R. with scenarios based in actual locations. There is multi-player support and that is the only time you can play as the Soviets. Right now Russia is battling Ukraine, this does not put the world in conflict, just Russia and Ukraine, it's just that other nations are coming to the aid of the latter a delicate situation for everyone. Russia thought it would be a cakewalk but Ukraine is fighting back and doing very well in fact. The problem though lies with Russia and more directly Vladimir Putin, who is not calling off this breach of global standards and practices even though the world has turned against them because of this, i hope he figures out some way to end the war and rejoin the rest of the worldly community, he may not apologize but can make it up in other ways. Will he? If not him and his citizens will be ostracized which am sure he and they wouldn't like as opposed to being part of the great society of Earth we have. There are a lot of games with plots that center around Russia or the Middle-East being the antagonist, where are the games where Israel is the foe? We do have them but not blatant ones. i don't want to go against Russians or Arabs or even Nazi's, which all seem to be prime fare for video game villains. Aliens? Okay. Horrific creatures? Okay. The undead? Okay. Obviously as most video game developers are Zionist entities we are not going to see a letup in the opposing side being Russian/Arab/Nazi but just because they make those games doesn't mean you have to play them. But here i am after just buying this game with you against Russia, at least it is by what looks to be good companies. There are great world war ii titles available, those are the closest we'll get for sure as many let you play as the Axis, i have maybe a dozen or so of these type and they look fun. Two rts' like that i,m looking to try are Company of Heroes (first one the second is by Sega) and the Blitzkrieg series, both seem to be amazing. Now all this may come across as callous but it is mild compared to what and who we're up against, so we have to be a bit bold and unflinching. In fact it is us who are most of the time portrayed by them as zombies and other unflattering beings, so a bit of reaction is required. As for world in conflict we share our issues, so lets work on those together and enjoy the results

Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk
System: PS2
Type: Flying
Developer/Publisher: Kando Games/XS Games
-As an aerial combat game this looks fun enough, the reviews aren't phenomenal but is meant as an arcade game not an airplane sim. i am unfamiliar with the developer and publisher but that's not a bad thing, you still have to go in cautious of course. A friend of mine likes these jet fighter games but this is on ps2 which he is not much for, i however still have fun with games for that system. As for aforementioned jet fighters Israel is using them to demolish all Gaza structures and kill the civilians, mostly women and children. Israel wants the land for themselves so are levelling the entire region with plans to build on top. These type of jets may be used against Iran, so remember when said Israel is “retaliating” that it was they who carried out an operation killing two Iranian political figures in the first place resulting in the retaliation by them. So if it goes back and forth keep in mind that Israel was the instigator. As for Gaza it was a low level attack on Israel on Oct 7th 2023 with minimal firepower, after more than half a century they finally fought back. Now the jets are coming to take the land, which is why they do not want to stop. The people of Gaza have no jets, they have slings and stones, Israel is wiping them out without difficulty, so we need to be the difficulty. The “war” is one sided, there hasn't been any real Israeli loss since Oct 7th, after that it was just Gazans being systematically murdered for more than six months now. This is not a war against Hamas, this is a war about land, Hamas is just an excuse, in fact Israel wanted this war so bad that they allowed the operation to happen, having been warned in advance about the coming occurrence, this is documented. It is also true that most of the 1,300 killed that day were from Israeli sources to begin with. The victims and vulnerable in Gaza cannot fight back, so it's up to us to stop the Israeli war machine which is taking the lives of so many of them all for nearby territory and whatever natural resources they have. Benjamin Netanyahu said recently that the world needs to unite against Iran, when in reality the world needs to unite against Israel, as it is Israel causing all the problems in the Middle East not to mention what is being done by them and their cohorts in other regions. A world joined with the same intentions, of stopping what is being done, undoing what has been done, and making it so they cannot try again later. The jets are as of now still flying over Gaza killing and destroying whatever they can, let's make this issue a top priority to stifle, this is something that can be talked about easier while the rest is a bit harder to find ways to relay although they can be. Save the Gazans and their land for them, aggressor Israel will not stop on their own and will continue until made to stop

Capcom Fighting Evolution
System: PS2
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-This was a sweet find, at first i thought it was a compilation of games but turns out it is a combination of them, taking characters from each title and putting them together, interesting idea. Evolution generally makes things better, both evolution on a physical scale and on a personal one. You take the best of your lot and constantly improve on it. The Jews think they are highly advanced, all the while they cheat and con us, is that progress? i think not. Imagine that was the case, everyone just getting better and better at conniving against each other, that is not a world i would want for anyone. Instead we must strive to become better people, in every way possible, wouldn't that be so much more enjoyable for everyone? A global shift to positivity towards our neighbours and communion between us. This only works if everyone is involved and willing to do so, not being a sap to nefarious plots and devious actions. We must rid the world of those who seek to harm it for personal gain at others expense, they are a threat to us all both in happiness and survival. One of the games i was looking forward to on this is Red Earth, a rare Capcom rpg style fighting game, unfortunately it is only a few of the characters from that and not the full title. However what would be even nicer would be an angry Earth, because that is the appropriate feeling at what is being done against us, love for our fellows, anger against those who look to harm us. Our anger fuels our desire to make things better, to stop them, that is what i want us to do, that is what every victim of theirs wants us to do, and we are many

Garou: Mark of the Wolves
System: Computer
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK
-Amazing SNK game and it was on sale, i have it for ps4 but hey a great game for a different system by one of my favourite developers for about two dollars? i'm in. Wolves and she-wolves, plural not singular. Leave your mark on our world in a way that benefits us, there are so many ways to do so, personally i suggest on topic but you add what you want to add. You will live on in posterity with what you do, leaving a better world for those who come after, not a worse one like the opposition is making. By stifling that opposition in every way possible you are helping to make our existence now and in the future more pleasant to say the least. It is a stark difference between the world they envision and the one we want for ourselves, our loved ones and our brethren. Be like a wolf, strong and vicious when needed, and we are needed. It would be nice to all be peaceful with each other, and we will get to that, we just need to weed out some of what is undesirable to our palate first, and they will not stop on their own volition so it is up to us to do so. Undesirable, unacceptable, unallowable. There is one entity doing the most wrong in the world, one who is actively working day and night against us all, not against some certain nation, us all. There is no other entity that controls what they do, that has usurped all of our pillars of power for themselves in a takeover against the citizen's ruled by such. This is most evident in the United States by far but every nation is at risk of the same as that is their goal, to conquer the world in fashion of a quiet overthrow. Do not go quietly, rally the troops and take tangible steps against their attempted actions. Let your marks on this world be renowned by future global citizens who will thank you profusely for your efforts to help them and make a better place for everyone or at least those affected by what you focus on

Iron Danger
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Action Squad Studios/Daedalic Entertainment
-i am apprehensive but undecided on publisher Daedalic but at ninety percent off i figured to give this a try. The danger we're in requires us giving out iron crosses to those who help us, and we are in danger on so many fronts all by the same source. Not only are we in danger, everyone we hold dear is also, if it was just you by your lonesome you might shrug off your lot in life and not take the risk of fighting back but it also affects every other person as well. Together we must as a group retaliate, because together we are stronger, and together we must create through action a future we can be happy in. Yes there is also danger in standing up to them, but what is the alternative? Not something i want to be part of. Instead join with similar minded people to arrange resistance of all applicable kinds, be smart about it but do it to the best of your ability. You will have to take risks sometimes, but that is par for the course, be loud, be brash, be unavoidable. Make a scene and be seen. Again and this is clutch, together, be part of a large group in one way or another, do not go quietly. Just as we are in danger so are they and they know it, still they persist with no other feasible route to take, it is engrained in them and will have no grand epiphany to change them. We are fighting for our survival, they are fighting for federal reserve dollars. And that's what it comes down to, money, and what it buys, they don't even want the power, that can be taken or leaven, it's all about the money. All of our global suffering and for what, nothing of substance. Just as we have abolished slavery of Africans in America before we have to abolish the Jewish slavery of the world, it is done by racist Jews who think of Gentiles as cattle to line their pocketbook, an antiquated ideology that does not hold true as we know, instead of taking advantage of those they think of lesser, think, they should be helping them up if that were the case. This is not a new frame of mind, the Talmud has been around since about 300 AD, the Jewish bible which exudes supremacist beliefs against Gentiles (non-Jews), everyone. So now on their quest to ruin the world, who they think of as less than them, we are put in a place of fight-or-flight, turn away cowardly or stand up for ourselves and our compatriots, for the hope of all humanity the second choice is the better one

Resident Evil Revelations
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Let me forego speaking about the wonderful to you Capcom to briefly breach a different topic. i merely think of myself as a vessel to you, transferring my input into information for you. i see things as having been schooled in life, not actual school, and am not well versed in school topics because of such, instead learning about what i was interested in and wanted to learn about. i have been tracked since high school, either as a potential or the potential candidate for this. Everything in my life has led to what happened with me, every bit, good and otherwise. i have also leaned a lot through this, very much so, as i'm sure we all have through this time on varied topics. This is for you, i appreciate every accolade but am generally just a giving person who likes to please. The worst part is not being able to have someone to love in my life, being that way. Regardless as i think this is more important. Sometimes there are revelations to me, sometimes it's something i know, i pass it along to you either way in the manner i see it which is i believe unbiased, just logical. i intend to continue doing so for as long as i am around, it is my destiny and i will not forsake it, neither should you if you can help us in any way. i have issues but don't we all, extend past those and do what you are able. Normally i don't say i as much as i have here there were just some things to clarify. Let others be the focus of your actions and put them first especially when being accosted to say the least by the Zionist faction which many people are not fully aware and need revelations

Serious Sam Collection
System: PS4
Type: First-Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Croteam/Devolver Digital
-This looks to be a great series for us and i look forward to trying these, hope they are okay. Consisting of the first three games and their expansions there are two after these, the fourth one and Siberian Mayhem, amongst other iterations interwoven between them all. Speaking of serious Sams we need a serious Uncle Sam, willing to take on Israel and all they are doing, right now American Congress is controlled by such and that needs to be wrought free, regardless of any hold. Right now Israel and Jews in general have control of the trifecta of power in America, the government, the monetary system, and the media, all three together create a magnitude of imbalance against the nation's actual populace. America is still a force to be reckoned with, when the people know what's going on, it is a matter of letting them know. There are strong figures still elected in positions that can make changes, do not discount them, empower and support them. Just to say so am not too late, do not let Trump win, he is beholden to Russia and more importantly Israel, and will be the downfall of America. Biden is being as brave as he can and is doing well so far, Trump will not. i realize saying that will make Israel want to support Trump more so but i believe America as a country will outdo them, make it an issue spoken about very often. Let's see the utmost seriousness of the United States government against the Israeli entity both in America and abroad, complete resoluteness towards the issues and action taken to negate the power they hold in both

Industry Giant II
System: XBone
Type: Simulation
Developer/Publisher: JoWooD Entertainment
-Be or become your own giant of industry, just remember that everything is relative, so giant can be any size by comparison. You have multiple platforms available that you can make the most of, and do giant things or things that matter to a good person of ours or plural. Why just our people? Because they remain silent when we are being accosted so they can have their own people while we have ours, it is their choice and they have made it. So you have the opportunity to help us who are their victims, please do so. Think giant, change the world for our better, you can come to the aid of your fellows. Be brave and not distracted, this is all our time to shine. Giants do not begin as such, they start small and become larger, you can do the same, you sure do have your work cut out for you with so much to clean of a mess they made. You can concentrate on one topic, or multiple if you have the stamina, just fixing one problem is more than enough though and we will all be grateful. What you do matters to those it affects so be generous with your ailment response. It is up to us, giants and those less in stature, to get this done, all of what needs it, so regardless of your standing jump in and get involved, asap, this writing is a video game write-up, but if you're going to play those then at least get some service done every day beforehand. Even if you have daily tasks go above and beyond your duties in regards to helping us en masse. Your motivation should be the appreciation by those of us you help. You will also be up against some major forces, some Zionist giants of the industry, Meta, Google, Netflix, the list is long, but persevere and keep at it. They may be hard to bring down but every word spoken against them is to our advantage and accumulates in this battle waged. Music was our refuge from their media, and now we don't have that, it has been taken over for the most part, which again if you can do anything about... We have a scattering of good companies, ones that are beneficial for many reasons, their intended purpose and their community impact aside from that. They are a joy to see do well and to know that they are there. If you are a behemoth of ours i recommend you to get on board and do whatever you can with what you are able, you can make a huge difference and still be successful. Giant or butterfly we need you

Death to Spies / Moment of Truth
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Haggard Games/Atari
-In this you work for the Soviet counterintelligence service, despite the fact that you play as an agent for the Russian agency this looks like a good game. Russia's war against Ukraine has sullied their standing in world recognition, and i hope Vladimir Putin puts a stop to what they are doing. Am sure he can figure out some way to end the hostilities against them and still save face to the Russian citizens. Restoring Russia's global standing by ending that war is much better than the alternative of doubling down with nuclear weapons where nobody wins everyone loses. Seriously am sure Putin can figure out a way to gracefully withdraw from Ukraine and be praised for doing so both worldwide and from his populace as well. i will leave that to him to decide how to go about doing that

Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Wanadoo/DreamCatcher Interactive
-H.P. Lovecraft of Cthulhu mythos had the original idea of this Book of the Dead and referenced it in many of his writings. There are quite a few video games based on his works that all look very enjoyable. What's not enjoyable is the real-life Necronomicon, the Talmud, without a doubt an actual book of demons, as can be evidenced by reading it. You don't hear a lot about the Jewish holy book and that is because they do not want people to look up what is said in it, as it is all very reprehensible. The Talmud is still followed, it is not something that had gone by the wayside, it is a part of Jewish ideology and mindset. We have the Bible, Muslim's have the Quran, both noble tomes, the Jews have the Talmud. While those first two have good intentions the Talmud encourages filthiness and depravity, the opposite of our books, and the opposite of what we want in our world

Urban Trial : Freestyle / Playground
System: Computer
Type: Racing/Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Tate Multimedia
-Fun, i have one of this series for console and enjoy it. Wouldn't call this so much a racing game, it is more about traversing an obstacle course correctly on your motorbike. Have always wanted to ride a motorbike, now they have e-bikes which are very cool and can be similar. Now there are also e-scooters, e-skateboards, e-cars, i welcome these innovations. There's just something about riding on dirt as opposed to asphalt though and having jumps along the way. i don't have a bucket list but something i would like to do is ride a dirt-bike on a track for those, bet that would be a great time

Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: High Moon Studios/Sierra
-Always liked these espionage themed movies, books, games, a friend picked this up but let me have such for myself, am sure to enjoy it or at least hope it is something i will. Conspirators conspire to hide their conspirations, conspiracies happen and are put into effect by people trying to pull one over on others, in small and large instances. You hear some try and deride conspiracies in general but think about it, there are people that conspire, really and truly, if you think there aren't well then you are naive and definitely no insult intended, you learn and realize is how it goes. Not every theory pans out, but don't let that detract from the ones that are actually being done, and there are many different plots being waged. Do not let the (in my main focus) Zionist entity trick you as they try, foreign nation's populace are subject to their own government's propaganda but North America is subject to Zionist fare more than from their ruling class. When you hear the word conspiracy keep in mind the real ones, and not be dragged into a distrust of anything that has that moniker. In fact, it is up to us to spoil their efforts of fooling us, by speaking about what's being attempted and letting people know. Nefarious plots need to be exposed, counteracted, and not allowed to succeed. You are constantly the target of Zionist ploys, beware and be aware

System: PS4
Type: Action/Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Isometricorp Games/Finji
-Decided to treat myself to this at half price, am really hoping it's okay. This is a Zelda style game that has a lot of potential, first though there is a bit of a triangle on his shield, that is worrisome, but other than that looks a-ok. In the summary it says “Keep your wits about you and be brave, little fox!”, it takes bravery to stand up to Zion, it does not require bravery to tow their line. In the wise words of Mystikal, shake ya ass, but watch ya self. So be brave, do your best, and with everyone doing as good as they can also we will be strong together while looking out for one another in the process

System: PS4
Type: First-Person Action
Developer/Publisher: Fatbot Games
-Have this for computer but for three dollars on sale figured to pick it up on console as well as plays better on that normally

MX vs ATV : All Out
System: XBone
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Rainbow Studios/THQ Nordic
-This looks amazing and is by the same developer as the ATV Offroad Fury (among other) series which i am a major fan of. There are all sorts of vehicles and an open world setting to race in, should be very fun. All of us all-out and all-in, you can take me for granted if you want, and instead focus on our tasks at hand, which is really what i always want to see from you. While i always appreciate any support to me and will continue to do so we could be doing so very much more with that time, you on topic every opportunity you have, we can be formidable like we need to be. If you have a platform, or can make one, of any kind, i suggest you spend your time doing the best you can towards informing and organizing people and encouraging action and accomplishments. Imagine everyone doing their part all the time, how great that would be. Always remember i am not in this for praise, it is very loved but would rather watch you doing what you can, that is what i enjoy most. All-out means full-blown, and all-in means focused, be both. The opposition is constantly against us, so we need to keep pace with what they are doing, which means all the time on topic, no let-up or distractions. Be as on point as a laser beam, tracking your target. Do not fall into a rut of not being at your best offence, take the hard route and counteract what they are doing rather than what does not help. It's not me to do this for, it is for everyone else and will do so much good for our cause compared to otherwise. Whatever you choose to do at least make sure it's somethings that helps in one way or another, no straying from the courses that we need to follow to stay on tracks to better

Quake I / II
System: PS4
Type: First-Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: id Software/Bethesda Softworks
-i know, i know, Bethesda... here's the thing, i have always really liked this series and here it is remastered and with every bit of content included for a cheap price on sale, normally i don't pick up Zionist fare at any price but decided to make an exception with these. i used to do really well with various fps' including these on computer, a genre i believe is best with a mouse and keyboard. To note, these games are by id Software, which was bought by Bethesda in 2009, so is not officially a Bethesda game per se, probably the same in allegiances but hey there may be a slight chance it's okay. Again you have to do your homework before buying a video game, and this particular bundle aside i would suggest not even a penny to Zionist developer's efforts as their efforts are against your well-being. i even generally skip on their free games, free-to-play or free with promotion, saves your brain. If you're looking for a classic fps made by us you should check the Unreal series by Epic Games, very well made and fun as anything. For modern, Halo, among a few others am probably missing. So don't hold it against me for buying this potentially a game by the opposition bundle, and i'll let you give yourself some leeway as well, as long as you know what you're getting into with a Zionist game and are aware of the downfalls of playing such, still i would not recommend doing so. The same can be said about any medium, if you notice something glaring do not continue consuming that, as i will do with Quake

MXGP 2019
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Milestone S.r.l.
-i have good faith in this company and have enjoyed their games very much. While i have MXGP3 (2017) this is an upgraded version in the franchise, and must say it looks great. Generally you add on to your earlier efforts and improve your projects, and i am no exception, once in a while i repeat myself, but with the amount of posts and such i put forward it is bound to happen, most of the time it is a better version as well. You are a constantly changing person, always hopefully building on your experiences/achievements/failures and becoming better for that. Given that what you do also results in finer outputs because of your learning best ways to do things and practicing skills along the way. Most of us have projects we work on, career-wise or as a hobby for enjoyment, please add what we are doing here to that list and follow through with your actions taken. So how is you 2024 edition going so far? Software has version numbers, think of that for you also, 34years.280days. What improvements to yourself or tasks to do will be added to you for tomorrow?

ATV Drift and Tricks Definitive Edition
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Microids/Maximum Games
-This looks fun enough and i like the developer and publisher as well, Microids is more known for their point-and-click games so this is a bit of a departure from the norm for them, and seems to have somewhat negative reviews, however, i would much rather play a game developed with love than one developed with bad intentions. For me Zionist video games are clear as day corrupt, i wish everyone could see through them, all it takes is some nudging and illuminating, so let that be a part of your itinerary. i want my atv's to do tricks not video game companies that do tricks on us. The Zionist opposition are the only faction that are making these what should be considered and looked upon as unplayable games, no one else is doing that, this is the same for all their media, one problematic group making it all. i believe that deep down people know something is wrong or get a negative feeling from Zionist media of all sorts, this is why they need that inkling given

System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: It Matters Games/Daedalic Entertainment
-A very interesting game based on trading goods with other towns and the exploration and encounters that goes along with that. This reminds me of the documentaries available for you on the relevant page about the federal reserve that delve into the origins of monetary systems that i like so much, they really are superbly done and also suggest how we go about fixing the problem of said federal reserve by implementing a currency based on gold and silver which have worth. To me the new world order is about not only a global governance but a global bank, akin to the fed, and that must not be allowed to happen or the world will be in the same situation as the United States, in perpetual debt. Most Americans are not up on financial issues but really need to be, try and get the word out to them that there is a scheme going on with their money, if you want to call it that as it currently has no intrinsic value as is based on nothing of worth, it is paper only accepted because people are told it has value. Right now sure you can buy goods and services with it but the amount decreases every day, eventually requiring incredible amounts of these baseless papers to buy even the most rudimentary of these products, as you can see the way it is going now, just imagine as time progresses. The “federal” “reserve” is a fraudulent institution tricked into government adoption in 1913, and now is on it's last gasps as a failed monetary policy which threatens to ruin every person who is in any way involved with the United States dollar as it is now. Information and knowledge about this subject is needed to be taught to each and every person, before the utter collapse of the whole system, American's can fix the problem but it won't be easy, those in charge of the fed are making enormous amounts of money from it and will not give it up willingly, so new legislation is needed from those who can do so. It must be demanded of the policy-makers and start with broad education of the public who will request and insist on such. Money as said in the documentaries is whatever the people want to use as forms of trade, so we must now instate a tried and true method with precious metals, and not allow debt-based notes to be used anymore. Also, and i have touched on this before, the federal reserve is unconstitutional and as such can be deemed so, negating all the money owed to it, this is the bread and butter (a lot more than bread and butter) to those responsible for the swindle so they will be holding onto it with all their might, however we as the citizens have much power, more than they do when organized, so must do so and make this new to this generation monetary system a reality

System: Computer
Type: First-Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: The Farm 51/Aspyr
-World War I, a group of allied soldiers happen upon a series of hidden enclaves that contain supernatural entities worse than who they are fighting and enter a battle for the future of humanity. A very promising premise that i hope delivers. The ally and the enemy are subjective, people make that distinction by what they are taught and know about, with further information that position can change, so what we need to do is give everyone all the knowledge we can to help them see beyond the surface of the issues and into everything that's being done. Suddenly the enemy's of ww1/ww2 are swapped for the heroes, not to discount the ally heroes who were doing what they were told. i direct you to the 1961 speech by Benjamin Freedman for reference, a Jew himself who went against his kin and explained the truth of the two world wars in a succinct manner. Now Germany has a complex about themselves which is detrimental to the greater cause, overly siding with Jewish interests to try and not look anti-Semitic at all, well to them i also suggest that speech, then have a backbone and double-down on your real positions. There is a difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, no one will fault you for being anti-Zionist. The underworld creatures mentioned would be the Zionists, and we can all be against them. There are good Jews we all know that, this is about a sect of them who bring down the rest along with themselves. Now remember, Zionism has two contexts, the creation of an Israeli state, and the protocols, i as with anyone aware of the situations is against both, but whenever someone says you are anti-Semitic say no you are anti-Zionist, not only does that get you out of a troublesome light but gets people to look up what Zionism is, keep that in mind and do so. World War III hopefully will be averted because everyone will be in agreeance about demising the Jewish threat, and not something brought on by Russia or any other world power. In fact currently warring parties can work together with common interest. This would be the war to end all wars. People may disagree, that is expected, but same as with every other issue majority rules and it is those in that majority that decide what happens, and when every person knows about the extent of heinous Zionist deeds we will all come to the same conclusion, push that along, let others know, and together we will be able to take on the Zionists that are against us all

Dakar Desert Rally
System: Computer
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Saber Interactive
-Free from Epic Games Launcher this racing game looks immensely fun, unfortunately i don't have a computer that can run this as the system requirements are quite steep, but at least have it for the future. In this race you're in it for the long haul as you are going from Paris to Dakar in an off-road extravaganza. This is perfect for me, the setting, the terrain, the vehicles. i bet racing in the actual rally would be a real enjoyment but for me this will do. i do kind of live vicariously through video games and movies etc, that's okay i like my activities as a home-body. My outings are mostly thrift and hobby stores, to shop and game respectively, both places and people i admire. There's commercials promoting travel and excursions which do look amazing, just not sure if that's something i'd be up for, would be missing out on doing this for one, although i guess there's wifi. i don't know if that is something that would like, probably, just never did much of that so can't compare. Somewhere i would really like to go is Japan, that would be my dream vacation, not very scenic nature wise as far as i know but would enjoy very much. i bet it would be a nice place to live as well. There are many destinations that would be great to visit or live it all depends on what you like, and if that's something you always wanted to do give it a go, i'll be here doing this

Monster Sanctuary
System: PS4
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Moi Rai Games/Team17
-Monster sanctuary or angel's refuge? i'll let you decide which is which and where is where. Did you know Pokemon is short for Pocket Monsters? And the monsters want what's in your pocket. This game is an aforementioned metroidvania with a hint of Pokemon and looks like a very good combination. In this one the recruits help you instead of hinder you, sorry, not a Pokemon fan. This game though might combine the best of both worlds, will be interesting to see. It's not easy going against beloved franchises or entities but must be done, they are Trojan horses designed against you so need to be denounced as such. Pokemon are cute, so are many other Zionist properties, that makes it even worse. i play the occasional Nintendo game, so if you want to tolerate Pokemon be my guest, just know what you are getting into. To those that like Pokemon this just has to be said. i encourage others to breach the topic as well

The Hong Kong Massacre
System: PS4
Type: Top-Down Shooter
Developer/Publisher: VRESKI
-China is trying to prevent the massacre in Gaza which am happy they are taking a stance about, i hope that they continue siding with them, and ultimately us, in the many years to come. Gaza is not a world power, but China is, let's see Israel try and take them on, in addition to every other world power. Nations be brave, not only about what's being done in the Middle-East but what Israel is doing globally, they will come for you in order of ease, do not let that happen or continue in any way whatsoever. The massacre in Gaza will spread, to Iraq, Iran, Lebanon... all of Israel's enemies in the region who dare to stand up to them. Now all the Palestinians have fled to Rafah, and Israel plans on bombing the area to smithereens as they have done to the rest of the territory, more than a million Gazan's crammed into this small location at the risk of imminent death by them, this truly would be a massacre, more so

System: XBone
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Playwood Project/Deck 13
-A video game similar to the tabletop Warhammer universe by Games Workshop this title looks great. i have never played the actual tabletop game but would love to sometime as it would be a real life version of the tactical ones i like so much. This game very much has the feel of the physical one and should be interesting to play for sure. Games Workshop has been around for years and is the leader of the genre, also being a company of ours to mention, and Wartile may be a good place to start as an introduction to such even though by different people. If video game strategy rpg's are like chess then said tabletop ones are even more so. While video games (of ours) are definitely fun there is a lot to be said for actual activities not digital, and i would consider Warhammer to be one of the most enjoyable in it's field. It will be hard for you to find time for any of this though as you will be busy kicking Zionist butt right? Hope so

System: XBone
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Varkian Empire
-What looks to be a nice alternative to Mario Kart or Crash Team Racing this kart game is alongside Disney Speedstorm as one we can enjoy. Speedstorm got mixed reviews but is free-to-play so worth a try and i should give it a shot as well, it does seem on the up and up from what have seen though. Kart racers are defined by the fun nature, not sim or even arcade racers even though they are, but with whimsical tracks and various power-up's. What really shines with these is multi-player, couch or even online, these are a good time to be had. Multi-player obliteracers? i'll leave that there

American Fugitive
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Fallen Tree Games/Curve Digital
-Speaking of Donald Trump... how terrible it would be if he becomes President, again. The supreme court is now deciding if he should be taken off the ballot because of his leading the insurrection, and he should be, it's written right in the constitution. This in particular is kind of like the law requiring seatbelts in vehicles, the law is there to protect us from harming ourselves, similar to Trump being disallowed as an option to choose from. Trump is the opposite of what we want and need a president to be, seriously, the exact opposite. While there is some speaking about Joe Biden's age, he at least is a good role-model to follow and would make a fine returning president for many good reasons. Anything that prevents Trump from regaining office is a boon to mankind, truly. If you want to know how to be a good human being start by ridding yourself of all the traits Trump unfortunately has. There are problem on top of problem with him, instead of listing them i will let you see and judge for yourself, in addition to the actual judges (of the supreme court) judging. It is as always up to us, you, to prevent this person from ever holding office again, and anything you can do to help in this manner benefits the world, no exaggeration, actuality as the president of the United States is the most powerful position to hold globally. A position i would recommend Joe Biden for, to continue the great work he has done, i tend to feel the same on issues as Democrats do but if it had to be a Republican i would go with Nikki Haley over Trump any time, and if Chris Christie enters again as an independent he would be a great choice as well. So if you can help anyone/everyone other than Trump go for it, if he happens to still be on the ballot it will most likely be him vs Biden, and the choice is clear to those that see and hear who Trump is to support the alternatives

Darkestville Castle
System: PS4
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Epic Llama Warchief/Buka Entertainment
-Am taking a chance on this one, it could go either way, if good it will be great, if negative agenda, not. The graphics are nice and i like the genre, while mouse and keyboard are more suited to these types of games will try this one out on my ps4. The aesthetics are beautiful hand-painted art style which is always a pleasure to see in video games. As with other games with this type of graphics it really is art in motion, while polygons are disputed as being/not being art i think these may be easier to conclude as being such. As for the intentions of this game that may remove the art designation and put it squarely in the propaganda pile, we'll see about which one that is one way or the other

Feudal Alloy
System: PS4
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Attu Games
-Interesting premise here, you are a fish in an enclosure on top of a robot body, against other robots with fishes on top of their robot bodies, told you it was interesting. This is another beautifully hand-drawn video game that boasts “a wide range of enemies, bosses, skills, and equipment”, looks fun. In our future we could have computers instead of fish, running our brain backups in a writeable format, to live again and forever. How close are we? It will still be a while but relatively close compared to how long it took us to get here, we are experiencing a snowball effect in regards to innovation, and it's just getting bigger and quicker. Now we can collaborate with anyone in the world, on any given project or issue, this is recent and we are making the most of it, and it only gets better from here, minus the acts of corruption by nefarious world actors who we need to neutralize their attempts of takeover of us. If it wasn't for them we would have smooth sailing in our lives, a tropical paradise literal or figurative. We need a lot of effort on our part, the opposition is active against us so we need to be just as diligent. We came from the water, so in a way we are fish in control of automatons, unimaginably complex ones be it, we've come a long way and hopefully have as humans a long pleasant life ahead of us if we make it happen ourselves

Mutant Football League
System: PS4
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Digital Dreams Entertainment LLC
-This looks amazingly fun. i like football and until this my fave video game of such would be NFL Blitz Pro for ps2 by Midway, which i still like for a more traditional game. Now all the NFL football games are by Zionist EA (Electronic Arts) and i believe they are the only ones with the official licence. Being a completely original concept, although based on an earlier incarnation on Sega Genesis, oddly enough by EA, which this one isn't, should be absolutely enjoyable. As of writing Superbowl LVIII is this Sunday, with the San Fransisco 49ers vs Kansas City Chiefs, and phenomenal Usher doing the half-time show, and i do like watching such, that's about the only football i watch though and since don't have home team to root for i always try to have a reason to support one team over the other, this year i'm going for the Chiefs, yes yes, because Taylor Swift is dating Travis Kelce, hey it's something. Taylor swift looks to have picked a good guy, and am sure Travis will be happy with Taylor as well. Athletes deserve a lot of respect as they are the best of the best at what they do, training since youth and also greatly imbued with physical, and mental, talent. i've heard criticism about athlete pay, well what should they get? Minimum wage? No they are so good people pay very good money to see them perform, and the sports clubs aren't losing money even with the exorbitant salaries, the pay is well deserved. i for one have no physical prowess, sports wise, i always wanted a Bowflex though, they look great and would really make use of one, not that i have anywhere to put it but it's been a desire of mine, but that doesn't help directly with sport, that takes practice and training. If you are physically fit you can appreciate and look up to what athletes do, and if you aren't then you can and should appreciate even more

Alien Hominid 360
System: XB360
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: The Behemoth/O3 Entertainment
-Another hand drawn game here, this one originated as a flash title then became very popular and was ported to consoles. A labour of love by the developers am sure. This is an example of how dedication to a project can result in great things for it and it's creators. If you have an idea go with it, if you think it can be something beloved work on it. The more you put in the better the output becomes. Do it for fun, do it for money, or do it for necessity, your contribution may, most likely will, be a nice addition to our combined existence and the people affected positively by your work

Subject 13
System: XBone
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Paul Cuisset/Microids
-When the subject is Jews, Israel comes up a lot. i wrote about this when bought for computer so will instead talk about said subject/issue. The default topic is Jews, that is our main concern by far, after that everything comes second but there are many ties for second all with their own deserved attention, but only one in first. This topic encompasses everything and everything is in danger without our action. Other topics are self-contained, affecting itself and those afflicted, Zionism and all it entails affect everyone and everything, so gets priority. Talking about something unrelated in a public manner? Make it about Zionism. Better than not, it will add to the difference and is our duty to do so. With all of us on board we will advance much quicker than if not, and while we have patience the sooner we make these adjustments the better

How to Survive 2
System: XBone
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: EKO Software/505 Games
-Stranded in an apocalyptic setting you must hunt for food, build shelter and forge weapons to fend off a horde of the undead. Looks like a fun game, lots of strategy to be had. There is an actual “doomsday clock” with the amount of minutes to midnight (nuclear armageddon) as thought of by those knowledgable in the field, and it is a real concern. We will have it good if we can get through some rough times, we just need to refrain from blowing ourselves up until union. Stick it out, resolve our differences with diplomacy, compromise, even soldiers and small scale armaments, no nukes. We've got enough to worry about already without having some rogue nation large or small set off an atom bomb. And even a precisely targeted strike would result in global catastrophe because of m.a.d., mutually assured destruction, you bomb us we bomb you. Let calmer heads prevail. Once the Israeli warmongers after their spoils are out of the picture then we can come to the tables and work out our problems

Alan Wake's American Nightmare
System: XB360
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Remedy Entertainment/Microsoft Game Studios
-This one definitely looks like it's by the opposition, why did i pick it up? It was about three dollars on sale and figured to give a try on the long shot that it's okay, probably should have skipped though just as you should when proposed with something that seems for sure to be by them. Although published by the good guys/gals at Microsoft it is a game by Remedy, which shows as always you can't go by publisher alone. That happens somewhat often. Alternately if a game is published by a Zionist company it always is such as that entity will not publish something that is ours, always be on guard for Zionist publishers in general but good publishers with games by unknown or unsure developers. As for American nightmare, turn it back into American dream (not Maga). There's so much to do but you got this, instate what makes common sense, this, then that, then this, then that. Sometimes there will be divisions but as always majority rules. Right now Zionists are in many of the places of power and are working against the American public, they need to be replaced, it can be done. Step by step we will take back our institutions, of course the first of which need to be media, monetary, and political, and be in a much better environment for doing so. Eventually after much effort the world will be ours again, to enjoy and be prosperous on, if not completed in our lifetime then continued struggle for future generations. The uninitiated know hardship, it is the ones who know that see the nightmare, let's make it better

Frontlines: Fuel of War
System: XB360
Type: First-Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Kaos Studios/THQ
-While the developer is clutch to determining a game's leaning the publisher can vary in outputs, for the most part THQ is a good publisher. This game, on sale, looks quite nice, squad-based combat seems like a fun genre, only thing is i found out after purchase that it is mostly online multiplayer, which is fine for some people i just prefer single player. On the bright side if i ever do want to venture into trying this multi then at least the servers are still functioning to do so. Now, the premise of this particular game is that you are against a Russia/China Red Star Alliance, this has nothing to do with promoting the IDF who are implementing the slaughter of defenceless Gazans. Russia and China are forces to be reckoned with, Gazans are farmers and sheep herders trying to make lives on their own land which Israel wants for themselves. Speaking of Russia and China hopefully both can come to the aid of Gaza in any and every way they can, they would be an immeasurable help in addition to every other nation available. i have a repurposed t-shirt that has “Thank you frontline workers” written on the front many times in the shape of a heart, and on the reverse it says “Frontline workers we've got your back”. And unlike previous wars we are the ones on the frontline, wars are fought differently now, they are of diplomacy and tactical strikes instead of soldiers and tanks, for the most part anyhow. So it is you and i who are in charge of what happens, and you really can make an impact on our present and future, we are the frontline, make the most of your position. We have a say, and actions to take, being the vast majority of citizens compared to those in power it is us who really are the decision makers, we can even circumvent the rulers and make our own paths for others to follow, and join, along the way we can also replace those in our governments who do not act in our desires and best interests with those who do. But don't be waiting on government, that is just one branch of our society, and often times not in tune with what the people actually want, in the sense of foreign and corporate interests overshadowing the various national populations. All this puts us on said frontlines, each and every one of us, some take action, some don't, do not be the latter. If you are in the heat of battle and unarmed, with voice or tasks administered, you will fall to the opposition, in order to succeed you need to take part. Yes, we will have soldiers, but we have a long way to go until then, and getting to that point will require much effort. So thank you frontline workers, from me and from us, hopefully all will be joining and together create a better world for us to live in

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
System: XBone
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Bombservice/Active Gaming Media
-Nice, this looks great and by the summary seems to be one of ours. This is the fourth instalment in the series but is the first i see of it. “a cursed land in decline. evil spreads, the dead rise, and corruption reigns”, very possibly on the up and up for us as corruption for one is mentioned because the opposition wouldn't want to put forth the idea to people that that is going on. In this game there is one hero, but in actuality there are many, working to make our reverie, dream, come true. To do so we need everyone on board, a collective dream shared by all that we will live in if we put in the effort. Be lost in your desire for better times, wouldn't it be nice compared to what we are having to go through now? Daydream, night dream, be constant in your longing and motivated to actualize your, our, pleasant existence. This dream will be one you have while you are awake, living in a near utopia compared to how we have it now, we have lots to do to get there though. Again, near utopia, we can make it, there will still be issues to deal with but the comparison is day and night, which you should also be going towards day and night. Lost in a daydream will turn out living in one if we do everything right, the best we can

Saga of the Moon Priestess
System: PS4
Type: Action Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Pixel Trash/EastAsiaSoft
-”Zelda”, not Zelda, and better for it. This pixel based nes style game looks anything but trash, in fact it looks very fun, and seems to be one of ours. Zelda type games are some of my favourite, again type. So here we have the Moon Priestess vs the Israeli Tri-Force, and hopefully it's us who survive and come out relatively unscathed, although we are already suffering losses and we don't know the future, all we know is that we must take action regardless of the outcome for us or our brethren. A saga is “a long story of heroic achievement”, and we're on it, each of us, despite being held down by Zionist clutches, let's continue. Everyone has their own saga, a timeline of your accomplishments, large, small, for one, for all. Even the actions you don't think are much are, as long as they help our fellow compatriots. Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon has had an enduring life, inspiring us for decades and having mentions of it created in tribute and recognition, is this another one? It is deserving. What is your saga? What will you leave behind of good deeds done after you pass? Hopefully a string of positive impacts on our people's lives, each of us contributing in our own way. If this videogame is good, and it's looking to be, that will be part of the developer's own saga, of his or her addition to our society. And that's what we want, many efforts done solely or as a group towards the betterment of each other, towards, maybe you will not be able to complete your work, but it will continue on after you are gone, eventually benefiting those who follow in the future. Make a path of well-doings along the way, so that your saga is one of either great renown, has practical purpose, or both

S.t.a.l.k.e.r - Clear Sky / Call of Pripyat
System: Computer
Type: First-Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: GSC Game World/Koch Media
-This series of games is one i'd really like to play, they are just not compatible with my computer so will have to wait, figure to pick them up on sale in advance. S.t.a.l.k.e.r. stands for Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killers, Explorers and Robbers, and while i am not a fan of robbers the rest are all welcome, desired and needed along with every other type of person available. We have a range of members that defies classification, being from all sorts of nationalities, backgrounds, careers and demographics of many additional varied descriptors. Each of us bringing our own skillset to help how we are best able, putting our efforts together to amplify our strength together as a group. Work for us full-time, or part-time, the former always on task and the latter whenever appropriate and available to, if you are doing something completely unrelated you can still put in your on-topic effort with what you are putting forward as well, in all sorts of manners it's just up to your creativity. Ally with others as we are all in the same situation, you do your part and encourage others to do theirs. Try and put aside differences so that we can have a greater presence of those standing up going towards our shared goals. Our community is large and still growing as more people learn of what has been going on, is being done, and is negatively planned for our future, bring those people to attention and then aboard the resistance. All walks of life can join, in fact you are required

System: Computer
Type: Top-Down Shooter
Developer/Publisher: 10tons
-Here you play a future judge (a jydge) wielding a gavel-gun, taking down crime himself. In real-life we are the judges, and will let hired soldiers do our deeds once everyone is in agreement about the doings and collusion being done. Collusion is actually a major part here, Jews all know what's going on but no one is saying anything, it's been like that for many years now, they align themselves with each other over our well being. And i'm talking issues of substance here, not just “Jews against Israel”, well and good but there is so much more heinous actions being done against us yet nothing from any of them, them who are all aware of what their kin are doing. So we will have jydges, administering sentences for every one of the intolerable infractions. We should pay our heroes well in salary and respect, even laying more groundwork for their arrival and continuance of their duties. They will be saviours for us, literally saving us from those who actively have and do plot our downfall through all sorts of means, choose the implementation of jydges opposed to the ruin of the Earth, us who inhabit it

Blitzkrieg Anthology
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Nival Interactive/cdv Software
-Includes Blitzkrieg and three expansions, Rolling Thunder, Burning Horizon, and Iron Division. We are on the real life third expansion of what we are doing. i already have Blitzkrieg II Anthology but for two dollars forty nine cents on sale this is a definite pick up. i love the genre and setting and you get to play as the Allies, Germans or Soviets which is always nice. Tomorrow is Holocaust Remembrance Day, and when you think of that look what led to the situation, which has only gotten worse and increased in scope since then. It wasn't caused by their religion or any other insignificant matter, although the Talmud is abhorrent, but solely because of what they were doing to others. In conjunction with this day of remembrance let's not forget that first of all yes it did happen, it's just that the numbers are fudged, according to the benevolent Red Cross, yes the Red Cross, the number of deaths is 271,301 much lower than the purported six million, a number that was also used in world war I, reason being that they identify with the term sicks, as referenced in the movie West Side Story for instance, among elsewhere. This will be a different war, i don't foresee tanks, ships and planes, but diplomacy and soldiers carrying out our tasks. If anything at a nearby point the world will agree on the issue, which i believe will happen, no need for differing of opinion. When you think of the upcoming third try, albeit a new version, remember the reasons past, present, future of why it is being done, as there are many

Zombie Night Terror
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: NoClip/Gambitious
-This game looks really fun and well done. Not only does Zion think of us as zombies they proclaim us as such to our faces as evidenced in the forced Katy Perry song Chained to the Rhythm, “Turn it up, it's your favorite song, Dance, dance, dance to the distortion, Turn it up, keep it on repeat, Stumbling around like a wasted zombie”. How nice of them, making Katy Perry sing a song and insulting the listeners for believing it to be her, also applicable to any other forced song. They really don't think very highly of us. What we need to do is show that we can deal with them, that we are smarter than they think, and put our thoughts and ingenuity into action thwarting them. Smart people can be fooled, many just aren't expecting to be so fall for it, initially, after learning about their duping they do not fall for it again, that is our situation, so we need to get the word out about what's being done, all of it, and let everyone know the different ways we are being taken advantage of

Mordheim: City of the Damned
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Rogue Factor/Focus Home Interactive
-This is the third time i write about this great game, have it for consoles and now computer free from Gog. Israel is now the city of the damned, largely because of their onslaught on Gaza which is now being seen by the world and no longer in the shadows as it has been for years. There is a song that correlates with this atrocity, Prayer In C by Lilly Wood & The Prick and Robin Schulz, here, i have previously held this song for the death of my bird Buddy by their hands but this is much more relevant. This large scale attack on Gaza will be part of the downfall of Israel, again the world is watching and not happy with them, incensed. The Oct. 7th operation by Hamas was known about by Mossad and allowed to happen so that the idf could go in and level Gaza to prepare it for complete Jewish occupation. And the death and destruction continues, them doing so until stopped by us. So let's get on that and halt Israel in their tracks immediately because the people of Gaza are in dire need of your help

System: Computer
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Zachtronics Industries
-Am not familiar with this game but was free with Epic Games Launcher. We have infinite positive to do and must combat the infinite injustices being done, to make those infinite injustices instead have an end. Our actions will live on in posterity so let's make them beneficial ones. There are infinite things to do, pick your chosen tasks and work on those best you are able. We may live on for infinity if we can prevent the Sun from exploding and nullify black holes, both being a long time off but we may be able to do so considering how fast we are advancing. Either way we have a long time to enjoy ourselves and work on our problems so future generations can do even better than we are. While we may not last for infinity we should still prepare like we will and take each step as it comes. Soon our brains will be able to be backed up, and after that transferred to either a robot or a virtual living environment, that will be similar to living forever, looking forward to that if it happens in our lifetime. Try to not let your anticipation for the future impact your bravery for what must be done today, risk yourself for the benefit of others in our time right now, you will then have done something that will last forever, maybe chronicled, maybe remembered, maybe enjoyed, always worth it. What will your epitaph say you did? Hopefully something about how you impacted the future for the betterment of the world and the people who inhabit it, as what you do will live on for infinity or at least however long we are here to appreciate it

Warhammer: Chaosbane
System: PS4
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: Games Workshop/Bigben Interactive
-While i patiently wait on Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters to get cheaper in price this will fill the gap nicely albeit being a different genre. Games Workshop is a great company of ours and they make a variety of products physical and digital. The reviews of this particular game are not extraordinary, on GameFaqs anyhow, but on the Playstation store it gets 4/5, and 50% of the total amount are 5 star, sometimes you have to watch out for misleading commentaries, not just about videogames but every media, as i said before and will delve into more when a Zionist source says something is good, it is the opposite, and when a Zionist source says something is terrible, it is always the opposite again. This is solid in practice as they have no choice but to do that. Following this method you can many times gauge the allegiance of a given output by the praise or admonition from the source in question. This tactic used by Zion covers many different situations, even nations, such as Iran, Iran is Israel's enemy so they want you to dislike them as well, when in reality Iran is one of the only countries being brave enough to stand up to them which is also in our best interests, we behave as a friend of Israel but Israel is not our friend, they do not act in the same manner but instead against us in return. So when a Zionist source says a book is brilliant, a movie a thrill ride, a videogame enthralling or a tv show fantastic you might want to consider skipping it altogether. The opposite also holds true, what they purport as horrendous is really something to consider. So keep this in mind next time, if you give them the time of day to begin with, that it is really up is down and down is up when dealing with Zionist entities' proclamations

American Fugitive
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Fallen Tree Games/Curve Digital
-This looks very fun, a Grand Theft Auto 1 / 2 style game not made by Rockstar, so may be playable if this developer is sound. We have our own versions of popular genres, sports, rpg's, tactics, fps, the list goes on... Games we can enjoy, better than trudging through some game that was made to have negative effect. Now why would you consume something that is against you? You shouldn't, don't give them their foothold on your brain, they will mess it up while there. Instead stick with our efforts, you will be much clearer headed and actually feel good as opposed to the others

Shadow Ops: Red Mercury
System: Computer
Type: First-Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Zombie Studios/Atari
-A game about a terrorist overlord threatening the world with a nuclear device, i must say this game seems intriguing although i normally don't get in on terrorist plot lines. i was just speaking about Iran and how they are actually on the same side as us at least in relation to Israel being our common enemy, whether Americans for instance know it or not. Let Iran take care of Israel, as they are brave enough to do so, it's outsourcing our problems to a nation that can or at least will have the capability to stand up triumphantly and be the saviour of everyone in the region that Israel is currently bullying. i ally with Iran, and suggest you help them however you can as well. They are one of our hopes, a nation strong enough of both will and resource that is really aligned with us despite what Zion would have you believe. It is Israel that is the problem and the only reason Iran is sour with us is because of our support of Israel, which leads back to Zionist control of our foreign policy to begin with, every reason having an Israeli cause. When you are against Israel you make allegiances with those of similar goals, helping each other towards eventual unified accomplishments, together with the governments of brave nations in the Middle-East we can nullify Israel's position of dominance in that area and in turn with more work do the same with their hold on other global institutions. Zion is against the world, so we need to inform then rally the world to our cause, making allies and sharing in the duties of what each people is capable of doing

Shadowgrounds / Shadowgrounds Survivor
System: Computer
Type: Top-Down Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Frozenbyte Inc./Meridian4
-Another fun looking couple of games, also referred to as twin-stick shooters where the left analog is your movement and the right your direction of shooting, a control system that is quite enjoyable. In saying that a shooting game is enjoyable i am not encouraging school/workplace/public shootings, which i attribute largely to bully culture and the glorification of negative behaviour towards others, resulting in victims of such going about getting revenge. It is mostly the picked on who do these attacks, not that it's right that's just the cause many of the times. Kids have it rough nowadays, not that it was easy for me, but now it's a major problem, more so. Fights and teasing of all sorts to an unimaginable level, that's enough as it is. Lots of fights lots of teasing, it can be incredibly harmful to a growing youth/teenager. This is what happens with Zion in charge of the media, we can and will do better. i really feel for our budding adolescents, school is hell, and it's worse than ever, i hear them on the bus talk about the fights for instance, it is now commonplace, a regular occurrence. What we need is the teaching and examples of morality in our media, as opposed to the way it is now. Students, and even adults in the workplace, are all victims of the results of negative programming of their fellow classmates and coworkers, for the most part from tv. It can be described as the teaching of toxic behaviour, which is lapped up by growing minds and susceptible adults and then incorporated into their psyche to be unfortunately administered to others. This is not condoning resulting actions by the victims to the victims, but is a very large part of the causation that needs to be considered and rectified in a review of media ownership. i do not believe videogames, movies, books or tv about shooting in any form are the reasons behind shooters taking lives, not in a direct manner, but in the sense that the resulting actions of people behaving badly towards others is. With us in charge of what is broadcast, we in Canada have it pretty great, there will be fewer antagonists and more happy good natured people

Earth 2160
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Reality Pump/Midway
-i am divided on this as there are so many developers and publishers of differing stripes actually attached to the project that it is hard to gauge the game's affiliation, a problem not normally encountered. If it ends up being junk at least am only out one dollar, if it is okay then bonus as it does look like a fun one. We have so many pivotal issues that we are facing all at once, and our future depends on us doing the best we can with all of them, each of us to our own causes. Where will we be at in a hundred years? Hopefully still around to start with. Again there is a lot to work on, and thankfully enough of us to do so. It could be wonderful, it could be miserable, let's try and do everything we can to make it the former. In naval terms all hands on deck, in train transport terms all aboard, we need all the people we can muster to help with these multitudes of tasks, each one at their chosen part and to the best of their ability, including you. Where we will be in 2160 is up to us, but if we do nothing then we will be at the mercy of those who are using their time against the other populace of Earth as a whole. This makes it imperative that we do everything we can to prevent that from happening. i for one am optimistic that we will get to this and through this, to reach our desired goals and emerge triumphant in a much better place than in the midst of the many negative facets we are currently living in and having to deal with

XIII Century: Gold Edition
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Aspyr/1C Entertainment
-Ah the many varied years of gold as the best form of currency, it and silver still are and need a resurgence to be what dollars are backed by. America for example is in a tailspin of declining monetary value of their dollars, as they are worthless banknotes with no value whatsoever. America is the Jewish banking experiment and it has gone awry, for us at least, on track for them as they are doing pretty well by it at our expense. This system is now threatening the prosperity of the world if adopted by other nations, through guile, force, or incorrectly perceived benefit, and that is what they want, a central world bank with them on top. It is through deceit that they put these mechanisms in place and through distraction that they continue them, it is very fragile though as when enough people take action against this corrupt institution it will crumble. The rest of the world does need to stay alert or the upcoming, if not remedied, ruined fate of America will befall them as well. Let's not allow this to continue being done or be instated anywhere else globally, it will take much effort, and bravery, on our part but the outcome of such will be a prosperous existence for us and a glorious heirloom for mankind

Command & Conquer: The First Decade
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Westwood Studios/EA Games
-Am very happy to have found this, being a game compilation i was hoping for. What is comforting is that these are actually by developer Westwood who were only bought by EA after most all of these titles. Well, we've been at this a while, a few thousand years, and while we have advanced immeasurably in all aspects of society and innovation we were steady in our plight, measured in stages, and we have been at the longing stage for most of our time, only now starting the eras where we can finally take actions aided by the current technology. The past has been the stage of waiting, leading to the place we're at, and having been guided by wise people of ours throughout history we have the means to do something about what's going on and being done against us. So earlier times were the preparation, now we are at the beginning, with many more decades to go, each with specific milestones and accomplishments of ours and a place in history for every one in this matter. While we are not yet close to where we will hopefully and eventually find ourselves we are still at a good starting position, and yes that is where we are at with a long way to go, however we are doing quite well and are continually progressing along our path, the one laid out before us by great people of our past and diligently worked on by those in our present with much space enough for anyone else who wants to join in and help as a patron saint of our cause. You can have your spot in the history books written and or in deeds done for the benefit of all of us towards a better future. This is a difficult undertaking, but one that has been longed for eternally, and now we are finally in the time of ability to do something about what is ailing us. While the initial stages were marked in centuries we are now dividing on topic time into decades, and being still at the early starts of what we're doing we definitely have a long way to go. Some decades will be harder than others for various reasons, but we need to get through those to get to better ones, and wouldn't that be nice, to look around and not see what they are currently doing anymore. Let's try and make each upcoming decade ones of vast improvements for us, each solidifying great gains to aid generations to come. We can do a lot in these divisions, let's make each even better than the last with much effort on our part that results in beneficial outcomes going onward from our points of success

Faces of War
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Best Way/Ubisoft
-This game looks great i just worry about it being by the publisher Ubisoft. Some troubling developments recently regarding the university Presidents of Harvard, M.I.T. and Penn, the problem is not with them asking about the context of comments about the genocide of Jews but about them stepping down because of their perfectly fine answer that it depends on the situation. Here's the thing, how are we supposed to follow through with our task when we can't even breach the topic of it in any manner. Here's how, people just need to be made aware of the issues, and there are many, however the most impactful would be the forcing of musicians mainly starting twenty years ago as of writing and continuing to present day more so than ever. They are becoming stealthy with their singles now but twenty years of bullshit songs forced to be put forward by loved performers will be the tipping point for many, and that's in addition to the myriad of other horrendous activities done by them. However as said music is the crux, and at some point the fact about what's going on with such will soon be revealed by a victim of theirs or someone with knowledge of that being done which will start the tumble. That is what i pray and wait for. Until then we will have to continue with how we're doing as a slow process, if you have something to speed that up in knowledge given to a large amount of people do help in that way. We also have to desensitize the public to anti-semitism, to convey that there is definite reasons for such feelings and give those reasons every time possible. We need to stand up for those who are brave enough to speak the truth, so whenever someone is chastised for doing so please give them your complete support in any way you can. Together with each of us doing our part and each of us helping one another we can continue going in a forward direction towards our goals

Iron Storm
System: Computer
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: 4X Studios/DreamCatcher Interactive
-The New Years message i gave recently was for the hope of us bringing more advancement to our cause, i would like to add to that the addition of much more advancement to our cause. A blitz of activity, a concerted effort by all of us together in tandem, that word again is tandem, you do what you can while everyone else does what they can at the same time, if you are together in your efforts even better, you will achieve greater outcomes while helping one and each another. There will be unpopular opinions, currently, but you have to trudge through those until the situation is ready. A storm of our making, and it will be a doozy. This game from what i gather is about a war that continues on for many decades, one not so dissimilar to the one we are in, and we are not near our completion either, there is so long to go, whatever you can do to speed up our progress is beneficial. Believe it or not while we are doing well and are where we want to be there is still a lot of work needed to be done, perhaps and probably also decades, however after being at this for millennia the time to our fruition is nigh. We have the tools and ability on our side, the main characteristics we need to go along with those now and throughout is our bravery and steadfastness, with those combined we can go a long way, and if the fates bless us we will with diligence make it to the better future ahead

Post Mortem
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Microids/The Adventure Company
-Love this genre and is by two companies i like a lot. A post mortem details the cause of death, and our cause of death would be from apathy if allowed to take hold. We must not let that happen, this is the most dire situation we have ever been in and everyone is at risk of losing all we collectively hold dear. Instead of our own post mortem let's write it up for Zionism, to make it a failed plot that attempted our ruin, it won't write itself though and until we do they continue the attempt. A post mortem is after the fact and that is a place we want to be, not as the corpse but as the coroner presiding over the ideological carcass left behind. Right now we are being accosted by the global entity of Zionism, who doesn't even care about the power, it's all about the money, and as with any mugger it's them or us, do we pony up to their demands or take a stand against their threats if we are to revoke the federal reserve for instance. We can also have a post mortem for fiat currency, the death knell of such ushering in prosperity instead of debt as it currently is. All in all we can say good riddance to many Zionist tentacles, each and every one in due time, and it is due time

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved
System: PS4
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Lucid Games/Sierra Games
-Very fun game that i have already on ps3 but at three dollars on sale i'll be happy to have it and play it on ps4 as well. You will find that shapes play a part in determining the origination of certain media, triangles, v's and hexes of the star of David being as prominent as diamonds, the colour orange and disco balls, even very very much more so. They have curtailed their use of such quite a bit but is still there and especially when noticing in earlier media. They are signatory symbols to let others of their kind know something is theirs. These were widely used various ways in music videos for instance, again to show origin. Now they are being more stealthy with these in that platform but as said once an artist is taken future work purported to be theirs is not either. Triangles everywhere, sometimes they have even shown the six pointed star outright, that's when there is no wonder about the source behind a project. The shape of the star of David is meant to represent a Vitruvian Man figure stance as a torture reference, and that is what Israel displays to the world with their flag. So if there is geometry wars the star of David is a declaration of such, and they've had that symbol for a long time

Styx: Master of Shadows
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Cyanide/Focus Home Interactive
-Stealth videogames like this can be very fun, but for stealth media you will find outputs of theirs that start out okay then quickly, or even gradually, becomes Zionist agenda, that is a type of stealth programming and it happens somewhat often. Bothersome as you think you might be getting something good for us only to find out that it is actually against you. Every media you encounter has the chance of it being stealth by Zion, you always have to be on guard throughout the entire consumption then form your opinion afterwards. You also have to watch out for Trojan horses, you get those a lot, something purported to be on our side but only to think about it and figure out later it's theirs with ulterior motives for you, which is fine sometimes you don't notice right away until further contemplation. So beware, there are all sorts of methods of theirs to try and trick you, stay on top of it as opposed to being on the bottom, and if you notice something let others know as well

Rogue Legacy 2
System: PS4
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Cellar Door Games
-Definitely amazing, really looking forward to playing this. Made it to the last boss in the first Rogue Legacy and hope to finish this one completely. Thankfully a friend was able to loan me the few dollars i was missing to purchase this while it's on sale, appreciated, i owe him the money which i would like to give back to him asap maybe with something extra as well. Did you know usury is a sin? Loaning money at interest. That's okay, i don't follow that, loans make the world go round, what i do not like though are loan sharks like credit card companies and the federal reserve that gouge the borrower and put them into unpayable debt. The average student debt owed is staggering, and that follows you throughout your life. That's understandable to a certain extent, but what's bothersome is when credit card companies line themselves up in front of universities to entice new students into getting one. Those are loan sharks with exorbitant interest rates. Then you have the United States' credit card, the federal reserve, where once the interest debt surpasses the amount that can be possibly earned per year that will be slavery of the U.S.A. constantly working to pay down the interest amount owed. i am happy with my bank, have never taken out a loan from them though, but for my day to day needs am covered and they have done me favours at times. The problem with the fed is that it was sneaked into being in 1913 as a plot to take over the United States' monetary system, it is neither federal or a reserve, that's just part of the trick. i was speaking with another friend about how the gold reserves were solid back when that's what the currency was based on, now though there is no backing, it's just paper, held afloat merely by trust, but it is trust in a corrupt system, we need a better by far currency with backing of gold and or silver, something tangible, something that has worth. As mentioned the federal reserve act is unconstitutional and can be repealed, and all their ill-gotten gains annulled, wouldn't that be nice. It's not a dream it's a course of action that can be taken and made into actuality, if it is not then it is the ruin of their nation. i would recommend if you haven't to watch or listen to the federal reserve documentaries on the corresponding page, then follow their advice. Usury is fine, when done honestly, fairly, and kept to a minimum, duping citizen's of a government's taxes collected for the benefit of the people is not. The citizen's are largely unaware of what is going on with the federal reserve scam and the debt ceiling that keeps getting raised as they cannot pay back the amount owed only to get worse. Let's start with an audit of the fed, you have to start somewhere and that should be a decent beginning towards more substantial changes. Again, i have no qualms with loans that are on the up and up just with absurdly steep ones and ones like the fed that operate in secrecy at the detriment of the nation's people. Slowly, or fast up to you, make your way towards a currency backed by precious metals, then the bills you hold will actually be worth something

Resident Evil 4 remake
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-This was a treat for me, and i will be treated to play it. While it will definitely go cheaper in time i wanted to pick it up now, it was fifty percent off and i really wanted to purchase it. i want to finish Re8 before starting this one so have to dedicate some time into it, don't worry first things first prioritized, but i do have a bit of time here and there to do so. Re4 should be utterly fantastic, then again most everything Capcom does is. Whenever a friend of mine is looking for something that doesn't show up often at a thrift store i tell him to treat himself, as in buy it on Amazon or such, certain places are good for certain things, others for others. i am on the bottom rung of society, financially speaking, so have to rely on used shops and the like, but once in a while i do treat myself to something nice and recent, like this Re4, am sure it will be worth it though. So i give you the advice to treat yourself sometimes, as long as it doesn't ruin your budget. Here and there indulge in something that gives you great happiness, makes the rest of the time between more enjoyable. To be said it also feels wonderful to get a bargain, mix up the two, shop bargains all the time and with the money you save a treat. i know times are rough, and there's a lot of saving that should be getting done, so even a small item here or there is enough to pick you up. With the economy the way it is i may suggest you also try and check out your local thrift stores, sometimes you'll be very happy you did. Everything is relative but no matter what your income you are able to treat yourself to something appropriately nice when it won't negatively affect your necessary payments and savings

Fort Triumph
System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Fort Triumph LTD/All In! Games
-On sale for about ten dollars this game has potential to be very fun and well-made, if it's more “triangle strategy” that would be unfortunate but i am willing to try it out for that price. Any more than that i would be very hesitant about investing in something unsure about like this. Speaking of being cheap most of the time i only lose a few dollars here and there with Zionist videogames, i feel for the people who spend good money only to find out their new game is actually against them. Am hoping this game is okay, if it is i will enjoy it very much, if not i will have wasted ten dollars. Do your homework before buying any media of different forms, then you will save your money and well-being. We don't trick people into buying and consuming our projects, they do, so you have to watch out. i've mentioned this before about Warner Bros, i am so happy to have found them to be completely negative-agenda propaganda, not happy for them or about them, but about being able to confidently discount every effort of theirs, now when i see their logo i immediately know to pass on that movie/tv show/game. It's a good feeling to have that knowledge and say no you won't trick me Warner Bros. and you can say the same towards other companies who you are aware of their Zionist affiliation

Lost Ruins
System: Computer
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Altari Games/Dangen Entertainment
-Really happy to receive this free from Gog and hope it lives up to my expectations, barring Altari Games ending up being an opposing developer am sure to enjoy this, the graphics are great, gameplay fun, and Metroidvania's are one of my favourite genres. Now, the reviews are not stellar, well some are but it is mixed, however if and that's if this is by us and on the up and up then it will be fantastic, because of the love that went into it. We have 5-star triple a games as well, and those are spectacular to play for sure, but these lower budget indie games can be a real treat. The same can be said about all of our efforts across mediums and platforms, if it has good intentions it is appreciated. Much better than a blockbuster game or movie that is against you in various insidious ways, which when you are aware of is intolerable. We don't try and trick people, they do, so when something seems okay it is either ours to begin with or them trying to guise us into further consumption, unfortunately you have to be wary because of their attempts at doing so, but as disheartening as it is always having to be on guard it is needed to protect yourself from their ill-intent. Again i would rather a low-budget project than a Zionist one with all the bells and whistles. An output is created through input, and is completely made of all the parts that have been put in by the creators, so with a caring hand art can be sculpted, while with a corrupt one something not to be ingested if you cherish your mind-state. Why would you give them a route to your brain for them to wreak havoc with once you know something is theirs? The way to be is to not do that at all. You will be much clearer in thought. We have many great alternatives to Zion, except maybe youtube, but everything else we have our own not only versions of but enough original content to satisfy you completely. Stick to our projects and material and you will remain happy as well

Atom Rpg
System: Computer
Type: Rpg
Developer/Publisher: AtomTeam
-This game looks amazing, it is referred to as a successor to Fallout 1 & 2 by Black Isle Studios which was for sure an inspiration to these developers. Black Isle Studios is perhaps okay but am not much for the makers of Fallout 3 and further games of this series and others Bethesda. Either way this game is not by Black Isle Studios or Bethesda, just by a developer who liked those titles, and it would be nice if this is one of ours. Atom Rpg is set after a nuclear war, which unfortunately could be a real world scenario, there is an initiative named the nuclear non-proliferation treaty which has many signatories, however i figure even participants have hidden nukes just in case. Speaking of such Israel is not part of this treaty and is believed to have up to 400 nuclear weapons in it's arsenal, making it a threat to nearby nations and anywhere else it can reach. Many countries have called for Israel to declare their nukes and in turn sign the treaty but don't hold your breath on that. There's no going back on nuclear weapons, we know how to make them and they will be made, so what we have is m.a.d., mutually assured destruction, you send a nuke our way we send one yours, it's not the best defence but it's all we have. The apocalypse can be avoided by all nations getting along, which is not a far fetched idea, Israel is the only entity not on board with the rest of the world, and their arms are a worldwide danger to others, the rest of us can always work things out, believe and practice that. Iran is working towards becoming a nuclear power, and i'd rather have them have any than Israel as Iran is one of ours with no enemies other than Israel. Ultimately no nukes are the best nukes, but as said they will be developed in secret and held in case of emergency, so instead of also trying to limit, which should still be an aspiration, let's work on having it so there is no cause or desire to bomb each other in the first place. It is possible, we all really want the same things in life, i am a staunch proponent of democracy and capitalism, and with those frameworks for all nations we globally can live our best lives. Even dictators must see the benefits of democracy, it is better for their public to switch practices and that is known, for the benefit of their nation a better social structure needs to be adopted, maybe as a parting gift to the country's citizens upon their leaving power. They will be heralded by every one of their subjects for doing so and be thanked for every generation to come. As for nuclear weapons the non-proliferation treaty is the best we have right now, so let's keep at it, and while we are let's make Israel declare what their nuclear stockpile is and ultimately work towards stripping them of their capability to wage nuclear war. Israel is not the only rogue nation with these bombs but it will be a start. In the future we've got a nice life ahead of us as long as we don't blow ourselves up first

FlatOut 4 : Total Insanity
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Kylotonn/Strategy First
-Such a fun looking game, the review ratings aren't great but on sale for one fifty (regular five ninety-nine) this, which the trailer for is encouraging, should be just fine. i have a friend who is looking for a demolition derby game but all he has is a ps3, he would love this am sure as it has one of those modes as well in addition to course racing and other styles of play. As someone who really enjoys off-road games this isn't far off, same sort of feel to it jostling with other cars. i am also optimistic about the validity of this developer, consider it an inkling. As for total insanity, you need to have a special kind of mentality to take on the big guys, google, meta, netflix the list is long, and that's not to mention the higher than those who are part of the broader Zionist entity. You need to be very brave, a bit foolhardy, and definitely steadfast, if that's insane, or different than the norm, then count me in, you are welcome and invited to share, gain those traits. In whatever manner i have shaped myself to be who i am now, you can do the same with some heavy thought, a bit comes naturally and a bit comes from experience, trial and error and not repeating mistakes plays a large part as well. Join the ones who have deep drive and motivation, there are so many reasons and necessities to have those qualities and put them into effect. Let yourself be somewhat off the rails, you can get so much accomplished while you are. Buck the trends and embrace your inner crazy, put it to use for the common good. Being abnormal can be beneficial and what sets you aside from the others each in our own way. Have a state of mind towards service, towards using your quirks in a manner that helps others, lord knows we need you. Remember, we all have a part in this, what's yours and how can your mind, body and actions of make a difference

System: Computer
Type: Moba
Developer/Publisher: Omeda Studios
-This and the one below are free with Epic Games Launcher for a week starting later today but figured to write about them in advance. Moba stands for multiplayer online battle arena, similar to the Zionist Overwatch by Blizzard. Was Blizzard okay before their acquisition by Activision? i am not completely familiar with their earlier projects but they are now under control of the aforementioned company either way. i have a friend who likes the newly released Diablo iv, looks fun enough i just worry about the ingrained agenda of course, something you do have to keep in mind. There are so many Zionist developers it's hard to find good games, but they are out there, perhaps even earlier games by original Blizzard, perhaps. Okay so i'm getting way off topic discussing Blizzard here so instead let me speak about moba, this could be a good one if you like the genre however that is to be seen. Personally i don't currently play much multiplayer of any sort, game-wise, but would be fun. i did however actually play a good amount of Quake and Unreal series multiplayer at one point, was pretty skilled at those but been a while. i see the allure of having a variety of different characters with different abilities and such to play in a multiplayer arena, have never tried that, again in videogames

System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Passion Republic
-The triangles in Passion Republic's logo puts me off of this developer, it really is that easy sometimes. As for the game it is a brawler between duelling monsters where you can be Godzilla or any other choice of giant creature, the world is your playground. Be colossal in your real life doings, you can accomplish a lot more than you think it just takes motivation and you have end results of all sorts as such. Godzilla movie characters and co are referred to as man in suit, well we have those in government also, let's encourage them to also be larger than life and take brave actions for us the public

Evoland : Legendary Edition
System: PS4
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Shiro Games
-Have been waiting for this to go on sale again and it finally did, i have it for computer, which got for free from Epic Games Launcher, but was incompatible with my computer, this one i can play. The premise of this game looks outstanding, a journey through all the different generations of videogames progressively getting more advanced along the way. A friend of mine who i was talking about this game to misheard me when i mentioned the name of the game as Evilland, he wasn't referencing Israel but i will. First off right now there is a war going on between Israel and Hamas, but the actions from the former would have you understand they are trying to kill and displace Palestinians as a whole. i will let you decide who is evil, you can see it every day with their populace and governmental outputs against not only the Middle-East but against the rest of us as well. If you'll check the news page of this site you will see ten long long pages of Israeli atrocities against the Palestinian people, thousands of entries, then after all this time and subjugation they fight back. Israeli occupation of land that is not theirs is the root cause of resistance, the land was all Palestinian, but let's entertain the idea that Israel had some birthright to the land, now i respect religion but wouldn't make a reality based case out of what's written in it, but let's just say, well they were given a certain tract of land, they just are greedy and have been and are trying to take additional land which is not theirs. The Palestinians have for seventy-five years been at the brunt of Israeli aggression, and need our help now more than ever, there is so much that can be done against Israel, some of which are boycott/divestment/sanctions, levelling war crime charges because they committed them, and instating the long sought two-state solution, that's just a few actions we can take, and they are needed. Palestinians are good people, make it a personal issue to help them as best you can

System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Qubic Games
-A card based tactical game i've also been waiting for to go on sale. i like my card games, only two i play regularly, Magic the Gathering and Lorcana, but would love to play the others as well such as Vs System (original), SpyCraft, Legend of the Burning Sands and more. Have made a lot of friends over the years with card-playing, now with Lorcana i have met some more great people, it's a fun hobby to have, even if you just play with a loved family member or partner. Generally you can play for relatively cheap, especially if just with friends and not tournaments, i have pretty much decided to stick with common and uncommon cards with Lorcana as there is going to be a new set every three months and i cannot keep up with that, i lose in said tournaments but have fun playing casual. Every set i'm just going to upgrade my decks with new cards that follow my restriction. If you'd like something fun to do with companions think about the two main card games (not Pokemon) MtG or Lorcana

Punk Wars + Threat From Within dlc + Hold the Line dlc
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Strategy Forge/Jujubee S.A.
-This looks amazing. Great graphics, what seems to be great gameplay, should be good. Jujubee though? When it comes to wars don't get punk'd, from false flag attacks or mainstream media propaganda, you are always being prodded into war because that is the most lucrative situation for the bankers. Without those who instigate and enable war we would be generally a peaceful people. As for the Middle-East Israel is using the United States, who Jews are under control of all their institutions, as an instrument of force against their enemies there. We all really need to let what happens to Israel be Israel's problem as they caused the issues in the first place, i would go so far as to say help their opponents against this global threat. So don't be fooled by their media blitz's regarding Hamas currently, their intention is not to inform you in the least, it is to mislead you and put you in the wrong direction. Don't fall for their charades, they are and will attempt to sway your opinion to what they want you to think, and that is always for their benefit not yours or anyone else's

Deliver Us Mars
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: KeokeN Interactive/Frontier Foundry
-From the developers of Deliver Us The Moon (...) is this sequel that also delves into an Earth that has depleted it's resources and has to rely on other planet energy. This scenario has a real-world basis as we are ever reaching this situation in actuality. We really need to make some dire changes to how we operate in regards to our energy production, our materials of consumption are currently finite and we need renewable ways to create power. Not only are our resources limited but they are damaging our planet and it's atmosphere. We have the experts advice and we need to follow and implicate what they suggest, urgently, as well as put much more money and political sway into new clean alternatives and initiatives. It is definitely possible to switch to sustainable means of energy production we just have to put more efforts behind such. The current methods we have are damaging the planet and spell ruin for us if continued, we need changes now, even though it requires some sacrifice on our part to do so immediately. Climate change is in full effect and the longer we sustain these practices the worse it gets, quickly. Those in high places, and those that are not, need to sound the alarm about our emergency, and prop up those who have solutions to the problems then instate those solutions. Research also needs continuance and extra funding, it is money well spent as the world literally depends on it. Let's fix this soon to be broken planet of ours and make it good as new again, it is possible and within our means to do so, it will just require much diligence

The King of Fighters xiii
System: PS4
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK
-Nice, i have been really looking forward to this and treated myself to it at it's initial price not on sale as it was just released, was a reasonable cost as well at least for a port of a ps3 game even though it's a great one. The pinnacle of SNK 2d fighting games this, the original that is, was made before the new acquisition by Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman who outsourced the company to a Zionist entity, hopefully not on purpose and hopefully is returned to our ownership again as soon as possible. Good properties of ours that fall into the hands of the opposition are unfortunate as it sullies the brand and franchise, so you still have to be cautious every time and instance not just give a company carte blanche no matter the medium or product

System: PS4
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Two Tribes
-A fun looking space shooter i've been thinking about buying this before and was on sale for two dollars so picked it up. i normally only buy games on sale and happy to do so, sometimes you have to wait a while after initial release but you still end up with the title eventually at a fraction of the price. It's all relative though, if you are making good money treat yourself as much as you want, you don't have to wait for sales like i do. At full cost however you've got to really be sure it's not a Zionist product you are buying, that's just a waste, happens to me as well once in a while but at least for cheaper. If you think a game for instance will perhaps be Zionist maybe purchase the physical version, then you can sell/trade it if it is compared to buying digitally. Also if/when you notice something is, Zionist, do not partake, your mind will thank you

Mark of the Ninja remastered
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Klei Entertainment
-This game got fantastic reviews and should be really enjoyable, the graphics are hand-drawn so are very endearing and the gameplay also should be stellar. Ninjas have always been appealing to me, seems like an interesting skill-set although how often would any of us get to use such in our day to day lives, not most of us. There is an rpg book by (Zionist) Palladium Games named Ninja's and Superspies, which i used to love reading and making characters for, that would probably be the closest any of us get to being such. Maybe look for a similar setting of rpg books that are available by a good company, it sure would be fun. i have only paper/pencil rpg gamed a few times in my life but have always been enamoured with it, would probably have so much of a good time with the right gm and fellow players. You could even have it with just one gm and one player, that would still be great. For ninjas there is a rpg series named D20 Modern, that may incorporate ninjas and spies, bet it does, that might be better. Even if you do go with the Palladium book you can make it your own just with the schematics of the rulebook. Work for us hard, then you can play hard

Ufo: Aftershock
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Altar Interactive/Cenega Publishing
-Awesome, an Xcom style game that was about a dollar on sale on Gog. One of my favourite genres there are i believe three titles in this series, the other ones i will pick up when able. i describe this style of game as similar to chess, and it compares to such and gives you even more choices of what you can do. There are not a lot of good tactical style games like these as evidenced by Triangle Strategy as was termed, but when you do find one of ours they are great fun

Asura's Wrath
System: XB360
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: CyberConnect2/Capcom
-A good friend of mine was looking for this for ps3 so i sold him the one i had, now wanted to own it again so bought this one on sale, he is enjoying it very much so am happy about that. i bought this one mostly with five dollars credit i received using Microsoft points accumulated from Bing searches, bonus! Not only do i get to search with the way better than google's negative intentions engine but get points to redeem for games or other stuff also. If i may suggest you really should avoid everything google, when able, i check youtube generally every day but that's just because of lack of an alternative, everything else google does has an alternative that is ours. Go with Microsoft or Apple, not going to play favourites with those two both are equally amazing and pillars of our communities, you choose which one(s) are best for you

Arkanoid: Eternal Battle
System: XBone
Type: Arcade
Developer/Publisher: Pasta Games/Microids
-Classic arcade action here and i have always really liked the Arkanoid series. This version has among new features a twenty-five player last-man-standing multiplayer mode, i'll leave that for you i mostly just play single-player, videogame wise. For non-gaming you need to involve others, no one person can do what we need to alone. In this real eternal battle it's all of us, whether all are knowing or not it affects everyone, and the knowing need to inform those who are not just yet. On forward to completion which will be the only time when we can relax from this. Other than that we are all in this eternal battle

Surviving the Aftermath
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Paradox Interactive
-Two great looking games, this and Earthlock, both free this week with Epic Games Launcher. This game is set after the apocalypse and you have to build a successful colony through resource management. There's a movie that's a favourite of mine, based on the Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Cormac McCarthy, The Road, both book and movie are very recommended. It's a bleak depiction of what life would look like after let's say, an asteroid impacts Earth, which i believe is the premise here. The ashen sky, the rotting trees, plant-life, and everything that depends on those. Scientists can map every object's trajectory in space to an almost exact degree and for a long time to come, i wonder if they know of a potential collision course in our future and haven't said anything because it would cause chaos here on Earth. If so it's not a death sentence but an insistence for us to do something about it, and we must, to be ready soon hopefully

System: Computer
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Snow Castle Games
-Similar to classic 3d rpg's such as SquareSoft's later offerings on ps1 and such this game should be fun, especially if, if it has good intentions. As far as i have noticed SquareSoft made great games, until they merged with Enix to create Square-Enix, that is when it seemed to go downhill. Am i hopelessly devoted to how i remember SquareSoft? Perhaps, but i do have fond memories of many of their titles and hoping for the best in regards to their allegiances when they were the original company. However, i can assure you, Square-Enix for one is not worth your time or mental anguish, as they are Zionist through and through. Do not give them your headspace, you will feel much better without their negative agenda's. If you find an rpg by any developer turns out to be Zionist don't subject yourself to 80 hours of their ill-intended narrative, just return it, sell it, trade it whatever, and before that do as much homework as you can to determine the validity of the game. And definitely don't buy from companies you already know to be Zionist, that's just a waste of money. Don't feel bad, i've made purchases of what turned out to be opposition projects, i play for a bit then after noticing say damn, what a shame, and don't play it again, chalking it up as a loss. As they say fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. While many genres are rife with Zionist developed games we do actually have games of our own, they are just less advertised and not as plentiful, however they are a breath of fresh air when you do find them and will enjoy thoroughly. Disclaimer: Always prioritize real-world achievements over videogame ones, much more rewarding and actually helps others, much more important by any measurement

Ford Mustang : The Legend Lives
System: PS2
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Eutechnyx/2K Games
-Ford been a stalwart company for more than a hundred years and it is still under great management as shown through their commercials, be like Henry Ford and put all your efforts into our cause in this manner. Henry ran his own newspaper The Dearborn Independent from 1919 to 1927 with many issues covered but the most notable would have to be the series of articles The International Jew, in which he warns the American public about the ongoing threat against them. Now instead of the Dearborn Independent they have television spots to do what they can with, it's not as direct or concise as was possible with the newspaper but helps nonetheless. The legend Henry Ford still lives through his company's work, you live on through yours

System: PS2
Type: Action/Racing
Developer/Publisher: Paradigm Entertainment/Midway
-Nice, a great looking game by Midway, one of my favourite videogame companies. If you are interested in the world of espionage there is a non-fiction book by Peter Wright named Spycatcher, it's a fantastic read which delves into the workings of the United Kingdom's intelligence agencies MI5 and MI6. You yourself can be involved in worldwide efforts to squelch Zionism, treat foreign entities as companions in this regard as we need everyone globally on board. We've been labeled Gentiles, so might as well go with that distinction which joins us all together. i am subjected to covert operatives, and if you gain enough prominence you may be as well, so be cautious, there's a Stereo Mc's song titled Connected, try to be so and breach the scene in a large manner or if smaller at least a safe one. You can be involved, be brave and do your part whatever that is that you can and want to do. Think about how you want to help and follow through, you are needed. Being a worldwide agent for us involves communication with many factions, for various reasons and purposes, you may not get paid for doing so but are still an agent in addition to your other titles, live up to your position

Tandem: A Tale of Shadows
System: Computer
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Monochrome Paris/Hatinh Interactive
-A very interesting premise here that looks quite fun, you control both Emma and teddy bear Fenton alternately helping each other traverse a mysterious mansion. The graphics are nice and the gameplay am sure is enjoyable. What i would really like to talk about here though is the word and more importantly application of tandem, people working on a problem together in a parallel fashion, each doing their own input alongside others at the same time. This is clutch, if we are to progress in our venture we all need to be on board doing our part in addition to everyone else doing theirs. While you work on this he works on that and she on something else, all integral parts of the desired outcome, all together in tandem. Don't think oh someone else will do it, you do what you can, and if everyone contributes in this manner we will be doing great. You coordinate with others that share your goals, and designate what each of you will do, then do that. If you want to work alone you are needed in that fashion also, doing your thing while others do theirs, all strengthening the core group as a whole. i cannot emphasize this enough, tandem is a main state of being, everyone doing their share in addition to everyone else doing theirs. You are an essential piece, don't have everyone else be toiling and you sitting out, think about what you can do to help and follow through, then do so again. If you are already on task thank you and continue, if you haven't started yet we need you, join the rest of our brave souls, in tandem

West of Dead
System: PS4
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Upstream Arcade/Raw Fury
-Everything about this game looks amazing, there's only one thing i am concerned about, the narrator is Ron Perlman (Jewish), maybe he decided to go against his kin, or maybe this game is a Zionist project, could go either way really, decided to give it a chance. For the most part they stick together, sometimes you'll see a few with signs that read Jews against Zionism, but that's just referencing the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, nothing about political Zionism and the details of their plots and actions. Let's see one come forward about forced music scripting, as if that's going to happen, instead that and everything else is up to us to let be known. If Ron Perlman is okay in this then i will be the first to commend him, if not then it will be another example of stark division between our two groups

Tribes of Midgard
System: XBone
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: Norsfell/Gearbox Publishing
-A very multi-player game, ten players, although seems to have a solid single-player mode as well. This genre is another one of my favourites and will enjoy for sure. What makes the multi-player mode so fun is that everyone has all sorts of different skills and abilities each covering certain tasks or responsibilities, just like in real life. While you or i might not have a particular forte someone else does, so you do your part and delegate another project to that person. In total we have everything we need to get done by those who are best to be assigned there. Collaborate, you are able. Think of foreign entities as friends with shared problems to fix, and try to work on situations together. While one nation can do a lot by itself, especially about it's own governance, when you have many nations involved that multiplies the effectiveness. So while this game has ten players real life has eight billion, and is much more rewarding for you and your cohorts to gain achievements with each other's help

Real Farm
System: PS4
Type: Simulation
Developer/Publisher: Triangle Studios/Soedesco
-i wonder if the commerce in this game deals with inflation, i doubt it. While the cost of growing/raising the food gets cheaper the cost of buying it still goes up, and it will continue to get worse as time goes forward. Inflation is not the cost of producing products getting more expensive but the money being worth less. So instead of food for instance getting cheaper the money is slowly, and sometimes faster than slowly, devalued. You may think it is bad now, it gets worse. The solution is to have money be backed by precious metals like gold and silver, although i hear even gold might be problematic as the Jews have bought up great amounts of such over the years. Right now the U.S. dollar has no value and other nations are fleeing from it, there are multiple documentaries about this topic which i would suggest you not only listen to but adhere to and implement the recommendations. The U.S. government is again about to shut down because of the debt owed to the federal reserve, so they can either borrow more money to pay the debt as they keep doing, or they can repeal the federal reserve act of 1913 as it is unconstitutional and negate all money owed. This will take bravery. If you remember in Germany there was a time when you had to pay with a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread, that is not far off for America for one. And this is going downhill quickly. My knowledge of this is from documentaries and documents, which i implore you to watch, listen, read as well, but experts on the issue need to step up and make this well known along with the courses of action to take. Only with action will we get out of this problem and if we don't the consequences are dire

Hotshot Racing
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Lucky Mountain Games/Sumo Digital
-Looks quite good, positive reviews. An arcade racer which is preferable for me compared to simulation ones. i have heard the quote that luck is for the unprepared, as in if you are ready for a situation you don't need such. i think it is a bit of both. You do not have control of luck, instead you must just do what you can and hope for a bit of good fortune while doing so. You can kind of preordain good luck, stack the pieces in a favourable manner where luck is bound to play a positive role. Do not rely on luck, do your best towards success where it is not needed and is just a nice bonus if it happens in addition to your effort making it even better. What you need is a solid foundation to build upon, one which you create with hard work not luck and then any great windfalls are just extra to the cause. i believe good luck is part and parcel to the amount of said effort you put into a project, the more you stack the odds in your favour the better the outcome will be from all aspects of your creation. Do not rely on luck, what we are doing for example requires great amounts of actual input, and will not happen on it's own without us and our tireless diligence

Q.u.b.e. 1 / 2
System: Computer
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Toxic Games
-Puzzle games are always pleasant and rewarding. It feels good to achieve goals, get that feeling from real-world accomplishments. You will be even more pleased to solve actual issues than virtual ones, and rightfully so. Games like this border on being educational, or at least encourage problem-solving, put that mentality towards helping others with your intellect. Puzzles are great for growing minds, with the ultimate goal being to use those skills in reality, for those with developed minds these are nice to unwind with and keep the brain active in between other tasks. All videogames i believe have positive effects on thought process, minus the Zionist ones which have the opposite, a detrimental effect. It's a matter of knowing which are which, either by noticing certain characteristics in the game or by being made by suspect companies. Your brain is like a muscle, exercise it and it grows in multiple ways, stay on top of situations with it not beneath them

Blazing Sails
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Get Up Games
-While i am not familiar with blazing sails i do know about false flag attacks, phrased from ships flying fraudulent identifiers to fool the intended victims. This happens often by multiple culprits, a stealthy way to wage war but one that is done through guile not bravery enough for them to state that they are the true instigators. We encounter this often as it is common practice, one which i am not for as i believe in transparency in war, but this is what we have and have to watch out for. There are many nations that engage in false flag attacks, but the main proponent is Israel, and they are the ones who need to be initially looked at as the real forces behind any catastrophic event, it is not every time them but mainly, for propaganda purposes or to scapegoat another given territory for military advantage. Just be aware that this tactic is in full use by them, often, and not to be fooled when implemented

Big Crown Showdown
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Hyper Luminal Games
-A fun multiplayer game for friends either in-person or online. Definitely a good way to unwind with your buddies after a long day of work and activism, maybe the two together if fortunate enough to be able to do that. If not at the same time you can always get some activism in afterwards, even just a bit helps. Let your big crown be seen and known, be the tallest in the crowd, even if you are short. Be a king of your specific topic, even if there are multiple royalty on a given issue you can shine brightly among them, all are welcome in our castle. As for king of the United States right now it is looking like it is between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, please don't let it be Trump. Biden has and is doing a great job and would like to see him continue for a second term. i understand the hesitancy regarding his age but he and Trump are almost the same age anyhow. This is a big crown showdown and for America to be on the right track definitely support Joe Biden in his effort to remain President

Nine Parchments
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Frozenbyte Inc.
-Another great looking multiplayer game. If you're wondering why nine is a reference for us it is because nein is the German word for no. German's are sometimes apologetic, about their involvement in ww1 and ww2, i am not against them at all for doing so and the reasons are laid out by the Jewish himself Benjamin Freedman in his 1961 speech about the topic. Although i enjoy all the books on my documents page lately i have been reading the 1000 quotes by and about the Jews, very enlightening and an easy book to dive in and out of casually if not binging on. Jews play the victim while every time it is them being the problem. As for Jews in America founding father Benjamin Franklin even lobbied for them to be removed from the constitution, and said that it would become a foremost problem for the fledging nation if they were allowed to remain and gain power, and look where we're at now. No, Germans need not apologize, in fact “danke schoen”

Rogue Legacy
System: XBone
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Cellar Door Games
-Have this on ps4 but for a dollar fifty picked it up here as well. i made it to the final boss of this and will continue down the line with it, there is now a second one in the series and it looks amazing, would like to pick it up on sale as well. Whether you are trying or not you leave a legacy, what do you want yours to be? There are many multiple paths you can enable people to walk from what you do, make a trail of opportunity for them. In Rogue Legacy when you die you are resurrected as a different protagonist, but with the abilities and bonuses you gained from your previous play through, let others benefit from your actions, so that when you perhaps pass you will have left a lasting impression on their lives and the ability for them to succeed better than they could have without you. A legacy is important and you should think about what you would like to leave for the future of not only people to be but for the planet given the environmental dangers we are currently facing. This is something to ponder, but you will be glad you did and may change some of what you do in life during your on time and spare time. Even leaving your family and loved ones in a better situation is definitely notable, but also try and do what you can for the rest of us as well, you can do both

System: Computer
Type: Platformer
Developer/Publisher: Rain Games
-A fun enough looking game, seems enjoyable. i've been thinking about Elon Musk's Tesla, maybe he himself would like to be the true bringer of electric cars to the masses, in these sense of producing and selling them at cost, parts and labour, it sure is needed environmentally and he is rich beyond his wildest dreams already am sure. The planet is in a dire situation and we really need to make every possible effort to reverse the climate change course we've been on. Legislation must also be implemented and worked on on many fronts, listen to the experts on what we can and should do. Do not let this get to the point where it is irreversible, we still have time but it is running out and requires immediate action. There is no place for apathy, this affects everyone now and future as you see from all the recent weather events that we are nearing a world that will be inhabitable as it gets worse the longer we continue along the same path, let's prevent that

Xcom 2
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Firaxis Games/2K Games
-Have this for multiple systems as i pick them up on sale, worth it this being an amazing game and one of my favourite genres. For a Magic the Gathering deck of mine i titled one of them Our Soldiers, as opposed to just Soldiers so as not to confuse with the IDF, no us the moral ones. There is an ongoing war happening because of an Hamas attack on Israel, and Israel is looking to exploit that attack to wipe out Palestinians entire, at the moment they are telling one million Gazan's to evacuate, doesn't that fit in nicely with their historic intent to occupy the land. i have ten very long pages of Israeli atrocities against Palestinians in my news section and that's just the ones that i have chronicled, and now they, or Hamas for that matter, has fought back. So no, Xcom is our soldiers, the ones to rein in the opposing sect, not the other way around as is currently being evidenced by said IDF against the Gazan citizens and defenders

The King of Fighters Xiii Galaxy Edition
System: Computer
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK
-Another game i have from a different service, Steam, but wanted to pick this up here as well on sale. i am patiently waiting for the ps4 version release, this is originally a ps3 game, as it looks to be among the best in the series. The ones i have are not compatible with my computer so ps4 will be the way to play it, i hope not only that it is inexpensive but that the companies behind KoF XV, Prime Matter/Koch Media, wan't put in charge of the port as they are corrupt entities unfortunately put in charge by Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman who is the new owner of SNK. The prince must know he has been duped and now has his name attached to a Zionist developer, i hope he heeds the warning and dismisses the company from future SNK releases. You as a consumer need to be aware of issues like this, which companies are for you and which are against you, support the former let be known the latter. It's hard for a videogame reviewer for instance to say flat out that something is Zionist tripe, but you can be creative in your reporting of. Seeing through and recognizing Zionist projects is a learned ability, and is one that can be taught, it just takes a bit of well shone illumination on each given subject. Be a light-bringer to those who have not yet been made aware, once they are they will be better for it and less likely to be fooled in the future

Motorstorm : Arctic Edge
System: PS2
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Bigbig Studios/Sony
-Am so happy to have found this, which is one of what may be my favourite racing game series. While racing on concrete is fun and all i prefer off-road or alternate types of terrain/vehicles, and the snow setting is also very fun indeed. Unfortunately the last Motorstorm games were on ps3 and haven't appeared on newer consoles, it would be a nice franchise to revisit if they ever were to continue making these. The other titles of such are by Evolution Studios, Motorstorm/Apocalypse/Pacific Rift/RC, all of which are stellar, but i don't see anything wrong with this one either. A phrase on the back cover says Lunatics Unite, something the opposition wouldn't mention as they don't want to give us the idea of joining together against them, which we must. Alone you can do a lot but together we can do so much more, in fact that's how we will actually get anything done because what you do even by yourself ultimately does and needs to involve others. The word lunatic is also in the song Brain Damage from the Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon, in which is the lyric “And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon”, and that's where we are right now, with music. You've got to be a bit of a lunatic to buck the trend of submissiveness. So yes, lunatics unite and let's get everything done that we need to

System: Computer
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Saurus/D4 Enterprise
-From the NeoGeo system but not by SNK, i skipped on a similarly developed game, Pulstar, because of this but decided this one could be alright. Oh the love of SNK, second to Capcom for me. If SNK continues it will be at the direction or hiring power of Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, he is the one who now has control of this company, unfortunately it was mismanaged by Prime Matter's development of King of Fighters XV who were given their chance with it but ruined it, on purpose, creating corrupt narrative. i have urged MbS to keep the remaining of and/or re-hire all the original SNK staff and hope he does for future releases. Until then be on guard. The next game i'm looking to buy from SNK is King of Fighters xiii for ps4, the game was originally on ps3 and is being remade for said console, as it was made before the new management it should be amazing, although under the new company they might mess negatively with the alterable facets. The new ownership is recent, so you still have a lot of earlier titles to enjoy, and i hope you do, SNK has made many great games worth your time and am really happy their NeoGeo efforts have been ported to modern consoles. Long live real SNK, i hope they get it back

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 : The Newcomers
System: Computer
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK
-An actual SNK game, this got great reviews and looks fantastic, has a more recent aesthetic to it similar to Garou Mark of the Wolves which have been playing and loving. Newcomers? All aboard! This is going to require many, many, many people, and the more the quicker the better. Get the word out there about everything you can that should be mentioned to all, then they do the same and so forth, eventually everyone will be aware and hopefully unfooled unphased by the opposition's ploys. Be a newcomer or an old standby, you can also start as the former and become the latter. Earn your wings through actions taken, you have to start somewhere, well you don't have to, you could spend your days doing menial tasks of different types, but wouldn't you rather become legendary, or even just as good a devoted purveyor of positive deeds? We will have a lot of newcomers, joining us as they gain revelation, help them along the way to that

Godlike Burger
System: Computer
Type: Sim
Developer/Publisher: Liquid Pug LLC/Daedalic Entertainment
-An interesting premise where you are a chef in charge of a kitchen where the secret ingredient is people. For some reason i don't tend to like meat on the bone, for example i would much rather eat a chicken burger than a drumstick, same goes for other occurrences of that, just my preference. There's also a lot of plant-based meat alternatives being produced, more power to them, i actually don't believe i have ever tried one of those, but hear they are quite good. i don't foresee myself ever giving up meat but if you do it is also a fine part of a doable healthy lifestyle. There's a documentary that looks very informative named Food Inc. It is one i would like to watch, i don't think it would turn me off meat but may very well alter how i feel about the industry and products. There are multiple celebrities who are vegetarian or vegan and espouse their beliefs publicly, giving the idea or motivation to their followers, which there is nothing wrong with, i have adopted many life-choices because of moral reasoning, and am happy for doing so, if you want that to be one of yours so be it, or if you want to keep enjoying actual meat burgers have at that as well. i know i haven't gotten to the subject of this game yet but cannibalism, we are at the top of the food chain not on parallels with it, i'll stick with traditional fare thank you very much. There's enough primality in eating food still on the bone without resorting to such, lots of people do it and enjoy it though, don't let me interrupt you doing so by any means (meat on the bone not cannibalism). Kind of an odd topic is it not? This game was free with Epic Games Launcher so am writing about it or this would not have come up. So enjoy your animal products, including bacon, damn i love bacon, but if you choose not to partake maybe you would like that as well. Either way you can live a healthy life while other regiments are included

System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Reply Game Studios/Modus Games
-The o on the Soulstice logo is a complete star of David, a downward pointing triangle upon an upward pointing one, you really do have to be aware of those as they denote the faction responsible, triangles, v's, all suspect. According to the back cover (on gamefaqs) we are spawns of chaos, vile and ravenous beings. Yes how dare we defend ourselves. If there was no reason for what we are doing we wouldn't be doing it, but unfortunately there is, many reasons. We are all sorts, trying to do our best in life but being hindered unbeknownst by many by the opposition working behind the scenes, so shouldn't because of this the references be reversed, but i do not call names so will leave that to you to decide who is who. The list of their wrongs is long, and they add to that list every day, while we go about our daily lives they conspire against us, wouldn't it be nice to not have to worry about their schemes, until we do something about them we will have to. While this game seems to have nice graphics what's the point if it is designed to indoctrinate you with Zionist agenda, it is the opposite direction of a point, instead make a point not to play it. This can be said about most every game of theirs, do not let them get in your headspace as they have malicious intentions while in there. Do not entertain their entertainment. You will be much happier sticking with the real fare of ours, it's not even comparable how much better ours is, they are complete opposites. So do be aware of what you are consuming, and put yourself on a no-Zion regiment

The Forest Quartet
System: Computer
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Mads & Friends/Bedtime Digital Games
-This seems to be an ode to a passed friend of the developer, the other members of the group are there playing music amongst the trees and you are a spirit wandering the forest, maybe looking to rejoin the rest. Perhaps like Chester Bennington trying to perform again with Linkin Park, or any of the others we have lost because they couldn't take what was being done to them. Help release their lost souls by avenging them so they have not died in vain, complete the circle of actions done to them by having actions come back to those who caused their deaths. The Forest Quartet looks to be a beautiful game, and is one of those that is very artistic, which is suitable to the theme of this experience. Art created to celebrate a person now in memory of and their continuing impact on those still with us. Not everyone gets a send-off the same as this, different but still as meaningful. We keep our loved ones in a special place in memory, recollect good times and have appreciation for what they have done for us. Live a life of service to others and where you will be missed, that doesn't have to be constant, do well for yourself as well, but try to put your friends and community in a manner of priority. When you pass let the scale of good deeds done tip towards the favourable side

Out of Line
System: Computer
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Nerd Monkeys/Hatinh Interactive
-An interesting game, hand-drawn animation with puzzles. This style of graphics is very endearing and one of my favourite type although all variations can be beautiful. Speaking of out of line i have to say that Zion has been for as long as their existence, and now the ice they skate on is thinner than ever, yet they continue at their own expense even knowing their situation, only through threatening us to not act against them do they survive, however brave people stand up to them, have, do, and will, for the benefit of us all. Zion needs to be exposed, organized against, and stopped, by any means necessary, there is no opposing viewpoint, no defence of what they are doing, it's all downhill for us if they aren't stopped. They are out of line, to the fullest extent, and it's up to us, nerds and everyone else, to end then reverse what is being done

The Night of the Rabbit
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Daedalic Entertainment
-Jeremiah is the protagonist here, a Hebrew name, thankfully the game was free. i've been apprehensive about Daedalic Entertainment for a while now and this just cements it. Again the point and click genre, although fun when done right, is mostly a pit of Zionist agenda, unfortunate as that is. It's said a rabbit's foot brings you good luck, well it didn't help much for the rabbit. In this vein star trek says live long and prosper, but their prospering is at our expense. Or life is beautiful, as long as it's for them and their gain. It's always beneficial solely for them, they care not for us and our well-being at all, in fact they plot how to ruin the good structures we have which are decreasing the longer they continue. According to them their lives are precious while the Talmud says one million (Arabs) are not worth a Jewish fingernail. They don't think highly of the rest of us either. Their general consensus is that we are their cattle, here for them and them alone, we are their rabbit's foot, bringing them fortune, only problem is it was severed from the rabbit for their benefit to begin with and the rabbit is still without his appendage, let's try and return ourselves to the state of being when we were whole and ourselves profitable and joyous

Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Kheops Studio/MC2 Entertainment
-Upon looking further into this there is a slight star of David right on the cover, thankfully this and the one below were on sale for less than a dollar each, might be okay, it would be nice if so. As for prophecies, is this the last one of this? Only time will tell but we are doing pretty good so far. There are prophecies for different topics so while this may be the definitive time for us against Zionism there will be ones for other issues, and they are welcome also. There are many issues, and they are important for sure as well, we just need to have this one forefront until completion while working on others just as much but beside this all encompassing problem. You can help with the main issue, this one, or you can help with the multitudes of others, maybe you can do with both this and your choice. Make a scripture of your own, be part of our solutions to the problems we have which are too many to list. Together we can achieve all our goals. Zionism deserves it's place as the main problem we have to deal with, and it requires immediate attention as it cannot be allowed to succeed or we lose everything from that point forward no matter what else we have as challenge. This is a prophecy, not the last, although this may be the final one for this in particular there will be many for different topics, even multiple per topic. You can have your own input and contribute to all we are doing, in fact it is encouraged, and as said you can do your part with your choice while also helping ours, you can do it

Curse: The Eye of Isis
System: Computer
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Asylum Entertainment/DreamCatcher Interactive
-As there are prophecies there are curses, ongoing detriments to our well-being, Zionism is one such curse. It is up to us to remove this curse, through all available means. While they use everything against us we need to be as resourceful, employing whatever we can in retaliation. Prophecies to lift curses, we have it in us, write and/or take action, definitely both if you can. Our freedom from Zion will be nice, but it won't go away on it's own, in fact if we don't take action they will have us in hold forever, which is why it is our foremost priority. So we've talked about prophecies and we've talked about curses, be part of the former to combat the latter, you see both and it's up to you to do your part for our help

Requiem : Avenging Angel
System: Computer
Type: First-Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Cyclone Studios/3DO
-There are a lot of souls who need avenging angels, we have lost so many. Then there are the ones trapped by them but living, do not exclude them from your itinerary. Avenge the killed in war, and in false flag attacks, and the ones who lost their lives to provide a news blip. Avenge the musicians who are going through hell being turned against us they love. Be their angels, come to their rescue while they are here or in vengeance of their passing. Don't wait till your leaving to be a heavenly being, do your best to do so while alive, as it's the only chance you'll get

Mordheim : City of the Damned
System: XBone
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Rogue Factor/Focus Home Interactive
-Have spoken about this game when i bought it for ps4, here it was for two dollars fifty cents on sale for XBone so didn't want to pass it up. If you are a fan of the genre i found out about another great tactics style game that looks to have a lot of potential, Sword of Convallaria, which you can see here. It is or will be available for iOS and Android but also home consoles, being partially a mobile game i hope there's not any additional micro-transactions, if there is not it should be fantastic. The subtitle here is For This World of Peace, and yes let's work towards that, we can have it with effort on our part. i don't know if you are also into this type of game, strategy rpg or tactics style, but this one is worth checking. After a day of helping you can unwind with a bit of this, just don't skip the first part

System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Free Range Games
-This free with Epic Games Launcher tactics style deck building card game looks pretty great. i am apprehensive about the triangles in the logo and a few of this developer's other games including a Lord of the Rings title but the rest of it seems to check out, one can hope. What's wrong with Lord of the Rings? The author, J.R.R. Tolkien, said while he was not Jewish he wishes he was, and the dwarves in the book series are purported to be based on Jews, let alone the rest of the plots. Jewish sympathizers are either part of the problem or are unaware of the problem. Once one is knowing of what has been done, is doing, and have planned you cannot be pro-Zionist. Any who are never mention the world-ruining agenda against the rest of the populace only about the Jewish bystanders who never seem to mention or warn about their kin either, making them accomplices in their silence, and they do know, for example about the forced musicians as every other one of them is adorned in one way or another with a star of David reference for their fellow members to know it is their doing. Being a Jewish sympathizer is going against those of us they are harming, and we are all being harmed by them

Archaica: The Path of Light
System: PS4
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Two Mammoths
-A fun looking game where you adjust mirrors to beam lasers to your destination. Quite an interesting concept that i don't believe have seen before and the graphics are pretty nice to go along with it. As the light bearer in this game it is up to you to save the world, you can walk a path of that along many routes. You know where i stand on what should be precedence, you can join there or pick something you may be more adept to, maybe both. The path of light is of good actions, sometimes good comes in different forms and is dependent on the situation, sometimes something cloudy has a silver lining, a positive end result that warrants the way there. In addition to your actions of community betterment you can also walk the path of light in your personal life, always trying to be the best person you can in many, or try for every, aspect. It's about forks in the road, and we are presented with those at every turn in our daily lives, constantly, have it be second nature to pick the right directions. If you follow the most beneficial course, for others then you, you tend to receive the same in return, not every time but what's the alternative, it's always worth being the best person you can

Desert Law
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Arise/1C Entertainment
-This looks great! An rts set in a post-apocalyptic future with very positive reviews. i like this setting a lot and is the first i heard of this game. There is a movie titled The House of Sand and Fog which is about land ownership that i believe relates to the situation in Palestine, and without ruining too much of the ending the woman in the dispute with the Arab fellow says it is in fact not her land. As for law what Israel is doing is against international law, another easily remedied issue that is cut and dry only needs bravery to implement. International law needs to be implemented by international governance, everyone together. If we can solve this problem as one we should be able to solve many problems as one. Let both the public and their elected officials take action together in coordination to remedy and reverse the Israeli usurpation of Palestinian land

Arkanoid: Eternal Battle
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Pasta Games/Taito Corporation
-An arcade game that many of you might be familiar with, have always liked this and here is an upgraded remake. As for the eternal battle we are in it has a conclusion, with us hopefully being the victors. If we lose it is the end of humanity, forever under the heel of Zionist rule. However, i doubt that will happen, we can do this, we have come so far and are now long away from being their fools, it's only a matter of informing the public once and when they realize what is going on that's all it will take, just give the light. We are no longer as pliable, just that one illumination will make all the difference in a persons life, they will be aware. That one illumination may take multiple tries though, so keep at it. This really has been an eternal battle, going on for millennia, and right now is our time to undo what they have done, done being a term more indicative with accomplishment whereas what they are doing is the opposite. Our people are smart, some just haven't been clued in quite yet, that is where you are needed, you need to enlighten those who are currently unaware, that should be a priority. Once everyone has been given the knowledge of what's being done by them we can truly all work together combatting the Zionist entity who has and continues to toil against us, all of us

King's Bounty : The Legend
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Katauri Interactive/Atari
-This looks very good, although i have not heard of this developer who seem to only be known for this franchise, i am familiar with Atari who i like. The tagline here is “The World, Full of Adventures!”, and it's not just videogames where you go on such. Every day is at least one adventure, maybe grand, maybe mundane, but each of their own to traverse. Now people can chronicle their adventures on the (unfortunately Zionist) Instagram and Facebook, which we really need a version of ours to compete with them. But that's what's there now and it will have to do for now, hopefully the members of those can migrate their content to a new platform when one of ours becomes available. Social media is fine but you don't need it to enjoy your times, ones for you to remember and cherish otherwise, do try to capture your experiences and share them proudly but keep in mind you don't need validation to have had a good time. Am happy with how my media adventures are going, as that is a big part of my life, finding, writing, enjoying. You have your own centred around your life and doings, i just wish you had a better output location than Meta platforms. Depending on your lifestyle and what you want to share maybe a website is in order, then you can just have placeholders on the mentioned social media's that direct to your page. Twitter was always under good ownership, i don't like what Elon Musk is doing with it though, sorry Elon, please revert all changes back except the name if you want. That was a great platform, one of the best for us, and i hope it gets returned to it's original state, improvements yes, cataclysmic choices no. You are limited in your options of what organizations to go with for your chronicling, and just like a forced song means the whole album is corrupt, each and every single action taken by a Zionist entity is as well. Enjoy your adventures, they keep you having fun, and while it's not necessary to share with others it can be a great back and forth of what each of you are doing. While i love what i do it is you that might have the grander stories to tell. Vacations, fairs, museums, theatre, restaurants, the list is long. i'll be here, doing this, enjoying my life and adventures and hoping that you are enjoying yours

System: PS4
Type: Turn-Based Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Tomasz Waclawek/Devolver Digital
-A really fun looking concept where you are a ninja that utilizes stealth to his advantage, the graphics are nice and the gameplay seems to be very enjoyable. Upon checking the name Waclawek is either German or Polish, i have no qualms with either, the surprise being Polish, no, i am only against one singular sect, the full Jewish one. Everyone else is fine, we can all join together for the benefit of the world, it is the one lineage that has separated themselves from the rest and is the cause of our combined woes. No other nation does what they are doing, there is no word like gentile from any group than them. It is they that think and want to be separate, so be it. To Zion we are all cattle, goy to phrase it as they do, here for their sole benefit and treated as such. We really do need to join forces with each other in this shared endeavour, and we can, it requires collaboration so feel free to speak with other nations as friends and in that spirit. Right now world powers are being pitted against each other for the gain of immeasurable war-time wealth, once the entity responsible is out of the scene we can work on other global problems together

Cave Story+
System: Computer
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Nicalis
-Free from Epic Games Launcher. The plot of this game is meant to deceive those not aware of the situation. In this you are to save the race of “innocent” rabbit-like creatures called Mimiga, and that isn't supposed to portray us. Unfortunately their non-innocents, to put it mildly, ruin it for the better ones. They have a line of their human-shields in front of them and laugh at our moral dilemma. It's not an easy choice, but how else are we to deal with this trouble they cause us? We have no alternative as dismaying as it is. We only need to get through this once, mourn the ones that gave their lives for the securing of the world's future, and go forward, our grief eventually fading with time to celebrating our new found joy of everything being finally in our flourishing control instead of the complete opposite under theirs. It will be glorious to thrive, the Star Trek v says for them to live long and prosper, but at our expense, instead we must stop them from doing so because of what they are doing to gain that prosperity. Yes we will lose a few alright ones, but if we don't we in many ways lose every one of us to the ones of theirs who are not. Think about how amazing things are going to be under our governance, right now it is terrible because of their involvement, everything they touch, we will make media, money, government ours again and the trickle down effect will renew all aspects of what we have and will. It begins with all three of those aspects of life, but transcends them. This really is a battle for all of life, we can have either positive or negative lives and right now it is not doing so well for any of us as under corrupt institutions. i cannot stress enough, everything is affected, and we need to put our own people in charge of these, only then will we be on a more than pleasant course. It won't be easy at all as they don't want to give up their lucrative reigns but for our own well being present and future we must

Bad Dudes / Heavy Barrel / Joe & Mac
System: PS4
Type: Arcade / Action
Developer/Publisher: Data East
-These are the first games i picked up from Data East, which thankfully looks to be one of ours, however i have played them in actual arcades though and enjoyed very much. In fact i spent a lot of time in arcades, played some single-player, some multi-player co-operative, and some versus, was quite good at many as well. Now, on home consoles, i mostly play single-player, which is fine with me, although the others are admittedly very, very fun as much so as well, maybe sometime in the future i will have the opportunity to do some of that, what's named local co-op. Bad Dudes is about the President getting abducted by ninjas and it's up to you two to rescue him, “are you a bad enough dude to rescue the President” is the tagline. Well, are you? Help out all your constituents, they are there to represent you so you please give your aid to them in return, it is needed. Heavy Barrel is what would now be named a twin-stick shooter, overhead and one analog to move and one to aim your weapon, a fun genre. As for Joe & Mac it is a sidescroller, set in the mesozoic era when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, in this you have to rescue princesses, lots of rescuing going on and that makes sense as that is a call to action for sure, something we need to get doing also as many people of ours are in need of such. So these were cool to pick up, Data East is looking like a great company and these were on sale very cheap so figured to give them a try/re-try. You? Try and rescue those of ours who need your help

Disney Epic Mickey 2 : The Power of Two
System: XB360
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Junction Point/Disney Interactive Studios
-Have this for Wii and Ps3 already but at five dollars i'm not going to pass this one up. Here's the thing, today i picked up three items, all of which i have in different forms already, but with games for instance, i figure if something is about five dollars digitally that is what i pay for games at the thrift stores, and if i'd pick something up there then i might as well pick up one online as well. Am quite thrifty as the term is and try to spend my money wisely, and do most all of the time. You know what's going to be epic? Disney's new card game Lorcana. It was released on Aug 18th to hobby stores but was quickly bought up and sold by scalpers, the main release is coming up on Sept 1st and i can't wait, am trying to keep some money aside to buy a few ready-made starter decks to play with a friend. One of the best parts of Disney's new venture is that it is on the up-and-up, is ours, is... good. Personally, and am not alone as is doing phenomenally, this looks amazingly fun. My plan if this is not released Aug 31st in advance is for Sept 1st to wait at a local Walmart until the product is placed, ideally i would like all three of the starter decks and am hoping they are priced at msrp which is reasonable. In each of these there is a twelve card booster with the opportunity to pull a great card from, a nice bonus. If you haven't checked it out i made a humble Lorcana page available from my links section with a lot of info and such there. Are you looking forward to trying this new Disney card game? i sure am. Hope you join in and play with your own friends and loved ones

Resident Evil 0 / 1
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-This was a bundle at ten dollars so about five each, worth every penny. i really like the play-style and game mechanics of these two classics, the graphics are even still very nicely done. i have the recent RE games digitally but am waiting for the fourth one remake to go to fifty dollars then be on sale fifty percent off for a total of twenty-five, that i can afford, i just have to wait a slight amount of time. These games are difficult, as the saves and ammo are limited, but a welcome challenge. If you are looking for an easy play through though some of the more modern titles have optional purchases of guns with infinite ammo etc, which i have even bought myself as i just want to enjoy the game, graphics, story without the ammo limitation. One very fun way to play these is doing speed runs, finishing the game as quickly as possible to set records or do your personal best. Again not so much for me but you never know, i am more of a casual gamer but happy to be doing so. As always writing or other tasks come first, but i sure do love keeping up on various videogames, buying the one's i'd like to play, and getting to them when i have the time. You? First things first. Remember that. Do some good before delving into a bit of gaming

Hero of the Kingdom II
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Lonely Troops
-An interesting looking game, seems to be a mix of elements here, was free with GoG. II, as in more than one hero of the worldly kingdom, on many different topics at that, which leaves a lot of space for you to become involved. You know where i say you are needed, and if you can then please help with that, but if you want to undertake any other wonderful achievement that is welcome as well. You can be a hero to one, to some, to many, all appreciated by those affected by your time and effort. Doing something like let's say abolishing the federal reserve will positively affect every American citizen, minus the Zionist entity behind it, all helped in one fell swoop, definitely hero-status-worthy. Again though your actions don't have to be grand, just meaningful and thoughtful on any scale. You can also be part of a league of super-heroes, joining together to take on monumental tasks as a team, equally needed and equally shared in the credit of completion, or attempt, but let's fulfill our goals. There is so much to do, so many topics to choose from, but all cross paths with what Zion is doing, so that gains precedence. If you are medically skilled and want to cure cancer, then do that, and if you want to “cure cancer” we sure do need you as well. We will all be remembered for our contributions, in name chronicled but as or more importantly in deed through a future that benefits from your actions. There's not just one hero, there are many, and if you do your best you may join their ranks. It's not a contest, the purpose is instead to make better the lives of others, if it were a contest then that would be quite the determining winning factor, however with the way it goes we all win with your contributions

Metal Slug XX
System: PS4
Type: Sidescroller
Developer/Publisher: SNK
-Originally made for the Psp in 2010 this Ps4 port looks very fun, i only recently found out about this game as thought i had them all on the Metal Slug Anthology but no there's this one as well, nice. This one seems more suited to system play while all the others have an arcade feel to them, understandable since the series started on the NeoGeo arcade cabinets, which you could also buy the consoles for for home use. Every NeoGeo arcade game has now been ported to home versions, which is very nice to be able to play. Now, X, the opposition has their threat of Star of David, we have x's and right angles, which are more prominent than you might think, just like they denote themselves with triangles and hexes we denote ourselves with what mentioned. The Star of David Israeli flag is a threat upon the world, if you haven't thought about it much the reference is similar to Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, a human body, and that is their flag with two ongoing timelines. World leaders need to keep in mind this flag against them even before any talks, it is a declaration of ill-intent that precedes them. This is also how they indicate something is theirs, a movie, a show, a forced music video... to say to their kin that whatever this is that it is theirs. Be aware of this denotation they constantly use, recently they have become more stealthy about it's placing but still there. This is especially helpful to notice not just now but in media of the past, before they figured people were onto it. Triangles and hexes, a way to spot their involvement

Forsaken remastered
System: XBone
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Iguana Entertainment/Acclaim
-One of my favourite games which i have for computer and is great for, but on sale for five dollars will be a fine addition to have for console as well. i need you to do something, not for me but for you and your own well-being, forsake, give up on, Zionist media, they attempt to brainwash you, don't make it easy for them. There are enough good sources of ours to keep you fully enjoyed. Some online entities are hard to do without for now, i still check youtube for example, but in every instance where you have an alternative, one of ours, go with that. When you become aware that something is Zionist and against you, switch to another platform, channel, company. After a while you will have it whittled down to a few great offerings of ours for every need and be much, much happier

The Fall
System: XBone
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Over The Moon
-An interesting looking sci-fi game that has many great reviews and should be quite fun. There is action, there are puzzles, even a bit of point and click style gameplay, all-in-all if this is good it should be. The summery mentions protocols twice but will see about that upon playing. In this you are an ai exoskeleton with an unconscious human inside and it is the task of said ai to keep the human safe. Grimes would really like this game i'm sure, who i hope is doing okay, it's looking murky for her after the amazing track Shinigami Eyes. She's right into all this, it would be nice if she could enjoy it if it's a good game to begin with. Am wishing her the best and knights in shining armour to protect her. For the multitude of those forced music scripting will be the fall of Zion, there are so many reasons but this will be the crux, and that's saying a lot. The fall of Zion will be a miraculous achievement when completed, then we can get to doing well for each other, and we will make it through to that goal having worked together for this purpose and realizing that we are better together. Heaven on Earth? Let's try and make it an actual reality as best we can

Homeworld : Deserts of Kharak
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Blackbird Interactive/Gearbox Publishing
-This, free with Epic Games Launcher as many of my listed computer games are free through various promotions, looks completely great. i love both the genre and the setting, which gives a Mad Max, of esteemed Mel Gibson starring, vibe to it. This setting is also a warning of what is to come for us if we are not on top of the worse now than ever environmental emergency we are finding ourselves in. Fires, tornadoes, floods... We will get through this, but it will need diligence, especially working backwards as we are now from lack of preparedness when we had the time. i don't foresee us in a completely barren desert existence but it won't be as lush as we have it now. It really has come into being all at once recently it seems, disaster upon disaster, even congruently, now climate change is undeniable. We need the best minds we have to survive through this and make our Earth habitable again before it becomes worse and irreversible, solutions to our worldly environment woes. History's science fiction in all ways is becoming science fact, our actualities, thing is which future of these do we want to live in, do we have a choice? Yes we do. It will take much research followed by it's implementation to get us on a better path, and with all the ruining factors we have in place right now we need to rectify those as soon as possible. Scientists are becoming icons, and worthy of such, let's hear from them and listen to their idea's and recommendations, which if viable should be immediately acted upon. We want our world to flourish, not wither and die, this, because of all the pollution we have made, needs to be reversed and re compensated for the destruction we have caused. There are many factors to having a wonderful world, and while we work on all of them at once, each of us having our part, the lovely planet we live on needs to be habitable for us to exist in the first place. i believe, unfortunately, that these climate disasters are going to become not only worse but much more often, enough to hopefully get ourselves motivated to put in action needed measures for our survival. Do not believe that we are beyond fixing this, with the right changes to the way we live we can slow the negative effects of climate change and nudge it back in the direction of good as new. For that to happen though requires much effort on our part

NeoGeo Battle Coliseum
System: PS2
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK Playmore
-Specifically looked for this one as i am a major fan of SNK and this seems to be a great one of theirs. The reviews are very mixed, some praise it some deride it, positive reviews are all on the up and up but maybe some of the negative ones are put forward to dissuade people from buying/playing it because it's so good intention-wise. The fans of this developer sure are happy with it, pretty sure i as one will be also. This fighting game incorporates many different characters from all sorts of SNK franchises, even including Metal Slug which i met someone today upon picking this up who also really loves that series, but the roster of those playable otherwise is very varied indeed. SNK has a large fanbase, and this is most especially for them. All in all i am looking forward to trying this, am writing about it first as i normally do, but foresee a fun time with each of these SNK universe characters in a hopefully all on board storyline as is most all of their fare
Edit: Another SNK gem. The negative reviews are bunk, this is a fantastic game, especially even on the ps2, the graphics are great, the characters are numerous and varied, and all-in-all is something we and they can be proud of. When you go with games developed by us, not just published by to mention, you are in for an awe-some time and when you go with the oppositions servings it is an awful time. i fully recommend SNK and they are one of my top-five developers, of quite a few amazing ones of ours, and i bet you will enjoy their contributions as well
Edit: i may have found out the “new host” mentioned in corrupt The King of Fighters XV, Electronic Gaming Development Company, a subsidiary of Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman now owns 96% of SNK, i doubt he has Zionist leanings but the company he hired to make the SNK games now, Prime Matter for one, is and does. Either way i hope we don't get another game like KoFXV, if the future of the SNK company is in his hands i hope he does well of it and not let the opposing faction take over their properties which are now his to do what he thinks best. i implore he keep and or re-hire the original SNK staff, they have done so greatly with the company from it's start till now. His purchase is somewhat recent, 2022 from what i see, but either way KoFXV was no good and done by outside forces not the original developers or they would not have mentioned the tournament's “new host”. Am hoping Prince Mohammed bin Salman takes heed and turns the franchise back to it's original glory and does not let it slip into the grasps of various Zionist entities by retaining all the originating staff who are above reproach. i as many SNK fans want to keep the first, good developers, or get them back, and hope for future titles by them and only them. i pray the Prince looks more into this situation and realizes it's about more than just entertainment videogames and that there is a lot to it, am sure he doesn't enjoy Zionist media of other sorts as much as we don't enjoy playing them. Please make our SNK good again, until then for us there's every game of theirs from before the turn, it would be nice for a continuance though

Sword of the Necromancer
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Grimorio of Games/JanduSoft
-Fun looking game in which you can bring back slain enemies to fight alongside you, and we need all the help we can get. Let the members of the opposition come to our aid before passing instead of after, and their sacrifice will continue to be in effect in perpetuity, the dead saving the living. We will bring back their contribution and have it serve us, they know they are on the wrong side of history but do not care so we need a, multiple, selfless people who understand our plight and look to alleviate our suffering by their doings. Now on the topic of necromancy in general let our own dead also serve a great purpose, do not let them have died in vain and have their spirits guide your hands. We have lost so many because of Zion and in all sorts of manners, redeem them and take action in their honour and remembrance, otherwise we will continue to lose good people of ours for their sole gain

System: PS4
Type: Platformer
Developer/Publisher: PlayDead
-From the makers of Limbo, which was completely great, is this game which would perhaps be considered a puzzle type title. The reviews for this are hugely positive and have actually been wanting to pick this up for a while. If we play dead our bones will be picked, the only way to stop what's being done against us is to fight back. Playing dead is not an option, that would be surrender, instead we must be active to the fullest extent for all of our defence. If you don't take action it will be at other people's of ours loss, you must rescue your fellows and fellowettes, be involved not dormant. If you play dead you will die without having made an impact, better to be a beacon for society and die having had grand purpose in making a difference, any topic or on

Black Book
System: Computer
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Morteshka/HypeTrain Digital
-A Russian maiden turns to the black arts to try and revive her fallen love. Based on folklore of the region this game incorporates Pagan mythology as much of the main storyline and focus. The gameplay involves card collection and deck-building as the core mechanics while against a horde of demons in need of exorcising. The reviews of this game are very favourable, the graphics are nice and the plot is interesting. Morteshka's black book is in the form of a videogame, what form will yours be? Keep writing chapters whatever medium you are creating in. Authors many times have multiple books, you can also, doing one great output is well and fine but why stop there, keep at it. If you feel you have contributed to at least one phenomenal project and want to leave it at that then so be it, but it would be nice to have you continue with us. If you have not done your part just yet don't wait around, do some deep thinking about what you can do to help and follow through. Your black book could be anything, even actions not words, other people will chronicle your actions into text, whether news or histories. If you want to literally write then you are welcome and encouraged to do so, this is probably the most feasible path, there are many ways you can transcribe your thoughts, knowledge and desired courses to result in real-world achievements. You are included in what's going on, what will you do to aid in our struggle

Dodo Peak
System: Computer
Type: Platformer
Developer/Publisher: Moving Pieces Interactive
-This looks very fun, reminiscent of perhaps Q-Bert but with many added gameplay elements that make it completely of it's own. The dodo bird is extinct, and if we don't change our ways environmentally, and soon, we will be also before we have a chance to colonize another planet which is quite a ways off. Climate change is starting to really wreak havoc on Earth and all the time now it's new disastrous events one after another and even in tandem. i think we'll survive, but it'll be an uphill battle counteracting and adapting to our new weather realities. It will be hard getting back to the Earth that once was but with environmental science advancing and being researched we will find ways to revert the harming of such. The dodo went extinct because of slow evolution, and there's no way we will progress fast enough to keep up with our changing environment so we have to deal with our problems by focusing on how to change the climate not us, we can only adapt ourselves through innovation and construction and not by trying to change how we as humans operate. We are evolving fast but not that fast. What we can do, and quickly, is alter what we are currently doing that is harming our environment, it's easy enough and we know what needs to be done it's just a matter of implementing these changes, electric cars for example but not limited to by any means. There is so much that needs to be done, and now with all of these climate disasters maybe people will embrace the solutions to them instead of discounting the situation

System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Osmotic Studios/Fellow Traveller
-The trailer for this explains about the game based on the book 1984 somewhat and i cannot vouch for how good it is one way or the other but can speak of the book itself. The protagonist in such is Winston Smith, Jewish, i guess Orwell figured it would be a Jew himself that would come forward about this, his heritage is mentioned at one point in the novel. While it's been a while since reading one of the main features here is room 101, the place for torture. It is referenced in for one of many places a song by The Smashing Pumpkins Bullet With Butterfly Wings, and i've seen it other places as well, you will also now that you know what it means. i believe George Orwell included this to separate the men from the boys so to speak as in whoever comes forward must be aware of the risks. In regards to torture know that it is already being done against people we care about, such as musicians, and they will continue doing so against all these people until we stop them. You don't need to be foolhardy, be thoughtful and garner support, you will still need to be brave though, and dedicated. We do what we need to and what they do is theirs, it is up to us to put an end to the harming of those wonderful community members of ours and we must

Europa Universalis IV
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Paradox Interactive
-i have a lot of respect for city-builders, it looks so intricate. For that there is Sim-City but this here, nation-building, is even more complex. This game is similar to perhaps Sid Meier's Civilization series but if you can believe it even more detailed. Very good reviews and the graphics are very nice as well. i'll leave this up to the experts but for both of actual city and nation building at least you have a wealth of talent to help aid you. Each of us has our own place in the hierarchy, sometimes you can move up and down that position by your own volition or circumstance. All situations you can be content with, if you want, maybe you want to move up though, well you can with effort. You don't have to, you can be happy where you are, it's totally up to you. A lot of times you are born into your placement, so for someone to reach higher than their initial standing it does take schooling or taught experience of different sorts. But yes, nation-building, that is out of my league as i have never learned the talent to do so, if i, or you, were to learn the basics and upwards we could also do that. Games such as these mentioned am sure provide a meaningful glimpse into the skills needed for doing it like in actuality

The Last Blade 2
System: Computer
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK
-Another cleanse of the unfortunateness that is King of Fighters XV. i have this for ps4 already but at two dollars i now have it for computer. This game is similar to the also by SNK series Samurai Shodown, which became their more worked on franchise, i have the new ps4 one and it's great, in addition to the older iterations which are still also great. However this would be the ultimate of this particular duo of games, being the steam version as well with multiplayer and other enhancements of this NeoGeo port. If there was only one cartridge based console i could have it would be that, always wanted one. All of the games for it though have been made available on newer systems which is fine with me, i get to enjoy them at a minuscule price in comparison. SNK is definitely a top-5 developer for me and recommend you give their games a try as well if you haven't already, in that bit of time you have extra between your saving of the world

The King of Fighters XIII steam edition
System: Computer
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK
-The pinnacle of SNK KoF pixel fighting games. Now this isn't compatible with my computer but is on sale for five dollars so am buying this in advance, there is also a (GoG) galaxy edition but that's not on sale right now, and it is also five dollars when on sale there so will buy that then as well and perhaps return this one if within the two week time period that Steam allows such, but at those prices i don't mind having this on both platforms. A Ps4 version is also slated for release later on this year and i will buy that one as soon as it's on sale. This KoF tournament is hosted by Rose Bernstein, a woman that is hinted at as being German, the name can go either way but apparently this is so. KoF XV was a complete let down as it was developed by a company other than SNK to horrible results, i really hope they stop doing that and get back to making the games themselves. They, the alternate developer, even mentioned the new acquired property in a scene from the story mode and how the tournament was being held by a different host. The main boss in XIV was named Verse, not only a V but perhaps a music reference, in XV it is Re-Verse, no thanks. Unfortunately Playstation, although i love them, doesn't have a very good return policy and i was unable to get my money back after finding out the game was Zionist tripe, so am out thirty dollars, a lesson to be even more cautious in regards to games that are developed by non-originating companies. i hope SNK fully takes the reigns back on their gaming franchises and returns to self-created and published titles of solely their own making

Wreck the Fed
System: Computer
Type: Top-Down Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Jonathan Grey/TMA Games
-This game, released on June 24th 2022, is currently free on Steam, i would suggest picking it up as well as buying Trinity Dungeon from the same developer to support him. The game is unfortunately not compatible with my computer but actually wrecking the federal reserve is and is on yours as well. i completely applaud Jonathan Grey for his contribution and hope that it encourages you to also take action against the federal reserve banking cartel. You might not initially think that a game developer could take on such a task, but here is one. No matter what you are skilled in you can help. The media is silent because of correlation, and in the cases of independent media silenced by pressure upon them, so it is up to us, in addition to anything the independent's can put together, to let what's being done be known and worked against. This has a lot to do with who is in control of mainly the United States, and can be a campaign issue if a candidate, or ones in office or are looking to be, are brave enough. It is also up to us to support those who are. Information given is still important, and i would advise you to do so to any and every good entity of ours while letting them know you and others are with them. Inflation is now becoming more discussed recently but not the cause of, remember, inflation is not goods and services becoming more expensive, in fact it is the opposite, but the money being worth less, and this will continue unless rectified until the United States currency is worth nothing. In the meantime those behind the federal reserve want to instate the same in other countries, let this be an example of if such were to happen and to not become victim to the same ruse. Instead of the system in place now money should be backed by precious metals gold and silver, i'm leaning more towards silver as the Jews have bought most of the gold over this time, but i will leave that to you, in fact the United States constitution says that only minting of coins may be allowed to function as currency, making the fed unconstitutional and therefore void. The vast amounts of money already swindled is exorbitant, let's not allow them to continue the scam at the expense of every American citizen. The process is remarkably easy, what is not easy is getting it done, because of threats especially so we need bravery among our ranks. Let the people know about what is being done, and rally them to our cause, if in the know they will certainly agree, and when everyone is on board it will be much easier to implement. This can even be a campaign issue for a noble president-to-be, even mentioning an audit of the fed is a start on the right track. One of the documentaries i listen to the audio of has some interviews of ordinary Americans about the monetary system and many are unaware of how their money works, let's change that to where it's the majority that are aware, then turn that information into action to fix the problem. Right now Joe Biden is president and running for a second term, will he be brave enough to bring this up and make it an issue? He can change the tides of America's future if so. As for us don't sit idly by and wait for him to do that, start on your own quest to do so. The more that know of what more that can, should, and needs to be done

Loop Hero
System: Computer
Type: Role-Playing
Developer/Publisher: Four Quarters/Devolver Digital
-An interesting game that although may have a low budget received great reviews and does look very fun. This is Four Quarters' second game and is published by Devolver Digital that i am currently thinking of as hopefully one of ours. In this game you constantly add to your world, which is really our world, and go on adventures to break the cycle of despair. i agree, let's break the cycle of despair, let's feel good again about our situation, and to do so will require lots of effort on our part. In the game you create areas to adventure in and they are made by lightning, we require our own blitzes against that opposition. By creating your present you have the opportunity to build other's futures in a positive manner, while the villains try and stifle those same people's lives, which it will be is up to you. Be a hero on loop, wake up in the morning, do any tasks you have to, then think about how you can make the world a better place for us. Even a bit here and a bit there helps, then continue. If you want to make a big splash, make it as best possible then be sure to have a major entrance of a contribution that will stay forever. You are in charge of yourself, don't let Zion placate you, make a difference against those that are being the ruin of the world, it is up to us to stop them and fate be willing we will

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 / 3
System: PS3/Wii-U
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Team Ninja/Tecmo
-Sweet, traded for these and am very happy to have both now completing the trilogy. i have always been interested in ninjas, the closest i'll ever be to one would be with paper/pencil role playing games, and that would be fully enjoyable for me am sure. There is one rpg titled Ninjas and Superspies that i used to like a lot, i just never really had the chance to play it only read and make a character. Always wanted to though, it would require a dedicated game master who wouldn't mess around and be invested in a good story. NaS is by a Zionist company though, Palladium, also known for Rifts and Robotech to name a few. i believe the closest book on that topic might be D&D Oriental Adventures, which i have aside here but same with not having anyone to play it with. i guess i could trudge through NaS as it is mostly rules based but as always when something is Zionist it is fully to every extent they can include. Have played a bit of D&D, and Rifts, in high school, and really enjoyed it, i do always miss it but more into videogames now even though that's not the same. i think i would like playing a self-made character more than being a game master, it all depends on your frame of mind i suppose. Even two people could play a paper/pencil rpg, one gm and one player, that would still be fun. There are modules as well with ready-made adventures to go on, making it easier for a gm to run a campaign. So for now though i have these Ninja Gaiden games to fulfill my desire for this setting, they look phenomenal and should be amazingly fun. There probably won't be a time that i can get some traditional role playing in so this is my next best thing, however they are quite different and don't compare to each other so never say never in regards to paper/pencil gaming for me. If that is something you might be interested in i recommend doing so, it is fun and involving, and if you want to be a real-life superspy that is also something you can do, i'd say you can be a ninja but that might be something to leave to the professionals. Besides, espionage is enough as it is

System: Computer
Type: Platformer
Developer/Publisher: Triple Eh? Ltd/Rising Star Games
-Very good looking game with lots of puzzles. Triple Eh? seems to be a great independent game developer, and sometimes you have to go indie instead of AAA games, besides there are a lot of amazing games by companies like this that have us in mind as opposed to at our detriment. Being as most major media companies have Jewish interests at their core you can, and i have, found many fantastic indie or otherwise smaller production agencies to enjoy. It's mostly mainstream fare that you have to beware of, as our content doesn't get picked up or made through existing big-time entities so is for the most part lower budget and with not a lot of advertising. When you do find companies that are ours support them, not just with your dollars but with your time and effort, letting others know about them and give your hurrah's to them as well

Alwa's Legacy
System: Computer
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Elden Pixels
-Try two: i have tried this game and it's actually turning out to be great, black birds and adventures, and elden also has positive connotations not just another word for elder. The graphics are very nice and the gameplay has a lot of depth. i will reserve the right to update this yet again if the game changes but is looking to be fantastic so far. Really enjoyable. If this is indeed a game of ours it will be a glowing part of Elden Pixels' workers legacy, and a fine one at that. i will look forward to future games by Elden Pixels and support their efforts and inputs to the gaming world. What will your legacy be? Make it the best you can. It can be something that lasts like the Alwa games, or something that was done, achieved, which also lasts in a different way with it's effect ongoing. We all leave a legacy in one way or another, it's just a matter of what exactly, every action creates ripples, some large some small, it's not a competition to see who makes the biggest waves but of how much help you can give which is appreciated by every one of us you aid. Shape the legacy you want to have live on after you, consciously or just through everyday actions, contributions of all types are wanted of you, and it's up to you to take your pick of what to do

Homeworld Remastered Collection
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Relic/Sierra
-A great looking space strategy game which was also free on Epic Games Launcher. Space is beyond immeasurable and boggles the mind when you think about it. We are minuscule in comparison but are doing quite well on this paradise of a location, paradise as in the planet's hospitality not everything that's being done. With the right actions we can make this Island in the Sun (Weezer) a wonderful place to live. In this particular game you control a fleet of ships trying to get home, home being a, the, word of ours, hate zero murder evil. It's not hate that drives us but intolerance for what they are doing, and we should not have to tolerate as if we do it just gets worse. It's not vengeance we want but the halt of their actions against us, we will remember what they have done and put an end to current and future continuance

Jet Li : Rise to Honor
System: PS2
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America
-“Sometimes he who is most honorable... is also the most deadly”. Set in the streets of Hong Kong Jet Li's character is an undercover cop who is through combat ultimately looking to honor the wish of a dying man. Being by Sony who are most always infallible when something is developed directly by them this game looks quite good and am an eager fan of Jet Li as well. It is hard to keep a good man down, as the direction he is going is always upwards, it is the villains who are on the downward spiral. We have righteousness on our side being the defenders of each other who are under threat from the Zionist entity, they try and say they are under risk of extinction but continue with what has led them down that route to begin with, we are not the instigators but have a reactionary position in response to what they are doing. We try and be honorable, to the best of our ability considering what we're up against. Be a hero and make actuality the wishes of not just this at some point dying man but to fulfill the dreams of everyone of all time. Rise not cower, and attain yourself the best destiny you can muster, as that is something you actually have control over at least your input of. Be all sorts of good, there's a lot to do and your actions are required, just as they have draft in war consider yourself drafted, and there's no stop until we succeed every goal. This to-do list of issues is not something that will be won all at once, it will be one at a time and in a most likely and feasible order. Achieve this, then achieve that and so forth, in a line of what needs to be done first to make the next easier and continue that way. While only one thing can be completed at a time we can still work on everything in tandem and finalize each one after the other as readied. So where do you fit in? That's your choice, but choose the issue that not only you find most important but ones you can have success with from your help. A single person alone is great for certain tasks and definitely welcomed, definitely, but a lot of the time you will need to collaborate, and this is not a time to be shy. You have friends you have never met around the world, you can help them and they help you. There are others who share your plight and want to make it better, ally yourself with them and go towards your shared solutions together. Rise to honor, as your position of power is being taken away from not only you but everyone you care about and being placed in the hands of those who want to take it for their solely personal gain

DMC : Devil May Cry
System: XB360
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Ninja Theory/Capcom
-Ninja Theory has made some nice games, Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice for one, and you know i love Capcom. The tagline here in this reimagining of the franchise is “face your demons”, and i hope you do. Stand up against them and show that you will not be cowed, instead be brave and steadfast. Sometimes they try and turn this game title against me, but i am just one of us who is fed up with what they have done, are doing and have planned, all actions that can be akin to being committed by figurative demons. i am reacting to them, if they were not doing any of what they are then i would have no issue, but they are so i stand against them and beckon you to join me and all your other friends who are doing so. This is not a war of choice it is a war of necessity, a war that was declared on us for as mentioned three thousand years. Many of us while knowing something is up are not fully aware of what exactly, but every day we get new converts because they come to realization of the matter, a lot with your help which is in need of continuance. i am not a devil, but there are many who adhere to demonic writings such as the Talmud and the Protocols, they are the ones you need to bring a stop to, and if they aren't stopped by us we will be living in a hell created by them that only they are benefit of. i am human, i am gentile, and i do not want to see our world be taken over by those who wish us all harm in many manners. They have shown demonic glee at our peril, this is most evident with what they do to our musicians and what they make them do while paraded by them in front of us. Many times forcing them to ridicule themselves, threaten us, glorify their own race, or have them sing about their favourite vice. That is the work of devils and i am just looking to end their reign of evil doings, join in as it's about time we did, all of us together. When you look at what they're doing you can determine who are devils and who are defenders against them

World War II : Panzer Claws
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: In Images/Eidos Interactive
-i'd rather have the helping panzer claws than world-ruining Zionist ones. And that's what they have, they have their hold on our main institutions with no intentions of letting go so we must pry them off. It has taken them years to grab hold of all they have and will take years to get everything back, we can though. Their claws are tight and they do not want to give up what they have deceitfully gained. All held by Zion is at it's worst for us and set up against us, we need to regain our powers and make these pillars ours for our own benefit instead of aiding the opposition. Let's not have another world war, instead let's all agree on what needs to be done, am sure we all have the same position given the facts of what's being done at the detriment of every global citizen. Us as a coalition versus that one entity who plots our combined ruination, my bet is on us. This is something we can agree on and work together towards, and not mess up this time

Restless Soul
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Fuz Games/Graffiti Games
-A really fun concept here with unique use of 2d sprites, humour and varying play mechanics this game looks very enjoyable. Maybe you have an idea of something to put forward, something not fully developed before or to improve upon. The world's your oyster and you may have a pearl. How can you do something never done before, everyone has their ideas singular or plural, something you alone have thought up, give it a go if feasible for you. For instance this is my contribution, you can do yours. How can you help us, that should be priority, try and do both for you and for everyone else. Imagine your effort then follow through, the possibility of your creation is completely attainable and in your reach. You can make something as original as this game, just most likely not a game, the options are yours to choose and the vision you have can be realized in any medium. You have multiple opportunities, make into actuality all you are able. Your inspiration can be whatever you choose as long as you make good. And that's what you need to do, make, good

System: Computer
Type: Platformer
Developer/Publisher: Nyamakop/Good Shepherd Entertainment
-Infused with puzzles this game looks quite interesting. If a game company is named Good Shepherd Entertainment and is crooked that would be quite the ruse, they also published Phantom Doctrine which seems to be great so that also makes this have potential. Zionist games have semblance to real ones, but they are not, the question are games art to me is that they are, it can be an expression with different instruments but still art. What it comes to is intent, and that is something i gauge a lot by, intent. Videogames by nefarious developers have intent against the player, they try to threaten, mislead, insult, imbue and shape opinions beneficial to them at the expense of the player who just shelled out however many dollars for something they thought would be fun, being the brunt of Zionist programming is not fun, it is demeaning to us and takes us for fools, don't be and help others not be either. These media products of theirs may resemble games but are really vessels for unloading harmful agenda, and if games are art then these are fraudulent compared to the rest of the productions, our real productions with good intent that are not out to fool anyone. It's easy enough to determine a games validity, well a lot of the time, sometimes it takes great thought to do so, but either way is the decision of ones agenda, with our outputs you feel good and enjoy, with theirs you are upset and resent what they are trying to do to you. You are playing what the developers have written for you as an experience, and when the intent is in every way to your detriment it is not comparable to those who make something with love for you and want to have something fun for you to play with and through. Once in a while you even have stealth games, ones that seem okay upon not only the cover, plot and initial playing of the first while, then turn the other direction and go full Zion as was the original plan to do. You have to watch out for those as well. Intent is of most importance, and you will notice it in everything you consume, do not play/read/listen/watch blindly, you will catch on sooner and sooner with experience, then relay that determination to others so they will then be on guard for that and similar

The King of Fighters XV
System: PS4
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK/Prime Matter
-Awesome... i've had this on my wish list for when it gets to a cheaper sale price and it did for that, this is the deluxe edition that includes two teams of dlc characters, all for 75% off which is a big difference. There seemed to be some discrepancy about the developer/publisher, even though this is an SNK property, however GameFaqs has the developer listed as yes SNK so please please please let it be SNK. i plan to enjoy this 2022 released version very much as i like to keep up to date. As for actual fighting i am not a fan, but Zion is causing grave problems and are not adhering to us asking nicely, what else are we supposed to do but increase our defences with unfortunate aggression. We are and want to continue being a peaceable people but they just aren't stopping on their own, there are songs, real ones, that can help us through the motions. What a lousy situation they have us in, one that we can't allow to keep getting worse which is what is happening with our inaction. We shouldn't be happy with the means but happy with the result. Cover all of the past, present and future, we have reasons for our desire to be without everything Zion is doing. That desire will go nowhere without action, and if we do not proceed then we will have lost our world. Personally i think we can make it through the hard parts, and there will be many of those, it's all about awareness of what they are doing, there are still people unknowing so it is up to us to bring everybody to the same realizations and knowledge of, then when the difficult situations are going on there will be consensus among us about our need for this operation
Edit: God damn it, this is crap, am sure it's as was worried developed by non-SNK sources. What's wrong with it? Everything. That's how it is with Zionist media, every bit is junk. i was so looking forward to this only to be completely let down, i don't blame SNK, for whatever reason they outsourced this property of theirs to an unworthy developer, as said there were clues that this was made by a company with negative agenda, multiple questionable credits given by different places. i stand by SNK as i have never had a problem with them before, KoF XIV was perfectly good as far as i'm concerned, and i do like all their other games a well, doubt that they are part of the opposition this just shakes my faith in them slightly. Even my favourite videogame company Capcom has occasionally outsourced their properties to outside developers with disastrous results but i still stand by them. How upsetting, back to KoF XIV

World Rally Championship 7
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Kylotonn/Bigben Interactive
-i have WRC6 but at about two dollars and fifty cents figured to upgrade to this newer version, not the most recent but worth the inexpensive price. Be world rally champions, handing forward information and organizational details, joining together helping each of us along the way, i give this to you, you give that to multiple entities and agencies and so forth. A rally is about teamwork, each doing their best and their times combined, let's try and get this going as quickly as possible to reach our end result in a timely manner before it gets to the point where we can no longer have any course of action. All the time i pass my baton to you, and you go with it, do your best with the effort provided and do your own baton passing after that. Information in formation is where we're at right now, but that is in addition to all our other activities, every one and everyone being important and needed. They used to say all hands on deck! And we must have that, you get involved, help as much as you are able in any aspect of what we're doing. Together we will be the champions

System: PS4
Type: Action/Adventure
Developer/Publisher: BlitWorks/Runic Games
-An amazing looking game. “A thousand years, i have waited, i have seen the others try and fail, now it's your chance, make it home”. How could this be anything but ours? As always it's not a given but definitely seems good, hope so. If it is alright then a great addition to games we can enjoyably play. As opposed to corruptly made games that we wince and trudge through, when that happens keep that in mind before you buy another game by that company. i believe my videogame list page is spot-on, enough that you can go by that and save yourself some time and money, but that goes to you, make any decision you want but you will probably agree upon playing something by them if under the Zionist category, if you even have time to game while doing so well against that Zionist entity

Blade Runner
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Westwood Studios
-If this is something you might like make sure to get the original version (this is from GoG) not the terrible enhanced edition which is also available. However i don't know if you or i will enjoy either. Westwood Studios is most recognized as the company that developed Command and Conquer, a very different type of game but one i loved very much, and although the original movie was by Zionist Ridley Scott i have a place for it in my reminiscence. The robots for lack of a better term are named the Nexus 6, again with the sicks, and they rise against their owners to escape only to run amok, leaving it up to you, a hunter, to retire the replicants. Sounds alright though doesn't it? Well it's like one of Ridley Scott's other movies, Prometheus, which is a film all about racial (Jewish) supremacy, and how amazing they all are, in both cases at our expense. Now i have actually played this for a while before, and did like it at the time, the setting, story, genre and graphics are all top-notch, does it remain good? Did Westwood make this in their own manner? We'll see. This movie about retiring said replicants is set in 2019, and we're a bit late, so let's push the timeframe ahead a bit and then strive to reach it

Train Valley 2
System: Computer
Type: Sim
Developer/Publisher: Alexey Davydov/Flazm
-Since i've spoken about Train Valley 1, if you want to do well you have to train. While we are born with certain innate benefits you have to learn and practice to achieve skill. But it does feel good to accomplish your personally set goals. You can reach the heights of talent if you invest your time and effort into any activity, soon after some diligence you will be doing your feats second nature. Be proud of how well you do, it is your devotion to a given subject, art or physical endeavour that gives you bonus in life. You are drawn into what you enjoy doing, and that makes it fun to be involved in, impressing yourself with every advancement. If you get paid for doing what you love then that also is bonus, but either way is fulfilling, work at day and the other at night or weekend if not a career itself. Perhaps you would like to operate a train or similar, that is also needed

Gears of War 4 / 5
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: The Coalition/Microsoft Game Studios
-Sweet. i have these already but at four fifty each i'm in for having the physical versions as well. Gow4 even had the first four 360 games digitally redeemable which were still valid, very happy about that. As for physical gears they all need to work together to function properly, while in action they serve their purpose, but you need every one to do so for best results, and it is results we want

Il 2 Sturmovik : Birds of Prey
System: XB360
Type: Flying
Developer/Publisher: Gaijin Entertainment/505 Games
-Developed by a Russian who am sure has no support for the war against Ukraine as most Russians do not. Only Vladimir Putin is continuing the war, one which i think even he regrets, the soldiers themselves do not want to be in battle either, am hoping that those in charge cancel the offensive and return to everyday activities. i have a friend who really likes aerial games like this and Ace Combat but does not have a 360, Ps3 instead, picked these up anyhow in case he gets one down the line

Ace Combat 6 : Fires of Liberation
System: XB360
Type: Flying
Developer/Publisher: Project Aces/Namco Bandai Games
-Fun enough i'm sure, this is compatible with XBone while Il 2 Sturmovik is not. Again this is for a friend who i hope gets a 360, it's nice to have both Sony and Microsoft consoles for the best of both worlds, skip Nintendo. Now i do have other friends who do have Nintendo, so be it, but i myself have migrated from them. Because i don't have much means to buy the newer systems, Ps5 and Xbox series, i am always a generation behind, but that doesn't affect my enjoyment of what i do have, after Ps3/360 the improvements have been marginal, graphics and menu's have mostly remained similar, not to discount the amazing current ones which do offer photo-realism and all sorts of new features, it's just that every recent console has been spectacular. In a few years when the price goes down considerably i will think about a newer system, but for now i am more than happy with what i have, something that is a nice feeling in any sense

Ninja Gaiden Sigma
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Team Ninja/Tecmo
-Been wanting this series of games and the new compilation is still a bit out of my price range, this will do just fine. Am a major fan of Team Ninja and can't wait till i get to Nioh, now that is going to be great. i've been writing more often lately so not as much time for gaming, no complaints of course it is more enjoyable in a different way, but i will try to get some more going soon without neglecting my responsibilities at all just in managing my time. Please consider how you spend your time as well, do you have the opportunity to do more for us in this regard? If so we sure do need your help. Do much or even a little but do

The Whisperer (2021)
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Chien d'Or Studio
-This game is set in 1813 Canada and albeit a short play experience, forty five minutes as is really an intro to The Whispering Valley looks worth playing and with my play schedule this should fit right in. Canada is a great place, nice people, health care and gun control, not to mention media that is not against it's viewers, America for instance could learn and emulate our fine features. Tax in Canada is 15%, but, free health care is pretty great along with all the other fantastic uses of those dollars. People complain about taxes but it goes to your community and services for you and everyone else, i for one like taxes, or at least don't mind them, because of everything it funds. America i bet wouldn't mind an increase either if it meant health care and that's just or starters. There are many pressing issues for them as is, but can be done in tandem with other solutions to problems. Heath. Care. It is possible. You just need to say all the benefits from paying a bit more in taxes and everything it will afford. i know raising taxes is not a popular election position but it can be an idea that is brought up as an option that depends on how it is received. Right now America can't under current circumstances cannot implement health care for all, what with paying that enormous debt and all, but this can be something looked forward to after the federal reserve is abolished and the debt rescinded

System: PS3
Type: First-Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Kaos Studios/THQ
-America in this fictionalized portrayal has become occupied by a future Greater Korean Republic, and you are part of the resistance. There is actually a ton of backstory to do with this but i will instead talk about our current situation with North Korea. Yes it is a dictatorship, a nuclear powered one, and as such requires delicate positioning. Kim Jong-un's goals are for economic prosperity, and he can have that, we can even help if it results in positive behaviour, communal gain, and comradeship among brotherly nations. The priorities can shift as well, instead of nuclear bombs North Korea can have food on every table, there is no plot from other global entities to take over their country so the armaments are unneeded, leading to an ease in foreign relations. If it really is monetary stability he wants it is possible to achieve, join instead of being ostracized by your own volition. Share in the wealth the world has to offer by being part of it. Can a dictatorship be prosperous? i don't see why not, it is up to the ruler themselves and the decisions they make, it can be both. As you know i am a proponent of democracy, but you do with what you have, and while an Earth without nuclear weapons would be an ideal situation, it is one that may never see existence. So what we need to do is lower the temperature and be hospitable to all nations inviting them to work together for benefit of every person, if agreed on and fulfilled that's great, if still hostile then try and put together something that is desired by the offending country. Now this may all seem pie in the sky but i truly believe this kind of approach should at least be attempted, appease all sides and you have a win/win. i am sure Kim Jong-un would like to be a benevolent leader given the chance and opportunity, to be a hero to his people instead of just a dictator. Right now his citizens are suffering, and he can end that by adhering to global statutes, it would be much better for everyone, he, they, and us. Let this be carefully considered by both sides and become a reality not only a dream

Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires
System: PS3
Type: Strategy/Action
Developer/Publisher: Omega Force/Koei
-Nice, while the review rating isn't spectacular i really like this series and am sure will enjoy this more strategy oriented version of such. i would rather play, or watch or read for that matter, a product that is pretty good by our people than a seemingly pleasant one that is corrupt by the opposition. The well-intent is visible and you can appreciate the time and effort that went into a positive media's creation, not only that but very much of the resulting effort is actually also amazing, and those are treasures to experience and be had. The creators of media like that should be very proud of their definitely valiant sometimes phenomenal contributions, we and you sure do make some truly fantastic outputs of all types. No matter how appealing a Zionist piece is it is ill-intended and done with ulterior motives, ones against us, so maybe it looks ultra-pleasing but the underlying agenda is not and i must say should not be tolerated. The worst of these preys on our vulnerable and impressionable, which is really despicable to see. So while we can change to a better channel, start a videogame by a good company or read a different publication, there are those who are unknowing and more susceptible to their propaganda. We have so much great content of ours at our fingertips or nearby that there is no need for Zionist brainwashing material which is a herd of trojan horses meant to infiltrate your mind. Stick with us, we won't let you down

Grime : Tinge of Terror
System: Computer
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Funnel Entertainment/Akupara Games
-What a great looking metroidvania, this is not compatible with my computer but maybe it will go on sale for console at some point, this was free with Epic Games Launcher. Metroidvania's are so fun to play as you're constantly improving your character and getting new abilities that help you progress to places you couldn't before, very rewarding. Both Metroid and Castlevania are Zionist endeavours but the genre is sound and doing great with many amazing titles. There's quite a few ones of these that i have and look forward to playing, right now for this type am on Chasm and after that Ori, i don't get a lot of time to game but fully enjoy when i do. As for tinge of terror don't let that stop you from what needs to be done or we won't get anywhere, be prepared for threats and let that instead serve as motivation to take them on. It worsens as we get closer to achieving our goals as they don't want to lose what they have illicitly gained. Not all news events are staged some are real and orchestrated where we lose lives for their propaganda purposes, be cautious but not scared to inaction, we need to be brave and go with purpose towards accomplishing our goals. i'll warn you that the terror gets worse as we advance, but these are tasks that we must undertake, all of them, in a certain order or in tandem. Let the fear serve as reason to get these things done, so that we can get to a place where we don't have or need fear, wouldn't that be nice

Mafia III
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Hangar 13/2K Games
-Looking good. This is the only game and dlc's from Hangar 13 but 2k Games is usually alright. i'm not much for this type of videogame setting but the price was cheap so picked it up. There's a nice fellow i know who likes this subject yet stays noble, i picked up the complete Soprano's set on blu-ray, again cheap, for him and he was really happy with that, it's all well as long as you just live vicariously through the media like this and not incorporate it into your actual life. i know times are tough but you've got to stay on the right side of the tracks in regards to crime, there's always a better way to live prosperously than anything against the law. i feel bad for victims of crime, which is why i don't enjoy the genre, horror movies i can stomach because it's obviously fictional but mob movies are more based in reality so unenjoyable for me. In life try and do the best you can for others when applicable, it's not always roses so there are times you need to be assertive, but when you have the opportunity to do well for someone else go for that. If you follow your moral compass it will most always lead you to great destinations, whereas if you are led astray by negative impulses you will stumble on your way. i think i have everything sorted out for my path as in that i am now fully aware of my actions and always try to take the best option of those given, and you are invited to do the same. It's not something automatic, it is a combination of learned traits and the judgment to pick the most favourable outcome for everyone involved, again when applicable. A lot of the time the best route for you is to also help others, you reap what you sow and your good will be returned to you in one manner or another, the same can be said oppositely. So enjoy mob movies if you like just don't take that behaviour into your day to day activities, maybe you too will develop a distaste for those as well but that's up to you, just keep in mind that in real life negative actions get you negative results

Halo 5 : Guardians
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: 343 Industries/Microsoft Game Studios
-Have this already digitally but at four ninety-nine i now have the physical version as well. To mention, the story synopsis of this title is that you are tasked with “solving a mystery that threatens the whole of the galaxy”, i'm up for that, how about you? Solve this mystery for everyone else along the way who isn't fully aware just yet. There are many layers to this threat against us, some still being unravelled, all of it coming to light part by part because of brave and dedicated individuals which you if you aren't involved already can be. We know a lot about this but there's more to add to that, and there needs to be a common knowledge amongst us regarding everything on topic, something we can do after we take back our media, until then it's guerrilla tactics and smart communication to inform others, adhere to that whenever you have the opportunity. We are the guardians of each other and need to protect our fellow global citizens, from warnings to actions be active in your role, you are important and can be instrumental in our success, combine that with everyone else's effort and we'll be doing very well towards being ultimately free from Zion. Maybe along the way you will earn a nice shiny halo of your own

Mortal Shell
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Cold Symmetry/Playstack
-This looks great, i own it for computer which was free on Epic Games Launcher, and spoke about it on a different topic before, but not compatible with my hardware, on XBone i can actually get to playing it. It was 90% off at $4, and while being a gruelling souls-like game is lots of fun am sure. However in real life we currently can't live after death, when that final bell rings you are no longer around to experience it, when the electricity in your brain ceases to transmit that's all for you. Our mortal shells are fragile, susceptible to wear and tear of all sorts, and you've got to keep yours in somewhat decent life-sustaining condition. While it really is a waiting game for the proverbial elixir of immortality, in whatever form be it technological or medical, we still have to make it there. Some people take advantage of our weaknesses in every manner of human frailty, food, desires, addiction, things we are wired to respond to with dopamine giving us great pleasure from those stimulants. These activities are perfectly fine, well at least food and desires not physical addiction, be in charge of you, if you want to limit behaviour that you deem detrimental to yourself go for it, more power to you, it is very pleasing to know you are doing well and the best that you can with your personal goals and ambitions. A fit brain is as nice as a fit body, either or both, although i would personally say the brain is what to focus on. We all have scars, our mortal shell has been through years of living and sometimes that results in damage, the right people aren't bothered by that. As long as you are sustaining you are alive and hopefully well, if there are problematic habits they except for addiction are easy enough to remedy, if it is addiction that is unfortunate and i hope those of us who have that do whatever positive steps it takes to get clean. Other than that just think about your traits, personality-wise or lifestyle, and improve each, now i know some superb people who may even seem there is no space for improvement, but we all have aspects to do so in. Our physical body follows what we do physically, so if you are careless, or more often in a situation beyond your control, you might harm it, you can try to repair your body which is a common route and that is something available in certain instances. It all goes back to the brain though, that is in charge of all you can control in your entire body, even that can get wear and tear and falter though, we really are in the beginning not the middle about the body and brain, and while we have learned a lot we are nowhere near where we will be as we advance. In the future bodies may be irrelevant or interchangeable, but for now we have what we have, best to preserve it however you are able. The shell refers to the outer body, but it is the inner body that powers the rest, while the casing can get strain or damage of varying type it's really the innards especially the brain that make all the difference and in the end matter more. Let self-improvement of body and mind be always welcome and also sought out, you will thank yourself for doing so. The human condition is a wonderful but precarious one, you have to be delicate when you can, sometimes you are unable to do that but keep it in mind. Risk can also gain reward, for dangerous professions or tasks, that is up to you to decide if it is worth it, and with the issues we are looking to fix we must put aside our fears and fend off the troublesome. My body and brain are on the line, and as a soldier in war i put myself in harms way to protect others, i hope you feel the same about your duty and it's necessity to our community. Don't fall for whatever they put in front of you, sidestep that and continue. Your mortal shell is important, but if you can rescue more than one other persons of us with your initiative then that should take precedence

theHunter : Call of the Wild
System: Computer
Type: Hunting
Developer/Publisher: Expansive Worlds/Avalanche Studios
-The food chain is in full effect, although greatly slanted in our favour as humans with mass production of animal meat as example for our consumption. There are all sorts of food regiments like vegetarian and vegan among others that are more nutritional based such as Atkins which i am partial to although don't adhere to it as much as maybe i should which results in a slight stomach that doesn't really bother me. There is a documentary i'd like to check out called Food Inc. and apparently you don't feel much like eating meat after watching it, when you are accustomed to final product food you don't think much about it's production, and it is kind of brutal even though done as humanely as possible or at least according to standards. In the future we will have better than vitamins, we will have fully nutritional pills or gels that actually have the complete benefits of eating a real meal with no need for originating product. It must be a rough job, slaughtering animals to feed the public, we need that though, while mostly in agreement nations do have different food customs, in India for instance cows are sacred, but apparently they are now running amok, and i'm not talking cattle like Zion thinks of us, although they do. But yes there are varying menus in various places, mostly what is abundant in that locale. Personally i like Italian, Mexican and Japanese the most, in addition to American, even though i don't get to eat fancy i eat well, four food groups and maybe treat myself once in a long while. There is a pleasantness to not eating meat am sure, and maybe that is the way to go. No longer do you have to hunt for food it is raised and prepared for you in mass production, so you don't see the process of getting the animal from being to your plate. A large part of hunting is culling, where if a species is in over-abundance you need to reduce their size, that is accepted and allowed. Sometimes we need to nudge nature a bit and help out in what should be a natural process, meddling for if it weren't for our meddling, to keep things in line and in a reasonable way to the best of our ability. Hunting is and always has been natural, since we were amoebas in need of sustenance and all through the animal kingdom from then on here. However maybe we can improve our eating, with science, and no longer need meat in our diet while still getting all the nutrients, that would be a great advancement and maybe help solve world hunger. Vegetarians already get much of what they need just have to have a few pills with what's not in what they eat, but meat is still recommended in general, i do see the motivation to be so though. We are on our way to sustainable man-made alternatives to meat and even plants and that is something i am looking forward to, although for now i sure do like traditional meals, which is something that people will always have desire for

Hell Division
System: Computer
Type: Air Combat
Developer/Publisher: Whale Rock Games
-A game that looks good enough, kind of a free roaming Descent series or the one i like more Forsaken although both of those are really great. On our way to Heaven we have no time for Hell, and must not let others fall victim to there either. It's all well and good to live a nice life but others are not, and no one will if Hell is allowed to go on as they are doing to us. We will progress the same way as we do with everything else, making issues better while moving forward. Fix this, fix that, enjoy the benefits for ourselves, everyone else, and those who follow. These problems won't remedy themselves, so it is up to us to do so, building upon our successes with even more successes, constantly advancing in our quest for a close to perfect society, and that's not exaggerating, we really can make one, many, tailored to each other with similar ideals right for every nation and in cooperation with the global community. As with your own life journey of constant betterment, to improve oneself at every instance with knowledge and experience gained, we together can improve our lot in life and help others in the process. The goal is for making better all that is currently corrupt, currently, and we can take those institutions back. There are surveys and studies about which cities and nations have the most happy citizens that live there, let's also take note of these insights and try to incorporate all the different lifestyles that they have into our own way of life. There are some issues that divide us, those are and will be expected, however most troubles can be universally agreed on fixing except by the ones who are perpetrating the wrongs held against us in the first place, those are the type of problems we can unanimously work to improve whether gradually or at the stroke of a pen. Right now we are comparatively in Hell, not just compared to nations who are happier than us but compared to what we can have. And we are decisively in a worse position than we should be because of the Zionist faction. Now, we all have improvements to make, and there is time to work on all of those, however that one faction accounts for the majority of our woes as it spreads across every topic and every person in one way or another, multiple. As for living in Heaven we can make it there, while here, maybe not in our lifetimes but eventually, hoping that we get some of it as well though. What we need is diligent workers, on this, because it won't get better on it's own, in fact it worsens. If you have a position of authority you can affect change in a major way, if you are not in that you can petition those who are and rally your fellow citizens to also take action. If, and there most certainly is, problems you see in government, media, money or any other issue then work alone or in a group to improve such. This is not a passive organization us, it is us organizing, and we will need to do so to take on first and foremost the Zionist entity

Eschalon : Book II
System: Computer
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Basilisk Games
-This is a true rpg with all the attributes of a paper pencil one and looks great. The brand of D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, has their own line of traditional rpg games but i am hesitant about them and their intentions. An eschalon is the rank or position of a person in society, and while role playing is fun and all you should also play your role, which you have, multiple of. Try and fulfill every one of your obligations, to family and friends to start with and then commitments to work and community. You can follow the line and do only what is required or you can branch out and do the extraordinary, i would recommend the second, and you can do it. Whether it is helping at the local food bank, or being part of a national revolution, we all have the opportunity to do grand actions that benefit others, you will sleep well knowing you made a difference either large or personal for someone, even just a person close to you, it's whatever you can and are able to do. We have friends who need your help, many, ones that are being harmed by the global opposing faction of Zion that cannot be allowed to continue doing so. If you'd like to do your part with this you are welcome and encouraged to come to their aid. However not everyone is equipped in the ability to deal with that particular issue so it's whatever you are able that is requested, maybe do a bit of both. This is book two, of three, in the Eschalon series, and if okay it shows as an example that making videogames can be a helpful endeavour of it's own, the same goes for any creative output, you have the opportunity to reach many people so do your best and make the most of it. There are all sorts of ways to help, do what matters most to you, if you share the same aspirations as i do then come to all of our rescue as is needed, if you have other merited obligations then so be it, just help in some other way. Our faction is immense, we just need to mobilize everyone with knowledge and into action, together we are and will be a force to be reckoned with. We consist of every eschalon and all walks of life, a motley crew so to say, and with every one of us using our unique talents we can overcome our challenges. One thing we need is comradery, between every Gentile worldwide, a feeling of being in this with each other as fellow citizens of Earth who want the best for us as a whole. We can put aside the differences that cause friction and celebrate what is great about each of us, working towards a habitable climate and not just environmentally. After the world is cleansed of those that have ill-will towards us we can concentrate on the good sides of life and it's implementation into all aspects of our existence, working day and night towards our betterment. On our way there we have a lot to do, to prepare for our as close to utopia as we can make it lives, while we are doing okay now there is much place for improvement, so much. Thankfully we have some people on top of these issues who are making effort to fix some of the problems we have right now, join with them or start your own initiative. If we do nothing we lose, so we have to be reactive as well as proactive, since we are constantly being plotted against we have to counter that every time needed which is also always. Your role can be instrumental in our success, believe that you can do great things and do your best to do so

Sigma Theory : Global Cold War
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Mi-Clos Studio/Goblinz Studio
-A very interesting looking game with an espionage theme about emerging technologies and the race to reach them first. This is entrenched in actuality and always has been, nations trying to better their stake in global dominance through new discoveries and innovations. The holy grail of such is cold fusion, infinite energy with no initial input, imagine the possibilities. Research is ongoing about this and wouldn't it be nice to have, only one nation should not keep the advancement for themselves but share it worldwide. This should be for every instance of a beneficial breakthrough that the world would be better with. What i would implore scientists, or anyone for that matter that has one, to share it globally at the same exact time, submit the schematics or information for everyone's use, such as the cure for cancer which is being overshadowed by greedy companies that just want to extend lifespans while on and paying for their drug instead of flat-out curing people. Think of this with every potential advance in knowledge, do not have it where only one faction keeps hold on it but for the new well-being of all. Right now we have races, many of them for all sorts of issues, however if we want all of us to reach standard goals we must share our spectacular findings, again at the same time to all parties who have interest and who can make the most of what you are putting forward, then we will all be at the same increment and so forth. This may not play out, people may not adhere to this, but for certain topics it should be. We all need energy, we all need cures, we all need more information about space and those are things we can agree on working together on with each other. Eventually the world will meld, it is happening right now as we are becoming one global entity, and also eventually we will have each others backs instead of being against each other, that is our course, one way to start is to join together in dealing with the world-wide Zionist threat which affects us all, another issue we can all agree on. When the world is one we will be Earth combined, funnelling our efforts into a single output of all our making and the benefit of ours entire. This will take a while for us to achieve, but it will be us. i encourage world leaders to take a more community based stance in regards to found knowledge, let it be for the people of every nationality, we sure would appreciate and do well with it

Guacamelee 1 / 2
System: Computer
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: DrinkBox Studios
-These were free with Epic Games Launcher, i already have them on ps4 and have posted about them on twitter regarding a sign in the game which is about and promotes forced music What i will talk about here though is about how while developed by Zionist creators the protagonist is Mexican, kind of like Mario by Nintendo being Italian. You get this all the time as very rarely are there Jewish protagonists, basically never, it's all under guise. Everyone should be proud of their heritage, and most always we portray ourselves in our art, the reason we don't see a lot of Jewish bravado is because they want to remain hidden, best not to bring it up at all they figure so as not to have the topic come up. Occasionally there is a purposely made visible Jewish character or celebrity to be paraded around and sometimes they truly are okay, sometimes, they are not always the ones we are against, instead those few are the victims of their own kind, being used as pawns for the higher ups, put in danger by the ones making the mess for all of us. i like some who are Jewish, and even they know the score, it's not them who are ruining it for all the rest. Some need to stand up to their fellow kin, take our side, as we are the ones being harmed by them, it's not the other way around, until everyone knows what's going on and has had enough. Where this puts us is where we cannot judge a book by it's cover, you have Gentiles of different sorts putting forward Zionist agenda, not always shills, just people who get hired to work on such and such a project, or in music forced to. What we need is more vocality in regards to media of all sorts, warnings or praise, because you want to reach people before they shell out for a ticket to the theatre, money towards a new game, well earned cash towards a forced musicians cd or even in advance of them watching something on netflix, where there isn't anything good for us on anyhow though. Yes Zionist agenda is being handed to you through not only accredited Jews themselves but also by certain shills in addition to very predominant people of ours who are in one way or another goaded into performing their itinerary. i'll miss the good ones of theirs, we just can't have the ones who aren't running around continuing their plans toward global domination. So beware, there are sometimes Zionist persuasions in what initially seem to be friendly sources, whether in media, politics or corporations, you have to be cautious and on guard

Crusader Kings II
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Paradox Development Studio/Paradox Interactive
-Sometimes the most difficult ventures are the most enjoyable, and this is really in-depth, similar to maybe Firaxis' Civilization this has a very steep learning curve. Set in medieval times with royalty and peasants you are in charge of your populace and try to build the best society you can all while attempting to gain land and fend off neighbouring armies looking to do the same. The middle-class were not as prominent as now but the structure was still there, the rulers and the citizens of varying statures, however we have changed to electing our kings instead of them being instated by birthright, which makes a huge difference. In addition to the head leaders of nations there are other kings in our midst, of industry, of commerce, of the arts, long live the good kings and queens. We have always had taxes, and in return we are supposed to be provided for, currently the system has been usurped and is funding a corrupt rule, this will eventually end the middle-class and bring back peasants being the norm which is something we can completely avoid with brave decisions and decisive actions. If you see a politician seeking to end or even audit the federal reserve vote for them, that alone is worth the full presidency but if they plan that then the rest of their itinerary would probably be solid as well. This does not include Trump. World kings join together and battle the constant threat to all our nations, global Zionism, a plot that encompasses the ruin of every person who is not them, the Gentile entire. In our hierarchy hoist the best on your shoulders, and there are many, they can fulfill your shared desires if you help them. From the highest rank to the trenches it is relative and everyone has a part, the more involved the more potential to affect change for the better. This is about creating the best society for all of us, one where we can be happy and well-to-do, whereas right now we are going downward, and before we reach the bottom we have to stop the trajectory and reverse the course that has been set against us. Elect kings that can do this for you. In anticipation create laws and fail-safes to protect the sanctity of office held, to make sure no one can get in there that has ulterior motives and tries to diminish the well-being of their public. Modern kings, the elected ones, have a duty to protect their subjects, and there is a lot to be protected from, put the hard-earned tax dollars to use in every instance that will do so and make the kings of monetary riches pay their share to fund community advancements. We are so far ahead of where we were, and we have a long way to go, let's make sure our future is better, then better than better. It's quite the tasks for us to undertake but we can do it, all of it. There's no space for apathy, we need to stay motivated, focused and on point. All of us are always doing something, make as much of that as you can be productive. If you ever feel like faltering remember that others are also counting on your help, most of this is for others to begin with, bonus if you get to experience the end results as well. You will be accredited with praise and appreciation by those you gave a better life to, and that's where were at, we have two basic directions we can go from here, Zionist-rule or one of ours, when you see what is going on and being done under the former the choice for us is clear

Soulcalibur IV
System: PS3
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Project Soul/Namco Bandai Games
-Definitely one of my favourite fighting game series, i hold Project Soul in high regards even though i am apprehensive about Namco Bandai. The original Soul Blade on ps1 went above and beyond the arcade version, with an rpg mode where you can obtain a dozen or so weapons for each character through varied battles under different circumstances. Soul Blade was even one of if not the biggest reasons i bought a ps1, and i completed, and enjoyed, it fully, after that was Soulcalibur (1) on sega dreamcast where it was also a primary reason to buy the system, it's just that good

Amnesia : The Dark Descent/A Machine for Pigs
System: Computer
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Frictional Games
-Always wanted to play these ones, i have them for ps4 which is the console i will do so which even though i now have both on computer, Machine was free today with Gog. There are varied references to pigs, some even positive, however the main one for me is the George Orwell Animal Farm connotation, a great novel indeed. If you are not familiar with the book i suggest you give it a read. The main protagonist is Snowball, a moral pig, up against the doings of the ones who are not, the ones who believe they are superior to the other farm animals and gradually try to take them over. We are facing similar in our present day, and hopefully the just will overcome the conspirators and their attempts. While all humans are such and deserve same treatment we each have our own attributes, things we are adept at, or at least for the most part, we should celebrate our differences and proficiencies, our histories and our cultures, putting ourselves into the great mosaic of shared talent that each of us contribute to in our own ways. We are a combination of many, different just like birds, but they are all still birds. Sometimes you have mixes, where the best of each are put together into a beautiful and unique human being joining the rest of the beautiful and unique human beings. In Animal Farm the various inhabitants are all equal, as it should be, the only problems are the pigs messing things up for the others. i hope we can live together in peace and harmony, after the necessary cleaning up, and we can. Be proud of the best of your heritage and traditions, and look to make your lineage even better with more improvements and successes. We should not all become melded, and instead keep our differences, they make us who we are. Being human we each have the basic building blocks to do anything another could given the individual talent and prowess, representation does matter and shows that we are able to achieve anything in any given field, and we have more differing people than ever accomplishing all sorts of great feats, filling many prestigious offices and holding many esteemed titles. George Orwells pigs had it all wrong, it is not them that are above the rest, it is the rest who deserve the accolades, good people are more useful to society than the ones who try and rule thinking they are superior, we want a global community not a global hierarchy, each of us treated with the same dignity and goodwill regardless of stature and each of us important to the well being of the commonwealth. What would be nice is worldwide democracy though, and i believe all will step in line in time as it is the best all around system of governance which people are increasingly moving towards, after that we will be doing much better and can truly cooperate with each nation in an even manner. That doesn't mean we need to blend all people, places and customs, each democracy would have their own majority rules put in place and we would still share similar desires towards the best for our people. i do not believe that a one-world government would be as feasible or advantageous as might be thought, multiple global democracies would be enough to join the world together as we can all agree on certain principles with minimal differences and still hold on to each nations individual preferences. There are many issues that we need to work together on, right now and immediately before we all join the global alliance, we can be united in our common goals of urgency. With all that we need to do there is but one dark descent, one miserable task the world also needs to accomplish and get through, and even though we will look forward to and rejoice at the end result it will be a rough time getting there. Democratic, communist, we all face the same danger and need to react to what's being done against us as a whole. No one nation can abstain, this is an all-encompassing do fully or lose requirement. This dark descent is something we only need to do once, over a period of time, after that the world is ours to enjoy instead of being held under Zionist heel as it is now and under threat of worsening. Let's all of us and you do everything we can to progress in this battle not of our starting and come through victorious even if it is a dreary undertaking to do to get there. If we didn't have to we wouldn't, but we do

Field of Glory II
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Byzantine Games/Slitherine
-Free with Steam this game looks quite good, part of the tactical genre which i like very much and set during the rise of Rome. You might draw comparisons to present day America, but that would be the downfall of, i hope and want good times for America but the same mechanisms are bringing them to the ruination that befell Rome, mass inflation and a worthless currency thanks both times to the bankers and moneychangers, who now are also running America into the ground full speed ahead without care of the consequences to the United States public and their economy. Joe Biden, while a great guy and great President, has just signed an extension to the debt limit ceiling, due down the line now for 2025, what i would suggest is to use that time to abolish the federal reserve and put into effect a silver based currency, we have two years till the next time this happens which should be enough to get this going, if not America will eventually fall the same way as Rome if not worse as more is at stake. It will take bravery to stand up to the moneychangers and bring back currency of value, as they have quite the racket going on right now. The hardest part of doing this will be said bravery, as it only takes a few signatures to instate our economic rescue, if brought up there is no objection to these sensible and necessary courses of action, at least not by anyone not in the pocket of the federal reserve. That federal reserve, which is neither and a private bank, is unconstitutional and can be abolished with the stroke of a pen, also wiping out the illicit money owed as it was a scam to begin with. Make this issue dominant on your to-do list, support those looking to achieve these goals and let others know about what is being done en-masse. Congress can be a field of glory, if they accomplish the tasks needed, once everyone is on board with getting this done we will not be stopped, the opposition faced by the full power and determination of the American public and backed by world powers will have no recourse but to accept defeat in that regard, and we will get to other regards as well during and after the federal reserve. Right now America is in a downward spiral, as was Rome before it and caused by the same monetary practices. If nothing is done about it soon they and any future nation that falls for it will be sunk, and if ever there is instated, as is being planned, a one-world bank we will all be ruined in the same manner. All it will take to end what they are doing is a few signatures on a few papers, and if this issue is brought forward and everyone made aware of it, there will be much more power behind the people who can make it happen. This must be done soon and the sooner the better, as the problem only gets worse over time and we want to get at this before the complete destruction of the American and possibly global economy

Resident Evil Viii Extra Content
System: PS4
Type: Add-on
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-i've been really enjoying RE8 but am at an impasse, maybe this will help, extra health and unlimited ammo weapons etc.. Am more of a casual gamer so don't feel bad about this extra gaming boost, mostly i play for the story and general experience rather than a major challenge, that depends on the specific game and genre though. If, and that's if RE3 remake is off i recently checked and found that it is by developer M-Two not Capcom and also has affiliation to Zionist Bethesda, so i'll be sticking with RE8 as i should be anyhow for now but will try RE3 later. This eighth iteration is really amazing and i look forward to getting back into it, although the extra equipment probably won't help with the spot i'm at now it will be nice to have after. Definitely one of my favourite videogame series and this will for me add to the enjoyment not detract from it as it will allow me to fully play through this phenomenal addition to the RE franchise
     Just as Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you as well can see and determine what is good and what is evil. While eating the fruit was against God's will it was done with free will which was bestowed upon us and was ultimately beneficial. That is the same free will we have now, from the biblical perspective. Even though we are able to do what we want we are bound by laws and conscience to not behave badly, some adhere to this some don't, and it is up to us to deter in no uncertain terms those that continue to do so after warning and given chances. The opposition knows what they are doing is wrong, but refuse to comply with standard rules and acceptances, which is in turn unacceptable. So take a look, moreso, and when they are not feigning goodness, to decide if what they are doing and have done without remorse is the type of future you want for us and you'll certainly agree that it is not. So look, and remember, and make your decision, then keep that memory and decision throughout the hard times which there will be. Like in the Bible bring others to light, help them see the good and evil that both exist in our world. With Zionist media the goodwill in our people unknowingly withers, the best and bravest of us threatened, and the potential shining stars dimmed and replaced by uncouth anti-role-models. Said Zionist media is an enemy of the masses and ruins society in a myriad of ways, maybe you know a few good channels, stick with them and suggest them to friends while deriding the oppositions fare, those with any stature or predominance can do the same. Every structure of ours the Zionist machine touches becomes corrupt, money, government, media being the main targets, their illicitly obtained pillars of power that need to be felled. You cannot see their control of each of these with your bare eyes like you can of their media, but you know they are there working against you behind the scenes, which is why we must bring these practices to public consumption. Let people know what to be on the lookout for, let them eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil to be able to see for themselves and urge action on their part to correct the problems seen and discovered

Tell Me Why
System: XBone
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Don'tNod Entertainment/Xbox Games Studios
-This game is free for the month but no thanks, it is a title meant to pull at the heartstrings and i have no interest at being subjected to their attempted take over of my brain by playing such, it would not phase me anyhow but why would i bother with their sly indoctrination that has negative intent. In the trailer one of the female leads in this game has a sweater or whatnot that displays a quasi star of David on it, just not as obvious as an actual one so that only certain people will get the reference and the unknowing will be unaware. Remember that there are good members of the self-chosen foes, they are just used as human shields while we are laughed at by the rest. We have no other recourse but to go through both. Tell you why? They know why but i will inform anyone else while including them. There are 8 billion people on this planet who are and will be negatively affected by what they, the Jews, are doing. We are losing lives, we are losing money, we are losing safety, we are losing everything we care about as a global population. Every day we lose lives of good people, every day we lose money and it's worth, every day we lose our safety to what should otherwise be friendly nations. Every day we do nothing the situation worsens. If we do nothing we will be left with nothing. Every day our children are being brainwashed, hell, our adults are also. This is why, the ones behind the others are murdering, swindling, deceiving, all at the expense of the shield. Which are which? We are not left with the option of picking and choosing, however it is a thick bloodline and the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. That shield remains quiet and does not go against their kin, allowing the furthering of actions against us and silence is complicity. There are many many many documents and chronicles of Jewish atrocities at our detriment, all sorts, if you for one look at what i have chronicled there are even enough instances there alone, however there are innumerable acts of them being an enemy to call them that. This write-up about this particular game is not reason why, it simply explains the reasons why, the other content is the reasoning that details the facts. Being asked tell me why brings you to the explanations that are the answer, but they just expect weak people to fall for their innocence ploy with narratives like this. What they have done, are doing, and plan to do is reason, by asking tell me why implies there are no reasons, but there are more to than not. They already played the victim and even lied about the numbers, meanwhile it is us who are their victims and have been for to say the least centuries and it is us who are finally retaliating against them. As said every day we lose ground of differing types, simultaneously as they have their various operatives set to certain tasks, and we will keep losing until they are stopped which holds they will never relinquish without a battle. This detailing of tell me why is a brief footnote to everything else that has been said, it is everything else that is the content and reasoning, and there are so many reasons put forward and brought to light that you would be unable to narrow it down, one issue i take to heart very much though is the forcing of musicians, and that is something you hear the results of on a daily basis, it's despicable, and no one will be upset at stopping them from doing that. While we are against one entity they encompass many facets, and all together they are ruining everything of good we want for ourselves, with the corrupters out of the picture we will be doing much better, a complete redo but with us as the leaders, creating and instilling a bright future for us when we were previously set upon a Zionist ruled destination which is not a destination we desire. Tell you why? i and many others will be happy, in a somewhat unfortunate that we have to way, to shed some light on that for everyone else to come to the same answers

Realms of the Haunting
System: Computer
Type: First Person Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Gremlin Interactive/Interplay
-Looks interesting, an fmv horror adventure. i had less than a dollar and this came up on sale. After checking a review on youtube which was negative i looked on the site, Gog, itself and it received 4.6/5 with many people saying how great it is. So you have to watch out for reviews sometimes, either a good product getting negative ones or a bad product getting good ones, either direction on those are a lot to do with the Zionist entity, an example would be about let's say movies, and i will exclude reviews made with good intentions, but a Zionist movie getting praise or a stellar film of ours getting trashed, both need to be watched out for. You will find sources not to trust, and then disregard their reviews, i remember a long time ago on a book cover there was a Stephen King quote saying “i have seen the future of horror and his name is Clive Barker”, praise for one Jewish sympathizer from another at the very least. In regards to newspapers i always thought of New York Times as the corrupt one and New York Post as one of ours, the same can be said about Washington Post being the corrupt one and Washington Times ours. So you will develop a mental list of who to trust with reviews let alone other information. There are people who like the Marvel movies, and give them favourable reviews, this is partially because of lack of awareness no offence, and it's actually hard to find someone who goes against them for various reasons, courageousness to you if you do, make it tangible. In fact i encourage all of you to be forthright in your descriptions of media or companies especially if you are followed by any number of people. There's a lot to be said about being outspoken, and your listeners and watchers will be grateful for your honesty and knowledgable advice. Bad media is propaganda, and you want to expose that every chance you get so that others aren't taken in by such. It may be difficult to work that into your programming but do whatever you are able to. There's no lack of Zionist product for now so you have your pick of what to bring down

Final Liberation : Warhammer Epic 40,000
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Holistic Design/SSI
-Free with Gog to celebrate this company's newest release Skulls. Games Workshop is on board for our final liberation, and this involves all of us so you need to be as well. What can you do? That's your decision. Think about it and follow through. It can be small actions or major, multiple of each, it all helps. This should in fact be our final go at this, after we will not fall for the same schemes. Not everyone is aware of said schemes just yet but that's part of what we need to do, inform people. Then, after the vast majority are knowledgeable about what's being done we can go about reversing what has been put in place against us. We can even get started earlier than that, right now and on our way there. Being treated like cattle, although we are nothing near that of course just thought of as such by the opposition, we must show them in no uncertain terms that we are liberating ourselves from their control. Goy is a word of theirs, for non-Jew, for as mentioned cattle, it is a derogatory term that belittles us, while it is us who built this world not them. Look at our accomplishments and be proud, what have they done, they loaned us money that they swindled from us in the first place, un-noble. Everything you see is our doing and creation, be proud indeed. The best people have traits of good, which are various, meanwhile the opposition toils to defraud us, also in various ways. Actions have effects on others and you want to bestow what becomes positive reactions and actualities from what you do. Through the haze Zion thinks they are gods, sorry to have to let you know but you are not, a god would have completely benevolent characteristics, which you ignore for your own benefit, so much so it has become an ingrained process of thought. Yes this is our final liberation, once free we will no longer be susceptible to similar plots, it is just a matter of succeeding this one time, then we will be on greener grass going forward, however it is up to us to get there

System: PS4
Type: City Management
Developer/Publisher: 11 Bit Studios/Merge Games
-Am sort of branching out to try this what looks to be very fun government sim set in an alternate world scenario where the world has become overtaken by snow and cold. i watched a few trailers and gameplay on youtube and if this is good, as in of ours, then it should be great. It could go either way by looking at the developer's other games which have not had a chance to play yet. This will probably be difficult to get into with a steep learning curve but worth it am sure. You build your city outwards in a growing spherical fashion from the centre where the main furnace is located and tending to the populace through gained resources that are fetched, all of which actually sounds pretty fun to do and with spectacular reviews this game is probably one of the best of it's kind. The setting isn't that far off if we don't take immediate action to stymie climate change, no longer just global warming, we are getting all sorts of adverse weather events, tornadoes every day, floods, extreme heat and cold, it's a mess of our doing that we need to fix and right away. We might even be able to reverse from where we have ended up with great effort and get our climate back to original levels. While i am interested in the environment i am not proficient in the topic or how to go about getting our planet back on course for it to continue being habitable by us and all living matter sustained by such. It's weather event after weather event right now, and will continue to get worse, righting the problems we have created will take much time so is no easy fix, the best minds on the subject will have to give us a game-plan to follow and we need to heed to it. All of these environmental disasters we are experiencing are because of climate change which is getting worse, if we don't want the Earth to become a frozen tundra or scorching desert then we need to start taking action to thwart that. This will take sacrifice, of funds and of convenience, but with expert advice and us following that we still stand a chance

The Bureau : Xcom Declassified
System: PS3
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: 2K Marin/2K Games
-A side project of the Xcom series this looks very enjoyable, it is not put forward in their traditional manner but should be great regardless, and a bit of a change from the standard method of play. This does still have the qualities of a traditional Xcom tactics game but set in third person and with a bit of exploring between battles. 2K being a publisher means it doesn't follow as it would if it were only developing games, so unfortunately you get a bit of both directions with their releases, however they are still quite good to go with if you are debating on picking something up by them, again it is mixed so do as much research as you can before purchase. About Zionist agenda, a bureau is an agency, and i'm not going to be talking about a governmental one, instead i will speak about the opposition's think tank. A group of men, maybe a few women, maybe, who plan what is to happen, as in what news events take place. i will remind you here to always take into account timing, that is very important, not the be all and end all but definitely a factor in determining a story's validity or not. But yes, a group of men who sit around a table and plot what and how events to orchestrate and all that goes along with that. What you see if you are unfortunate enough to watch cnn for some reason, or see some event that spills onto a good news outlet's feed as they kind of have to report on events like such, is for the most part concocted, seriously, if it weren't for those there wouldn't be a lot to report on. So they sit and plot, okay so this is an issue, let's put forward this and that to try and counter-act it. The news industry is currently largely like a movie set, actors and props, sure once in a while something newsworthy happens, but in between that it's just smoke and mirrors. After writing this they will try to be as unobjectionable as possible but when they get back to their regular activities you'll be ready to see through them. As for the men in the room, just realize they are there doing this against you, so not only don't be fooled by their schemes but take active steps to counter-act them themselves

Train Valley
System: Computer
Type: Sim
Developer/Publisher: Postmeta Games/Yukitama
-Was thinking about picking up Train Valley 2 but this one was cheap on sale so went with it to start with. Looks fun enough and includes puzzle elements. Interestingly the only locational dlc is Germany. On the topic of the holocaust, trains.. Germany.. i don't buy the 6 million number, neither did the Red Cross who put the total at 271,301 which number seems more accurate. You never hear that during ww1 they used the exact same number. Talking about this may seem callus but it's an issue that matters, same as with other lies they perpetrate this needs to be exposed because it is yet another instance of us being taken for chumps who swallow their tripe. i know a wonderful German girl who at first speaking seemed kind of embarrassed to be such, we spoke a bit and another time after that i suggested she listen to the Benjamin Freedman 1961 speech about both ww1 and ww2, which i think was quite relieving to her. Freedman himself was Jewish and wanted to help us Gentiles against the despicable forces he had disowned himself from. They say never again (Bond says never say never again) but they still continue with the behaviour that got them in trouble in the first place, you'd figure they would have learned their lesson but they refuse to stop, which leaves everything they're doing for us to deal with. This isn't something we want, or shouldn't be put in the position where we want it, they just leave us no choice, it is a terrible situation that we can't ignore or else we lose in every sense of the word, literally, this and what they are doing encompasses everything we hold dear, and yes if we do not take definitive action we will say life was nice when we had it, shame about losing it all. Don't let that happen

Project Nimbus : Complete Edition
System: PS4
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Kiss/GameTomo
-Giant mech aerial combat this looks very fun. We are a ways from that being actualized but we have started the beginning on our way there. A friend just bought a flight stick for console and i have always liked immersive games that are compatible with accessories like that, this game might be one he would enjoy if it would be playable with it. However i will for sure enjoy this myself as well. You don't see arcades any more because home systems have surpassed them, so what you find at any that are still operational are experiences that are harder to emulate at home, such as with various accessories, driving, flying, shooting, dancing.. all of which you are also able to buy for home use if you are really into that though. Flight sticks look quite intricate, lots of different controls on it and i bet flying a real plane (or mech!) would be pretty difficult yet impressive to do. For us we have this, videogames, not the same but very enjoyable none the less, some might even rather do this at home in said manner as crashing won't result in death like it would in real life. Besides we won't be able to fly an actual mech any time soon either. However, it was 1903 when the Wright brothers first successfully flew their motor operated airplane, and look what we have now, huge aircrafts flying around the world full of passengers on a daily basis as commonplace. Along those lines things we are just experimenting with now will also be commonplace for us in the future, and we are advancing quickly. We are kind of making new technology such as robots for instance in the human form, two legs two arms etc, which works fine for us but we might be able to do better than that for the various purposes we want them for, a mech may be better suited to have four legs for example, and turrets instead of or in addition to however many arms, but i will leave that to the experts as they are more equipped to make decisions like that. Yes the future is here, we are at the cusp of many many great technological and medical advancements, things we have waited for and things we have had no idea about just yet, so buckle up and prepare to be in awe of what we will accomplish

Beautiful Desolation
System: PS4
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: The Brotherhood
-i do have this for computer but it will be better to play on ps4. It was cheap, about two dollars and i really have good feelings about the company which i truly hope is one of ours as am enjoying their game Stasis. We are a bit of a brotherhood, women included, and our good need to stick together in aid of each other. We are the Gentile, a term hoisted upon us by the opposition but now we can have that as an honour rather than a slight against us as was intended by them. Desolation is a depressing state but while we have a lot that needs improvement we also have much to be happy about. What we are against sometimes leaves you feeling desolate, let that be motivation to make things better so we can enjoy life moreso without the issues that plague us. When there is something to fix get at it, and with everyone doing their part we'll have things cleared up in no time, relatively, it will actually take a while. What we are doing is so worth it, you can look around and imagine how well we will be doing in the future if we just take said action against everything that is problematic to us. Fix this fix that, we truly can like Belinda Carlisle sang make Heaven a place on Earth. Let us not be desolate but vibrant and full of happy lives, there is reason to be happy let's just make it safer to be, to trust and to exist without despair about the people against us and what they are doing. The world has a target on us put there by Zion, no other entity comes close to what is being attempted by them, i repeat, Gentiles need to join together to fight off this threat being posed, we cannot advance while they advance towards domination of us, if they are allowed through our lack of action to achieve their goals we lose, globally, entirely. We want the beautiful, the joy, the absolute happiness that should be afforded to us as do gooding citizens of the planet. Desolation is only beautiful if it encourages you to right the wrongs being committed, unfortunately there is a lot of wrongs to right but fortunately with effort we can do so

Knights & Guns
System: XBone
Type: Vertical Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Baltoro Games
-This game looks a-ma-zing and am sure it will get a good amount of play from me. Similar to Pang or Buster Brothers other than instead of shooting spheres you are shooting monsters. There are many rpg elements to this game as well along with tons of levels, all in all everything about this is very promising judging foremost by the trailer and intuition. The mentioned Pang and Buster Brothers were both games i played in arcades when those were around, and have always enjoyed them immensely, there is, if you would also like, Pang Adventures for all current systems. As for guns, namely ar's, only our most noble and trustworthy knights (protectors) should have them, and they must not be made available to the general public. Standard rifles and handguns are there for hunting and self defense respectively, there is no need for weapons of war to be owned by anyone for any reason, right now ar's are the gun of choice for mass murder and without access to such there would be much fewer deaths. This is only a debate and not realized because of nra funding of congressmen, which should be disallowed. Right now this is an uphill battle so we need to level the playing field with mass action, demonstrations, and the continuance of grassroots efforts until victory

Strength of the Sword Ultimate
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Ivent Games/Team17
-Another potentially great game that has a lot of character customization which always adds to the enjoyment. There's not much written about this title however there is some gameplay on youtube and it looks very fun, and hey for a dollar fifty on sale that's good enough for me. This game was originally on Kickstarter before getting snapped up by Team17, and i've played some very good ones that originate from there, it really is a fantastic place to go for fledgling developers. The beauty of capitalism is that anyone that has a good idea can become rich, or at least self-sustaining from it, now not everyone has ideas like that and that's okay, we need people to make these products and provide services for others as well. Capitalism and democracy are strong together and facilitate the best societies around, capitalism cannot really be corrupted (although sometimes corporations gain too much power and need regulation, and i can't stand advertisements that take us for chumps) but democracy can be, so needs constant checks and balances to right whatever has perhaps gone astray. Thanks the heavens if you live in a democratic nation, while i am not for a one world government a world of democracies would be an ideal situation for all global citizens, each represented by and for their own interests. The one world government plot is to instate a world bank, as in a “federal reserve” for Earth, for being a misnomer. Instead of just America being dragged into slavery it will be the globe entire, the term for this is New World Order. Again i would suggest many multiple or as many needed democracies, as there are too many cultural differences to all be under the same rule. If one nation bucks the trends of what the majority find palatable they can be jostled into correction with either deterrence for continued misbehaviour or better inclusion for adherence. Right now the democratic entity called America is under control, and not by the government who is supposed to be in charge but foreign (now nationally regional) agencies that mean it and it's population harm. These usurpers not only want the United States' money but the rest of the global populaces as well, and you see how it's turning out for America. i speak at great length about the danger being presented by Zionism, as in the global political variety, so i will just refer you to what we have covered, the events and plots mentioned here and everywhere else that is on board with cleansing our otherwise good communities from those that have ulterior motives as their only reason for involvement. What can be said other than they must be stopped by any and all means available. That is the only option we have as unfortunate as it is because they will not stop on their own. Other than what they are doing to us we are resilient and persist through their misdeeds, barely though. There is so much to do, Zion needs to be dealt with now, in tandem with every other issue we are facing, but also with priority given as it is our most dangerous problem that we can remedy with constant action on every front we encounter them on

Shadow Warrior
System: PS4
Type: First-Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Flying Wild Hog/Devolver Digital
-Am hesitant about this one, undecided about the developer and publisher but nothing against them from what have seen of theirs so far. This was a treat for myself, even though it was only four dollars on sale, thing is i found a couple two dollar coins so figured to spend that on this title. Upon seeing the coins i picked them up, a fellow was near and i asked him if he lost such, he wasn't sure but said i could have them, i thanked him and kept the money. Do you think Zion will give back the federal reserve money if asked? No, they won't, best we can do is prevent them from taking any more from us. Right now is a pivotal time for dealing with the federal reserve, another misnomer in itself, because of the debate regarding the governments raising of the debt ceiling, listen, you've been had, get Zion's claws off your hard earned money that's currently being skimmed, the economy only gets worse not better so make things right before it fully collapses with no recourse. From my knowledge of listening to those who are on top of this situation the best route to take is backing the currency with silver, not gold as some may think because the opposition has over many years accumulated all the gold, so silver. Debt-free government issued currency with actual backing and not inflated by a fractional reserve. Are you ready for the good life? Because with diligent effort on this topic and every other issue regarding Zion we will get there

Resident Evil 2
System: PS1
Type: Survival
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-The awesomeness that is this RE2 was kind of a gift from a friend and very appreciated. i played this version when it was first released on the original Playstation and also finished the ps4 remake which was (is) amazing. Definitely one of my most enjoyed series of the many great titles from Capcom. Now i'm waiting for the RE4 remake to go down in price and will buy it then. Actually something i have to play for sure is the RE3 remake which i haven't yet, that should be a priority (game wise) for me to get into, of course real priorities are first. Now, i won't say the resident plants where i live are evil, but they are agents of such. Not only do i encounter plants here but other various places, however that's not the ones i speak of. The ones here are tolerable, but i wonder if the other, good, tenants have noticed about them yet. On a larger scale you know who the resident evil of America is, i'd say of North America but Canada is doing alright in comparison. The United States has it rough, being under control by the opposition's corrupt media, pocketed government and fraudulent monetary system, all of which may be referred to as evil entities. Exorcise America, then drive out the perpetrators everywhere else that's needed. Evil is in the deeds of doing, and we are being done against, the opposition knows what they are up to is wrong but continue regardless at our detriment to their gain, their gain ahead of our well-being. Sometimes it's hard to be good when you are facing evil, but we must try our best to remain so even in difficult times, and there will be. Situations will be very bleak, but we must persevere through them, because we sure can't let what's being currently done against us continue

Rally Cross
System: PSone
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Sony
-This is a very fun game for the original Playstation, available for online purchase as a PSone classic. My favourite types of racing games are the non-traditional ones, including off-road settings like such. The physics here are really top notch and is completely enjoyable to play because of that. Sony being the developer is a bonus as well. To rally also means to encourage, and we need all the encouragement we can get, i'd say rallying the troops is more important than rallying the cars, at least for now, we'll have time for the other later. i'm not saying to stop rally sport we just have other priorities to also deal with, as long as we get to those as well

Anomaly 2
System: PS4
Type: Tower Defense
Developer/Publisher: 11 Bit Studios
-After buying on sale for two dollars i noticed the game icon has two triangles on the eyes of the figure, which may be unfortunate. i already have and wrote about the Anomaly bundle which i bought before but that was for an incompatible computer and this is on ps4 which will run fine. Think of our nations as our towers, and we have to protect them, not only from physical attack but from usurpers, and we have our work cut out for us in doing so. Our towers are of power and there are those who want to have that for themselves over the rightful public control which amounts to control of the public. The nation's citizens are the ones who are supposed to elect and as such own the government, to be in charge of what the elected official does as their actions are meant to be for the people. Protect our towers of democracy and do not allow private entities to gain power over them, apathy leads to corrupt ownership of the various reigns while you are concentrated on other topics. Put in place those who will act in your best interests and be on your side in political endeavours, then after appointing them you can have a bit of time for yourself knowing you are being looked after. The more involved you are the better though, so in addition to helping elect your best candidate put some effort into laying groundwork for improving your fellow men and women's stake in life, and there are a lot of ways to do so. If we all have each other's backs it will be harder for those who mean harm to inflict it upon us, and we must always be on guard against everything they attempt, to not only counteract but also inform others about so they will not be fooled or taken advantage of

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
System: PS4
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Very happy with this purchase. i already have a few of these on Capcom Arcade Stadium 2 but those are arcade ports and these are all made for home system with a ton of options and bonus material. There are 12 games here, SF1 and many iterations of SF II, SF Alpha, SF III. i have fond memories of playing Alpha 2 with friends on a Sega Saturn, which has 6 button controllers that are great for this series. Before that i used to play in actual arcades, mostly SF II, and did quite well there also. Without disparaging any other developers i would say Capcom is my favourite game company. They have been making quality titles of all sorts for years for us and have a massive library to be enjoyed. When one of our entities is making good material for us support them, in every way you can

Capcom Heroic Collection – Mega Man Legacy Collection / Lost Planet 3 / Strider / Bionic Commando Rearmed
System: Computer
Type: Various
Developer/Publisher: Various/Capcom
-This is from the lowest tier of a Humble Bundle sale, about a dollar fifty. i already have them all but these are for computer not console. Bought a nice t-shirt of Capcom Heroes, represent my friends there, they are your friends also, you've just never met them, well not that i have either but they are there for you and us. How's your heroic collection going? Your trail of goodness. i hope you've started and are well along the path, if not yet don't wait get to helping. Put your talent to use, and you are talented, we are all versed in various subjects and abilities, make the most of yours. The opposition need not put their doings forward as they are detrimental not beneficial to society. We try and lift up our people not conspire against them. Be a hero and stop those and the actions that are harming us, many are depending on you

Sudden Strike 2 / 3
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Fireglow/Cdv Software
-SS2 is 2d sprites and SS3 is 3d polygons. i will here speak about the advancements of technology, and while gaming has progressed in leaps, bounds, and continues to, all sectors of living have improved. Forego the former most times to dedicate yourself to the latter. i still have a sense of wonderment to everything we have accomplished and our future trajectory, which is something i hope to never lose, if you don't have it try to gain it, we really are doing some amazing things worthy of your admiration. Unfortunately there are some people taking the wrong route in life, an ultimately selfish way of living, one that results in them missing out on all our wonderful inventions and discoveries as they will either be in jail or underground because of their own behaviour, they have other priorities it seems. For the rest of us enjoy our classic and newest innovations looking forward to the future and everything it has in store for you and the world's public. While looking at our brightest lights remember those that work against us, trying to ruin it all for themselves and their benefit. With all the great happenings of ours we also need a mental revolution to keep up with the rest of our gains, an awakening of our best selves, always on good behaviour when appropriate, all of us. Again, when appropriate and there are instances when we must stand up for ourselves which isn't always favourable but is a necessary course of action. Then, when the dust clears, we will have this place all for us, and together we will live happy in coexistence without the profit-driven war machine rattling. Instead we will have compromises among nations, or at least that's the plan, what i do know is that with the current world controllers, and i'm not talking heads of governments, we are miserable, on the bright side we are on the right track towards our pleasant existence, and we will reach that destination, whether sooner or later as long as we continue

Sword Legacy: Omen
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Fableware/Team17
-An amazing looking game from what may be my favourite genre. Although not compatible with my current computer i picked it up on sale for three dollars for sometime in the future. Speaking of future an omen is a foretelling of such, how will you shape ours? What path will you lay for you and others now and to come? You pave your own road, but also help pave a good route for your fellow man and woman, from you and like-minded people. No matter the size and scope of your contributions that will be your legacy, that will live on for eternity through the effect all of your actions have on the world and those around you. You can make ripples, or you can make tidal waves, it really is up to you and your motivation. While i suggest you stay on topic there are many issues to cover, become involved in whatever you want to help make changes with or make better. In a similar manner you can contribute alone or with a team, depends on the situation, sometimes you need a group of people all working on a shared task to do well. Whichever way you decide to help with it is appreciated, you will be making a better future for us on a small scale or large, either way is worth your time and effort

Epistory – Typing Chronicles
System: Computer
Type: Educational
Developer/Publisher: Fishing Cactus
-This epic story requires typing. Of you, of me, whether it be an article, a screenplay, a commercial, a documentary or even a novel, for these and most anything else you will need to do some typing. And with the internet you can distribute your work online if desired and not looking to get paid for it. Everything i'm doing is free to use or share as long as am given credit, something you can adopt as well. Maybe you don't even want credit, maybe you want to do something anonymously for the good of the people without putting yourself out there too much, that's perfectly fine as well, either way as long as you do. i always wanted to be proficient at typing, i'm alright but not nearly as fast as some others, if you have learned that skill be happy about it, however it's not necessary just quicker. Maybe this game, which looks great and on the up and up, will help me and maybe you with typing prowess. The gaming world here is made up of origami, something i find really awesome, to take a one penny piece of paper and make something beautiful with it is definitely impressive. This style of graphics here is easy on the computer requirements so most anyone can buy this game and give it a shot. There's a somewhat similar Sega (Zionist) game titled Typing of the Dead, based on their House of the Dead series, and when the opposition speak of zombies it's in reference to us, don't fall for it, shopping and television are fine if done smartly, those are not the problem, where that lies is with the skim, taxes, or more importantly the spending of such which currently are being used to pay off the debt-based currency, that's what has to stop. And how do we stop them? It starts with typing. Not that there's anything wrong with talking, if you speak well enough maybe someone will make a transcript or record in writing what you put forward. There's a movie with Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson titled Lost in Translation, but i don't believe that true, every language has all the needed words and they will get what you're saying. Even if you just reached English speaking recipients that's a good amount of people, but you can even translate yourself online and send in a native dialect, otherwise they will most likely have someone who speaks English available to translate what you write. Considering this is a global issue speaking with foreign entities will probably be very important for what you do. If you have strictly English speaking viewers, followers and readers that is perfectly fine as well, more than fine. Share your thoughts, findings, opinions, investigations, suggestions, reviews, declarations, and everything else you could possibly imagine. As it is an extension of your mind, to put thoughts into actuality, there is no limit, whatever you can think you can write about. Now we are in a time where everyone has the ability to publish their works or contributions, send letters to congress or newspapers, it doesn't just take imagination or ingenuity to write the project but with how you want to share it with the right places. You have it in you to join in, and it's not just typing which is required but of you to write. This world wide web is ours to make the most of, we can teach, we can organize, and we can rally together to demand and instate, or remove, laws that we want or don't. It is even great for helping people choose between Presidents and Prime Ministers. Not all dissent can be done on the internet of course, we still need picket lines and public shows of defiance or agreement to get others on board and be visible. However you determine it the internet is a valuable tool for us, make use of it and do some typing of your own, in any medium you choose it to be for, it all starts with writing

Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Ctrl Alt Ninja Ltd.
-This is by the same company that made Legend of Grimrock, which from what have played is quite good. Even if Grimrock is by the opposition, rock and stone, it's still better than Fraggle Rock because of the target audience. The druid reference reminds me of a scene from Spaceballs, of which am sure is rife with nods to the Jewish ways of life before they started becoming more stealth. The conversation goes “that's all we needed, a Drewish princess” “Funny, she doesn't look Drewish”. And they don't always, thankfully we have dna testing which will only get better and faster as time goes forward. As for this game, and the earlier ones by them, they do look good and i hope they are, but is that the secret of the Menhir Forest? And about Grimrock? Jim Henson's studios have a new Fraggle Rock movie, Back to the Rock, and another upcoming Muppets movie, Mayhem, is rock this rock that, you can see in the trailer. Not everyone has the federal reserve riches or 20 million a day in United States foreign aid, both of which are a plague on the American economy, instead of ruining themselves as happens to everyone else they ruin others to get their fix, poor addicts also try and ruin others to get theirs, which is why it is such a damaging to society drug, both the users and the families and the victims. i have spoken at length about this drug and you know how i feel about it, the topic just keeps coming up because it is an ongoing issue and is part cause for all the suffering we are enduring. This may be a delicate issue but is important to be known, it has been going on for a long time now and only seems to get worse. One of the types of forced music is romancing the stone, with songs like Float, forced on Janelle Monae, and other sporadic love songs about the drug. Don't let that tarnish great love songs of ours because you will most always know the difference. Is Druidstone along these lines? The game summary seems okay, maybe this one is alright and just has an unfortunate title? Or is this game unfortunate in general? i'll tell you they sure have ruined the word rock

Alder's Blood: Definitive Edition
System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Shockwork Games/No Gravity Games
-So good, this looks so good. i love the genre as you know and this game at inspection seems to be a strong one for us. So much that the opposition has tried to stifle it with negative ratings even though every review is positive, and it does indeed look amazing, you can determine falsity in given instances. Okay, in one screenshot you are battling one of the named elders, as in Zion not aged, this was the first inkling of goodness. And when i started it up to check the version there is a great image of an entity with many arms and a double triangle with an eye in the middle, very cool. i am so anticipating trying this asap, was close to missing out on this being on sale but made it thanks to a friend. Another title by Shockwork Games is Nadir: Slay the Six, as in sicks, the opposition's pet name for themselves. Everything points to this being phenomenal. On the topic of blood and am not trying to gloat but i do donate blood every two months, as that is the most often you can, only mentioning this to maybe encourage you to do so as well, it's something easy you can do that makes a big difference, another act you can do is to become an organ donor, might as well do both right? Just don't let those be the only actions you take, it's in addition to all the other great feats you want to accomplish. This isn't about me donating blood, it's about you doing it also, everyone, as it always is in every circumstance. One way to lead is by example, so you do your part and others will join in. After you donate of yourself maybe unwind with something nice of ours, as i plan to do with this game for one. If you find something nice along the way support and promote it. This is about teamwork, and that's the only way we'll get anything accomplished, each of us doing the best we can. There are multitudes of professions and hobbies, and you can help no matter which you have, put your input in with what you do or beside what you do. 'The' topic is the topic, you can stay on even while doing your own tasks, make it part of that. Donate your time, risk, and talent, and always whenever you have the ability stay on the topic
Update: Lightning muskets, nasty allies, and silver currency, this is turning out pretty amazing, very happy

Xcom: Enemy Unknown / Enemy Within
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Firaxis Games/2K Games
-This is a series i like so much i pick them up for every system, and while i don't have a compatible computer to run this on i chose this complete version for future play. Also bought this Xcom rather than Xcom2 because it will require a less powerful computer than the second one which will be more resource intensive. As for enemies they are only unknown to some, it is up to us to give them the knowledge of the situation so that they understand what is going on and being done by both factions, the reasons we are in conflict, the oppositions actions over the years and currently and our retaliation. People are smart this is just a new thing to those that don't currently know, once they are shown they will catch on quick, be a provider of education. Turn the unknown into the widely known, as we need everyone on board. The enemy within is in our borders, working against us from the inside of our nations, while Israel is their base they have infiltrated our homelands to carry out actions and policy detrimental to us for their sole benefit all under our offered hospitality. It's time to be less hospitable. Let them know through deeds and actions that we will no longer be their servants in our own countries, that we will step out from under their control and take back our structures of society that were usurped by them. After our situation with Zion is resolved we can be at ease while vigilant only in the background, alert, aware, but living peacefully which is better than we are doing now

Ascension to the Throne
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: DVS/1C Entertainment
-Looks alright, less than one dollar on sale for this turn-based tactics game. In this you are an ostracized King looking to “gather an army to crush the traitorous enemies” who have gained control of your land. We can all be kings ourselves and take back the reigns of every matter of instance that has been corrupted. Zion affects everyone and everything, so you can start reclaiming what matters to you first. Ascend to the throne of your interest, of the topic of your choosing and make it better, make it ours again. King, queen, knight, scholar are mostly titles of the past but still relevant today in that we are all various manner of class, just with more variants. Let's collaborate and each of us put in from our own expertise everything that will help us advance and move forward on our path, whatever position you hold

Tropico 4
System: XB360
Type: Simulation
Developer/Publisher: Haemimont Games/Kalypso
-Set on a fictional island paradise, Tropico, you are in charge of the land and population and can be saintly or tyrannical, as for real life i'd say be saintly as best you can. This setting reminds me of a song and video by Weezer, from before they were taken over, Island in the Sun, Spike Jonze version, here. We will be so happy with our lives and do everything positively for ourselves and others after we are rid of Zionist toxic personality shapers which will be replaced with people of ours that have good character. Yes though, a fun island in the sun, look forward to it. Sure we can have individual happiness or creature comforts now but only at the expense of our greater well being and others who are not in good situation and need your help, so you and we have to step in, take charge, and follow through with courses of action to make all our lives better. Right now we have much unhappiness, let's do everything in our power to fundamentally change that, you see where we need improvements, for the sake of every person affected by Zion we must do our best to alleviate their suffering

Xcom: Chimera Squad
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Firaxis Games/2K Games
-This squad is made up of similar minded people, and aliens, who want to free the world from forces against them. i'm still on board with Firaxis and believe in their good agenda and storytelling, so this should be a real treat. This title is only for computer not consoles so will have to wait till i get something compatible to play. As for our squad we can have Jews involved on our side, as few who sympathize with our plight as they may be. i see Jews and Israelites that protest against the injustices committed in Palestine but that's an easy one, i do not see not one of them mention anything of further importance that is issues we face from them, just about Palestine. Forced music, government control, monetary policy, Zionist propaganda... not a word. They are welcome to join us, but don't expect it, they would have to be willing to sacrifice themselves and none seem to be brave enough. To achieve a “civilization of cooperation and coexistence” as the Chimera Squad wants we need to cleanse a few undesirable elements from our midst. Unfortunate, yes, and not something we want for ourselves to do but have no choice. As with a chimera we have multiple heads, each with their own purpose of being and each with their own abilities. i don't think this correlation was missed by Firaxis, we are the Chimera Squad, our side made up of many individuals together, and together we are a force to be reckoned with

Sniper Ghost Warrior 1 / 2
System: Computer
Type: FPS
Developer/Publisher: City Interactive
-i have these for console but at about one fifty each on sale for computer i thought to pick these up. “one shot, two kills” is an Israeli soldiers' saying about shooting a pregnant Palestinian. They even have a logo for that that has said pregnant woman with a crosshair on her stomach. They kill Palestinians with impunity, and with concocted reasons they give when reprimanded. Every day is new deaths there by Israeli hands, and the United States for one does nothing, at least the United Nations takes a stance albeit not a very firm one. There needs to be accountability for such murders. It is an Israeli sniper that killed Shireen Abu Akleh who was reporting in Palestine while clearly wearing press notification. And what is done about it? Not much. That needs to change, every instance like these need to not only be widely disseminated but action taken against Israel for each occurrence, boycott, divestment and sanctions would be an acceptable good start, people are trying to do that more now but we have to make those actually happen not just possible actions but instated actions. Hold Israel responsible and do not let them get away with anything without global condemnation followed by strict measures as is needed

Halo Wars: Definitive Edition
System: XBone
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Ensemble Studios/Microsoft Game Studios
-So i already have this for XB360 but this is the definitive edition that has improved graphics and all the dlc, worth the five dollars on sale. There are three routes that can be the result of your and our efforts, things get worse, things stay the same, or things get better, the best course of events is that our situation improves. When you have the opportunity to create something, make it the best you can, then upon reflection, growth and time you can improve it even further making the definitive version of your effort. You can do this with any project or work of yours, a constant state of improvement making the final product the current best it can be until improved upon some more. i have and have had some blips on a very few documents and such of mine, when i notice them i try and rectify the error, so i don't always do perfectly right away, sometimes it's a progressive track to traverse but hopefully one that eventually leads to a best version of. A human cannot have a definitive edition, you are always in a growing state, never perfect and with new situations to encounter and deal with the way you feel would be most positive, sometimes you mess up, it happens, but you learn and try to do better next time with the acquired knowledge you have gained. Then you can handle yourself in an improved manner during the same occurrence happening again. Learning is like dlc for the mind, add-ons, the best you'll find, but no matter how many modules you place deep in your thought process you'll always be only as good as your current tally of traits, which also fluctuates with the many variables of any given situation. To get back to the three possible path outcomes, worse, same, better, you obviously always want the best option, so don't just avoid worse, work against it or it may gradually become something harder to deal with, such as Zion i would mention. If something stays the same that's not necessarily terrible, it can be quite nice, but given the opportunity you would want the third option though if it is achievable, better. Better makes the world go round, better this better that, let's keep that going, improve on everything, for you, for others, for your city, for your nation, for the world

Dead or Alive 6
System: PS4
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Team Ninja/KOEI Tecmo
-Another game i would like from this company is Ninja Gaiden Master Collection which is three ps3 games with remastered visuals, it would be nice to have but is still rather new so even on sale is out of my budget. As for DoA6 it looks to have beautiful graphics, precision gameplay, and a stellar developer behind it. i'm really happy that have updated the videogame list page, now it's much better and covers most of the companies you would encounter. Team Ninja and KOEI Tecmo are proudly in the good section, they can be proud to be such and i am proud of them and their works. Have others be proud of you and your accomplishments, you have so many routes to take, always try and choose the best one at any given fork and let your actions culminate in something to be proud of

Last Blade 2
System: PS4
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK
-This looks amazing and by one of my favourite companies. i like snk so much that when i stumbled upon the great clothing and accessories site that i bought a nice neo geo t-shirt, in addition to a few others may i add. The quality is very nice and there are many many options of what you want them to print for you, i spent a lot of time and picked some that are what and the way i would like to represent and am completely happy with what received. As for snk i was upset because King of Fighters Xiii was only available for ps3 and at $40 way over my budget and no longer going on sale, however i just found out that they are going to re-release it with improvements for ps4 which is fantastic, it is the best 2d version of the series from the looks of it and should be fun as anything. i still have my recently purchased arcade stick to go with these but it will take some practice to get good with

The Last Campfire
System: PS4
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Hello Games
-i don't know why you say goodbye i say hello. This company is of No Man's Sky which is quite cool and seems to be a game on the up and up so looks to be very enjoyable. The title reminds me of the song Careless Whisper by George Michael, which if i am not mistaken was chosen as the best song of all time by Rolling Stone magazine or such, personally i think Let It Be is but i digress. i do understand though, another song about songs would be Georgia On My Mind. About Careless Whisper though, here's the thing, i am your guy, it's just how fate unfolded and everything in my life has worked exactly as it has that led here, i have been faulty in my past, yes, and i apologize, for a long time, more than twenty years, i have been a good person and done my best to be worthy of any positivity sent my way. When things go from me i hope it becomes everybody, that is my wish for you. As for me it would be nice to have been what you've been looking for, without being inflated i think i have been, this is just how it all came to be. That's not to say that there is not more space for you, in fact you are the most important, you will be the ones doing all the necessary tasks laid out for you from me and others in the know. There is a lot that needs to be done and i am not in the position to do so, you are and have your part in all of this, each with your own requirements of actions. i have been doing this for two decades so far and am doing well i think, while i don't have an exemplary past because of lack of medication, drinking, drugs etc, i have been here for you every step of the way since my rebirth. Thank you to everyone that ever supported me, i plan to continue along this path until we are all in better situations. Never forget, you are pivotal in this, without you we will not be able to do as well as we need to be, without you we are lacking, so be a part and join everyone else doing theirs, together is how we will progress

System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Deck 13/Viva Media
-Based on Egyptian history this could be fun, i have always been interested in the subject so if it's good which it looks to be then am sure to enjoy it. When Pharaohs ruled, then passed, they were mummified and buried in an extravagant manner, now we have media and everyone's lives are on display through social and regular medias, even photographs preserve you for posterity. There is also the written words about your life, a testimonial about what you have done and accomplished, make it plentiful and beneficial to others. It's said live your life like it's your last day, i disagree, if so you wouldn't go to work, watch a movie, buy an appliance or any other number of things you would do if you are expecting to stick around for a while. You invest in your future living and try to stay alive to enjoy such in a positive way, doing your best to live a happy life and helping others of us when able, and we have a lot of our people to help. Live for your enjoyment but sometimes risk your own safety to aid where needed. Your legacy will live on in many ways, written, media, spoken or through the lives of those you have affected. While your tomb, grave or ashes in an urn may not be as extravagant as a pharaoh's resting place you will instead have a trail of positive behaviour to leave behind you and hopefully before others

Soldiers: Heroes of World War II
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Best Way/Codemasters
-Looks great, good reviews, in a game about heroes. i can still most definitely say that the allied soldiers of ww1 and ww2 were heroes, they were brave and had the best of intentions. Unfortunately they were tricked into fighting the other heroes, the axis, all of which was caused and orchestrated by the Jewish faction. As said you never hear the purported victims talk about why these wars were actually fought, i believe the best partial explanation of the facts is the 1961 speech by Benjamin Freedman, a Jew himself, self described former Jew. Allied soldiers were fed a diet of how the world was in danger when really it was just the Jews who got themselves into these messes as they have been an opponent to the rest of the world for centuries culminating in what is termed the final solution, an answer to the question what do we do about the Jews. All this may sound callus to you, but we have to be or otherwise get eaten by them in our weakness. There are so, so many reasons for us to be angry, the list is long and only partially chronicled, but even if you just go by what we have written down it is reasons enough. i watched some gameplay of this title and it checks out, while some other genres are rife with Zionist agenda we have quite a few good war ones to lay claim to. However since we have the minority of media, something which should be made aware of and suggested to ignore and work against, we have to be uninterested in getting involved when other nations take action against Israel for starters, then onwards. We will have more worldwide heroes, just with different itinerary

Sudden Strike 4
System: PS4
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Kalypso
-The graphics on this are very nice, and the gameplay looks really fun as well. i could have picked this up for computer but mine isn't up there in horsepower so decided to buy it for ps4. This is the fourth game in the series so not completely sudden, neither is the battle we have been in, what, 2,500 years? While we have been working against the opposition, yes, the, for millennia they have recently in relative terms, gained more and more power, so the battle is uphill. We require many brave men and women on our side, not just suddenly or sporadically but throughout. If you would like to create your own blitz though you are welcome and encouraged to do so. Join the scene as a hurricane but try and have some longevity, either in your constant actions or the impact of what you do. i think the Zionist entity has underestimated us, and we have advanced so fast, now we can mount our retaliation and pry what they have taken from us back into our own hands, it won't be easy but it is definitely possible, and needed for a positive future path that includes every Gentile as they themselves have termed us. Our actions will slowly build till a sudden starting climax when they do something completely polarizing, which they have done already but shown definitively, like what they are doing to our musicians, that i think will be the beginning of the end for them. After that is revealed our voices will be able to be louder and on point. Anti-Zionist is not anti-Semitic but has the same outcome. We have been waiting and working towards this place in history, where we are right now, for as said millennia, and now we have the means to accomplish our goals, they will still struggle against us but we will prevail if we stay strong. Let me say that this won't be easy however we have no choice but to proceed, do your best and encourage others to also do their part

Railway Empire
System: PS4
Type: Simulation
Developer/Publisher: Gaming Minds Studios/Kalypso
-These train sims are pretty cool, although i have a few, Railroad Tycoon series for example, i have never tried one yet, this one being on ps4 though looks like a good starting point. Recently there was a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, how convenient for Israel, now when people search Palestine news they will be greeted with this incident instead of news about the State of Palestine. Any chance this was an orchestrated happening? Not saying it is but i am saying. You encounter so very much orchestrated events and news blips, of varying degrees of seriousness, all being serious because they are levied against you in a deceptive manner not to be tolerated, when you notice false news stories reveal that, whether something that has major effect on people's lives like East Palestine or just something that seems innocuous, it's not, it leads to Zionist news' credibility which is an important factor for us. Be vocal about every fake or orchestrated news story or event

Still Life 2
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: GameCo/Microids
-Love these and this looks good. In this you are a detective trying to find the East-Coast Killer, sound familiar? (Israel perhaps?) Not only do Israeli soldiers kill Palestinians indiscriminately but the settlers there do also. In fact a journalist in this game has the name Paloma (Palestine?) Now i'm not saying that is all as intended but i'm not saying it's not. Israel needs to be held to account, for us to enforce international law. While they are in breach of such they still get 20 million dollars a day in foreign aid from United States taxpayers, that is a ridiculous if it weren't so much of a travesty of justice amount of money to a nation that does not need such. Then you see what they do with said dollars. For instance how much money goes from that aid back to US congressmen to have them align with Israel to not only keep it going but also in forming other foreign policy towards them? Soft money needs to be kept out of congress, i'd be amiss if i neglected to mention from the NRA but also especially Israeli interests. We can work on both but the short-cut is just banning all soft money “donations”. Stop the East-Coast Killer from their ongoing massacre of Palestinians, through any and every possible route of action, you will be on the right side of history and a saviour to all the Middle East and everyone that cares about the fate of Palestine and the people there

Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Spellbound/Infogrames
-Seeming somewhat tactical this looks to be a fun one. We have the death penalty, and we have prisons, depends on the situation. Both when administered by us are considered humane. They say do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and i agree, if i were attempting to ruin the world for power and money to pay for vices i would want to go humanely at least. And if my kin were doing so i would understand the decision as you can't say who is who and which are which. But do be humane whenever possible. Even the opposition knows we have no other choice, they know that, but they can't stop their vices, that we pay for, which seem to in turn make them actually think they are above us, when it is us that do everything in the world. We have unruly people, for those we have prisons, and maybe the death penalty, but it's not systemic, they are not systemic either i will add but quite close. We can put ours aside but are left without choices in regards to them and their front line who are being used for their defence. You know where i stand, we need a clean slate to build a happy and prosperous life for us all, which is not something we can do while under their control. We create the laws, so we can make them whatever we want as a people, and when everyone knows what's been done, is being done, and and is plotted against us we will all agree

System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: The Brotherhood
-i really hope this company and their games are okay, because i'd like to go all-in with them. Currently i am playing Stasis, and this is the sequel, which may i add is free, free, on both Steam and GoG, so you can try it also. There is another sequel in the works, titled Bone Totem, which looks very good except for two blips, a character named Moses, and some placed triangles i noticed in a publicity screenshot. On the bright side Cayne, as in co, is the name of the evil corporation in the series, so it really could go either way, i am progressing in Stasis so will conclude my thoughts on such afterwards. If you like the genre beware, there are a lot of point and click games by the opposition, but you are navigating many Zionist efforts of all sorts in different mediums already aren't you.. and effort is a giving term, doing negative isn't an effort, that should be reserved for good or necessary deeds. My hopes for this series are that they are great, and i sure am enjoying Stasis so far. Something i am going to revise is the videogame company list to add more developers, right now it is quite good but i'd like to put in some that haven't been mentioned there, mostly lesser known ones as they deserve to be noticed as well. For now the list is still a very good starting point and encompasses many of the companies i have encountered. The Moses mention is troubling but i will continue to give this series and developer a chance until shown otherwise. But yes, Cayne, the game, is free, maybe give it a try and see how it is, you'll be ahead of me as i'm still on Stasis. And for your own benefit don't ever try cocaine

Alwa's Awakening
System: Computer
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Elden Pixels
-Regardless of the affiliation of this videogame Alwa is a place, a town, our world, and we need everyone to awaken. A Maimonides quote says “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. i have always tried to teach you, because once you know what to look for you will be aware of the truth and intentions of any given incident, whether it be fake news, false flag attacks, or even just flat-out propaganda meant to shape your mind poorly, you will see it in real-time. When you see something of ill-intent inform others, awaken them, and once they also notice they will be better for it and equipped for the next time that is tried on them. Again this is a global awakening, talk not only to national but international press and they can disseminate what you found when they are shown the truth. Wake up all the people that you can, it's as said like riding a bike, once those of us know we know and can spot when you are being deceived. It's also like a light-switch, people just need to know that it's there in the first place, and once they do.. Our people are being treated like fools for being trusting, so there is no harm in being initially skeptical, it doesn't make you overly cynical, just cautious. “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.” If someone is serving you manure don't go back for seconds. And that's no slight to the meals i have here they are most always delicious. An example would be many news stations, other than ABC and Canadian news. American's are even starting to become wary of Donald Trump, slowly gaining awareness of his lies and not standing his toxic personality. Donald Trump is also one that thinks of his followers as fools and it shows in every sentence he speaks, but people are catching on, i hope people also catch on to Zionist television programming, help them to the realization that they are being worked against by them as that is what's happening, help them learn to be aware. You also i am hoping are already mostly there, continue or more importantly keep adding to your repertoire of discernations and judgments. You wake up your friends and followers, they wake up theirs, and we will be doing very very well

Men of War
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Best Way/Aspyr
-This looks quite fun and well made, plus has good reviews. In such you can play as either axis or allies which is always a nice addition. As for men of war let me instead talk about women of war, as they also have integral parts towards our accomplishments. While not on the front lines as much as their male counterparts they have all sorts of necessity during war, and not just as cheerleaders who rally the troops although that is a perfectly fine and needed action to join in with. There is being part of the media and reporting, whether official, for a large company or independently. There is being a general, someone who conducts the forces in what to do. There is manning ground, air, sea vehicles of all sorts, which require a great deal of talent and expertise. Any position that a man can have in the military a woman can do as well, and have been. In this we need all the help we can get, so choose what you would like to do and get to it. The sky's the limit and you are needed any stripe, solid, or curve. There are so many options of how to get involved, military yes and otherwise yes, maybe moreso, just think about what you are good at and then how that can help us, please do though

RC Cars
System: Computer
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Creat Studios/Whiptail Interactive
-i really like actual rc cars, they are so much fun, i have a couple and look to take them out in the summer. Here's a bit of a tip for you in buying rc cars, the earlier ones which are 27mhz or 49mhz are compatible with any other of the same mhz that have the same remote style, so if you find a nice certain one you can use the same style remote from another rc and it will function as well. Whereas with the newer ones, no antennae, 2.4ghz, you need the exact remote from that particular rc car. If you're looking to splurge you can even get gas-powered ones, very cool, like brand name Traxxas, those look especially fun. If you've never tried one of these look into it, am sure you'd enjoy

Chess Ultra
System: Computer
Type: Chess
Developer/Publisher: Ripstone
-A very good-looking iteration of this classic game that supposedly plays very well also, this one was free with Epic Games Launcher. i have compared chess to strategy-rpg's, tactical ones, and the comparison is apt, you have a grid based board that different characters move around depending on their statistics and can attack or block opposing pieces. Personally i'll go with the latter mentioned srpg videogames but do see and understand the vast appeal actual chess has. Be wary of said games though as the majority of them are Zionist efforts, as in efforts to dissuade you from your need, unfortunately this is common in this genre so stick with ones from good companies, a few recommended titles would be the Xcom series, Onimusha Tactics, Dynasty Tactics, and looking positive Phantom Doctrine and Hard West but haven't tried those two yet so cannot vouch for them. There is space enough for both srpg's and chess, maybe a bit of each, either or, as long as you are having fun and strengthening your mind, after your needed duties of course, do not neglect those as they are first and foremost, not Zionist Call of Duty by Activision, actual duties you have

Gears of War Judgment
System: XB360
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Epic Games/Microsoft Game Studios
-Judgment is the prequel to Gears of War 1, 2, 3, and now i have all of these as well as the newer ones. And yes, our judgment has been and will also result in the new war, although at this point i believe it will be sort of one-sided, our sided, we just need to continue getting the necessary information, reasons, out to the global public. Those of us who know the reasons are the ones who make the judgment and pass along the causes to those who are so far not certain what is being done exactly, but have an idea to start with and join with the rest after finding out. The back cover of GoW Judgment says trust your guts, and do so, if you think something is off, or of theirs, take heed to your feeling and look into, ponder, and find out about what you are wondering of, your inclination is usually on point. This is especially true with media of different types, read into what they are putting forward, i'd say it's easy to know when something's good but they try and trick you a lot of times, so you constantly have to be on guard even if a production starts out or seems otherwise alright. Trust your guts in knowing what is needed, it's a difficult decision but we have no other option of what to do to stop them. And remember what i say about being resolute, unwavering, as they will try and dissuade you in every manner they attempt, when they feign goodness and when they issue threats, they will administer both intermittently. Be strong of mind, not grasping at everything they dangle in front of you. Make judgments about what is Zionist and what is not, then stick to those decisions, paying no mind to those and that you find are. You know what they are up to, help others know and see as well

Pathologic classic hd
System: Computer
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Ice-Pick Lodge/Strategy First
-This interesting game is supposedly quite dark and done by a Russian fellow in 2005 then re-released in 2012 with improved graphics and translation, which is this one. Russia's in a hard spot right now, with the war against Ukraine, i have sometimes spoken out about this but let me tell you i would not be a bit upset if Russia was attacking Israel, you would instead hear my acclamation, double standard? Yes. Different issues require different actions, you deal with things differently depending on the situation. Israel, and furthermore Jews are a case of their own, to be judged by their negative doings against the rest of the world, the only people on Earth doing what they are doing and attempting what they are attempting. Iran is not an enemy of the United States or the world, they are only trying to curb what Israel has been up to, they have no problem with any other nation for any reason except for other nation's backing and helping of Israel. If Israel was out of the question Iran would be a strong and yet docile country not harming anyone who is not harming them. There are Jews in Ukraine, but it is not a Jewish country, whereas it is all Jews and a few Arabs in Israel. When any nation goes up against Israel that is when you let it happen or even help against them. Did Russia just have their schematics off in attacking Ukraine? If so they should have just went for Israel themselves. The media plays a big part in the indoctrination of the public regarding wars, and the media is mostly Jewish owned, so there is a vast discrepancy between actuality and what gets fed to various nations' citizens as wartime and even not-wartime propaganda. We have our own voices though, and need to be loud with them, to tear down what they have and do build up through their major outlets and replace that with facts and knowledge as opposed to lies and suppression. If Russia were to withdraw from Ukraine and go against Israel they would have my carte blanche, that goes for anyone who does take on the global oppressor, when it happens give them your blessing as well

Jack Orlando – A Cinematic Adventure
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: TopWear Interactive/JoWooD Entertainment AG
-Reminiscent of the Broken Sword franchise but hopefully from a creator with good intentions, i've played my share of games of this genre that weren't. After Stasis which am enjoying very much i might try this one. The other games by this company seem to check out as okay as does this itself, seem to, i will not say for sure until playing when it should be more obvious where the alliances are. Sometimes Zionist media looks okay at first glance, such as in movie trailers for instance, but when you actually watch such it turns out to be anything but for or from us. i've even encountered videogames that start out as fine to begin with only to reveal their true intentions after a few hours, after noticing so i stopped playing instead of putting myself through however many more hours it would take to trudge through the game. However as said it's usually quite apparent right away what side a videogame is on, and your sanity is much more precious than keeping and begrudgingly finishing a game that is trying to brainwash you. If you are doing a lot of computer gaming may i suggest GoG, they have so many great games and a very easy return policy if you find a title that is Zionist or any other reason for that matter, one of the perks from them compared to Steam, takes the sting out from a purchase of a game that doesn't have your best interests in mind. i really like the guys at GoG, nice fellows, i'm sure there are good folks at Steam as well it's just not as close knit a community as with the aforementioned. Right now they're having their spring sale with a lot of great games, this one was two dollars, and i also picked up again on sale The Black Mirror, which i have for Steam but now have all three of the first ones on GoG, one of my fave series now all on my fave gaming service. i already wrote about that exact game so will forego it this time. As you may have figured this is a cherished style of game for me, i have been playing these type since Commodore 64 and onward, mostly Lucasfilm/Lucasarts which unfortunately turns out with current reflections to be Zionist fodder through and through. For someone who consumed a lot of opposition material, Stephen King books, Seinfeld sitcom, Weird Al music, i sure turned out against them, and much happier seeing the truth as it is, not sure exactly how all that affected me but turned out for the best. i would not raise a child on a Zionist diet now though, it would be full disclosure of opposing agenda, their tricks, their lies, their ploys and plots. i suggest you prepare your children as well, in the best way you deem fit, make them ready. Talk across not down to your young. Speak about what is in front, as in and on the media they digest, and let them know some media is best not to even give a chance to, explain why. Raise Jane and John Connors, in addition to their other life goals and aspirations. The only real Terminator movies that is, we got the original and one sequel which i'm referencing by James Cameron. They can still be doctors, lawyers, electricians, plumbers, newscasters you name it, they will just be even more amazing versions of such, the possibilities are limitless. Even though i turned out alright i do not recommend you raise your child on Zionist tripe, and you need to beware of what is being fed to them via children's programming, emphasis on programming. i went through that so you and they don't have to. Vet all media that is being put in front of your loved ones, and when you encounter negative intentions and agenda explain to them what is being attempted with such, and they will hopefully understand why and agree as to not consume something that has ulterior motives against them. It may be hard at times, all their friends watching some certain show or playing some certain videogame, but if you teach well then they will abstain from media like those and understand that it is in their best interests that they do. Talk about agenda, talk about intentions, you don't have to say Jews depending on the age but you can speak about the powers that be, the opposition, the troublesome faction, whatever you think is best in your specific situation. You can of course be more blunt with adult friends and family you have, again to a degree you feel appropriate. We are all going to have to breach these topics sooner or later, best to make it sooner. No Zionist media for anyone, let's get that happening, let it be known that there is an ill-intended group of people who have their ill-intended motives and are against us through their ill-intended media, and why would you want to watch/read/listen to those who are against you? However it worked out that i turned out the way i did after constant exposure to Zionist material that is the exception, most aren't so fortunate, help you and help them of us, be vocal about the difference between our productions and theirs, as they are not at more opposite ends of the scale

Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Red Martyr Entertainment
-This is basically a demo for the full Saint of Kotar game which was funded through Kickstarter, am happy to have tried this one before buying the finished product because found that my computer is not powerful enough to run such. After finding so i have just for a chance put a MacBook Pro on my Amazon wishlist, just in case someone well able to do so wants to buy me one, might as well right? But that's not the point of this write-up. Saint Kotar has me really enthused to play it, am hoping it is alright as in ours. It's hard to find good point and click games so any addition is welcome. As for yellow masks don't wear one, be you and be bold, we need you too much for you to sit on the sidelines. Someone who is not a saint but should be deemed one is Pope Pius Xii, for abstaining from getting involved in world war ii, that is the only time staying on the sidelines would be acceptable. Do you want to be a saint? You can be one even without the adornment, you will be one to those of us you help in this battle we are in. Saint you, has a nice ring to it, earn it as best you can

Warhammer 40,000 - Gladius - Relics of War
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Proxy Studios/Slitherine
-RTS's are a fun genre, emphasis on the strategy part, there is so much to be in command of, i used to love playing C&C (Command and Conquer) and Warcraft II at a local shop that had 4 computers connected for co-op and skirmishes, and did quite well, not tournament caliber but decently and enjoyed a lot. Some people have it down to a science but you can say that about any hobby or profession, that's the difference between casual and competitive but there are varying degrees of those. Then you have generals, real life strategists of actual wars, and once in a while there are needed ones, ones that cannot be diffused without such, although you must exhaust all possible routes before going to war. War is as said the biggest cash grab scheme for the global bankers, so cannot be gone into lightly. You must say to yourself is this needed or can it be avoided through compromise? Is this based on a false-flag attack or is there real reason for a conflict? Because the main relic of war is debt, that's what is left afterwards, and the bankers in charge of administering this debt are happy to loan you the funds for any war, just at great cost to the borrowing nation, whichever nation that happens to be. The judgment to go to war should be left to ours with sound minds, and not by those goaded into war by Zionist press and the Jewish banking cartel with their agents and shills in government. War is the last resort not the first one. If we were all on government funded notes and not debt-based currency we could still have enough for various wars if needed and could do so without making the bankers rich in the process, which would in turn reduce the amount of world conflicts initiated because of greed and profit. The hard part is in breaking away from the debt-based monetary system currently in place, hard but not impossible. Hard because those who are making their fortunes off of us do not want to let go of their constant gain of riches, and believe me they will unfortunately do whatever they can to try and hold on to the corrupt way it is right now, so we have to be brave in addition to smart. When there is no profit to be made from war it will occur less often and only when completely necessary, instead we will have mostly peace and mild disagreements

Tetris DS
System: NDS
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-i have multiple iterations of Tetris, a game no one should be without. Putting blocks in the best place possible, as we should all take heed to in our lives, doing the best possible. For example The Simpsons seasons three through nine, every bit perfect, couldn't be better. What's the best thing to put here? This. And so forth. Other shows for instance have a perfect episode let's say, just not as long of an uninterrupted run as said Simpsons had. You do the same if you're not already, let what you do be preserved amazingly for eternity, whether through a medium or an action that affects change, or both, together or separately. Be a bit of a perfectionist, this here that there, in any means of expression. Slowly building lines of blocks to have them clear, accomplishment achieved, repeat. If you're going to do something make it great, take your time if needed, just remember that the bricks keep falling and you do have to take action, because you and we don't want to lose

Soma / Amnesia: Rebirth
System: PS4
Type: Survival
Developer/Publisher: Frictional Games
-These look great, first-person adventure/survival, both with positive reviews. While more suited to computer play they will run great on ps4 and am sure just as fun. i watched the trailers and gameplay for both titles, both by the same company, and they do seem quite good, as in of ours. The setting is interesting and should be enjoyable while also tense. There is more stealth than action, as this is not a shooting game as most first-person games are, instead it is puzzles and thought employed here, nothing against the shooting variety. Survival is a basic human instinct, but Zion isn't striving to survive they are doing what they do for their own benefit at the cost of everyone else, survival is for keeping yourself well, not to enslave and harm others for your own creature comforts of varying un-noble sorts. You can thrive as some do, aim for that over survival, as long as you do so without hindering others to achieve riches and power. If you're surviving that is an alright place to be, but try and do even better, and better, and better, creating a very pleasant life for yourself that you are content and ultimately happy with. You can have both, being happy and content, enjoying your status the way it is while still gradually improving here and there to also be at a content place. It doesn't mean you don't want to do better, just that you can do so on your own time and desire as a side project, a constant side project just always in the background of where you currently are at. To thrive is to constantly be doing well with a strive for even better, do so but also be happy with your current lot not always unhappy because you are less rich or less this or less that, to survive is the base goal, but you can add to that as much as you want, if you try to reach higher status and succeed you can be even more pleased with how things are for you. This goes back to relativity again, where your life in comparison might be worse than someone else's in some ways, however when compared to another person you might be doing better. Keep that in mind. This brings up survival of the fittest, if you trample on others to gain personal benefit you are not the fittest, as what you gained was at the expense of other's well-being, it would instead be detrimental action and considered negative on the grand scale of life. What you want is to help others, that is the way to self-betterment and will affect not only others well but yourself. We can walk and talk at the same time, as we can improve our own spot while also sometimes doing well for our fellow man and woman, often if possible. Survival of the fittest should not entail who can be the most unscrupulous, it should be who can do the most good, and be acclaimed for their contributions to society. We do not, should not, have the ones that step on others in positions of power, in fact we need to wrest those positions from those who currently hold many high administrations. Let the good-doers take their places through various fair and knowledgable elections, people are catching on to corrupt so called leaders, and given the eventual chance they will pick right ones, as that happens we will all thrive whereas under pocketed politicians we all lose. Let us strive for a happy future, to do that we need a major shift in many aspects of life, taking away the troubles we have encountered and replacing them with honourable people of our own, then and only then can we be truly doing well

Lost Planet / 2
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-i skipped on the third in this series even though it was also on sale as it was developed by Spark Unlimited not Capcom themselves, so see you still have to do the research. The red flag on Spark Unlimited was Call of Duty Finest Hour, i will stick with games developed by Capcom not titles they let another company do which happens once in a while. As for lost planet i hope we don't lose ours, the three main threats we face are nuclear war, climate change, and global slavery by the hands of Zion. Each of these we can try and prevent, and need to. Shame if we ruined everything by either our own doing or lack of doing. Nuclear war we can help hostile nations in non-military manners, making life much better for them if they halt nuclear ambitions. Climate change will require immediate global action, seriously we are on the point of no return regarding this, it's not difficult what to do it just needs implementation. And then we have Zion's plot against us, it is not easy to remedy, it will take much focus, determination and resoluteness. Everyone can have a place in helping us succeed against all three of these, i did not mention asteroids because while it is a definite danger to us it is not immediate like the other ones are, but yes we do need people on that as well. As for what we can right now affect let's all get on those, be vocal about all of these issues and spur action in every way you can. Our governments are reflections of the people's will, at least they are supposed to be, so put them to task, organize large groups of similar-minded citizens and together demand major overhauls in policy and instate new initiatives that benefit the country's population. We have much to worry about but what that means is we have a lot to work on and accomplish. We can treat this world as one people and speak to each other as members of the same community, we may be different factions but share humanity and all the shared hopes and fears as others. According to Zion we are all Gentiles, so let's join together and be such. We will get a lot done when not under the thumb of the opposition who pits us against our fellow man for their profit and control. They want to divide us from them, so be it, and how nice it will be, everyone fixing all of our troubles together

Lumines Remastered
System: XBone
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Resonair/Enhance Games
-Another fun Tetris type game, these can be some of the best genre available as it's one where you keep getting better and better not going towards an end just getting further than your current best. When asked about a desert island game i say Tetris, as you can play it forever. All of our skills in life are like that, you keep getting better, then depending on the situation you can either compete against others in the same category or join with others to combine your talent towards a shared goal. Speaking about Capcom their version of Tetris is Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, and it's a hard choice of which i prefer of the two, both are very very fun. As for Tetris i watched the trailer for a movie based on the origins of the game and it looks really interesting, it will be streaming on Apple TV+, which i tried for a bit and looks quite good, wish i could delve into it more about how it is but i didn't give it enough of a watch to determine unfortunately, however next to Disney+ i think Apple TV+ would be my second choice of streaming platform. Lumines? Seems fun enough, the other two mentioned hold top and second spot though, definitely will give it a bit of a try as haven't played it very much yet. For sure it will be better than Zionist Sega's version Columns

Granblue Fantasy: Versus
System: PS4
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Arc System Works/XSEED Games
-This may have been a fault on my part as didn't do my usual checking with this one. At least it was on sale and at most i'm at a loss of $6. Recently i picked up a nice arcade stick to play games like such with, it sure is fun but a bit more difficult than with a standard controller at first. Anyhow i'm really happy with the one i bought, for a good price, been wanting one for a long time. If you want an enjoyable frame of mind steer away from Zionist sources, i know it's hard considering the deluge of their content, but we have enough of ours to keep you more than satisfied once you discern which is which and then stick with efforts from us. Reviewers need to be more vocal with their descriptions and verdicts, of all mediums, and find ways to give notice about a media's agenda, get people thinking about sources and intentions and if a certain output is valiant or corrupt. Again i didn't do my diligent checking on this game, let that be an example for you to do yours or lose money on a Zionist endeavour, i'll give this a quick check but it's not looking up judging by other games developed by them. i am for the most part up on my videogame knowledge but know that not everyone is, so go by the list on my site to begin with and if you get stung by a company not on there do not let them sting you again. With videogames it is a bit more obvious than other mediums as to the agenda of the creators but not every time, just most. Don't ruin your mindset by trudging through a game that has negative intentions, if you are about to spend good money on a game do your homework to the absolute best of your ability, it's not for certain but does help very much in determination. Going by the list i made for starters will save you some hard-earned money and direct you to great alternatives from our own fine fellows

Ori and the Blind Forest / and the Will of the Wisps
System: XBone
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Moon Studios/Microsoft Game Studios
-If this is good it's going to be great. The reviews are phenomenal, the graphics and gameplay look stellar, and while these are the only games so far from this company it looks to be and hopefully is a splendid introduction. Are videogames art? i think they are in a way. They are forms of expression and you make similar choices when choosing what to add. Just like you can pause a movie you can do the same in a videogame, the basic tools are there for creation and you form an artwork in a unique way. The gamer in charge of the output from the templates made by the developer. Just as a painter uses paint to draw an artwork a player uses provided polygons and pixels to form their own work with either narrative like a movie or the stillness of a screenshot. If a book is art videogames are like choose your own adventure ones, where a storyline is given and you decide what to do and how to progress, each step your choice upon a path of individual yet connected arcs. Many sorts of mediums can be considered art, have artistic merit, it is when personal flair is shown through a creative endeavour of any type resulting in a special culmination of ideas and talent. Art is to be enjoyed, to be thought provoking, to be appreciated. Art is celebrated, and rightfully so, it is creativity on display. When applicable any choices of detail you have a say in result in art of different scales. We need your input for your output, your imagination and your skill. Think about what you would like to do and put forward and do your best

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Ninja Theory
-This looks really well made and in depth. A unique experience for sure. As for sacrifice we all do to a certain degree, putting others first at the cost of our own time, effort, or potential well-being. Giving of yourself is a noble course of action, and appreciated by the recipient and those that care for them, like musicians, hint hint, but so many others of us as well. When you sacrifice of yourself in any way you are enriching your place in the world, feel good about that. How can you help others? That's up to you

System: XBone
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Discord Games
-A rogue-like style of game that is supposed to be quite difficult, there is a setting for level of such included so am happy with that. Unfortunately there is no difficulty setting in real life so we have to be brave and do what we must no matter how hard it may seem. It is an uphill battle for us, one we must trudge through. We have the means and opportunity to do so and now is the time, before they get an even greater hold on the instruments of power. We must continue to award the goodness done by all of us, setting a meaningful example for others to aspire to and want to join in as we need all the help we can get

9 Monkeys of Shaolin
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Sobaka/Buka Entertainment
-A side-scrolling fighting game that looks quite fun. We made it! We're human! And we've all been this way for a while. Jews are not Muppets from space, they are at the same level as we are just with illusions of grandeur. Sorry to have to break it to you but it's true. i don't know how we'll evolve from here but it seems to be happening at an increased rate from times past. Whatever direction our bodies and minds go i hope it aligns with our moral values and only increases not decreases our state of acceptance of others, not Zion, they are the one exception as are against every sect of ours and a danger to all with no other form of recourse

Sublevel Zero Redux
System: XBone
Type: Flight
Developer/Publisher: Sigtrap Games
-Sweet, a Descent/Forsaken style game that also looks quite good and i really like the genre

Rise of Industry
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Dapper Penguin Studios/Kasedo Games
-i am always impressed with actual city-builders. It's such an intricate profession that requires much skill. That is more about SimCity (by EA) not quite as much this one, but is nice to have a non-EA option for such, you could also go for Tropico, Civilization... We have non-Zionist gaming as well to enjoy. Anything they can do we can do better, not only in presentation but in agenda content. For the most part we just don't get the big bucks. However if you find a good company of ours stick with them and support them. City-building being so precise it would figure that making a game about doing so would be just as such, although making videogames in general looks to be pretty skilled work as well. While there are rocket scientists there are also many other jobs that require great study, knowledge and talent, very many and everywhere in between. Be proud of our well-doings and accomplishments, they are amazing

Beautiful Desolation
System: Computer
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: The Brotherhood
-Sweet. I've been playing Stasis by the same developer and have been really, really, liking it. Stasis is a point and click game whereas this is more action oriented. About Stasis, finally what looks to be a good one of these by us, these are created by Chris Bischoff, a German, who raised funds through Kickstarter, something that you can do as well if you have an idea to realize. Now i haven't gotten far in said game but so far it's great, one reference i will mention is an ad for Jukka Cola in the game, “who needs sleep? refreshingly addictive”. The opposition wouldn't say the word Jukka nor would they admit that's addictive, so this and a few other references definitely make it look like ours. Right now this is my go-to game but after this i have a few titles in mind to play. About Beautiful Desolation itself, there is a triangle type game logo, but i think it's okay, it kind of has right angles, am hoping it's alright, should be

System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Misfits Attic
-Interesting game here, looks really fun. An original idea done well. It doesn't have fancy graphics, seems like it was made on a low budget, but that's not a detractor. This was free from Epic Games Launcher and i bet a lot of people are really going to enjoy it. It's kind of hard to describe this game but give it a check. What you do doesn't have to be fancy, as long as it gets the message through, but do so. Some people have a huge budget, some have next to none, but both have the same intentions it's just how you put your content forward. There are a ton of great games made inexpensively by us but with vision, you can say the same about all mediums and they are a pleasure to watch, read, play. If you have something you want to do and say don't be held back by cost, you can make an impact on a budget, even with nothing except your time in the case of writing. Put what you do forward in the biggest manner you can, let yourself be known. There is safety with many people involved, you can collaborate and protect each other, doing your effort. A lot of the time low budget projects are the best ones as it's Zion that has the money to produce their propaganda on a large scale. Independent developers, writers and directors may not get the recognition as much as they should but are appreciated by those that experience their work, which hopefully grows at a steady pace towards more budget and recognition. Most of the mainstream game companies are Zionist and produce content against us, so if you want to do some gaming in addition to the foremost developers of ours you should keep said independent fare in mind. And if you are looking to make your own effort in any way at all then more power to you

Subject 13
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Paul Cuisset/Microids
-Now here's another reason i love GoG, i was able to return those Zionist Blackwell games i bought earlier, and with the funds bought three other games that look great. Forgot that you are able to do that, i'll try and have it where i don't buy Zionist games in the first place but nice to know that option is there if so. Originally i was going to use that ten dollars to buy Sudden Strike 4, but it requires a better computer than what i have now so went with three i can play. SS4 is a cool ww2 real-time strategy game that looks amazing and you can play as the Axis as well which is something only a few of these type let you be in charge of. It is available for ps4 but would probably be hard to navigate with a controller as opposed to mouse and keyboard. Subject 13 should be pretty good, i hope, the only instance of concern is with the hexes (inner part of a star of David) but at least it's not just triangles, still this has a good chance of being okay

System: Computer
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Fatbot Games
-A steampunk game that should be very fun, it's an interesting setting and the play style is one i like

Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise
System: Computer
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Yak & Co
-i like puzzle games to a certain extent but enjoy traditional point an click games more, they're relaxing, although those as well could all be considered puzzles in themselves. Let's every one of us be agents for our cause, we'll get a lot done while in tandem with other issues being worked on. In the same time we have our agents others have theirs, foreign operatives trained for espionage against other nations. i have some in my midst and if you are or become involved with taking on Israel and the powers that be you will have them in yours as well, be on guard. Donald Trump has been involved with Israeli Mossad agent Jeffrey Epstein, and very much seems to be under their heel because of it, one of the many reasons Trump can never be allowed to hold office again. Even in the Protocols they say how elected officials should have faults that they can exploit, remember that next time a senator or such rallies for them. For here one of the many plants put where i am claims to be Iranian, but if he were he would be on my side not opposite for what i do against Israel. Again, if you have a public anti-Israel stance be prepared for covert operatives, but do not let them discourage you, be strong and continue

System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: The Brotherhood
-This will probably be my next game of this type to get into, while not a traditional looking game of these, it is isometric, it should still be very fun, started it up a bit and seems to be well put together. Have had this game for a while but didn't write about it before, there's some that i missed but only a couple. The opposite of stasis is fluidity, let's be that instead. Constantly doing each of our parts, alone and/or together, keeping busy on topic

Blackwell Bundle / Epiphany
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Wadjet Eye Games
-It's looking like point and click games are as rife with Zionist developers as tactical strategy games are. These seemed so good on the surface but as soon as Dave Gilbert's name came up at the beginning i knew it was going to go downhill fast, and it did. Thing is i checked the companies but it didn't mention his name there and only found out after purchasing both of these for a waste of ten dollars. Another game by him is named The Shivah, which turns out to be the first videogame to have a rabbi as the main character, great, a Talmudic rabbi? i bet they don't mention that. i really want a game in this genre to get into as i like this type very much, because of this i will have to be doubly and more cautious and delve even further into a game and it's creators and such than i do already before purchase. If you want to save both money and headspace i suggest you do your checking as best you can as well

The Samaritan Paradox
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Faravid Interactive/Screen 7
-This is incredible, at GoG was only .29 cents on sale and is looking to be a fantastic point and click game. Most of the time i only buy games on sale. Here we have a game that i hope is ours, the cover has the protagonist in grey and includes right angles, not a guarantee especially after mentioning it now but with earlier works this can be a descriptor, same as how triangles and v's can be a descriptor of the opposition. As for samaritans, okay, hold on, this just in, Samaritans are also “an ethnoreligious group who originate from the ancient Israelites”. Damn and this was seeming alright. You never know this still may be one of ours... To continue the plot here is about a writer who died and left behind a novel, you play a detective who is trying to find out the truth about his death. You feel free to write your own novel, non-fiction book or document, your testimony on topic or off, something to leave behind and carry on your work. Back to the title of this game for a sec, a paradox is a contradictory of the norm, so maybe it is about the contradictory phrase of a good samaritan. Any good samaritans that want to come forward about what your kin are doing? We can be do-gooders of course, and please do, as the ones mentioned don't seem to be doing so. If this game is no good at least it was only that .29 cents, i'm saying though that even so it might still be ours, we'll see. This game (and the next) is unfortunately not compatible with my current computer but decided to pick it up for future play. Do you have a books worth of material yet? A memoir, a how-to manual, a biography or a novel? If you have some time maybe put something together, even if it's just a great document to put online. A social media account would also suffice, that is a living biography to work on and leave behind. i would suggest a musician to put forward a write-up of what's going on to them and their fellow musicians, put it out there and make it large so you cannot be reprimanded by them without it being known. The victim in this game had a book to pass along, you have at least one or similar from you

Still Life
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Microids/The Adventure Company
-Okay, Microids and The Adventure Company, this i will like am sure, other than the protagonist is named Victoria (V)... In this game you are an fbi agent tasked on finding a killer in present day that seems to have similarities to another murderer from elsewhere set in the 1920's. We who have been victimized have not yet confronted the killers of us, so we must start. How many Gentiles have been murdered by them? Overtly or covertly. Too many. With modern crimes we can contact the emergency services of a given city or town with our own investigation thoughts and findings, feel free to do so, you might help immensely, not only solving the crime but exposing the perpetrators responsible. As for still life art, what you do is also still life art, capturing a time for posterity in any medium. Be artistic in this manner, any way you feel you can. You will be remembered, maybe cherished and celebrated, you. Get at it though, there is a lot to do

System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Stay Small Studios/Daedalic Entertainment
-This looks very fun, unlike unneeded war (some is needed depends on the situation). The closest description i found of pip is seed, as in seeds of war, something we all should be more aware of going back to unneeded wars. The world can agree on most topics, there are just a few that we have differences about, this is where compromise comes in or at least the attempt to. Sanctions are a valuable tool concerning unruly nations, where are the sanctions on Israel? They are flagrantly violating international law and should be reprimanded for doing so. As for their seeds of war they sow them often with their false flag operations coupled with propaganda from their owned media outlets and pushed through congress with the politicians they have in their pocket. Notice the their their their, it is their doing. Without these three pillars of power they currently control we would not have the amount of wars we have had and are having. Instead the aforementioned sanctions are one good deterrent followed by stricter isolation with war being the last resort not the first. As you know war is profitable, but to whom, the money-lenders, it is they that profit and we just go deeper in debt fighting these seed-sown wars. War war war? Profit profit profit. That's the main reason not some idyllic goal when you are goaded into it by those who reap monetary reward from having global governments borrow scads of money for soldiers and munitions of all sorts pitting one nation against another in a conspiratorial manner. How would we do without those who sow the seeds of war? Immeasurably better. One of, probably the most far reaching false flag attack is 9/11, and there are some great documentaries about the demolition of such, but if you want to know the Israeli involvement you should watch the film Missing Links, it is the most concise and well put together information you will find on the topic. It is available on my Documentaries page but also the official site and youtube etc. Do we want more of events like that? Those will continue to happen unless the instigators are stopped by all means necessary. Lives lost for their gain, monetarily and politically. Once everything is settled and back in our hands cooler heads will prevail and more thought put into whether we should go to war or find other means of resolution. The second of which is not employed very often as of now, but something we can look forward to. Right now, we need one more war, the war to end all wars, literally. Mel Gibson was reprimanded for saying how the Jews were involved in the starting of every war, but he was right and just needed to provide the proof, which there is in spades. They were instigated by the money-lenders, who are Jewish, and while Mel might not be able to come forth as much as am sure he would like we definitely can. While we will all most likely not join hands and sing Kumbaya (or maybe so) we will have laid the continuing groundwork for a more peaceable world, of happiness, prosperity and a future without conspirators against us

Dirt 2
System: PS3
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Codemasters
-Out of all my favourite types of racing i would have to say dirt racing is tops. Dirt bikes, rally cars, atv's... while i have no desire to drive a car normally i would like to try these types of racing on an appropriate track. Cars very much facilitated the advancement of mankind as it made the world more accessible to everyday people, allowing everyone the opportunity to travel greater distances for work, play and shopping for instance. The car is one of those innovations that took the world by storm where every person had to pick one up, much like modern smartphones it was adopted widely and pretty much became an essential part of modern life. In the beginning of driving all roads were dirt roads, but necessity dictated that we need concrete to drive on so we did that. The same can be applied to electric vehicles, hopefully, where everyone just picks one up, through government subsidy and better performance compared to gas vehicles. With technology being improved upon so rapidly everything needs to be further upgradable without having to constantly be replaced by newer versions. An incentive to switch to electric vehicles would be the price, so we could have government run manufacturing plants that turn out great ev's without profit, just pay the parts and labour, this would am sure change the landscape and lead to mass ownership. Time is running out regarding climate change so any and every effort needs to be made on this and other related contributing factors

Portal 2
System: PS3
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Valve Software
-Valve, of Half-Life, also runs a gaming platform named Steam, and i will speak about both this and Good Old Games here. Steam is a fine service loved by many and has a few advantages over GoG, such as being able to mod your games as well as achievements to earn. i have accumulated a fair sized library of digital games for both services, and am happy with both, many times both platforms have released free to claim games to add, which account for many i have although i do buy some when on sale. Some games are just better with a mouse and keyboard, but if i had to choose what to game on it would be a console, but try playing a point and click game on that. i guess one of the reasons is because my computers are never top of the line, although i can play many great classics, something GoG specializes in. With GoG there is no drm, digital rights management, so you are much freer with not having to jump through hoops to play, one of the best features of them. Half-Life i am unsure about, been a while since have played, but GoG are great people even though a miscommunication soured some games they have developed which i hope get better over time, in the meanwhile they are doing wonderfully with GoG. i would recommend both of these mentioned, if i had to choose one it would be GoG but thankfully we can have each of them, good for different reasons

Alien Breed Trilogy
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Team17/Mastertronic
-Be proud to be human, for some reason Jews think they are extra-terrestrials or some such but no they are human also, sorry to disappoint them. You'd figure a “greater” being would be benevolent and encompass as many good traits as possible, not one that preys upon the fellow people of the world for their own benefit and think of them as lowly in comparison to take advantage of. Sometimes we refer to them as aliens attacking Earth, because that is how it feels, but really they are just another race not another species. The world is comprised of humans, all sorts, but no aliens, if the Jews want to be something else then we can treat them that way if they want, but they are not better than us. Think of a scale of good qualities, where does it land when comparing such? Again be proud to be human, just because we are thought of as lesser does not make us so. It is about doing positive actions not negative ones, no one looks up to a swindler as an aspiration, or at least should not. Once we have this place to ourselves we can fix all that's been done wrong by the worldly occupiers, the ones against us in every instance and aspect, seriously, how do they think themselves better than us when what they do is contrary to everything held dear and awarded respect by our fellows, who respects a charlatan? Just because they think they rule the world do not fall victim to having thoughts that that is how to get ahead. Instead have opposite thoughts entire, help, appreciate, love. We have troubled lives at the hands of our current ruling class, and need to get all of our institutions back, then we can select and place our people with good intentions in their positions and be happier for it. Again, and it seems obvious to us, Jews are a race of human, for whatever reason they think of themselves as more than that but have none of the qualities that we value most. Some of them as said are great, but they are overshadowed by the ones who are not, Jews who agree need to step up and battle their kin in a quest to save the Gentiles under threat. Jewish supremacy is flawed, and much more not true. We are mostly all well meaning people who have normal lives and do the best we can with our circumstances, strive to be the best person you are able, it is much better to have that as a goal than what the opposition has as theirs

Valentino Rossi: The Game
System: XBone
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Milestone
-Named after nine-time world Grand Prix champion Valentino Rossi this Milestone developed game looks great and it was 90% off for two dollars, am sure it's worth every penny. In addition to just living a good life and helping others however you can try to do so well you will be renowned, at any level, small scale or large. We all leave traces of our lives behind, before and after death, focus on leaving many accomplishments. Milestone is a great company, a group of people working together, and they will all be known for creating fantastic, especially racing, games. Their names are included in the credits of the game itself. Sam Walton has a line of stores you may know, Wal-Mart, founded in 1962 this will forever be his legacy, and i'm sure will be around for a long time doing greatly as well. You make the most of your time, forging a legacy of your own, you don't need to have it be grandiose, unless you want and are able, just something you are proud to do and have done. i very much believe in relativity, in the sense of how things compare to others depends on what you are comparing. So your feat may seem small but it matters very much to those it affects. There are other more commercially popular racing game companies than Milestone, but i think very highly of them and enjoy all they do as do many others. Whether you have your name as the title of your presence or a collective name for your group you are creating your own entity, your own foundation. Very seldom do people do greatly on their own, mostly it is always a team effort, so even if a music group or company has the name of one person it is really a unity of people. You most likely have your own presence already, be it facebook/instagram (unfortunately) or a website, you have a place that others can find you and what you want to put forward. i would suggest you fulfill your dreams, and go towards them in small steps or leaps and bounds, make the most of your time here and bring others along with you helping them and them helping you. Be a collective each bringing their own expertise to the project you are working on and share in the credit. You don't need to leave behind something extravagant just as much as you are/were able, while more is more having a modest list, whether written or in deed, is fine enough, you will have left your mark on the world either way, but if you do get public recognition that is bonus. Have your name predominant on the credit page of history

Gears Tactics
System: XBone
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Splash Damage/Microsoft Game Studios
-i have decided to buy this, against my best inclination, my rationalization is because i have the opportunity to pick it up for ten dollars. Why the apprehension? This is developed by Splash Damage, a company involved in the game Return to Castle Wolfenstein, of course a Zionist endeavour, after a few titles like such they had a hand in the multiplayer components of Gears 4 and 5, which i hope very much didn't affect either's story mode or any other part of it. So i am going to risk a few dollars on the off chance that this is good, and by looking at the plot it doesn't look to be. The first four Gears of War games, 1, 2, 3, and Judgment are all completely by one of our best, Epic Games, after that they still seem great but are developed by, hopefully ours still, The Coalition. i am such a fan of the tactics genre i am going to give this a try, i do not suggest you keep trying games by any company you find is against us, i have not played games by Splash Damage before so this will be their trial, if this is Zionist agenda i will never buy another game by them. As for the Gears of War games by The Coalition they better still be good, i so want them to be. This is another example of there being a publisher of ours putting forth a game by a developer who is not, so again always do your checking. Microsoft should save some money and skip on Activision just to say, i know it's probably a financial decision but it's about principle and respect of the Microsoft brand, if they do buy them be just as strong in mind to not purchase Activision developed games regardless of Microsoft's involvement. Did you know Activision's logo is the bottom half of the star of David? Vans shoes did the same thing and even have star's of David on the bottom tread of said shoes. So as you've probably discerned i am not looking forward to Gears Tactics, it's really just going to prove myself right about it, i just want to make sure. Microsoft is not to blame for this title, it is fully Splash Damage's project and i hold them completely responsible for everything about this game. Other than a few developers owned by them Microsoft is a very great company who deserves our accolades. Maybe instead of buying Activision they could spend that money to buy a whole lot of amazing developers of ours

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: CyberConnect2/Bandai Namco Games
-This developer also made Asura's Wrath which was published by Capcom, which shows that you have to do your homework on not only the publisher but more importantly the developer. After watching the trailer this game looks terrible. Bandai Namco is on my list as undecided looking Zionist, there's only one series by them that i like, Soul Calibur, the rest have all turned out negative. In hindsight i should have skipped on this knowing about the company, i hope you skip on games for instance from companies you find to have negative intentions, save yourself some money and headspace. The list i made while not extensive is quite solid and covers the main gaming companies, you can go by that while you mentally accumulate your own list, but don't stop there, have a list of tv channels, newspapers, radio, websites... that fall under the Zionist category, and do not indulge in their propaganda as it is against you. Don't stop there either though, do something about it, talk to friends about them for starters, ones you know ones you don't. Work to get media laws strengthened, join together as a team to do so. Sow the seeds of distrust of Zionist sources, much of the time it just takes the inclination of such to start the thought process. In the future it will be us in charge, a breath of fresh air, don't just look forward to that set it in motion and follow through or we will never achieve our freedom from their media, even if you don't watch others not aware will, and you need to shield them. Their hold on media is first on the to-do list, after that the hold on government then the monetary system, in that order, but media first. Compared to now it will be utopia, even not in comparison, we will make it so, as you look at those three to start with you will see how nice it will be for us out of their clutches

King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match
System: PS4
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK
-i already have KoF 2002 Unlimited match but for five dollars on sale i wanted to pick this up as well not only for the game but as support for great gaming company SNK, while they may not make much from this purchase it's always good to publicly endorse those that are doing well for us. LeBron James is the new king of basketball, surpassing Kareem Abdul Jabbar's record of 38,387 nba career points, a towering achievement indeed that took years and years to accomplish. Now, while LeBron holds that title there is i'm sure another person who holds the most successful free throws or three pointers, or maybe LeBron holds them all i don't know, the point is there is a king for every subject, even i am only king at what it is i do, no one else holds that title as it is distinctively mine, but that means you are king at something only you do, if it is something competitive with others though you need to practice, practice, practice to achieve greatness in your field. It's not all a competition though, enjoy what you do with your time and have the king distinction as a distant and optional goal. There are many activities, mostly creative, that are not a better than sort of pastime, as self expression is not necessarily something that you compare to others in a concrete way, other than in receiving awards once in a while, but as long as you enjoy what you do it is worth your time. Strive not to be the best but to do your best, and as you do that and continue with it you will happen to be on your way up in standings whether measured or or by self-determination. While not every basketball player can be as skilled as LeBron James they can still be really, really, good. And that should be a happy place to be, really, really, good, and getting better all the time. A king serves their purpose, but so does everyone else, each equally important to the cogs that make a town, or nation, run. Find what you love doing, whether for work, as a hobby, and or both and do your best while constantly improving to result in being outstanding in your chosen activities. Also enjoy watching the kings and countrymen who are so skilled at what they do they are impressive, the ones, multiple, who are at the top of their game, even if it's not a game, just those that are some of the best at what they do. If it's something you would like to try or get better at do that practice, you will have a good place in the hierarchy of talent

True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 1 / 2
System: Computer
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Goblinz Studio/Big Fish Games
-These and Kona look fun, picked them all up on sale for about five dollars total and i do like the style or at least close to it, the point and click genre, these also have a horror theme. Fear the situation we and future generations will be in if we don't take action, that should be the predominant fear we have that overrides other ones. All we can, and should, do is what's is right, take the right route, any negative actions against us are not of our doing. Be cautious, be skeptical, be on guard yes, but still follow through with your needed actions, put others well being if not before your own than at least on par with it, help those who need you regardless of your fear, if you, one person, can help two others then you are ahead and have done your duty, now if you can help more then that is even better. Everyone on Earth needs your help in one way or another, all in multiple ways, and many perils are shared. Help in whatever realm you think you can be of service in. Some issues are more dangerous than others, and do require you to put fear on hold to accomplish, but accomplish we will through the opposite of fear, bravery. To get on topic, Zion constantly threatens us, through their media of all sorts, do not give them a foothold on your thoughts, do not entertain what they put forward, sometimes their threats still get through to you, do what they do not want you to do. Their threats show that what you are doing is right, so continue against them. The reason they threaten you is because they want to retain their hold on your money, government and media, so you must wrest all three of them away as they do not have good intentions at all with any of them, and those are just what we need to start with, there is more that they have their hands in with the same negative intentions. Their threats show that you, we, are on the right track, so keep at your tasks until we accomplish each of our goals, you may fear, but let that be encouragement to you as it shows what you are doing is going in the right direction

System: Computer
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Parabole
-In this you play as a detective, but why just be a detective in a videogame? i've talked about solving actual crimes before, exposing Zionist implication, and that is probably of the foremost necessity, but you should also debunk fake Zionist orchestration, most always in news events, whenever you have the opportunity. i implore news outlets of ours to in whatever manner you are able to scoff in one way or another at concocted and orchestrated stories. These news event stories are most always accompanied by “actual” footage, “witnesses” and “backgrounds”, having those does not always mean it is true. True results perhaps, death.. damage.. these can also be part of the story, but with one entity being the cause or instigator of the event to start with. So there are three types of news i am discussing, real news, which is the minority, then you have crimes committed as a form of threat or population inducer, and thirdly completely fabricated stories accompanied by said actual footage. Those are most of what you see on Zionist news but watching good news of ours doesn't make you immune as their news happenings seep into ours as we kind of have to report it as well. So be very skeptical and keep in mind something mentioned before which helps a lot, timing, in many instances that is a factor. If you think something is suspect, talk to the event locality's first responders and emergency services to voice your thoughts and findings, they will pass it on and maybe be of help to us in their broadcasts and so forth. If desired you can also talk to their local newspapers, who may also help in putting forth what you have discovered in one way or another. Be involved, a part of what's going on, you can be and i encourage you to do so. There is a place for everyone and you decide what part you will have

Resident Evil 3
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: M-Two/Capcom
-This game could go either way because of it being developed by a company other than Capcom themselves although it does involve many staff of Capcom. A bit of background on this is that i bought it on disc near after it's release on the system, i played a bit of it and from what it seemed seemed negative, i chalked this up to a slight fallout between they and i, but now know it might be because of this being by a somewhat outside source. However, i watched a few trailers and such and maybe i was too quick in my judgment of Re3, which i had since traded away, so i bought it again this time digitally and on sale for quite cheap and look forward to giving it another try, after Re8 of course which is my current game to finish. Do i ever hope this one is okay, if so maybe i was too quick in judgment abut Re7 as well, those two being the only ones i was hesitant about. Wouldn't that be great, a whole series without any flaws by my favourite videogame company Capcom, i'll let you know how it goes. You really do have enough games to enjoy that are by us, no need to look to Zionist companies, now, Capcom has out-sourced a few games, so are not completely immune, but you can check and make sure before you buy and play any that they are both developed and published by Capcom alone. Maybe there never was a fallout between the two of us, i was trying to do well by them for certain, maybe they understood, i sure hope so as i look up to them as pillars of our society. Of course we have many fantastic developers, all who make amazing, fun, and thoughtful games for us and who all deserve great credit, and they receive as well, again support them in whatever manner you can. As always this is called video game side notes for a reason, but you can definitely get some gaming going after you put in a few hours or whatever you can towards the betterment of the world, fighting Zionism globally for instance... up to you what you do but we sure do need your time, effort, and contribution. If you happen to make videogames, well you know what you're doing, do the best you can. And if you are a gamer then enjoy but spend some time after/before actually saving the world

Monster Hunter: World
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-How appropriate, while i have read the Protocols and even deconstructed them i have just today started listening to the audiobook version created by one of us which starts off with the details of it's creation. This is available on the Download section of my site as Of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. While they refer to themselves as we or us they do mention Goy, Gentile, often which means non-Jew, and the Protocols verify and prove themselves through it's implementation by them. The Protocols are a hidden declaration of war against the world, one which they have been waging for centuries and this is the culmination of everything they have been doing and instigating for that long. Many are not even aware this is going on, but slowly they are becoming aware, help them along. As said this is global Zionism, a plot which is attempting to control the world entire for Jewish benefit and us the slaves toiling for them. All of us, here only for servitude under them, kept in terrible state of being as having us knowledgable and prosperous would be detrimental to their own desire. There are those of us that are aware of what they are doing, have done, plan, and we are a danger to them as we enlighten others to their schemes and arrange our defence with others of us, and we must continue to do so. The Protocols are in one sense an issue of their own, but there are many many other facets to their multiple interwoven plots, each of which are almost equally heinous themselves but together form a direct threat to our entire existence here as human beings who only want peace, prosperity and a constantly better world for future generations, all of which are under secret attack by the Zionists who want to rule not coexist. This truly is a situation that cannot be ignored, as doing so or letting others slip through unknowing results in our ultimate downfall. Instead we must take them on with everything we've got until we prevail over them, a lofty task but one we again must undertake. These, monsters, we must face, show themselves at every opportunity, threats, underhandedness, conspirations, and other actions of all sorts they take against us. They try and squelch opposition to them and what they are doing but we must rise above that and continue with our counteraction. Are they monsters? That's for each of us to have an opinion about, Zionists sure aren't upstanding contributors to our society that's for certain. So many different levels to their layered plots, all with one end goal, complete and utter control of every single person on Earth, which is where the world comes in, and we must. If all of us work together we can stop the procedural conquering through unscrupulous means that Zion is attempting, and they will continue until stopped. It's a hard decision, but one i and many others knowledgeable of the topic have come to, we don't really have a choice in the matter as unfortunate as that is. The world is being subjugated and we will all be forever under Jewish control unless we stand up to them in the strictest manner possible, to put it softly. It will be rough times ahead, make no mistake about that, but is something we must get through or lose entirely. When you look around, you see their negative influence on everything they have their hand in, make them stop, take their hand away by all means necessary and give the property back to the good and able hands of ours. While as mentioned i have drawn up the deconstructing of the Protocols what we need is a definitive plan of action to politically counteract their hold on our institutions and put them into our control again and for all future generations. A point by point path towards our freedom from them and their clutches. We can do multiple feats at once, we can cure cancer, deflect an asteroid, curb climate change and unite the world, but let's keep this one issue in the forefront, our main concentration while everything else is still being worked on in the somewhat background. Let this be the issue that unites the world, as we are all negatively affected, something we can all contribute to, then with the corrupters out of the way we can realize our common and shared humanity and similarities, coming together for the betterment of all humankind. While you look around you will see who is being detrimental to our collective well being, wouldn't it be nice to not have them doing so anymore? Everyone on Earth can agree so everyone on Earth can take action to achieve such

System: Computer
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Mischief
-This and Hell Is Others were free on Epic Games Launcher so picked them both up. Adios to the bad times we have been placed in, let's get to the better parts asap. Adios to the ones who put us there, we must remove their grasp that is holding us down in subservience. In every instance replace the negative with the positive, wouldn't that create blessed lives, whether it is us who reaps the benefits or our descendants it will be a marvellous existence. Adios to our own detrimental behaviours, be the best person you can be, removing from yourself the traits that are taken badly by others. We can all say adios to our previous ways of living and embrace a bright future, soon enough, a future made of kindness and compassion, soon enough, and a future built on strong ideals and frameworks that benefit people at every level of the pyramid not just the top, soon enough. Everything positive and for everyone, except the rule-breakers, in order for us to be happy and safe from them we have to take measures that deal with those who both plot and carry out actions against us, in whatever way we deem appropriate. Zion's fate is sealed once everyone knows what they are not only up to but have been and are doing, and we are on a climb towards that end, it is not going in the other direction only up in realization. Adios to Zionism, as if it were that easy, no we have a lot of work to achieve that goal, and i do mean a lot. One by one we say adios to troublesome facets of life, ushering in new and improved versions that will take the place of previously corrupt people and institutions. After a while it will all be ours with only the righteous instated to positions of power, letting the rest of us live carefree with others of good stature keeping us safe who must be vetted and kept in line themselves to avoid corruption in their own ranks. All in all it will be a great time to be alive, will be, moreso, there is still a lot to work out but we can with effort. Adios Zionism and everything it entails, they tried to take us over and ruined everything in the process, next time, God willing, will be our time to thrive, to the fullest extent we are able

Hell Is Others
System: Computer
Type: Top-Down Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Strelka Games/A-List Games
-Well that's a kind of pessimistic title. The game looks very fun though. i think the good people outnumber the not, and that most people are on the up and up, it just takes a few encounters with the not that sour it for the others. We still have to be cautious though, as those ones are out there and you don't want to be stung by them. You learn, and hopefully don't fall for the same trick twice. It's best to be skeptical to begin with to even further reduce the amount of times you get stung, it's not a gloomy state of being just something to keep in mind in the background until you can trust someone to a greater extent. Meeting people should be enjoyable, and for the most part it is, but there are some bad seeds, unfortunate but true. But let's not dwell on that right now, you have your radar, use it when applicable, you'll save yourself a lot of heartache if you do. i know many great people that are a pleasure to have as friends, they treat me well and i am happy to do the same back. If you have friends, and most of us do, then i hope they treat you well also. In addition to those, we have loved ones, who we also have to protect from the aforementioned bad seeds, sometimes corruption runs through an entity entire, and that is much more concerning because it results in many multiple victims. So while the title here is pessimistic be optimistic, maybe Heaven is others as we have a lot of helpers on board to work with to solve the issues we have. Join together and make the best of our situation by improving our state in life, in so many ways. Heaven and Hell, take action to get through the latter to get to the former, and maybe make some good friends along the way

A Knight's Quest
System: XBone
Type: Action-Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Sky9/Curve Digital
-This looks to be a valiant effort by Sky9 for their first game, publisher Curve digital seems to check out as well. What led me to this was the price, 95% off at 1.50, worth more but i was happy to pick it up at that. It is a Zelda type game, and watched a few trailers before purchase which show that it is pretty good, reviews are mixed but if it is a title of ours then i can overlook some blemishes and enjoy a good game by good people. We have many knights and many quests, as rpg's have taught us there are female knights as well, all of us are welcome. A quest is to achieve something, and we have a lot to achieve on every subject, what will you contribute to? As always we can work on multiple fronts while keeping a main goal in the forefront, the main issue so to speak, there are other important topics and concerns of course but none as all-encompassing as Zionism and everything it entails which affect every one of us worldwide, an issue that we can solve if we concentrate on it. Be a brave knight, knightess? Putting others ahead of yourself, for the kingdom of every nation, for the greater good. Members of government have a very important role as well, they are who makes and unmakes the laws, you need to make yourself heard and vote for people who will do your requests, educate them on certain issues, and give your support to those looking to implement what you so need and desire. A knight fights for country, you can also. Let's complete our quests and be better for doing so

Quantum Break
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Remedy Entertainment/Microsoft Game Studios
-i am kind of hesitant about developer Remedy but willing to give this a try. There was a television series named Quantum Leap, a very good show may i add, and while the star was Scott Bakula i would like to talk about his co-star, Dean Stockwell r.i.p.. and his work on Phenomenon: The Lost Archives of which so far i have only listened to the episode Monopoly Men. What i would like to say is that sometimes there are mis-steps, but facts are facts and can be extracted from the rest, science is science, history is history, the true of each are unquestionable, the true of each are fact. Conspiracies are real, not all of them but there are truly people who conspire against others, large or small scale, and are currently in effect, some affect a few but some affect many, and cannot be ignored or discounted as the repercussions of doing so would be detrimental to the people being harmed by the actions taken by the conspirators. Reality cannot be denied, the Federal Reserve, media ownership and agenda, political Zionism, all true and visible through their implementation. There are conspiracy theories yes, theories about conspiracies, and there is conspiracy fact, ones that are proven, admitted, and otherwise unmistakably found to be true. i will conclude this the same way Dean Stockwell did in Monopoly Men, You have seen (and heard and read) the evidence, you decide (and i hope you make the right decision as a lot depends on you)

Gears of War Ultimate Edition
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Epic Games/Microsoft Game Studios
-Nice, the first in this series with improved graphics and all sorts of bonus material. War isn't just profitable for Epic Games, (who are awesome), in fact war is the most profitable occurrence that the banking syndicate can fund, and is even pushed forward just so they can make scads of money. So when you hear that Jews are responsible for most every war in history the person saying such is not mistaken. Maybe and hopefully when it is us fully in charge we will not have more war and instead work out our differences amicably, when there isn't an entity goading us into battle for their own financial gain. If there is ever going to be a one world government that is much better than a one world federal reserve, it should have the known to be sound monetary system of gold and silver, even with many multiple countries as we have now it should be that as well. Poor America, literally and figuratively, did you know the federal reserve is unconstitutional and the act of 1913 can be revoked resulting in no money due them? It's true, you just have to be brave enough to do such as they won't give it up easily. The United States is always in one war or another, because the same people that make the money from that also control the media which administers propaganda to encourage whatever and wherever the new war is. Leave war behind, except for one last one to rid ourselves of the warmongers themselves, after that it's much smoother sailing

State of Decay
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Undead Labs/Microsoft Game Studios
-This looks very fun and Microsoft is the publisher so should be on the up and up. Question: Would you rather your teeth be in a state of decay or your brain? What if i told you you could have neither? The answer, spring or filtered water, Brita does not remove fluoride but ZeroWater does. The problem causing brain decay being fluoride in tap water, an added agent purported to strengthen teeth. First i will direct you to a site detailing the facts about such,, but there is much more information if you do a web search, Bing, for fluoride side effects on brain. The main issue being it causing lower iq in children, but i believe in addition to that fluoride makes you docile. How perfect for them, a trusted chemical derived from aluminum that has been introduced into something consumed by the masses that eases the takeover by the powers that be. Even if you don't drink tap water there is fluoride in toothpaste, so you have to go for a natural one of those. Quite the scheme, a trojan horse for sure. Because of all the negative effects of fluoride it should be immediately removed from our tap water, and toothpaste, so if you can get on that please do so as it is having dire consequences starting at youth then continuing onward. Your teeth will be fine non-fluoridated, you can still keep them clean, it's much better than being slowly drugged into being complacent

Halo Master Chief Collection
System: XBone
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: 343 Industries/Microsoft Game Studios
-A compilation of six Halo games this set is well worth the purchase, for sure. i could have bought Halo Infinite but it was double the price of this for the one game, also probably worth it for sure but decided on this, will pick up the other when it's price is reduced, i also have Halo 5 already but like playing most recent first, which i will do in regards to this collection and the fifth title of Halo, Guardians, from 2015. What i might do is subscribe to Microsoft GamePass as the first month is one dollar and play Halo Infinite from that to save some money, GamePass is a great service but i like owning my games outright instead, digitally at that. There's a way to gift games to Xbox members but i'm not going to ask for such, something you can't do on Playstation, very good implementation but i won't get involved in that. i am very happy with this new system of mine, it's different in many ways to the Sony counterpart and has a lot of great features of it's own also including games by Microsoft that are amazing themselves. So out of the three main consoles we have two, as in ours, Sony and Microsoft, now that Sega is defunct however Nintendo is still around. Unfortunately Zionist developers are still rife and on good consoles, you have to watch out for those. It's a good time to be a gamer, if you stick to games by us, otherwise it's a depressing endeavour. Support ours not theirs as the latter are designed against you, which i will get into next

Midway Arcade Origins
System: XB360
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Backbone Entertainment/Warner Bros.
-Midway, one of my top five videogame developers even though they are no longer making such. They were bought out by Warner Bros. in 2009, i miss what would have been their new inputs but relish in what they did create. This compilation is by the company mentioned, Warner Bros., and while the games are solid the rest is not, at five dollars i figured i'd suffer through the corrupt parts to play these games on a modern system, the closest i have are the Midway Arcade Treasures vol 1-3 for Ps2, which are all great and by the actual company themselves. What could be done so wrong in a compilation of good games? Everything possible. The load screen, the menu style, the music, even the fonts, everything they can do in the manner of Zion they do. This is the same with every Zionist product, videogame or otherwise. When there are forks in the road we take the good route and they the not, resulting in a completely abhorrent game, movie, tv show or anything whatsoever they touch, you name it. Speaking of which we have again the following game compilation

Silent Hill HD Collection
System: XB360
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Konami
-This was an error on my part for multiple reasons, first and most importantly Silent Hill is a Konami (Zionist company) game series. Second the reviews of this set are poor, one topic being the awful control scheme, which isn't as bad as the Zionist “control scheme” but i digress. i just had fond memories of these so at ten dollars figured it was worth it to own both, but it isn't. On reflection i shouldn't have bought this for both of those reasons. If it was by us it would have been different but it's not. This was a relatively cheap mistake, i feel for those who spend good money on opposing content only to be deluged with Zionist agenda, that's got to be terrible. Before buying a game at any price point do your research, use your sense and any knowledge of other games by that company. The list i put together is solid, but have your own nonetheless and in addition to. Also once you know of a Zionist company's negative affiliation do not repeat your mistake over and over, again this applies to games, movies, tv shows and any other product they produce

Hard West
System: XBone
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: CreativeForge Games/Gambitious
-This one i already have but at 90% off totalling 2.50 i decided to pick up again for XBone which i will be doing at prices like that. Not an insurrection like the despicable Jan 6th 2021 one but instead mass political movements, let's show the opposition hard west. That we can stand up to them. That we can take back what they have illegitimately gained over us. We have it in us to do so, to do everything we need to towards a better future for our victimized by them people. This will be done through political means, and as always majority rules, we just have to be brave enough to put our issues on the table and follow them to instatement. Give support in every way you can to your elected officials, they are the ones who will be putting forth the laws and policies we so desperately want and need. Some topics are easier to breach than others, we can deal with those right away, and should. After the initial rounds of successful legislation the other ones will be more feasible. We are hard west, and we need to be, start with being assertive in our rights and go from there towards fixing all of our problems. Again everything we want done goes through government, so be active with your representatives, they are the ones that push through policy. Neither you nor them should be shy, be powerful instead as everything depends on you

Halo 3 / ODST / 4 / Reach
System: XB360
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Bungie/Microsoft Game Studios
-You need to do a lot of good to earn your halo, if you don't have one already you can still get one. Do good at every instance, as best you can anyhow. And that's all that is asked, the best you can. If you want to go above and beyond you are more than welcome to, in fact it would be encouraged. You are not at a lack of tasks to do to make life better for others, choose where you can help and do well with that. You don't give yourself a halo, it is built through those you do good for, always a work in progress getting brighter as you continue

System: PS4
Type: Action-RPG
Developer/Publisher: Team Ninja/Sony
-Yes i already have this but it's for ps5 which i don't have and had the opportunity to pick this up so did so. A saying i take to heart is that it is better to have something and not need it than need something and not have it. While i have more games than i will probably ever play, thankfully mostly all digital, i do like having a library of choice for what to play next. At worst, and it's not a downside, this gives me something to talk about here, which i like doing, it's kind of expensive brainstorming but is bonus in addition to getting some very great games, and having both together are worth every penny

Gears of War 4
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: The Coalition/Microsoft Game Studios
-This is the only physical game i picked up of these, it was 10.00 from a store who am friends with an employee of and the owners and other workers there are nice as well, it was a good price and i look forward to playing this, after the fifth and most recent one. My friend is liking his new job and it's always great when that happens, enjoy what you do if you do enjoy what you do. i enjoy what i do, with this, it's fulfilling, feel free to join in. i was about to buy the Halo Master Chief Collection there as well but already have most of them for 360 which is backwards compatible on the Xbox One so will stick with those. Halo and Gears games are the best exclusives available on Microsoft consoles, at least for me, and they sure are worth it to get to play them, wishing both Epic and Microsoft continuing success with these and their other titles

Nioh 1 / 2
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Team Ninja/Koei Tecmo Games
-You may say didn't i already talk about Nioh 2? Well i did, here's what happened, i traded for it with another ps4 game, Dead Cells, but when i went to install it there were errors, upon closer look there was a light scratch but one that was enough to make that occur. i reached out to the fellow who traded with me and he was kind enough to give me the money for Dead Cells, which i bought Re8 with (which is gr8), and now i am able to pick it up digitally which i like doing more anyhow. i will probably give the damaged disc version to a friend who has been nice to me lately for free and just let him know if he gets it resurfaced for himself he can have it. This Nioh collection includes Nioh 2 with all the dlc but also Nioh 1 with all it's dlc, thing is the first one is for ps5, but for the extra $5 it cost i will have something extra cool to play on that when i get one ten years from now when cheap. After watching the trailers for this, and the story, everything about it looks fantastic, i knew that about this when i first went for it but now i have all the content to go with it. Right now i am playing said Resident Evil Viii, and loving it so far, i'll keep you updated on that, but afterwards this looks like my next main game to get into. i always end up buying something or whatnot and spend a lot of time writing which comes first, so don't get many clear opportunities to game but when i do i enjoy very much, priorities though

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match
System: PS4
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK Playmore
-Been waiting for this to go on sale. It's a fully realized reworking of the NeoGeo classic, and while i look for KoF Xiii for Ps3 this will do nicely. They are up to XV for titles but i already have XIV and am content with that, more than content, it's amazing really. As for this one it has more than 60 characters or so, something very cool to have available. There are even, and i have, Capcom vs SNK, where two of my favourite game companies pit their roster against each other, i have the second of that series. While some fighting games, i'm looking at you Killer Instinct, are more button mashers most fighting games are tests of skill, where you can just get better and better, it's quite the community whether professionally or just with friends

Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
System: XBone
Type: Action-RPG
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-This and Xcom 2 i already have multiple digital versions of, ps3, ps4, but are some of my most cherished games so i picked them up for Xbox One as well while on sale for 3.99 Xcom 2 and 5.99 Dragon's Dogma. Whatever system you have of the required type maybe pick these up for yourself, well worth it. i got pretty far in DD but haven't finished it, something i would love to do for sure, it's like Skyrim but by a good company. If i do it will be the ps4 version because i should still have my progress saved

Xcom 2
System: XBone
SRPG Developer/Publisher: Firaxis Games/2K Games
-Perhaps my favourite genre, it is so intricate. If i am wrong about Firaxis though... no, no, don't say that. i'm going to give Xcom 2 another try not because i doubted them before i just got stuck and should give it another go. You be persistent as well, as long as it's a noble cause, even if it's something not as lofty, keep at it until you succeed. We will be tested, and sometimes fail along the way, but we have each other to lean on and receive help from. Eventually we will have achieved everything we have desired, it just takes time and effort. Lots of time and lots of effort. Getting there is so worth it though, and requires all of us to get involved and do what you can, whether large contributions or smaller, it all makes a difference

Halo 5 : Guardians
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: 343 Industries/Microsoft Game Studios
-Sold a nice item to a friend of mine and with that i bought these four following games on sale which am very happy about. We need guardians for us, as we are being acted against by said Zion. Microsoft deserves their halo for years of not only goodness in their products but for Bill Gate's philanthropy. If you have a large company stay with us, utilize your means and presence to help us in whatever way you can, you have a unique position to do well for our plight. I see good commercials from good companies but i also see negative commercials from corrupt companies, the ones of ours i truly appreciate and enjoy watching. You may not be as large as Microsoft but you can still do your part and make a difference, and i encourage you to do so, you can be both politically engaged and successful. Am also hoping you stay on topic as much as you can as that is our main concern right now until completion. While this is going on be guardians of each other, you are needed

Gears 5
System: XBone
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: The Coalition/Xbox Game Studios
-Love this series and this looks great. Is a somewhat modern title as well which is cool. i've been looking forward to Gears Tactics as well but lo and behold it is by a company, Splash Damage, that according to the revered and often checked by me GameFAQs made Return to Castle Wolfenstein, very much a Zionist endeavour. See you've got to look into these things. There is also Gears (of war) 4 of course which looks great and i would like to also pick up but for now this is the one to play before that. A lot of times i work my way backwards with media, starting with the most up to date, it's nice to stay current although everything has a place in time. Where are you on the timeline? Do you or will you have a spot on it with your achievements? Even small ones measure. If you're not thinking about that maybe do so, get inspired and help in whatever way you feel best

Killer Instinct
System: XBone
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Double Helix Games/Microsoft Game Studios
-Have loved this series for a long time, i'm not very proficient at it but perhaps i will get better with this one. At first i was upset seeing that the base game was free, after purchasing it, but that version only has one character an limited gameplay, so after seeing what this definitive edition has i am more than happy about buying it. Getting good at something takes practice and experience is what you get from that. Becoming adept at a skill takes time, but is so worth it. Whether it be for work or fun enjoy what you are improving on

Rare Replay
System: XBone
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Rare Ltd/Microsoft Game Studios
-Some nice games included here. i don't know for sure but Rare looks, and am hoping is, a company of ours. it does seem that way. Our gaming companies in general are also rare, you've got to be a bit of a sleuth to determine which are which, and a lot of the time you can save yourself money, and frame of mind, by not buying a Zionist product. Even with our limited selection of games, compared to the opposition's, there are still more than enough of ours to keep you happy. And that's what you want, happiness, not trudging through a game that is against you, you'll feel much better playing something by us immeasurably, and you'll notice the completely different intentions put forward by both

Gears of War 1 / 2 / 3
System: XB360
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Epic Games/Microsoft Game Studios
-The Xbox One has backwards compatibility with the original Xbox and the 360, select games anyhow, so i put on some of the ones i have, a nice feature indeed. This series of games i have actually finished all of these i believe, very fun. Also are by the renowned Epic Games, who i like a lot. When you find good companies stay with them, as they are few and far between for us. We create games that are epic, they create ill-intended propaganda no matter how fancy. Thank you to our developers, we love you and appreciate you and enjoy you, keep at it. Our games leave you with a euphoric feeling and theirs a feeling of disappointment for playing such. We don't have time for negative media when we could be revelling in our own, i recommend you not give their plots against you any of your precious effort, as soon as you know something is theirs avoid that, in any medium

Halo Wars
System: XB360
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Ensemble Studios/Microsoft Game Studios
-This is a nice one, i have most of the other Halo titles as well but am waiting for the Halo Master Chief Collection for those. You can have an invisible halo, one you carry with the deeds you do. You will know it's there, and maybe others, work towards achieving one and then retaining it. You can also have one hovering over your grave, when the time comes, and you will be not only remembered for the positive actions you have done but will have an ongoing effect from those actions that continue onward for posterity

Fable III
System: XB360
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Lionhead Studios/Microsoft Game Studios
-This game is about choices, and how they affect the world around you, which is of course paralleled in our actual lives. Every action you take has consequences, good or bad, and we are the ones who shape those outcomes. Always try for the positive, for you, for another, for the few, for the many. The choices you make reverberate, even ones you may not think do so, every fork in the road take the best one. Not just for others but for yourself, a life of goodness rewards you as what you do comes back and treats you well. Strive to be the best person you can, you will be appreciated by others and can thank yourself as well

Daymare: 1998
System: Computer
Type: Survival Horror
Developer/Publisher: Invader Studios
-We are currently living in a daymare, getting threatened and acted against solely so they can keep the skim going. Which is all it comes down to, everything that's being done at our detriment for the money they unscrupulously take from us. Not for power, not for men or women, money. What they are doing with their media is something that we should not tolerate, and should work towards fixing the current media landscape. This reminds me of a Simpsons episode, Treehouse of Horrors VI, where one segment has mascots come alive to terrorize the people of Springfield and run amok ruining the town and harassing the citizens. The way they counter what is being done is by Lisa and Paul Anka with a jingle about Just Don't Look, and you must not, unless it's to bring them down, but for most of us it's do not give them a chance to corrupt your thought process. Stick with our media, which unfortunately is sparse, but there are channels and companies for us out there, think about breaching the topic with those you care about and say that such entity has negative intentions. We want to end this daymare, which you see played out mainly on television but also other forms. That is what we want to stop, so we can live happily without what they are doing and putting us through. We must take practical steps and actions to go about ending their rule of what should be our money, government, and media, as this trifecta holds much power, and which are all now controlled by Zion. These three can be worked against simultaneously but the best way would be first taking down their media, then their hold on government, then the federal reserve monetary system. After that things get easier for us and our situation improves greatly in tangible ways, bliss compared to where we're at now, there will still be tasks for us to accomplish but we will be well on our way to happier lives

Borderlands 3
System : XBone
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Gearbox Software/2K
-This is the first game i have for Xbox One, unfortunately it's not a better one, agenda wise, but it was included in the purchase of the console. i bought the console for 65 from a nice fellow who was kind to me for not having the full 100 he was asking, appreciated, i offered to include an item or two in the deal but he declined, and i am very, very happy with having such. Now you all know me as a Sony fan, and i definitely am, but it will be nice being able to play Gears of War, GoW Tactics, and also the Halo series on this in addition to many others. Microsoft is a favourite company of mine i just always stuck with Playstation instead, and still will be having that as my main console, however there are a lot of great titles for XBone and i look forward to trying them out. i have played both Halo and Gears of War and they are completely phenomenal, recommended if you haven't tried them yet, the newer ones must be amazing as well. Just to mention quickly, Zion always tries to get my stuff stolen, please don't listen to them, while it may seem like i have a lot it is all items i saved, scrounged and put effort into getting which am also very pleased to have for myself. As for Borderlands 3 i believe it is about the border of Palestine and Israel, your enemies in such being the Palestinians. Now i skipped on Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 because it was set in the Middle East as i do not want to snipe Middle-Easterners. And i also do not want to go against them in such a manner as is put forward in any way here. i have actually played the Borderlands games so am speaking from a point of knowing about them, they are Zionist through and through. As for the console i am so looking forward to playing on it especially games that are only on this system. Microsoft is a company of good and is great to have on our side, definitely support them with any help you can send their way. i do love Apple as well but we can have both for different purposes, as long as you make sure to just stay away from Google products whenever possible. Sony yes, Microsoft yes, Nintendo... not so much either. This is a whole new venture for me which allows me to play great titles from the other great gaming console company, and i will enjoy doing so very much

System: Computer
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Arkane Studios/Bethesda
-Free, claimed but will never play because Bethesda. The Talmud is the opposite of honourable, it is filth, Jewish supremacy worse than any other incorrect form of supremacy. We all have the same foothold, the same opportunity to do greatly in whatever we strive to do. At the same time we have the Talmudists who look down upon us even though we are at the same height. i would recommend you look through a few documents that have quotes from their holy book. While the Christian Bible puts forth how good we should be the Talmud encourages their Jews and Jews alone to all sorts of despicable mindsets in addition to actions against us with no punishment for doing so. So we must provide the justice for those wronged by them. This, the Talmud, is the initial form of supremacy that started the engrained belief of such in them, the Protocols are the conspired manifestation of how they plan to take us over and rule us, with we being their slaves and them our masters. No thanks. The Talmud and the Protocols are what we have to deal with, both equally disheartening to our good people that want nothing more than an enjoyable and just life. These going on unbeknownst to many who believe in the innate positive behaviour of most and are being taken advantage of by the unscrupulous Zionists. We have some who are not with us, who are hindering us rather than helping us, mostly because of selfish and or monetary reasons, but these don't compare to what Zion is about and doing. We can handle our own, theirs will be a challenge but one we can surmount. The Talmud brings dishonour to them from everyone who knows, and as with these plots, plans and mindset more and more people are learning about them. With this supremacy belief of theirs we are worthless and here for their sole pleasure, at our loss. They don't seem to realize that this world was made by us, they just loaned us some of the money to do so, at great interest i may add. So while we toil they found a way to exploit that and get rich on our backs, instead of helping. The Talmud is Jewish supremacy and needs to be exposed as not being a holy book like our Christian Bible or even Quran is. These have good intentions for everyone not the opposite. Hanukkah was just here, yet you never hear much about the Talmud, which they would rather keep to themselves, while still following it and believing it. These beliefs are one thing, the plans of action laid out in he Protocols is another, it is a dire situation for us that we must not allow to happen, it is being planned and put forward as we speak so we must plan and put forward that of our own

Mortal Shell
System: Computer
Type: Action-RPG
Developer/Publisher: Cold Symmetry/Playstack
-Speaking of cold symmetry this free from Epic Games Launcher title looks pretty cool. In it you take over the bodies of fallen warriors and continue their quests, in this instance battling foes. The same can be said for us here, taking over the ambitions and goals of our fellows that have passed away, in turn working on what the no longer able has spent their time and effort doing. Sometimes it takes generations to accomplish tasks, each with their own part and addition. When you succeed though, that is something special as so much time has been spent getting there, and if you don't make it to the culmination in your own lifetime know that others will take up your dream and follow it through to the point of fulfillment. We add to what has been done and keep making it even better, many have not seen the fruition of the seeds they planted but had their vital input to the final outcome that can be enjoyed by others and those yet to be. When you look around we have the remnants of research and successes of everyone who has been, it's not instant, it takes time, dedication and perseverance. We stand on the shoulders of giants as the quote says, enjoying the labours of those before us and what they have accomplished, then you have us, improving everything we are able for ourselves and those after, and so forth. Now, in the digital age, we have the unmatched power of global collaboration, people from all over joining together to solve the problems we have, not only for us but once and for all. With the way we're going and the trajectory we're on we will have things sorted out sooner than you imagine, we just have to put the effort in because these issues will not fix themselves. So build upon what has been done, add your own contribution, and afterwards bask in the wonderfulness of what you will have achieved or got started

Worms Revolution
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Team17/Warner Bros.
-We are doing so well despite being actively conspired against. Quite amazingly if i may say. While worms are not part of our evolutionary history we were not much different, at a certain point frogs from what am figuring, still, better than worms. But now we feel, love, ingenuity, compassion. We are unbelievably intricate, the pinnacle of evolution, for now, and we only get better. It is our complex thought process and feelings that set us apart from other lifeforms, it took us a long time to get here but here we are, and in a pretty good spot to be, the most advanced place we have gotten to, be thankful and hope that the future for our offspring will be even better, but for that we must shape our destinies, and make a good spot for those of them to come. While we are the most advanced we are also the most dangerous to our selves and environment with human made climate change and nuclear weapons, either of which can ruin everything we have evolved to and accomplished. Am i the only one who looks around in amazement of our lot in life and what we have achieved? i don't think so but sometimes it seems that way, it is a wonderful state of mind to have. However, the base of what we have gleaned becomes our human condition, to take into account all we have done and our current place in life, and go from there, i realize that but still like being awed by us and where we are on the timeline. And as what seemed science fiction before is now commonplace what is science fiction now will be commonplace in the future, we have a lot to look forward to, if we make it. Being human is the best around, but there are those that take advantage of our weaknesses, so we have revolutions to oust the problematic entities and better the situations we are in. Our current landscape is because of past revolutions, ones that have given us rights and freedoms that we didn't have before those. Right now we are in the midst of many cultural changes for the better, fixing all the erroneous laws we have in legislature and mindset. We need to add to those laws and regulations to deal with what we are up against as we speak, huge revolutions are required, ones we must be brave to enact and that encompass every challenge we currently have. A revolution is for the better, it is mainly when a government does not reflect the will of the people and those people demand change, and we must demand change to protect us from those who plot our downfall. Many laws to do this. And we can put in place anything we want, it is our government who works at our behest, so no matter what it is majority rules. Some of these improvements will require bravery, such as dismantling the federal reserve and regulating the media for instance, two tasks that will greatly impact in a positive manner everyone affected, which is in fact everyone in North America but then the world by proxy. Right now there is a revolution in Iran, that is a welcome sight, and the protestors are holding strong, wanting freedoms that are commonplace elsewhere, more power to them. Every nation has improvements to make, and the people are demanding changes, always for more freedom not less. There are revolutions everywhere, and us, the public, want better lives, so they need to heed what we are wanting as we are the ones they answer to and who give them the power to govern with what we want in mind

Resident Evil VIII Village
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Treated myself to this, even on sale, hope it's okay. It's by Capcom so why wouldn't it be? Because i still stand by Capcom but we had a falling out a while ago about re5/6, which are great games i just mentioned something to do with those that may have put them, Capcom, in a negative light, unintentionally, i was trying to make good by them. So there have been a couple slights by them which is very upsetting to me as they are probably my favourite game developer. However i think they have turned back on track so all is well, i hope, now we have this one, please let it be phenomenal. i have been on board with this series since it's initial release on ps1, and they are always a pleasure. This if good looks exceptional, i apologize to Capcom if needed, again i was trying to say what you couldn't, am thinking you are alright now though. This is a major purchase for me, to most people it wouldn't be but to me it is. C'mon Capcom, i have faith in you, if not this one which i hope is good then soon. However if this does turn out alright i will enjoy it very, very much. Support our companies in every way you can, they not only deserve our help but need it. Alternately if a company is Zionist find a way to let people know that as well, videogame or otherwise

Nioh 2
System: PS4
Type: Action-RPG
Developer/Publisher: Team Ninja/Koei Tecmo Games
-Team Team Ninja! Everything about this looks great, the tagline Unleash Your Darkness wouldn't be used by the opposition as they always try and vilify that. That's not nearly all though, the rest of the plot checks out and the company has created some fantastic series'. i actually have a Ninja Gaiden t-shirt that i will wear even prouder now. This game is referred to as what is called souls-like, from the game Dark Souls, a very difficult line of games but ones that are highly revered. Have always liked Tecmo as well and they have a nice lineage of titles themselves. We are a team, made up of many individuals that share goals that we strive to accomplish together. All different mind you but similar in ways that bring us connection, one especially, the desire for a better world free from Zionism. Everyone is involved for making our world better and everyone who knows what's being done by Zion desires a world free from that. So we join, making our team stronger, helping each other when needed and working together and in tandem to achieve the goals we share. Jews are welcome to join team Gentile, the vast majority won't but the invitation is open, even though they know the needed outcome they can understand our plight and that what is being done by them is heinous. We are all parts of various teams, multiple, and have our own groups of people associated with each, however this one team of ours is the most all-encompassing and direly needed. When you find out what is being done, you join us, there is no middle-ground, and you are involved whether you feel like it or not, it's what you do about it. And there is much to do to make said world better, Zionism ruins everything it touches, and it touches a lot, so no matter what your part in life you are affected, negatively. So to counteract their side, their faction, we have our team, team being a positive moniker, a group working towards benefit for all of us, we help each other in doing so, which is what we must do whenever able. i for one am one of our team of many, doing my part as you do yours, each being as important as the other, step up and do your most as well and that will be all that's asked of you. Remember, we are a team, each of us bringing our own skills and talents to help with what's needed, how you help is up to you, as long as you do

Death Stranding
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Kojima Productions/Sony
-We only have to do this once, and we do have to, we will be as gentle as possible. It's the opposite of Saving Private Ryan. What would be the point if we left some to reproduce only to have the problem again in the future. i like some of them as well, and am indifferent to others of them, but the bloodline is tainted by the ones ruining everything for the rest of us and we cannot determine which are which so they are ruining it for themselves also. This isn't enjoyable, like how they enjoy torturing our musicians, this is something unfortunate for us to have to deal with. There is no other faction that is behaving like these, or doing what is being done by them, this is a one of situation that has no other recourse. When you see what they are doing, and know what they are doing, you can either let them continue or stop them, you can't have both. They have been at this for a long time, but it is now that we have the ability to expose them and then take action against them for what they are doing. It would be nice if we didn't have to i agree, but we have no choice, it's going to be our world or theirs, and they are very different outcomes to put it mildly. One where we are their begrudging slaves or one where we live happy and bountifully. This can be talked about in many ways but the life-state is always that no matter how you say it. There are as many reasons as you can count for us and our desire for better lives for our people, it is shown in all they do, everything they have their hands on is corrupt, it is up to us to correct it all. None of us want this for no reason, it is what they are doing that makes us have to react, if they were not then we would not, but you see how it is with them. They are not going to stop so neither must we. After a very long time, and it will take that long, we can live peacefully, something we are not able to currently. When you look around, you'll see the reasons for what we have to do, as troubling as it is we have no other course of action, so take action

System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Dark Crystal Games/Prime Matter
-This and Greak were both free, happy with having this one and at least happy Greak was free. Encased is a tactical style game and looks quite good, this is the first i found out about this game and should be pretty fun if on the up and up. It is set in the modern time period as opposed to future or past like some similar titles, although i enjoy each of them immensely. After having read the summary you are a company worker who survives an event known as “the incident” which could go either way i figure, hoping for the best with this but you never know until you know, then, once you know, you are wiser for it and have an easier time determining agenda and allegiance onward

Greak : Memories of Azur
System: Computer
Type: Sidescrolling
Developer/Publisher: Navegante Entertainment/Team17
-Azur turns out to be a male Hebrew name, meaning help, but where are they when we need help from their brethren? They do not help us, they facilitate their kin and what they are doing against the Gentile people. Not a word or action from them. Who will stand up for musicians? One of us. The plethora of music videos, from albums, they force on our wonderful kind are decorated with stars of David to let other Jews know it is their doing. They are as such in on it, allowing it through silence. You could say the same for all the other Jewish wrongs being committed, and there are many, both continuously and every day many. Not a word. So it is up to us to do all the informing and actions, as they sure as anything won't. Their silence means we need to be vocal, very much so, because it won't be voiced otherwise

Fallout / Fallout 2 / Fallout Tactics
System: Computer
Developer/Publisher: Black Isle Studios/Interplay
-Free on Epic Games Launcher, the reason for all these free titles from Epic is because of it being the holidays. Now, these three games are developed by a company that has made other Zionist outputs, and published by a company that has mixed ones. Following these three and starting with Fallout 3 the developer is Bethesda, a thoroughly Zionist entity. Are these original ones any good? As said Black Isle Studios looks to have been in charge of other corruptfully made games and that is a good barometer to go by
Let's avoid nuclear armageddon, nukes are owned by many nations and while we have the nuclear non-proliferation treaty there are some factions that do not adhere to this, for one example Israel, who uses ambiguity in regards to their nuclear stockpile which is roughly 400 nukes according to documented inside sources. They are not the only ones, Russia is also a nuclear power and i hope they lose gracefully in Ukraine and not resort to blowing up half the world in spite, Russia can still survive and regain position in the hierarchy of the world as long as they do not do anything foolish with their means, having nukes only for defensive reasons, and the Russian nation is not in danger of being invaded or destroyed by Ukraine. Since there is not really any way to put the nuclear option back to where it was before it's implication we have to settle for m.a.d., mutually assured destruction, to only use said weapons in a defensive manner, you send nukes here we send ours back. That's about the best we can get. What would be nice is a fully functioning laser or other technology that would blow up nuclear warheads en route, in the air before reaching their destination, we are getting pretty close to being able to do that now. Until then diplomacy is necessary, and we have to come to agreements and compromises to avoid harsh actions, we do not want to give up what we hold dear but must placate nuclear nations to not use their missiles against us or anyone else through reason and honour. At some point in the future, after the war instigators are dealt with, we can try to join the people of Earth together to work on and resolve shared issues. The global banking cartel make a lot of money from wars, so they start them as often as possible, nations borrow heavily to fund their side, and the debt they owe for such lines the pockets of the money-lenders for years at the expense of the duped people who have to pay them indefinitely not to mention all the lives lost in these wars. Without said instigators we could all get along, not a one world government but nations in agreeance and collaboration. Small skirmishes turn large, so we need to quell them upon initiation and work out the best possible path and outcome before something turns nuclear, the war mongers don't take this into account just the profit to be made and that has the chance of ruining the world entire. Avoiding war through compromise is our best option right now, sometimes there is no space for that though when one group is only in the wrong, but we can try to find solutions that are okay for both sides. So while we get through the rough spot we are in right now let's try and not blow each other up during the process

Warhammer : Mechanicus
System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Bulwark Studios/Kalypso
-Oh my gosh, have been waiting for this to go back on sale and here it is. One of my favourite genres, done well, and by companies i like, Games Workshop and Kalypso, not familiar with Bulwark Studios but this makes me optimistic, at first i was apprehensive because the icon has a skull that has a quasi star of David on it's forehead, but then i realized that is a member of the game's villains, which also includes a breathing apparatus, nice. i've been wanting to play this so much and am sure will enjoy it greatly

System: PS4
Type: Action Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Skipmore/Flyhigh Works
-A Zelda-like game that looks really fun, it doesn't have a lot of play-time to it but should be an interesting experience for the cheap sale price it's on

System: PS4
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Long Hat House/Raw Fury
-This should be really enjoyable as well, and looks to definitely be one of ours for various reasons. Having a Black female protagonist is a good sign although we have been misled by movies like Black Panther and the Black Spider-Man, and there are many other instances. As is said representation matters, and we are showing a fair diversity in our media lately, us for good purpose and the opposition for devious reasons. Us Gentiles need to stick together and work in tandem with each other, being a global issue we have to include and depend on every one of us, especially as we are all victims in their ongoing attempted plot. Do not let their attempt succeed

Shock Troopers 2nd Squad
System: PS4
Type: Top Down Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Saurus/Snk
-There is a game by Capcom titled Mercs, and this game is very much like it, while Mercs has quite cool graphics so does this one. Snk, known primarily for their NeoGeo arcade system, is one of my top five developers, are on our side, and always make fun quality games. Many of their games are 2d pixel based, beautifully made for certain, they are keeping up with the times though and still producing stellar efforts that fully impress. i remember playing NeoGeo in actual arcades and the home console is one of the coolest ones around. So many good games by this company, i look forward to everything they develop and release down the line, there's still a few am waiting for to go on sale cheaply to pick up, they may be worth every penny at full price but i'll wait for a decent discount as i always do. Snk deserves our accolades, they may get overlooked at times but are right up there with the others, a great example of talent and craftsmanship that produces spectacular results, something we can all strive to achieve

Wolfenstein : The New Order
System: Computer
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: MachineGames/Bethesda Softworks
-i'm going to do something a bit different with this, Epic Games Launcher has this game for free, however i am going to skip on claiming it yet write about it regardless. i hope you do the same whenever you encounter media like this, a movie example would be Quentin Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds. You know what you are in for with what they put forward, obviously it is not going to be from or for your side but devious propaganda meant to sully your mind towards what they want you to think. They say save them but do not mention what they have done and are doing to receive the treatment they are getting. If they came clean about money, government, the protocols, musicians and every other instance of their wrongdoings levied against us that would be one thing, but that's not going to happen because the list would be so long it would doom them to reveal such the extent of their actions at our detriment it would doom them just the same. They just shouldn't have taken those routes to begin with, now they are stuck without recourse. In this Wolfenstein game you play as an American soldier, B.J. Blazkowicz, but any American who knows what's going on would not only not interfere but join in to defend his fellow countrymen against those who plot our ruin and country's demise. The premise of this is that the Nazi's have won and taken over the world ruling it entire, which would play out much differently if we, not Nazi's perse, but us, were able to run the world ourselves not under Zionist control. It would be wonderful. Look at the way the world population, us, are being treated right now, wouldn't it be something marvellous to be the ones to rule not with an iron fist but with equality of people and goodness in deeds and governance. Much different than what this game and others like it purport. It would be us in charge, living not only well but righteously. Also welcomely strictly mind you and that's for the same reason as we have to sort out between those against our desired life and those who wish and strive for it. We are only necessarily assertive because there is no other option, it's either that or surrender our world to one faction that has our lives on the menu, so we must not give our present and futures to them while we instate action from their past injustices to us. With media like this, you need to stay resolute, the very vast majority of such like these are by them themselves, so of course you will receive their doings of negative agenda, a surface plight above and meant to conceal their actual acts and intentions. They show you them as innocent, oh why are people against us, there are many reasons, many many, and if everyone knew, as we will, then justice can be served, we shouldn't have to be so happy about it but think about how blissful our lives and the lives of future generations will be if not constrained by Zionist chains like we have now. We are not interested in a totalitarian government or want that for our rule, we are all sorts of good people being taken advantage of by the opposition for their own gain, and it's either stand up or kneel before, only the first is what we want and need. Do not let them sway you, palatable propaganda is still propaganda, and what they put forward is devised to weaken us, their negative intentions may not be immediately visible in said media, sometimes, but it's there underneath. Unfortunately it is true that most all of our media is Jewish controlled, so we have slim pickings in our choices, it is much better though to not watch their attempts against us than to entertain them, and again, be resolute
On another topic. Epic Games, creators of videogame Fortnite has wound up in trouble because of breaching privacy laws and incorporating confusing purchases in that game, which is number one in the world as we speak. This is unfortunate but Epic has done so much good with their positions i for one will give them a chance to right their wrongs. While Zionism is nothing but wrongs Epic Games has done much for us so deserves another chance. This is an entity of ours, and i do not condone negative behaviour, but they will be paying about five hundred million for their mistake and am hoping they make right with another opportunity. If you'd like then keep supporting Epic Games, i will be, this is definitely a mis-step for them but not one above forgiveness. As for Zion, resolute

Onimusha 3
System: PS2
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Very happy to receive this in a trade, gave another Capcom game for it, Resident Evil 2 for ps1, because i already have such digitally for ps3 and the remake for ps4. Now i just need the fourth in the series and if you want to include in that list Onimusha Tactics and Blade Warriors i am also looking for those. The trade was with a nice fellow i've dealt with before and we are both looking forward to each of ours. i've played Re2 before when it first became available for ps1, and enjoyed it immensely. There's a great strategy guide for it by a company called Versus Books who do few but quality publications, secondly may be Brady Guides, the former does not still make books but i believe the latter is still going strong. i watched the opening cinematic for Onimusha 3 and it looks amazing, the intro but also the game. The tag-line on the back is Two Heroes One Destiny, i'm sure Capcom is represented by one of the heroes. i will still try and find Re2 ps1 again, but this is something main for me, in fact the next game for me to get into is the Onimusha remaster for ps4. Re2 on ps4 is a remake not a remaster, and it was amazingly well done for sure, whenever Capcom is involved it is really something special. As for the resident evil we have to deal with it's not as enjoyable as playing a video game, it doesn't even compare of course, and is not something you can skip on doing either, one is recreation one is required. Do not play video games until you have done your part in one way or another. Is the opposition evil? Not 100% of them, but the ones of them that are ruin it for the one's who aren't, and the one's who aren't don't interfere with the nefarious doings of the ones who are, which puts us in a difficult but necessary position. As you perhaps see on Zionist media, if you happen upon such by mistake or are subjected to it, at convenient times they play innocent, or feign goodness, but that doesn't last more than an hour then they get back to threats, propaganda and brainwashing, let alone committing wrongs against us which is more of a problem but both are unacceptable. So sometimes they say what we are doing is “evil” but again after that they get back to their actual evil doings that we good people must put an end to, we would rather not have to do so but are put in a situation that cannot be ignored or allowed

Gran Turismo 3 A-spec
System: PS2
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Polyphony Digital/Sony
-This was included in the Re2 trade. Racing games are about as close to driving as i'll ever get, i just wouldn't be able to handle a vehicle, so it's bus for me. Thankfully there are skilled drivers to move people and products around, i'm just not one of them. We've talked about electric vehicles as well and they are more important than ever, it is mandatory that we switch now, in every manner and ability we have and globally, we can't sustain our current path without ruining the Earth, and by this i mean making it unlivable, that's what we have to deal with and immediately. Do not let our extinction be by our own hands, we must do everything possible to change the path of climate destruction we are on, it's already getting quite unbearable now but think about if we do not take action to prevent our current future trajectory. We need governmental regulations instated to make people adhere to sound environmental decisions that will help, hopefully greatly, in our shared human plight towards a healthy and inhabitable place for us

Them's Fightin' Herds
System: Computer
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Mane6 Inc/Humble Games
-Free from Epic Games Launcher. This looks to be very fun and the animated graphics are really nice. What's not as fun is being treated like cattle by Zion, as if our only purpose here on Earth is to serve them. And they think that not because we are here for that but because we are enabling them through our actions, everything for their skim. It's time to stop what they are doing in every aspect, in everything they currently hold that is against us. If we don't want to be treated like cattle we must stand up and not behave like such, take down their pillars of power and put those institutions in our capable hands. We are not the instigators, we are the victims of their instigation, now it is our turn to take control of those instruments that govern us, dismantle what they have built to constrain us and build back those fixtures with us the beneficiaries

Broken Sword : Shadow of the Templars Director's Cut
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Revolution Software/Virgin Interactive
-Free from Gog. i played through this a long time ago and can say that it is another Zionist point and click game despite the moniker of it being from “Revolution” Software. A Trojan horse as it is, baiting with the subject of Templars and secret societies only to be drawn into a plot with their own devious intentions. A game about secret societies made at the behest of secret societies. Conspiracies exist, small scale and large, it's best you know about them so that you do not get fooled by them. Be on guard, do your homework and live skeptically with information and research on your side. Secret societies are only secret if you don't know about them, they are exposed by the light, the light you shine for others to also see after you do. Beware, they live in secrecy because they try are trying to control you without your knowledge about it, they fail when you catch on to what they are doing

Black Mirror 2 / 3
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Cranberry Studios/DTP Entertainment/Viva Media
-These two Black Mirror games are unfortunately not by The Adventure Company which i really like that made the first one in this series, and the graphics are done differently, but will give them a try. i picked up a few of these point and click games this time and on sale very cheaply. While the genre may not sound exciting they are actually very fun and require creative problem solving. What we need now is creative problem solving for what ails the world, on many topics, we already have some of the most distinguished figures known and unknown working on these issues but we could very much use your help as well

Dracula Trilogy
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Canal+ Multimedia/DreamCatcher Interactive
-Already have the fourth and fifth in the series so decided to pick this up also. This isn't the only trilogy to look forward to

Sid Meier's Railroads!
System: Computer
Type: Simulation
Developer/Publisher: Firaxis/2k
-Good ol' Firaxis, Good ol' Sid Meier. Both are on my stick to these guys list. Who's on your list of good sources? And your not good sources? You'll need to have each. 2k is a mixed publisher with both positive and negative games they put forward, they have a lot of ones from either side so it's not a sure thing when going with them. 2k sports is a great division of theirs though, night and day from EA who makes Zionist sports games. You can be assured 2k sports is the way to go for such

System: Computer
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Ubisoft
-Speaking of Zionist developers i really should have checked about this game as Ubisoft is one. This looks to be the only mis-step from these titles i picked up this time at least. So i'm out 1.69, better than picking up a Ubisoft game at steep cost though, a company you should save your money from, of many

System: Computer
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Monolith Productions/VU Games
-Interesting premise here and great reviews, there are three of these in this series so figured to start with the first one. i like having a mouse and keyboard for playing first person shooters as opposed to playing on a console, although do manage okay on those with gaming controllers. “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

Sinking Island
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: White Bird Productions/Encore Software
-This looks like a good one, i really do enjoy this genre. Apartheid Israel is a sinking island as more and more people are standing up against it, rightfully so. Not just some great people, many great people, with more joining in. Israel will be a failed state, even it's inception being a fraud hoisted upon the world, taking the land it inhabits from the indigenous Palestinians who hold claim to the territory and still do. Israel is refusing them even the 1967 borders which they should accept gracefully as it's more than what they deserve, which is nothing as it was illegitimately given to them in the first place. Instead Israel is constantly encroaching on the land that is not theirs, building more settlements and forcing the Palestinians from their homes on their own property. Israel needs to be held accountable for all the harm being done to these brave and steadfast people, and not to let them get away with what they are doing

Return to Mysterious Island 2
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Kheops/Microids
-The first of these was really great, and i look forward to trying this one. These point and click games can be notoriously difficult, so much so sometimes you have to look up the solutions, but that's part of what the internet is good for, help. Feel free to look up and even ask for help in dealing with all these issues we have in front of us, you will receive help and hopefully achieve and surpass your and our goals. Collaborate and strategize your actions on topic and off, together we can do so much, and there are similar minded people all around who will give you the help needed for each other. One person cannot do this, or that, alone, we all need to chip in and do our part to succeed. What is your part? Well i'll leave that to you to figure out, but believe me you do have one part or continuance of parts

Tekken Tag Tournament 2
System: PS3
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Namco
-Am a fan of this series, and this one has 50+ characters, nice. Let's have a tournament for who can do the most good, and there is no losing in this, all winning. The only person to outdo is yourself, constantly. Everyone involved gets a badge of honour, and deservedly as you are so needed. Tag, you are involved, and you, and you, gaining an ever-increasing amount of persons as we progress. We have the people we just need to inform them and have them do what they can also

The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA Tour
System: PS4
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: HB Studios/2K
-At first i was kind of hesitant with this as i already have The Golf Club 2, but this is actually more recent than that and looks very good as it has official courses and such, so turns out to be a great find. Every profession and skill takes years to hone, but is always worth the effort, sports is especially demanding but can result in some truly impressive feats. Golf is no different and in fact may be one of the most difficult to perfect, it really is outstanding how well they can do. i've never really watched golf but do appreciate it, and these games mentioned are probably going to be fun to try. If you want to become good at something practice, practice, practice. Athletes do so hours every day of their lives, getting it to perfection. You could say even e-sports, video game tournaments, have similar training, and require much of the same dedication. Whatever it is you want to get good at you can try, people are hard-wired for certain abilities and proficiencies where they will excel but with due diligence anyone can give a go at something they want to attempt. It's not just sports for this either, which is very competitive, you can become exceptional at activities that only involve yourself and how good at something you alone are at it, only bettering you as you progress. Art for instance is not a win or lose pastime, it's not really even something you can compare to other works, it's each of it's own, and generally the output only improves over time. Your hobbies can turn into full time passions, always improving, and it sure is nice to advance in something you love doing. Whether you compete against others or compete against your own personal achievements there is lots of space for practice resulting in an even more fine tuned skill of yours

Fort Triumph
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: All In! Games
-Free from Epic Games Launcher am really happy with this find of a great genre. i am not familiar with this company so cannot vouch for it but hope it is okay. All in is what we should be, let's get to the accomplishment of our goals. i live in a fort triumph where we are together a motley crew and get along with everyone except the plants (covert ops). The people here are varied and cool, and i wish them well in their endeavours. You could also say that our countries are fort triumphs, but you can't say that just yet as we've still got a ways to go. Won't it be nice to triumph? To overcome our obstacles. There are a lot of fields to triumph in, and you know my main issues, but you choose your areas to focus on, however you are most needed on this one. Your country triumph, over your problems and collectively. You work on yours and when you have the time and opportunity help others with theirs, many are shared problems so we have the responsibility to resolve them together

Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium
System: PS4
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Street Fighter
This should be interesting, i don't figure i've ever tried the first SF as it only really picked up after the second one. Been wanting to buy this from this compilation since noticing it was available and all the 2nd Stadium games are on sale half price right now. There were fighting games before even this title itself, however this may be the first with half decent graphics though, and then came SF2 which revolutionized the genre. This should be so good to try, i have all the iterations of SF, well for the most part, and they are all great
-Mega Man : The Power Battle / Mega Man 2 : The Power Fighters
This is what amounts to a series of boss fights in the Mega Man setting, quite nice. A Mega Man should be thoughtful, considerate, kind, honest, polite. If you are lacking any of those or have other traits you want to add you can do some fine-tuning on yourself to accommodate the new features, lovely ones. Positive begets positive and negative begets negative, so put forward your goodness and you will most always get the same in return. Besides it's just a more enjoyable life to be doing positive actions at every instance. Don't leave out Mega Woman, it's a bit more risky for you to always be nice and giving but you be the judge of when it's appropriate and who it's appropriate with. You will make a nice partner for someone else who is a nice partner, if that's what you want of course, if you're having trouble finding someone be patient, you will meet someone a fit for you. Mega has all the good qualities, if you need to then redefine yourself to be holder of them

Phantom Doctrine
System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: CreativeForge Games/Good Shepherd Entertainment
-After just missing this on sale last time i am happy to have it now being on sale again, this looks great, is by the same company as Hard West, and is a favourite genre of mine, for this in particular think X-com but with spies and secret agents. It's not news to you that we are being conspired against, by Mossad and their enablers and practitioners for instance, so we have to stay above them and what they are doing, not letting them get away with anything they do or attempt. Be a covert op of your own, become engaged in espionage, to whatever extent you are able, and you are. Follow up on suspicious behaviour and incidences, they are constantly trying to fool you through their news outlets and recreational television, don't let them succeed in doing so and warn others who may not have noticed. There is agenda, for good, for not, spot both and react accordingly. Wool is a fine fabric, but don't let it be pulled over your eyes. It's better to be skeptical than naive. While it may not seem to be the most pleasant way to live it is, it is a scam till proven otherwise, however you can add people to your okay list whenever you find that true, it's just the initial interaction that you have to be cautious about to determine their intent. Now, i have seen some Zionist media that plays nice to start with only to turn into propaganda half way through, suckering you in later after trying to feign goodness, so even if someone or some entity is on your okay list you can still edit that at any time. For this, and Hard West, i hope they are a fine game and company, if not i will be sad at losing out on another great Srpg, so here's wishing. Doctrine is a form of teaching, and you can teach what you know, there are many people who suspect what is going on but not fully aware of the facts, but once they know they will know. It just takes the initial learning, so spread your teachings to as many as you are able, then they can do the same and pretty soon you have a sizable amount of people who know what is being done and striving to oppose those doing such. We need as many as possible to be aware, it is happening quite quickly but should be put into priority for the many who are left to realize. When everyone is on the same page we can advance in the book

Mana Spark
System: PS4
Type: Overhead Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Qubic Games
-Recently bought this for computer but the price was very cheap, about two dollars, so picked it up for ps4 which is my preferred gaming system. Since last time i spoke about Spark this time i will speak about Mana. Mana is the primary resource in the Magic the Gathering card game, which has been part of my life since about age 16, i don't get to play as much as i'd like unfortunately, but still keep up on new sets and such, there are tournaments at a local card shop and at some point i would like to enter one, think i'd still do pretty well. When someone doesn't know what MtG is i describe it as Dungeons and Dragons in card form, that's not the best description but conveys the feel of the game. In fact Wizards of the Coast, the makers of Magic, did so well they bought TSR, the makers of D&D, there was even a recent set based on the property. If you're looking for a game to play with friends or loved one think about trying MtG, it's a lot of fun that you can have in your time off

Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium
System: PS4
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Street Fighter Alpha 2
Speaking of tournaments and competitive games i used to have so much fun with SFA2, and did very well i might add. Now fighting games are a lot about long combo's, something i am not much into, instead i'll stick with classic style gameplay, which there still is even with some modern franchises, it's something i prefer. i already have Alpha 3 but it's this one that got all the play for me. As for this series in general i remember playing the first SF2 at a convenience store near my school, lots of fun was had. Now there are no more arcades, and any that are left mostly just have peripheral based games, which makes sense, the newest thing similar are the Arcade 1up stand up consoles, which if i was ever to get one it would be for Marvel vs Capcom 2, which is amazing. i miss playing Alpha 2 with friends, there were good times, at least this iteration also of course has two player mode. You can even get arcade style controllers to game with and tournaments for these as well. So i will reminisce about those fun times, single player for now, arcades were just a big part of my youth but i agree home gaming is where it's at now
-Eco Fighters
Another fun game by Capcom, this one has you in a ship protecting the Earth from environmental disaster. An interesting and welcome concept for a video game. Here's the thing, are we doomed already? Have we crossed the threshold? Is there any hope for us having a future? Cars are like cigarettes, ones that ruin the health of the Earth, and although cigarettes are harmful we allow them because people would flip if we went to outlaw them. Asbestos was abandoned after it was deemed harmful, the same needs to be done for everything that is ruining the Earth, as soon as possible there is no time to waste, we are on a crash course with climate armageddon and will lose if we do not act immediately, immediately. Think of cellular phones, they are quite recent and now everyone has one, has picked up the newest advancement, the same needs to be done with electric vehicles, in any manner you want to put that forward, through discounts and other incentives, alternately taxes and punitive measures. Whatever it takes. We are on the verge of destroying our world, i'd say slowly but it's happening quite quickly, and soon it will be irreversible. This is what i want to stress, bold action is needed, and we can't wait for people to just switch over to electric cars on their own time or continue polluting the air internationally, we need reform right now, on a global scale and in every manner possible. Use our skill and talent to solve this issue and get everyone on board, with everyone's help we may be able to pull ourselves up from the current track we are on regarding the climate change of our doing

The Darkside Detective
System: Computer
Type: Point and Click
Developer/Publisher: Akupara Games
-Picked up this and the following computer games on Gog with their Black Friday sale for cheap and all look great. This one has pixel based graphics but done very well, it is somewhat recent despite that and is meant to be that way. Should be very fun and i like the genre a lot. You can also be a side of darkness detective, having to delve into orchestrated crimes committed to further their narrative and agenda, look into everything that looks suspicious and collaborate with actual detectives that are investigating what you are checking into. i also want to say to any detectives or first responders who uncover something suspect to put that information forward, you'll know when you encounter something of the sort, put what you find to someone who can disseminate that to the public and any people who could use such

Dracula 4 / 5
System: Computer
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Microids
-These should be fun, i like the company Microids a lot and the premise is interesting as well. There were two vampire movies i wanted to find on blu-ray, Bram Stoker's Dracula and Interview with the Vampire. Until i found out the Bram one is by director Francis Ford Coppola, who am apprehensive about, guess that leaves Interview then, i might try Bram's as well but am not optimistic about it because of that

Mana Spark
System: Computer
Type: Overhead Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Qubic Games
-This and Titan Souls are two more pixel based games, which i am quite fond of when done well. Spark is an interesting word, you may have a spark of genius, you might spark a revolution, or you may start a spark of life. i wish you any or all. We are awash in sparks of creativity and innovation and it's great to see, wonderful in fact and it only gets better even though we are doing phenomenal already

Titan Souls
System: Computer
Type: Action Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Acid Nerve
-A cool looking game that seems to have a lot of bosses, not sure how it plays in between those. Souls-like is a term now, originating from the Dark Souls line of games which were very very difficult, hoping this one is somewhat easier than that series. i would consider myself a casual gamer, now i love gaming but don't do it all day and although proficient some games are just out of my caliber. Besides you and i have a lot to do, so it's best for all of us to only game intermittently

Valhalla Hills
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Kalypso
-Am a fan of this game company, Kalypso, who do the amazing Tropico series among others. Valhalla is the Norse version of heaven, and as long as we're alive we can be in heaven, right here and now, we just have to make it ourselves and live in our best life. There are detractors though, which is unfortunate. If and while we can deal with those who ruin things for the rest of us we can continuously make things better for ourselves and others with no one left to harm our good people. Valhalla, heaven, let's get on that as soon as possible. Don't wait to get there when you die, create, moving towards it now

Bounty Train
System: Computer
Type: Simulation
Developer/Publisher: Corbia Games
-Looks fun enough, sim games are always pretty in depth so take a bit to get good at, but as with everything you just get better over time. Invest in what you love doing, become great at it, it's nice to have a proficiency, maybe you can do well with it or at least enjoy yourself immensely in the process. Maybe and probably you have more than one interest, of different levels, tend to all of them in varying degrees. It would be nice if we could always focus on the good parts of life and what we enjoy doing but we have some hard tasks ahead of us before we can relax to do those, and we have a lot to do

Legend of Grimrock II
System: Computer
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Almost Human
-i have the first in this series which am enjoying so figured to pick the sequel up while on sale cheap. Very fun genre of game and doesn't require much horsepower from a computer. i'm always usually a few years behind on my purchases, so i for one have a not recent computer, it still powers along though and i can do most tasks i put it to other than newer games. All in all i am very happy with my computer, it does all i need or at least the important stuff and that's good with me

Talisman: Digital Edition
System: Computer
Type: Boardgame
Developer/Publisher: Nomad Games
-Now i already have this on Steam, but for 80% off at 1.59 i'll get the Gog version as well, there is a difference between the two services mostly that Gog doesn't have drm, digital rights management, so you don't have to jump through hoops to play. In fact all these games mentioned today are from Gog and their Black Friday sale so were very cheap but that doesn't reflect their quality. Talisman is probably my favourite board game, and the best one is second edition by Games Workshop in case you ever try and find it for yourself, third edition and onward are by a company called Fantasy Flight Games which also am apprehensive about. Talisman is one of the closest to a boardgame rpg that you might play, it is very very fun and even has at least four expansions you can buy to put on the corners of the original board. Great fun for a group of people, put some thought into picking it up. i guess you could buy the third or fourth edition but do try to go for second edition

Alan Wake remastered
System: PS4
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Remedy Entertainment/Epic Games
-This game is very interesting and looks fun. It is story driven and set in chapters like a book as the main character is an author who ends up in a small town only to be having to find his wife and survive the oddities in said town. A similar story can be seen in the movie In the Mouth of Madness, a great film by John Carpenter which also has an author as the protagonist in a strange town beset by it's own oddities. In Alan Wake part of your arsenal is a flashlight to shine on the creatures around who are affected by it, something we can do in real life in a way, shine a light. Being a very original game this should be a good experience, and i haven't seen anything quite like this. Remedy doesn't have a long list of titles made by them but from the few they have looks okay, and Epic checks out for sure. Am hoping to not be disappointed but am very sure i won't be. Now i'm all looking forward to trying this, all in good time, i have this now. Speaking of digital Playstation games i'm sure ps4 and up will be preserved to download for many years, what i worry about is my bought digital games for ps3 and psp, please Sony i implore you to keep these games available as i and many others bought them with good money and hope to always have. i don't always have time for gaming, what happens is i work on my site either after buying something or otherwise and that doesn't give me much time to do so, but when i do i really enjoy it. First things first though and hope the same for you

Evil Dead: The Game
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Saber Interactive
-We are not evil for defending ourselves against evil, we are retaliating, having to save ourselves from such in whatever way we are able. This game is quite gruesome, hopefully we can go about this as peacefully as possible but i doubt it will be easy going. This isn't a new concept to them, but still they hang on to old ways against us, while they know we have no other option. That's the thing, they know, and still persist, risking and losing everything for all of them in a continuance of greed and vice without stop. And they will continue, till the very end and even then not giving in. So this is why we must never give up, they constantly against us and us constantly defending ourselves, we cannot let our guard down through any of this. This is an unfortunate situation, but one that we did not put upon ourselves, however we have to deal with it or lose to it, to the one faction. They have spent much time colluding and putting into action their plots against us but they have not won, we still have the ability to stop them and what they are doing, so let's not mess this up as everything rides on what we do right now and for the foreseeable future as it will take a while, a long while. It's either that or submission, there's been talk of beasts of burden, let's not be that. There is so much potential for us, i mean look at what we've been able to achieve already, let's not be put under the thumb of a corrupt entity for their gain at our loss. Because of all this we have to deal with the evil that is their greed, it is said money is the root of all evil, and that holds true, money can buy most anything so that is why money is vilified in this sense, the greed for what money buys which is mostly vices the mansions and pools are on the side. Evil must be nullified, as it doesn't leave place for good times by good people

Dark Deity
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Sword & Axe LLC/Freedom Games
-This game looks pretty fun, this and Evil Dead were free on the Epic Games Launcher. It reminds me of the Shining Force games on Sega Genesis which i liked a lot when younger, liked past-tense, Sega is one of the worst companies for Zionist propaganda. Dark Deity shapes up quite well though and should be a nice one, seems that way by the trailer. Here we encounter a game company named Freedom Games, again Zionist factions wouldn't use this term as it would give people ideas. Freedom is when you can do what you like as long as it doesn't hurt others, at least that's the basis of freedom. We are currently in a situation where we have to fight to keep ours, or else we lose it and are put in perpetual monetary slavery with every facet under Zionist control, every, leading to global misery amongst the ranks. If they gain that control it will be next to impossible to get out of that, but i am optimistic, even if they do gain hold that we can wrest it from them, but let's not get to that point and just do it right to begin with. Wars have been fought for freedom all around, and we will have a battle more close to home to ensure our own

Eternal Sonata
System: PS3
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Tri-Crescendo/Namco Bandai Games
-i am very, very apprehensive about Namco Bandai for the most part, but they are a developer i can tolerate, not the highest praise for a game company but did decide to pick this up anyhow for $5. There are two eternal sonata's, ours and theirs, ours being from a good place and theirs forced upon our good people. Both of these will be forever, rallying cry's for us and threats and propaganda by them. Once it is revealed about what they are doing to our musicians those songs will always be testament to what they did. All music will last eternally but i don't think we'll be playing the forced ones at all after it is shown what those are. For the real music it is and always has been on our side, and we have that going for us, make the most of those. If you have the opportunity to make an eternal sonata do your absolute best

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Limited Edition
System: PS3
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Square-Enix
-Another company i am apprehensive about, fully and especially more modern titles, but have fond memories of many Final Fantasy games. Final fantasy, if we don't get this right this time it will be more difficult in the future, but i will tell you, one way or another i really think we can do this this time. We have the motivation, means, and ability to do so. Every day more people are finding out about what is going on and being done, we just need some high profile exposures to reach those that are not in the know, yet. Again we can do this, and we are, we just need to stay on track and continue to gain steam, forever going forward. i do hesitate to call this our final fantasy but we have to get it right this time, which we can, we are doing pretty great already and have been for generations, let's progress quickly and get this going as soon and as best possible. This is our opportunity, we have so much available to us, make good use of every platform you have to advance our cause and do your part. With all of us united and working together we will be able to triumph

Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth
System: PS4
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: WSS Playground/Active Gaming Media
-Definitely one of my favourite genre's of gaming, i really like the constant improvements to your character that help you progress further through the levels, it is a very rewarding type of play style. i'm taking a chance on this one but it looks very promising and has good reviews so will give it a try and hope it is okay, better than okay. Am not familiar with the anime this is based on but most anime is on the up and up it seems, can't say that with certainty but i'm imagining so, in turn it would be nice if this is a good one. i am always in wonder, amazement, it's a nice way to be. i try to not be naive though, in fact i try to be very skeptical, but still very in awe of not only our universe but our evolution and accomplishments which are many. i wonder if many others think the same or are instead taking it for granted. This never gets old for me, i look around and marvel in every aspect of life, maybe that makes me more adverse to negative behaviour which becomes more heinous in comparison to all the goodness around. Take time to smell the roses they say, and do so, think about all the magnificence we are blessed with, and do your best to preserve it, protect it. Good vibes only? i agree. As much as we are able anyhow, sometimes you have to take a hard route to get to the best destination, but then you can enjoy yourself when you get there. Every aspect of life is a gift, well for the most part, and is vastly placed in that direction with some unfortunate exceptions. What we are part of is so intricate, so mind-bogglingly intricate, and we are here to be alive during such, ourselves being built completely complex, and here we are to make the most of it. Let's make this existence of ours the best possible, it may take some hard work and also some tears but we must persevere in face of adversity and be strong of will and mind, trudging through hard times to get to better ones. And we can do it, together, being of same mind-set and with shared goals, gathering people to work with each other on problems we face as a group. Then and only then will we be able to relax and enjoy the fruits of our labours, our hard work resulting in a better world maybe for us but especially for future generations. i believe we can do much of this in our lifetimes, and take joy in what we have done for ourselves and others, it won't be easy and it won't be a quick solution but it is so worth it and means everything to our futures. While you revel in our amazingness, no that's not an overstatement, do take note of the detractors to us, and actively take action against them so they cannot succeed in ruining all we cherish and desire for us and our loved ones. Life is wonderful but we need to protect it, we can recruit willing participants to help us do so, each a saviour of their own, for them and the rest of humanity that need to be thanked in advance, throughout and after. This is not a situation that any of us want to be in, but we were placed here unbeknownst to many, however we are catching on. This is also an issue that only gets worse without our intervention so we need to be on task completely and consistently, always getting back to the purpose we have. Once we prevail over the global conspirators then and only then can we take a bit of a breather and get to building the best world we can imagine without the insidious plots that we currently face, Zionism is not finished, yet, but as long as we work together diligently we can finish with that chapter and make it a history we lived through and helped in ending

Anomaly Bundle
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: 11 Bit Studios
-We are 7.9 billion anomalies, all differing from each other in enough ways to make each special but the same enough to be able to be called we, as a whole and as sub-groups of we. Each fingerprint is different than anyone else and no one else has the exact same genetic makeup as any other given person, however we do share much. It's said birds of a feather flock together and that holds true, we gravitate towards people with similar characteristics and likes, and while ourselves are unique we do have genes of the ones before us that are shared amongst our brethren. We have different factions, all with the innate preference to our own, that's genetic but not in a supremacy manner like Zionists for instance believes. When we procreate we pass along the best of both parents, and what was passed along before that, resulting in a best of both result. And while we are similar in many ways there are bloodlines, some more diverse than others, and some concentrated among themselves, one bloodline being more of a threat to us than any other. They have divided themselves apart from us, referring to us as Gentile and they Jew. Every race of ours to them is still just Gentile, the lot of us, and thinking they are better for no valid reason. A true higher being, if i were to humour the concept, would be kind and giving with as many positive attributes as able, not the opposite as that would indicate a troublesome sect not a benevolent group of people as we should all aspire to be. Yes they have differences as much as we do, but it's that bloodline shared amongst them that is ruining everything for the rest of us, how are we supposed to differentiate between them. We should be happy with ourselves and celebrate our diversity, making best of's between us if and when desired. However the people of the world have been labeled Jew and non-Jew, and i as you should be proud of our evolutionary status which is really quite remarkable and worthy to revel in. We share much, including the desire for a safe, happy and prosperous life, and we are being worked against of those three with the Zionists who have usurped control from us, so let's us as Gentiles regain what has been taken and live a blessed life amongst ourselves

System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: 11 Bit Studios
-Space Earth and beyond is in major need for us to get our asses in gear in regards to climate change and asteroids, the two most pressing issues for our survival, and the need is now. Our ecosystem is very delicate and we are ruining it but hopefully not beyond repair, it's close to that though and if we continue to behave the way we are now it will be the death of us. As for asteroids there were a few discovered recently that may be problematic, and we have to have a remedy ready to encounter that scenario, again now. These are obviously situations that affect all of us so we need global participation all helping each other find solutions. If we wait by even a few years this gets much worse, maybe irreversible, so action must be taken immediately. Major fines for fossil fuel usage, credit for environmentally sound efforts, all in an attempt to sway the momentum away from behaviour that harms our planet. And while a refrigerator sized object slammed into a small asteroid is a start we will need much more than that and as soon as possible. These two issues have the most dire importance for our survival and i hope it's not too late for either, but we need you helping in any manner you can, you can have a direct part in the betterment of our planet

Warhammer : Vermintide 2
System: Computer
Type: First Person Action
Developer/Publisher: Fatshark
-Added this for free on Steam, i already have it on ps4 but the price was right. Now, here's what i wanted to talk about in two sections, first, timing. Sometimes events that have the chance to have been orchestrated are, there are of course false-flag attacks, which get that name because it is an action done while trying to make it look like from someone or some faction else. But sometimes they are actions that are put forward simply so they can talk about the occurrence on various news media, either as a threat or propaganda. Many of these are done considering timing, as a way to divert the original mention or happening to something of their doing with ill intent. So something shows up here for instance, then a counter-action is put forward or as said orchestrated, trying to put their own spin on it through deceit. This happens often. You have and will see many concocted or made to happen events of different sorts, which brings me to the unfortunate crime of violence to Paul Pelosi, husband of speaker Nancy Pelosi. Here's what led up to this, a week before the incident there was notice that Warhammer Mechanicus would be free for download on Epic Games Launcher, it is known that i go for these free titles and write about them, so about that same time Paul was attacked with a hammer. Coincidence? i'm not ruling that out, but the timing and incident bear the markings of a sleeper-cell being activated to cause this occurrence as a correlation to what i for example am doing. Paul being the unfortunate victim here, i am happy he will recover well although this was what looks to be a terrible Zionist ploy to divert the narrative being put forward against them. Nancy and her husband are very brave, and i commend them for their strength of hearts and mind. Am hoping to see much more from her in particular in what she does on a daily basis. Nancy is a role model of how to stand up to bullies and again i wish Paul a speedy recovery with the care and love he is given by her and you. Keep this in mind once in a while, timing. As for this incident i will be speaking myself to both law enforcement and media in San Francisco raising the concern about this attack on Paul Pelosi and if it may be Zionist originating, encouraging any suspicious found to be facts be put forward in some manner. If something feels off to you i suggest you do the same or raise the issues in any investigation you like

Train Simulator Classic
System: Computer
Type: Simulation
Developer/Publisher: Dovetail Games
-There are quite a few denotations we use to convey our intentions, ss, nein, trains, rain, snow... these may seem callous, and harken back to the days of yore, while what we are doing is similar is actually different in many ways, these just give indication to what side you are on. An example would be the revered movie Citizen Kane about an upcoming newspaper mogul who pines for his beloved Rosebud, spoiler, it's a sled he had as a boy. You will see and hear these mentions throughout much of our media. While Kane was a fictional character (maybe based on) the real life version Henry Ford, who spent much of his money writing in the Dearborn Independent and warning about the Jewish threat, was a great hero to many and still is. You can also be a hero with what you do, you can write your piece in this, we sure do need you. Let's make what we're doing have all the best possible attributes this time with just a bit of improvements, and see it to fruition

For The King
System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: IronOak Games/Curve Digital
-For the King is for all of us. The positive mentions go to show that there are people who like what is being proposed, and then you have the flat-out on topic mentions as well, which are always welcome. i'd say all for one and one for all but there is a lot of space for all sorts of additions to what we are doing. i am one of you and hope you do as well and successful with your efforts as i have, you will know how much you have helped, and be happy about doing so. Do this not for me, but for all of us, as we are all involved in the outcome of what we reach, and if we fail... well let's not let that happen. Thank you for any kindness towards me, it's appreciated and yes goes towards motivation, on topic is always the best route but up to you, whatever you like, your niceness always warms my heart and your rebelliousness stirs it up. For the King is beloved by me however let's do this for the betterment of mankind

Genesis Alpha One
System: Computer
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Radiation Blue/Team17
-This game was free from Gog and looks fun enough, similar to No Man's Sky in ways. Genesis Alpha Won would be nice and i want to cover a topic that leads to that, the changing of hearts and minds regarding our plight and situation. Most people know something is up with the Jews just aren't aware of the details. Then there are those that are somewhat aware but still for some God-forsaken reason are defending them as if there was no fault. Here's the thing, right now everyone is jumping on Kanye West saying oh he's anti-Semitic for mentioning that P. Diddy is controlled by Jews, the comment wasn't his doing anyhow but i have covered that already, now, what happens when the truth is revealed that Jews really are controlling musicians, will Ye still be ostracized when it is shown he was just telling the truth? Oh he's anti-Semitic, well he's right. Then you have banking, then you have wars, then you have Hollywood etc... etc... Facts are facts, and when the truth is revealed regarding every subject, because Jews are involved in most every aspect of life, negatively to say the least, how will pro-Semitism look then? It will be the minority opinion, and sometime soon this will be happening, regarding one issue followed by another and another. What bothers me is people that know the issues i for one have talked about but still complain that others are anti-Semitic, how else should we feel? We sure can't let what they are doing slide by any means. Seriously what are the people defending Jews that know what is being done thinking? Some of it is being afraid to speak up and instead following others in their misconceptions. When it's shown for instance about P. Diddy Kanye will be known as right, when it's shown about Jews being a major player in every war Mel Gibson will be known as right. The examples continue. What i'm trying to convey is that after you find the facts, from me for instance, how can you possibly not be anti-Semitic yourself? That is the correct response. Have the unpopular opinion (for now in the midst of those that don't know) because it is the right one. If you are not brave enough to say these things yourself then at least do not disparage those who are. Again, facts are facts with the aforementioned topics of Jewish control and much more, how can you know what is done, doing and to do, without also being anti-Semitic

Warhammer 40,000 Mechanicus
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Bulwark Studios/Kasedo Games
-This was also free, on Epic Games Launcher, and is great to have although not compatible with my computer so will wait for it to be on sale for ps4. Found out more about this because of it being free and turns out it looks amazing, like X-com but in the WH40k universe. i am so looking forward to X-com2 which will probably be the next game i get into after my current one. There is also Hard West which is X-com but in the wild-west, so many great titles to get into. The way i think of tactics/srpg games is like chess, if the board was five times the size, your rook could heal and your knight shoot arrows, and we know how many variable outcomes chess has so imagine this. If you have never played any of these style games i definitely recommend trying one, unfortunately there are many by unscrupulous companies, maybe stick to the ones i mentioned being good here or earlier. There is also Onimusha Tactics which i don't have but is by Capcom and although the graphics aren't top-notch as it's on Gameboy Advance should be a great play. Beware though, that new game Triangle Strategy is named for a reason, as there are many srpg's with their agenda

Heavenly Sword
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Ninja Theory/Sony
-If i were to try and compare this to another game i would say it is like Dynasty Warriors, a combat brawler where you are against full armies but do well. In the synopsis on the back of the cover it says how you are battling an enemy lusting for unworldly treasures, this doesn't sound like anything i am wanting or that you are lusting for either, but does bring one faction to mind. The other games by this company are cool, and i think this one will be also. Yes this looks very good and a fine purchase. The idea of a heavenly sword is tantamount to divine justice, something we will be administering ourselves. The jury will be ready to vote when all the facts are shown to light, and only then the final reckoning can be chosen on and justified. We are just ahead of the curve and waiting for that moment for us to progress

ModNation Racers
System: PS3
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Sony
-Mario Kart but by Sony, so even better. This genre of racing game may be my favourite or at least tied with off-road ones. Here you get to modify your ride and also even create/download made tracks. You can create your own online content with as much passion as with gaming, our nations can also be modified, tweaked, made better. As long as you have the majority agree with you laws get changed, but if Trump gets in again i will be so disappointed, so very disappointed. The thing is, and this applies to Trump as well, the people need to know the facts to vote responsibly, and we are trying to do that. America isn't the only nation of course, and you see revolution being brought about in many countries, a welcome sight to see and encourage more where needed to bring about a more standardized rule of law and behaviour. Modifying your kart is rewarding, but modifying your country, world and self is much moreso

System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Freshly Squeezed/Soedesco
-This and the following five games not only look very fun, well made, and of ours but were also on sale about 90% off, nice. Freshly squeezed orange juice is always welcome, make some of your own in whatever manner you want. While this game is apparently easy and quick what we are doing is hard and lengthy. This game being the most questionable as the other purchases look to be the better ones, but i do appreciate the effort put in by this developer and for one dollar is am sure well worth the time. Also what we are doing is worth so much of our own effort, and it will require much but with the best of reward for future generations and us knowing we are doing something that is of upmost importance to the wellness of every person, including currently affected to be made better. Let's make the Protocols defunct. To make it so they no longer function. By counteracting every attempt being made by the application of such and putting all the instruments back in our hands. Everything they have gained control of back to us. i have written Deconstructing the Protocols a synopses of their plot with counteraction, let's do that and more, putting such to good use and into reality. One of the main ways to stifle the Protocols is with having and giving knowledge of them, so as that they are no longer in the shadows having everyone aware of what they are attempting, and what they have already instated that needs to be rectified. There is so much to do to make the Protocols defunct, so let's get at it and do so

Drawngeon : Dungeons of Ink and Paper
System: PS4
Type: First Person RPG
Developer/Publisher: DarkDes Labs
-This is a very fun idea, and very unique, everything in this dungeon crawling game is hand drawn and well at that, something in a way i am not familiar with in any other game, looks great. “Ink” and paper is our first method of resistance, exposing what's being done and organizing action to retaliate. Definitely use your voice and other means of communication to the best of your ability, conveying in any and every way what you want to encourage action in and make better. The printing press was one of the biggest innovations of all time, and now we can make our own writings widespread, in many different ways. In addition to that, social media is not just typing, it is video, and i encourage anyone who is a vlogger of any type to use your platform while responsibly also with purpose of helping in any sort, on topic if you can

Lone Survivor
System: PS4
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Superflat Games
-A pixel based horror game which looks very fun. i'm waiting for Resident Evil VIII to go on sale for a cheap price before picking it up but am looking forward to that very much, even at an eventual sale price of twenty dollars that to me is still a treat for myself, but am sure will enjoy it

Sweet Witches
System: PS4
Type: Platformer
Developer/Publisher: Drageus Games
-Another of these that looks great. In such your main goal is to plant flowers, something i hope you do as well. Plant seeds and watch them flourish. Seeing what you do become beautiful. Our plight against Zionism requires you, your seeds, plant, nurture, see and help them to fulfillment. Speaking of plants, covert-ops, watch out for them, if you are involved in this you may encounter them. You will also see them on television, news, game shows and so called reality tv, expose them while you're at it. But yes just wanted to put it out there about those. Sow goodness, reap goodness

Swords of Ditto : Mormo’s Curse
System: PS4
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: One Bit Beyond/Devolver Digital
-This is the one i am most looking forward to, it seems to be a Zelda type game but by a company that has a lot of great titles in their list of accomplishments. This as well has what look to be animation-style graphics, very nice ones at that. In the trailer for this there are two cosmetics to notice, the first warrior is black, something that would not be done by Jewish supremacists, other than Black Panther of course. Second is that the protagonists are wearing grey, one of our colours but subverted by Zionist late-night talk show hosts, except again Trevor Noah and James Cordon, have to put a disclaimer that they are well and good. Yeah this looks pretty sweet

System: PS4
Type: Platformer
Developer/Publisher: Knuist & Perzik/Soedesco
-Interesting premise here with more unique graphics and gameplay. We all are unique but share interests, morals and situations with others of similar. Join together not just for companionship but to achieve shared goals. With your personal uniqueness you can do what no one else can do quite the same, put your talents to use for us as many are in danger and already being harmed unless and until you do something about what is going on and being done. It's unfortunate the multitudes of opposition to us are hiding behind their kin as human shields, which there are some good ones yes, although they are not voicing their disdain for what is being done and instead letting that happen and continue. They have uniqueness also, but they share in complicity by silence. That has to be said, but in order for us to fully become victorious against the guilty we have to sacrifice a few, again unfortunate. Back to us and getting this to finally occur, as we've been at this for a long time as you know, we will need your expertise in your field, even just your good intentions and diligent effort. Make the most of your time, help the current victims out of what is being done to them, what the opposition is doing affects every person on Earth so Earth needs to react

Evoland : Legendary Edition
System: Computer
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Shiro Games
-This and Fallout 3 were free on Epic Games Launcher and i've been looking for Evoland, this one isn't compatible with my computer though so will be buying it on ps4 as well when on sale. Evoland is a very interesting and unique game, where the graphics and play style start off with low end pixels and then improve as you progress eventually becoming polygonal. Personally i look forward to future gaming, mainly dream control and/or holodecks, wouldn't that be awesome? And we're not completely far off from those. i've been gaming since Atari and Commodore 64, console and computer, and have always loved doing so, still do. There are no arcades anymore, everyone can game at home with even better graphics, the only places like such have systems you can't really emulate on your own, peripheral based, although you can dance and shoot at home as well. Evoland tributes early to current gaming and looks like it will be a lot of fun, this edition contains the first and second games in the series, the first being not very lengthy but the second making up for it. Definitely memorable games though am sure. As we look at our own evolution and existence it is quite remarkable as well, incredibly so to say the least, unfathomable. We started off as one celled amoeba, became tadpoles, frogs then our more recent human forms. And right now after millions of years we are in a snowball effect of innovation and advancement, while our shape is the same our trajectory is skyward, literally. As you look around and see our accomplishments realize that they are all relatively new, and just the start of what we will be able to achieve in a generations lifetime and onward, onward, onward, unless

Fallout 3
System: Computer
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Bethesda
-Onward, onward, onward, unless someone starts a nuclear war. Right now there is a war between Russia and Ukraine, Russia being the initial instigator, i understand the thought Putin had in trying this endeavour but it failed miserably, now is the time to cut your losses and get out of the situation, say what you want as reasoning just quit the offensive, bring the remaining troops home and be happy with the vast amounts of land you already have. Do not keep doubling down, and do not let this escalate into a nuclear war of any kind, ruining humanity's chance at wonderful life all to keep up appearances, again say whatever you want about why to quit the war, just do so. Israel has a purported 400 nukes which matters very much to me, so much for the nuclear-free Middle East, but this is about Russia right now. And i implore Putin to not succumb to impulse and start a worldwide conflict over the inconsequential issue of trying to gain Ukraine when it is not needed by Russia at all. Seriously, what is the point of this? Why do you want it so bad? Now it is about saving face, quit that, realize your error and leave the Ukrainian people alone, you do not need their land or people for any reason so do not escalate this unnecessary war into anything more than it is and leave them be on their own. Again, i know this is primarily about optics at this point so do whatever you want to get yourself and your country out of this mess but do so for the sake of Russians, Ukrainians, and the rest of the world's people who have had to get involved because of this

Xcom 2 : War of the Chosen
System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Firaxis Games/2K Games
-Thank the heavens, or should i say Firaxis Games, i am so happy to find out this is a great, great, game of ours. The chosen turn out to be what they have nicknamed themselves as, God's chosen people (when in reality the opposition are Eastern European Khazar's who just took up Judaism). And this is not my war, it is a war they have started leaving us to have to retaliate en masse. The sinister creature on the front of this expansion has triangle teeth, denoting the triangles on the star of David and you are against the group of “chosen”. i am so looking forward to revisiting this game, have played a good amount and enjoyed when i did and now have this to go with it. i'm trying to limit myself to one main game at a time and am on Sparklite right now which am really liking but this will maybe be my next one again

Hard West
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: CreativeForge Games/Gambitious
-Am really hoping this is one of ours. i already have this for ps4 but looks so good and on sale for three dollars i decided to buy it for computer as well. The play style is tactics based and is very much like X-Com but set in the wild west. What makes me think this is okay is also the dlc expansion Scars of Freedom, first the plot of such is where you are an escaping slave named Libertee granted with special powers, the opposition couldn't care less about slaves, like they think of us let alone the ones of time past. Second, the terms freedom and liberty, two words the opposition doesn't want us to think about as it would give us ideas and longing. Freedom to do what we want that other than this unfortunate endeavour doesn't harm others, a world of such when we are able. And liberty where we have just laws to protect us not stifle us. Freedom and liberty go hand in hand, the second contributing to the first, right now though America is hindered by “their” monetary system, one that is envisioned and planned by the opposition as a global institution, part of what may be referred to as the new world order, which to me is just the term for a one world government and one world federal reserve bank. Thankfully i don't think they will succeed, as long as we stay vigilant worldwide. Instead what is going on is that this plot has taken America, and through them they try and control the world that way. Besides the money they receive from the instated there federal reserve is funding a staggering amount for them already, and through that entity the actual enslavement of the United States citizens. Slavery? Yes. When the interest on the national debt outpaces the money coming in it is forever paying towards that unpayable amount owed. So let's see the West get hard, and take the needed actions to save liberty and usher in full freedom with it. There is so much to do and each task allotted to the relevant people, including you

Civilization VI
System: PS4
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Firaxis/2K Games
-This is looking good and am going to give Firaxis another try after the questionable X-Com 2 where parts of it seemed off, mainly the War of the Chosen expansion. i sure do hope that it and this and all Sid Meier's work is masterful and not devious of the oppositions, if the first fantastic. The launch trailer and opening cinematic check out, and if this is okay, better than okay, then this will be a product of greatness and also much fun. i would rather Civilization VI than civilization sicks, the Zionist name for themselves, and that is what we have to deal with as unfortunate as that is. We need to be the opposite and relish in our good qualities, while remaining resolute in our actions of defence against the self proclaimed sicks. If we are to be pushovers we will be taken advantage of without end, and right now that is what's going on, so we have to be assertive and stand up for ourselves to the greatest extent as that will be the only way to protect us from their ongoing offensive. Civilization perseveres and continues even after major overhauls, and what we are going through right now will be part of the history of our retaliation against the oppressors and that is a giving name. We have been in this battle against those named for literally millennia this is not something new, although it is something that has gradually become worse. Now is the time we have the ability and resources to take action about it, first removing their powers and then making sure they can never go about this ever, ever again. This trick of theirs is a one shot attempt, we will not fall for this afterwards, and this said trick is really a culmination of actions against us of various means but all together by the one faction towards one goal, complete domination and control of all of us, each and every one. Civilization will continue onward after this one time necessity and be better for it and because of it, when every action and attempt of theirs is shown there will be applause at our retaliation. There will be solemn instances as well but reaction held back as we must do what we must for us and our future. We are not there yet though and have a long way left, slowly but steadily progressing, what i hope is sooner rather than later is the revelations of what has/is/will be done by them, that is what will turn the tide forever in our favour, look forward to that and advance it yourself if at all possible, and you do have that ability make it an effort of yours. There is a term for putting down the sick, it is euthanasia, and as they proclaim themselves such we have no alternative to do anything but

Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom
System: PS4
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: Enigami/Plug In Digital
-A fun looking game that has what seems to be an independent flair to it. i was hesitant to buy this one but the price was right on sale and does appear to be well intentioned. The reviews aren't stellar but again figured to give it a shot. ShineSS, a friend and i happened to be speaking about Hitler this morning and the topic of his death came up, where when he was losing he decided to leave, and i just wanted to assure you that i plan on being with you till my dying by natural causes or murder end. i have been fair to the opposition and hope that if they want me out of the picture they will kill me and no more than that. But again i intend to stay as long as my life allows me and will continue as i am currently doing. On the topic of the World Wars let me say that what we are doing, while there are similarities, is something new with only the needed parts intact and not the additional aspects. And while we say SS or terms like that they are just to convey where we stand, and stand we must. The world is united in this, and needs to be, to get everyone on board in the America's and Europe there is what is being done to musicians, i say this again because it is pivotal, and for now that issue is all hands on deck and hoping for a victim of such to speak up, the “Kanye West” incident is not what we are looking for, just a foothold that we can utilize to try and get the situation mentioned until someone really comes forward. This is not by any means the only issue, just the most polarizing, what is being done affects everyone on a global scale and is more than musicians being harmed, that is just the most heinous. Remember, whenever the issue of torture is brought up, it's that it is already being done, it is up to us to stop it. While some nations employ such it is not with the same breadth or purpose. We are fair, as we should be, and decide that what is being done against all of us is unacceptable and take measures to stop them the only way available to do so with finality, so they can never do this again to us. They say never again about them, but continue and even increase their actions detrimental to us to say the least. The correct response to what they are doing is first despair, but that is useless, instead or after that be angry, and what to do with your anger is the solemn realization of having to carry out the solution. It's not a pleasant undertaking but the future is pleasant much more than how it is now with what is being done. i hope to die peacefully, and they say do unto others, so we will not torture them as they do us. i hope the same for any of us. This is something new, a better version against an old but persistent problem. This is a reaction to what they do, if they weren't there would not be a need for us to respond, but that's not how it is, so we must. No more continuation of their active plots and aberrant activities is what we want, they just aren't complying. Me, i plan to be here doing this till my dying day, and with so much need i implore you to do your part, by yourself or in conjunction with others, depending on your goals. i believe the title of this videogame is pronounced Shyness, but don't be, help as a team of however many, or as a sole contributor if you'd like. Be brave but get yourself connected just to make sure, and then shine

Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium
System: PS4
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Street Fighter Alpha 3 / Hyper Street Fighter II The Anniversary Edition
While i am more familiar with SFA2 the third one in the series is the one i decided to pick up, i remember fondly playing Alpha 2 with friends and having such a good time. For that one we played on Sega Saturn which had 6 button gamepads which is the best way to play SF games. There were also 6 button gamepads available for Sega Genesis which i played SFII on, i always did very well with these mentioned. Yesterday, and occasionally, the opposition has plants try to rile me, trying to get me into a fight with them to get me in trouble, i do not oblige. It takes self control not to but i have that, instead it motivates me to do more with this that i do. i will let our soldiers do the physical deeds
-Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
For lack of a better comparison this type of game is Tetris-like, in this one gems fall from the top and you match them with corresponding ones below and clear them when you utilize a spherical one of that colour. Very very fun though and is one of my favourites of this style

Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium
System: PS4
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-This is so good. i knew about this but didn't know when it would release so stumbled upon it and was very happy to do so. i have the first Arcade Stadium as well with maybe a dozen games on it, so far i picked up two for this one. The titles on such are 5.99 each, which are also completely worth it, just more than the 1.99 for Arcade 1st games. This is what Capcom Fighting Collection should have been, and has basically all the games that that one does but in a better package with many more great features. i have bought all the pinball tables that i was looking to get so now there are a some more of these i would like to purchase
-Vampire Savior
The third and believe final Darkstalkers game, this has so many fun and unique characters and is a title i have always liked. There are many saviors, maybe you are one already, if not get on board. You will be a savior to the people you help and there is no lack of people to help
-Magic Sword
A game i put many quarters into, and one i love very much. Nice to see it available on this and with save state at that. Very happy with the available selection of games on this compilation and the price per game is quite good as well. Magic Sword has many allies you can recruit, and so do you, local, national, international. All working together or should be against the shared threat. This game also has unique characters, just as there are in actuality, make the most of your talents as others do with theirs. We do need to get other nations involved, so go about doing that, be seen, be known

Rising Hell
System: Computer
Type: Vertical Scroller
Developer/Publisher: Tahoe Games/Toge Productions
-This game was free on Epic Games Launcher and looks pretty fun with character upgrades as you progress. My favourite season is Spring, as it is going from cold to warmer as opposed to getting gradually colder like Autumn. The reason i mention this is because of the hell we have and are currently being subjected to, so while we are there it is now without action by us getting worse and to a place progressively more heinous by a long shot. Instead we can go through another type of hell, one we may feel okay about as it gradually gets us to a better spot and stops the plot to enslave us. If we travel the route of inaction, the hell becomes permanent, and we cannot allow that to happen. Now, this game is said to be very short, one hour or so, reminder it was free, and that's also how it is, a brief period of time in hell to complete what we need to towards a finish of despair and the start of the rest of what we can keep a more than pleasant existence onwards. While one hour is short in game terms it is non-existent in terms of our plight, you sure can take things one hour at a time and do greatly in that allotment, just know that there will be many of those needed. With everyone putting in their time it multiplies, and accomplishments of any kind stay while nurtured and do stack and combine with each other strengthening each. We have to put in the effort to get anything done, and none of this will happen on it's own, so do your part whatever that entails. On our way there we must support and protect each other as best possible, each other. While also giving comfort and solace to everyone involved, and it is everyone affected, every Gentile as we have all been divided by them themselves. The reign of the Jews working behind our backs has been going on for a long time, in the scope of things this rectification will be but a one hour blip on the timeline, it is something we must get through however you feel best, we have no choice but to do so as they have no intention of stopping themselves, we will get through this and be free from their grasp afterwards, stronger, freer and immeasurably better than it is now and is planned against us

Zen Pinball 2 Table Tales of the Arabian Nights
System: Computer
Type: Pinball
Developer/Publisher: Zen Studios
-These two tables finish up the ones i'm looking to buy for Zen Pinball 2, now i have a bit more than half a dozen or so and am very happy with them. Both tables are a bit different as they are recreations of actual ones as opposed to being made solely for the game like the others. We all have good tales in our lives, ones we are proud of, make more. Build success after success, faltering as seldom as possible. You want heroic tales to tell, and to do so you have to accomplish them. Bonus bonus, you get to help and have a story to share proudly. Maybe your deeds are so noble that others share them themselves. Tales of your life and what you did, but for that to happen you have to actually do these tasks and efforts, whatever tasks and efforts you choose. You will leave a legacy for doing so, spoken or enjoyed, maybe both. If you do your chosen tasks well and in service you will have a lasting impression on the constant present and future onwards

Zen Pinball 2 Table Black Rose
System: Computer
Type: Pinball
Developer/Publisher: Zen Studios
-This table's theme is pirates, the swashbuckling type. Nowadays we have a different kind of piracy, of media. i used to pirate like this but gave that up to go legit, now i find it fun to get my own entertainment, i do not judge pirates though, there are points to be made about copyright and such but i choose to purchase my movies, music and games. There is one exception for me so am not perfect with it, i pirate books, the reason i give is that they are somewhat educational, so that is my flaw in this but will continue doing so for the foreseeable future. The books i have go on my Kobo, and whether you want to download or buy digital books i recommend picking one up. The books on my documents page are all public domain i believe and a Kobo would be worth it even just to read all those. An idea i had at one point was to have a website where you can donate to any musician, so if you download and album and like it you could send $5 or whatnot to them directly, now there actually is similar, it's from what i know something you can do on Spotify, you can also buy merchandise from there or official site. Not pirating makes media much more enjoyable as you had to put some money and effort into getting the product, and it most always benefits the creator as well which is very important, i say most always because buying second hand doesn't really do anything for the maker but is still a decent way to go as is also legit. So do what you want regarding how you attain media but having your own adventures in such is a fun way to do so

Planescape: Torment / Icewind Dale
System: Computer
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Black Isle Studios/Interplay
-Unfortunately i have my reservations about Dungeons and Dragons, who were actually bought by Wizard's of the Coast (of mtg and such) who i love. These are the enhanced editions and were both together for a dollar or so on Humble Bundle, figured might as well. There was recently an mtg set that incorporated d&d, makes sense as both properties were now under the same ownership, it looked like a fun idea but wasn't received well unfortunately, maybe there will be another set themed as such again. As for pencil paper rpg's, they are really fun as well, it would be great to get into as i have only tried a few times before. i did like making characters from the books i picked up and liked reading. There are more rpg's like these than just by TSR (d&d original owner) and all sorts of settings, even if it is just two people, one player one gm (game master), you can get a great campaign going. As with these two games mentioned there are also sometimes paper pencil negative agenda, such as with Rifts which i liked before, but give any a try as it's really more about you and your imagination than the books which are there to create your character with and give you some ground rules, the rest is all you. Past, present, future, you can be anyone you want, just don't neglect your real life character, you, doing your own valiant deeds

System: PS4
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Big Blue Bubble Inc.
-The aesthetics of this game are reminiscent of Dead Cells, but am hoping the agenda isn't as that game was a disappointment. Classing this game as a metroidvania is because that seems to be the closest genre it is to, and unlike the earlier game mentioned it is not a rogue-like, which is bonus as i prefer Metroid Castlevania style anyhow. Now, the company behind this game is Big Blue Bubble, and when there is blue of any kind in a name you have to watch out, for the sale price on this i figured to give a try, while looking at other games by this company there is also My Singing Monsters... hmm... very suspect. But yes i will give this a go on the chance that it is okay. Foregone, before gone, we are in the midst of the oppositions time, which is also the time of before they are gone, after they are gone we can really get going, and in a good direction headed upwards. Again, we are before they are gone, and when you see what they are doing not only look forward to when they will not be around doing those things but take action to help that along

Invisigun Reloaded
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Sombr Studio
-Described as an invisible Bomberman this game got very good reviews and looks fun. The -95% sale price was pretty sweet, regular 26.99 bought for 1.34. i live decently by spending my money wisely, Foregone for instance was on sale for 6.74, which is about the price of a video game at the thrift store, and is kind of my benchmark for if i will pick up a certain game. And i only really buy games when on sale, it's like getting four for the price of one, you just have to watch the deals and sometimes be patient. i kind of relate every purchase to thrift store prices, i could eat a fast food burger or for the same price buy a blu-ray, and i'll tell you i haven't had a fast food burger in a long time, sure they are tasty but i prefer the alternatives. Once in a while i treat myself in one way or another, and i do shop retail as well sometimes, albeit also cheaply. It is all relative of course, to some it may seem that i have a lot, but really it's quite standard fare for someone who buys belongings often, and i rarely am able to purchase newer items because they don't show up second hand, in a way i am always a few years behind on my purchases, although for music for instance i have Spotify to be able to listen to new music, something which is sort of recent for me, before i would just be buying my music at the thrifts for one dollar per album, am happy to have done so but now it's Spotify all the way. Different means are good for various purchases, it really depends on what you need or are into, but most of the time you can still manage to get quality product for decent prices if you know where to look, sometimes second hand, sometimes new, various stores or portals, you can make your money go a long way with a bit of effort

Shadow Hearts Covenant
System: PS2
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Nautilus/Midway
-Awesome! This is the second game in the series and am very happy to have found it. While i would like for this to have been also developed by Midway it still looks to be great by Nautilus. Having the full trilogy is a goal but even having one to get into is good with me. Set in 1915 and near the start of World War 1, one year after the first title, you are out to vanquish a diabolical plot, thing is you play as the German side, from what i gather. One of the main characters, a female, even has an Iron Cross necklace, another a standard cross necklace which is nice to see. Wow this looks so good and Midway is one of my top favourite videogame companies, this will be a treat to play. A covenant is an agreement, maybe an agreement between any Axis and the rest of the world, and shadow hearts are what we currently need. Finding out the summary of this game was a pleasant revelation and am very sure it will not disappoint. Very sure anyhow. i look forward to hopefully finding the rest of these Shadow Hearts games but that may be a while, in the meantime we have all of our own at times shadow hearts to keep us busy

Wizard of Legend
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Contingent99
-You can be legendary. There are so many monumental achievements for us to accomplish that you can have your pick of what to work on and help with. Collaborative efforts welcome and encouraged. This is another pixel-based game that looks very fun, and there are what seem to be references to Magic: the Gathering, with the five points shown as on the back of those cards, if this was a game by the opposition it would be a star of David or a hexagon which is the inner part of such. As for wizard of legend i would love to get into an M:tG tournament which they have at a local shop quite often, i have been to tournaments for that before and was always very enjoyable, so i will do so again sometime soon. In regards to M:tG you yourself don't have to be a wizard of legend, you can just play with your friends, family and/or partner and have lots of fun that way, i really suggest you give it a try. As for doing legendary feats of any kind i suggest you do that as well

Puzzle Bobble
System: PS4
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Taito
-Added Bob to friends page. These are some of my favourite puzzle games, the best way to describe it is like a reverse Tetris where you place the pieces from the bottom to the top and they are based by colour. The main characters in this series are from the game Bubble Bobble which i played very much and is one of the best of that type if i may say and have always liked game company Taito also

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit remastered
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Criterion Games/Electronic Arts
-The Nfs franchise is by Zionist company EA, who i avoid, was always wanting to pick this up though and it was 90% off at five dollars so decided to give it a go as it might be playable. Am always disappointed for doing so but hey. There are not many games like this and i always loved Chase HQ in the arcades when those were around so have a penchant for these

System: PS4
Type: Action Adventure
Developer/Publisher: FTG Entertainment
-i've been enjoying finding these Zelda-style games and this one is very similar, particularly to Wind Waker. It is not high budget but received a very positive metacritic rating so will give it a chance. Now, two issues, the second related to this one and the first not, yet.. if you see positive stars of David you are not going to have a good time, they are always used by Zionist companies so have negative intentions by doing so. Next, if the plot has you fighting some sort of darkness you are also not going to have a good time. The second point is not concrete and would be stifling to developers but i think you know what i mean. For a good game like these i am really enjoying Sparklite, very fun and am far enough into it to say it most definitely is one of ours. Actually something i did with Oceanhorn is downloaded the available demo for it, the plot follows the darkness route but the full game went on sale for five dollars so decided to give it more of a try

System: PS4
Type: Action Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Digital Sun/11 Bit Studios
-This looks pretty sweet. For me i moonlight with tv and videogames, where what i do here is priority and spend my other time with those two. i would suggest you do the same, prioritize your efforts any way you want, but priorities take priority. This game amongst the two above it seems to be the best chance at something great, but there is space aplenty for greatness in all endeavours. If Oceanhorn is good i will say so, as with this

System: PS4
Type: Action Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Red Blue Games/Merge Games
-This game is looking very fun, i played a bit of it yesterday and look forward to playing it lots more. It at first glance looks to be one of ours. You may have never heard of this game and that's understandable as it's not by a aaa developer, but that's okay, maybe better, while mainstream games are by many Zionist entities independent titles seem to be more for us. And this game for one doesn't look lesser at all, it is pixel based graphics which can be very beautiful as this one is, and the gameplay is similar to Zelda games which is very fun as well and one of the main reasons i bought this. Zelda type games are surprisingly sparse, most being independent creations. Now this game is also part rogue-lite, which is permanent death but where you keep certain parts of your progress but the world changes for you to venture back into, a hard style of play but very fun, i would give a comparative example as Rogue Legacy which is also nice and enjoyable. So now i'm going to keep more of a lookout for independent games, as there are some really great ones worth your time

Devious Dungeon
System: PS4
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Noodlecake Studios/Ravenous Games
-A very basic looking game but worth the two dollars on sale. You might figure that for ps4 all the games have stellar graphics but there are also many ones similar to this one on the playstation store and for good prices. For me the best of these three is Sparklite which i look forward to getting more into but there's place for other independent pixel based games as well

System: PS4
Type: Action Adeventure
Developer/Publisher: Muzt Die Studios
-Another Zelda type game, nothing fancy but is fun. i really commend these low budget developers for their extraordinary projects, labours of love for sure. And we all have labours of love, our own hobbies we work on or enjoy doing, whether that be something you are doing yourself or part of someone else's effort that you partake in we all have ways to productively spend our time. Let's all spend time on topic as much as possible, there are many issues but many are already being worked on, we need more people on board with this particular problem we are having, something for all of us to put our focus on, moreso. Some topics affect everyone, and this is one, one we can make better. So let's all join together people of different types, be diligent, and we can be victorious in our battle for happiness and well being which is not being afforded to us now and is in fact being worked against

Unreal Tournament
System: Computer
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Epic Games
-Free on Epic Games Launcher this is a superb game that i enjoyed very much before and am happy to have it again. There are newer versions of this but hey, this one's free, the other ones should be good prices as well and would be totally worth picking up if you like the genre. This is by the same great company that runs the recent game Fortnite which is very popular and also free, give that a try and see if you like it. i believe it is you and 99 other players at a time striving to be the last one standing, looks fun, i never got into it myself but appreciate it being out there, being enjoyed so much, and being actually free to play. Epic is one of the few good developers we have and i look forward to not only playing what they have already released but what they will release in the future. i remember back in the day when it was Quake or Unreal, i had fun with both but Unreal is the better one as far as i'm concerned, and now Quake is a Bethesda property so is no longer viable. Midway bought, THQ bought.. you have to keep up with developments like that or you end up buying what turns out to be a newly made Zionist product from a company or franchise you once liked. i try and politely voice my opinion to friends who ask if a game is good or not by adding that i am very picky with my companies after them putting forward a Zionist game and me deriding it, but also the opposite and how good a game should be because of by a positive company. Stick to and promote ours as the alternative is literally against us

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution
System: Computer
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Croteam/Gathering
-These have always looked great and i believe are of ours, the opposition never likes the word revolution as it might give people ideas, with the third Matrix movie the title used the term Revolutions plural, and while there are it was meant to throw the public off from the main revolution. This set of games was about one dollar from Humble Bundle, who although were bought by IGN still do quite well for charity with what they are doing with it. More power to anyone who helps with charitable actions and contributions

ARK: Survival Evolved
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Studio Wildcard
-This looks pretty in depth and a very good idea put into being. ARK and Gloomhaven were free on the Epic Games Launcher, their version of Steam, i have this, Steam and Gog, each amazing for their own reasons and i would suggest having each of these to make the most out of your computer gaming, and of course, on your free time. There are dinosaurs in this game, and recently Neil deGrasse Tyson said that if dinosaurs had Nasa they would still be around, well now we have Nasa, and it looks like they are doing at least some experiments to try and deflect a future asteroid that would be on track to impact Earth, once we have that ability that would be a huge relief for us, as long as we don't blow each other up in the meantime, let's not do that. We've been human for six million years and it would be a shame to ruin it all with the push of a nuclear button. We're doing pretty well, advancing mostly for the better, we need a moral revolution though and then we're set and ready to create a pleasantly habitable existence for all of us going forward and be able to happily enjoy all our cool new innovations. Right now our society is in somewhat of an awkward spot, not everyone but not no one, because of the advent of media, mostly television, that screws up your personal trait compass to a detrimental direction, there are good television channels, radio stations, movies and videogames but they are not in the majority and unfortunately the corrupting venues are still watched by many. The good media know they are good and the other know they are not, it is needed for the consumers to know which is which, help them see. While we may seem far on the evolutionary scale, and we are, we have a long ways to go, and are doing so very quickly, we will have a wonderful future ahead of us once we deal with a few problems

System: Computer
Type: Turn Based Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Isaac Childres/Cephalofair Games
-Turn based strategy and rpg's that utilize that style of gameplay are some of my favourite. Most recently i picked up Divinity Original Sin 2 which i wrote about but wanted to update and say i have been enjoying it immensely, am really hoping it continues to be great, there are a few somewhat negative mentions but also positive ones, and is looking to be by a normal, in a good way, talented team without shady agenda, that is so far at least. i don't game as much as i'd like to, but that's okay i do keep busy, but this one, D:os2 has renewed my interest for sure. On Metacritic it has a score of 93/100 and i agree, maybe one of the most impressive and fun rpg's ever and has many characteristics of action rpg's just with tactics style battles for the best of both genres. Recommended

Zen Pinball 2 Table El Dorado
System: Computer
Type: Pinball
Developer/Publisher: Zen Studios
-Based on a fabled Mayan city i would actually like to speak about something similar, the Caribbean, which has connections to such. Recently there was a trailer for the new Lucasfilm Return to Monkey Island videogame, a name they mention us with. In this trailer they say you can't take away a game just because you don't like it, and i have been very critical, with good reason, of all of their many point and click games, not because of not liking them, i have played through pretty much all of them in my youth and at the time enjoyed them very much, at the time, even now i would like to like them, but know better. It is not that i do not like them, i am against them, i am opposed to them, as i am with all Zionist agenda videogames. Thankfully for us there are good point and click style games for us, and the genre is very enjoyable moreso when it is. If you've never tried one of these style games give one a shot, Black Mirror is a pretty good price, there are three of them plus a new version, all very fun as far as i have played and i believe The Adventure Company has many good ones as well. They can be daunting but you'd probably like the style as well

Zen Pinball 2 Table Son of Zeus
System: Computer
Type: Pinball
Developer/Publisher: Zen Studios
-Greek mythology was a way for people to explain the world before Christianity, and also had many good morals and pass alongs. Now it is science of course, as it should be, the facts as we learn them, studying as we do. There will always be place for religion though, the good parts, if it helps keep good people happy and righteous then so be it, there is a spot for both even at the same time by the same person, a moral guide and a physical one. There are three main religious books, the Bible, the Quran, and the Talmud, the first being a great purveyor of rules and standards, the second a Muslim version of a Bible for them and purveyor of rules and standards, and third a purveyor of Jewish supremacy filth filled with the opposite of what the other two volumes teach. And that is what we have to deal with, the mindset that in engrained through what is put forward in the Talmud. In the Bible and the Quran you will find inspirational writing, in the Talmud you find degeneracy. The Bible is not perfect, and we have made it past some of the nonconstructive teachings there was but do not discount it's viability in spreading positivity, if it's good it's good, if you want find a way to include religion alongside science, as in you know it's said that... not try and prove religion through science just acknowledging there are Christians that are fine people, the ten commandments and their own will keeping them in line, that's okay is it not? There is intelligent design to merge the two if needed, but either way we all need or want purpose, to name a few purposes would be to help others, procreate, and live well. While Greek mythology is archaic it served it's own purpose at the time, as did does religion, now the be all and end all is science, as we have telescopes and microscopes, you can't get a better system to believe in, it's truth as far as we know it, and will only expand further, by leaps and bounds, as we progress. Science has it's own moral rights and wrongs, as positive and negative actions, how what you do affects others. Good and bad are how you interpret them, to be decided by you and us, the good generally is received with thanks and the not with ire, in order to end the ire we need a greater good, one where a few are removed to benefit the many. That's on topic anyhow, and not a topic we would have if not needed. Just as people follow the Bible, or the Quran, there are people, Jews, that follow the Talmud, that is a problem for the people they disparage and grant harm against. While the first two books are revered by many the Talmud goes largely unknown or would be condemned by all. i would by far rather interact with a Christian than a Talmudist, not even a thought the other way. So if you want to respect the good of the Bible have at it, there is a lot of good in it, you don't have to take it as fact, i actually don't recommend that, but as teachable fables that can have some benefit in people's lives

Zen Pinball 2 Table Rome
System: Computer
Type: Pinball
Developer/Publisher: Zen Studios
-These are great, there are about half a dozen other ones i would also like and the price is nice as well. The Roman empire was vast and impressive, an early version of modern society in many ways. We are similar in the sense of community and social structure just without all the medical and technological advancements we now have. Rome being one place of beginning to our grandeur and a fine start indeed towards what we enjoy today. Now i would like to divert slightly to a topic i wanted to bring up that relates to the saying that Rome wasn't built in a day, according to historians it took 1,299 years, and we are nowhere near even half way through what we are trying to accomplish, although we have been at this for awhile, and it goes in sections, the current section is only about a few decades in with a long way to go. Think about it, there is so much to do, and will take decades to fulfill our longstanding dream, long after i have left am sure, but we must keep on whether it goes slowly or in a hurry, hopefully the latter, and continue along the path we are on until we achieve our rightful spot on top of the world instead of under a thin line of those who now are, making our nations happy, prosperous and united. Right now we are far from our goal, that doesn't mean to give up, it means to work harder so we get there sooner, and the sooner the better for all of us. We, again and better this time, have the means to make real and complete our desire, and we have desire only because of what the current and future alternative is that makes us feel that way. Going fast or slow as long as we progress is still heading forward, but we have many people in peril that needs these objectives done sooner rather than later, all sorts of tasks. Different stages of completion, some accomplished, many more to go. Rome was built as an ideal of a better society, and that's what we have for us to do, to keep the beneficial institutions and undo the corrupt ones. To take back and make ours for the good of the public governmental, financial and media entities. In our hands of us with good service we will create a utopian life for all those who want to take part and abide by the rules. A place where positive behaviour is rewarded not a weakness, and the unjust are dislodged from being on the top of others. What we need are those three pillars and the rest will follow downwards, enough so that the rest will only take marginal effort, still effort none the less though, and the result will be worth it as long as we keep our victories sustained and in check. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is what we are building, but with all of us together doing so we will accomplish everything we have always wished for

Zen Pinball 2 Table Tesla
System: Computer
Type: Pinball
Developer/Publisher: Zen Studios
-A table that i looked into, picked up, and it's a fun one. While the printing press is a major achievement in human ingenuity i will have to go with the harnessing of electricity as our most substantially important development as it literally powers so much in our daily lives. This is a constantly improving innovation as well and will improve even greater as we advance. Right now the newest standard is lithium ion which is pretty sweet, but a time goes on we will have even better, like how there is now cordless charging of such which as improved will be very useful if you think about the applications of such and when charge times are instant. There are many ways to make our electricity usage and consumption even better, quite a bit, and we will get there probably sooner than standards are set, always being ahead of regulations, but that is no complaint. Smaller, faster, longer and more powerful, to say the least. One way this will be most utilized is in electric cars, but once we find a good enough base charging and consumption technology for those we should be fine for a while with that, or at least have newer tech be backwards compatible to be better but without excluding earlier car models. While Tesla is the primary maker of electric cars every company is putting out their own versions, and they are needed. Climate change is very real and if we don't take action fast, faster, then the planet is doomed, no exaggeration. There needs to be more government involvement in pushing not only electric cars in every way they can but all manner of renewable energy, moreso, if they don't and soon then we will have a ruined planet that was once so nice and habitable. Immediate legislation forcing compliance with environmental initiative's is a must, and now, as we don't have more time to do so. The schedule for electric vehicles is even too far right now, this is a priority and needs to be pushed ahead faster with whatever incentives and even laws to encourage and enforce the implementation of this. We do not have time to waste, this is urgent. All electricity and power should be clean and renewable as opposed to fossil fuels harmful to the planet. Again, this is a matter of urgency, we don't even have the 20 years towards many electric vehicles we need this as soon as possible and sooner. We are in danger, and need to pull ourselves up from the environmental course we are on, right now

System: PS3
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios
-i recommend Disney+ streaming service in a split second over Netflix at every opportunity. While Netflix curation is of the very vast majority Zionist, as is also their original content, Disney+ has many many great shows and movies for us. Now it's not all gravy with them, a lot of content is by the evil trifecta Marvel/Pixar/Lucasfilm, who were as said bought by Disney and allowed to continue what they were doing to begin with and not assigned new employees for those intellectual properties. To mention as well Disney original movies have been re-helmed also, so not a lot of good from those media's either. However! There is a ton of great content there whether it be classic Disney movies, many fun series, documentaries, and much much more. One of my favourite parts of Disney+ is all their acquired Fox programming, such as Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad, and many others in addition to other more adult features under the Star branch. By far Disney+ is the best choice for streaming, you do have to do some avoidance of the Zionist efforts, efforts to screw you over, but there is so much else there for you to love that makes it more than worth your while. While in Disney hands, there is much goodness, it's only when outside entities are involved that it goes amuck, for instance and on the topic of videogames, this one would be fine, whereas the Kingdom Hearts series is by Square-Enix and is a game of theirs not the company that owns the rights to the characters and commissioned them to make those particular games. i doubt much will change with those other three entities under the Disney tree, and maybe not right away with the corrupt creations of late, instead it will be a tug of war for their soul, just versus unjust, probably living in tandem with each other, so it goes to you do determine which is which and only stick with the greatly good material leaving the chaff aside

Divinity: Original Sin II Definitive Edition
System: PS4
Type: Rpg/Srpg
Developer/Publisher: Larian Studios Games
-This, if ours, looks to be completely amazing. It has elements of paper/pencil rpg's and the battles are turn-based tactics style which i love. Seriously if this is good it will be great, and i hope it is both. Now, although this game looks amazing i do not agree with the concept of original sin, where you are born a sinner. There is unfortunately and most of the time enough sinning going on eventually in someone's life that we don't need to automatically fault a person who has not sinned. Also when you are older and going to confession you must stop doing the action you are trying to atone for, you can't just keep confessing and being forgiven for the same sin over and over, at least you shouldn't be. i believe in forgiveness for isolated matters in a few instances but there is a time when the continuance of negative behaviour becomes problematic for the various victims well being. In the Jewish holy book, the Talmud, they don't even have to repent for harming Gentiles, they are given free reign in there to do what they want to us, it really is a horrible doctrine that i suggest you read up on. That is the mentality we have to deal with, while we need to ask forgiveness they are encouraged to sin against us. Sin should be avoided, not promoted. We should all avoid sinning when given alternatives, and most every time we have alternatives, maybe not as easy but there. Sinning mostly harms others, and we are being harmed immeasurably by those who follow said Talmud, where it is put forward that we are not worthy of good behaviour by them and that we should be used and treated poorly to say the least. They do not want to change their beliefs in such, they do not ask forgiveness, it is part of their upbringing to do so unreservedly. This is what we have to deal with. We are born cattle to them, not original sin but original servants, there for their benefit and their benefit alone. You really do need to read up on the contents of the Talmud, it's not so much a holy book as it is the opposite. Just as not every Gentile is Christian, not every Jew is Talmudic, but they all do know of it and do not speak about it, they just have it in their mind as something that is intrinsically theirs. Even they do not have original sin, they have majoritarian sin. Where it is commonplace for their beliefs and negative actions towards us, and to deal with that majority we have to include the minority, as you can't separate who is who of them. This is a one of, there is no other sect or faction that is the same as this that we have to grapple with. Once this group are dealt with it is mostly smooth sailing from there on in. There is no mentality quite like theirs in any other collective we have, what they have is the belief of Jewish supremacy, and just as how white supremacy is a bunch of bunk so is theirs. But there is no real or organized Japanese supremacy, or Indian supremacy or any other thoughts around like that, it's the Jewish mentality that is the problem we have, as they put it to use in everything they do, to our detriment, a combined effort to raise themselves over us, to control us and treat our good people as their unworthy slaves mostly for monetary purposes. You don't see many of them raising their voice against their kin, hardly ever in fact, they know and they stay silent, they all know what is going on with music and musicians, but not a word, in fact many promote what is being done. So as said, there is no original sin, but there is majoritarian sin, and we have to do everything we can and are able to do to stop what is being done against us

Army Men RTS
System: Computer
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Pandemic Studios/3DO
-Have always liked this genre of game, similar to Command and Conquer or Warcraft etc, the graphics aren't much to behold in any of these but picked up this and the next two games for cheap from Humble Bundle. Unfortunately this one in particular though is by Pandemic Studios who i have mentioned before in talking about their game Destroy All Humans and it's sequel. And those aliens have much control over different nations' army men pitting them against each other when we could be compromising towards mutual agreements. But no the generals wage battle with the toy soldiers and those generals get their orders from even higher up, and them from higher than that, all reaching the top where a very few men decide on who to invade or go to war against, now you may look at the situation in Ukraine and Russia and this was fully Russia's doing, it is mostly United States who is under Zionist control, and i agree with stopping Russia's bombardment this is needed help arriving to save Ukrainians from being held captive under a foreign powers rule were they to lose, a take-over of a free and prosperous peace loving nation. That is the situation there, not all battles are as noble as that one. Then you have Oil, Operation Iraqi Liberation. Looking to take the precious natural resources from an already beleaguered country under the premise of aiding them. Next, Iran, Israel wants to have the only nukes in the region and is going to make a direct attack on said nation to prevent them from having their own defence capabilities, Israel should not have any nukes themselves either but they have what is reported to be about 400, probably more by now, as is with aforementioned Russia there is what's called Mad, Mutually Assured Destruction, and that is why some situations are difficult, so what Israel does is have nuclear ambiguity where they do not confirm or deny their capabilities, so what we know of such is by informants. Iran is close to a nuke, so the next war after or in addition to Russia/Ukraine will be one by Israel against them, a nation that wants to have a deterrent to getting obliterated with no defence, so Israel will try to take them out before that, which there must be retaliation for as it is unconscionable to do. If Israel nukes Iran they must be dealt with in the strongest terms, with many consequences going forward indefinitely. Soldiers follow orders from higher up, and we as a public must keep those leaders and decision makers in check to do our will, each of these army men and women are part of loving relationships and we shouldn't throw them in the fray for avoidable or unjust reasons when diplomacy has a chance of succeeding

Hidden and Dangerous 1 / 2: Courage Under Fire
System: Computer
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Illusion Softworks/Take-Two Interactive
-Being a soldier needs courage, as does many occupations and professions and all of us need courage because life is full of risks you need to take. As said soldiers take their orders from higher up, so you need to make sure those making the decisions are not corrupt or working for some other entities benefit at our loss. In wwI&II Israel was at the helm, using their media to sway public opinion and their government agents to push through actions that were taken, a bunch of chumps we were thought of as, let's not make that mistake again letting us follow through and allow even aid our own solutions to the problems we are having to face. No more wars for foreign benefit, Israel's, they are the only ones who profit through war by loaning the funds to supply such endeavours. No matter who is in conflict Israel and their banking empires rake in the cash at other's expense, the ones who are dying for their windfall. The hand of Zion is hidden and dangerous, they operate in the shadows and are trying to stay that way, so we must do the opposite and expose their misdoings, make it so we can see both them and what they are doing, i would like to say attempting to do, they haven't fulfilled their goals just yet and we have a lot of energy still left in us in fact just getting started with a long way to go. A lot of their dangerousness relies on their hidden status, once they are visible they lose much power, so make them visible, don't let them get away with anything, let the public know in every way you can think of and help them to learn to see for themselves. Teach, what you know, and also allow us all to recognize what we need to be looking out for. Zion may be dangerous while hidden, but they have a hard time of it when everyone is on to them. Be vocal, globally, speak with foreign entities, that contact list for starters is there to make use of, they are your friends for the most part and are in the same situation as the rest of us regarding the Zionist plot. Speak to the heavens, you will be revered for doing so and offering your help however you can. Zionism, the furthering of the protocols, is against the world, so the world needs to be against Zionism

X-Com: Complete
System: Computer
Type: Tactics Srpg
Developer/Publisher: MicroProse
-This is the best part of these that i picked up, there's almost half a dozen classic x-com games here that are all of a favourite genre of mine. i like MicroProse, not sure what went wrong with the newer games in this series, but will give these ones a try. Tactics games are very in depth and have a lot of, well, strategy as the title says, fun as anything but you have to watch out for Zionist efforts, efforts to deceive, divide and dissuade you. This is the origin of the title of the Square-Enix game Triangle Strategy, they are very prolific in this genre and rare to find a good one, but when you do! And as with that, it is a breath of fresh air to encounter a good, great, media, ours. It's incomparable, they do not even compare. When you notice something that is not only not for us but against us tune out, turn off and look for something done with us in good mind. Do not tolerate ruining your thought space with content that is developed to do your wellness harm

Zen Pinball 2 Table Wild West Rampage
System: Computer
Type: Pinball
Developer/Publisher: Zen Studios
-The tables available for this are pretty sweet, i looked through all of them and this was my favourite so picked it up to get into. A close second is the Tesla one. i have a friend who is into Bethesda's Doom game series and there is one of those for him if he likes. Another cool set of tables are the Family Guy and American Dad ones, which kind of ties into this as well as Seth MacFarlane of those made a great comedy western A Million Ways to Die in the West, one i especially like that is funny as anything without being either anti or pro, just a very fun and funny romp. In such he has a bit of a pessimistic view of the wild west but from what stated looks to be justified, still seems to have some enjoyment to the time, some of the movies i like most are modern-ish westerns where there is much adventure to be had although i do see Seth's points. As for his animated shows they are brilliant but that is part of the problem i have, they can be cruel as well, being pro one minute and anti the next, i wish there was some congruity to them even episode by episode as it stings to have insults thrown in with the positives for whatever reason there was which sullies the enjoyment of such. As long as on the subject another of his shows looks to be very cool, The Orville, and i look forward to getting to watch that. It's like Star Trek with light heart and good intentions. As for this Wild West Rampage i will enjoy it very much as my go-to pinball as it does look like the most fun one of the tables available but that's just personal opinion, maybe you would like to give these a check as well, you can watch how the various tables are on youtube, yes youtube.. as they don't have them displayed on the menu. Seth MacFarlane and co. although i am upset sometimes at the slights i do wish nothing but the best for them, all of them, i know, but still, i think and hope they understand. May there be congruity in their future efforts, one way or the other, as i through all the negatives still have love for them

Dynasty Warriors 7
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Omega Force/Koei Tecmo Games
Die translates from German to English as the. While on that subject Danke Schoen translates from German to English as thank you very much. This is a cool game from what i think is a good company, you are a few against a many, and that may have parallels to how it may feel against the various Zionist entities there are, but in reality they are few just with loud voices through their outlets, it is us that actually have the majority we just need to awaken all of our forces to join our battle. For instance they have let's say Google, a company that employs a minuscule amount of people compared to the populace, where we have the numbers by a long shot, they just have their current user base that they broadcast their propaganda to. Under them you have youtube among their other properties, all with the same nefarious intent. Same goes for Facebook who also owns Instagram who regularly stifles content that sympathizes with the people of Palestine, i for instance recently posted many photos of that topic to try and reach the public that utilizes that platform only to have it silenced and not made available, as they also try to do with Palestinian model Bella Hadid who uses her platform to bring awareness to the issue. So yes we are against a formidable adversary that does hold much power but in actuality we are larger with more soldiers of sorts if we go about it right. They have much media, government and monetarism but all of those are well within our reach of challenging towards changing ownership to ours. In reality we have the many, all with different skills and powers of our own, more than enough to wrest the pillars of strength from them to us if we organize well, which we can and need to do. We speak of collaboration in music to get around their control of such and we can collaborate in other areas as well to circumvent their grasps. We have media and entities of our own to make use of and we can do so very well, getting everyone on board and tasked with doing their own part in this struggle where once we are it will be us the victors against all their behemoth companies and institutions that will in turn be put under our ownership. Each of us up against their giants but in actuality rising together we have much strength, remember that and make contacts and allies with others who have similar goals in mind and make joined achievements. Zion tries to control the masses with their paltry amount of media conglomerates, not the amount of tv channels, radio stations, and web presence but the people in charge of such, they are the man behind the curtain, and when we as a people are aware of that we will have great strides, organize organization against them, make a stand and encourage others to join, encourage as in give others courage, us as a whole or even partially are more than enough to get everything we dream to come true, we just have to put in the much needed effort

Zaccaria Pinball
System: Computer
Type: Pinball
Developer/Publisher: Magic Pixel
-i really love pinball games, not “pinball” games, that's another issue for us to deal with. Whether actual arcade machines or videogame versions they are always fun. This one i picked up is the starter version on sale that has a dozen tables to play first, that's good enough for me for now in addition to a few other pinball titles i have. Am kind of a casual gamer and ones like these are great to get into for a few minutes here and there when you have some spare time. i really don't game as much as i'd like to, i work on the site a lot and have my favourite shows that i watch etc, so something like these are especially enjoyable for when able. Hoping that you are a casual gamer as well even if you are normally an avid one, a lot to do otherwise that gets priority

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
System: PS3
Type: Rpg
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Picked up an additional one of these as it is an absolute favourite Capcom game of mine, which is in no relation to the phenomenal Kevin Smith movie Dogma and it's mention of unfortunateness no matter how Zion tries. No this is an rpg which is superbly well done and going by the made with agenda is leaps and bounds above Skyrim and the like. i believe there is a sequel on the way and it should also be fantastic. There's a clothing brand named Fubu, for us by us, which was formed after if i have this right Tommy Hilfiger disparaged his clothes being worn in urban settings and such, so the group being marginalized decided to make their own brand, Fubu. And while different we do have videogame companies for us to enjoy without being full of total Zionist propaganda as is the norm in this medium. Thankfully there are a few of ours, enough to keep you gaming happily for a long time. If you like these type of games i very much suggest you check this one out, am sure you will love it

Epic Pinball Complete
System: Computer
Type: Pinball
Developer/Publisher: Digital Extremes/Epic Games
-i have fond memories of playing the included in this Android table, while the other ones may not be quite as great this is still a nice find on sale for less than two dollars. Epic Games is another of our companies, and make really top notch titles as well, maybe best known for their somewhat recent venture Fortnite, which is very well enjoyed by many. You may also know them for their Gears of War franchise, which is amazing. i believe have played all or most of these except for the one i may like most, GOW tactics, but all the others are a pinnacle of our gaming. i have a personal connection with Epic Games as when i was speaking with them about redeeming Steam titles of their popular series Unreal, a very fun series for sure, and they went out of their way to give me the full set of those games for such. Over and beyond exceptional customer service. This company is also known for their Unreal Engine graphics tool for creating games and whenever i see a game is utilizing that i pretty much know it can be or is going to look stellar. This engine is free to use by developers and you only pay any fees if you make a good amount from your creation. So also keep Epic Games in mind for your time off, Fortnite does look really fun and is free to play not pay to win, the only in game purchases are purely cosmetic so get into playing such to your hearts content, when you have time after bringing down Zion that is

Resident Evil / Resident Evil Revelations
System: Computer
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-We are fighting against evil with our computers, revealing the truth about them and what they are doing. There are multiple protagonists in these stories, all battling the same enemy. Eventually we will be taking direct action in this gradual progression, and while time is important as long as we keep advancing in this conflict and not stall we will be doing okay, this requires all of us to be on task, helping each other through what they are doing to us and moving towards stopping them at every instance we can. Every day you see what they are up to, harm after harm in issue after issue of all varying types and we have no choice but do our best to counteract them from continuing to do so as everything they touch suffers. You see what they are doing and we now have the opportunity and resources to be able to do something about it. Something what exactly? That's up to you, think about it and follow through with whatever you can do to help
These two games were bought together for $1.28 from charity based game seller Humble Bundle, where you can buy different tiers of games redeemable on Steam and at least some of the money, i believe you set the amount, goes to good sources. i can never really afford the higher tiers but do like spending a few dollars here and there on this sites offerings. If all you can do to help is support charities so be it, but we really, really need you on the front lines. Be brave, visible, and resolute, you and we will do best when you are all three

Despotism 3k
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Konfa Games
-Donald Trump is a despot, the worst United States president ever, and the antithesis of everything i and you should strive to be. He thinks of his followers as fools and shows that in every essence of his actions. Donald Trump must never be allowed to hold political office ever again. The only reason he wants to anyhow is to cover up his illicit behaviors. Trump should be an example of how not to live or act, how not to think. Live with kindness and compassion not deceitfully and selfishly. i can't stand Trump, and don't think i am alone on that feeling. The January 6th insurrection was the top of a Trump corruption pyramid and the pinnacle of his duplicity as president and even afterwards. He never repents just continues his downward trajectory. Good presidents like Obama was and Biden is put Donald Trump to shame, and there is no comparison between them they are both polar opposites to him and instead were/are what presidents should be. As for the maga republican party members who back Trump you are being used as voting pawns in his political stunt. His motivation is anything but the betterment of America and is all about the betterment of himself, including having his followers fund his next private plane through donations of their hard earned money. While i do not agree with Trumpers at all it is not their fault, it is their leader who is giving them bad direction and would be much different if he had a stitch of morals in his entire fabric, but he doesn't, and i doubt he ever will. If Trump God-forbid ever becomes president again, it is the downfall of not only America but everything touched by him, that cannot be allowed to happen. By all means necessary we must inform the voters about the candidate that they currently support, and make it so Trump is no longer a viable option on the ticket. Right now there is no sense in his candidacy, and his maga supporters need to see that. As said, i try to not only be the opposite of Donald Trump, but of course just a good person in general regardless of what he does. Good for the sake of goodness, and that always wins in the end. It may not seem like it all the time but in the grand scheme of things positive is not only better for you but for everyone. If you have negative traits shed them, and add positive ones in place of those. Regardless of polls marred by maga supporters Biden is doing a great job as president of the United States, my oh my how horrible it would have been/will be if Trump were elected again, don't let that happen. What is needed is strong moral leadership, something Trump does not have. Please do not look to him and say to yourself wow if i behave like Trump i can become even a president. Better to be a noble pauper than that. Be good as best you can, be kind to others and think of our fellows as compatriots, especially in these times of strife we need companionship amongst us

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
System: DS
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Firaxis Games/2K
-Firaxis, i'm judging them on their X-Com game series, one i would love to love it just didn't sit right with me. More triangle strategy? i will try X-Com again to double check but am not optimistic about it. Double checking is fine, it makes you even more sure of your position, and it doesn't always result in a different opinion you just know more about it, feel free to double and triple check any instances we talk about am sure you will most every time reach the same conclusion. Okay, this topic reminds me of the song Renegades of Funk, originally by Afrika Bambaataa & Soulsonic Force which was covered by Rage Against the Machine. We are also renegades. Throughout history there have been revolutions, made of many people and achieving great accomplishments. Why stop now? And we aren't. All across the globe people are standing up for their rights and freedoms, making those denying them such take notice and make changes. In a democracy it is easier than a lot of places who are under strict rule, but they can also be made to heed the people's will. The Matrix has one of their films titled Revolutions, plural, and while that is made to diminish the main revolution there are in fact many going on as well, so in a way their duplicity is correct, there are many multiple revolutions going on, and the more the better, making our place as best as we can for all of us. Viva la revolution indeed. With mankind all of our advancements are centered around people, not outside forces like weather and so forth, although a major revolution underway is doing the best they can about climate change and more power to them, it is people that make the changes. Personally i find the best way to live is in a democracy combined with capitalism, and the nations that have that are rightfully placing such around the world, not a one world government but a lot of different democracies all with the best in mind for their own particular citizens. Yes we are different and have different ideals, so we keep nations intact and instill good governance that they will be happy with. As we've seen even the best of governments have been corrupted, and needs to be under new management, it's just getting to that point that takes a lot of effort but is worth it. So we all have revolutions to be part of, maybe multiple each, all in an effort to make life better for ourselves but more importantly everyone else involved. At one point if we make it we will have no major need for revolutions as we will have most everything sorted out for the best, not that that will be any time soon of course and there will still be dividing issues of different opinion, but better and better. We are on the cusp of great times, not near but on the way, eventually, everything is just new to us right now and we are trying to get things on the right track before we die from climate change or nuclear armageddon, both of which there are revolutions against. We have built from brave activists of the past, we are in the midst of current applaudable activists and there will be many more where those came from, maybe including you, i hope. Small scale, large scale, there are improvements to be made, be a part of the changes and involved in them to the best of your ability, you will deservedly feel well for sure. We are also in and on the verge of another age, the age of collaboration, we now have the means to do so with anyone we choose, many, in real-time. And with that advancement we have great potential, where we can do so much, it's almost an age of it's own. This is the digital age but it's up to us to make use of it the best we are able, and we can definitely put it to good use. So let's make this digital age one of many good blessings for the future, putting all of our effort into creating a utopian world, as best we can, for the inhabitants to be. As we fix our problems other problems diminish, become easier to rectify, but we have to start somewhere and that's usually at the beginning. Thanks to those before us and some still in our midst we have had these issues worked on steadily and begun already, now it's your turn to join them in the ventures you are passionate about. Start or be part of a revolution. This one, this one, is something that affects us all, so we need everyone on board until resolved, it may take a while, it may take lives of ours but that is moreso as is going on already, and may be difficult beyond belief but each of those is worth it as the eternity of our existance is threatened and at stake. This is the revolution i am a part of, as are you directly and indirectly, do try and make it a priority to create a better world for us in any aspect of this as you can, and there are many aspects. If you already have a revolution you are a part of go with that, maybe a bit of on topic on the side, but whatever you can do you are appreciated. Revolutions until everything is made best it can be

Colossal Cave Adventure
System: Computer
Type: Text
Developer/Publisher: William Crowther
-The first text based videogame and is still very fun. You can have your own text adventure, and it can be. You are the hero, coming to the rescue of the victims we have, defeating an omnipresent evil entity that threatens the world. While we won't win by text alone it is how we start, and continues throughout. So this is all well and good but we will eventually also need physical actions to accompany the written and spoken. For now, and onwards, we talk, we organize, we plan and then when ready follow through. This requires both, first the preparation then the fulfillment. What is your part in this? That's what you will have to decide, but do think of something

System: Computer
Type: Space Shooter
Developer/Publisher: KaiPrime
-This is the remastered version. While above Adventure is free i am so happy to have bought these three, as always on sale. Forsaken is not only an amazingly enjoyable spaceship shooting game but is the first game that majorly impressed me graphics wise back in the day. And this really is great in many ways. i've actuallly been looking for this one for a long time and am looking forward to trying this version. Forsaken was also on the Ps1 but the graphics didn't compare to computer one. It's sometimes said that home videogame consoles will no longer be viable in the near future, i don't believe that for a second, they are not only cheaper but are easily compatible, as in developers don't have to make their games work on every one of a myriad of varied computers. There is a place for both though and each does have their own benefits

Legend of Grimrock
System: Computer
Type: Dungeon Crawler
Developer/Publisher: Almost Human
-From 2012 i have always wanted this game and finally have it. It's a first person view that you walk on tiles so to speak, has a fantasy setting and old-school play style, can't wait to play this! You want to be a legend? You can be. And you do so through helping, not just on our topic but many of us, and we have a lot of helpers already on our side, thankfully. There is a lot you can help by doing, as said in more areas than the main concern we have. What we need is an army of helpers, like the actual army is but with better instructions. However we need future legends of all types, make what you do on a grand scale or a smaller one, it all helps varying amounts of deserving people that appreciate your service

Talisman Origins
System: Computer
Type: Boardgame
Developer/Publisher: Nomad Games/Asmodee
-If you're ever looking for a great multiplayer actual boardgame for you and your friends consider Talisman. It has a fantasy theme and is so fun. The best version is 2nd edition though as it is by Games Workshop not Fantasy Flight Games. This videogame adaptation, i have this and the other version as well now, looks more like a faithful incarnation than the first Talisman computer offering. Also i believe these ones have online support which makes a whole other world of gaming for you, your loved ones and buddies

Mercenary Kings
System: Computer
Type: Sidescrolling Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Tribute Games
-Wow this game looks amazing! They may not like getting compared to the game series Metal Slug but this would give people a bit of an idea of what this game is like, there are a lot of different features to this though and although i haven't gotten to far in this yet as i haven't set my controller to my computer for now this looks very fun, and the graphics plus presentation are really well done. And once my controller is hooked up and have a bit of time this will get play for sure

Neon Chrome
System: Computer
Type: Action Shooter
Developer/Publisher: 10tons
-This is a much better Chrome than the google browser.. But yes i have tried a bit of Neon Chrome so far and like it very much. The name is quite descriptive and is represented in the game with very vibrant appealing graphics. i think a lot of these independent, sparcely staffed companies and lone people make some of the best games for us, This and the aforementioned Mercenary Kings were bought, on sale, from Steam but a lot of these mentioned computer games are found through word of mouth and diligent searching. Maybe me mentioning some of these will make you want to try them out for yourself and you recommend them to someone else, personally and am sure am not alone think these ones at least are worth your time and lead to much enjoyment

Panzer Marshal
System: Computer
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Nicu Pavel
-Looks like fun! It's hard to find war games that let you play as the Axis, and yet here we have a well made game that lets you do just that. Now that doesn't mean i don't like the Allies, i do very much, but it was the Axis who were carrying out needed operations, the Allies were just tricked into getting involved which is why they did. What we need is global awareness of the issues at play, and play is not an accurate description of what's being done, it is in fact very dire. Then there will be no more Allies jumping in to save the secret aggressors. i commend Nicu for his bravery in making this wonderful game, and hope this is an example for everyone to speak up about topics not just like these but everything involved with what's going on. Make use of your talents like Nicu used his in programming, you also have ways you can help, whatever it is you're good at we need you and you can make a difference

System: Computer
Type: Point and Click Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Various Volunteers
-This is a frontend for playing point and click adventure games, most of which are by Lucasfilm or other Zionist leaning companies, but picked this up free in case there are a few good ones, doubtful. i used to play these type of games extensively when younger on Commodore 64 and Amiga, enjoyed them at the time.. It's okay to have liked, past-tense, Zionist offerings, as long as you know now, and if you don't yet do some serious thinking about such. Heck, i used to watch Seinfeld and read Stephen King, no more. Thankfully though there are other decent companies that also make point and click titles, like from what i know The Adventure Company among others, it is a fun genre and somewhat relaxing to play as not time restrictive. However we are time restricted in the actions that we need to take, so remember with this writing about cool games that there is a lot we need to do otherwise. This here is a mix of fun and purpose but what i want to see from you is a shared purpose of dedication and commitment to our tasks, and there is no lack of accomplishments you can achieve

System: Computer
Type: Board Game Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Various Volunteers
-Another compilation frontend, this one for board game modules, looks very fun and there are a plethora of supported games you can download and play. One of my favorite board games is Talisman, 2nd edition as it's by Games Workshop not Fantasy Flight. Such a great time playing that one. There are a lot of amazing board games and are something everyone can enjoy with family and friends. You can still have family and friends while doing your duty, in fact you can partially do it for them, in addition to also helping everyone else. Be steadfast in your mindset and not distracted, and be resolute, it's important. It's not looked down upon at all to get help from others, instead it is needed. You help him, he helps her, both help you, and together we will get through this very difficult time in future history

Warzone 2100
System: Computer
Type: RTS
Developer/Publisher: Pumpkin Studios/Warzone 2100 Project
-A very well made real-time strategy game with great graphics, cutscenes of a cool story and most of all love from the developers. Do what you do in love. Love for each other, to help where needed and it is needed against the global conspirators. One person can hate, you're allowed, but together we are love. Home is hate zero, but it's hard not to get frustrated at the situation being hoisted upon us. The reason we're not supposed to hate is because it is an all encompassing term, and we don't hate all of them, just the ones that are active against us, the rest just get dragged down with them since we can't determine which is which of the singular bloodline responsible. The other thing that is okay to hate is their doings, we can hate the actions they are taking and the results of those actions that have detrimental effects on either some or all of us depending on that particular instance. Love the good, of either they or us, love can still be differential, if the good is in them they will know they have to sacrifice themselves for the saving of humankind, it's an issue that is one of a kind, no other faction is attempting such a sometimes blatant sometimes covert takeover of the entire human race. Love is for those who are deserving, and when you see and are aware of what is being done by the opposition that you see and don't there is no love for those in the active destruction of all that is of what we want for ourselves and the well being of those we care about. We are being plotted against and are not given the ability to solve this peacefully

Adom (Ancient Domains of Mystery)
System: Computer
Type: Roguelike
Developer/Publisher: Thomas Biskup
-Delved into a lot of free/open source games and figured they would be something to mention here. To start with is Adom, a game i have known about for a long time and is so in depth it's incredible, the game has since it's inception been and still is an option to be in Ascii, now they have nice sprites in the game but the original version is still probably my favourite. This is what's called a roguelike game, you will see a few of them listed in this post, it's where the dungeons are random and all the movement and combat is turn based, oh and if you die that's the end no continues, so is very challenging but equally rewarding, and fun. It took me a while to find this version, that has both the sprite and ascii included, but it is free and lets you pay extra if you want a version with many extras that are not crippling without. If there is only one roguelike you decide to try this one is probably the best choice

BRogue CE
System: Computer
Type: Roguelike
Developer/Publisher: Brian Walker
-Another ascii adventure game. While i have not extensively played this one it looks very promising indeed. It's interesting to have a game made entirely up of keyboard characters, although not comparable to my humble ascii art you've got to admit that this is a pretty fantastic implementation of such. i look forward to trying all these different games mentioned here and being at no cost you can enjoy them as well

Doom RL
System: Computer
Type: Roguelike
Developer/Publisher: Kornel Kisielewicz
-i have a friend who is a major Doom fan so of course i sent him a link to this game for him to try. This is an odd pairing of genres, FPS Doom made into this style, but am sure it will get play from my friend who will appreciate and have fun with the game

Open RA (Command and Conquer/Red Alert/Dune 2000)
System: Computer
Type: RTS
Developer/Publisher: Open RA Developers
-Back in the day there was a gaming store that dealt with Magic the Gathering and other related products, and they had a network of computers for multiplayer gaming there as well, so my friends and i, this was years ago by the way, used to play Duke Nukem 3D and these, Command and Conquer, extensively, lots of fun. i do pretty well at many games but there are people who do laps around me, and probably you also, at them, you can watch them on youtube/Twitch or so, the pinnacle for such other than tournaments is speedrunning, completing a game in the fastest manner possible, you have to get everything, start to finish, perfectly, as it's down to the second to have to do by. Congrats to them, it's really quite the feat, one i would not be very good at just to mention. These games are very fun and part of the genre called real-time strategy, am not much for the Blizzard offerings but there are quite a few other ones of this genre that are also well made

Pixel Dungeon
System: Computer
Type: Roguelike
Developer/Publisher: Retronic Games
-This is a game that runs with Java and is really fun for sure. i am so happy with these free games have picked up and am going to enjoy them immensely. People pirate games, i try not to or at least with reasoning as in maybe if i own a game for one system and download it for another, or with music i buy a cd from let's say the thrift store and download that same album to put on my ipod, so i know you can get any game, or anything really, ever by just pirating them but it's extra special when you actually buy them or get them for free like these ones. i don't judge pirates i just find that personally this way makes me feel better

Triple A
System: Computer
Type: Board Game
Developer/Publisher: Triple A Developers
-Axis and Allies. Damn this looks good. Videogames based on board games are extra special for me as i really like the sources of inspiration. The allies must be kicking themselves in the ass for getting involved in WWII when looking at the current state of what they facilitated happening. It wasn't the troops fault they were just following orders, sound familiar? It comes down to those in leadership roles that make the decisions, so it's general vs general so to speak. The allies thought they were helping but they were simply misled by the current, same as then also, opposition. There's a lyric in the Tears For Fears song Shout that is “They gave you life, and in return you gave them hell”, and that sums it up pretty well. Now we are in a dire situation because of the ones we saved in the past. Foolish us, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. And you cannot let them fool you as they tend to do, through their media and governmental agencies, and don't go back saying more please once you are on to them

System: Computer
Type: Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Volunteers
-Whoever these volunteers are they sure are making a great videogame. The graphics are very cool and the rest looks really impressive as well. It doesn't run perfectly on my computer so i'll have to lower the settings a bit for it to play smoother but am sure it will still look amazing. The style is blocks not realism but it's very endearing the way they made it. The game is far from complete but is playable to a certain extent, i hope quite a bit as it should be fun to try at least

Zen Pinball 2
System: Computer
Type: Pinball
Developer/Publisher: Zen Studios
-There are two free tables with this game and a large amount of ones available to buy, for a good price each to say, about three dollars per. Now here's the thing, this looks to be Zionist made, just a hunch grown from playing a bit of the two initial tables, i'll give those another go though to double check. Am hoping they are an okay company but hey they unfortunately may not be. Pinball videogames are very fun but have you ever played an actual one? Those are so awesome, expensive and hard to maintain from what i understand but damn that would be nice to have. There's a local place that has many real pinball tables but have never been there, seems like a great place though. For ease of play i will enjoy the heck out of computer pinball games like these, might even buy a table or two, that's mighty cheap for the fun to be had with each of them and am going to look for other pinball games with launchpads for multiple tables in case the ones i have now are by the opposition

Warhammer Quest II: The End Times
System: Computer
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Perchang
-Been a while since buying a computer game and this one looks fantastic. This was two dollars on sale at gog and worth every penny. Gog is still going strong and on my wishlist is for them to continue being amazing. i look forward to the newer Witcher game although not sure when that will be released but should be great, i'm really hoping so. The guys at CDProjekt Red are some of the best you'll find and it's unfortunate about our initial mix-up, onwards and upwards forever
Warhammer videogames are so fun and this doesn't look to be an exception, it's not that it's better or worse than the tabletop version just different each with their own coolness. This here has a lot of customization with armour and weapons, magic and skills, the graphics look pretty sweet, and is a tactics style game, a good one, amongst the many Zionist ones there are. So if you are looking for a fun srpg keep all the available Warhammer ones in mind
This is the end times of Zion. There is no escalation for them, they have already lost as long as we just continue on our path forward with constant advancement. Zion cannot succeed anymore, it is a last ditch effort by them that they are in, that doesn't mean for us to let up, in order for us to be victorious we have so much to do so that they don't, we need to reverse what they have done so far, there is a lot, and need to put in all sorts of mechanisms so they cannot continue with their now widely known but needs even more exposure plot. The opposition is in quicksand, which is a slow but downward descent, and are trying all they can to regain ground but are unable because people are onto them. Do not let them get away with anything. The end time is for them, and if all goes well our end time will be so far off that we may not have one, or at least enjoy very much the time that we do have

Dead Cells
System: PS4
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Motion Twin
-This was a treat for myself, but i will try to hold off on playing it until i finish my other current Metroidvania Blasphemous. Am hoping very much that this is a good one as this is a favourite genre of mine. We've made it a long way from being one-celled amoeba, pretty damn good if i do say so. We are so complex it's just completely incredible, but true, and we're living it. It's not something to always be thinking about but have it there in your mind once in a while as it makes everything so amazing. Isn't it though? Millions of years and we are the pinnacle. Makes you wonder what the future will be for our evolution as it seems to be advancing quickly more than ever. As for dead cells they are created all the time but at least get repurposed in a natural recycling. Repurposed. A dead fowl is the loss of many living cells, and becomes supper, continuing on even after that and begetting new life in it's own manner. It's cyclical. We have a problem with one offshoot of being, one specific lineage of evolutionary cells that are taking advantage of and being detrimental to the rest of us. This needs to be dealt with by us, the affected ones, which is everyone. We are being exploited when could be doing so much better, it's a shame to have to go through something so terrible to get to greener pastures but the concequence if we don't is severe and once laid largely unescapeable, which is why we must be as quick as possible in our retaliations. We cannot do this instantaneously, no matter how nice that would be, but this is a gradual advancement in a forward motion, culminating in an eventual desired ooutcome, and after that we can really get going, onward forever in a way of our benefit instead of global Zionist slavery and their sole reign over us to quench an insatiable greed. We can't dilly on thinking back to our amoeba days for long and have to get back to the what is still mostly wonderful present and instead focus on fixing the problems that have slowly manifested themselves in our current situation, we have grown to take for granted what we have now, and so be it, i agree, but when you think about it we are so advanced not only physically but mentally as well and it also only goes up from here. i am so interested in how we progress, not only us as humans but what we create and do, it's going to be a sight to behold, we just have to repurpose some cells

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics
System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Auroch Digital/Ripstone
-Okay i decided to buy this, figure there is enough to go on to give this a try for the ten dollar price, if it's good, it will be great, if not, i'm out that ten dollars. Here's why this perhaps might be good, first off as mentioned the title, Watch out! say the Germans, Cthulhu.. makes sense. Second, and this is a small thing to notice, but the enemies have character select icons shaped as triangles, i told you it was small, but hey. This is also one of my favourite genres so want to at least give it a go. This game is based on a tabletop tile battle one which in turn is based loosely on the H.P. Lovecraft Cthulhu mythos, something quite cool if i may say so, and should make for interesting play. i have never played a tabletop game like this but maybe that should be on my bucket list, it does look like a lot of fun, for now i have quite a few of these in videogame form to enjoy. i wish the Xcom series was on the up and up, but you can't win them all, instead i also have to try Hard West, a different setting but same mechanics. Not to mention, to mention, the Warhammer games, there are a few others also but the opposition has many games in this genre as well. Square-Enix is remaking two of these, Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre, both i liked very much but if they ever were good to begin with the new versions will take the same route as the Final Fantasy VII remake and ruin the whole thing, which is their purpose with such anyhow. As for Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics, it has potential, maybe this is a stealth/not so stealth game but it is by a company i have not added to my list of Zionist developers yet, and personally i hope not to have to and that this is great, but it really could go either way, the same can be said for a lot of media that you are not familiar with, but after you are..

Bejeweled 3
System: NDS
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: PopCap Games
-In the movie Independence Day Judd Hirsch's character, Julius, Jeff Goldblum's father in the film, asks some people to pray with him, when he starts, in Hebrew or whatnot, another character says “i'm not Jewish”, to which the reply is “nobody's perfect”. This begs the question are Jews perfect? Do they really think they are? Every race has their strengths as do Jews but there are flaws to their ascention as well, addiction is a flaw, thoughts of supremacy is a flaw, swindling others is a flaw. Good attributes? Am sure they have some, they just don't put them forward very often. Perfection or striving towards that the best you can is about being benevolent in every way possible, you will never be perfect but will be doing pretty well for your own happiness and others. i have flaws as well, i just try and diminish them, make them less, am never going to be perfect, none of us are, including Jews in their haze of belief that they are supreme, a supreme being would help others not try and take advantage of. If you can try and better other people, not be better than but to make them better. There are so many good qualities to have, so keep adding to the ones you currently possess and do so until you can't add any more, then you will be as close to perfect as you can get

Grip: Combat Racing
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Caged Element/Wired Productions
-Picked up this and the following three games for 90% off and am very happy with these purchases, i love buying games on sale as it's like getting multiple for the price of one and is mostly the only way i buy them. This futuristic racing game looks great and like a lot of fun

Hard Reset Redux
System: PS4
Type: FPS
Developer/Publisher: Flying Wild Hog/Gambitious
-A remade version of a 2011 pc game. Sometimers shooters like this one were blamed for gun violence in society, but then what about guns in movies? Books? The problem is with the second amendment not having restrictions on for instance assault rifles, there are more guns than people in the United States and is almost a rite of passsage for peope to buy a gun, thing is it is being taken advantage of and is known to be a lax loophole in the law to own such mentioned. They say guns don't kill people people do, well people with guns kill people, the death totals would be so much less if it were just handguns allowed and those would be fine for self defense. There is no reason to own an assault rifle except to kill mass amounts of people and should be agreed upon to restrict the sale and ownership of as protection against mass shootings. It's the profit being made from gun sales and their funding of polititians that keep ar-15's on the market, so those payments need to be outlawed in the public interest. Gun sales are very lucrative in general and if there are restrictions on cigarettes because of cancer there should be restrictions on firearms to also save lives. Yes the second amendment, have handguns to protect yourself, the restrictions just need to be placed on weapons of indiscriminate mass-killing that have no purpase other than that. There needs to be a hard reset on gun laws in the United States

Styx: Shards of Darkness
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Cyanide/Focus Home Interactive
-In this game you play as a goblin, something fun enough, the fantasy setting is always enjoyable, except for the Lord of the Rings mythos, J.R.R. Tolkien once pined that he wishes he were Jewish, and it shows in his works. Something i always enjoyed although haven't got into it as much as would like is the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game, now owned by Wizard's of the Coast but still by the original makers. There is the Paper Pencil version, the board game version, and the videogame version, there are also variants by different companies who may even be better, while i like WotC very much the D&D section is suspect. If you have never tried a paper pencil rpg i highly recommend getting some friends together and doing so. There are all sorts of settings you can play in, past, present, future and different manners of each. Personally i like the modern day spy settings, something i thought would be very cool would be having a game with real life building blueprints so you could plan your missions in real life and play your strategies fictionally, i never got to do that but always wanted to. But yes, these types of games for you and your friends are very fun, and if you haven't tried any then maybe give a look into such

Valentino Rossi
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Milestone
-A motorcycle game by great developer Milestone. This rounds out my on the cheap gaming purchases, although they usually always are on the cheap for me. i have other motorcycle games already but hey for about $2 i don't mind having an extra to get into. i often wonder if i would ride a motorcycle in real life, probably not as it is very dangerous, i do enough danger already at least with a purpose. A car neither, just not my thing. i used to ride my bicycle everywhere but now it's the bus, something i am very happy with doing, not that i minded biking of course. Driving is fast which is cool, gas and insurance prices can be pretty steep though which is mostly the only issue, but if that's how you get around more power to you. i just wouldn't do well driving, too nerve-wracking for me. i do however appreciate vehicles though, and like seeing fancy ones of all types, on this subject i must say however that electric vehicles are definitely the future and is needed to switch every vehicle to that for environmental reasons, cars and the like are ruining the planet due to exhaust and we have to convert as soon as possible in a major way, maybe starting with huge governmental incentives for buying electric and every other bonus for doing so

Space Hulk: Ascension
System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Full Control/Hoplite Research
-Very nice find, these turn based tactics games are a favorite of mine and this looks to be by a good company of a good company, Games Workshop. While Chaos Gate Daemonhunters, another tactics Warhammer game, is currently not ported to home consoles this should do just fine. In this genre of many Zionist offerings it's a pleasure to have a good one here and there. Games Workshop originally was, and still is, a company that makes actual miniatures for doing battles with on physical terrain, very fun am sure. Their videogames stay quite true to their origins and are greatly enjoyable also. So while most srpg's are by opposing companies there are still enough ones to keep you entertained in your time off by our fine people

Mega Man 11
System: PS4
Type: Platform
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Awesome! i've been waiting for this to go for a cheaper sale price and did so happily picked it up. Now i do have the legacy collection set, which are very hard, but this one has amazing graphics and an optional easy mode (for me, if i finish it on that i can always try a harder one). This here is by my beloved Capcom, one of the ways to get an idea of a game's agenda is to look at the titles of the trophies you can achieve, or whatever the equivalent is on other consoles. But yes, this company is one of our best, i am so proud of how well they are doing and how great the games they develop are. The list of good companies is unfortunately less than the ones that aren't, so be on guard
i really do need to say again that this is not Maga man, as in “make America great again” which is Donald Trump's slogan, and the two couldn't be further apart. Instead be mega people, the best that you can, if you notice a flaw you have discard it, if you wish you had a certain beneficial trait instead gain it, it's easy if you put your mind to it. You will be so thankful to yourself for doing so. You know what is a positive trait, and a negative one, just think about such and make some adjustments as best you see. i'm not perfect but have through the years made myself better and better so am at a good spot mentally now and you can do the same, proud of yourself at that. We all have regrets, but learn from them and do not repeat them. Think about how good you can be, follow through, and be happy with yourself when doing so, also know when you mess up, and avoid doing that. Imagine we were all mega people, everyone at the best of our good abilities, that would be nice, there still will be those that go against this for different reasons, addiction being one, and that's why we need strict laws and many jails, so that the rest of us can live in peace and security. While not in reference to what we need to do about Zionism and it's effects for the rest of us there is assertiveness, not aggression, assertiveness, being steadfast in your beliefs and own well being. Everyone on their best behaviour to each other, polite, honest, considerate.. we would live like a dream. Right now we are in a spot of rudeness, dishonesty and selfishness, when we need to be thinking of others, not first every time but up and as important as yourself. It is a moral decline we are in, whether we like it or not because we are at prey to others self-serving whims, even if we did not initiate the situation, bad things do happen to good people, whether through acts of God or being on the bad end of another persons negative actions. However, you can minimize your chances of being mixed up with potential harm to yourself by trying not to be involved in detrimental behaviour, this lowers your chances of unwanted results. Despite other's potential negativity you should still be a mega person, a wary one, but one none the less

MotoGP 18
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Milestone
-So i noticed MotoGP 08 was published by Capcom so got interested in this series, this one here is developed by Milestone though which is another great company i applaud loudly (you also applaud loudly if you find a gem that is ours). i do have Isle of Man but that's more of an endurance motorbike race than this one on a course. Speaking of giving needed credit to good videogame companies i just added Milestone to the good portion of the list which i will try to keep updated even moreso. While we have limited amounts of developers for us we still have enough to keep us happy without having to go to the opposition side and their plots against us, that is if you have enough time to even do so after doing so well for us otherwise. Let it be known when you find that a company is either on our side or not, it makes a difference, and making a difference is something you should aspire to do whether regarding videogames or anything else

Destroy All Humans
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Pandemic/THQ
-While the developer of this remake is Black Forest Games i like to put the original one above because they are the actual developers of the originating content. This remake looks to be very well done though and Black Forest Games deserves much respect as well (if this is infact a great game). If this is to be more accurate in regards to Zionist doings it would be enslave all humans. And i do think that is the intened message of the content. For one thing the alien is blue, for second the teeth are triangle. i look forward to trying this and looks not only fun but to be one of ours, and i hope it is. Would actual aliens want to destroy all humans? i don't think so, but am sure there is alien life to begin with, maybe close, all that's needed is water to support such, they may not be as advanced as us, but even some sort of biological entity would be life. On the other side maybe they are more advanced, after all we are relatively new in this and if we can develop this far so could others maybe even further. i do believe this game is good, though not developed from it is published by the always worth it as far as i'm concerened THQ, and it would be nice if this is for us as well. As mentioned before though THQ was bought by various companies like Zionist Sega and Ubisoft, while most going to Nordic however which should be fine, so maybe i am putting too much praise on what might be a game by the opposition, however if Nordic themselves are involved it should be okay. My expectations for this are that it is good, and it's okay to be wrong if so, infact it happens a lot, you go to the theater or pick up a new game thinking they are on the up and up and then blam, Zion. Even being aware of their agenda myself i falter and pick something up by them, at least there are varying degrees of agenda and i have games i like by marginal companies, so it's up to you what you play, i'll just say to keep a tally of what company's games you don't appreciate the agenda in and avoid them in the future, is Pandemic Games one of them? i guess we'll see. And if you like something i don't, that is completely fine, there's Zionist games i indulge in that are still enjoyed, it's all a matter of preference, but one to have very few exceptions
Edit: Well that's a shame about Pandemic Studios. i thought that maybe even though you play as the alien that it would be tongue in cheek commentary about the situation, it's not, it's a Zionist endeavour that has you zapping and taking advantage of unsuspecting lowly humans that starts you off with loads of cattle references and other insults to our being. The original version of this is from 2005 and there is no filter to their opinion of us, the main character has hexes (the inner part of a star of David, used as a less obvious denotation) on his spacesuit, the symbols that roughly spell out Jew is also there, and every other aspect plot and otherwise is about them and their supposed superiority to us. i still stand by THQ and Nordic, just will be more hesitant about games published but not developed by them, especially recent ones after their acquisition. So rather than being a for fun poke at Zionism as originally possible you end up getting a full blown supremacy spectacle. And that's more of what we have to deal with. Seriously the first mission in this game is to throw around cows with you super telekinetic powers, great. Going in i wasn't expecting anything either way, wanted to try it first, and after the intro, tutorial and first mission it was obvious the agenda and intentions of such. They no matter how much they think are not aliens, gods or any sort of superior being, they are human (which are not too shabby if i do say) if they were in any way more advanced than us they would lend a hand up not try and unpry ours from ascending. The ones that are against us must eat this game up, all the jokes and inferiority references at our expense. This mentality goes back to the Talmud, which is the culmination of a Jewish supremacy manual, giving them the “permission” to do and partake in all manners of deviant behaviour against us, that “permission” by no one but themselves, and they follow that, as unfortunate as that is, unfortunate that they believe that and more unfortunate for us who are at the brunt of these beliefs. This line of thought is so ingrained in their being that there is no reasoning with them, we are thought of by them as inferior and that is that, what are they so good at? i bet we run laps around them in most useful knowledge, activities, and achievements, ones that are beneficial to humankind not detrimental like theirs. All in all this game had slight but possible potential to be a fun humorous endevour but being helmed by what turned out to be Zionist Pandemic Studios it is instead another example of Jewish supremacy in gaming form, in this instance after trying a bit one of the worst and most obvious i've seen, but as with the topic there are very many games that share this narration

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of and Elusive Age
System: PS4
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Square-Enix
-i will forego speaking about Square-Enix this time and instead talk about a friend of mine who recently found and really likes this series of games, as do i. Picked this up on the cheap and if i don't like it for any reason can trade it. My friend though, great guy and we have a lot in common, something which is important to have, gives you topics to talk about, activities to share and goals to aspire to together. We don't currently do any online gaming but that is something that might be fun for us when we both have the time and i have ps+. We both love to thrift, and used to wait in line together when he was able, now he has a job, a nice one, but is still able to do so in the afternoon and we keep a lookout for items for each other which we both enjoy doing very much. One of the reasons i picked up DQ XI is it gives us something to share in together, in one way or another, an experience for both of us. As for your friends i hope you have one or two or more, if not i hope you are your own friend. Be nice to them if you do have, and expect the same in return. If you don't think you have any friends, you still do, people looking out for you, and there are many, help and appreciate them as well
Edit: Compared to another Square-Enix game Kingdom Hearts iii this one only feigned goodness for a very minimal amount of time before going completely Zionist. The graphics and other parts of this title could have all contributed to a stellar effort, if it were by us that is, unfortunately every aspect of every instance is put forth with negative agenda, for a slight example there is a six pointed star, *, before every text of dialogue, to show who was behind writing it. And that is just the very start, every text is threatening, demeaning, a diversion, pro-Israel and every other manner of duplicity. They make fun of what's going on in music with characters saying how much they love it, as in the listeners not knowing what's going on with that. The triangles are on full display here as well, with stars of David on everything imaginable. i didn't get very far in this game, not from difficulty but from disgust at the content, i let my friend know briefly about my problems with this game but should also add to him that i will no longer buy any games by Square-Enix, SquareSoft yes, Sqaure-Enix no. He has recently bought a few titles by them and if he doesn't end up liking them either at least they all have resale value. This is another example of how game developers of dubious intent create their games, where other than a few initial tricks to make you think they are okay and you bought a good game they dive right into the despicableness where every possible aspect of it's creation is put forward through devious thoughts of choices made about and throughout the entirety of the game. What should this person at the concert say? What color should this jewel be? How many triangles should we put on this background piece? Every facet of every decision they make. So i yet again tried a Square-Enix game, and yet again am more than disappointed, no more of that company for me. They though are not the only developers that do this, there are more of them than ours, you can't always perfect your homework on games that look fun and interesting but you can narrow down the list of self-approved companies. This is where comes in, it lets you look at all the games made by whatever company you want to check and has all the other info you could possibly want to make an informed decision on if a game is possibly a good one, or not. Again it's not 100% every time but does give you great insight about it. Do not read into your friends if you know they are trustworthy to not doubletalk, but do read into videogames for example as they have the time and initiative to speak in volumes towards the players in one reason or another, and you don't want to be at the brunt of the opposition's propaganda machine when you could be spending your spare time on a creation of ours for our enjoyment and benefit. i will try and be more vocal regarding letting my friend know how i feel about games he is thinking of picking up, and i encourage you to do the same with your friends, it's a conversation very much worth having. And if you yourself happen to have any position of reviews or advice i recommend you help your fellow gamers as well

Age of Empires: Mythologies/The Age of Kings
System: NDS
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Backbone Entertainment/Majesco
-This great series of videogames are from Microsoft, a modern empire. Ages are cumulative, we discover a new process or reach an acheivment and go along with that continuing on that way onward and forward while still keeping in mind and utilizing what we've learned in earlier ages. We are also and as still in the age of empires, like the empires of the aforementioned Microsoft, the empire of Walmart, and the empires of varying degrees of the plethora of other companies and institutions. Maybe you have a dream of your empire, realize that, you can also have one of one type or another if you have a grand idea and put in the effort. It might not be as massive as other entities but it will be yours, of any size, enjoy having that. Everything is relative and we are all at various points compared to each other, but this is not a competition, instead we are all parts of an interwoven fabric, giving stregnth to our brethren as they do us, together we are mighty. Be proud to be part of the tapestry, wherever you happen to be on it, together it is marvelous and you contribute in your own way and continue to. Do you have an empire? Not yet? Now you can, we are as mentioned even still in an age of kings, be the top in your field of expertise, or at least part of the shared community of people. There are many positions available in another's empire, together you can make it strong and one of the foremost in that particular subject of interest. Wherever your place is in life try to be doing something you enjoy, and also to be part of something bigger than you as well, something that can only be achieved with multitudes of similar minded participants, together doing wonderful things for each other

Gravity Rush 2
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Sony
-Looks to be very fun, and by Sony themselves at that! i wonder how far this game delves into black holes if so at all. Because there is a rush needed. We've made it this far without being consumed by one so am thinking we have some time before the inevitable, but we really should get on a solution asap. Maybe as our science and technology advances we will be able to negate such, there is a long way to go and the resources needed are immense but we are shuttling forward at unimaginable rates so is not out of imagination. It crosses my mind sometimes if those in the field of astronomy and such already know how long till a black hole nears us, or in a more presing manner if there is an asteroid set for collision with earth aleady found, and if they would let it be known or not, not as a prevention of mass panic and anarchy. An asteroid is preventable though and we are actually near saving ourselves if we put a bit more resources toward this issue. Even if we are doomed, we should keep doing better and better for the sake of ourselves and others, what is the alternative? There is a lot of positive enjoyment to be had for us, and although much of the best parts of life are free there are also many that cost money, so you're going to have to hold a job, then you can partake in all the activities you can afford. Even if the apocalypse is on it's way live similar to what you're doing now, maybe even with renewed vigor and shifted direction towards the new goals you want to reach in life in your spare or even full-time. Still be nice to our fellows and fellowettes, they have feelings that matter and that doesn't change. We still have to end Zionism which tramples on the world, in the time we have we'd better make sure they don't ruin the lives of everyone for however much is left, but we probably have a long time so is still needed. Other than Zionism we are doing very well to say the least, and it is not beyond our ability, or at least won't be in the future, to deflect an asteroid that is determined to be crashing ino Earth. Even with black holes we may have a solution, not now perhaps but if we put some effort into finding one we can take control of our future fate. No matter what our destiny we have say in it, we can shape our trajectory, or in this case an asteroids one, and have it so we survive and progress for a lot longer than the universe intended. This should be a uniting factor to join us together as a people in another way not fully implementable otherwise

007 – Quantum of Solace
System: Wii
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Beenox/Activision
-We are all wound up in a world of espionage, whether you know it or not, and you also can be a renouned intelligence agent. You are already dealing with propaganda dissemination, false flag attacks, certain involved actors and other personalities in media trying to fool you, and a greedy opposing entity trying to swindle and control the world for their own nefarious purposes and more. As an agent you'd better pick things up, there is so much to do to counter everything mentioned and not mentioned. You'd also be best to be very suspicious and skeptical, you won't get far otherwise. Let yourself be known, to any extent you want, if you already have a platform make the most of it, it's up to you to determine the best use of your time and effort, have it count. Do your investigating and expose orchestrated or staged events that may take lives of ours, as well as concocted news stories and happenings that play into their agenda against you. It's not only you against the Mossad and their heinous activities, you have easily tens of thousands among your immidiate ranks, and that's pretty good, everyone else has their part in this as well, everyone. Be friends with every intelligence agency except Mossad, those others are your allies in this, do your homework and share, share, share what you find. If you are privy to classified information or are a whistleblower you have the means to let others know that as well. Be a part of what we're doing, you can help immensely and be a part of the global service, your doings contributing to and furthering of our combined future, one free from the currently in progress planetary Zionist plot. Each of us, whether on the front lines or guarding the back, has a part in this, some will be major advancements some humble, but all important. What you do is important. What you do is needed. Thank you in advance, not only from me but from every one of us you help. The ones we have lost, the ones we are losing, and our future losses if we fail to take action, do what you can

Asura's Wrath
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: CyberConnect 2/Capcom
-Noticed that i have some ps3 games that haven't put here so figured to do that today. You do your stuff today or at least as soon as possible as you are needed right now. Let's see your wrath. Be a hurricane, you can get your part in and have phenomenal achievements

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
System: PS3
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-One of my favorites, my first choice being MvsC2 though. My friend also picked this up (ps4 both) so we could play multi with it, we didn't get around to it though and now i don't have ps+ which is needed for such, but will re-subscribe down the line. Do not procrastinate on your doings though, even with my not gaming as much as i'd like to i do always make time for these important matters, and you need to as well. People are depending on you so don't let them down

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
System: PS3
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SuperBot Entertainment/Sony
-Haven't really tried this one but looks very fun and is by far a better choice than Nintendo and their smash bros series. On the topic of PlayStation and ps3 (and psp!) i worry that they will shut down the digital games we paid good money for, i love my ps3 and psp and picked up quite a few titles from them, and do not want them to negate the download option for these, i always thought of digital games as a great alternative and a forever purchase not something that can be revoked. Please leave all the purchased games available forever, they were bought and paid for in good faith and trust

The Darkness I/II
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Starbreeze/2K Games
-i have mixed feelings about publisher 2K, while i love many of their games they also put forward titles i do not, but that is a possibility given for games they do not develop themselves. However i do keep 2K in mind as being more good than not

WarHammer 40k Space Marine
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Relic Entertainment/THQ
-Made by two companies i cherish very much and with a property that is also completely commendable this looks to be a great game. i have a friend who is also into WH40K and we talk about the different videogames based on such, one of the best ones for my taste is a tactics style game Mordheim City of the Damned, i tried the introduction to it and like for sure. There is one unfortunate thing about this series of games though, Chaos Gate Daemonhunters is only for pc not consoles, i hope it gets ported to them at some time as it looks to be an amazing x-com style title but by a good company. As far as i know THQ though has gone under and has been bought out, i'm guessing by some unscrupulous entity/entities, but here's hoping not and instead by our interests, i'll give another try to THQ if they still go by that moniker of something recent perhaps

MX vs ATV Alive
System: PS3
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: THQ
-Another game by THQ, and one that is of a favorite style of mine, off-roading. i don't often pine for outdoor activities, but two of those i would love to try is the aforementioned off-roading and also scuba diving, the ocean is a complete other world and is so facinating to me, that would just be so amazing. Sure there are very many fun to say the least outdoor activities to be had i just would especially enjoy those ones. There's nothing wrong with staying home and doing stuff there, that can also be rewarding, very much so, just in a different way. Personally i prefer staying home, you can do so much, and you have to admit helping us along in great ways is also fantastic to do. i ask, what are you doing for the weekend? And often get the response oh nothing. But that's not true, you are always doing something, even if it is sleeping or thinking. Streaming/watching is fine, as long as it's good material i'd say. Chores around the house? Positive doings. As long as you enjoy your time do not feel bad about it not being earth-shaking, save the earth-shaking for your online efforts. If you were outdoors kayaking all day who would get needed stuff done? Maybe you can mix both, but i'll be here

Prince of Persia Trilogy
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Ubisoft
-These hd compilations are many times very enjoyable, Ubisoft i'm not much for and same goes for other similar and such, but when they are good they very much are. Remakes in general are welcomed, again depending, but it's nice to play classic games on newer consoles with better graphics and enhanced gameplay features. Speaking on topic we are somewhat in a remake of what we're doing, let's get it right, pick up the pace and get this happening

Tekken 6
System: PS3
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
-Also published by Namco, by Project Soul, is the SoulCalibur series, both franchises are ones i have always loved. In fact the Soul games were a main part of systems i bought when younger, to play Soul Blade i bought a ps1, to play SoulCalibur i bought a Sega Dreamcast, it really is a fantastic series. Then you have Tekken, also deserving of all the accolades and play it gets. Here's the thing, i am hesitant about Namco, but hope for the best with them. They sure did a great job on these titles though so until shown otherwise i will continue with them

Bionic Commando
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Grin/Capcom
-Okay two things about this game, first it is only published by Capcom while was developed by Grin, if it was Capcom all the way it would be great for sure but this makes me apprehensive about it. Second while looking up the info about this it is labeled as a Metroidvania, a genre i like very much, is this one? That would be nice. i have played games with similar maker credits, other/Capcom, and they were not as they would have been if it was fully Capcom. This doesn't make me feel any different of said company i understand they can't make all the games themselves but you just have to be wary of this circumstance

Ico / Shadow of the Colossus
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Sony
-These are both very impressive games, i believe they were actually developed by Team Ico though. And i will also put The Last Guardian after this one which is by the same company. In Ico you are tasked with rescuing a princess from a puzzling castle and this game, both really, were very well received, and both also look immensely fun. In SotC you are in a barren land fighting giant beings that are many times larger than you, an impressive feat of game development indeed when it was first released on PS2. Both of these tasks can be applied to us, rescuing musical princesses (and princes), and fending off major foes. We are the meek in this, not the other way around, and have to defend ourselves against the opposing threat we are up against. While we are powerful in many ways that opposition has us in their grasp, diminishing our true potential. We must embrace and utiliize all resources available to us to neutralize their actions, bringing them down to our size

The Last Guardian
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Sony
-The world is full of guardians, gaurdians and aggressors, we are the guardians of each other, they against us. This looks to be a whimsical tale of a boy and his large pet companion. While i cannot vouch for it's goodness, or whether it is propaganda, on the surface it looks quite fun and enjoyable. You have to watch out for when Zion tries to pull at your heart-strings, it is meant with an intent of malice. Guard us, not only from small time dangers but large ones as well

Final Fantasy III
System: NDS
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Square-Enix
-This is a remake of the originally made by Squaresoft game for the NES. Before their merger with Enix Squaresoft was a massive company who i still enjoy many games from. i don't know why their morality tanked after joining with Enix but we'll always have the original titles by them. No matter their affiliation before what they did was noble with good intentions, you could just feel it in their games. You can sense a media's purpose of what the makers are trying, whether theirs or ours. The former ill intended propaganda and the latter glorious messages made with love. i'm not going to tell you what to play, that's your choice, i will just warn you and let you know to be aware, a good place to start would be my videogame company list and write-ups, you go from there. i have a good friend that doesn't vet his videogame companies, i sometimes try to let him know about certain ones but that's not something he follows right now, maybe he will down the line though, i hope so. Speaking of my friend he does like Square-Enix, and that's okay, i try and give them leeway as well but they are far from the way Squaresoft was. i for instance bought Final Fantasy XV recently and just a few minutes ago am trying to trade for Dragon Quest XI, knowing full well about them. Again i give them that leeway which is rare among game companies i normally watch out for. PS1 was the heyday of Squaresoft games, so many amazing ones, they are available for cheap on the PS Store for compatible systems, and also i believe just released on the new version of the PS+ service, i would recommend these and definitely play the original Final Fantasy VII over the remake, you won't be disapointed. But yes, Squaresoft, if i am wrong about their goodness, and if they have always been on the opposing side, then that would be unfortunate, but how can throwing snowballs at vampires be Zionist? i believe they are, were, not. Play what makes you happy, while i am very picky about my gaming companies which can be restrictive at times, create a mental list of companies you yourself do not wish to indulge in, mine is just to get you started and you'll find and learn from there

Clubhouse Games
System: NDS
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Agenda/Nintendo
-A game published by Nintendo developed by Agenda? Go figure. But who knows, see i have never played a game by this company so i learn as i go as well, could go either way really, then will be aware going forward. On the surface this looks fun and all, 42 games included like backgammon, chess, solitaire etc.. You may wonder well how would a company turn backgammon Zionist? Believe me they would find a way, layout, menu, background, sound effects, any way possible, and that's what happens with that, it's every facet available they make into such. Same goes for our outputs as well thankfully. i've played my share of Zionist games, many before knowing about all that but still some afterwards, most of the time i give up after realizing so though to save my mental state of well being. If someone is talking to you and being rude, insulting to your intelligence, demeaning and misleading you don't want to or enjoy talking to them, feel the same about your media including of course videogames

Victor Vran
System: PS4
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: Haemimont Games/Wired Productions
-While the title of this game has two words that start with V, normally a sign of Jewish involvement as a reference of the star of David, this game actually looks to be one of ours. i looked into this a bit and it positively does seem this way. There are two expansions for this game but i just bought the standard version as that's what was on sale, one of those expansions features in a major way the group Motorhead, ours. There is also the plot and the way it is talked about etc in the trailers for this and so forth. You might waste some money here or there buying media that turns out to be theirs but you'll learn how to spot which affiliation something is. Doing so will give you happiness avoiding negative agenda, surrounding yourself with just our very good efforts, and don't let the word effots downplay the quality of what we are putting forward, there are so very many completely amazing outputs from us, music, movies, tv, videogames, books, you just have to figure out before purchasing or consuming which is which. It may seem at times that all there is is theirs, but that's not true, we still get through with our own content you just have to look a bit more. When you do find something good though let it be known through the heavens and cherish it immensely yourself. You could also say the same for negative media, let that be known as well, warn your fellow listeners, watchers, players, readers that something is wrong with the particular content. i'll tell you i've been very very happy with my recent purchases, no Zionist tripe from what i've seen of such so far, it's a nice feeling, share in that. Have great pleasure at the money and brain well being you save skipping their plots against you let alone the joy you receive from actual good media that's here for you, ours

Capcom Arcade Stadium
System: PS4
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Sweet, am happy to have found this on sale, the games that is, the base program is free and you purchase the titles you want, these were each $1 as opposed to $2, either price is more than fair for these great games but hey i'm always up for cheaper. Half of these i have played at home or in arcades and the other half i'm looking forward to try
>Battle Circuit
-Side-scrolling action game that looks really fun
>Captain Commando
-CAPtain COMmando has always been a favorite of mine, very enjoyable side-scroller
>Carrier Air Wing
-Left to right jet fighter shooter. i picked up a few airplane shooter games just because of the good price but am not very proficiant at them. At least here there is endless continues
-Not the best graphics of the lot but a game i grew up with somewhat and figured to give another try
-A fighting game where you are a mech. This particular title isn't found many places and looks really fun so one of the best picks from these
>Final Fight
-Just another fun side-scroller. Many of the characters from this game have found their way into other Capcom games
>Ghouls 'n Ghosts
-This game is hard as anything, but a challenge is sometimes nice
>Giga Wing
-In addition to arcades this game was i believe also on the Sega Dreamcast, it is not by Sega though to be sure. And it is hard, very hard, for me and i'm certain you as well, same with most of these flying shooting games that require a lot of hand eye coordination. Referred to as a bullet-hell game it lives up to it's moniker
-Titled as Senjo No Okami II on the Playstation store if you want to download this yourself, it is in North America called Mercs, and is an amazing game
>Powered Gear
-Another side-scrolling action game this one you are also a mech. Haven't tried this one but looks good
-A left to right aerial bullet-hell game. Will try!
-This has a remake/reimagined version while this is the arcade original which is still a great game
>Super Street Fighter II Turbo
-Probably the best version of SFII. i also have the hd version for ps3 but is nice to have this particular one as well. Have always liked SF as it was played by me in arcades and was always quite good at it
>Varth: Operation Thunderstorm
-And to round out these specific Capcom classics is Varth, a vertical scrolling aerial shooter that while hard looks to be quite fun as well. At $1 each for these titles i, and maybe you if you'd also like to purchase, will enjoy them for sure. Definitely much respect to Capcom for making these in the first place, they have always been there for you and made/make many phenomenal games we can fully love. While we rightfully and unfortunately wince at games by the opposition we can be assured that most every Capcom game is made for us not against us, feel free to be giddy about playing any of their illustrious catalogue of titles. Thank you Capcom

Hard West Ultimate Edition
System: PS4
Type: Tactics
Developer/Publisher: Forever Entertainment
-i so very much hope that this Xcom style game is instead one with good intentions. Set in the wild west, which i like the wild wild west even more though (www), this is a tactics based system that also incorporates demons and such in the setting. From everything i've seen about this title it looks to be on the up and up and i look forward to trying it out. If this game is indeed one of ours it will be one of my favorites of the genre. i had $3 and looked to see what was available on the playstation store for that and found this, but only after finding and looking to buy ShineSS: The Lightning Kingdom which turned out to no longer be on sale. SS? Lightning? Yes please! So instead am completely happy with Hard West for about the same price and will pick up the other next time it's on sale again. All in all both look to be great finds

System: PS4
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: The Game Kitchen/Team17
-You know what.. this game might be quite good, i wanted to start and get into it a bit after purchasing it this afternoon on sale and it might be okay. i looked at the companies that made this and they seem to check out, what i worry about is the reference to “the miracle” and whether it is in a positive or negative light. Leonard Cohen is one of a very few Jews that at times spoke well of what we do and are doing, in his song Waiting for the Miracle from album The Future, which i listened to many times when younger although marginal it perhaps is. What we need more of is those of them who are on our side and not only partially like Leonard unfortunately was. We are the righteous victims in this and some sacrifices from the opposing faction would be appreciated greatly by those of ours being harmed and there are many. There are not a lot of Jews who speak up for us, so they are complicit, instead be on our side and better for it. Someone as impactful as Benjamin Freedman was and still is posthumously. You can be like that, revered by us for your much needed help. Be a part of the miracle with your own, not in relation to Leonard Cohen or game Blasphemous, but a part of what you know is good and righteous. You can make miracles of all sorts that combine into one concerted effort, a miracle we all contribute to for the miraculous goal. The goal. Many other goals exist but are eclipsed by the importance, necessity and needed fervor of the first. There's a new movie on it's way titled Three Thousand Years of Longing, and while i cannot vouch for it's goodness or validity i will speak that we have also been longing for three thousand years, about this, and are now at the time to commence our actions regarding such. While we now have the ability it will still take much time, and as much as i can do it goes to you to get these solutions happening

Dead Rising: Chop till you Drop
System: Wii
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: TOSE/Capcom
-Being a Wii exclusive this game makes use of the wiimote and nunchuck to navigate and control. Tose looks to be a good developer and while it would have been more for sure if developed by Capcom themselves am thinking this will be quite nice. This was a gift from a friend who am always appriciative of for items like such in addition to his friendship which is more important. Now while i like shopping as much as the next person i take offense when looked down on for doing so, i remember seeing Al Roker doing a weather report on the morning news a long time ago and saying how it was such a nice day outside and perfect for going shopping in, and that sums it up pretty well. They don't care what you buy just that you do. Shopping doesn't make you a sheep, consuming is part of life, and enjoyable, as long as you don't step on others to fund your hopefully wise spending. Me? i'm cheap, sales, thrift stores and no disposable purchases, up to you, if you like going to the theatre, eating at restaurants or even going on vacations have at it, as said i'm just too cheap to do so even though am sure they are enjoyable so you do those in place of me and have fun. While we live our lives we pay taxes on our purchases, personally i like paying tax on goods and services as it funds all sorts of wanted and necessary programs and such, health, safety, schooling and every manner of beneficial matters. Health U.S.A. ahem health. Our purchases and payments are a part of life, and we for the most part enjoy our spending, but the opposition doesn't care about that, hence their calling of us cattle, it's not macaroni, textbooks and cars to get you to work and play but all just numbers to them. Each household of one or more has individual life and lives, but that doesn't matter to those in financial power, you are not one of a population you are just a mass of population as a whole. Each of us as a combined entity and entities can accomplish much though, every person a part made stronger together, we have our own power and are greater in numbers than theirs, only for many currently in a lull but ready to wake up and be a vital part of the resistance, to clean up media, government, and for the U.S.A. the federal reserve. Live your life, be an individual, one of many, and go ahead and shop till you drop if you have the money you earned honorably and enjoy what you spend your money on as long as it is only your own honest and hard earned dollars

8-Bit Adventure Anthology: Volume 1
System: PS4
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Abstraction Games
-This collection includes the titles Shadowgate, The Uninvited, and Deja Vu, all of which are point and click adventures. When i was young it was the time of Commodore 64's and after that Amiga's, and on such i used to play many many of these types of games, most of them by then named lucasfilm now lucasarts, which i wasn't up on or aware of their intentions back then. I still have a penchant for these type of games though, recently i have played The Longest Journey and Black Mirror to mention a few and there are multiple of these type also by the same companies, and these three while graphically ancient look to be very fun and challenging, if you ever get into one of these types of games be prepared to look up a walkthrough a few times as they can be very harrowing to navigate. Now i already own a remade version of Shadowgate, with nice graphics and enhanced features etc, but it's for computer, on Good Old Games to be specific, i actually have a pretty sweet library of digital games on both Steam and GoG but my computer isn't that great to be able to play many of these. However digital gaming through these platforms is fantastic, and while both of these services are very well made for different reasons the main feature is with GoG being free of drm, digital rights management, where on Steam which has it you have to be online to game. There is a work-around to this but i just prefer GoG. While i don't know a lot about Gabe Newell, the owner of Steam, he looks like a fine guy and he did make a really great service which i also like, but i have been more with GoG as i enjoy many of their layout, components, non-drm on all the games of course and the owners are also very cool. i'm sure Steam will always be around and have many people on that platform and i hope that GoG continues forever also as is and not bought by a company more interested in profit that it's user experience, thankfully neither of these services are like that now so keep doing well

System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Delphine Software/SSI
-This is another game from back in the day, nice graphics for the time as well. You will be tested by the opposition, and they alternate between two modes, issuing threats or feigning goodness, so you will need to remember not only the threats they made but the ones they followed through on against many of us. Remember their world-breaking agenda in progress, what they are doing behind the scenes while telling you how wonderful and innocent they are, they do both at the same time. Their corruption is corrupting the populaces they have control over, remember what you see when you happen to mistakingly consume media of theirs, what they have put and are putting forward. Oh no, the pure? I don't hear any of them standing up for us the victims of these Zionist plots, it's all well and good with them what's being done to us until it closes in on them. There is enough reason, enough to know and remember, for a vast multitude of doings of our answer, i and others lead you to your part in this and hope you not only agree but participate. When you flashback look forward

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
System: PS4
Type: Tactics
Developer/Publisher: Mimimi/Kalypso
-This despite it's title is not quite an srpg tactics game, it would be more comparable to the Commando's series. It was on sale for cheap though and looks pretty fun. One of these and in the same setting as this is the aforementioned Onimusha Tactics, by Capcom and for the Gameboy Advance, that i would love to try, i think that is Capcom's only tactics game at that. On the subject of tactics, have valiant ones, honorable ones, of strength, motivation and determination. While they conspire deceit, trickery and underhandedness. We don't have to do what they are, we are doing quite well in this uphill battle, because right is right, we don't have to resort to unscrupulous behaviour we have the power we need in ourselves already we just have to employ it in this situation we are unfortunately in. Situation is putting it lightly, this is, the situation, we all have to deal with, every one of us is involved, so we must gather together as a global community with a global solution and follow through. Organize and collaborate with each other around the world, we are all on the same team in this issue

Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
System: PS2
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Through our actions we form our own destinies. And we have plural destinies, of different topics and different times, all yours for the sculpting. What you do has every effect on your future, so do well and receive well according to the best of your ability and not taking into account other people's negative actions, which alter both you and their timelines but at least you can put yourself towards the best path to take while also preparing for handling the actions and events that may happen as detrimental to your happiness and well being. If you are studying a skilled trade your destiny most likely is in that field, now you may also decide mid-training that you have a great singing voice and want to do something with that instead well then that is a fork toawrds a different direction, a different potential outcome, then you can say that your new lifestate is the best one for you. All in all we can shape our current lives continuously, negating the desire for a destiny other than using that term to say you are happy with your decicions that led you to your present place of being, and as you continue along that path it generally gets better and better. For me, i believe that every single thing that has happened forming me and my life has led to this, i would almost like to say it is my destiny, as every single thing has been the perfect storm towards now. Maybe you will feel the same when you reach your desired place in life. After all it is the same with you, where everything you've ever done has led you to your current self and situation, what will you aim for next? You can pace towards your goals, fast or slow, and the fulfilling of reaching those goals is your destiny as it advances and shifts over time, hopefully for the better in each and every instance. If something is going well, perhaps build on that, if something proves to be a negative part of your being do what you can to remedy that. Maybe you have dreams of acheiving a certain destiny, a grand goal or place in life, you are the one to go towards that with your studying, training and best efforts. Then you will be able to say you have reached your destiny and live your days enjoying what you have and are accomplishing doing such. Dream big, dream resonable, but definitely dream and find a good spot for you in life, be happy with what you do and arrange your circumstances to all be beneficial to what you want out of your existance while here, have a moldable destiny, one that shapes and evolves as you do over time, maybe along the same path or one you find you are more suited to. Have dreams for every aspect of your life, and spend your time acheiving them

Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside
System: N64
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Left Field Productions/Nintendo
-Kobe, Gianna and those who perished with them will be missed. You be missed. Leave a legacy of service to your loved ones and community. You don't have to be grandly appreciated to be appreciated, what you do leaves a mark on this world and some in it, whether that be many people or a few who are close to you. Do these things not to acuire prestige but for the sole benefit of helping others. Kobe lived his life well and while doing so also was involved in many charitable ventures, and while he may be gone from this world his charities live on and continue to help those he cared especially for. From what i understand he was not only a great basketball player and humanitarian, but also a very nice person to know. And while he is not here to brighten up rooms with his kind presence he lives on in the memories of everyone who knew him, this is the least we ourselves can hope to achieve. Every one of us polite, considerate, and giving of our time and ability. We have ancestry family trees that constantly grow in breadth and scope, make your current and eventual writeup one that you are proud of

System: GameBoy
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-This pheonomenal game, one of the best of all time, is by a Russian software engineer named Alexey Pajitnov. The Russian war against Ukraine for territory though is one of the worst of all time. While i agree with sanctions and other punitive measures please don't clump all Russian into the group committing the atrocities there. Eventually this war in Ukraine will end, hopefully by the will of Vladimir Putin, and there will be healing or at least recompense. This is an unneeded war and should not be continued, i'm sure there is land aplenty already in Russia if they want to expand their living space. Obviously Putin wants to be able to save face in any resolution and the best way to do that is by ending the war even without any purported win by the Russian side, how he goes about doing so is up to him as long as the result is the same

System: PS3
Type: FPS
Developer/Publisher: Propaganda Games/Touchstone
-First this game looks amazing and the setting is very interesting. Second it is published by Touchstone, which was for the more mature type Disney ventures. Third, and how can i let this go without making a statement about how i so am opposed to the use of rock (crack), you just have to not try it, if you do you are fucked, this is one example of why we need stricter drug dealing sentences, as it ruins entire lives. But i digress about that for now as you know my opinion on this subject. Oh, and Touchstone is not a reference like that, just to mention, in fact when you see a movie by them you are in for a good one from what i know about their various contributions to us

Metroid Fusion
System: GameBoy Advamce
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-Ah, the other half of Metroidvania, i have also played this one before when the GBA was the current system and it was very fun. As for now i have started Castlevania Advance Collection and am enjoying it very much, there's three GBA ports on that one and i will rotate between finishing those and other games when i have spare time

Megaman & Bass
Systme: GameBoy Advance
Type: Side Scrolling
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-i will stick with Capcom, through their publishing of secondary companies games and through any unfortunate mis-steps they may have made, i am with them for the long-haul and look very much towards their future efforts which are almost always spectacular. Capcom for their continued efforts deserve a place in our hall of fame, not theirs, ours, as they have consistantly made games we can enjoy not be broken hearted by not only a purchase of but a playing of the oppositions. You don't have to limit yourself to only Capcom games, we have a few other companies as well, but they are few and far between compared to otherwise. And again, Capcom is not perfect, but the good games they have developed for us are plentiful. Agenda needs to be something brought up in reviews of all titles, in whatever manner you see fit, to let people know a ceratin game or developer is corrupt or if it is something great by and for us

Castlevania Advance Collection
System: PS4
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: KCET/Konami
-For whatever reason i am very happy to have picked up this and Grand Kingdom, i always am but these moreso. This one here is a compilation of four games, three from the GBA (GameBoy Advance) and an extra Castlevania game as well. While i am not much for Konami maybe KCET who developed these three is okay, perhaps.. i have played through one or two of these when they were originally on the gba and it was a current system and liked them very much, this is one of my favourite genres and these will be enjoyed. There's something deeply fulfilling about this style of game, the way you progress through it always gaining new abilities to get you further and further and through spots you couldn't get to before. The first Castlevania that was like this is the revered Symphony of the Night, and these follow that type of gameplay also. One of the cooler parts of SotN is that after you complete the first castle it flips over and there's a whole other one to complete of that castle upside down, doubling the playability. So if you're looking for a deeply immense gaming experience like these just do a search (Bing) of best metroidvania's for whatever system you have, you will like this genre i'm sure

Grand Kingdom
System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Spike Chunsoft/NIS America
-i like Spike, i like Chunsoft, together though their list of developed games is not to my liking, Chunsoft is best known for the first five Dragon Warrior (now Dragon Quest) series of games which am a fan of. Will this be another “triangle” strategy game published by NIS? i hope not. While not having as vast a battle grid as other tactics games this still looks very promising, the graphics are great, the battles in depth, the items varied and the character development expansive. As for the story at first glance when looking this up seems decent, but have played other srpgs where it seems okay at first but then show their real agenda after a while into it. This was on sale 75% off and did some delving into it and figured to give it a try. i referenced before about how this genre of games are similar to chess, and they are, if anything i would say these are much more in depth as you have a larger play area and many more differentials. Ones of these that are ours are hard to find, i am partial to Final Fantasy Tactics if you're looking for one to get started with, spent many fun hours on that one. As said before remember to do your tasks first and have gaming as a reward for doing so well

Dynasty Tactics 2
System: PS2
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Koei
-Nice, i wasn't aware of this one, looked through the list of games from this company and didn't see anything objectionable. You will develop your own list of good and not companies, maybe i can get you started. This was a digital purchase of a ps2 game that plays on ps3, something which i hope is available for buyers of such to download forever. i love these type of games, one of my favorite genres. These recent games i have been picking up all have an Asian theme, which is a very interesting setting to play in

Skulls of the Shogun
System: PS4
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Sickhead Games/17-Bit
-Another Srpg style game i didn't know about but looks great. i am apprehensive about the company name Sickhead though as the term sick/six, is a term about the opposition, one that they use to describe themselves, you'll notice it multiple places. However as said it looks like at a good glance that this game is okay (maybe better than okay?)

Onimusha: Warlords
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Even though i have the ps2 version i waited til this remastered one was on sale to pick up and play, and am loving it. Always support companies that are ours, not just financially when purchasing games but any way you see fit. For some reason i never earlier got into this series but having finally found out the playstyle i am really glad to have done so. This is another example about how there are more than enough media of ours to always be happy and entertained. Another genre of game i like very much is Srpg's, and there is one in this series named Onimusha Tactics which is a title i would really like to find, one of the few in that style that is by us. Now you have as mentioned Triangle Strategy which is aptly named and covers most Srpg's, including and unfortuantely the X-com series, coming soon though is a Games Workshop (great company) one based on the Warhammer 40k setting Chaos Gate: DaemonHunters (plural), while i can't afford to pick it up right away the first time it goes on sale for 50% off i will try to, and it looks amazing. But yes, stick to ours, you will be much happier in and for doing so. Our videogame companies are outnumbered but we still have a great many to choose from

Sniper: Ghost Warrior
System: PS3
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: City Interactive
-Now i have all of these Sniper series minus the newest one Contracts 2. The reviews aren't favorable for the most part but have played a bit of the first Contracts and liked it very much. The company that makes these are City Interactive, who's original logo has a triangle clearly visible but has since changed said logo. Now, as for Ghost Warrior 3 at least it is set on the Ukraine Russia border and your missions are as you'd figure. What i will mention here is that although there are Jews in Ukraine, Ukrainians are not Jewish, nor are the Polish. So there is no need for Ukrainians or Polish to stick up for them. i do realize that that the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish, and he looks to be a great one, it's a shame about his brethren. Ukrainians and the Polish are safe, at least from everyone who is not a Russian soldier or general. Is it genocide though? Putin is not killing Ukrainians because they are such, they are a somewhat varied people who just so happen to live in Ukraine, he is not against Ukrainians living anywhere else in the world. Whatever you call it though it is still tragic and i applaud the help the world is giving them and wish it's continuence until victory. Even if let's say Russia takes over Ukraine, the sanctions and similar means will eventually take it's toll on day to day Russian life, moreso. There were a few sniper games i noticed also but decided not to pick up, of course, Sniper Elite series where you are tasked with shooting Nazi's, no that's alright thanks. As for Sniper Ghost Warrior i will enjoy continuing with these as a non-hectic first person shooter

R.U.S.E. The Art of Deception
System: PS3
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Eugen Systems/Ubisoft
-Speaking of Russia, it appears that Putin is lying to his citizens, they also would not go for what is being done if they knew the truth about this war. Even a large amount of Russian soldiers are giving up or not continuing with the invasion. Putin is a proud man, maybe even stubborn, and as said this is not what he expected, he thought he would be welcomed with flowers but that didn't happen at all, so now he is stuck in this confrontation with no way out other than quitting. The Russian people don't want this war, and neither do the soldiers, the only people currently committed to this are Putin and the top brass. Deception in war is nothing new, every nation has their own propaganda to further their military objectives, some just more than others, but sometime soon just as always happens the Russian people in this instance will find out the truth about what's being done to Ukrainians and why, the why is not very noble either, it is for land and territory. If there is going to be Russian propaganda from the higher ups please make such with the intent of doing so to end the war for whatever reason you can possibly think of, you will be commended instead of condemned. Any war that relies on deception is a war not to be fought. There are legitimate reasons for war, this one between Russia and Ukraine does not have one

NBA Shootout 2003
System: PS2
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: 989 Sports/Sony
-What looks to be a fun basketball game although probably not as good as NBA Jam for my taste, still worth picking up. It's hard to find good sports games as most of them are by EA, a company against their consumers. And EA doesn't just make sports games but very many other ones as well, definitely worth avoiding. Although we don't have as large a library as Zion does in terms of videogames we have enough to keep you happy, happy being the word as opposed to the feelings theirs make. As said i occasionally buy Zionist games, i'm about to write about Hot Shots Golf 3 which is one, and i know this in advance as i already bought two Hot Shots games before, but i'm not perfect with my consumption, you don't have to be either, just be aware

Hot Shots Golf 3
System: PS2
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Clap Hanz/Sony
-Arcade style golf, and i like arcade style games more than sim ones for the most part, easier to play and able to just game for a while instead of at length. i enjoyed going to arcades a lot when younger, something that is not really around anymore. Good times those were though, back when arcade macahines were top of the line and better than home consoles. They ended up getting kind of seedy sometimes though, that was the only unfortunate part. But as technology advances things change dramatically, and we will see many advancements and changes in our lifetime, hopefully all for the better, it's already absolutely outstanding what we have invented, accomplished, and are doing right now

Full Spectrum Warrior Ten Hammers
System; PS2
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Pandemic Studios/THQ
-How about zero hammers? and zero golf clubs either. This game looks great though and was picked out by a friend of mine who we keep each other in mind for when shopping at thrift stores which is great and extra fun for both of us, i look for certain items for him and he does the same for me. i don't have a lot of friends that i know in person, but the ones i do are all very nice and am happy to have as such

System: PS2
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Rainbow Studios/Infogrames
-This game looks amazing and am anticipating trying this. Have never been on a sea-doo but would love to sometime. For now i have this and it only cost me 2.99, i know it's not the same but is okay for a home-body like me. Under different circumstances the outdoors like this would be very fun. For now i will enjoy the heck out of the videogame versions of real-life and unattainable in real-life activities, and the videogame experiences of such will only get better and better, however, always first things first

System: Wii-U
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-The three main companies with videogame consoles available are Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, well, at least the first two are good. That doesn't describe all the games On those systems mind you, but the companies who make the systems, there are lots of Zionist developers, i would suggest as a starting point the list of companies i listed their affiliations of, it's pretty extensive for most of the companies you'd encounter. But Nintendo is so cute! Yes but Mario is far from Italian, he is the in disguise mascot for a completely Zionist company, and unfortunately one that is consumed, not like Kirby, that's something else completely, by an impressionable younger audience. If you play Nintendo that's your option, but if you have youth playing such you might want to rethink that decision, at least with Sony and Microsoft the good games are available even if not every one you do have many great ones to choose from. Nintendo is good for Nintendo exclusives, and when you know what they are up to in their own games that doesn't leave much more for you to play other than those, stick to our systems and games and you will be much happier doing something that is so enjoyable (when not busy saving the world)

TT (Tourist Trophy) Isle of Man
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Kylotonn/Bigben Interactive
-Motocycles are great, i always wanted a dirt bike and think that would have been very fun to ride. This game is one course, but a long one, the Snaefell Mountain in Iceland, and probably takes quite a while to complete. Now i've said it before and it's worth delving into again, what we are doing in a global manner regarding Zionism and what it entails is something that will take a long time, a very long time, and won't be easy either, there is so much to do and will probably not even be finished during my lifetime, it would be nice if it was but that's not probable, so i will just lay the groundwork for you to finish yourself. What i was bringing up though is that when i see how sensitive people are to something like Ukraine, who i am on the side of completely so you know, how will people react when it's Israel? When everything they are doing is exposed i do believe the sentiment will be less concerned than with the good people of Ukraine. What about the good Jews? Which there are. Will they be allowed to leave by us? Here's the thing, if, and that's if, our main goal is unattainable then we still need a solution, and that would be, although less effective, to have a huge centre to hold them indefinitely. We've been at this for millennia though and a definitive end to our problem would be nice to say the least. If it was Israel under attack would people object to that? Probably, currently. But once the world knows the issues, what's been done, what's going on and what's at stake then there will be less sympathy. Right now we are continuing along plan a, and will be until it is shown to not be feasible. We will still need an answer and if the first option is unable to be realized we will go to the next and really only other path as we cannot allow what's being done to continue unabated. Give everything you and we have to our final solution, and only if we are completely unable to do so then we go to a lesser one, as long as the issue gets dealt with and they are not allowed to continue

WRC 6 World Rally Championship
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Kylotonn/Bigben Interactive
-i bought a few magic the gathering t-shirts a while ago and they were kind enough to put in two extra ones, including a nice world championship one. Mind you it doesn't say world champion, it says world championship, there's quite a difference. i don't think that there is one champion, other than in competitive sports, instead there are all sorts of accomplishers, in all manner of areas of need, to be said this is true in all aspects of life, as long as you are involved. Some help more than others and if there is a competition then that would be the most noble of ones to be part of. You can be a world champion, not the world champion, a. We're all in this together, and as long as you do your best doing your best is always good enough

Castlevania Anniversary Collection/Requiem
System: PS4
Type: Metroidvania/Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Konami
-Yes, Konami, i know. These were on sale for 80% off though and i have fond memories of especially Symphony of the Night, which partially inspired the title of this genre along with Metroid. As for the setting let me bring up another classic game, this one originally on ps1 of a type that i like very much, Final Fantasy Tactics, a strategy rpg. i still believe that Squaresoft was a decent company before their merger with Enix, for example, at the beginning of said game the tutorial sequence has you fighting vampires with snowballs, quaint. Nowadays Square-Enix has a new game titled Triangle Strategy, which is exactly how it sounds, and encapsulates the genre quite well, being that most all srpg's are by the opposition with few exceptions. However, vampires? i'm sure with all we have been and are going through you can determine for yourself who is who, and dismantling the federal reserve will be the stake through the heart of those enjoying their ill gotten gains at the detriment of the American people then next the world if not careful. I'd rather snowballs than balls for anyone, agree? The only good reference for such would be to have them give you courage, men and women

Onimusha: Warlords
System: PS2
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-This was a gift from a friend and a very nice one. This is the first in the series and similar to the playstyle of Resident Evil or Dino Crisis but located in Japan, this looks like it will be great and i like the setting a lot. There are a few of these and will look for those to pick up as well including the remastered version of this one next time i see it on sale. When a game is developed by Capcom you can't go wrong, they are a shining beacon of how good a videogame company by us can be. To mention i love and enjoy most all games by our side, and are all a pleasure to play as they are made for us not against us

Darksiders III
System: PS4
Type: Action/Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Gunfire Games/THQ Nordic
-Having written about this particular game before as i already have it on my ps+ library i will instead speak about other topics about it. Ps+ allows you to play multiplayer and gives you a few games every month that you can play as long as you are a member, i am not currently which was extra reason for me picking this up physical version, cheaply at that. Ps+ is great i just don't do a lot of multiplayer gaming. The Playstation 5 looks amazing, and i will get one a few years from now when it is half the price and available, it would be crushing the market right now if it wasn't for supply issues, and from the way it looks not only does it already play ps4 titles but soon it will be backwards compatible with ps1/2/3, great for sure. Not only is it good news for ps5 owners but owners of digital versions of games from those systems for play on older consoles, mostly the ps3 which plays them. So i hope this comes to fruition. i got pretty far in Darksiders III on ps+ and having picked this up i will enjoy getting back into it

The King of Fighters Collection, The Orochi Saga
System: PS4
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK
-This is a great compilation of a game that keeps getting better, the newest iteration is KOF XV which is very new, i have XIV which is more than enough and even have all the dlc characters. Samurai Shodown was taking the helm recently but look forward very much to getting back into KOF XIV. SNK still out there doing good and am happy to see them succeeding so well

Mortal Kombat
System: Plug and Play
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-i have MK2&3 on my ps2 Midway Arcade Treasures 2 which is great but this is very nice as well and was from a friend so will get some play time going on with this for sure. The best 2d Mortal Kombat game is Trilogy, and the best 3d one is either Armageddon on ps2 or Vs DC Universe on ps3. After that they were bought out. If any good videogame company of ours is aving trouble financially please go with one of our own to sell your intellectual properties to, then your work will be in good hands and continue being great instead of the opposite

Jet Moto 2
System: PS1
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: SingleTrac/Sony
-Black, white, red. Death, purity, anger. These are the colors displayed on the cover of this game but are also our colors combined together. They derive from the Nazi flag with mentions such as hip to be square, circle of life, i get around, etc and in addition to the three mentioned colors. You will see that trio often and while shills like Jimmy Fallon will feign grey or black they don't normally tread the other aforemrntioned three together. Don't let that stop us from any colour we want just be aware that the opposition puts themselves in those as well and only once in a while shows their Israeli light blue. It would be easier if they all kept to their own color of course but that's not how it is, so instead and for the better we have to be aware and constantly judge on the content they put forward regardless of initial appearances. Again we have all the colors and shades, they are represented by orange and light blue. As for our cause we can stay with black, white, red together, when not expressing ourselves otherwise at the time

Space Invaders
System: PS1
Type: Shooting
Developer/Publisher: Z-Axis/Activision
-i will refrain from mentioning how the opposition thinks of themselves as gods or extraterrestrial beings for the moment and focus on actual alien existence. We are a blip in comparison to the history of the universe, and a perfect storm for us indeed. There for sure is alien life, where there is water there is life, it just varies on how advanced they are, and some places very well could be as or more advanced than us. The closest we have found so far is water on Mars, so life, we just need to do more research and exploring there to find out what kind. i'll tell you though, one place i think we should also focus on is underwater on Earth, it's an extraordinary place that most people are not familiar with, so awesome and largely unexplored, the creatures there are magnificent for sure and it's a whole other world there. Scuba diving, that would be something i would love to do, but in the meantime i like watching about underwater on documentaries and such. Thankfully we have enough people to explore both space and the sea, and i also will enjoy learning about and seeing both

The Order 1886
System: PS4
Type Action
Developer/Publisher: Ready At Dawn/Santa Monica Studio/Sony
-”A unique vision of Victorian-era London where man uses advanced technology to battle a powerful and ancient foe. As Galahad, a member of an elite order of knights, join a centuries-old war that will determine the course of history forever”. Sounds good! And by a great company, the makers of the God of War series Santa Monica Studio. i actually already have this digitally but paid basically $5 to pick up the physical copy as well. i've only partially completed the ps4 God of War game but it is amazing so should get back into that and finish it. Something doesn't have to be perfect though for us to enjoy it, as well as with pie it is better when made with love, and i'd much rather play something for us than against us. And if you have the opportunity you make something for us also, whatever that may be. Just think about what you would be suited to create and do so in the best way you can

System: PS1
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Syrox Developments/Activision
-A friend gave me this and Kurt Warner below, and there's a nice fellow i know who likes his Atari Flashback system including the original Asteroids so loaned him this for a week to see if he likes this updated version, if he does he can buy it on Amazon or eBay and give this one back. For me, and it does depend on the game, but i like at least Super Nintendo and onward for graphics, but the original Asteroids was pretty sweet. For me growing up it was Sega systems like the Genesis, Saturn, and Dreamcast etc as opposed to Nintendo ones. Little did i know at the time that Sonic the Hedgehog for instance was a 1984 reference, or that the Sega logo itself was the two light blue lines of the Israeli flag. But we learn, we learn not only to better ourselves, hopefully, but to greater expand and understand our worldview. Which sums up with we learn to know better. i've bought my share of games that turned out to be dripping with Zion, after one go on it i blacklist that company, all except Nintendo, currently. Which also draws me closer in appreciation to the companies we have that are doing stellar work for our enjoyment and enlightenment, support them however you are able. i talk about seeing propaganda in real time, you'll find that ability in yourself as well, then you will notice what side and what agenda is being put forward. As for me i wasted some good money on games, digital mostly so can't bring in or trade them, but now at least know most of the good companies and adversely the ones to avoid, making it a much better route to traverse when choosing to buy a certain one or not. Don't intentionally put yourself through the unpleasantness of playing a game by a company you know Zionist, i understand they look fun and all but it's the layering upon layering of their negative efforts against you is all they are, much better to spend your money on a company that you know to be for us and not trying to instill mental harm in their multitude of ways

Kurt Warner's Arena Football Unleashed
System: PS1
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-This looks very very fun. i really like seeing the physical prowess of the athletes in all sport for sure but especially enjoy the ones like American Ninja Warrior, Holey Moley, Wipeout and others similar to those. Well the latter two don't require as much training as ANW but still. i cheer on my home teams of course, but also teams from regions i like, i don't watch a lot of sports but try to do so when it is the final championship game and just pick a team to enjoy the game better with a place to support for that, and i always support home teams when applicable

Super Mario Advance 1/2
System: GBA
Type: Side-scrolling
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-These are Mario 2 from Nes and Mario World from Snes which i played extensively when younger. It's quite a ruse here, Nintendo mascot Mario is Italian but made by Zionists in the background. You could say the same about many shills they have on television for instance, certain late-night show hosts, certain game show hosts, certain news anchors etc.. i emphasize certain because we have good ones of ours as well, you can decide who is who and after you put the pieces you find together avoid the ones of theirs. What harm is Mario? i posted about this earlier, the levels in Mario World are shown as a real map of Earth and North America is named Donut Plains, not very subtle if you know about that reference. Why would i buy a Mario game knowing this? Nintendo is my steak, pretty much the only Zionist videogame company i tolerate, for whatever reason. Seriously they are about it in regards to that. They are palatable Zionism or Zion-lite. When it gets down to it though they will not get a passover

Harvest Moon – More Friends of Mineral Town
System: GBA
Type: Farming Simulator
Developer/Publisher: Tose/Natsume
-A fun series, a good one as far as i know. i hope Mineral Town is Palestine as they need all the help they can get. i'm sure you have a place you want to help, even if and probably so it is your own nation, in addition to that why not also spend some time rescuing the Palestinians from occupying aggressors Israel that are the bully to them. So while you make your country better take a few moments whenever you can to oppose Israel and what they are doing regionally for one and globally for another

Devil May Cry Definitive Edition
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Ninja Theory/Capcom
-Zion is the devil, it's practitioners demons. They cry at their losses not when it's being done to us by them. There's not a more true description, Zionism is the culmination of all evil and even they know that. The protocols are the first writing down of their main plans, what they have learned and implemented over centuries, but there are many sub plots and goals similar in wretchedness underway. They are so fixated on their devious outcome that they do not care about our wellness to say the least. It is only at our loss that they achieve their gain, and their continuance of power relies on our docility. Do not be docile, if you do we lose everything we have built and everything we dream of for our futures. We must take a stand and succeed in our resistance. What we are doing is in self-defence against the ones who seek to enslave us, and do not forget that if they were not doing what they are there would be no need for our retaliation, unfortunately they are putting us in a no choice situation, one we do not wish us to do but need to. You may say calling them devils is a bit harsh, but the description is apt for the ones at fault, when they think of it they know as well and still will continue forever unless we stop them, the good ones of them see, know and understand

System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Kylotonn/Bigben Interactive
-World. Rally. Championship. Rally the world. This is a combined effort and don't forget that, let this always be everyone. It sure is and would be nice moreso to see all nations on board, this is something we can all agree on so let's do it together. If someone is unaware of the situation fill them in, and there are actually many, there are ones that know something is up just not sure what exactly, help them know and understand

Final Fantasy Type 0 HD
System: PS4
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Square-Enix
-For whatever reason, maybe earlier positive experiences with the series, i have a liking for FF games, still not completely gung-ho about Square-Enix's other games but give Final Fantasy ones slack on most but not all occasions

Legion The Legend of Excalibur
System: PS2
Type: Action-RPG
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-This was a gift from a friend who i will compensate with the game below this one, Blacksite Area 51, as i will be having a double of that one when another copy arrives in the mail, i just wanted to hedge my bets with this title as it looks great. We are all legends just to varying amounts of people. You will live on through the deeds you made in life, might as well make it as grand and far reaching as you can

Blacksite Area 51
System: PS3
Type: FPS
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-Ah yes, amazingness, i have been looking forward to this one since learning of it's existence and am sure it will not disappoint. Midway is now easily through experience with them one of my favourite videogame companies, very actual and direct with minimal inference although welcome in any manner but everything put forward in a matter of fact way. A welcome breeze or a breath of fresh air. And with so many Zionist videogame companies you have to find the ones with good intentions and stick with them, rejecting those that are against you. i have a somewhat list of the ones to embrace and the ones to refuse, you have your own list on top of that from your own experiences, like when you find a Zionist one where you had to shell out good money to end up being subjected to their negative intentions. There is a new development in the world of videogames recently, Activision has been bought by Microsoft, the latter being a staunch defender of good and the former a spreader of Zionist propaganda, you'll notice the bottom half of a star of david in the Activision logo just to mention. But yes, now their franchises are property of us, but don't let that fool you, i fully but unfortunately expect Microsoft to leave the intellectual properties of such to be continued by the same people who have been doing that throughout, it would be a complete godsend to gamers if their newly bought licenses were put into good hands but will that happen? We'll see but i give Microsoft my full encouragement to do so, it would be phenomenal compared to very disappointing. i mostly buy my games cheap but it's unfortunate for you and sometimes myself to invest in something potentially great and just have it subject you to an unplayable experience that just makes you feel cheated out of the money you invested. The list i put forward is concise for the most part, but do have your own from what you have noticed about those companies. For me i'm going to enjoy the heck out of these games have been picking up from Midway and the other good ones, it's a nice feeling compared to having distaste from games developed for your detriment

NHL Hitz Pro
System: PS2
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-There are skirmishes in hockey all the time, and the fate of the world isn't even at stake for those, imagine when it is, and it is. From what i see there are two best hockey games, this one, and NHL 2K9, the latter being the second last by 2k but with better ratings, the former being the best iteration of that series since it has five players per team. And both are by phenomenal companies. Now all the licensed NHL games are by Zionist EA. As for those skirmishes i will speak about the reasons here. On the same day as this arrived so did the MØ cd No Mythologies To Follow, a woman i think highly of and have listened to this album a few times on Spotify when i had it, a great service by the way. Well Zion got to her, as they do with all the others, and forced her into not a self-insulting but insulting by them against her song, and hence album containing it, Brad Pitt, a horrible piece of bullshit meant to make her look bad, very terrible output and even worse means of implementation. This falls into a category of forced music which has the musician deprecate themselves in horrible manners and has been done to many singers, most all, in the industry in at least one of the songs they are made to do. And i'm going to continue this speaking about forced music as it is and will be when seen a polarizing issue. You then have Bjork and the literal torture being shown done against her in the video for Pagan Poetry, where they visibly puncture and stitch up her back in such, utterly disgusting of them. They've been doing this for a long time and only went into overdrive after 9-11 taking every musician they can get their hands on and do to this day, or in another way that's up to us is until they are stopped. One of the songs, and i loathe to call them songs which gives them an air of legitimacy which they do not have, they are only testaments to torture, but the song is Say It Right, forced on Nelly Furtado and Timbaland, in there they say how they think of us and how we mean nothing to them, a sentiment echoed across many albums and videos they put on us. This, the forced Jewish scripting of “music” will be the defining factor in their downfall, and they can not keep it hidden for long. Music is the background to all our lives and we adore our musicians, it will be known what's being done and the artists will be validated, saved. Not by the ruiners but by us including at least one musician to start with who lets it be known. Then they fall. This issue is one very close to my heart, these wonderful people who have been there bravely for us over these decades are in a spot where they need us, don't let them down. It's also been the recent decades that are Zion-filled, and those tunes will be a death knell to the ones doing so

System: PS2
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Acclaim
-Fun. While 2K's basketball games are more sim but still very fun, NBA Jam has more of an arcade feel so an easier different kind of enjoyment. This is the last good title in this series as the ones after are by EA, which i am about to get into in a sec. The cover for this game has a black man with an afro making a triumphant slam dunk, definitely a positive portrayal. EA meanwhile, and i looked on their NBA game page, always have on the cover players in either menacing, embarrassing or sly positions and such which is put into the game itself also. A stark difference from let's say 2K or other companies of ours. It's not just black folks Zion looks down upon, they have disdain for all the people of the world with their Jewish supremacy mindset. Nationalities do tend to stick together which is understandable but they do not have the same complete disregard for everyone else but themselves and do lend a helping hand to other peoples. And the ones by EA after this edition are full of threats and other bullshit which make them unplayable to anyone noticing, and if they aren't noticing help them out doing so a bit. As for this game in the series it looks to be the ultimate one of them, and deserves a play spot next to the ongoing 2K basketball franchise which is doing great. EA is another reason to stick with our media and have your own list of companies you do not tolerate, give your time to those who do good for you instead and always

Final Fantasy Chronicles (Final Fantasy IV / Chrono Trigger)
System: PS1
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Squaresoft
-Although Chrono Trigger is well renowned my favourite of these is FF IV. However there is a sequel of Chrono for PS1 named Chrono Cross, which is near the top of my best rpg's list. Squaresoft made many many rpg's, and i still believe is okay from before the Enix merger. One interesting part of FF 1 is where there is a gravestone with Link engraved on it, the main character from the Zelda series. Have always played and enjoyed many Squaresoft games while Square-Enix ones unfortunately have negative agenda. Speaking of Final Fantasy, VII is the best, but play the original not the remake, it is probably the best rpg ever made, if you have played that already or looking for something by another company, a good one for sure, check out Capcom's Breath of Fire series which is amazing, especially the third and fourth ones. i will however always have a place with me for the Squaresoft titles as they were

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
System: PS3
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-This may, may, be an instance of something otherwise Zionist being made well when put into our hands. Which you don't see often or ever. This was released in 2008, one year before Midway was bought by Warner Bros. and is one of the companies last games. Did WB leave the intellectual property of DC to Midway to do what they wanted with this game? That would be amazing. There are two story modes here, MK and DC, maybe the mk one is okay and the dc not? I'll try and then add an edit. The vast majority of the time a Zionist property stays as such, so don't go hoping with every new media that it's okay, it is mostly every time not. This is a good company that was being put in charge of a property that isn't, and it's still not guaranteed as they probably had somewhat of a say with it

Motorstorm Apocalypse

System: PS3
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Evolution Studios/Sony
-This will probably be one of my favourite racing games ever, i have played others in this series and they were fun as anything and of this one i really like the setting. Now i didn't talk about the apocalypse with Mortal Kombat Armageddon but will mention something additional about that topic here, recently we have attempted to change the orbit of a non-critical asteroid to see if it would be effective in protecting us, there wasn't a lot of talk about this experiment but it was brought up at least a bit, which is something we should put to the forefront, as far as i know we will be aware of any asteroid coming towards us within 100 years, so we had better make this research a priority, let everyone know and then we will really have everyone on board and supporting efforts to save us, which should be a (the) main concern of ours

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
System: PS4
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Square-Enix
-Very happy to have found this, probably my favourite Final Fantasy next to VII, and this one with remastered graphics and improved gameplay mechanics. Is it Zionist? Perhaps, it was from 2006 if that helps in determination of intentions. You are trying to save a homeland and i doubt it's Palestine they are referring to. But whatever, in this instance i will give this another go. What age is it we are in now? Is it still the Digital Age? Not sure what the next one will be because the digital one is so monumental. Age of Resistance? Age of Climate? Age of Space? i hope we are around for many more ages. To get there we need to be delicate, determined and motivated to do so. Delicate as not to press the nuclear button, determined as in try and try again until success' against our problems, and motivated in a way where everyone is knowledgeable, on board and helping. Just like every age we have experienced before they will be added to our repertoire and built upon, such as we will always from here on in be digitally adept. Everyone will have their niche but a general knowledge to bring in the Age of Enlightenment would be welcome, right now many important issues are being kept in the dark. Maybe that could be a sub-era below something more substantial although that is. All in all we are doing darn well, it's a shame there are those who (are attempting to) bring us down which led me to the Age of Resistance. If we do the best we can, our future will be bright, the light at the end of the tunnel that leads to the blessed prairies, i also believe that as we advance our collective moral compass will improve, aside from those with vices, and everyone will be much happier, agreeable, and wholesome, when we have the situation in our favour without those taking advantage of us for being so. If we can get through our current difficulties making every issue along the way better we, and/or future generations, will have a wonderful life and existence

Midway Arcade Treasures 2
System: PS2
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-This will be my favourite of the three, followed by the first one then third but all are very very awesome. Here are the ones i like most on this one
>Mortal Kombat II/MK3: i played mk2 a lot in the arcades and was quite good at it, happy that it turned out to be by a great company
>Total Carnage: Released two years after Smash T.V. This is the same playstyle as that, what would be called a twin-stick shooter where one controls the character movement and the other controls the direction to shoot. I am looking forward to play these for sure
>Rampage World Tour: Have always been a fan of the first one of these in the arcades so this will be nice to get into with the enhanced graphics and such. You make your own world tour and be in contact with foreign entities, helping, encouraging and informing them
>Championship Sprint: This series of similar racing games are some of my top picks for the entire genre, they are immensely fun
There are quite a few other titles on this set of games and will enjoy them all am sure, it is great to have so many good games by one fantastic company, it would be nice if Midway was still around but at least their efforts remain to this day and forward for you and others

Mortal Kombat Armageddon
System: PS2
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-So. Good. There are 60+ characters in this, i must say i don't know 1/3rd of them but for $20 that's like .30 cents each. The graphics are pretty nice for a ps2 game and there are a lot of extra features. There are quite a few Mortal Kombat games i'm looking to get into but this was special enough to make worth purchasing. This is the fourth MK game for ps2, the others being Shaolin Monks, Deadly Alliance and Deception. Of the four ps2 ones this will be the only one i go out of my way for as it is the ultimate of them but if i see the others for cheap will pick them up

Midway Arcade Treasures 3
System: PS2
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-This isn't the first time i speak about Midway and is far from the last, i am just so enamoured with the company and happy to have found them. There are still many games i plan to get by Midway so you will see much more here about them you can be certain. Consuming media by us is euphoric, and the opposite is well the opposite. This particular set of games are eight racing ones, while these all am sure are and will be very fun i am so looking forward to the 2nd arcade collection which i will of course mention here when it arrives. But yes racing games, a genre i do like quite a bit as it is the closest i will get to the real thing. As for Midway how good can you get. i wish they were still around but were as mentioned bought by Warner Bros, that makes it so that at least you can pick up the full library of games they did make when were here, something i pretty much plan on doing. Stand by good companies, voice and give your support to them, we don't want them bought by the opposition as many have been. They are there for you so you be there for them in any way you can. Unfortunately Midway is not around anymore, but you can still pick up everything they were able to put out and enjoy those. Support businesses of ours before they get bought or at least let them know you appreciate what they are doing

Blitz The League
System: PS2
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-This was a gift from a friend and should be pretty cool, a gritty start from the beginning football career sim, while not an nfl licensed game it really isn't about the official teams in general but a make your own one. This is similar to 2K's All-pro football where it doesn't have actual teams, but there is nfl blitz pro for that which i also have. i tried all pro football the other day and wasn't very good at it though, so is something i will have to practice on as they look fun to play. Football is one of my favourite sports to watch next to hockey. i'm not very physically adept in actuality though and would be terrible at most of those activities, but do like watching the pro's do so. Being in shape is quite admirable and i applaud those who are, it takes a lot of dedication and effort but worth it for sure. On the topic of gritty football there's a movie i like, albeit a bit apprehensive about Bruce Willis, The Last Boyscout, and if you are a fan of the sport you would probably really like it. Bruce Willis just seems to be in Zionist movies though, am not going to say definitively about him but many times yes. Blitz The League? i'm going to pick up ii for ps3, which is almost a mix of Mortal Kombat and football, seriously. And that will be the closest i get to playing such, will leave the sport to those better physically equipped than i and enjoy watching them and their skill

Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition
System: PS4
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: Blizzard
-You see who is doing the evil, what they've done and what they are doing now. Remember that feeling and knowing when they feign apology. Ultimate is a positive term, what they are is an unfortunate evil, and it's unfortunate that we have to deal with them but we do. We are put in the situation that we have to retaliate against them, or forever be in detriment if we don't. Now of course there are good ones in their midst, but they get dragged down with the ones who are at fault, fault to put it mildly, how are we supposed to know them apart? So they get clumped in with the rest of them. And since their behaviour is so ingrained they don't want to stop even though it puts their who race at risk, they know that and continue regardless. So we must make a clean slate and take over everything that they held with their corruption, which encompasses the most important pillars of our society, the monetary system, media, political policy in their unjust favour... we will put these in good hands and out of the reach of those global conspirators who want us as slaves. For now this will be handled among individual governments themselves until we eventually join together in a more substantial way than just the United Nations, and that would be nice, we already share many goals and aspirations, anything disagreed upon can be solved through compromise or in certain instances allowed as regional differences, but in a more coordinated way. The world as each others ally, joining on this to start with and continuing onward after. It's a shame we have to come together on such a drastic situation but it does involve all of us and each are at threat as much as any other. It's just taken such a hold on the United States that they are in the worst situation regarding this compared to anywhere else, and as such is an uphill battle for them but not impossible by any means, just harder. When we speak about money, media, politics, all three are at their worst there in the U.S.A. unlike any other nation, and because of that it must be made a priority to cleanse as what they do there affects the world many times in a negative way, it's not about going against America it is going against the entity that is in control of them. Other global powers beware, you are next on the list of places Zion is looking to conquer, do not allow that to happen. Not only that but maybe you can help in areas that are under their control already, in turn helping your own citizens situation and well being. Do not fall victim to the Earthly ultimate evil who use their own kind as human shields in a ploy to safeguard them from the consequences of their heinous actions, if we do not bravely stand up for ourselves and our brethren now and follow through with our tasks we will forever be their cattle as they like to think, take immediate action and show them otherwise for the benefit of every single person involved, which is each and every one

All Pro Football 2K8
System: PS3
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Visual Concepts/2K Sports
-i want football star/astronaut Michael Strahan on my team! Not sure if he's in this one but has to be my favourite NFL player, not for his sport career but for what he does in media and elsewhere along with being a stand out guy. This game is not an official NFL one so not sure how that's going to be handled, you do get to pick from the best of the best though. This is one of three football games i received/bought recently, and i plan to get into each of them all good for different reasons. This title in particular is the last football game by 2K Sports, unfortunately, now it's all licensed to Electronic Arts who are against their purchasers. 2K Sports still does NBA and MLB which is good to see, it's unfortunate they nor Midway (bought by Warner Bros. so is now defunct) no longer make NFL or NHL games. Have never really tried NFL games before, but do like the sport, and while this may not be officially licensed am sure the gameplay will be solid and the graphics on ps3 are still pretty decent, main point is that they are by good companies and it's better to play our efforts than theirs each and every time. If you want to be threatened, insulted, and misled, play something by Electronic Arts, if you want a fun time with good morals and intentions choose something by us, videogames in general or otherwise

NFL Blitz Pro
System: PS2
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-This will probably be the football game that gets the most play from me. It's by Midway, and unlike Blitz 2003 (good to see you there Michael) it has a full set of players which wasn't the way they did it in the other one. If i see the more arcade style Blitz 2003 i will pick it up but for the most part this will be the main one. To mention Blitzkrieg means lightning war, a term from WW2, problem with that was he was against people that i am not, so lets do a new and improved specified version this time. There are a few good WW2 videogames for computer to bring up, the series itself Blitzkrieg which has sequels, and Company of Heroes (first one, before being bought by Sega), both fun but not as much fun and purpose as the people who will be directing the real version, a task that will require great skill indeed. So let's do this right this time and to finality so we don't have to go through this over and over. This is our chance, this is our destiny, everything we have been through leads us to where we are here. With everything building up to where we are now do your best to not falter, instead stand tall against the Zionist entity to protect all of us who are affected by their negative actions which is everybody

MLB The Show 17 MVP Edition
System: PS4
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Sony
-Electronic Arts is unfortunately the sole developer of most sport franchises, so it's nice to find some that aren't by them as i refuse to play another EA sport game. i know in team athletics there is always an MVP, but it is a group effort, everyone contributes, and i hope you do as well. There is a podium, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, but there is a spot for each of us, it shouldn't matter your placing as long as you know your help made a difference in either a grand or minute scale, either being appreciated. If you want make your way up the ranks, helping us more and more and more, there is so much to do on and off topic. If you can help an affected musician you will be their MVP. A Palestinian? Theirs. i don't have a monopoly on those issues, feel free to join in anytime. They are friends and family to me maybe you can treat them the same for you. When people are good to you reciprocate, and there is no lack of people doing good things for you. Then you have Zionists, the global political, monetary, media variety, don't let them continue what they are doing against each and every one of us. If you want to make your way up the podium better get started, or continue even more, with helping

Midway Arcade Treasures
System: PS2
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-Very very happy to have this, Midway before being bought was a great company of ours and am finding out and looking for games by them. On this collection my favourites are: Gauntlet, Paperboy, Rampage, Smash TV, Super Sprint, Marble Madness, 720, and Klax, all of which i played quite a bit in arcades and always enjoyed. There are three of these sets this being the first, hope to find the others as well. i consider Midway probably in the top 5 of game companies, they sure did many stellar ones

Mafia III
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Hangar 13/2K
-Without insult to mafia members i want to talk a bit about crime. It's said it doesn't pay, and it equals out that way. Maybe there's fun or such with the proceeds for a while but it eventually catches up with you, better to just get an honest job, be worry free, and proud of your hard work. i encounter many people who have good jobs and they look to enjoy doing so, and there are many fun ones, do something you like and happen to get paid for it. In actions as with life what you do attracts the similar, while it's not 100%, bad things happen to good people sometimes, it is a pleasant way to live and is for the most part peaceful. In our current situation we have to do bad things, for the greater good, where a negative becomes a positive, wish we didn't have to of course but you see what's being done and it will continue unabated without our effort. But yes back to the topic, stay with your good income, if not migrate to one, congrats to all the diligent workers of all sorts, you are of good service not only to yourself but others who are interwoven with your doings. If you are serving yourself that's a lot to be commended for but much of the time you are supporting family also. This is an awkward topic because i don't want to disparage anyone, all am saying is things are better for you and others when you make your living on the level, capitalism is the best form of monetarism and there is a lot of honest money to be had, enjoy what you do and what you earn

System: Nintendo DS
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Nuevo Retro Games/Nintendo
-This is a fun one that i have completed many of and enjoy very much. There is one for 3ds as well titled CrossworDS Plus that is also great. We all have a cross to bear, and do the best with it we are able. Jesus was a fine fellow, best we can do is aspire to be like him, he is a good role model to have. At every instance in your life always take the best turn that you see fit. Now imagine everybody all doing the best they can for everyone else, wouldn't that be nice, you don't have to say to yourself the proverbial “what would Jesus do?” unless you want to, instead think what is the best possible thing you can do in any given situation. There is a lot for us to deal with in these modern times and it gets more complex and intricate than days past, but if you hold onto your core values everything follows that. Follow a path of righteousness and be sure of yourself, if there is space for improvement make the necessary adjustments and continue onward even better. As long as you have your base self you can add on whatever beneficial updates you want. You will still be you just improved. There is a funny Bob Newhart bit where a man goes to see his doctor and says doctor doctor, my arm hurts whenever i do this, and proceeds to shake his arm back and forth from the elbow downwards, and the doctor Bob Newhart says Well don't do that!. So if something is let's say a vice, whether that be an actual addiction or a form of behaviour is being problematic to you just don't do that, i have cut so many negative behaviours from my life that everything left is goodness or at least not otherwise, as far as i'd like to think anyhow, if i do notice something else that needs improving it gets improved. You don't need to be The saviour, but do try to be A saviour, if every one of us is at our best we'll be in a good place

Spintires: Mudrunner – American Wilds Edition
System: PS4
Type: Off-road Sim
Developer/Publisher: Maximum Games
-As you know i am a fan of atv's, dirt bikes and other off-road vehicles, so this is pretty sweet. The premise is great and i think looks put together well and i look forward to trying this. Released after this one is the game Snowrunner, which also looks fun. Have been thinking about buying this one for a while and recently had the opportunity so did so. While i probably won't be riding a Hummer or big-rig through the American wilds or otherwise any time soon i can live vicariously through the experience in a videogame, i know it's not nearly the same but enjoyable nonetheless and good for different reasons. Most of us do live lives that aren't our own, ones that we for the most part cannot do ourselves, and it's safer that way a lot of the time. Now i'm not here to encourage you to go and spend all your time bungee jumping or wind surfing, fun as they probably are, but you and we are doing other activities, doctors still need to treat patients and mail isn't going to deliver itself, we all have stuff to do, so maybe after work get into some form of escapism, even if it's just an action movie featuring spies, plots and fancy cars that you aren't likely to encounter during your own day to day happenings. I hear the expression live each day as if it were your last, and i disagree with that, if you were to live like that there would be nothing cumulative in your life, why exercise if you're just going to die that day? Why work? Why watch a movie or purchase something nice? No we expect to live at least a while so we prepare for our futures, it's not all fun all the time. Some balance is welcome though, to enjoy yourself while not attending to tasks, and there's lots of enjoyment to be had. Sometimes people reply to what have you been doing and they say oh nothing, that's not true, no matter what your activity you are doing something, tv is something, gardening is something, reading is something... An exciting life is well and good but there is a lot to be said for routine regardless of the stigma that holds. Your week pays for the fun stuff and you can mix that up how you like. As said, if you like movies go for that, i like them a lot as well, good ones only to the best of your judgment that is. Same goes for other media, do live fun times, sad times, exciting times, in those. With all this about how to spend your time please allow me to suggest you take some of that time you have to help those who need you, there are many, close, near or far from you. That will be the most rewarding activity you can have

Katamari Damacy Reroll
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Bandai Namco
-This is a very fun series that have played before where you roll a small bundle of items into an ever larger one. Reroll is a remake of the original 2004 game with remastered graphics. We all accumulate memories and actions, look at your social media pages or think about your interactions with others, we are mostly made up of our experiences of all sorts, and a lot of the time with technology we share those occurrences, resulting in a plethora of content about our lives or at least what we post. Personally i am quite proud of what i have amassed online, you can do similar, and am sure you currently do to some extent. Of course you aren't only what you put online, in fact you are so much more, going through life rolling your own ball of what makes you in an ever evolving manner. As the pandemic has taught us we can and sometimes need to pivot, and you can do that in other aspects of your life as well, if something isn't going well with you make changes, start a new roll or just add differently to the one you have. We're all doing pretty well, sometimes we just need some fine tuning. If you're picking up unwanted or detrimental clutter, such as Zionist media, stop doing so to the best of your ability, if you want to stop a vice, go for it, unhealthy mental traits, try to change your thought process. We all can alter the paths we take where we will inevitably gather new experiences so make your directions towards positive and beneficial ones

Blitz: The League II
System: PS3
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-There's actually quite a few sports games (among other ones) by Midway that i am very much looking forward to, while this one isn't as arcade style as i'd like it does look pretty good. Unfortunately the disc is damaged, the store clerk said i could have it for free when noticed to see if it would function but am sure it won't. The sentiment was nice though. This football game is kind of gritty, i'm looking for an easier going one, namely NFL Blitz 2003 (i see you Michael Strahan!) and will definitely pick up a better condition one of these when found. But yes Midway, who i have become a major fan of (before they were bought) are right up there next to Capcom and some of my other favourites. God it's nice to find and play good videogames, and horrendous the opposite, again in your time off of course

NBA Ballers: Phenom
System: PS2
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Midway
-The premise of this game is pretty cool, you are an up and comer basketball player trying to make it to the pros and have to make your way up the ranks to do so. While only a very small amount of people succeed in making it that far it is fun along the way am sure. Some people struggle to see African American careers other than sports or entertainment, but there are so many hard workers of theirs in many professions, supporting themselves and family well, they just don't get the recognition. Besides, isn't sports and entertainment some of the best and most enjoyable jobs to have? i know i like watching them and am very impressed with their talent. As said though it is not easy to achieve greatness in fields like those, but the ones who do, on a grand scale or smaller, sure deserve accolades

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
System: PS2
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Neversoft/Activision
-i still don't like thps 1/2 remastered but for whatever reason i will still get into the third and fourth ones for ps2, slightly less bullshit. Find your own taste level, while it should be zero (tolerance for Zionist media) i understand it can be hard to resist at times, for me there are medias that i wish were good, but wishing doesn't make them so, and sometimes i partake in them, sometimes, at least try to do so the least amount possible, and even then to realize what they are trying to do in their instances

Madden NFL 25
System: PS4
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Electronic Arts
-i know... Electronic Arts... E.A. just kind of has the market on some sports games. Personally i would love to find NFL Blitz by game company Midway, that would be nice. With the situation regarding Colin Kaepernick at first he was told what many are in sports, shut up and play, but his teammates stood (knelt) with him and now he is a powerful voice for racial equity although has not returned to football at the moment. His kneeling was respectful to the anthem, flag, America and it's soldiers. It was the least upsetting thing he could do to voice his protest against rouge police brutality, and now is being commended for doing so and joined by many. If and when you also stand up for what matters to you there can be great effect. Congratulations to Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Mary J. Blige and Kendrick Lamar for being chosen to perform at the Superbowl LVI Halftime Show, it should be amazing

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2/3/Contracts
System: PS3/PS4
Type: FPS
Developer/Publisher: City Interactive
-This game series is amazing, got into the third one and enjoyed it very much, looking to get back into it as well. The first of this series was released in 2011, long after the Washington sniper attacks following 9/11 so these videogames in particular did not contribute to that. i know there was sniping in games before then but those were not the inspiration either. Again, after 9/11 there were two manufactured occurrences meant to keep people silent both government and citizens, there were the sniper attacks that were of course blamed on two black folks, and also a set of anthrax attacks against media and democrats, which was blamed on Middle Easterners. These are examples of Zion's doing, lives lost as threats to the rest of us to keep quiet about the federal reserve and the multitude of their other doings. The anthrax attacks came with notes that for example said “Death to America, death to Israel, are you scared, we have anthrax now” or to that affect. Linking Israel with America and blaming terrorists for that when the real terrorists responsible were Israeli interests themselves, not to mention 9/11 itself. Both attacks mentioned were primarily in Washington, probably planned before 9/11 to be in conjunction with it to threaten in each way the people who can choose what happens and doesn't happen there. These are two of many heinous Zionist planned events that have taken lives to further their national and global agenda. So whenever you see another instance like those, of any type, look into it and do some investigating, putting forward what you find to various media, emergency services and governments local and worldwide. Do not let lives we lose by their hands be in vain. They are killing us for propaganda and threat purposes, and must not be allowed to get away with doing so

Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
System: PS3
Type: Platformer
Developer/Publisher: Blitz Games Studios/Disney
-Played a bit of the first one of these on Wii and it's very fun, i am more of a Sony fan though so this will be great to get into on such. The power of more than one, and in more than one there is power. One person can do a bit but many people can accomplish a lot. There is also only so much one person can do, you really need to group together to get things done, each in charge of certain aspects towards the shared goals. Mickey? Epic indeed. Have the motivation to be even a bit of a legend yourself, or a part of something larger than you, this game is co-operative and so can you be. And in being such reach out for help, help others, form alliances and initiate actions. You are needed by many, and you can make a huge difference for those of us who would benefit from your time, bravery and diligence

Doom 3
System: PS3
Type: FPS
Developer/Publisher: id software/Bethesda
-As Bethesda has been listed as Zionist on the videogame list page and have been talked about at length already i figure to speak about the genre instead, first person shooters or as some members of government refer to them murder simulators. There is as much blame given for mass shooting motive on movies as videogames and neither is the true culprit, there are many reasons and those two are far down the list. The main three i blame are: Bullies and mean people, the media who form those people through encouragement of selfish and rude behaviour, and lack of gun control. First, the shooters are always the ones who have been picked on, not enough of a reason to go on a rampage but there is the cause and reasoning there. Second and in correlation with the first is the media, and i'm not talking about gun scenes in movies, tv and videogames, but with the training and given assumption that negative actions are funny or cool, of varying types. So you have all these people who have been indoctrinated to believe that insults are acceptable forms of communication, again not reason for a mass shooting but that's how it goes. These shooters get so bullied they want revenge, and how do go about it? Reason three, gun control or lack thereof. Hunting deer and such is fine, but ak-47's and such are for human hunting and are legal to buy and own in the United States. When the second amendment was written the guns of the day were muskets, so you can have as many muskets as you want, perhaps we can increase that a bit to similar of modern day arms, but not machine guns and the like. We have rocket launchers now, should those be included in the second amendment? What about nuclear arms? So there's a limit right? So who chooses? It should be the equivalent of modern day muskets for home defence and weapons suitable for hunting as sport. So when you combine the United States' allowance of wartime guns for personal use along with the corrupt media that creates only self concerned consumers for profit and pliability instead of individuals that care for each other this is what you end up with. While there are the odd mass shooting globally it is mostly a problem for and in America, a nation under Zionist rule for Zionist interests. It won't be easy to take back people's guns deemed problematic but they should have the safety of potential victims in mind, and there are many and often. The United States needs to fall in line with other nations and put limits on the type of guns that can be bought and owned. Again, rocket launchers? no. Nuclear arms? no. So you have to admit there should be weapons not allowed for personal use other than for self-defence and hunting right? If these weapons were not so easy to get there would be a huge difference in the amount of tragedies occurring. Violent movies and videogames are not to blame, lack of gun control and nefarious Zionist media programming, in every sense of the word, is. Let's make both of these better and avoid future mass casualties by those with ability to retain those types of armaments

LittleBigPlanet 3
System: PS4
Type: Platform/Creation
Developer/Publisher: Sumo Digital/Sony
-Have heard good things about this series from friends who have enjoyed it. It starts as a fun sidescrolling adventure game but also features a robust level creation system to make your own levels or download other people's ones. According to the back of the case there are 9 million downloadable user created levels so has endless playability and is always nice when a company adds this type of level design to a title. Personally i hope to see 9 million on topic webpages, well we don't need that amount but more either way, there are also forums to frequent and contribute to but watch out for shills. Will Smith has a new book just released titled Will, and one of my favourite songs by him is Wild Wild West (www) so let's get in there and take some action, information in formation, with large numbers of people enacting repeals, changes and additions. 9 million LittleBigPlanet levels is cool and all, seriously (for after we've won or at least after a hard day of activism) but 9 million people fighting for the betterment of everyone on this planet would be even nicer
With that many people on task we can cover every issue that affects us, climate change, asteroids, media/monetary/government reform, you name it we have people working on it. This littlebigplanet of ours is a nice cozy place for us if we can get all the problems solved, and soon. So if you are thinking about getting involved, or moreso, we all sure would appreciate it, whether it's a major effort or whatever you can do there's no lack of need across so many of our global improvement desires of all sorts
We humans have only been around for a relatively minuscule amount of time, but damn are we doing well, minus the problems we unfortunately have, and we keep getting better all the while improving as we progress, mostly. Extraterrestrial life is pretty much guaranteed, even Mars is said to have water and where there is water there is life, of one sort or other, and we will find those lifeforms within our generation. It kind of puts things in perspective about our place in the universe when you think of life being elsewhere as well, and i welcome that realization. With the way the world is now we are in a snowball effect where we keep advancing at an ever increasing rate, and the future, if we do well neutralizing our problems, will be so wonderful we can't even imagine. Or, if we don't do what we need to, we will be doomed, environmentally if we don't act in time since we can't populate another planet any time soon and will be stuck here in a perpetually worsening downhill state. Politically if we allow a corrupt entity such as Zionism to rule the world, ahem, ruin the world. Morally if we don't fix their media either. So with all these pitfalls we need to join together, helping each other through this to better situations for our future, and put in place safeguards that will protect that same future from falling victim to these issues ever again

Disney Infinity
System: PS4
Type: Platform
Developer/Publisher: Avalanche Software/Disney
-This was/is a very well made game system with many collectible figures to go with it and put into Disney settings. The figurines are so nice also and would look great on a shelf on their own if so wanted. i actually have this game, the newest and best version 3.0, which is the one you should get if so inclined, for many various consoles, this one here being my favourite since on ps4. i have the portal and some figures of my own to go with this. Earlier i said was, and that's because this is no longer supported or developed for by Disney, not sure why, it was a great idea and product, maybe they could start again and make it backwards compatible with all the accessories and such already made
Disney is a multi-faceted company, much of which i am vehemently against, not a fan of Marvel, not a fan of Lucasfilm, not a fan of Pixar, and i know that is a lot of Disney now but that's just how it is since they bought these entities and left the original developers in charge. i do like Disney themselves and what they make, and one of the only television channels i watch is ABC, they really are a mixed bag in total but are still my go-to source for media, and definitely Disney+ is my favourite streaming service. When they do something good, and actual Disney does that a lot, then it is phenomenal, i wish nothing but the best to real Disney and hope that they themselves last for infinity (as long as we are all around anyhow)
Now, i have friends that love Marvel, and Lucasfilm, some maybe Pixar, and i don't want to hurt their feelings or media choice, they, the companies not my friends, are unfortunately Zionist though. It's the steak from the Matrix while even the Matrix is the steak in the Matrix. Feel free to like those universes, maybe just read into them while you do. Again it's hard to find good media, and even real Disney can be at fault, but their library of content is undeniably fantastic for us especially up to a certain point and i trust their current decisions until otherwise. What it comes down to a lot of the time is who they put in charge of writing and directing, that really is the crux of the matter, and i hope they do their Zion checking a bit better for future projects. Other than that i am an avid Disney fan who always tries to give them the benefit of the doubt and hope for a streaming world where they are at the top. Continued success Disney, try to pick those writers and directors best you can

Final Fantasy XII
System: PS2
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Square-Enix
-While Final Fantasy VII is my favourite of this series this one is probably my second favourite then FFX/X-2. The combat in XII is not fully turn based, which i like a lot, and not real-time action either, it has what's called the Gambit System, where you slot actions into potential encounters, such as if you are near a flying enemy you will utilize whatever chosen battle action would be best against that, if a member of your party is below 20% health you will cast heal or use a potion automatically, it's a very well thought up and implemented system. The story is quite good as well and even on the ps2 the graphics are quite nice. If you would be looking to play this there is a remastered version available on various modern consoles. About FF VII there is a remake of it that was released recently, i do not recommend it, instead i will encourage you to play the original one either on ps1 or downloadable with extra features again also available on modern consoles, best rpg you'll ever play. i give Square-Enix chances here and there, their newer games, and am mostly always disappointed, unfortunate really, but i constantly try and have some faith in their earlier offerings. Even keeping that in mind i will never buy another new Square-Enix game as they have shown themselves to me enough to gauge their current intentions, i suggest you follow the same route for them and other game companies in a similar manner

Dragon's Crown Pro
System: PS4
Type: Action RPG
Developer/Publisher: Vanillaware/Atlus
-This game is by the same company that made Odin Sphere, and both have beautiful hand-drawn art for graphics. The style of game this is would be very similar to the Dungeon's and Dragon's arcade games Tower of Doom and Shadow Over Mystara which i enjoy, so hope this one is fun also. The developer here is listed as Vanillaware, but i see Sega has some part in this, not a good sign, the quality of the game will show itself upon trying and maybe not be quality at all but a propaganda piece, willing to give it a go though to make sure one way or the other

Street Fighter: Anniversary Collection
System: PS2
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-A friend of mine knows i like Capcom a lot and found this game letting me purchase it, the games included are Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, and Hyper SF II. There is a great bonus on here as well, the full animated SF movie which is very nice to have. The tagline for SFIII is Fight For The Future, so we have to endure the unpleasantness in order to secure the future of the world which is in immediate danger, right, now. SF since the beginning has been about the World Warriors, a fighter from every nation that has expanded greatly over the years with most everyone included, maybe the real life World Warriors are the heads of each nation, battling it out with words and subsequent actions, hopefully for everyone's gain including their own. Gentiles uniting against the ones who separate themselves from us of their own doings and thoughts. If that's the way they want it, and they've shown it is, then let us join together to banish this destructive force that tries to divide us from each other for their ease of control. Let the true World Warriors stand up and take decisive action where it is so very much needed

The King of Fighters 2000
System: PS2
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Playmore/SNK
-i already have KOF XIV which is amazing, this one was on sale very cheap though so picked it up, looks quite good as well although being much earlier than the one mentioned. God it's nice gaming from good companies, they are few and far between though, so as said stick by the ones you find are with us not the ones against us. As for the king of fighters, be the king of freedom fighters, tirelessly spending your time for the benefit of others. Kings and Queens working to help not only those affected by Zionism, my focused topic and i hope yours, but all of us who need you. Those in the position to speak to others make the most of your precious time. Remember there are more than one king there are many, the king of this, the king of that, the king of whatever it is you are interested in and multiple ranked kings therein. But yes, kings of freedom fighters, and i'm not talking about the January 6th insurrection that was just disgraceful, don't let Trump be United States' “king” again. For everyone else, do your best, as in creating the best outcome for you and us

Samurai Shodown
System: PS4
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: SNK/Athlon Games
-i splurged a bit on this one but it was 60% off and one i have been looking forward to very much as am a major fan of SNK, my dream thrift store find is a system of theirs called the Neo-Geo which has been around for years and is very cool. A game series of theirs that i like very much is Metal Slug, and i guess since i have the opportunity will talk about something quite unrelated but having to do with metal slugs, the on-set shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins of an Alec Baldwin starring movie Rust. This happened the day after i mentioned about the WWE wrestler “The Rock” and his given names correlation to the drug crack which is also named rock. Then this happens on the set of Alec who was prominent in the great show 30 Rock. This incident has probably been planned to happen for a while and put into being upon their cue. This is where timing comes in. If something is too coincidental to be timed with something else that they want to squash or demean then it is probably a doing of theirs. This being an example of what am talking about. They not only control the media, they make it. So again, remember timing
Edit: i mentioned in my earlier Mortal Kombat 11 post that i was planning on buying this game, then today, the day after i do, a man dressed as the Joker went around stabbing people on a Tokyo train then set a fire. Timing. Just saying. As for the Samurai Shodown game it is really really great and am enjoying it very much, will try to finish it with each character

Fire Emblem: Awakening
System: 3DS
Type: Tactics
Developer/Publisher: Intelligent Systems/Nintendo
-One of my favourite genres. i'll tell you, i have to battle to stay awake, not sleep wise either, and not even agenda wise, but of the human condition, our place in the world and universe. It's so normal to get swept up in our paved concrete existence that we forget where we came from, we are the pinnacle of evolution but neglect the world that isn't built up around us. Do you feel this way as well? It's a struggle to think outside of our own being and how intricate everything is that's not in our direct living circle. Think of how we were before all this technology, and we see it all as normal, it's wonderful indeed but we must also see such as how this is in relation to how we started, as a backdrop, then you really are amazed. Thing is this is all very recent, the last 100-150 years or so, approximately three generations, that's darn quick. So while we are doing so well we have also been conspired against, leaving us the prey of those who look to exploit us and our well doings, let's rid ourselves of those who do so and enjoy all of our advances without worry or sadness of being taken advantage of

Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns
System: PS3
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Square-Enix
-This. i can get into this. Have been stung before trying Square-Enix games that look good but are stealth this however truly looks positive. The story seems on the up and up and other details make it possibly something we can enjoy. One feature in this version is the bonus add-on of Cloud's outfit and sword from Final Fantasy VII, him being the main character and in FF VIII Squall, this one Lightning. Those two earlier games turned out very well so i hope this one is fine more than just the name of course. And it might be. i will give it a try. If it is good that will be pretty sweet, if not...

The Golf Club 2
System: PS4
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: HB Studios/Maximum Games
-The ps+ free game this month was PGA Tour 2k21, also by HB Studios but published by 2K Games who i like for the most part. That one is more of a sim golf game than this one which is more arcade style that i like more. Although this company has three hexes as their logo it might be okay, i hope so. A hex is the inner part of a star of David, and when you know what to look for you notice it. Again it would be nice if this company is a good one though

WWE All Stars
System: PS3
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: THQ
-If this was by a different company i don't know if i would have picked it up, but from THQ? Nice and looks like fun. i've heard wrestling being referred to as a soap opera for men, and it does seem that way, the long drawn out storylines and such, not that that's a bad thing or anything, watched a bit of wrestling when was younger, not something i'd be into now but that's okay. There actually were a few arcade games like this that i got into a long time ago as well, really good ones. Am guessing wrestling is a dream career for weight lifters though, somewhere to show off the hard work on their bodies. Now, i mentioned this to a friend today, i don't know if he reads this because i don't go telling everyone what i do with this and don't go too far in depth about everything put forward, not that there's a problem in doing so it's just certain instances where i share what i do. Anyhow, the topic came up when we were at the thrift store and wrestling came up because of this game so i spoke about wrestling's golden figure The Rock, that being the name he was given as a wrestler, rock being a euphemism for crack, hence can you smell the rock cooking as “his” motto basically. Dwayne Johnson is a very cool fellow and this wasn't his doing but the wrestling handlers, he's been in many great movies and carved out a nice living for himself outside of the ring, and more power to him if that's possible. But yes, everywhere you look star's of David and crack references, they have no hesitation to put either anywhere and everywhere they are able. They think you won't notice half or all the time and it is their monikers or telling signs for themselves of each other but when you know what you're looking for you see the trail they leave behind. And crack? You are footing the bill for them, they aren't making the loads of money to pay for their constant supply themselves, it is through various devious means that they get all they can have of it on an ongoing basis, and it's not cheap. Then you have the small scale crack user that doesn't have the federal reserve or foreign aid (Uptown Funks them up)(Gimme More)(...) so those who are addicted without those cash schemes either steal or prostitute themselves for such without end. That's but one of the reasons they do not want us to repeal the federal reserve act and cancel all the money owed because it was under illicit implementation. I've said it before and will say it again, do not try crack, it is not something fun, you will ruin your life and put yourself in a constant state of just wanting more and more by any means available. Never, and i mean never make that legal, if you ever do so many people will be crack junkies thinking they will just give it a try. Harm reduction like heroin? Life reduction, to eventual nothing and at the detriment of good people made victims of theirs

Battalion Wars 2
System: Wii
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Kuju Entertainment/Nintendo
-The original game in this series was on Gamecube and got into it a bit on that system, pretty good so picked this one up. War can be avoided, it's not as profitable that way though so you don't see possible compromises and deals that often when those really could be implemented. The real winner of wars are the banking entities that loan governments the money to further such endeavours. As for World War II Pink Floyd described the allies side as a Momentary Lapse of Reason when they should have let them continue but were suckered into taking action for the lone beneficiaries the Jews who fraudulently got them into that. Soon if not as we speak the world is waking up to the truth about the vast past and present troubles that cause us, Gentiles entire, great losses of all sorts. What would be nice is for the world to work together to solve once and for all this main problem that affects us in those different ways, while we have people doing good for us they have people tasked to doing the opposite. So, we need a task force, of as many people as we can find, working together or separately on solving everything that is being waged against us, and we have no time to lose

Final Fantasy XV
System: PS4
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Square-Enix
-i don't wonder about Square-Enix, they are Zionist, what i do wonder about is Squaresoft, from before the merger, were they good? Maybe, been a while. Enix was mostly known for the Dragon Warrior (now Dragon Quest) series and i have enjoyed games by both before the join. What happened or did i miss the agenda the first times with those? FFXV? Here's from the back of the slipcover: Play as Noctis as he and his closest friends journey to reclaim his homeland. Sound familiar? i know i don't want to “reclaim” Israel from what is actually Palestinian land, again promised to the Jews by who exactly? What they have been doing and doing right now is actually against international law, which isn't hard to enforce in theory just in bravery to formally implement and make them adhere to. They are usurping the land by force so we must do so equally to them, as they are not listening to us being polite. Boycott, divestment and sanctions are feasible and are being employed on a large scale which is very very nice to see, stay with that as it does help immensely as a starting point and continued through our other actions

Darksiders Genesis
System: PS4
Type: Action/RPG
Developer/Publisher: Airship Syndicate/THQ Nordic
-Am a major fan of THQ Nordic and this series in particular, this one being different from the Action games of the same name and is an Action RPG. Darksiders have been around since before the book Genesis of the Bible was written, and i'm not talking about this videogames four horsemen depictions but those who side on the dark in this matter. We have been being wronged by the opposition for millennia and is about time we got to doing what we've been longing for throughout all these years. And now we have the ability to do so more than ever before, mind you much of the world has been severely sensitized but given the correct information people will hold back their objections. This is something we need to emphasize, the arrival of the tasks, to be steadfast in our decision and stick it out til the end of what we are doing, emerging on the other side triumphant and in a much better world free from the shackles they have placed on every great institution of ours. All for their sole benefit at our detriment without a care of theirs about us and purposefully against everyone that makes up this world of ours, everyone. Unlike the Bible's Genesis we will not be able to make our world in six days, it will take many many years but worth everything we put into it. As you look around and see what they're doing, and know what's not shown, you can imagine what a blissful piece of Heaven we can create here for us without them

Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Milestone/Square-Enix
-This is another instance of buying a game because of the good developer, Milestone, i don't know what Square-Enix has to do with this, hopefully they are merely the publisher but that's not how it always goes, am wanting the best with this though

Mortal Kombat 11
System: PS4
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: NetherRealm Studios/Warner Bros
-This was on sale, i wouldn't chance it at full price but have always liked the series. i used to play especially Mortal Kombat II in the arcade, remember those? And i was very good, one of the best in town. i like the more classic style of these where it's strategy of what your opponent is going to do as opposed to lengthy combos with lots of button pressing that is hard to get out of. Along those classic style lines is a new version of Samurai Shodown which i am eagerly awaiting to be on sale again to pick up, it follows the aforementioned play style and looks fantastic, also i like the developer SNK very much

Goldeneye 007 Reloaded
System: PS3
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Eurocom/Activision
-This may and i hope is a basically remastered Goldeneye from the N64, that would be pretty fantastic. Even if not exactly am sure it holds well on it's own. Being published by Activision worries me, but other than that it's partially by MGM so that's uplifting. Did you notice about the Activision logo? The V with above lines is the lower half of the star of David. They reference that a lot, it is their emblem after all, you'll see it often when something is theirs. The television series V, V for Vendetta, the list is long and also a good determination of a media's or such originating source. They don't always put it in and always be on guard but when they do you can be quite certain about the creators

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 remastered
System: PS4
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Vicarious Visions/Activision
-If this was by us it would be by far the best skateboarding game ever, but it's not. While the gameplay, graphics and presentation are impeccable it is the cosmetic choices, and they are their choices, that are it's downfall. These instances don't ruin the game entirely but sure are a detriment, and i'm including the choice of soundtrack songs in here as well. Everything combined leave you with a down feeling instead of one of bliss which this very much could have been but the series since the first one on PS1 has been guided by corruption, i would love a Tony Hawk game clone with good intentions, arcade style with a point system and similar controls. This game if under different management would give you a sense of euphoria but unfortunately is very much dragged down by their negative implementations of all sorts. At least steak tastes good, this ultimately does not

Skate 3
System: PS3
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Electronic Arts
-This looks to be a combination of the sim like Skater XL and the arcade style of Tony Hawk. Looks to be enjoyable for sure. i am about to eat the steak though, a Matrix term, of which i have renewed faith in advance of watching the second and third sequels of again to recheck. Am going to buy Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 Remastered for PS4, the first four Tony Hawk games for instance are the best there are in that genre and i enjoy them immensely, hence the steak though, a reference to enjoying the taste despite it not being real, as it is part of the Matrix. While on that topic there is a fourth Matrix movie on the way, Resurrections, and i hope very much it is ours as it has the opportunity to be phenomenal. i do eat the steak once in a while but not on a normal basis, and i still recommend that you refrain from doing that also whenever possible in a way that matters to and suits you. Have your own mental list of media you will not entertain, of any sort, television shows, late-night hosts, authors, newspapers, videogame companies, movies with certain actors/actresses, whatever you want it's your list, but have one and follow it to the best of your ability, maybe share your opinion with others, whether those be friends or widely broadcast. It feels so good finding and having media that is ours, support them in every way you can, if all goes well ours will eclipse theirs and be the standard instead of the minority

Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow
System: PSP
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Sony
-This is like Konami's Metal Gear series but by a good company. Welcome to the world of espionage, you are involved as well. From the fake or orchestrated news events to the forced propaganda music to the shill gameshow contestants, it's all in how vocal you are about things like these that determine how involved you will be. Don't be afraid, be cautious but part of the resistance in whatever way you can help. Playing videogames like this is fine but wouldn't you like to be a real life operative? It would do a lot more good for the world as well. You will get flak from the opposition but that goes with the territory, it's worth the hassle knowing that you are contributing to the betterment of people present and future

NHL 15/Madden NFL 16
System: PS4
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: EA Sports
-These are by Electronic Arts, but i was looking for these type of sports games and they were $2.99 each in addition to a coupon so figured to give these a try until getting the 2K versions, of which i have basketball (2K) and baseball (Sony). Hockey and Football are probably my two favourite sports to watch, to play? Not so much. i played some floor hockey a few years back and after 15 minutes or so i was huffing and puffing (in a good exercise way) i am very much out of shape in regards to sports like these. i do enjoy watching them though, not all season but when it comes to the championships and such. Personally i am a big fan of competitive sports of all types, a way to compare the skill of a person or team against another, from schools to the Olympics, locally to worldwide. And the training these people go through is nothing short of amazing, which shows in the result of how good they perform at what they do. Do not discount sport, it is a lifelong ambition that rewards the hard work resulting from years of practice to perfect ones skill at that and they deserve the accolades they receive

007 Agent Under Fire, Everything or Nothing
System: PS2
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Electronic Arts
-These were kindly given to me by a friend who knows i am all aboard the James Bond train. So far i have watched the first one and when originally going in i thought the early ones might be kind of campy if that's the word but it totally wasn't, was really impressed and enjoyed it immensely. The only movies of this series that i am worried might be corrupted are the Daniel Craig ones, but i don't know for sure, so i guess will know in time when i eventually get that far, if those turn out to be good i am sure will the happiest about that, for now i am reserved. There are people who are generally givers, people who like to please others, i think i fall under that category as well and it's very nice to be friends with others who are the same. There are many good people, embrace them in any manner when they are. i enjoy doing good for others, i'm guessing you do as well, so do it often and make it an automatic trait of yours. That doesn't mean to get stepped on, that doesn't mean to be taken advantage of, you'll know and feel the right time to be kind and the right people to be so with, and when to be otherwise

Tetris Worlds
System: PS2
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Blue Planet Software/THQ
-i have a very nice Magic the Gathering World Championship t-shirt that i don't wear often because people might get the wrong idea, when it is really for all of us since we are all involved and a part of what's going on. It doesn't say world champion, it says world championship. In MtG for instance there are clear winning conditions and you place on a leaderboard with your victories, with what we're doing the end result is us all winning. They want it Gentile vs Jew, which is how they describe us it's not our word, so be it, team Gentile. Being such as that is the term includes the world entire, we have a problem to engage together. This podium has two spots, the victors and the vanquished, each of us helping each other equally to reach our common goal, if you want to be especially recognized for your valiant effort and risks taken that is perfectly fine, you deserve a hurrah. A global problem needs a global solution, so everyone needs to be on the same page which by now we are pretty much there, so collaborate on that same global scale with information, preparation, and plans of action

Crash Tag Team Racing
System: PS2
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Radical Entertainment/VU Games
-There are quite a few Crash Kart games and i have most of them, this one here is very reminiscent of Mario-Kart Double Dash where you and a friend are each in charge of various aspects of the same vehicle, as in one drives while the other mans the guns. The same can be implemented with what we are doing, while i do this you do that, when you do that this person does such, culminating in a whirlwind of activity from us, and the more the better. We have a lot of catching up to do so we need to be cautiously frenzied, you can be both, careful but hurried

Atari Anthology
System: PS2
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Digital Eclipse/Atari
-This is a pretty great compilation, one of the better ways to play retro games are with these multi game anthologies, and Atari is a good company as far as i have seen with their modern efforts. This one here has 18 arcade games and 67 Atari 2600 games. These to me are much better than having for instance an actual Atari 2600 with each of these games for many reasons, i know it's not worth as much and doesn't quite have the collectors appeal but just for gaming these are tops

Bejeweled 3
System: PS3
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: PopCap
-Is a jewel named after Jews as in a Jewish trinket? Gold has value as a precious metal, what value do jewels have? Not nearly as much as they sell for, not by a long shot. They may be pretty yes but are plentiful compared to what they are asking for them. If i were ever to get engaged, or let me say know someone who is, i would recommend a just gold ring, if you want to get fancy i've heard of dinosaur bone and meteorite fragments being implemented in rings as well. If you already have a diamond ring cherish it, it was bought with love. Just like cigarette companies used to pay actors and actresses to smoke in their movies diamond companies pay to have stars and models parade around in diamonds and the like, and shame you for not putting a ring with diamonds on her finger in their commercials, with taglines like love is worth it etc.. the whole thing is a scam and seeing said commercials is angering as it shows they don't think much of us. Along that line most everything they do shows they don't think much of us, every commercial of theirs, every orchestrated news event, every forced music album, every drama, comedy, horror, every videogame of malicious intent.. Don't give them your time that could be spent on our goodness and let others know and be aware as well. None of us want to be treated like fools so don't let them think you are. Besides, aren't dinosaur bones and meteorite fragments cooler anyhow?

Skater XL
System: PS4
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Easy Day Studios
-This looks fantastic. After just speaking about Tony Hawk's Pro Skater here is what may be one for us and a great alternative. Whenever you are able always go with something that is ours. Not only does it give them much needed support it is better for your mind space. Instead of having to trudge through groans and curses you are free to enjoy what was made by good people, sometimes there are no real alternatives, so trudging is necessary once in a while, like with youtube, but every other instance go for our lovingly created products and services. When you go with theirs they are made with malice and ill-intent, why would you subject yourself to such? To get back to this game i am really looking forward to trying it, it was released in 2020 so is quite recent and i found this new for $15 when it currently goes for $40+ elsewhere. A competitor to the Tony Hawk series, who is a very cool fellow though, is more than welcome. While the reviews are mixed for this it will still be a better play experience, with updates it will get even better. There is a map creation utility included so will have infinite replayability and in the future this company can put everything they've learned with this game into a Skater XL 2. For the most part things get better and better through trial and error, as do you, so constantly learn from your mistakes and improve even more in your following efforts

The Raven: Remastered
System: PS4
Type: Mystery Adventure
Developer/Publisher: King Art/THQ Nordic
-Good media companies are like good friends, they are there for you and have your back. While i am not familiar with this particular videogame i am familiar with THQ Nordic, of Darksiders series among many others, and am a major fan of theirs, so without hesitation seeing this by them i immediately bought it. There are not a lot or at least are not the majority of gaming companies that are okay so when you do find one stay with them. This especially, although on console, is a point and click adventure, similar to classic Lucasarts ones, but with good intentions. There are many of these also by a developer named The Adventure Company that i like very much as well. They really are fun and kind of laid back, if you haven't tried one like these look into it. And when you find a company videogame or otherwise that is for us not against us like many are support them in whatever way you can

Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
System: Wii
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Activision
-i'm for the most part always up for a Tony Hawk game, Neversoft/Activision aside... i just spoke about good videogame companies and now there's this, the two mentioned, which are not good videogame companies. So if you want to be even more strict than i am please do so, i would actually recommend it. So i guess since i've talked about good videogame companies i will talk about the others. Most are listed, both sides, on the appropriate page elsewhere on the site, it's not perfect, probably missing a few, but it's a solid guide. Just like you support the positive companies do not support the negative ones. And that's how their media is made, with every aspect tailored against you in many different ways with the common thread of it being at your detriment. While my list of videogame companies for instance is there to help you, have your own list from what you find, and try to stick to what you determine. Ours are a breath of fresh air, theirs are putrid whether disguised as sweetness or plainly vile. Let's have Zionism go downhill, when we are all immune to their ploys, which get worse the closer we get. Having only us will be very nice as you can see when you look around

Dark Souls III
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: From Software/Namco
-”There's a darkness, living deep in my soul, that's still got a purpose to serve” Santana ft Everlast. This was a gift from a friend. From Software is a pretty good company as far as i know and am looking forward to getting into this even though it is very difficult from what i hear. We all need to have some darkness in our souls, if we didn't we would be trotted upon constantly, as is being done now and will continue until stopped by us. Skepticism is better than naivety, at least upon first appearance until you feel you can trust someone. It's darkness when needed, when appropriate. When we have less to worry about we can release ourselves somewhat or to whatever extent possible. Darkness for the opposition, brightness for our friends. i for one am constantly bombarded by plants, covert-ops, if it wasn't for them life would be much easier, but there they are, and it is all darkness for them, like a light switch between for foe and for fellow. They are out to screw me why should i give them one bit of kindness? i for the most part am polite to the operatives but don't have the time of day to humour them as they have nothing other than negative behaviour. So when you see into what they are doing on tv, movies, radio, newspapers, books, videogames, what they are doing to others and trying to do to you, remember that darkness and keep it nearby, you need it now and will need it more when the time comes

Killzone Trilogy
System: PS3
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Guerrilla/Sony
-We have our own trilogy in progress. Upon first viewing of the various Killzone fmv's it seems like the Helghast, the enemy in this franchise, are IDF, Israeli Defence Force, however i really don't think they were going that route and is instead portraying us as those. The IDF are much more suited to that role though when you look at what they are doing against Palestinians who are not as in the videogame fully armed or armed at all, just some slings with rocks and incendiary balloons. The Middle-East is the killzone and Jewish soldiers there are the true Helghast

Deca Sports: Fan Favourites
System: Wii
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Hudson/Konami
-This is the only Deca Sports title i own but if i will have one this would probably be best

NBA 2K18
System: PS4
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Visual Concepts/2K Games
-This was among quite a few EA titles which i passed on, 2K has always been quite good, it's not perfect though and they are a publisher more than a developer but worth giving your effort to when choosing something to play. i would be amiss to speak about basketball without mentioning the recent tragic death of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and other passengers on that helicopter. It's always very saddening when someone so good like Kobe dies, he was enjoying life and doing so well, you never know when something like this will happen, he will be missed greatly by many. Live your life where you will be missed and mourned, give joy, help others and leave a trail of happiness

Sly Cooper Collection/Thieves In Time
System: PS3
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Sanzaru/Sony
-In my earlier life i did a lot of bullshit stuff that i regret, some people say no regrets, i don't believe that, i for one have many. That was maybe up until twenty years ago when i quit all illicit drugs, quit drinking, and started taking the medication i need for my mental irregularities. The combination of those three from before made me a complete mess. Thankfully i am a new person and have been for those 20 years, doing as far as i can figure no wrong whatsoever, honestly. You can similarly work on yourself, it's a matter of knowing what you are doing that is negative and cutting that from your life. i for one had to do lots of self reflection and behaviour cleaning, everything together has made me turn out alright and am happy being the person i now am. With that said i do give my most sincere apologies to anyone i have hurt in any way, at least take comfort knowing that i am doing right and helping others. Getting to the Sly Cooper videogames i am speaking about stealing is quite a shitty thing to do in itself, people work hard for what they own and someone goes and takes it from them, mostly to feed addiction for the most part, it's a very low action and scummy to do

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit
System: PS3
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Criterion Games/Electronic Arts
-One of my favourite games growing up was Chase HQ (by great Taito), racing down the street chasing after criminals and making them stop and give themselves up. This is much the same but with way better graphics. Now this is also a game by EA, as with Mirror's Edge i bought today, i am not a fan of EA but will still give these a bit of a go and quit if it is too negative agenda driven. Police have been getting a lot of disrespect lately, how often is there a mishandling of a situation compared to how many successful take downs there are? i would think not many. Every day these brave men and women put themselves on the line for us, they are attacked, spit on, disparaged, and in fatal danger in the means to protect us. When a crime is committed who gets to deal with it? They do. All sorts of heinousness, all day every day, theirs to take care of for us. Our taxes pay their salaries but they are not rich by a long shot, they really should be better taken care of by us and not just monetarily. Sometimes the police are out of line, sometimes by quite a bit, but that is not the norm, for the most part they dutifully do their job to the best of their ability for the best possible outcome and resolve each situation accordingly depending on what's going on. It must be a difficult job, one of the most difficult and mentally straining i'd imagine, so yes they'll mess up once in a while, but the vast majority of them don't even do that, they just manage the best they can and get through the best they are able, if you or i were in that same profession, it would wear on us as well, more than we could probably deal with. The fire department and medical services have very difficult jobs as well but in a completely different way, they are regarded as heroes by everyone and the same sentiment should be given to the police. If one or more misbehaves that should be dealt with legally for certain, but compared to how many troublesome situations they successfully resolve daily it is far from the norm. Thank the police

Mirror's Edge: Catalyst
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Dice/Electronic Arts
-This is a first-person parkour style game that looks incredibly fun. For an EA game they have the taglines on the back saying “fight oppression, claim your freedom” which sounds like something Palestinians should be undertaking not Zion. The word catalyst means to put something into high gear, we all should be doing that, i have learned to put first things first (whenever possible) and you should also adhere to that. We have lots to do and speed is of the essence, our lives are on the line and we are losing more every day to the corrupt entity spoken of. Now it is your turn to do the speaking, on any related topic (or not but it's better to be everyone on the same page working together against the foremost problem we face until completion). Either continue with what you're doing to help, or get in there and help

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Bethesda
-Elder scrolls as in the learned elders writings? At the beginning of Skyrim you are a prisoner being led to beheading, while you are on the horse drawn cart being led there you also see another man with many tattoos that under high resolution seem to be a crisscross of Stars of David. Soon the protagonist, after a dragon attack, escapes and is led away by someone else through the fortress, now i know the encampment is part of the resistance but there is a mention of a torture room in there as well, them saying “i wish we didn't have to use these”, that is theirs, we are not torturing anyone. In actuality they are enjoying what they are doing to our musicians, you can see that with what they are made to put forward. They do not have to torture, that is their choice of doing, and they've been at such for a long time now. Not only are they torturing our musicians but through such they have them threaten us. So we have to be brave, and do what we must regardless of what's levied against us. There are many many of us that need saving from them, in many different aspects, let their threats advance you not stifle you. They don't want to have to use the torture room? They don't have to, but they do, at least we play fair and nobly. Torture is a worse, the worst, act that can be committed by one on another and is very low to do, so it is up to us to stop them from ever doing that anymore

ATV Offroad Fury
System: PS2
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Rainbow Studios/Sony
-There is plenty going on for you to be furious about, just look around, pick a topic, and make it better. Task after task after task we need to clean up the mess Zion is making, when you look at world problems most are caused directly or indirectly by said entity, it is a worldwide issue with many facets. And we are deservedly upset, it is harm they are causing with everything they do. That's where you come in, put your anger to use, let it motivate you to help those being harmed who will be forever grateful for your assistance. i can't stress that enough, you are needed and have so many areas to choose from where you can make a difference

Motorstorm/Pacific Rift/RC
System: PS3
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Evolution Studios/Sony
-This series is perfect for me, i love the tracks and setting, by a good company, and for the rc one i am into those as well. i have had the original Motorstorm for a bit, picked up Pacific Rift the other day, and the rc one i just bought digitally today. Speaking of rc cars, i have always liked them and started getting back into such again recently, unfortunately Zion yet again ruins something good, i have one very cool rc car i was able to buy but would like a couple at least, so i bought a great one, at the thrift store of course same as the other one, but this one won't pair with the remote, i should have known better when at the store i noticed a “ted”dy bear stuck in the chassis. Thankfully it was quite inexpensive and i will keep as parts for any future purchase, but that still bothers me, i am very poor, just spend my money well, and with me every dollar counts, for the most part you may call me frugal. So when i lose a few dollars that is very upsetting to me, and having to lose it to Zionist mischief with faulty merchandise or say agenda they want to put forward planted there is extra troubling. i have grown to be very skeptical of what i am buying but sometimes something gets through that, you have different but similar situations with you, especially media, if you go to the theatre you can spend upwards of fifty dollars for you and a few friends or whatnot to go watch a movie only to have it where you are trapped for two hours being subjected to negative agenda and programming that you just spent your good money to see. Even if you also have radar sometimes you get fooled as well. On the bright side you learn, they may get you once one way but hopefully not again

Kid Icarus: Uprising
System: 3DS
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-With the way things are now, and have been behind the scenes for a long time, you have to raise your children like soldiers, the mentality, in addition to any potential profession. If they are not they will be eaten alive by the unscrupulous. No time for keeping them in the dark teach them well and start early. The opposition has vested interest in keeping your children uninformed and moulded to their specifications to be a compliant worker bee that will be no trouble to them, i would very much suggest to you to not raise them on what the Zionist entity wants them to be raised with, they wold be much better off with what you hand pick after determining through your own study what is beneficial to them rather than tv/books/movies etc that are put together with malicious intent for your children to consume while you are busy elsewhere or not paying attention at the moment. It's sometimes hard enough watching out what you feed yourself media wise, let alone doing it for someone else but it is so worth it to their mindset and will affect their entire life, thankfully but not every time it is easier to spot what they are trying to put forth when screening media for youth, but it isn't only picking and choosing various okay shows and not okay, let them know why and give them the tools and motivation to do so themselves, and how to spot what's being attempted against them, empower them to see it then as you see it now, it's a growing process for everyone but you must keep them involved and on top of things, either that or they will be a victim of schemes put against them. Let them be equipped mentally for what they do and will face and have it so that they can spot these negative attempts themselves without you pointing them out each time, which you should still do though, media should be an active conversation, at least in the early years until they are prepared. Be empowered and let them be as well, they will be able to navigate life much better, become very wise beyond their years, and thank you through their success and accomplishments at least partially though the building blocks you have provided for them

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
System: PS2
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-i have talked at length about Capcom as well as the Resident Evil series, so here, as this was kindly given to me today by a nice fellow who knows i like this company and series, for free even which was really cool of him, i will speak about kind actions. Nicety is always well received and appreciated, sometimes you can put forward something major, sometimes it can be modest, but in each and every instance you are making a positive difference in someones life to one degree or another. It feels great to be the recipient of a good deed, for me this RE:CVX will always be special to me because of it's gifting, and it also feels nice to be the one who makes the effort to help or make someone feel good, all around it is nice for everyone but yes being the one receiving is extra sweet. So if everyone is going through life thinking about how they can help each other or make someones day we will be in a nice spot indeed

Mega Man Anniversary Collection
System: PS2
Type: Platformer
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Capcom are Mega Men/Mega Women, it can't be easy being the world's foremost anti-Zionist videogame company, other than a few slip ups they have been a steady source of quality gaming for our side, the opposition is plentiful so it's nice to have something, and people, for us. So many stellar games from them, it's enough to keep you gaming with their library alone for so much enjoyment. There are others yes, kudos and thanks to them as well, but no one has done as much for as long as Capcom. So a heartfelt hurrah to all of those there, you have been a good friend for all of us to have and i (we) hope for many, many more great games where those came from

Patapon 2
System: PSP
Type: Rhythm
Developer/Publisher: Sony
-The Patapon tribe has been driven from their homeland by the evil Zigoton army and must unite to fend off the opposition... sound familiar? As for this psp game it looks very fun and am sure will enjoy it. As you can help the Patapon on gaming systems you can also help the Palestinians in real life, which is uncomparably the better thing to do

Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2/Hot Shots Tennis: Get A Grip
System: PSP
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Clap Hanz
-These games look pretty sweet and i hope they are okay, these are the only game series by this company so have nothing to gauge them on. If they are alright that would be nice but even though i bought these i still remain skeptical, you have to be. In addition to gaming you have to be skeptical with all media, which is Zionist until seen otherwise as they have much interest in that. When you find and know something is ours it is very refreshing, be part of putting forward the goodness we have
Edit: Yeah i know, was just really wanting these to be alright
Edit: The first clue is “get a grip”, it's not something we would say outside of get a firm grip on Zion, then you have open tee 2, which leads to the name of their newest offering World Invitational, inviting us to join in or more directly daring you to join with us. But they've been threatening us about this since they started, so do join and help us, regardless of the consequences, you are needed by each and every one of us and must be brave standing up to them. This World Invitational also extends from me to you of foreign nations, do join in, do what you can that maybe the people of elsewhere can't do in their home nations. Their threats need and should anger you to take action against them, use those threats as motivation to make things better for the already recipients of their harm of all sorts. This is our own World Invitational, feel free to help

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
System: PSP
Type: SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Square-Enix
-These are probably my favourite genre of game although finding ones on our side is slim pickings. They fall under the moniker of strategy turn-based tactics. The most famous of these type is Final Fantasy Tactics, which on GBA a long time ago i spent countless hours on. Each system and many companies have these style of games and they are so fun, it's like chess but more in depth. Imagine your rook could use a spear to attack multiple enemies in a row or your knight could cast magic healing or otherwise. i have tried many of these and find as said they are largely created by opposition companies as unfortunate as that is. Now how am i going to speak about this game without referencing the subtitle let us cling together, because let's. With what Zion is doing we completely have to have each others backs, all the time. Not my back in particular, protect every one of us as we have many of ours sticking their necks out who will benefit greatly from your help and appreciate it

Capcom Classic Collection Remixed/Reloaded
System: PSP
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-As said i will stand by Capcom through any turbulence, am sure they will be back at their good self very soon. There are a ton of games i love from these compilations, Magic Sword, Mercs, Captain Commando, Black Tiger, Strider, Knights of the Round... those are my main ones but will get into all of them. The only thing i wish these had would be save state, where you can save anywhere and resume later, that would have been great but will have to manage without, maybe it will get my practice up. i have spent many quarters on these games so will be nice to have unlimited continues with this. For now i think i'm pretty set for games to play on my psp go, that will keep me company, other than good company, while in lines when i go out. It was close to psn tragedy when Sony was planning on removing the ability to purchase psp/vita/ps3 games from their platform, thank the heavens they, after much upset, decided to keep those games available. You would have still been able to download the games you've purchased (at least that) but the full support is appreciated by the many gamers who love Sony videogame products both past and present and i hope Sony keeps those for everyone throughout time who has or picks up and enjoys those systems immensely

MX vs ATV Untamed
System: PS2
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Rainbow Studios/THQ
-As you might know i like off-road racing games a lot, probably my favourite of the genre, and this one although getting mediocre reviews should be pretty fun. Untamed, the opposite of what Zionist media tries to do to us. One of their words for us is Goyim, an insult amounting to cattle, pleasantly unknowing and going through life for the sole purpose of providing them their cut of everything we do, as long as they get that money they are happy, if that's the word, but when we try to stop the scam, the skim, we get the undeserved horns for our efforts towards betterment. What they want is to continue with their vices, at our cost, what could be going to so much goodness for us instead goes to endless amounts of decadence. While we lose money for every aspect of our well being they rake in their funds day after day, well it's time to get our money back and put it towards our own needs. Be untamed, buck the system they have put in place to hold us back, do not be cattle, be lions, the kings that we deserve to be, all of us doing so much better. Untame yourself then untame others, we have the masses, they have their media, unfortunately right now their media is controlling our masses, so let it be known about their agenda and the general balance of our goodness vs their treachery

Resistance 1/2/3
System: PS3
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Insomniac Games/Sony
-What is it they are resisting? Our success? Because we sure would be having a lot of that if it wasn't for them. They are the aggressors in every aspect, and we the victims, those who know and those who don't, politically, check, monetarily, check, physically, check, media, check, and so forth. We are in desperate need of some resistance against them, we exist but need greater numbers all on board with everyone at their upmost effort. i personally am not for fighting, but that doesn't stop them from trying to rile me, i believe in assertion, of being assertive, not aggressive, there is a major difference, assertion to state my rights legally, morally and sensibly, not to be violent even to not be in return, that's why like-minded people of ours need enforcers, they want to be the forcers? We can have our enforcers. We be assertive and save the aggression for those who protect us, save us. So yes today i was greeted with an operative who would be a potential problem by looking to be trying to butt in line at a local thrift store line, something infinitely less of a threat than Zionism in whole but yes, to try and get me riled into a confrontation, something i want none of, so what i did was this... and i'll tell you in advance it's very anti-climactic, mentioned to the manager that if he were to butt in line for them to not serve him, think of it like the boycott, divestment, sanctions of line etiquette, do something wrong and get punitively punished. i have no desire to get into any scuffle, as said for a larger scale we will have our guardians do that for us, and we will pay them handsomely for their strong and brave doings on our behalf since we are not able do those things ourselves. i want what any of you of us want, to be happy on many levels, without stepping on others to get that happiness, how can anyone even be happy if you get there by ruinous means? Well they found a way and aren't stopping, unfortunately for us on the receiving end of their harm. For us with each other, assertion, for them who aren't asking please to say the least our aggression is the last option we have left

Capcom Puzzle World
System: PSP
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-i'm sticking by Capcom through turbulent times, have always been a fan and want to continue with them. This offering is a compilation of five games, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (a Tetris style game with gems), three Buster Bros games, and Block Block an Arkanoid type one

Bust A Move 4
System: PS1
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Taito/Natsume
-Another fun puzzle game, a series that i have always liked. Picked up these digital psp/ps1 (ps1 can be played on psp) games for my psp go and am very happy to have them, they will be great to have while waiting in line places. i have other games for it but mostly rpg ones which aren't the best for just quick sessions to get into for that

Pong: The Next Level
System: PS1
Type: Arcade
Developer/Publisher: Supersonic Software/Hasbro
-This re-imagining of Pong is great and a ton of fun

Power Stone Collection
System: PSP
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-This is a 3d multiplayer brawler by Capcom and an amazing one at that, it contains both games that were originally released on Sega Dreamcast

Motorstorm Arctic Edge
System: PSP
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: BigBig Studios/Sony
-Just a fun racing game to bring with me

Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection
System: PSP
Type: Arcade
Developer/Publisher: Farsight Studios/Crave
-Okay so Gottlieb is a Jewish name, and this is a pinball game, go figure, maybe the tables are okay though? We'll see, it looks like a great time anyhow, not the balls the playing of this

Extreme Pinball
System: PS1
Type: Arcade
Developer/Publisher: High Score Productions/Electronic Arts
-i think Epic Games had a hand in this and i used to play Epic Pinball quite a bit, this one has four tables and looks fun as anything

Crazy Taxi Fare Wars
System: PSP
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Sega
-So, Gottlieb pinball and a Sega game, out of the eight titles i picked up there are two that might (not might but for sure with Crazy Taxi) have dubious intentions. All in all some pretty good purchases though that i will enjoy immensely

Yoshi's Woolly World
System: Wii-U
Type: Platformer
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-Games and other “programming” like this worries me about what youth watch. This yarn themed game is dripping with cuteness but still with the same negative intentions as adult propaganda just without having to get past the discretion we have. If you want to get angry watch media of theirs that targets our youth, it's terrible. Adults can play Nintendo all they want, if you want, i'm just concerned about those who are vulnerable to it. Nintendo does have parental controls, and parents should set it to 0 for them, as in zero Nintendo, go with a different system altogether for them and pick games for it by good companies. Why oh why do i pick up Nintendo games myself? Because i am an adult who is aware of what they are putting forward and have a weak spot for some of their games, go ahead, you also, just shield the ones that it can have detrimental effects on

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker
System: Wii-U
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-The Zionist entity found their treasure trove, America. And as soon as the interest on the national debt becomes more than what's earned per year you have the slavery of that country, working tirelessly to pay off the unpayable. Did you know the Federal Reserve Act can be repealed? It can, and it would solve that problem, but try wresting it from their clutches though, it is a source of great riches for them and they will not let go easily, it is so much money for them they will go berserk trying til the end to protect it to our detriment. That doesn't mean we should not go through with that action, it is imperative to not only America's well being but affects the world through America's foreign agenda and policies. If war was not so profitable we would have much less of it. Well, profitable for the banks who loan war funds to the battling countries while those countries themselves go deep in debt with spending on those wars. While democracy is the best form of government, capitalism is the best form of economic growth, when kept fair and in check which is needed, but we just have to get rid of this debt-based system that is currently in place, before it's too late

System: Wii-U
Type: Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-Splatoon reminds me of the cover to the Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon. Would you rather their top of the triangle or our bottom of it? They behave like rabid dogs so should be treated like such in defence of us and those we care about. and that's not giving them permission to act like such, moreso. Every opportunity they get at the slightest cue is to threaten us, haven't you had enough of that? They all know that the reference to themselves is six (sicks) and should be treated like they are, there is a term for that, euthanasia. Now there are good people among them, some i like and am sure a few for you as well, and they are getting dragged down into the pit with the guilty ones, as unfortunate as that is. Personally i find Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man more than the threatening Star of David mock up which is now the Israeli flag that was chosen to represent the Jews in 1897. Those two triangles that portray the human body are what they are putting forward, and you see it everywhere in their doings. i thought they might be giving it a rest in the music videos they make musicians do but there it was again in the “Tinashe” video for Bouncin, plain as day. So even if they do put it aside for a while at least most everything up to this point of theirs has that symbol in one way or another. The Star of David is a declaration of war and should be dealt with appropriately

Super Smash Bros. For Wii-U
System: Wii-U
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-Our guardians will have to be prepared for battles, and with cellphones abundant you will for sure be seeing a lot of that. There are great songs that might comfort you in trying times, there are quite a few and our good sources will pick you up when you are down, while with much of the media in their hands though you will get the opposite from them, be ready

Tetris Party Deluxe
System: Wii
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Tetris Online/Majesco
-Build, build, build, complete. Build, build, build, complete. and we are doing so at an unprecedented pace, look at what we have achieved in one hundred years. it is that snowball effect and we are in it. Everything keeps getting smaller and smaller, and more advanced and more advanced at the same time, soon we will be building technologies and items for everyday on a molecular level not even imagined right now. Think about this course we are on with what we are creating, improving each day after day. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke. That is a quote i read on a load screen of my Kobo, and no matter how cool a Kobo is, and it is, it is the least of our technologies and that is saying a lot. So prepare for some outstanding achievements on our part, followed by more, everything is going quicker and quicker and we will live to see much of it if not all of it technology permitting

Metroid: Other M
System: Wii
Type: Metroidvania
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-i love this genre of game and also have the Metroid Prime Trilogy compilation for wii, i plan to get into all of them and maybe this one first of them because it seems to be more sidescrolling than first person like the prime ones. Other M is a pretty odd title, i won't speculate too much on what they mean by it and just go with somewhat what i think they are referencing, it has to do with the system, as written about elsewhere on the site, now i don't figure for sure this is their intention but it might be close. As for the system, it's a way for us to communicate when and how we might not be able to otherwise, on tv you might not be free to mention about genocide, g, or Nazi, x, and so forth, but with this you can. Now real talk bests the system any time, but again sometimes you just can't do that properly, so we have this. Okay, so Other M, m in the system is murder, so the other m may be similar to w or v, a star of David reference, so the other m would not be murder but a triangular reference. This also brings me to a word of ours, a mainstay so to speak, home, and there is no hate, just a lack of routes to take. This is what's being sung about it any of our songs that have this word. The reason we can't hate is because it is an all encompassing word that would entail them entire, i for one do not hate them on a full scale, there are some i like very much, it's the actions of some that lead me and us to have no other course to take, they make it very hard and use the good ones of them as human shields saying haha you can't get us because there are this good one and this good one, yes there are, but we have to go through those ones to get to the global evil as said perpetrators of such. Home to us isn't just a word, it is our destination

Unreal 1/2/Tournament
System: PC
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: Epic Games/GT Interactive
-This is a great series by a great company. i have played the tournament one quite a bit and always like it, first person shooters for me are best played on computer with mouse and keyboard, i don't do very well aiming with console gamepads. Another game by Epic is Fortnite for different systems which is very popular, i never got into it but the premise is outstanding, it's a quality third person shooter (over the shoulder) that is free to play, the only things that cost money are cosmetic only enhancements that don't affect gameplay, games that have costly additions that do affect gameplay are called pay-to-win or freemium. Epic Games also has their own graphics engine, Unreal, and whenever you see that logo at the start of any game you are pretty much to expect amazing graphics, it really is a beautiful engine. Another very good feature about that is you can make a game with Unreal Engine for free and only pay the company if you earn over a certain amount, very nice attribute. So yes, Epic Games is a good developer, stick by them, it is unfortunately hard to find ones that aren't against you so when you do give them your support

Company of Heroes
System: PC
Type: Real-Time Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Relic/THQ
-Company of Heroes on pc? How fitting. This will be about the first game and it's two expansions not the second that seems to be by Relic but published by Sega which i cannot vouch for. This game is part of a unique group of real-time, or any for that matter, titles that let you play as the Axis, something that is pretty cool on it's own. Both sides were heroes and i don't deride or disparage the Allies who were doing their patriotic duty, they were told what to do and bravely fought for what they unknowingly believed was the right cause, while they were actually in a war against other heroes, ones truly saving the world from deepest corruption and slavery, let's not screw this up again. The situation we are in is multi-layered with many parts to it but stems from a history of plots against us culminating in the Protocols, you see plots in movies sometimes about the villains trying to take over the world, well here we actually have that, in the unknown background while we are paying attention to distractions and other things put before us. These villains, the practitioners of the Protocols that prove itself through it's implementation really are trying to take over the world and in turn ruin it for their own financial benefit, there really are no other reasons for doing so, i don't believe it's for the power they do/would wield but solely for the money and everything that brings. The Protocols are the culmination of many years of practice and usage before being transcribed into the final form, and is the final straw for our final solution to this most grave situation we see ourselves forced to deal with. With political Zionism out of the way we can govern ourselves in a manner free from this currently hidden multi-pronged and all encompassing agenda that destroys everything it touches. We will again, and it's been generations, control our own lives present and future which will be the first time for most all of us. Right now we are under control of the Zionist media, a situation that has only gotten worse over the years, that is the main grasp they have over us so it is imperative that we take that back first, the rest will be easier with that out of the way. Then we take back our governments and rid it of any corruptions it has, again making the rest after that even easier, then with the governments in our power we can purge the current theft of our what would be riches from their hands. After the media, government, and monetary systems are back to us anything and everything else we want to do will be attainable. This time let the heroes be heroes and we as the global population will be able to achieve our dreams free from those who are currently and in the future if unchecked putting us in a perpetual downfall

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
System: PS2
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Neversoft/Activision
-First off Tony Hawk the person is fine, good guy, cool and talented. The closest i will ever come to skateboarding would be with these and similar games. i have to say this series is one of my favourites, or again as mentioned a series i would like to like, unfortunately from top to bottom it is a work of corrupt agenda. It seems i use this series as a descriptor for an example of this where every single part of the game is deliberately placed against the player but the same is true for any Zionist made video game, every instance of choice whether major or minuscule. They don't throw in something good, it's completely intended in a negative manner towards the person who spent good money to buy that game. Have a personal don't buy list of gaming companies, or any company for that matter, that you have found to be propaganda factories, then let others know. Zionist video games have no redeeming qualities, yes they may be fun, as the Tony Hawk series is, but it's not worth it to put yourself through that, i faultily play Nintendo sometimes, but at least know what i'm getting into, many don't so they unintentionally absorb the agenda that has been put forth in that game programmed against them with negative imports to their mental well-being. When you know what companies are on our side and play one of their games it is a much better feeling to see something made for us, and most game genres do have alternatives to the major opposition brands versions, it's just a matter of finding them through trying different ones. You will very much enjoy playing our titles, while when you know and see what the opposing faction is doing or attempting to do it will be more than upsetting

Dead By Daylight
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: 505 Games
-This is a horror based game with modules of movies and games of that genre. I haven't tried it yet but looks pretty good actually and 505 Games might be okay however don't hold me to that. i've always been a fan of horror movies and books, Stephen King's Pet Sematary was my first “big” book and i started early, my first horror movie if i remember correctly was Hellraiser based on the Clive Barker book The Hellbound Heart and i have read pretty much the entire library of those two authors books along with others similar. i'm thinking surrounding myself with the macabre has had a desensitizing effect on me, something we could all need given what we're going to have to be encountering. Television has done the opposite and sensitized us to be patsies, it wasn't always like that, things used to be quite brutal, although i agree in not tolerating negative behaviour there is a time and place for that and we will have to as we progress. i've seen media of the grotesque, it's not pleasant to say the least and can no longer tolerate it, but it did form me to some extent, and now i can handle that better than having never. Seeing the fragility of life makes you appreciate it more, to know that any little thing can cause great havoc to you and your body's well being, to know that if anything happens to that melon on top of your neck it's all over. Desensitizing yourself is crucial no matter how you do it, even just to mentally prepare for it. For a while now death has been hidden from our eyes, it wasn't always like that at all, but it's depressing and makes you question life so they don't show it. Cherish your life, it is wonderful, and keep the ones who exploit our physical weaknesses off your list of people to save

Worms Rumble
System: PS4
Type: Strategy
Developer/Publisher: Team17
-Always enjoyed this series, it's all about teamwork. Some dig, some direct, some build... these games have been around a long time and are still going. As a people we have teamwork already but we need even more collaboration regarding Zionism globally, everyone on board. If these worms can do it we will have no problem doing so, i'll do this, you do that, together and with each other. The opposition doesn't want us to organize, which we must do, and allocate tasks for each other or of our own volition. i've said the word tandem before and it's important, this isn't one at a time this is all of us doing our part in addition to everything else the rest of us are doing collectively. You have a part, whether you be a lone wolf or part of a pack we need you, everyone doing their best

Mega Man Legacy Collection 1/2
System: PS4
Type: Sidescrolling
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Mega Men's (and Women's!) Legacy, not to be confused with maga. This series is notoriously difficult, but fun and with many good features that help for this compilation, and we could all use some help with difficult tasks

Burnout Paradise Remastered
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Criterion Games/Electronic Arts
-Am not a fan of Electronic Arts, this was on sale for about $5 though and looks enjoyable minus the entwined propaganda, yeah i know i should do better about that and i do try, it really depends on the specific game and normally i avoid this company like the plague. Speaking of plagues we are in the midst of some troubling concerns, and i think the way to mitigate some of them are with exorbitant consequences, if someone sells crack.. 20 years. No one, and i mean no one, will risk that for a few extra dollars. The same can be applied to any crime, if a crime is then still committed at least it will be only once in every said 20 years by that person. We can make our world a paradise this way. death sentences? i'm obviously not opposed to that, it depends on the various situations, sometimes yes. With all the other criminals in jail though it would leave the world for the rest of us to enjoy. So we've made it this far, give everyone due notice and increase the sentences for crime. i want to live in paradise, don't you?

Ratchet & Clank Trilogy
System: PS3
Type: Platformer
Developer/Publisher: Insomniac/Sony
-i have a friend who really likes this series so i won't talk about this company's Zionist agenda in this one instance, i won't. Instead i will talk about friendship. We all can be each others friend, globally dealing with shared problems or on an individual basis, helping each other. It feels good to do well for someone as you know, and it's also nice being helped so accept that from people. The downtrodden need your friendship, not Zion, everyone else who isn't involved in their ruinous global agenda, the real suffering by and not by their hands. You have friends, many you don't even know but ones that fight for your happiness and well being day after day. Then you have your personal friends, treat them well and enjoy their being. Personally i am a pleaser, i always try to put others first before myself and enjoy doing so while continuously thinking about other people, it's just how i am for whatever reason, don't worry i'm not alone by a long shot. My group of in person friends is short but am happy to have them, and i try to do right by them whenever i can, they treat me well also. Cherish the people in your life and the one's who are looking out for you, i do, both in person and otherwise

Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
System: GBA
Type: Battle Sim
Developer/Publisher: Intelligent Systems/Nintendo
-The gameplay on this one is reminiscent of the board game Risk, as it is with basically dice rolls to determine the winner of each combat. Still fun though, unlike real war. War benefits one group, the lenders of funds to sustain the wars, sometimes even instigating conflicts to have one nation attack another in “retaliation” stemming from a false-flag attack on dormant people in peace. This actually happens quite often, and if it wasn't for the war-mongering money-lenders we would all be living in a much more stable world free from these instances. Now there are reasons for war, we would just have a lot less of it and resolve our differences and problems in a more constructive less destructive manner. We can live happily until the impending black hole, but here's the thing about it, some people say what's the point of life if it all goes to nothing anyhow? Well we're living now aren't we? We are for the most part enjoying life right? Let's continue that. Besides you can look at how far we have advanced in the last century even and it's just mind-boggling how well we are doing, think about that trajectory, that snowball effect, and eventually we may be able to counteract a black hole, we have a lot of time to work on that minus some sort of man made calamity or asteroid, however an asteroid though is pretty easy to deflect compared to a future black hole solution, and we can probably figure that out relatively quickly, and should. Here's what i understand a black hole is, it is a form that sucks in and compresses everything it encounters and puts it in an extremely small form in the middle of it. So over time it just gains more and more mass eventually sucking up the whole cosmos and deposits it into a tiny by comparison ball with the atoms so close to each other the space between them is null as opposed to the vast amount of space that they currently have in distance. So everything gets sucked up and put into a tiny ball, then what makes up the body of this ball has another big bang like previously, and the whole thing expands once more creating a brand new universe from the same particles. Then other black holes form and the whole thing repeats over and over. Let's try to keep what we have this time though, we have what, millions of years to do so? No problem. We will pretty much for sure be able to neutralize black holes at some point, not with current technology but with what we will have in the future

System: PS4
Type: Tactics/SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Firaxis Games/2K Games
-i am for now divided on this series but was originally all on board for it, if it is/was good it would be maybe my favourite tactics based game, the graphics, the story, the gameplay, all stellar, however i worry about that story, the premise is there, aliens invading Earth and trying to take it over and you as Xcom agents trying to stop them. Something just feels off about the way that story is put forward. The company behind this is Firaxis, who are also responsible for the revered Civilization series, again everything seems to check out, but maybe i am being too skeptical, skepticism is a good quality to have though as it is better to be skeptical than naive. The add-on to Xcom 2 is titled War of the Chosen, but this is all of our war not mine as it affects every one of us. It's small details like that which make me doubt the allegiance of this company no matter how well reviewed or admired it is for this and the Civilization games. i want to like this series, and i feel similar as that for other various media as well, i want to like x game developer, y movie, z author, but that doesn't change the negative intentions those have so i'm put in an awkward spot. So, what i do depends, sometimes i turn off my radar and play Nintendo, watch the Matrix (still divided on that one) or read some Stephen King again (been a while but you get the idea). You can make up your own mind about what you want to consume and not consume, just know that Zionist media's purpose is to further their own agenda at your expense with everything done in a way that is to benefit them through their devious programming of you. For the most part if you know what you're looking out for you can see what they are attempting but sometimes they are very stealthy, at least in the beginning, i've played rpg's for instance where it would look okay for a few hours then they would start doing their real storyline and so forth. Real media won't try and trick you, developers are one thing, publishers are another, i like 2K Games, do i like every single game the publish? No. But for the most part they are great so i give them a chance every time. Developers though you can blacklist. There's a saying, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Remember that

Gran Turismo Sport
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Polyphony Digital/Sony
-Video games are the closest i will ever get to driving, i just wouldn't be able to do so in an actual car, pretty much everybody else does though, for me it's the bus. For racing games i'm more into the kart/arcade style ones, these sim titles are very finicky and i end up swerving all over, something i would imagine myself doing in a real car if i ever were to have to drive one. Cars, among many other advancements, are a pillar of our society, allowing us to traverse distances to work places that are not near our immediate area, that and not having to find our own food have of course been instrumental in our way of life. We take these now commonplace fundamentals for granted as with many other things but for me i am still completely amazed at everything we have accomplished with what we have here on Earth, and next space. When you look at it we have it good, minus those trying to deter us for personal gain. We are doing so well with our outer progression but we also need to advance our inner progression, we are in some aspects but are being led astray with television for the most part who solely want us to be consumers not intelligent beings thinking for ourselves, which is why we need to wrest back the media into our hands and let it be in the hands of people that have positive intentions. Keeping up with the Jones' is what we currently have on television, and that drives the economy but we need loftier ambitions of educating the public about how to live well and be well not just what to purchase next. American tv is the worst, mostly a cesspool of Zionist owned channels that want you to shut up and go to the mall. Imagine how much more intellectually in general our society would be if we weren't being led by the carrot and the stick, instead living moral lives that have respect for each other. There are problems but we have and will have solutions for those problems, if we collectively decide enough is enough for certain issues and get majority support to get laws and bills passed then we'll be doing a lot better. We still need people looking out for us, and there are, support them however you feel best and help shape a positive future for us in collaboration with those who have similar goals

The Black Mirror
System: PC
Type: Point and Click Adventure
Developer/Publisher: Future Games/The Adventure Company
-This is one of my favourite types of games and is similar to the early Zionist Lucasfilm ones such as Monkey Island, Zak McKracken, Maniac Mansion and Indiana Jones Last Crusade/Fate of Atlantis, stick with The Adventure Company and a few others though. The play style for the Lucasfilm ones was that there were verbs on the bottom of the screen such as walk to, pick up, turn on, and you would as the type suggests point and click the verbs with items you have and/or what's on the screen. i extensively played these Lucasfilm ones growing up and one other thing about them is that you would most always need to buy a hint book as the combinations and actions to be taken are completely obscure without such. As for more recently there have been many great titles in this genre, this one being the 2003 Black Mirror and it's two sequels are very fun as with other ones by the same company and among different developers. These newer one don't generally use the verbs on the bottom of the screen approach but still utilize the icons for your items and right click for alternate actions. If you're looking for games to somewhat relax with and enjoy some puzzles try these Adventure Company ones, just be prepared to check online for help as they can get pretty intricate

System: PS4
Type: Game Creation
Developer/Publisher: Media Molecule/Sony
-This puts game development in the hands of the many and there has already been so much great content created for it. So you buy this one “game” and get access to everything that people have made for it, and if you feel motivated you can make your own creations of any sort. Very much like any effort you can do it exactly how you want and put it forward when you think it is at it's best, making games is very cool, and playing others' projects are very fun as well, however if you can help us globally with your time and ability we and the people of ours you come to the aid of would be forever grateful, and we have no lack of deserving beneficiaries of your help. Just like the title you can work on your dreams, and put forward the finished or work in constant progress culmination of such, be it something you do on your own or as part of a team, whether that team be a group of in person friends or an online group of friends with the same desired goals. So by yourself or collaborating with others as long as you do what you can to make the unfortunate situation we're in better

Tetris Axis
System: 3DS
Type: Puzzle
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-Whenever possible i try and get Tetris for each system it's available for, it's a must have. This is one of those games that you constantly get better at and has infinite replayability, i remember playing this quite a bit on a gameboy kiosk at the gaming store in a mall. On a grander scale hopefully previous axis and allies will join together to combat the threat that is against all of us, World War I & II on the allies side were as Pink Floyd said a momentary lapse of reason

System: PS3
Type: Fighting
Developer/Publisher: NetherRealm Studios/Warner Bros.
-The subtitle of this game is Gods Among Us, and that's the thinking we have to deal with. What makes them figure such? What are they doing that leads them to imagine themselves godlike? They control a lot of aspects of life, media, money, but in a negative way, wouldn't someone benevolent be doing actions for the betterment of others instead of for selfishness? As for DC comics, they are as Zionist as Marvel and always have been. The storyline here is stealthy, same as Injustice 2, but does get shown. Superheroes are our side, we are the ones doing good in this world, if anything the opposition would be the villains, constantly toiling against us while we go about our lives. The main word in superheroes is heroes, look who is being such and who are being the devious ones

Sports Champions 1/2
System: PS3
Type: Sports
Developer/Publisher: Zindagi/Sony
-For these you'll need a ps move controller and a ps3 camera, this makes your ps3 similar to the wii with wii sports but on a Sony system. There are quite a few other games to pick up for this as well and it's pretty fun, the best one for me on here would be ping-pong but there are many other sport games included. You can find both of these items for decent prices and the game itself is for sale on ps store for about $5, all worth it. My Dad used to say that sports is just a bunch of rich guys throwing a ball around or to that effect, but i appreciate sports, i don't watch them all the time but i do like the finals of football and hockey. Thing is, the people competitively playing these sports are the most skilled in the world at what they are doing and not only have trained their entire lives but are the best of the best when it comes to physique and coordination. The reason they are rich is because people like to see these athletes perform and pay good money to do so, whether on television or in person. Should they get minimum wage? No they bring in lots of money for the owners who in turn hire the top players so that their town does well and gets people in the stands to enjoy the game or at home with advertisers. The skill level of current day athletes is unmatched in history, i watched some of the old Olympics and other competitions and they do a little hop or twist or something and that's that, now it is just incredible to watch them and what they do

Breath of Fire III/IV
System: PS1
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-If you're looking for a good rpg to get into it's hard to top these ones in this series. With Zionist storylines abundant in various rpg games it's nice to find one that is playable by us. There is a clothing brand named FUBU which stands for For Us By Us, which was formed when African American customers with fashion skill were having to always buy from Caucasian owned and run clothiers, so they made their own company and as far as i know it's still doing great. So we have some companies like that without it being a thing just the way it is, video games for us are few and far between so it's good to find companies that aren't trying to screw you and stick to those, in any medium

Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
System: PS3
Type: Sidescrolling
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-i remember playing this series in the arcade and have always enjoyed it so was nice to be able to buy it for home console with infinite continues, seriously this is a quarter muncher. Paper/pencil rpg games are fun as anything, i still like creating characters to play them with but never get to actually play unfortunately, but i still have the books to read through which i enjoy very much. TSR, the company who made/makes D&D was bought by a company i am close to, Wizard's of the Coast, who is creator and producer of trading card game Magic: the Gathering among other fun games. D&D i worry about though, just this and that about it. It was inevitable though that the two intellectual properties would combine and so now there is an MtG set based on Dungeons and Dragons, and probably more down the line. Information about the set and cards is just now being released but it looks great as always is with the recent offerings by them. i always have and do keep up on everything MtG, and lately am so happy with what's being done and with what they're putting forward

System: PS3
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Black Rock Studio/Disney
-i have a tumultuous love affair with Disney, my favourite parts are the classic Disney movies, tv channel ABC, and the somewhat newly formed Disney+. Saying that i must also mention, there are parts i don't like which have covered before, namely Marvel and Pixar, but Disney itself is for the most part positive and wholesome. As for this game, which is an atv racing title, i like it very much so is a pleasure to get into, this sub-genre, dirt racing of different types is one i really like and being by Disney it is by a company i really like. Now as said Disney has a few problems on their hands, ones i hope get resolved and made better, it's all about who's in charge of the different branches, because right now it is a very mixed combination of the two combating sides all within the main entity, and i hope the good side, our side, is triumphant

Devil May Cry 1/2/3/4/5
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Am a fan of Capcom as you know but have never tried this series, would like to get into the 5th one sometime, just being the most recent, but they all look pretty good. Devil(s) may cry? We're the ones saving people and haven't done anything concrete ourselves but are still being worked and conspired against as we have been for years and have more from them in the years to come unless we take action about what they are doing. There's a saying “the devil's in the details” and in the details we see everything that's not only being attempted but put in place and done continuously onward. They may cry because they will be foiled, and we will accomplish that. If they weren't doing anything against us to begin with they would have had no worries, but they chose to do so and now it is up to us to stop them from what they've done, are doing and trying

Sega Genesis Classics
System: PS4
Type: Compilation
Developer/Publisher: Sega
-While Nintendo gets a pass Sega does not. i won't say Sega is the worst but they aren't harmless either. Speaking earlier about the Israeli flag what the Sega logo is is the two light blue lines of that flag forming the name. As said growing up it was the Sega consoles i owned as opposed to Nintendo, turns out in retrospect as a youth i consumed a lot of Zionist media of different platforms, movies, books, tv, video games... i don't know what effect that has had on me and how it shaped my thought process but i guess it turned out alright somehow, as for now i wouldn't suggest in any way shape or form you raise your family in a Zionist atmosphere unless it's to point out what's being attempted by them and teaching on how to see through what they're doing. There are also many adults that haven't been informed about the issues and that is a problem, reach to them and bring up the needed topics and information to help them see as well

The Witcher III: Wild Hunt
System: PS4
Type: Adventure RPG
Developer/Publisher: CD Projekt Red Studio/Warner Bros.
-This series is by some great people who also happen to run, a game purchasing enterprise similar to Steam but without digital rights management, drm, and is a very cool way to buy and collect games, i have quite a few from there myself and if my computer were better i'd be getting into those as well, good thing is i have them forever or as long as gog is running and i don't see them ever giving up what they are doing with it as it is a complete success and very popular, recommended. Now, i'll tell you, this company has been incorrectly upset at what i'm going about, CD Projekt Red is made up of people who are Polish, a group i not only like on an individual basis such as these fellows but have nothing against as a whole, am i wrong in thinking this? i don't think so and have no issues with them at all, in fact i would like their help. i think after a certain amount of time passes their new outlook and understanding will reflect in their games. While they are working on future phenomenal games give a try, it really is a “projekt” of love

Super Mario All-Stars/Super Mario World
System: Snes
Type: Platform
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-The reason i mention these games, which i believe i have three Snes cartridges, these and Zelda: A Link to the Past, but no Snes to play them on. That's okay though, the way i utilize cartridges that i don't have the console for is that i own the game so download the rom of it and play it on whatever system it's possible to do so on with that when applicable. As for Mario, it's fun propaganda, the makers of such are anything but Italian like the main character but as said none of that changes the future outcome

Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled/Mario Kart 8
System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Beenox(original ps1: Naughty Dog)/Activision / Nintendo
-What is Crash's girlfriends name? CoCo. What is the name of the mall in Mario Kart Wii? CoCo. What is the name of that Pixar movie? CoCo. And so forth. On this topic they have many musicians forced to sing love songs about crack, like they have Britney Spears sing “Gimme More” and Bruno Mars Uptown Funk you up, at the end of the Mario Kart Wii level mentioned there is a banner that says Thank You, so thank you America for constantly funking them up. For whatever reason they started, which is probably made more prominent during the disco era which is why they make romance of that time period so much, although i suppose it started with Sigmund Freud on cocaine, it's use is dominant in their higher ups, the controllers of what's being done against us. You'd figure the “Federal” “Reserve” money would be enough for them or anyone but i guess not. This isn't to embarrass them about their addiction, it just lays the groundwork for understanding why they are so hell-bent on ruining us for their own vices. Further, they have been trying to get people who are users of crack to steal my meagre belongings, which doesn't benefit them at all just bothers me, and they keep trying, another reason i bring this up. Thing is they aren't going to stop their substance abuse and would rather go down with that than stop what they are harming us with, it leads to so many aspects of trouble created by them for this sole end goal. This is what we have to deal with

Days Gone/The Last Of Us remastered
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Sony / Naughty Dog
-Bought Days Gone, a waste of $30 and digital so i can't trade it, one of the only downsides to digital, and TLoU was free with ps+, even at free i have no interest in playing it, neither should you “clicker”. That term is meant to be us, we the clickers of mice and keyboards, being shown as diseased beings, in all sorts of despicable representations. They have you spend your money on one of these games that you get to play and see them insult you for doing so. After being insulted by game developers in this way avoid future offerings by them, as they will just be more of the same, maybe stealthier, and without atonement or recognition. We are not as is shown in games like these, be proud of yourself and our community, we are building a better and better world to live in and advancing in leaps and bounds every day, what they are putting forward is just how they themselves feel about us

Metal Slug Anthology
System: PS4
Type: Sidescrolling Shooter
Developer/Publisher: SNK
-Am a fan of SNK and have been since the Neo-Geo days, there are so many good games for that and they have been making games for other systems as well. This series in particular has always been a great one and it was nice to be able to pick up all the titles at once and on sale as that's mostly when i buy them. In this you play a soldier against the axis, but eventually in each game join sides during the later levels to fend off an alien invasion. The graphics, being a Neo-Geo game, are pixel art, and the Metal Slug series has some of the best animation ever made in this style. SNK are still making games, modern ones and good ones at that

Mordheim: City of the Damned
System: PS4
Type: Tactics/SRPG
Developer/Publisher: Rogue Factor/Focus Home Interactive
-From what have seen there aren't a lot of tactics style games for us, so it's always nice to find one that is. This title is in the Warhammer setting and is polygons not sprites unlike many in this genre, it is also sphere based not square grids but plays just fine. Warhammer, the original one, is a tabletop fantasy themed miniatures game where you buy the figures and battle on an actual large scale map that has terrain and obstacles and such with measuring tape that is the real life tactics equivalent. This game is quite in depth but tried going through the tutorial and it looks really fun. i've got to get more into finishing games, i do sometimes but often just get a feel for a game and try something else i picked up, i will though. i always have the motivation to do my tasks, what they may be, i just need to do the same with gaming for my spare time. For you do the same if you can, put your tasks first and then the gaming

System: PS4
Type: Racing
Developer/Publisher: Milestone
-i really like this company and this game in particular, have always been a fan of off-road racing games and this one is amazing. This was 90% off when i bought it for about $5 and is worth every penny, in fact i rarely buy any game that is not on sale for at least 50% off, am quite thrifty and go to the stores of such often as well which i enjoy very much

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts/Sniper Ghost Warrior 3
System: PS4
Type: First Person Shooter
Developer/Publisher: CI Games
-Wish i could play these, i started one of them and really liked it, i just don't want to endorse actual sniping, as in by the hands of Israeli “soldiers” against Palestinians or of some sort of orchestrated crime in North America or anywhere else. Said “soldiers” employ lethal and damaging force towards protesters and even media trying to cover those instances, many of the time sniping from a distance. Palestinians are for the most part peacefully protesting the Israeli incursions upon their land, their holy places and their people, only to be met with devastating force upon their unarmed citizens. Israel is indiscriminately shooting Palestinians like fish in a barrel, but they can't do the same globally, so it is up to the international community to step in and protect the land-holders from the entity trying to usurp it from them

Guitar Hero: Metallica
System PS3
Type: Music
Developer/Publisher: Neversoft/Activision
-Metallica being one of my favourite groups i was really happy to get this one, to have, i don't even have a ps3 guitar to play it with nor would i be any good at it if i did, the hand-eye coordination needed is very daunting to me, some people are really great at these but not me as far as i'd know. The songs on this are many, and on top of that there are more than 20 “guest acts” chosen by Metallica for this. Here's the thing, both Neversoft and Activision are Zionist companies, so i don't know how they screwed with this one but you can be certain they did. At one point i picked up “Def Jam” Rapstar (by Zionist Konami) with a mic to try it out, go figure i shouldn't quit this to be a rapper i'll tell you that. And they start you one song at a time so you have to re-do and re-do the same track that are hand picked to screw you around in different ways, not all the tracks are screwy on their own but it's the presentation, the repetition and so forth. So without playing GH:M i have to go on those companies previous offerings, and they definitely have a propaganda agenda with negative intentions. When something is of theirs it manifests itself in every aspect of the product, in this case a game, from the top to bottom everything is chosen and put in only if it facilitates their corrupt objective. In this however there are Metallica songs, so at least one part is okay, it's the rest that messes everything up for you the gamer trying to passively enjoy it, and if you see what's going on with what they are doing you cannot. As for Metallica themselves, they have been taken over from at least the album Hardwired to Self-Destruct. Damn

God of War
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Santa Monica Studio/Sony
-This series is so good and i have most of them as various collections on ps3. The ps4 one i made it quite far but then unfortunately neglected it however it is on the top of games to get back into as i was enjoying it so much. There is a lot to do in this game, and the story that goes with it is stellar as well. This was one of the first titles that i bought for ps4 and it really blew me away, gow iii also had one of the coolest moments on ps3 (now ported to ps4 also) in the first 30 minutes of that. All of them are definitely worth your time though for when you do have time

Darksiders III
System: PS4
Type: Action/MetroidVania
Developer/Publisher: Gunfire Games/THQ Nordic
-This is one of my favourite series and iii being probably the best one so far as it's less about trials and more about battle and puzzles. The story is enjoyable, the progression is fun, the graphics are amazing and everything is put together well. The company behind this has made some great titles and the publisher, THQ, also consistently releases high quality games. i believe the title Darksiders is a reference to the mentioned previously Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon, Darksiders... i try to pick up these games whenever i find it for various system incarnations, and recently purchased another title under these titled Darksiders Genesis, an action rpg which is different than all the other offerings in this series, it's one that i look forward to very much. The reason i described this as a metroidvania is because it follows that style of gameplay where you gain abilities and items that you can backtrack with to get to new or needed areas. As for THQ they rarely disappoint in what they release, there are some times, and i believe they have recently been sold to a new company, but when you see they are putting forward a game they are mostly good ones

Resident Evil 2 remake
System: PS4
Type: Action
Developer/Publisher: Capcom
-Have always been a fan of this series since the first one on ps1 and have finished a few which were a great time. This one, RE2, was played extensively by me also on the ps1, which you can play as either one of two characters, finish it, then finish it again with the alternate one for a total of four full playthroughs. i bought the remake on ps store on sale for a good price and completely recommend this one. Everything about it was very very well done, i have no idea why RE3 remake completely changed course in way of intention, well, i do actually. It could be one of a few reasons, first maybe Capcom (who have been a lifelong gamer and follower of) has changed ownership recently to a Zionist one. Or maybe second it's because of me trying to say things for Capcom that they couldn't really say for themselves, a long time ago i tweeted about RE5, which was unfortunately set in Kijuju, a location in Africa, how bad of an idea was that, i'm sure the game is phenomenal but the setting was a terrible choice sorry to say. So then i mentioned about the RE6 cover and the giraffe looking reference, as an apology for RE5's setting. i though i was mentioning these as a service for them since they can't really go out and talk frankly about those topics. Either way RE3rm is unplayable for me and i worry about RE8. Am hoping it's just a blip on their storyline and not that they have been bought by Zionist interests, or what could be the third and maybe worst is that they always were Zionist to begin with, but i wholeheartedly doubt that so it's one of the first two explanations. For me i am looking forward to play the RE1 and RE0 remastered versions for PS4, then definitely RE4 and enjoying them fully

The Legend of Zelda, The Wind Waker HD
System: Wii-U
Type: Action/RPG
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-Originally released on Gamecube this HD remaster has great graphics and is a very fun game if you don't read into it that much. An example would be the definitive Zelda icon, the Tri-Force, a quasi Star of David carried over from the very first Zelda on NES and has been a mainstay ever since. The Star of David itself is a threat of it's own, symbolizing the human body, head, arms, legs, and so forth (for men), referenced with the Rolling Stones song Jumpin' Jack Flash, the SNL skit Coneheads from when maybe SNL was good, i believe it was at one point, the Zionist video game Blasphemous, the cover of the fantastic Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon, and am sure many many other instances. The two horizontal lines on their flag represent the passage of time. This symbol has been theirs for am sure many years before the formation of Israel, because of the denotation described, so when you see their flag remember their intention with it. As for the Zelda video games i do plan on playing some of them, don't ask my why because i haven't decided on the reason for me wanting to, and try not to give me a hard time about this either because although i give Nintendo games a pass it doesn't change my mind about the issues that go along with it

Final Fantasy VII/VIII/IX
System: PS1
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Squaresoft
-Picked up these and the other ps1 rpg's below the other day from the thrift store and was happy to have found them all. Final Fantasy VII is probably my favourite rpg or is at least right up there, i have it and the others here digital but figured to pick these up as well because the price was great, worth it either way for these games. FFVII was recently remade for current gen systems and was free on ps+ the previous month, but even at free the remake is not worth it. With the original it had good intentions, even better than that, but the remake is them trying to screw up everything that make the earlier one amazing. If you haven't played FFVII in any of the systems it's available to play on i definitely recommend it. FFVIII is a companion piece to VII as it is another game that from all i've seen, and have played it extensively, is on our side, something that cannot be said about many other of the FF games that followed those two, and it's been a while since finishing IX but did enjoy that. It really is a mix, especially when they merged to become Square-Enix, personally i am fond of all FF up until XIII and onward. The main characters in FFVII/FFVIII are Cloud and Squall respectively, and although i will not base a games intentions solely on that of course as that would be detrimental to the verdict of it's actuality it does mean something to me, the game(s) on a whole all follow through with positive for us storylines and dialogue or at least recognize our situation. i put so many hours into FFVII, so many, but enjoyed them all completely, as for VIII i have never had the opportunity to finish it for various reasons and have replayed the beginning at least twice, what i did play was amazing though, i just don't want to keep having to do the first parts continuously. IX i did finish, it was pretty good, give it a try if you want. All of these are available remastered slightly on the PS4 if that's what you have, again do not bother with the VII remake for current gen, stick to the original versions and their newer ports with improved graphics and bonus features

The Legend of Dragoon
System: PS1
Type: RPG
Developer/Publisher: Sony
-This is an rpg by Sony, and i normally like everything they put forward, not just the video games themselves but their Playstation consoles as well. With this one i have some issues with the plot at the beginning that made me second guess the intentions of this game, now, upon revisiting the opening plot it may be a reference to what happened during the Nakba in 1948 but unfortunately it's probably a reference for Jewish interests. Eventually i would really like to retry this one as it could be very good if it is, if not...

Parasite Eve
System: PS1
Type: Action/RPG
Developer/Publisher: Squaresoft
-Another Squaresoft game, possibly good. “An ancient evil threatening all life on Earth” is the write-up on the back cover, sounds like our current situation. i also think Eve is the pet name for evil. This is one game of theirs i haven't even tried yet so i can't say that much about it, just that i really believe Squaresoft was valiant at one point, maybe from an inside viewpoint. There is a second game in this series for ps1 and i will pick it up if found, i am so hoping that Squaresoft was good, i really do, if so there is so much for us to enjoy there, normally you can notice right away or very early in a game it's position or allegiance, the other earlier games by this same company all seem to have passed the initial and so forth checks so either they are fine or are very stealthy, i hope fine. Many ps1 games can be bought on the Playstation store to play on ps3 if you ever want to try them without a ps1 system

New Super Mario Bros. U/New Super Luigi U
System: Wii-U
Type: Platform
Developer/Publisher: Nintendo
-Have been having fun with this, even though... You have to at least know what you're getting into with Nintendo, on the main title screen of Mario-U for instance is a tree with two nuts at the bottom, so you just have to be aware of things like that, which encompasses their games entire. However, for whatever reason i continue to play Nintendo games, and am looking forward to other certain ones, i do not do that with any other Zionist video game company minus a very few exceptions, you can make your own choice about Nintendo but i really don't recommend any of the other companies of that. Otherwise i am on the second world so far and as expected it's fun. i remember playing the very first Mario in the department store but mostly grew up with Sega systems, can't win for trying with either of those, but i won't come down on people for playing Nintendo, Sega is just horrible upon reflection. When you are aware about Nintendo, or any other video game company, make sure your loved ones know as well instead of letting certain developers get through unfiltered

System: PS4
Type: MetroidVania
Developer/Publisher: Thunder Lotus Games
-A MetroidVania game is a sidescrolling for the most part adventure game where you traverse an ever expanding map gaining new abilities that help you reach parts of that map that you couldn't before gaining those new abilities. Although i like all sorts of video game types this is one of my favourite alongside tactics grid turn-based strategy rpgs, but as said all sorts. This game is all hand-drawn and is very beautiful, the gameplay is solid and very fun, while this lacks the amount of abilities and items as the Castlevania Symphony of the Night predecessor from Konami, who am not a fan of the company but the game was great overlooking that, this game is made with love and from what looks to be a fantastic developer. So what i'm going to do here, as i am the type to go from game to game not necessarily finishing them in order, is write a preliminary look such as this one and after playing more of it will add an edit: or two as footnotes. Upon first look and play at Sundered though it is very fun and am enjoying it fully